Analysis Career Test 1

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TASK 1 (B) : Carer Interest Analysis

The Holland Occupational Themes developed by John L. Holland is a theory of

personality that focuses on career and vocational choice. It groups people on the basis of
their suitability for six different categories of occupations. The six types produce the RIASEC
acronym, Realistic (R), Investigative (I), Artistic (A), Social (S), Enterprising (E), and
Conventional (C). The RIASEC personality types are defined by both preferences and
hatreds that influence the choice of a work environment, and the environments are defined
by typical work activities and other demands placed on individuals. (Susan X Day, etl., 2008)
I had conducted a career test on Year 6 Wira pupils. This class is the first class and
majority of the pupils are targeted 6 As pupils in UPSR 2016. Thus, this career test helps
them in identifying their interest and potential so that they have a better picture in their
suitable career in future. I had chosen 10 pupils randomly among 26 pupils in the class. All of
them are boys and their race is Malay. I had given the pupils a career test inventory that
consists of 30 items. The items are divided into 6 categories according to RIASEC which 5
questions for each category. The career interest test was provided in the appendices for
At this age of 12 years old, pupils are still concrete thinkers which they perceive
things as good or bad, right or wrong. They are just beginning to imagine possibilities,
recognize consequences of their actions, and anticipate what others are thinking. Besides,
they continue their developing skills in making decisions as they become more independent
and begin to consider future careers and occupations (Sutter Health, 2013). Therefore, they
are in stage of reconstructing themselves in career path by identifying their interest of
activities and subject they learn in school.
The results of the career test was analysed based on the six types of personality
which are realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional.

Career Test

Number of pupils


Numbers of pupils

Occupational Personality Types

Bar chart 1.0 Numbers of pupils according to the personality types.

Generally, the highest score is social type category which is three pupils. While,
artistic and enterprising shared the same number, which are two pupils. The lowest score
are realistic, investigative and conventional. Each of the categories had one pupil only.
Hence, the bar chart showed a bell shape that indicates the result is balance.
Pupil 1

Pupil 2

Pupil 3

Pupil 4

Pupil 5

Pupil 6

Pupil 7

Pupil 8

Pupil 9

Pupil 10

Table 2.0 Pupils results in each question items

Three pupils whose get the highest score in social category are helpers. As all of
them got 5 scores in social items, I can conclude that they love to help people in need,
making friends, responsible, and understanding. Therefore, their suitable careers are
teacher, nurse, counsellor, police officer, or customer service officers. All these careers are
related with other people that need good communication skills. Thus, pupils can join any
society and participate in schools programme to increase their social skills so that in future,
these group of pupils able to mingle with other people.

Two pupils were categorized under artistic likes to use words, art, music or drama to
communicate, perform, or express themselves, create and design things. Therefore, these
pupils love music and art classes which they can enhance their skills and express their
emotion. Besides, they can be more creative and have high imagination through these
subjects. Later when they grow up, they can choose a career that suitable with them such as
illustrator, photographer, singer, instrument player, actor, reporter, or fashion designer.
Enterprising also get two pupils under its category. They are going to work with and
through people, providing leadership and delegating responsibilities for organizational and/or
financial gain. They are more goal-oriented and want to see results at the end of their work.
These pupils need to improve their skills on selling, promoting and persuading, developing
ideas, public speaking, managing, organising, and leading and captaining. Therefore, in
school these pupils can join young entrepreneur club so that they can learn on how to
involve with enterprising area. Some of the careers for them in future are salesperson,
lawyer, politician, accountant, business owner, executive or manager.
Realistic pupil likes to work mainly with hands, making, fixing, assembling or building
things, using and operating equipment, tools or machines. In class, he likes Physical
Education and Kemahiran Hidup because these subjects are related to hands on activity.
This pupil also can be known as the doer. Hence to develop pupils interest, he should be
exposed with outdoor activity like camping that need the pupil to do lots of things by
themselves such as build a camping tent. Careers that related are pilot, horticulturalist,
engineer, mechanic, electrician and computer technologist.
Next, investigative pupil likes to discover and research ideas, observe, investigate
and experiment, ask questions and solve problems. It means that this pupil is a thinker and
love activities that need him to investigate and do experiments. He can choose chemist,
marine scientist, zoologist, dentist, or doctor as career. In order to help the pupil towards
their goal, he can take part in all experiments done in Science subject. Thus, he can
enhance his skills that related in this area.
Another is conventional who also known as organizer as he prefer highly ordered
activities, both verbal and numerical, have a high sense of responsibility, follow the rules,
and want to know precisely what is expected. In school, he can be librarian or prefect as this
needs someone who can concern on schools rules and regulation. Thus, he had practice to
be more organize and systematic. In future, this pupil can choose accountant, bank clerk,
computer operator, or secretary as a career.

As conclusion, the career test inventory is a method for pupils to know their career
interest better. As pupils know their interest, they can focus and planning for the next steps
to achieve their dreams. However, it is all depends on the pupils themselves to create their
own path based on the guidance given to them.

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