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Resurrection Season 6 Episode 11

Decent into Madness

(Washington DC)
(White House Community, FEMA trailer)(Morning)
the camera jumped jumped to the main gates and it showed Jack on his motorcycle and Isaac
in hi car behind him as it did it showed them driving out of the gate into the world and the gate
closing shut behind them. The camera jumped to James lying down on his sleeping bag in the
FEMA trailer and he was staring at the ceiling and as he was James got up and as he did he did
his normal routine of showering and putting on his uniform.
As he did he joined Kailie who was in the kitchen for breakfast.
James Dixon: good morning.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: good morning.
as she said that she was putting cooking supplies away and as she was she said.
Kailie Kennedy: did you sleep well last night.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: yeah its getting easier every night were here.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: thats good.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: did Jack go on his run with Isaac already.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: yep he did...left just a few minutes ago.
as she said that James said.James Dixon: thats great.
as he said that Kailie said.

Kailie Kennedy: hopefully they can bring back some more food like they did last time they were
out a week ago.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: yeah.
as he said that he looked at his watch and as he did he said.
James Dixon: well Ive got to shift starts in a few minuets.
as he said that James made his way towards the door and as he did Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: No rest for the wicked.
as she said that James walked out of the door and he closed it behind him.
(White House Community, Rosevelt Room)
The camera showed Dr. Pop and Dr. Jackson working at there desks and as they were Dr. Brian
Wyatt walked in and as he did he said.
Dr. Bryan Wyatt: good morning fellas.
as he said that Dr. Pop and Dr. Jackson said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: moring.
Dr. Pop: good morning.
as he said that Dr. Wyatt set his stuff down at his desk and as he did he said.
Dr. Brian Wyatt: are we ready to get today started with.
as he said that Dr. Pop got up from his desk and Dr. Jackson continued working on his laptop.
(Washington DC)(outside of white house community)
the camera showed a shot of the city of DC and as it did the camera jumped to Madison Naruloa
and Savanna were walking in the middle of the streets and as they were Madison said.

Madison Naurloa: Sebastian said that hes been out here for days...he just took his rifle and
several boxes of ammo and he just walked right outside that gate.
as she said that Savanna said.
Savanna: what does he do out here.
as Savanna said that Madison said.
Madison Naruloa: I dont know but what ever it is we have to deal with it and we have to find him
fast. Hes been spiraling out of control ever since that night we had that dinner party he hasnt
been the same since weve moved behind the walls.
as she said that Savanna said.
Savanna: were all dealing with living behind the walls know this is the first time
Ive been outside the walls since we arrived here.
as she said that Madison said.
Madison Naruloa: me fells weird.
as she said that Savanna said.
Savanna: sometimes that can be a good thing...I noticed that you didnt bring your sword out
with you.
as she said that Madison said.
Madison Naruloa: since weve gotten here I havent really needed know this morning
when I woke up I thought that I was waking up in a dream. This place Ryan said it was perfect
and I think hes right. It is perfect and we cant loose something like this not again after all weve
been through.
as she said that they turned a street corner and as they Savanna said.
Savanna: we wont loose it.
as she said that Madison looked at Savanna and as she did she smiled then she looked at the
ground and she saw a walker body and as she did she said.
Madison Naurloa: Look.
as she said that they walked up to it and as they did they both saw the bullet shot in its head
and as they did Savanna said.

Savanna: this kill is only a few days old he cant be far.

as she said that they continued walking through the city and as they did they came across more
walker bodies. And the more they came across the more it looked like a trial and as they were
walking Madison heard a single gun shot and as she did she said.
Madison Naurloa: this way follow me.
as she said that Savanna said.
Savanna: Are you sure.
as she said that Madison said.Madison Naurloa: yes Im sure I heard a gun shot.
as she said that there were several more gun shots heard by the both of them and as there were
Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: just follow me.
as she said that they walked through the city for several more minuets following the sound of the
gun shots to its source. As they we're they hid behind a building and as they did Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: the gun shots are coming from right on the other side of this building.
as she said that Savanna said.
Savanna: On the count of 3...1...2...3.
as she said that they turned around the corner of the building and as they did they held there
pistols up and they were shocked at what they saw. They were looking at Ryan who was firing
his rifle at a group of 20 walkers and as he was they could tell that Ryan hadnt showered in
days and as they saw him he used his last bullet and as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: Shit.
as he said that he pulled out his knife and as he did he stabbed a walker right in the head and
as he did Madison and Savanna quickly made there way towards him and as they did Ryan
killed another walker with his knife and as it dropped to the ground dead a gun shot was heard
and the walker dropped to the ground dead in front of Ryan.
as it did Ryan turned around and he saw who pulled the trigger of the gun and as he did he saw
that it was Savanna and as he saw her with her weapon raised Ryan said.Ryan Campbell: what
are you 2 doing here.
as he said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: were here to bring you back home.
as he said that Ryan said.

