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“en ‘on, cs 4 07 supricess® SNIMS NEWS March 2015 Prof Dr. PPAby ,Dept of General Medicine Successfully completed 25 years as Faculty in Government Medical Colleges Joined SNIMS in 2012. Message-My dear students- “Be compassionate to patients * Academics ‘Our students stood First in the All Kerala Intercollege Medical Quiz. competition for Preclinical subjects.on 6th March 2015. In connection with the World TB day , Medical students of 2011 batch SNIMS conducted a seminar on TB. The function started by a prayer song by ‘Ms Sandra & Ms Malavika, Dr. Raju Antony HOD, Dept of Community Medicine welcomed the gathering, Prof. Dr. M. J. John. Principal, SNIMS, lighted the lamp, inaugurated the function and gave a message. In his message he pointed out the need for reducing the burden of TB by timely detection and appropriate treatment. ‘The morbidity and mortality due to TB is very high. He also pointed out that TB incidence is very high among those who suffer from Diabetes and AIDS and also that Drug resistant TB cases are increasing, His message to the young doctors was for the importance of early detection & treatment of TB by knowing its symptoms thereby preventing its spread in the community:The various aspects of TB were discussed by Vice-Principal Prof. Dr. Madhavi Ramachandran, Prof. Dr: Vincent, Dept of Pulmon- ology, Prof Dr Swati Londhe, Dept of Community Medicine. Prof. Dr. Ramachandran HOD, Dept of Forensic Medicine, St. PRO- Mr. Chandrababu , Ms.Dhanya, T-B.Health Visitor.Ms Uma,Lab Tech. (RNTCP) and staff of Community Medicine Dept attended the programme. Ms Angela of 2011 batch ,expressed vote of thanks WHO is calling for new commitments & new action in the global fight against TB- one of the world’s top infectious killers, The 2015 world TB Day Theme is “Reach-Treat-Cure- Everyone.” Every year there is an estimated 9 million new TB cases, but consistently 3 million cases were either not diagnosed, not treated or diagnosed or not registered by National T.B. Programmes. Major efforts are needed to close this gap. Overall theme will continue on from 2014- “Reach the 3 million”. The main sub-theme and message for 2015 will be “Reach, Treat, (Cure Everyone”, this Calls for a Global Effort to Find ,Treat and Cure all people with TB and accelerate progress towards the bold. Goal of Ending this neglected TB Epidemic by 2035 by the New 20 year strategy put forward by the world health assembly & agreed by governments India have maxinmum TB patients in the world. Every 3 minutes 2 TB patients die in India. * Every day 1000 people die due to TB in India. As pet Health Services data of 2014, there are 24437 detected new cases of TB of which 500 are MDR TB. Maximum TB cases & maximum MDR TB are from Kannur district and Minimum cases were in Wynad district. source- Dr S. Jayasanker, State TB Officer, Kerala as reported in Melayala Manorama daily dated 23-03-2015. Avoid stigma to TB patients -TB is 100% curable . Geneva | 06 March 2015 | There is much to celebrate, this International Women’s Day. ‘The empowerment of women is gaining ground globally, ‘more girls are in school and the world is mobilizing to ensure that they have a healthier and safer future to reach their full potential, However, despite these successes, millions of women still face barriers and inequalities in many areas of their lives, including in health. This is evident in the battle women face against tuberculosis (TB). The burden of TB in women TB is one of the top killers of women worldwide. In 2013, more than half a million women lost their lives to this deadly disease and over three million women fell ill with TB. 19-3-2015. Topic - Scar(y) picture { we ei P ‘Speaker-Dr.Ajith Tharakan, Asso Professor, Dept of Dermatology. Chaired by