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FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) ALTO SAX 1 V 0 C A L Words and Music by RART HOWASL Es) Soap Weta fa Hb Tm . wes = a & Fy W : 3s » TRO - © Copmright 1954 and renewed 1982 Hampshire House Publishing Corp., New York, NY 42923032 ‘This arrangement © 1991 Hampshire House Publishing Corp., New York, NY International Copyright Secured ‘Al Rights Reserved Including Pubic Performance For Profit Used by Permission = tgigtt< SS ra — "fF W patststrathe : % patter —#, 3 “| FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) ee oy VOGA livesions tee Teri a A J A 4 = 2 —_— ef 2 7 é 7 tout Souno! = ~, 2. @ f - 8 ee EEE : — a | fae, 4 | & ta ey == a " ee a wo / / (Sea ——== ” oy 2 as > = 954 and renewed 1982 Corp, New York, NY sven SE iar aaa ee reson oy ational ‘7 | & FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) (7 7 i TENOR SAX 1 \ 0 Cc A Lyords and Oe any eee Easy dana a A 4 = a = ry é : a. wot, ’ ee] Sb oe a a a" baie Sounto! 4 A oe Era z a 5 ———— 4———s a u u xy > TRO - © Coprisht 1954 ond renewed 1982 Hampshire House Fubiting Corp, New York s2020002. This eangement © 199% Hampshire House Pblsting Com Ness Fea oe es Irtematonal Copmrght Secured \ ‘A Rights Reserved nelucing Re erorhance For Proft aches ee: Ped & TENOR SAX 1 vocal ‘7 | & FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) TENOR SAX 2 Words and Music by BART HOWARD Arranged by SAMMY NESTICC EASY £422 4 A “= Sy = ce tb 4 on th uo sous! iB eet AA > A Bb y i st f fis TRO - © Cop 1954 ane renewed 1988 Hampi Howie Pubting Comp New York NY 4292808 Tis arrangement © 1991 Hanpatire House Pubishing Cor, New ork, WY | 8 TENOR SAX 2 » FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) BARITONE SAX VOCAL Words and Music by BART HOWARD Easy 22 3 A aS i: A A AA spiel gaa sit outer Sound! dg a a AA come ees Q Fp 1 int —— iE ae oF ape! 6b @ 2 Hes a fay Get Mout Souuto! . 4 fe AA if i —_ ra # i v ; 2 7 a a sueg RE eemetona Coprstt Seared 1 Rts Reserve cag Pac Petomerce Fox Po BARITONE SAX = we FA SY Ye oh: Ce m3 42929032 VOCAL ‘(| & FLY METO THE MOON VORHSPLO) Words and Music by BART HOWARE EASY A202 ‘Arranged by SAMMY NESTICC eee “mt 2 +0 THe FS ty TROMBONE 1 “sin TRO © Cop 1954 and renewed 1982 Hampaie Huse Ping Comp, New Yok MY Ths orangement © 901 Fame House Rutan Cp ce Foe fo matinal Commis Secured ‘a ants Reseed Inccing Poole Perforance For Prt TROMBONE 1 Ae 2 @ a SS FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) easy fan V 0 CAL. words and music by BART HOWARD Arranged by SAMMY NESTICO PLUNGER “wt 2 iro TROMBONE 2 A q a 3-7 8 ‘% » 7] 6 5132508 To © co 1054 a werd 18 Mam ure Rg Cp, ew er, sreoenen oT mee eat iemeg erm vo a | TROMBONE 2 B : - 2 > ites aA pt ets w a ¢ ——p_ phe — 2. &.» cf " % 7 $2$28052 : VOCAL ‘(| & FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) TROMBONE 3. tov Cia Words and baa See Punt + 0 +0 . o +0 : a i OPEN 1» a A a FAG ape pa y f ‘+ by (ee 10 [: @ ti —= aE : = Aree , : ; 2 w 4a yf Spat oe | a : 9 yas vp} I >» = > > SS Cy nf 26 a 0 i < ow 2 uv Wy > = 7S S= so RO- 0 cE 02 4232509 © Copmhe see ee 1 New York, NY TROMBONE 3 f ; 1 @ 6 dasasona ! VOCAL | 718 py ME TO THE MOON TROMBONE 4 : Words and Music by BART HOWARD a ‘Arranged by SAMMY NESTICO ome [ae a Ay B= ai? HW > wee Se ib 7 oF $19240%2 TRO. © Copriht 1954 and renewed 1982 Hampshire House Pubting Cop, New York, NY Mi anangenet © 197 ano Hone Ping op, Hew Yr, NF Intemavonal Copyright Secure AN Rights Reserved Include PUbiE Performance For Profit Used by Permission | | ey 7] 8 FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) TRUMPET 1 V 0 C A L CAN G02 UNGER Words and Music by BART HOWARD Arranged by SAMMY NESTICO 0 0 TRUMPET 1 ( & FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) TRUMPET 2 V 0 C A L &Asy th Mer an sed oy SUMP NESTE Wl th, eo $+ 4 +o Sepa Sas a TRUMPET 2 ‘(© FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) TRUMPET 3 T asi Gon VOCAL woes and asco sae Howasm AUNGER oars y 4 Ph EN on nt 1 8 ¢ & i f Fea g = Plies Wel yy a at Sea =" t at i £ A x coe i @ + SS a aA J na | wb i ” te aD # # wow Were 42924082 TRO- o Coote: 122 wo 1991 Honpante Neuse Pubbting Core Ness ea ot Ny temational Copyright Secured ‘AI Rights Reserved ncn Pubic Perfomance For Prot pat TRUMPET 3 =e eS a J O0ey el ae) meee Lee ee aaa ae ay ere ere eee eS fe eee s Vs Sh Sy VOCAL ‘(| & FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) TRUMPET 4 EASY Sh2 TIEIClE ll iearerees orate neat Pulnee we z S HA Hs] << 2 a | ws | Shey iN | a = rN wt =e = re, wen TRO - © Copyright 1954 and renewed 1982 Hamesire House Pubtshing Corp, New York NY 52824052 This arangement © 1991 Hampshire House Publishing Corp, New York, HY Intemational Copyright Secured ‘AI Rishts Reserved Including Public Performance For Profit TRUMPET 4 Panane Aas I= AA 1 : ¢ ] 8 FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) V OCAL Words and Music by BART HOWARD GUITAR ged by SAMMY NESTICO EASY 22 b 7 ae i , ff $ ” 2 Dry _ "y By te a _paf we ee er ps 10 W me a a pb but gait) fab il a Gh we Lf —P—F tr mE LSS E tat fH — # 7 al a pha Cw Fam : t ow Pf AIF tp = Lr | es Eo) y i Abst gb ahi bo thr __?_ bt 1s o — inf a Aba) prt) phy Gui) cx ~ Ey 2 Ful O Fab 41 hr a1 emi?) ob) Ls £ AS —F W wo 7 Ga? en b 4 ye " TRO - © Copyright 1954 and renewed 1982 Hampshire House Publishing Comp, New York, NY ngement © 1991 Hampshire House Publishing Corp,, New York, NY Intemational Copyright Secured ‘Al Rights Reserved Incudleg Public Performance For Profit Used by Permission gist) bay Dow Fis % GUITAR, yg toot Bint fp Bun dn da ean z: — 2 1 2 —<——=— 5 f * hy ry i yt p10 Dhue Bat Abate bt F1"D tye cat LIS -———#- F FZ | vy, : % 1 Fal GP Fab fet gh 1 e Dhaal [ Wes S| ear 2 "% 9 wil FID how os ae 4 | By fF ASF FF 9 i bait a1 a eae At gh den bY wen Py eo, ey ' ] } t SSS FS a L RNR # +g A _pafn hacaaad ba ba totem Ds “cat LL =_2 4 a Fob 6? Fab Feat "Bs eh tan Hi & # a & a we Ae ee had GH Dols ————s 2A LS i] oh Boe Me vy sw te ty a a A ore ee ““Masagos2 LOG » ws FLY ME TO THE MOON ( 1 8 (VOCAL SOLO) id ee BART HOWARD Mitel cacy Sree BASS Bay fA0a. ahd thy Ave Orally Gut s wo Fat Ant Qin a wet eS SSeet SES Ser 0 , LB get ES des 2 tty £ ps i 2 5 am Ab Gn. Dm Bh ~O4 B Gm x? Er —<— Hf Aber Dz Db'4 » EbT wv 4 42929052 MO © Coprisht 1954 and renewed 1982 Hampshire House Pubtiting Corp, New York srrgenen 9 95 Hampi House Pulenng Crs, Newey tN ational cured ‘At Rights Reserved Including Public Perfomance For Prot (2) Crt FOG A A & at zh dni? GS BSS ee : S s % a Fs gi "del Ly a, SP Ie PSE Sa Sash paar H % 4 0 W L—<—<——— Fint Av Bb Bra pb De) pc B ab ae tis W "4 Gh F ob "oe ode , A oe (ae ea "Be Dbaat “oni fee taf Apses 4 f = rf { = $ a, «Grit vat Br 4 Be Doe F Ab dz Boni 9 DO #4 w 6 q ct E Zk Wf @ @ a eh Cot Gy eae Feb) bm Bbm? “6 bot 4 & 4 2” oh or Be f PS Spey tb yy ws to 7 t] # % aaa $2429032 FLY ME TO THE MOON (VOCAL SOLO) VO CA L Words and Music by BART HOWARD DRUMS J ‘Arranged by SAMMY NESTICO sy 0d ony Fill — i h Hi ; ¢ 2 TO > 7 SK d sae LO rt TER ot itt Ui — i si, —— 2 Sis Ad ads a aN 6 cub?’ ah fad? wh fe = f J Ey _ SS eT | 42525082 "RO © Cp 1954 and renewed 1982 Hone Hanae House Ping Com, Mew Yor, y ‘is etangerert © 1991 Hanpdtire House Pubtsing Corp, New smational Copyright Secured © yd¢ Ty d to We Meon) Ad o as‘ ME te “yw . DRUMS yd Z = 4 a y He : el aoM fh a fit tt ¥ > 4 ejoa 7 0 —=<—— Gio FILL FF STTTT Js “ttt | Yo a

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