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Table of Contents:

Chapter Content:
Chapter 11
Chapter 22
Chapter 33
Chapter 44
Chapter 55
Chapter 66
Chapter 77
Chapter 88
Chapter 99
Chapter 10.10
Chapter 11.11
Chapter 12 & 1312

Appendix- Chapter Activities:

Ch. 1- KWL Chart.14 & 15
Ch. 2- Create a Twitter..16 & 17
Ch. 3- Vocab Cluster.18 & 19
Ch. 4- Bell Ringer..20 &21
Ch. 5- Cloze Procedure..22 & 23
Ch. 6- Entrance Slip...24 & 25
Ch. 7- Frayer Model...26 & 27
Ch. 8- RAFT..28 30
Ch. 9- Readers Theatre.31 & 32
Ch. 10- Semantic Web...33 & 34
Ch. 11- Probable Passage...35 & 36
Ch. 12 & 13- Semantic Map...37 & 38

Chapter 1
Vocabulary Words:
1. Scalding
2. Jabbed
3. Squawked
4. Discarded
5. Scorching
Discussion Questions:
1. At school, what did Jesse want to be the best at? (Remember)
2. What can you tell about where Jess lives based on the details
in this chapter? (Evaluate)
Activity: KWL Chart (p. 14 &15)
Instructions: Students will be given a blank KWL chart to fill out
before reading chapter one. The Know and Want to Know sections
should be filled out based on the information that has been
discussed by the teacher and the information on the back of the
book. Also, predictions can be made and put into the chart based
on the cover. Students can then fill out the information they
learned after the first chapter, and periodically add on to it as the
book progresses.
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to access students prior
knowledge and to surface questions and gives students a purpose
for reading along with getting them engaged. The Learned section
allows students to check and see if their questions have been
answered and clears up misconceptions about what they initially

Chapter 2
Vocabulary Words:
1. Nauseating
2. Shuddered
3. Hypocritical
4. Thrashed
5. Genuine
Discussion Questions:
1. Why does Jesse like Miss Edmunds so much? (Understand)
2. Jess likes to create crazy animals with problems when he
draws, what wild and different thing would you enjoy
drawing? Describe it. (Create)
Activity: Create a twitter (p. 16 & 17)
Instructions: Students will create a twitter account, where they
can choose to be Jesse or Leslie. They will tweet about main
events, feelings, etc. that occur throughout the novel and add 2 to 3
things from each chapter as they read, starting with the two theyve
already read. The twitter posts should be written as if they were
them. And need to be checked on periodically to make sure they
are being kept up with.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is for students to create

something where they can be creative while also understanding
what is going on in the chapters. It is also a way to see the
progression of the characters throughout the novel and is a during
reading activity.

Chapter 3
Vocabulary Words:
1. Senseless
2. Repulsive
3. Conspicuous
4. Declaration
5. Grudgingly
Discussion Questions:
1. What did Leslie do that the boys in the class were upset
about? (Remember)
2. Based off of what youve read so far, what characteristics
make Leslie different than the other girls? (Analyze)
Activity: Vocabulary Cluster (p. 18 & 19)
Instructions: Each student will be given a vocabulary cluster with
surrounding words filled in that are either synonyms or describe
the word in some way. There will also be an excerpt from the book
with the missing vocabulary word. Students will use the
information from the cluster, along with context clues from the
excerpt to make a prediction on the meaning of a new target word.
There will be a class discussion following discussing the
predictions and how students came to decide on them.

Purpose: This is a before reading activity that requires students to

use context clues and prior knowledge. It helps make and
strengthen connections and is a good activity for visual learners.

Chapter 4
Vocabulary Words:
1. Consolation
2. Suburbs
3. Enchanted
4. Stronghold
5. Rumpus
Discussion Questions:
1. How did Jesss feelings change about Leslie? (Understand)
2. Draw your vision of Terabithia. Include as much detail as you
can. (Apply)
Activity: Bell Ringer (p. 20 & 21)
Instructions: Students will have a blank bell ringer on their desks
that asks them to describe a magical kingdom, like Jess and Leslie
did during this chapter. The students will take about 5-7 minutes
writing/drawing what theyve created.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is for students to create

something new with a basis of their knowledge from the chapter. It
allows students to think creatively. It would be an after reading
(Chapter 4) activity so the students have some knowledge of what
Terabithia is composed of.