Ryan Campbell: thats not my home.

as he said that Ryan faced the last 10 walkers in that group and as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: besides Im not finished here.
as he said that Ryan started killing the last of the walkers with his knife and as he did Madison
was looking at him with shock and as she was she started remembering what she did before
she was behind the walls.
The camera showed her attacking the priest that once held her captive and then the camera
showed her attacking the casino Anthony took out in Nevada. Then the camera showed her
attacking the people who attacked the Michigan group survivors and as they did the camera
jumped back to Madison and as it did Madison raised her pistol and as she did Savanna said.
Savanna: Madison what are you doing.
as she said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: what I should have done since we got here.
as she said that she started killing the last of the group of walkers with her pistol and as she did
Savanna said.
Savanna: fuck it.
as she said that she pulled out her knife and she stabbed 2 walkers in the head and as she did
Madison killed the last walker in the group and as she did she looked at the dead walker bodies
on the ground and as she did Ryan was about to walk off and as he was Savanna grabbed him
and as she did Ryan pulled back from her and he said.
Ryan Campbell: let go.
as he said that Savanna said.
Savanna: no.
as she said that Ryan faced Savanna and Madison and as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: I didnt need your help I could have taken care of all this with out you.
as he said that Savanna said.
Savanna: thats not why were here you need to come back home with us.
as she said that Ryan said.Ryan Campbell: I already told you thats not my home.
as he said that he got loose from her grip and as he did he started walking off and as he did
Savanna looked at Madison and as she did she said.
Savanna: what are we going to do.

as she said that Madison thought for several seconds and as she did she raised her pistol up at
Ryan and as she did Savanna said.
Savanna: what are you doing.
as she said that Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: just trust me.
as she said that she pulled the trigger of her gun and a single bullet went flying right into Ryans
right leg and as it did Ryan fell to the ground and as he did he said.
Ryan Campbell: son of a bitch.
as he said that Madison said.Madison Naurloa: now he has to come back with us.
as she said that she put her pistol away and as she did she walked up to Ryan who was on the
ground and as she did she looked up at Savanna who was shocked at what just happened and
as she was Madison said.
Madison Naurloa: can I get some help with this please.
as she said that Savanna walked up to Madison and she helped pick Ryan off the ground and as
they did Madison looked at Ryan and she said.
Madison Naurloa: Now you have to come back with us.
as she said that the 3 of them started to make there way back to the community
(Washington DC)(Whit house community)
the camera jumped back to the white house community and as it did it jumped to the Michigan
Group Survivors FEMA trailer and as it did Kailie was still in the kitchen and she was cleaning it
up and as she was there was a knock at the door.
as there was Kailie hesitated to answer and after a few seconds of waiting she answered the
door and as she did she saw that it was Nathan who knocked. As she did she said.Kailie
Kennedy: Nathan what are you doing here.
as she said that Nathan said.
Nathan Miller: Its been a while so I was wondering if youd make me some more brownies.
as he said that Kailie thought for a few seconds and as she did Kailie looked past him to make
sure there was no one else with him and as she did she said.

Kailie Kennedy: all right get in here.

as she said that the camera jumped back to the kitchen and as it did Kailie turned on the oven
and as she did she put a tray full of brownies in the oven. As she closed it she said.
Kailie Kennedy: dont except to leave with any more then half of these because I did almost all
the work.
as she said that she handed Nathan a small towel and as she did she said.
Kailie Kennedy: clean the counter...and no talking.
as she said that Nathan started cleaning the counter and as he did he said.
Nathan Miller: were you always a good cook.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: what did I say about the no talking.
as she said that Nathan said.
Nathan Miller: we dont have to be friends...It just docent have to be quiet.
as he said that Kailie looked at him and she thought for several seconds and as she did she
Kailie Kennedy: yes I was always was good at cooking.
as she said that Nathan said.
Nathan Miller: do you enjoy doing it or do you do it for other things.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: I only know how to cook because before the end of the world my family wasnt
close so I had to learn how to survive.
as she said that Nathan said.
Nathan Miller: you know my familys not close.
as he said that Kailie looked out the kitchen window and as she did Nathan said.
Nathan Miller: my dad drinks all the time...and when he gets into one of his moods I like to mess
things up.
as he said that Kailie turned to face him and as she did she said.

