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Contain one independent clause one (or more) dependent clause

One if idea is generally more independent clause (s)
The more important idea is placed in the independent clause, while

the less important one will be placed in dependent one

How will you combine these two ideas?
ex :
Einsten was a great physicist
Einsten was born in 1879
1. Einsten, who was born in 1879, was a great physicist
2. Einsten, who was a great physicist, was born in 1879
(the second option is better because most people onlu know that hes a
great physicist. Thus, the fact that he was born in 1879 was the
more important information to deliver)

COMPLEX SENTENCE (adjective clause, adverb clause, noun clause)

Adjective clause
Tell noun in the front of them.
Ex :
I love my cat
My cat has brown fur
Sbj ( i love my cat which has brown fur)
Obj ( my cat that i love has brown fur)
I met someone when I went to campus
I met someone on Wednesday when I went to campus for the first
time (yang di garis bawahi menerangkan Wednesday)
Ayu lives in Depok, where UI is located (yg di garis bawahi
menerangkan depok)

I love the place where I live (yg di garis bawahi menerangkan

I can study best where there is no noise
Diah whose friend got a car accident called an ambulance (yang di
garis bawahi menerangkan diah ), awal mula kalimatnya adalah :
Diah called an ambulance, her friend got a car accident -> her
menunjukka diahs friend
1. International action was needed to deal with the problems faced
by exporting countries which The principal of these countries were
primary commodities.
2. Our new sales which We are relying on it to acquire a larger share
of the market will be launched next week
3. The company deals with the export of raw materials. He has been
working for this company since he left school.
4. Many of the workers have been relieved from their jobs. The
manager considered them lacking in capability.
5. The developing countries should make a careful planning in setting
up their development programs. The World Bank has extended a
large amount of long-term loans to some of these countries.
6. The country has for the past few years made a significant increase
in its foreign reserves. Its national income depends greatly on
7. The lecturer gave the students a long explanation about the
homework assignment. The explanation totally confused them.
8. The repairs to Yantis computer were finished the same day. She
was very pleased about that.
9. The constantly rising prices of raw materials have made the
productivity of his textile factory decrease. He can have no control
over it.
10. The most popular manager has been promoted to one of the
Directors of the bank. Everybody praised him for being a very
capable and sociable manager.
11. The psychologist talked to the woman to calm her down. Her child
had been kidnapped for over a week.

12. The professor called in the students. The performance of those

students was less than satisfactory.
13. Rescuers had to navigate the flooded town in rowboats. Half the
town was under water.

Adverb clause
Time : since, while
Reason : since
Condition : if clause
Manner : as if, as though
Result : so that, such that
Purpose : so that
noun clause


Event tought

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