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INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the BEST answer.

Ignore air resistance unless otherwise

stated in a question. The magnitude of acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s 2.
1. YES OR NO? Is it possible to have a zero displacement and a non-zero average
velocity? Is it possible to have a zero displacement and a non-zero acceleration?
A. Yes. Yes.
D. No. No.
B. Yes. No.
E. Cannot be determined.
C. No. Yes.
2. VERTICAL. A ball is thrown vertically upward. At its maximum height the speed
of the ball is _____. Neglecting air resistance, when it reaches the same height as
it was thrown the speed of the ball ____.
A. zero; has increased
D. non-zero; has decreased
B. zero; has decreased
E. non-zero; is the same
C. zero; is the same
3. CANNON 1. Cannon balls are fired at the same initial velocity but different
angles, 1=15, 2=30, 3=45, 4=60. Which of the choices below are
I. Cannon ball fired at 1 will reach the ground first.
II. Cannon ball fired at 4 will reach the ground first.
III. Cannon balls 2 and 4 will have the same displacement and will land at the
same time.
IV. Cannon balls 2 and 4 will have the same displacement but will not land at
the same time.
A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III

D. II and IV
E. III and IV

4. CANNON 2. Which cannon ball will have the maximum displacement?

A. 1
D. 4
B. 2
E. 2 and 4
C. 3
5. LAWS. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about Newton's laws of
A. When a jeepney suddenly stops, you remain moving forward.
B. A ball on a frictionless circular path has zero net external force.
C. A body cannot be at equilibrium if only a single force acts on it.
D. The inside of a box with constant velocity is an inertial frame of reference.
E. A falling apple pulls the earth with a force equal in magnitude to its weight.
6. PUSH. Sir Ed continuously pushed a 0.45kg bag initially at rest forward to catch
a falling buko. The horizontal distance between the falling buko and the bag is
5.0m. If the floor is frictionless, what is the magnitude of the force he applied to


the bag if it had a velocity of 20.0m/s the

moment it catches the buko?


D. 20.N
E. 40.N

7. ARP ARP. A box is suspended on a rope.

You pulled it downward with a force F using
your hand. Which of the following forces are
action-reaction pairs?
A. the force F and the weight of the box
B. the force F and the tension on the rope
the force F and the force of the box on your hand
the tension on the rope and the weight of the box
the force of the box on the rope and the force of the box on the earth
8. FREE. Which of the following shows the correct free body
diagram (force directions only) of m2? Assume that m1
and m2 are point particles.







9. INCLINE PULLEY. A block with mass m1 is placed on a frictionless inclined plane

with slope angle = 30 and connected to a second hanging block with mass m 2
by a cord passing over a small frictionless pulley. Which of the following
statements is true if m2 is moving downwards at a constant speed?





m 2 = m1



m 2 =2 m 1




10. TENSION. A block of mass m is suspended in the air by two ropes that are
attached to the ceiling and the wall as shown in the figure. Let the tension in the
ropes be T1 and T2. Find T1.
A. T1=2mg
B. T1=mg/2

3 mg

C. T1=
D. T1=mg
E. T1=mg/2

11. STATIC? KINETIC? A box is placed on a horizontal plane. The plane is

applying a normal force N on the box. Let the coefficient of static friction be s and
the coefficient of kinetic friction be k. Which of the following statements is/are
TRUE if a horizontal force is applied on the box?
I. If the box remains at rest, the static friction is equal to sN.
II. If the box is just about to move, the static friction is equal to sN.
III. If the box is moving at a constant speed, the kinetic friction is equal to kN.
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only

D. I and II
E. II and III


12. WORK. After shrinking and stealing the moon, Dr. Gru rode his spaceship
(total mass is 2.00 x 103 kg). If the spaceship is initially at rest and gained a
speed of 1.50 x 103m/s when he has travelled a distance 3.00 x 10 3 m, how much
work has the engine of his spaceship done?
A. 9.00 x 109 J
D. 5.87 x 107 J
B. 4.50 X 10 J
E. 1.50 X 106 J
C. 2.25 x 10 J