Kailie Kennedy: wait a minuet did you destroy your sisters bedroom.
as she said that Nathan said.
Nathan Miller: why did you take those guns.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: because sometimes you need a gun to protect your self because a knife isnt
enough still didnt answer my question.
as she said that Nathan said.
Nathan Miller: can I have a gun.
as he said that Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: why do you want a your dad hurting you.
as she said that Nathan said.
Nathan Miller: Ive got to go.
as he said that he walked towards the door and he walked right out of the trailer with out saying
anything and as he did the door closed behind and as he left Kailie said.
Kailie Kennedy: Nathan.
as she said that she put her hands on the kitchen counter and started to think...the camera
jumped to the Rosevelt room and as it did Dr. Wyatt said.
Dr. Brian Wyatt: Dr. Pop its a miracle that you joined this group because since you joined weve
learned how to ration our medicine better then we ever have before.
as he said that Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: well thats what living out in the world will do to you.
as he said that they were interrupted by Madison and Savanna bringing Ryan into the room and
as they did Dr. Pop said.
Dr. Pop: what happened to him.
as he said that Savanna said.
Savanna: its complicated.
as she said that Dr. Wyatt said.

Dr. Brian Wyatt: theres a bed right here for him.

as he said that Savanna and Madison brought him over to the medical bed and as they did they
laid him on it and as they did Dr. Wyatt said.Dr. Brian Wyatt: Im going to need you to get me an
IV bag for him Dr. Pop.
as he said that Dr.Pop said.
Dr. Pop: Ive got one right here.
as he said that Dr. Wyatt started working on Ryan and as he did he said.
Dr. Brian Wyatt: see I told you this is one of the most interesting rooms in the whole house a lot
goes on down here.
as he said that Dr. Pop looked at Madison and Savanna and as he did he said.
Dr. Pop: dont go far you 2 Im going to want to speak to each of you about this when were done
with him.
As he said that the camera jumped to Dr. Jackson who was in the same room still working on his
laptop and as he was. He was staring at the laptop screen when he said.
Dr. Ethan Jackson: Well Ill be god damed.
as he said that the camera jumped to the white housess residences and as it did it showed
James knocking on Jane Millers door and as he was Joe answered it and as he did James
could tell that he was drunk and as he could James said.
James Dixon: is Jane here.
as he said that Joe said.
Joe Miller: no shes not shes rather busy at the can come back later.
as he said that James could see her in the back round behind Joe and she had a black eye and
as he saw that James said.
James Dixon: all right.
as he said that he started to walk away and as he was half way down the hallway something was
calling to James to go back and as it was James went right back for Janes door and as he did
he knocked on it and this time Jane entered and as she did James said.
James Dixon: are you all right are you hurt.

as he said that Jane said.

Jane Miller: Im fine...Im fine you really shouldnt be here.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: Im taking you out of here lets go now.
as he said that Jane started to cry and as she did she said.
Jane Miller: youll only make things worse.
as she said that James said.James Dixon: youll be safe with my group now come on before he
comes back.
as he said that Jane said.
Jane Miller: theres 1 thing I need to know before we go...would you do this for anyone else if it
wasnt me being abused.
as she said that James hesitated on answering her and as he did Jane said.
Jane Miller: would you do this for someone else.
as she said that James said.
James Dixon: No.
as he said that Jane was still crying and as she was she said.
Jane Mille: Ok...lets go.
as she said that James and Jane were about to leave when Joe walked out of one of the back
bedrooms and as he did he said.
Joe Miller: I thought I heard someones voice talking to my daughter.
as he said that he looked right at Jane and as he did he said.
Joe Miller: Jane come here.
as he said that Jane stood right in front of James and as she did she looked right at him and
James said.
James Dixon: Dont.
as he said that Joe said.Joe Miller: come here right now or so help me god.
as he said that Jane faced her father and as she did she said.

