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Sepetember 15, 2016 Tuesday, we conducted an observation at Itlugan Elementary

After the flag ceremony, teachers told their students who are wearing P.E uniform to do
the Milo champ moves. This portion was also an order from nestle Philippines. This is for all the
schools. Students danced the Milo moves and teacher took a video to be uploaded and this will
be a contest for all the schools.
After that, their second class was Filipino that will be conducted by their Filipino teacher
Mrs. Remedios Adelantar. She discussed her lesson and after that she asked the students to
answer the activity written on the book. Then, after this subject, students took their recess.
After recess, their subject is English and Mrs. Lyzeil Alday, she read the story which is
A Jar of Lollipop. This story is about the family who are the victims of typhoon Yolanda. After
the tragedy, their family didnt lose hope to survive and live life to the fullest. Even if they
experiencing hunger, god made an answer which is they saw a jar of lollipop.
Then, Araling Panlipunan, Mrs. Nora Santoyo, have a recitation which is students will
recite the meaning of global warming. Then, she discussed her topic for this day.
Then, next subject is EPP, as a part of this subject, students have gardening and clean the
area together with me.
Then, next, is Mathematics and Mrs. Lyzeil Alday discussed her topic.
Their subject is arts, Mrs. Nora Santoyo, discussed her topic about the festivals of
different places. Then, before the end of this subject, students are tasked to draw the festivals that
will be presented in the PowerPoint.






September 16, 2015, Wednesday, our second and last day of observation for this week.
After the flag ceremony, Mrs. Michelle Grit an adviser of Grade I Jasmine asked me to
handle her class because she was assigned to make the costume of the students who will be the
participants and a representative of Itlugan Elementary School in Bigsayawit contest that will be
held on September 18, 2015, Friday.
She told me the lessons that I will discuss. Before starting with the discussion I asked the
students to pray.
First subject is ESP and I discussed about being honest. Then, I asked them to watch the
video which is related to this topic. Second, is Filipino and I discussed the words starting with P
and R. As an evaluation, I gave them a quiz.
After the recess, their subject is mother tongue and I discussed about the rhymes of a
word. After the discussion, I gave them a quiz that will be presented in the PowerPoint
presentation. Last subject before lunch is, Mathematics and I discussed about adding the
numbers into zero. And as usual, I gave them a quiz for letting me know that they really
understand it.
This day, we assigned to observe at six oclock to twelve oclock so, I didnt able to took
in charge Grade I Jasmine, whole day.
This day, makes me feel successful and a day which I experienced to teach students as
their real teacher and I know this experience will nurture my skills on teaching.

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