DeA.D. Dhantarstnam Prof & HOD Deptof dematology 263.2015: Topic “Physical Exercise “ speaker- Dr (Col) Tommy Varghese Medical Superintendent Chaired by Dr B Nagaraja , Prof &HOD, Dept of General ‘Medicine on 19-03-2015. \ Dr diss Joseph , Dept of Orthopedics and Dr Rajesh Raju George, Deptof ENT, SNIMS Hospital. Chalakka were the speakers of the day. Research Publication Prevalence of Tobacco Smoking and KAP about Smoking among Students ofa Private Medical College in Central Kerala. Original Research Article in National Journal of Research in ‘Community Medicine. Vol. 4. Issue 1. Jan-Mar. 2015 (151-158) Rajiv K. Singh 1, Nizaj Nasimudeen2, Prannoy Pavanan2, ‘Ramzeen M Sulaiman2, Reeshma Jose2, Remyastee C Remabai2 Associate Professor, Community Medicine Department , 2. UG students of SNIMS. Reversing trends Ithas been 3 months since the CRI for the first batch of the college started. Some house surgeons have completed as manly as 4 postings. It is traditional for the interns fo treat the faculty, once the postings are over. SNIMS has brought an interesting twist to the tradition, Here the faculty reciprocate the same by treating the interns too. ‘Wedding bells are ringing ‘The past years have seen many students getting married. This year for the first time in the history of SNIMS, a boy gets ‘married. Jimshad Kakkatil of 2009 batch is getting engaged on. 29th March. Congratulations Jimshad! Wish you a happy ‘married life! ‘SNIMS to peripheral health centers. DATE-2-3-2015. Through our continuous efforts SNTMS succeeded in getting permission from the DMO (H), Emakulam 0n 01-03-2015 for training our medical students and intems at ‘Thaluk HQ Hospital, N.Paravur also. Tn continuation of our dedicated field activities of last 2 months, our 2 Batch of interns joined the team Jof health personnel’s at Taluk HQ. Hospital, Paravur, CH.C Chengamanad, PHC Kunnukara, Urban & Rural 1M ealth Training Centers of SNIMS at Paravur and Munambam for residential health activities in the community. With bags full of memories the teams were excited to start their work as basic doctors among the poor, Forthcoming Events ® World Health Day 2015 celebration on APRIL 7TH at NIMS. ‘The Theme for world Health Day 2015 is Food Saftey- “FROM FARM TO PLATE MAKE FOOD SAFE” A theme of high relevance to all people on the planet * CME on “Aging Gracefully” at SNIMS Auditorium on 10-04-2015, Prof, Dr. Raju Antony Organizing Secretary invites all Doctors to the CME on “Aging Oracefully”. This CME is aimed at shating knowledue ‘ith various eminent speakers wino have vast experience in Caring, Treating & Managing the eldery. Travancore Cochin eomeil of Modem Medicine hes ranted 3 (Uiee)eredit hours (No 3300/1 S/MC/CME dated 19.3.201) for those attending this CME (For father queries contact Intercom ComMed 1264] Hospital activities ABC GUIDELINES Gio ccc Hospital policy for treating HIN1 Hospital Circular Swine Flu-(HIN1).dated 16-03-2015 The following decisions were taken by SNIMS in consultation with D M O, Emakulam , HOD General Medicine and representative from Community Medicine Dept. a. As the government policy is non-supply of Oseltamivir to Private Hospitals ,we may entertain suspected HIN1 patients in a limited way. The patients (of A,B1 and B2 categories) may be treated in the OPD with an instruction to buy the medicines from Karunya Pharmacies.If there is any deterioration /failure to improve, the patient may contact the nearest Government Hospital . We may refer C category patients to the nearest Govemment ‘Hospital (Hospitalization and swab collection are required only in C category patients). sd Dr(Col)Tommy Varghese , Medical Superintendent, Social Activities VIP Visite = Vere 2 On ht Prof. M. K. Sanoo, a renowned thinker, writer & social leader, visited our college during