Jane Miller: No dad...Im going with James.

as she said that Joe shouted.
Joe Miller: what.
as he said that Jane said.
Jane Miller: your a hateful, bitter, sour old man who can't keep his hands to himself let alone off
a beer and youve hurt me momma, and Nathan to much Im going with James.
as she said that Joe looked right at James and as he did he said.Joe Miller: this is because of
you isnt it.
as he said that James said.James Dixon: Now Joe calm down...we dont want things to get out
of hand now do we.
as he said that Joe said.
Joe Miller: I should have kept my eye on you 2 because I saw you that night at the party when
you made your move on her. Shes mine.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: Shes not a thing shes a living breathing person and shes coming with me and
thats that.
as he said that Joe was face to face with James now and as he was James said.
James Dixon: Im going to need you to back off.
as he said that Joe started to push James up against the wall and as he did James said.
James Dixon: Im going to need you to calm down.
as he said that Joe said.
Joe Miller: you come into my house and you take my daughter with out permission...Im going to
have to teach you some manners.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: now Joe dont do anything youll regret.
as he said that Joe pushed James up against the wall and he held him there and as he did Joe
Joe Miller: this is gonna hurt.
as he said that Joe started punching James and as he did he punched him 3 times and then he

threw James onto the ground and James rolled across the room. As he did Jane said.
Jane Miller: Daddy.
as she said that Joe said.
Joe Miller: dont worry youll get yours next bitch.
as he said that Joe stepped towards James and as he did James started laughing and as he did
Joe said.
Joe Miller: why the hell are you laughing.
as he said that James spat up some blood and as he did he looked right at Joe with a smile and
as he did he said.
James Dixon: you made me bleed Joe.
as he said that James got up to his feet and as he did he healed his bruises form Joe in seconds
as he got up and as he did Joe said.Joe Miller: what the hell.
as he said that James flew towards Joe and he pushed him hard against the wall and as he did
James said.
James Dixon: I dont think you know who I am...I am James fucking Dixon and no one beats up
anyone who cant protect themselves on my watch.
as he said that James threw Joe hard on the ground and as he did the camera jumped outside
the wall of the white house and it could hear James and Joe fighting in the room and as it could
after several seconds of fighting James came plowing through the wall and as he did James and
Joe landed on the front lawn of the white house.
As they did Jane looked through the hole in the wall and she watched James and Joe break into
a fight and as they did Jane made her way to the front lawn of the white house. On the white
house front lawn it showed Joe was now on top of James and as he was Joe started to choke
James out and as he did Jane was now outside and she tried to get Joe off James and as she
did Joe punched her right in the face making her fall back.
As they were fighting they were drawing a crowd and as they were the camera showed David on
the wall with his assault rifle and he looked behind him into the community and he saw several
people running to something and as he did he wondered what they were running to.
The camera jumped back to James and Joe fighting and Joe was still on James and as Joe was
James tripped one of Joes legs and as he did Joe was now on the ground and James began
chocking Joe and as he did Anthony jumped on James and as he did James said.
James Dixon: get off of me.

as he said that Anthony said.

Anthony Allen: not here brother not here.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: Get off of me.
as he said that he pushed Anthony a side and as he did Carl Vince was watching the fight and
as he was he said.
Carl Vince: Ben go and get the president.
as he said that Ben said.
Ben Flecher: on it.
as he said that Ben ran off into the white house and as he did James looked at Joe right in the
eyes as he was chocking him and as he did James said.
James Dixon: your going to leave your family alone.
as he said that several seconds later President Allestar emerged from the white house and as
he did he said.
President Allestar: all right James thats enough.
as he said that James pulled out his snub noise revolver and as he did he let go of his hold on
Joes neck and as he did he said.James Dixon: or your going to do what...arrest me.
as he said that President Allestar said.
President Allestar: we just need to talk put down the gun.
as he said that James said.
James Dixon: people dont get dont know what its like to live out in that world
and to loose someone. You all say you do but you let strangers in here when you
shouldnt. This place needs to change if it doesn't people are going to die.
as he said that President Allestar said.
President Allestar: I have never been so clear of a decision in my life before.
as he said that James looked at the president and as he did he said.
James Dixon: you mean me...I have fought...bleed...and died...with the people I love you have

never been through something like that. Youve never been covered in so much blood when you
thought it was the deads, your friends and familys or the enemy but I have. You this man he
beat his family and it lead to this he could have stopped at anytime but he didnt so I took action
which is what you people need to do. You know that I have the power to take everyone of you
out with a single snap of my fingers but I dont choose to do because its morally wrong but I just
might start...and Ill start with the man under me right here and right...
as James was about to finish his sentence he was hit on the back of the head with a rock and as
he was...he was knocked out cold. As James hit the ground hard the camera showed who
knocked him out and it was Robert Seton.
(Screen Goes black)(End Scene)

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