13. POWER. Vector, the young villain, has a car that can gain a maximum speed of
40.0 m/s in 8 seconds when its engine exerts a forward force of 9325 N. What is
the cars power at this speed?
A. 2.98 x106 W
D. 1.87 x 105 W
B. 3.73 x 10 W
E. 9.51 x 104 W
C. 3.66 x 105 W
14. TOY DART. A dart of mass 0.10 kg is pressed against the spring of a toy dart
gun. The spring (with spring stiffness constant k = 25 N/m) is compressed 6.0
cm and then released. If the dart detaches from the spring when the spring
reaches its natural length (x = 0), what speed does the dart acquire?
A. 8.1 m/s
D. 0.17 m/s
B. 0.95 m/s
E. 0.13 m/s
C. 0.30 m/s
15. WATER SLIDES. Three water slides at a pool are shaped differently as shown
in the figure. Three riders (Alpha, Beta, and Gammag) start from rest at the
same time on the different slides. Ignoring friction, who will have the highest
speed at the bottom?
A. Alpha
B. Beta
C. Gammag
D. Alpha and Gammag
E. Alpha, Beta, and Gammag


16. POTENTIAL KINETIC. If only gravitational force acts on an object and the
change in gravitational potential energy is 6 J, it follows that the change in
kinetic energy of the object is _________.
A. - 6 J and the object speeds up
B. - 6 J and the object slows down
C. 6 J and the object speeds up
D. 6 J and the object slows down
E. 6 J and the object maintains its speed
17. POTENTIAL FORCE. Shown in the figure is a potential energy versus
position curve. The segments AB and CD are straight lines. Which of the following
is/are true?
A. The equilibrium position is in
between point B and C.
B. Region AB corresponds to
positive force.
C. Region CD corresponds to
positive force.
D. Both choice A and B are
E. Both choice A and C are
18. COM. Find the center of mass, relative to the 1.00-kg mass, of the three-mass
system shown in the figure.
1.50 kg
1.10 kg
A. 0.215 m
1.00 kg
B. 0.243 m
C. 0.285 m
D. 0.313 m
E. 0.438 m
0.25 m
0.50 m
19. COLLISION. In which of the following situations is linear momentum NOT
A. A man in free fall.
B. Inelastic collisions in which the object stick together.
C. A box sliding on a frictionless floor which collided on a wall.
D. Elastic collisions in which the colliding objects do not stick together.
E. Two objects (same mass, same initial speed) colliding head-on with each other
in which both stopped after collision.
20. RAILROAD CART. A 12600-kg railroad car travels alone on a level frictionless
track with a constant speed of 18.0 m/s. A 5350-kg load, initially at rest, is
dropped onto the car. What will be the cars new speed?
A. 5.36 m/s
D. 18.0 m/s
B. 7.64 m/s
E. 42.4 m/s
C. 12.6 m/s


21. ANGULAR ACCELERATION. A ball rolling to the right at constant speed across
a horizontal surface encounters a downward incline. Where is the angular
acceleration vector pointing when the ball is rolling down the incline?
A. to the left
D. out of the page
B. to the right
E. down the ramp
C. into the page
22. ROTATIONAL KE. An unknown object of mass M is rolling without slipping
about an axis through its center across a rough surface. The total kinetic energy is
1.5 times the translational kinetic energy of the object (Ktotal = 1.5Ktranslational). What
is the shape of the object?
A. solid cylinder of radius R, I = (1/2)MR2
B. thin walled hollow cylinder of radius R, I = 2MR 2
C. hollow cylinder with outer radius R and inner radius R/2, I = (5/2)MR 2
D. solid sphere of radius R, I = (2/5)MR2
E. thin walled hollow sphere of radius R, I = (2/3)MR 2
23. TANGENT. A sphere of mass M and radius R has a moment of inertia of I =
(2/5)MR2 about its center. What is the moment of inertia of the same sphere
rotated at an axis tangent to the surface of the sphere?
A. I = (2/5)MR2
B. I = (5/2)MR2
C. I = (7/5)MR2

D. I = (5/7)MR2
E. I = (7/2)MR2

24. PUYAT. A disk of radius R, initially at rest, is rolling without slipping. How far
from its initial position will the center of the disk be after 10 complete revolutions?
A. 10R
D. 20R
B. (10/)R
E. (20/)R
C. 10R
For the next TWO questions consider the following. A game show contestant
exerted a force of 4.0 N tangent to the side of the Wheel of Fortune. The wheel is
initially at rest and has a moment of inertia of 2.0 kgm2 and a radius of 1.0 m.

