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Ok class we had a great day of learning today!!!

What exciting did you learn in class today? (limit to 3 students responding)
What was something new you learned today? (limit to 3 students responding)

Dismissal Procedures:

As the phonic song plays assigned table captains will pass out homework packages and agendas
to their assigned tables. When the song ends all agendas and homework packages should be
Allowing table captains to perform their duties limit confusion and chaos excessive
disturbance from too many students being out of their seats at one time.
Each table will be called on according to the quietest table to pack up and get ready to go home
Packing up consist of gathering back packs and return to desk quietly put away agenda and
homework package in back packs
Teachers assistant will move lunch and behavioral clips back to original setting as students sit
quietly for next order.
To be prepared for the morning routine.
When everyone is put away and ready for the next order
Bus riders will line up by the school bus image, day-care and parent pick-up line up by comic
image of two parents and walkers line-up by comic image of students walking
Upon departure each student will move their picture from being in school to going home
Teacher will dismiss the class when the bell rings

Check for Clarity:

1. What are the duties of the table captains for dismissal?
2. What are the responsibilities of the teachers assistance?
3. Where do bus riders, walkers and day-care or parent pick-up lineup for dismissal?
Choose one volunteer from each table group to mimic what should occur at dismissal. If a
step is omitted from the procedure re-teach and practice daily until procedure is mastered.

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