Chapter 5
Vocabulary Words:
1. Revenge
2. Parapets
3. Composition
4. Vigorously
Discussion Questions:
1. What caused Jess and Leslie to play the prank on Janice?
2. Do you believe it was the right thing for them to do? Why or
why not? (Evaluate)
Activity: Cloze Procedure (p. 22 & 23)
Instructions: Students will come in and have a paragraph passage
with selected deletions of tier II vocabulary words. They will have
a word bank of vocab words from this chapter, along with words
from previous ones. They will use information surrounding the
deletion, to determine the word. This information is in the form of
definition, synonym, or example.

Purpose: The purpose of this vocabulary activity is for students to

use context clues surrounding the word to determine its meaning.
The vocab words are taken from the chapters leading up to this so
students must be able to recall what theyve previously learned.

Chapter 6
Vocabulary Words:
1. Speculation
2. Foundling
3. Wretched
4. Gully
5. Paralyzed
Discussion Questions:
1. What did Jess and Leslie get each other for Christmas?
2. Why were the two gifts special? (Understand)
Activity: Entrance Slip (p. 24 & 25)
Instructions: Students will be handed an entrance slip as they
walk into the classroom that have two questions about the previous
chapters reading. The students will answer the question within 3-5
minutes and turn it in.
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is a small formative
assessment that sees if the students have comprehended the reading
material. It also is a way for students to get settled down as they
enter the classroom and prepares for the days discussion of the
reading. It would be an after reading (chapter 6) activity.

Chapter 7
Vocabulary Words:
1. Absent-minded
2. Reluctant
3. Nuisance
4. Yakking
Discussion Questions:
1. What are some similarities and differences between Leslie
and Jesss fathers? (Analyze)
2. Do you feel bad for Janice Avery? Why or why not?
Activity: Frayer Model (pg. 26 & 27)
Instructions: The students will be given a filled out frayer model
where they will have to try and use context clues about the vocab
word to determine what it is. They will be given a definition,
characteristics, examples, and non-examples.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is for students to relate the

different forms of information to determine a target word. It is an
after reading vocabulary activity that gets students to think about
new vocabulary and analyze how it relates to prior knowledge and
experiences. It is a great classification activity.

Chapter 8
Vocabulary Words:
1. Spectacle
2. Clambered
3. Obliged
4. Sanctuary
5. Complacent
Discussion Questions:
1. What did Leslie say that made May Belle so upset?
2. Pretend you are Leslie. What would be going through youre
head experiencing something like church for the first time?
Activity: RAFT (p. 28-30)
Instructions: Students will be given two choices of letters
(format) about the conversation between Leslie and May Belle on
Easter about believing in the Bible (topic). The first is the role of
the author being Jesse and the audience being May Belle, the
second choice is the role of the author being Leslie and the
audience being Jesse. Students will create the letter using their
creativity and knowledge of the characters and the chapter.
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to engage students
through analysis of information. It also creates a new perspective

in a different and fun way for the students. It requires higher-order

thinking and is an after reading activity.

Chapter 9
Vocabulary Words:
1. Mournfully
2. Earnest
3. Peculiar
4. Discern
5. Sodden
Discussion Questions:
1. What do Jess and Leslie decide to do on their rainy day?
2. What characteristic(s) of Jess and Leslie really show to be
different in this chapter? (Analyze)
Activity: Readers Theatre (p. 31 & 32)
Instructions: Pair students up and have each group write a small
skit where they reenact what happens in Chapter 9. The pair should
have one student be Leslie and the other one Jess. The skits should
be 3-5 minutes long and they will act them out after a couple of
days of working on them and practicing them.

Purpose: The purpose of the activity is to reinforce

comprehension and have students retell the information from the
chapter in their own way. It is an after reading activity and is a

fluency builder by having students work on their prosody and


Chapter 10
Vocabulary Words:
1. Suppress
2. Clasped
3. Sacred
4. Vowed
5. Peer
Discussion Questions:
1. Summarize the big adventure for Jess in this chapter. (What
was it? Why was it important? How did it go?) (Understand)
2. What are some predictions you have as to what couldve
happened to Leslie? (Create)
Activity: Semantic Web (p. 33 & 34)
Instructions: Students will create a semantic web based on the
information in Chapter ten alone. They will be given a blank map
with categories of: characters, main events, settings, and feelings
of Jess. Each category will have three bubbles coming off of it for
them to fill in three examples of each from the chapter.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to pull out key points of

the chapter. This web will help students organize and categorize

the information in Chapter 10 and is can be either a during or after

reading activity.


