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Monica Schimdt

Professor Gutierrez
UL 100 ZA
2 March 2016
Katsh, M. Ethan. "Issue 6." Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Legal Issues.
Seventh ed. New York.: McGraw-Hill, 1997. 108-27. Print.
1. This article provides both a positive and negative side when talking about if
Universities should be able to enact a code about hate crimes and punishments enforced
by the university. It provides statics throughout years that deal with not only hate crimes
but also supremacist groups. This will strengthen my research based off the statics along
with providing a possible solution of enacting codes in schools to help cut down on hate
2. When giving background on hate crimes and with the statics the article referrers to
reports done by the FBI. The article then splits up into the positive and negative. Both
state only their side and use court cases along with the First Amendment to support their
side. It does leave some notes and case citation out of the article though.
3. This source is not up to date. It is 19 years old but at the same time it talks about hate
crime statics and court cases. Since 1997 the statics have changed therefore, they would
not be as useful unless comparing them to statics today. The court cases would still be
useful to see how they were ruled and could provide information on how court cases are
ruled today to see if there is a tie.
4. M. Ethan Katsh writes the introduction about hate crimes. Once the topic to broken up,
Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia speaks on the majority opinion and Supreme Court

justice speaks on the concurring opinion. Supreme Court justices would have background
and well rounded knowledge on hate crimes and the legal process. Dushkin and McGrawHill published the book that this specific article was published in.
5. This article is to inform readers about court cases along with seeing the positive and
negative effects of enacting codes into school to help reduce hate crimes. It states the
over all background along with different view points so it can be understood from both
sides. It ties in with certain court cases but also leaves out some parts of the case so the
reader is not seeing the whole picture.
6. Overall I would rate this source a 6. It is well rounded and unbiased. I believe it is from
a creditable source along with information to back it up. I feel comfortable using this
source for my research because I know it will provide factual information that is reliable.

McKenna, George, and Stanley Feingold. Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial
Political Issues. 10th ed. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Pub. Group, 1997. Print.
1. This article, issue 13, both supports my topic and is against my topic. It provides court
cases and then states both sides of it. This article provides examples of actions that people
performed, such as, a person burning an American flag, and the rioting that when along
with this action.
2. I do not detect bias opinions in this article due to the fact that they state both sides of
the case. The writer is part of the Villanova Law Review and is a law professor. I believe
this is accurate information. It sites sources throughout the article to show where the facts
come from.

3. This source is not up to date. It is 19 years old but I do not think that it changes the
value of this information. The court cases do not change over a period of time. For
example, the Plessy v. Ferguson court case still says the same information about racial
segregation today that it did in 1997.
4. The authors of this book have the experience and credential necessary for this subject.
The two authors work at colleges and with the article there are two people, one to back
each side of the subject. One is an author and the other is a law professor. The Dushkin
Publishing Group is the publisher of this book. I believe that these are reliable people
who have authority on hate crimes.
5. The purpose of this article is to inform readers about hate crimes and the effects they
have on society. The author presented the information from different views to gain a look
at the topic for all sides. In my opinion, the author does not leave out important
information or facts.
6. Overall I would rate the article in this book a 6. It has reliable sources that provide
useful information. The author is not biased and does not leave out important

Thomas, Sandra P. "From The Editor - Update On Hate Crime." Issues In Mental Health
Nursing 28.10 (2007): 1085-1086. Academic Search Premier. Web. 17 Feb. 2016.
1. This article supports my topic and relates to my topic by talking about a boy who was
beaten by the KKK. It talks about how many hate-based groups we have today and how
serve they can be. It also provides a list of possible actions people can take in trying to
reduce the number of hate crimes.

2. The author provides support by his information by providing citations as to where he

got the information. The information is written as factual and is free of errors. This article
comes from the Kansas Online Database and is scholarly reviewed.
3. This article was published in October of 2007, therefore, it is not up to date. I do
believe that it is still reliable. If anything, we may have increased the number of hatebased groups from then or they could of decreased but I do not think by very many. This
article still shows that hate is a terrible thing especially for the young boy who got beat
up just because of his race.
4. I am not sure where the author works but I would say that she has the knowledge and
authority on this topic due to it being published in a database. It is also scholarly
reviewed which means that others have looked over it to see if the information provide
was true and not bias. This was originally published in Issues In Mental Health Nursing
journal that then had it published on Academic Search Premier.
5. The purpose of this article is to inform people of all the hate in the world that is
happening. This article does not present multiple points of view. I do not think that there
would be another point to explain in this article due to the information it is providing. It is
providing a situation of a boy who was beaten and then goes on and talks about how
many hate groups we have and what their focus is. Therefore, the information is clearly
6. I would rate this article overall a 6. This is because of the information it provides along
with it coming from such a highly viewed site. I believe that this article it reliable and

