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French Revolution Unit

French Troubles
Grade 9th
Date: 2/5/2016
Michigan High School Social Studies Standards:
World History B
6.2 Interregional or Comparative Expectations
Analyze and compare the interregional patterns of nationalism, state-building, and
social reform and imperialism.
Lesson Goals and Objectives:
We are working on our reading comprehension and application through
exploration of the French Revolution. Students will be able to understand the steps
the french people took to generate social reform and build a new state.
Materials Needed
Student will need the papers that were passed out earlier in the week. They
may also use their technology.
Anticipatory Set:
Alright class so yesterday we had that guided lesson or what we are calling it
a test. Over all your class did well we just struggled in a few spots. If you look at the
grading rubric on the last page we are working on that standard based grading and
those benchmarks can help give you an idea of where you struggled as well as
where you were able to succeed. Remember we are trying to work on two things
here first is our preparation for class as well as our reading comprehension. We are
going to try and wrap up as much as we can about the French revolution.
Instructional Input:
Two sections of instructional input will take place. The first will discuss the
problems that faced the French people of 1789. There were four main problems that
faced the French people and many believed that it stemmed from their leadership
and lack of equal representation. Many of the people placed blame on the
leadership so we are going to have students understand the problems that
accompany blaming different people and where blame comes from.

The next set of instructional input is going to discuss how the French actually
stormed the bastille. We are going to discuss the sacrifices that people had to make
to get the changes that they wanted. We are going to look at some of the steps the
3rd estate took to take back their country and try and fix the years of wrong doings.
An Opportunity to Practice:
Students will have an opportunity to practice the information we discussed
through discussion questions they have to answer with their team. Classmates are
encouraged to help others get their assignments turned in as they are graded on
team completion rates.
Guided Practice:
As students are answering and discussing their questions I will be walking
around the room answering any questions as well as sparking discussion.
Independent Practice:
Students will have an opportunity to practice individually through answering
the discussion questions as well as listening through whole group discussion.
Student will be put into their teams and be given time to answer the
questions with their group. We will come back as a whole group and discuss the first
set of questions that they were posed with. After we are done discussing those
questions we will come back whole group for a little more discussion then they will
go back and answer their next set of questions.
Alright everyone if you could have your team captain collects your groups
papers and turn them into the basket that would be awesome. You do not have any
homework for the weekend. We are going to start a new assignment next week in
which your teams are going to try and create a song infusing terms about the
French Revolution, so get excited.
How the needs of all students will be met through differentiation and/or multiple
Visual learner: met through pictures and visuals about the French Revolution.
Verbal-Linguistic learners: lecture and class discussion

Intrapersonal Learner: reading of the chapter, discussion question assignment

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