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Thesis from a Question of Value

Based on Trimets interaction with Portland, the evidence strongly suggests that
public transportation is better than using personal vehicles.

Thesis from a Question of Policy

In the debate over public transportation in Portland, I am persuaded that the most
important thing to do is dedicate funding to improve TriMets transportation system.

Thesis from a Question of Interpretation

The pattern in TriMet that is most significant is the increase in employment and
social interaction around Portland, mainly within the Portland Mall Loop.

Thesis from a Hypothesis Question

Based on my research, the assumption that TriMet positively provides income and
employment to Portland is accurate.

Thesis from a Relationship Question

There is a strong relationship between Portlands economy and TriMets public
transportation system.

Rough Draft: 4-6 Page Range, Make Outline of Excluded Pages

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