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Chica 1: Hello!!!

Chica 2: Hello good day

Chef: Good Girls dayshow are you?
Chica2: very good chef!!
Chef: I'm glad
Chica 1: What we cook today chef?
Chef: Okay
Recipe of the day is espagueti al cilantro
Chica2: mmmmm how delicious
Chef: chica 1 what are the ingredients?
Chica 1: Okaythe ingredients are the following
1 cube chicken broth with coriander
600 g cooked spaghetti
4 tsp. Primavera margarine salt
cup cream
cup milk
6 Tbsp. shredded cheese
Chef: our preparation method is the follows:
In a large skillet, melt the margarine Primavera and add the cooked
Cook about 1 minute. Mix the milk with the cream and incorporate them
into the dough.
Add the chicken broth cube and dissolve completely integrating all
Serve sprinkled with cheese on top!
Chica2: mmmmm how delicious

This is all for today..thank you

1 Cubo Caldo de Pollo con cilantro
600 g Espagueti cocido
4 Cditas. Margarina Primavera con sal
Taza Crema
Taza Leche
6 Cdas. Queso rallado
En un sartn grande fundir la Margarina Primavera y agregar la pasta cocida. Cocinar 1
minuto aproximadamente.
Mezclar la leche con la crema e incorporarlas a la pasta.
Agregar el cubito Caldo de Pollo y disolver por completo integrando todos los ingredientes.
Servir con el queso espolvoreado encima!

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