Writing Fractions and Decimals On A Number Line

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Writing Fractions and Decimals on a Number line

Common Core/Essential Standard Objective: 4.NF.6 Use decimal notation for fractions with denominators
100. For example, rewrite 0.62 as 62/100; describe a length as 0.62 meters; locate 0.62 on a number line di

Description of Activities and Setting

1. Engage

Teacher will play Convert decimals to fractions to the tenth place using number
lines video. Teacher will make comments throughout the video to expand on the

2. Explore

The teacher will then give students flashcards with fractions and decimals writte
on them to each table group. Then the teacher will model how to place the
flashcards on a string to demonstrate how to place numbers on a number line in
order from smallest to largest. For example, (1/10, 8/10, .60, .23)





Students will work in groups to figure out what order the fractions and decimals
would go on the number line. The teacher will walk around the room and check
each group for understanding and give assistance if needed.
3. Explain

4. Elaborate

After every group is finished, students have the opportunity to share their numbe
line with the class. Students will come to the front of the class and show what
order they placed their numbers in and how they knew which number was greate
The teacher can ask the students what strategies they used when changing
fractions to decimals or decimals to fractions. The teacher can also ask the class
they think the groups number line is correct. If incorrect, the teacher can ask the
class what is wrong on the number line and how did they know. (For example, .6
= 6/10; 6/10 is less than 8/10 because there is 2/10 more in 8/10)

Next the teacher will demonstrate how to play an interactive game online using
the smartboard. The teacher will show students where to find the game and how
use the game. Then the teacher will model an example and talk aloud thoughts o
how they figured out where the number would be located. Next the teacher can d
another example and ask the students where they think the fraction/decimal wou
be placed on the number line. The teacher will let students practice independent
using the game on their computers for 5-10 minutes.

Insert a question you would give students to show

conceptual understanding here.

Insert a question you would give students to show

procedural understanding here.

1. Draw and label 3/10 on the number line.

3. Compare 0.5 to 4/10 on the number line.
Which number is closer to a whole number?

2. Draw and label .60 on the number line.

Insert a question to show reasoning of the concept here.

4. Explain how you figured out where 3/10 would be located on the number line.
5. Explain how you figured out where 0.60 would be placed on the number line.

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