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Captain Shreve High School


Caddo Parish Public Schools

Grade Level

High School Grades 9-12

Content Area

All areas

Description of
Growth / Progress

Captain Shreve High School experienced significant growth with regard to

Louisiana Department of Education (DOE) School Performance Score (SPS). Our
overall SPS increased from an 82.3 to a 97.7 over the past year. The school
experienced growth in each of the four components that are measured which
include EOC scores, ACT scores, percent of students graduating with college
credit, and percent of students graduating in four years (graduation rate).

Verifiable Data

Louisiana Department of Education School Report Card

Strategies Used
A variety of factors contributed to the progress at Captain Shreve High School.
The progress was attained through a variety of strategies. Improved pedagogy
is the primary factor for increasing student achievement. Teachers at Captain
Shreve have made a concerted effort to increase student engagement in the
classroom. Teachers are using questioning techniques such as wait time to
foster rich and deep conversations with our students.
In addition to these teaching strategies, Captain Shreve has added several
Advanced Placement courses over the past two years. We are using EXPLORE,
PLAN, and ACT scores to identify students to take these courses. Dual
enrollment opportunities have also increased over the past two years.
Administrators and counselors are working with students to facilitate
opportunities to attain college credit before leaving high school. We are
committed to our students success at the secondary and the post-secondary
level. This year we are adding another layer of college credit opportunity by
offering CLEP tests from College Board.

Contact Person for more


Ginger Gustavson, Principal

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