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Voiceover Script- 5/FINAL

No movie universe has shaped young minds or found a place in
kids hearts like the decades of Disneys animated adventures.
---PARAGRAPH BREAK (PAUSE)--Its no wonder many people and fans have spent hours trying to
break down the secrets that lie beneath the surface. We have
done our best to lay out the theories that work, and those that
dont in our documentary series exploring The Dark Secrets
Of Disney.
---PARAGRAPH BREAK (PAUSE)--Sleeping beauty
In Giambattista Basiles tale, which is the actual origin of the
sleeping beauty story, a king happens to walk by her castle
and knock on the door. When no one answers, he climbs up a
ladder through a window. He finds the princess, and calls to her
but she is unconscious, she does not wake up. He then carries
her to the bed, rapes her and proceeds to leave. She awakens
after she gives birth. Only due to one of the twins sucking the
flacks out of her finger. The King then comes back, and despite
him having raped her, they end up falling in love? However the
king is still married to someone else. His wife finds out and not
only tries to have the twins killed, cooked and fed to the king
without him knowing; but also tries to burn the princess at the
stake. Luckily she is unsuccessful. The king and the princess
get married and live happily ever after.
Arguably Disneys most popular and best known fairytale is
that of Cinderella. The story of rags to riches has inspired
many generations and has proven a colt classic. Realistically
the story was far darker than Walt Disneys studio made out.
Truthfully, the enslavement of Cinderella by her evil
stepmother and two ugly stepsisters was not far from torture.
It didnt help poor Cinderella that her fairy godmother never
actually materialized, leaving the young girl to escape solely

with the help of a flock of small birds. Somehow, Cinderella

escapes and meets the prince at the ball and after her quick
exit indeed does leave a glass slipper. The Disney story tells
how every girl in the kingdom tries desperately to fit the
slipper on their own foot. In fact, to such an extent that both of
Cinderellas step-sisters mutilate their own feet to fit, one
cutting off her toes, and the other taking a slice out of her
heel. However, the story does end happily ever after as
Cinderalla uses her powers over her birds to torture her steps
sisters and step mother by pecking out their eyeballs in return
for the years of cruelty they put her through.
---PARAGRAPH BREAK (PAUSE)--Join us after the break, where we will be exploring more of the
dark secrets of Disney

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