Chapter 11
Vocabulary Words:
1. Downcast
2. Accusation
3. Hurtling
4. Dredging
Discussion Questions:
1. Whats Jesss initial reaction to the news that Leslie has
passed away? (Understand)
2. How do Jesss parents change towards him in this chapter?
Activity: Probable Passage (p. 35 & 36)
Instructions: Students will work in small groups (3 or 4). The
teacher picks anywhere from 8-15 key terms from the chapter, in
this case 10. The teacher then picks a couple categories that the
students can sort the words out in. After theyve sorted, the
students create a prediction statement based on the vocab they
were given as to what the chapter will be about. Then, they will list
things they hope to discover from words they may not
understand or their purpose in the chapter.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to have students use prior

knowledge, focus on vocabulary, and use context clues to make
predictions. It also gives them a purpose for reading and gets them
actively thinking about the text before they read it. It combines
vocabulary and comprehension and is a before reading activity.


Chapter 12 & Chapter 13

Vocabulary Words:
1. Snicker
2. Coward
3. Gradually
4. Procession
5. Solemn
Discussion Questions:
1. Make a chronological chart that show Jesss feelings
throughout these last chapters since hes known about Jesss
death. (Apply)
2. Create a different ending to this book starting with Jess
arriving back from the trip with Miss Edmunds. (Create)
Activity: Semantic Map (p. 37 & 38)
Instructions: Students each receive a blank map with six blank
spaces. Either individually, or in a small group (2-3) the students
will come up with 6 key plot points from the whole book and put
them in the map chronologically.

Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to get students to

comprehend and summarize the main points of the story. It would
be an after reading activity and is a good study tool. It also appeals
to visual learners.


(Blank activity, filled in example)


KWL Chart:
Name: ____________

Want to Know


KWL Chart:
Name: student

The story is about a
girl and a boy
Its about friendship
They create a
magical kingdom at
some point.

Want to Know
What are the
characters like?

Learned (after ch.


What is the magical


Jesse is one of the


Where does the book

take place?

He is in the 5th grade

He lives on a farm with
He has 3 sisters
Someone is moving in
next door


Create a Twitter!
Instructions: Create a twitter account, where you can choose to be
Jesse or Leslie. Tweet about main events, feelings, etc. that occur
throughout the novel. Add 2 to 3 things from each chapter, starting
with the two youve read. The twitter posts should be written AS
IF YOU WERE THEM. Be creative and see how the characters
progress throughout the novel!


Twitter Example:

Name: _____________________________

Vocabulary Cluster




He forgot that he was trying to eat carefully and took a loud slurp of
his milk.
Wanda Moore turned around, all priss-faced. Jesse Aarons. That noise
is pure ___________________.
He glared at her hard and gave another slurp. (page 23)


Name: ___student____

Vocabulary Cluster





He forgot that he was trying to eat carefully and took a loud slurp of
his milk.
Wanda Moore turned around, all priss-faced. Jesse Aarons. That noise
is pure __repulsive__.
He glared at her hard and gave another slurp. (page 23)

Name: ___________________________

Bridge to Terabithia
Bell Ringer
Directions: During this chapter, Jesse and Leslie create a
magical land back in the woods near their house that they name
Terabithia. If you could choose a magical, make believe place of
your own, where would it be? What would it consist of? Write 3-5
sentences giving details about the new place youve created. If
you finish, draw a picture of what you think it would look like at
the bottom or back of the page and give it a name!

Name: __student____

Bridge to Terabithia
Bell Ringer
Directions: During this chapter, Jesse and Leslie create a
magical land back in the woods near their house that they name
Terabithia. If you could choose a magical, make believe place of
your own, where would it be? What would it consist of? Write 3-5
sentences giving details about the new place youve created. If
you finish, draw a picture of what you think it would look like at
the bottom or back of the page and give it a name!
My magical land would be in my closet and it could be where me and
my sister went to play. We would be invisible to everyone when we
were in it and make it like a castle of our own. We would assign our
stuffed animals different positions like knights,__ nobles, princesses
and princes, and maybe even a king. We would be the queens and
have control over everyone and everything. We could make the rules
just how we______ wanted them and NO PARENTS would be allowed!!
We could name it the sister______ supremacy castle and have lots of
fun in there.________________________________


Cloze Procedure
Name: _________________
Word Bank:

Hypocritical Country-side Thrashed








Jesse and Leslie became the best of friends throughout the book, but they werent
always that way. Leslie came to Jesss small country town from the ____________, the
outskirts of Arlington to be exact. The two spent almost all their free time together, most
of it being in a magical land they created, Terabithia. This ______________ place was
their escape from the real world and the center of their adventures. It was located back in
the woods in a place no one knew about but them. The two worked ____________,
forcefully, to make the components of Terabithia perfect; Jess and Leslie had to bring
wood over and construct on their castle. They had a ritual where they had to swing
across the __________, or trench, to enter Terabithia and once they did they turned into
the king and queen of the land. Jesse and Leslie grew to know each other better than
anyone else. They have a bond that cant be broken, a _____________ friendship.


