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Rockefeller/Standard Oil:

This photo is showing all of the oil lines

that are pumping the oil out of the
ground. This is a vital part of Rockefellers
Standard Oil Company. It shows the vast
amount of oil produced by the Standard
Oil Company and what a vital part it was
to the Gilded age. Ida Tarbell took down
this company through her muckraking.
She wrote and published the bad things
she discovered about Rockefeller and the
Standard oil Company.

This photo shows how Carnegie steel was
a monopoly. Carnegie steel made the
steel that they supply to railroad
companies. Not only do they supply it to
other companies but as you can see in the
picture they use it to ship their own steel.

This picture shows the main form of transportation during this time. Vanderbilt was
captain of industry/ robber baron when it came to the railroad
company because he had a monopoly. Vanderbilt used the
from Carnegie and oil from Rockefeller to
his company and trains run.

JP Morgan/ Banking:

JP Morgan was a captain of Industry/ Robber Barren. He housed

the structure of the most prominent American Industry.

Eastern and Southern Europeans
Immigrated to America. Americans did
not like them coming because they
were afraid they would take their jobs.
Many Chinese were working on the
transcontinental railroad.

Ellis/Angel Island:
Ellis and Angle Island where immigration stations during the gilded age. They
would monitor who was coming into the U.S. If the
Immigrants were sick they would keep them in
quarantine or send them back. They would also
change their last names if the names where too
complicated. It was a very rough and complicated
stop for immigrants coming to the U.S.

Positive and Negative effects of industrialization:

The jungle was written by Upton Sinclair and it explained how horrible the meat
packing industry is. It talked about the working conditions and cheap labor of

Child Labor:
During the gilded age children worked in
factories every day. They were mainly
chosen because of the cheap pay and
their size. Because of their size they were
able to do things that involved more
nimble hands.

Sweat Shops:
During the gilded age they would have
sweat shops where people worked. There
were many, many people working and the
conditions were nowhere near pleasant.
Even children and women would work in
sweatshops and as shown in this article
people would go on strikes all the time.

Birth of Unions:

During the gilded age there was the birth of

labor unions. Labor unions were where a large
group of people who all worked together
would stand up and collective bargain with
their boss. Many would argue for less working
hours and better working conditions.

Government Corruption:

This political cartoon shows that during the

gilded age the workers where the main
reason the economy way how it was. They
would work super hard for the captains of
industry/ robber barons but for them to get
all the credit. The government refused to do
anything about labor unions and that shows
the corruption of the government.

Political Machines:
During the gilded age there where groups of people called political machines. As
this political cartoon shows a political machine was all about the money. They would
manipulate people to get more money through taxes and inflation. They owned
businesses and they made sure that if they had friends who owned businesses they
would cut them some slack on taxes.

The building

There were Chinese

on the railroad alongside
built to stretch from the
could not be built until
because of the land
south and the north.

of the
railroad took place
during the gilded age.
immigrants working
Americans. It was
east to the west and
after the civil war
disputes between the

Ford/Assembly line:
Henry Ford created the Assembly line when he
began selling his model T. This lowered prices
of the car and hired the wages of the workers.
Henry ford made sure that the model T was
affordable for the common man.

During the gilded age people migrated from rural areas of the US and Eastern and
southern Europe immigrated to U.S cities. Also urban cities began to get rid of riding
horses and start riding in cable cars. Also they tried to come up with a more
efficient way of throwing away trash but ended up just putting it in the water.

Robber Barons/Captains of Industry:

The Robber Barons/
Captains of Industry during
the gilded age where
Rockefeller, Vanderbilt,
Carnegie, and J.P. Morgan.
These 4 men had major
businesses in the oil, steel,
railroad, and banking
industries. They were
perceived as either bad
(Robber Barons) or good (Captains of Industry).
in his
a board

picture is of John d. Rockefeller the owner of standard oil. He

considered a captain of industry/ robber baron. He had trusts
company which is where you assign your companies stocks to
of trusts who take care of them. This made the leader of the
very wealthy and got rid of competition.

In this political cartoon it represents the robber baron/ captain industry standing on
bags of money. This represents that you must fight to be on the top at no cost. It is
the same concept as survival of the fittest in nature by Charles Darwin.

Populist Movement:

large role of government

American society and
methods of democracy.

The populist
favored a
in the
more direct

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