WHEEL OF FORTUNE I. At what rate did the Wheel of Fortune speed up?
0.25 rad/s2
D. 2.0 rad/s2
0.50 rad/s
E. 4.0 rad/s2
1.0 rad/s


26. WHEEL OF FORTUNE II. What is the work done by the applied force after it
has rotated by an amount of 2.0 radians?
A. 0.5 J
D. 4.0 J
B. 1.0 J
E. 8.0 J
C. 2.0 J
27. ROLLING. A uniform marble (Icm = 2/5 MR2) is
rolling without slipping down a plane inclined at
30. What is its speed after rolling a distance d?


2gd cos(30)

10gd cos(30)


2gd sin( 30)


10gd sin( 30)



28. ROTATE. A figure skater is rotating in an ice rink with her arms outstretched.
She then pulls her arms in. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?
She will spin at a greater angular speed.
Her angular momentum will increase.
Her rotational kinetic energy will increase.
A. I only
D. II and III only
B. I and II only
E. I, II and III
C. I and III only

30. GEOMETRIC. A cylinder placed so it can roll on a horizontal table top, with its
center of gravity above its geometric center, is _________.
A. at its most stable position
D. in neutral equilibrium
B. in stable equilibrium
E. not in equilibrium
C. in unstable equilibrium


31. GRAVITATIONAL FIELD STRENGTH. The Earth is distance RM from the

Moon and distance RS from the Sun. The ratio

gravitatio nal field strength at the Earth due to the Moon

gravitatio nal field strength at the Earth due to the Sun
is proportional to which of the following?
A. RM2/RS2
C. RS2/RM2

WEIGHTLESS. A spacecraft orbits Earth. Why does an astronaut inside

spacecraft feels weightless?
The spacecraft exerts greater force to the astronaut.
The gravitational force in the spacecraft is negligible.
The Earth exerts equal forces on the spacecraft and the astronaut.
The spacecraft and the astronaut exert equal and opposite forces on
each other.
E. The spacecraft and the astronaut have the same acceleration towards
the Earth.
35. SIMPLE. Consider a simple pendulum (SP1) of length L1 and mass m1 and
simple pendulum (SP2) of length L2 and mass m2 where L2 = 2L1 and m2 = 2m1.
Both SP1 and SP2 are displaced at small angles. Which of the following is true?
A. T1 =

2 T2

B. T2 = 2 T1
C. T1 = 2T2

D. T2 = 2T1
E. T1 = T2

37. CORK FLOAT. What is the density of a cork floating in water if of its total
volume is submerged? Density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
A. 250 kg/m3
D. 1000 kg/m3
B. 400 kg/m
E. 4000 kg/m3
C. 500 kg/m3
38. INCOMPRESSIBLE. An incompressible fluid flows steadily from a tube of larger
cross sectional area to a region of smaller cross sectional area will have __.
A. higher speed and higher pressure
B. lower speed and lower pressure
C. lower speed and higher pressure
D. higher speed and lower pressure
E. higher speed and constant pressure


39. WAVE SPEED. Cindy and Miguel were pulling on the horn of the unicorn stuffed
toy such that a tension of 35.0 N is created. The unicorns horn is 0.500 m long
and has a mass of 0.300 kg. Consider the unicorn horn as a string of uniform
mass per unit length. What is the speed of the transverse wave that could travel
in the horn?
A. 58.3 m/s
D. 7.64 m/s
B. 21 m/s
E. 4.58 m/s
C. 15.3 m/s
40. WAVE PERIOD. Jaziel was playing in Dr. Gerolds laboratory when she found a
red laser with a wavelength of 6.0 x10-11 m. If she knows that light travels with
speed of 3.0 x108 m/s, what value would she get if she solve for the period of the
light wave?
A. 2.0 x 1019 s
D. 5.0 x 10-18 s
B. 5.0 x 10 s
E. 2.0 x 10-19 s
C. 2.0 x 107 s
44. SHELDONS WHISTLE 1. Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Ph.D. running at 10.0 km/hr
whistles, emitting a sinusoidal wave with frequency of 3.00x10 2 Hz. What is the
wavelength of the wave behind him? The speed of sound is 340 m/s.
A. 1.12 m
D. 11.3 m
B. 1.13 m
E. 11.4 m
C. 1.14 m
45. SHELDONS WHISTLE 2. If the Dr. Cooper, Ph.D. stopped from running and
whistled again, emitting the same frequency of wave, what is the wavelength of
the wave?
A. 1.12 m
D. 11.3 m
B. 1.13 m
E. 11.4 m
C. 1.14 m


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