Cloze Procedure
Name: Student
Word Bank:

Hypocritical Country-side Thrashed








Jesse and Leslie became the best of friends throughout the book, but they werent
always that way. Leslie came to Jesss small country town from the __suburbs__, the
outskirts of Arlington to be exact. The two spent almost all their free time together, most
of it being in a magical land they created, Terabithia. This __enchanted__ place was their
escape from the real world and the center of their adventures. It was located back in the
woods in a place no one knew about but them. The two worked __vigorously__,
forcefully, to make the components of Terabithia perfect; Jess and Leslie had to bring
wood over and construct on their castle. They had a ritual where they had to swing
across the __gully__, or trench, to enter Terabithia and once they did they turned into the
king and queen of the land. Jesse and Leslie grew to know each other better than anyone
else. They have a bond that cant be broken, a ___genuine___ friendship.


Entrance Slip
1. What did Jess get Leslie for Christmas?

2. Why did he choose this as his present?



Entrance Slip
1. What did Jess get Leslie for Christmas?
_________He got her a puppy, Prince Terrien________

2. Why did he choose this as his present?

Because he couldnt afford anything else he wanted
to get her and the puppies were free on the side of the


RAFT: Choice 1
Pretend you are Jesse. What would you say to May Belle in response to her
conversation with Leslie about believing in the Bible? Write a letter to her
explaining your thoughts and feelings.

Dear May Belle,



RAFT: Choice 2
Pretend you are Leslie. What would you say to Jess in response to the
conversation you just had with May Belle. Write a letter to him explaining
your thoughts and feelings.

Dear Jess,


Choice 1 Example:

Dear May Belle,

I know you believe in church and the
bible a lot, and thats great. But you need
to know its okay for some people to not
have the exact same views as you. I know
youre young and its hard to understand
now, but as you grow up youll learn that
its okay to believe whatever you want to
believe. Also, unlike us, this was Leslies
first time attending church. Im not sure I
agree with her either but its her decision
to choose what she wants to believe in,
not ours. I know you didnt mean any
harm by what you said but just remember
to be careful what you say to people, it


Readers Theatre:
Write a small skit with your partner where you retell what
happened in Chapter 9. One of you should be Leslie, and the other
Jess. There should be at least 4 exchanges of dialogue between the
two of you and the skits should be 3-5 minutes long. Come check
in with me after youve completed writing the skit! Youll have a
couple of days to practice and then we will present a few to the
class each day! Have fun!


Readers Theatre Example:

Jess: Maybe we shouldnt go Terabithia today, everythings very rainy and
Leslie: Oh come on Jess Aarons, itll be fun!
*makes leap like leaping over a big puddle*
*Jess jumps and slips a little bit*
Jess: Shew, queen. This loyalty stuff gets hard sometimes!
(both giggle)
Both walk and then sit down
Leslie: Do you know what I think, O king? There has been a terrible spell
put on our kingdom!
Jess: Do you think its this awful weather, O queen?
Leslie: No, my gut tells me this spell is beyond this bad weather. We must
go into the grove and see if the spirits will talk to us.
*Walks into the grove*
Leslie: (raises hands) Oh spirits, what evil spell has come upon our
kingdom? What force has come upon us to allow this spell?
Jess: Please listen to my queen and I, spirits and speak to us.
*Both stand there quietly awaiting a response, but get none*
Jess: what do ya say we go back and get some dry clothes and hot coacoa?
Leslie: (smiles) Well okay, Ill meet ya over there.


Semantic Web:



Bridge to
Chapter 10

s of





Jess and Miss

Edmunds go to

Jess gets a
call from




Bridge to
Chapter 10



s of





Probable Passage:


Name: ___________
Key Terms:
Numbness, cared, shaking, neighbors
(place), loved, disappointed, gasped,
terror, stream, screamed




Prediction Statement:
What I hope to discover:

Probable Passage:
Name: __Student__
Key Terms:

Numbness, cared, shaking, neighbors

(place), loved, disappointed, gasped,
terror, stream, screamed



Prediction Statement: We predict that the

statement May Belle blurted out was right and
leslie is dead. We think this made Jesse very
upset and he is feeling really down. Maybe he
went to see her parents and thats where the
good verbs came from.___
What I hope to discover: I want to know what
the creek has to do with in this chapter and
how everyone reacts to this bad news about


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