Minutes 2010 02 02

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IUSA Congress Notes – 2 February 2010

Call to begin meeting – 8:38pm

Exec Reports: Peter – really excited for all of directors and chiefs’ works. Projects coming along.
Aggregating policy list so you can see what we’ve done. Done a great job with quorum, feel free to be in
IUSA next year.

Jack – With elections, we’re passing codes tonight. Callout for elections is 5pm on Friday, Dogwood
Room IMU. Fall break – BFC Bloomington Faculty Council needs to approve of it. Get Labor Day off,
probably a fall break, start three days earlier – most likely, if finalized, will be in place 2-3 years from
now. ZipCar and GPS bus tracking system both coming along.

Jenn – met with Finance Committee about Global Sales Leadership Society case competition.

Shobha – Andrew Hahn new Rules, Membership & Internal Affairs committee chair. Working on
CourseRank – students get more info on classes and professors. Go to iu.courserank.com, register, talk
about 3-4 classes you’ve taken. Can see what classes were highly rated. Free market of info about

Student Rights – testing voting system before election to prevent glitches and overlooked details.
Informing int’l students about their right to vote.

Rules, Membership & Internal Affairs – new members to be confirmed today. Went over proposed
election code. No time restriction, just restriction on campaigning at/around bars. Test voting system
24 hours in advance.

Resolution 09-10-17: Passes with unanimous ‘yea’s

Resolution 09-10-18: Passes 31-7

Budget breakdown, deadline extension.

First place - $2500
2nd place - $1000
3rd place - $500
Fliers/posters - $400
Catering - $200
Gifts - $200
Miscellaneous - $200

Question: How much of IUSA budget left? Jenn Chen says over half – about $55,000-$60,000.

Resolution 09-10-19 – passes with unanimous ‘aye’

Resolution 09-10-20 – passes 29-9

Resolution 09-10-21 – passes with majority ‘aye’ oral vote

Resolution 09-10-22 – unanimous ‘aye’

Resolution 09-10-23 – unanimous ‘aye’

Resolution 09-10-24 – unanimous ‘aye’

Resolution 09-10-25 – unanimous ‘aye’

Resolution 09-10-26 – unanimous ‘aye’

Meeting adjourned at 10:02pm

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