March,2015 ‘Medical camp on 08/3/2015 at DD Sabha KG school, Karimpadam, (Chendamangalam in association with Sree Sree eecim ‘The departments of General Medicine, ENT, Orthopaedics, Chest & TB, Paediatrics participated in this camp under the leaderships of - Dr. Krishna Prabha , Dr. Sandra Thomas, Dr. George ‘Mathew , Dr. Vincent K A,Dr. Kala Raghi Around 125 patients attended this camp. Visit To The training center for differentially abled, Koonammavu-On 17-03-2015 Medical students of 2013 batch with Senior Health Inspector Shri Satheesh Chandran visited the center and had interacted with the inmates of the institution . Awareness class As part of the ongoing Kunnukara Community ‘Health Project, Awareness class was conducted on 19-3-2015, at Manailculam colony,Kunnukara on Life style diseases and vitamin A prophylaxis in children by Medical students, Intems and Health staff under the leadership of Dr.Gopalakrishnan, Asso Prof. of Dept of Community Medicine. About 38 resid- ents. participated Health innovations Use of leeches in Plastic Surgical procedure- at Govt Medical College Kozhikode. By-Dr.N-Praveen Plastic Surgery Ina patient by name Mr, Muhamed Ashraf who had loss of tissue of his foot following an accident. He underwent a Microvascular Surgical procedure , free- flap from thigh was fixed. On the second day ,the flap tured bluish. In this, open the blocked veins , Dr Praveen used “Leech therapy”. The impure blood in the flap was sucked out by leeches and the Hirudene present in saliva of leeches helped in preventing clotting of this blood ‘The required type of leeches were supplied with help of DrJeena Murali of Kottackkal Arya Vaidhya Sala and DrC.K.Deepa of Vetemary College ,Wynad. Now the patient is improving after surgery. source--Malayala Manorama daily dated 20-03-2015, General Setting an example by Donating his Body to our medical college ay@ene0. Banslanat alomamon abe] a3s0oqRG CuezeaMD.creRac} Ror sen) Bee en ee eo OCS eo earn Senne els OJaveway naw nfla@ay 24 aemleayan}aslo3 AflaayMg Aelal ecamelany ansnoad Moon Editorial Board ‘Dr Aun Mary Thomas Dr. Krishnan Nair Dr. Anoop Vincent Ms.Nidhisha K ‘MrPrashant A ‘Campus sights Statue of Dr Palpu About Dr Palpu The Founding Vice-President of SNDP under the Presidentship of Gurudevan, Bom ou-02-11-1863, Died on-25-01-1950 Contemporary and follower of Sree Narayana Guru. Nataraja Gurn his son was direct disciple of Gurudeva. ‘Though ranked fourth denied admission to Medicine Course by Travancore state.He was discriminated due to his lower caste. He gained admission to Medicine Course at Madras. Rebuffed again by Travancore State by being denied a job after completion of Medical Degree. Went over to Mysore and started his service under Mysore Govt. Realised that organized protest alone could put an end to discrimination He made frequent visits to the state to organize people.Dr.Palpu was a relentless fighter for cause of Ezhava and other backward classes. Submitted Malayali Memorial in 1891 to the Maharajah,which marked the beginning of united social effort Brought it to the attention of British Parliament too. His philanthrophic efforts as the right hand man of Gurudevan ‘were geared to the noble goal of Sree Narayana Dharma.He was strong believer of the principle of dharma, We salute you Dr Palpu on behalf of SNIMS family 1! ‘Advisor peneaelon Prof.Dr. Raju Antony Nikhil AR Co-Ordinator Assistant Mr. Christus. K.N Geethu Gireesan SREE NARAYANA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (SNIMS) Chalakka, N.Kuthiyathodu.P.O, Ernakulam, Kerala, India. Ph.0484-2479199, 2573023, 2573024 E-mail -, Web - www ‘Every possible care is taken in publishing this news letter. Hovever, any omissfon/ error is purely unintentional & accidental.

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