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Previous and Ongoing Projects

ERC is a relatively new centre. However, in the last ve

years the members of the centre have worked on
different funded and non - funded projects that include:
Clean Energy and Conservation Strategy MSc
The objective of this project is to establish an educational
centre at ERC aiming at providing quality education on
the masters level in the elds of energy efciency and
clean energy.

An-Najah National University

Scientic Centers
An-Najah National University

Wind Potential for Power Generation in Palestine

Pilot Project
This project aims at studying the possibility of utilizing the
wind energy in electric power generation in Palestine.
Basic and Sustainable infrastructures and development
of the productive capacity through the implementation
of a pilot project of rural electrication with Microgrids
with Solar Hybrid Generation (MSG) in the community
of Atouf, West Bank- Palestine.
The project is carried out within AZAHAR Program and
was granted from Spanish Agency for International
Establishment of Meteorological Stations
Five computerized meteorological data stations were
established in the West Bank, ERC staff use the data to
create a data bank on solar, wind and other meteorological parameters. The data base is used for research
purposes and project planning and is made available for
concerned parties in the Palestinian Authority.
Energy Efciency
ERC had provided consultancy Services for the project
Energy Efciency Improvement and Green House
Gas Reduction which is implemented by the PEA with
support of GEF and UNDP.
Electric Power Distribution Network Efciency
Improvement of the electric power network of Jenin city,
a project had implemented in cooperation with jenin

Research Center
The centre is providing consultancy services in
alternative energy sources, such as solar and
wind energy, and performs energy efciency
improvements and energy conservation

An-Najah National University

Energy Research center
Director: Dr.Imad Ibrik
P.O.Box 7,707 Nablus-Palesine
Tel. (972) (09) 2341003,2345113/7
Fax: (972) (09) 2345982

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Cle servat
Con tegy
Towards sustainable development in Palestine

About Energy Research Center

The Energy Research Centre (ERC) was established
in 1996 by a decision of the Board of Trustees of An
Najah National University (ANNU). This research centre
is concerned with research, development, system
design, feasibility studies and training in all conventional
and renewable energy elds, energy management
and energy conser-vation.In early 2000 the scope of
the centre was expanded to encompass the impacts
of energy on global environment,health and social
Goals and Tasks
The main tasks and goals of ERC are summarized in
the followings:
1- To initiate at ANNU a foundation for energy research
which is capable to build up capabilities and expertise in
the different energy elds through lectures, training and
study projects.
2- To conduct scientic research studies and experiments
in the various conventional and renewable energy elds
and to provide the results to public and private institutions that may need in development projects.
3- Cooperation with all Palestinian authorities, local
universities, industry and other parties interested
in applications, research and development of
conventional and renewable energy systems and global
4- To promote the energy efciency methods and the
utilization of available energy resources especially renewable energy in feasible projects necessary in socio
eco-nomical development.
5- To provide professional consultations to local institutions and to conduct projects in the various energy
6- To build strong scientic relations with Arab and international centers concerned with energy studies as well
as to perform technology transfer.

International Master of Engineering Program Clean

Energy and Conservation Strategy
The program provides basic and advanced education in
the elds of clean energy and energy efciency in both
economically and environmentally sustainable way.
The Program is carried out within the Tempus Joint
European Project in a close cooperation with the leading
technical university Kungilia Tekniska Hogskolan (KTH)
Sweden, and Berlin Technical University Germany.
Core courses
Research Areas and Activities
ERC concentrates on research and development in the
following areas and can offer consultancy in related
Energy Efciency
Global Environment
Electric Power Systems
Energy Storage
Data Monitoring and Collection
Solar Thermal
Wind Energy
Other Related Areas
Training Programs
ERC staff were associated with the following training
Renewable energy systems.
Electronic maintenance.
Energy conservation and management.
Electric power installations and electric machines.
Efciency improvement of electric power distribution
networks using modern computer software.

Energy conservation
Thermo-dynamics, Heat Transfer and Recovery
Economics of Energy Systems
Introduction to Energy Technology
Energy and Environment
Elective courses
A.Clean Energy
Renewable Energy Technology I
Renewable Energy Technology II
Biogas and Biomass
S.T. in Clean Energy
B.Conservation Strategy
Energy Management
Energy Planning and policy
Energy Audit
Thermal comfort and indoor climate
Applied Heat and Power Technology
Energy Efcient Building Codes

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