PARKS, GREGORY S., and SHAYNE E. JONES. "Nigger": A Critical Race Realist
Analysis Of The N-Word Within Hate Crimes Law." Journal Of Criminal Law &
Criminology 98.4 (2008): 1305-1352. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 Feb.
1. This article could relate to my topic. It provides some information but I would have to
make the information fit into my paper and work at it. I feel like it could possible provide
a story for my paper but at the same time I feel as if some of my other sources that
provide stories would be more useful.
2. It is not bias and it provides citations to support it. The citations come from court cases
and the District Court. The information is written at factual and is free of errors. This
article is also scholarly reviewed.
3. This article was published in July of 2008 so it would be considered out of date. I do
believe that the age of this article has not taken away from the value of it. The court cases
it has cited are not going to change, therefore, the information provided is not going to
change. This article is still relevant today.
4. Gregory S. Parks is a law professor at Wake Forest University and Shayne E. Jones is a
criminal justice professor at Texas State University. Both of these authors have the author
and knowledge on this topic and are reliable. Journal Of Criminal Law & Criminology is
who published this article and I would say that this is a reliable journal.
5. This article is to inform readers about a specific court case and provide information to
back it up using previous court cases and the rulings on them. The author does not seem
to omit important information that would take away from the article or change the point

of view in which the article is seen. I believe that the information present is clear and laid
out in an organized manner that walks you through the information.
6. Overall I would rate this article a 5. It is very trust worthy and is well backed but I am
not sure how I would use the information in my paper due to the other information I
already have. Maybe once I would start writing my paper I could find a way to use it or
tie it in but as of right now I am not sure. The quality of the article is great though.

"Hate Crimes-Overview." FBI. FBI, 30 Aug. 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2016.

1. This source relates to my topic by providing information in which an accused hate
crime goes through the legal process. This helps me understand the steps taken and why
the ruling is the way it comes out to be. This information has not be provided in any of
my other sources.
2. I do not think that this article is bias at all. The information in this article comes from
the FBI and is factual. I believe that this would be a reliable source because they are part
of law enforcement and are knowledgeable. When reading over this article I did not come
across any errors.
3. This source was last updated in August of 2010, therefore, is would not be considered
up to date. I think that it is still very reliable and if any of the information would have
change the FBI would of up dated it. The information is still relevant and trustworthy.
4. The author of this source is not listed but the FBI publishes it. This is an official site of
the United States Government so I would say that they are knowledgeable on the topic
and know what they are talking about. With it being published by the FBI I am sure that

the FBI would have written it and possible had other people in the FBI look over it to
check for mistakes.
5. The purpose of this article is to provide information to the public about hate crimes.
There are no omitted words of information. The FBI lays it all out for people to know and
learn about. In my opinion it does not state one side or the other, it is the legal side of
hate crimes.
6. Overall, I would rate this source a 6. It provides useful information along with being
accurate. This article it relevant to my topic and is written by the FBI who has the proper
authority on hate crimes. It shows me the legal side of hate crimes and provides
information that my other sources do not.

"Hate Crime." National Crime Prevention Council. Nation Crime Prevention Council,
2016. Web. 19 Feb. 2016. <>.
1. This source relates to my topic by providing information on how to help prevent hate
crimes and some steps to take. This article will be useful because my other articles do not
provide much when it comes to ways of preventing hate crimes. It supports my topic by
recognizing that hate crimes are a problem and we need to try and prevent them as much
as possible.
2. At the very beginning, people could say it is bias because it states three reasons why
someone commits a hate crime. These three reasons could be argued in many ways. The
author then goes on to state statistics about hate crimes that he cites from the FBI.
Everything is written as factual which strengthens the article overall and it is also written
free of errors.

3. It was written in 2016 therefore, this article is up to date. This provides strength for the
article in many ways, because it is up to date that means that the information they have
cited must no be too old or they would not have used those sources. The information is
very relevant to my topic.
4. There is not an author listed but the Nation Crime Prevention Council published it. I
would say whoever wrote this article would have the correct knowledge based off the
publisher. It is a national site, therefore, should be reliable and provide the correct
information to the public.
5. The purpose of this article to inform the public was ways to help prevent hate crimes
and make our world a better place. It is not written from multiple sides but the only thing
I see that could be written from multiple sides would be why people commit hate crimes.
The information is clearly presented and does not leave out important information. I
would say that this article serves it purpose.
6. Overall I would rate this source a 5. The only reason I would say a 5 and not a 6 is
because of the beginning that could possible be seen as being bias. It is a very reliable
source and accurate. It will provide me with useful information to use in my paper.

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