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The Basis of God's Judgment

While waiting for my plane flight going to New Jersey, USA from Ninoy
Aquino International Airport Manila, Philippines I observed how different kinds
of people spend their time waiting for their flight. Some were reading books,
some were napping, others were noisily talking with each other, while some
were eating and others were keenly watching their schedule. As I was
reflecting on this scene in the waiting area, I came to realize how it could be
compared to how people from all walks of life awaits the coming judgment.
While people are engrossed in their own personal affairs then Christ Jesus will
come for the second time bringing with Him the judgment for everyone.
What is Gods basis of his judgment? What is the whole duty of man? Is
it keeping Gods commandments? The answer of these questions will be
discussed as we go along the way in our study. Many had misinterpreted the
Seventh-day Adventists Church's position on commandment keeping to the
point that some have even counted us as a cult because of our strong
emphasis on the Ten Commandments. They thought we have based our
salvation by keeping the Ten Commandments.
Today, I need to clarify the misinformation other people had in their
minds, and once-and-for-all establish the clarity of Seventh-day Adventists
position. Nevertheless, God has been so good and we have ability to
comprehend and conceded the essence of our existence. King Solomon had
an answer to my first question and it can be found in Ecclesiastes 12:13, 14
Now all has been heard here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and
keep his commandment, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring
every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or
evil. The time will come and it will never tarry. Everyone will stand in Gods
judgment and will be measured according to his own purposes in life. Gods
commandment is the weighing scale which is the duty of mankind.
Why did God consider the Ten Commandments as his weighing scale?
Amazement of all incredulity is what I found in Matthew 7: 21 Not everyone
who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he
who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that
day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive
out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, I never
knew you. Away from me, you evildoers! Here in this text a legitimate
dilemma had concurred by the supposed believers and leaders of the gospel
in which they were claiming tremendous experiences they had in using the
name of our Lord Jesus-Christ, but to their amazement He replied, without
hesitancy, that Christ Jesus dont know who they are and even so to the
grievous offenders of being consider as an enemy and evildoer.
Perhaps, a little exposing of the text can manifest the reason of their
unworthiness. To consider the word will of my Father can illuminate the
ultimate reason. Yes, they did not do the Fathers will! a vital pre-requisite in
Gods scale. Because of this no matter how faithful they were, how spiritual
they might have been, their righteousness was considered in vain.

There it is my duty to reveal what Father's will. What is Fathers will? I

desire to do your will, O my God your law is within my heart. Psalm 40:8
Fathers will is His law. Significantly, Christians scholars agree to one another
that the basis of all the laws in the Old Testament was based on what is
considered as the words of the covenant Exodus 34:28. The Ten
Commandments in Deuteronomy 4:13, 14 Exodus 20:1- 17 is Fathers will.
This is the reason why Christ Jesus quoted the summary of this
commandment when he said Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with your entire mind. This is the first
commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22:37-39
I found this law indestructible (Psalm 89:34) because of its dependable
characteristics: the law is love, Romans 13: 10 the law is holy, Romans 7:12
the law is perfect, Psalm 19:7 the law is good, 1 Timothy 1:8 the law is
spiritual, Romans 7:14 the law is everlasting, Psalm 111:7, 8 the law is
pure, Psalm 19:8 and the law is unchangeable, Matthew 5:18.
Why were the Ten Commandments given? What was Gods main
purpose? Is it the basis of our salvation? Is the law saves? Or only Christ
saves? What is the relationship of Gods law to my salvation? Is it a burden to
keep this law? Why do I need to understand the essence of its existence?
How vital is my keeping of the law? What does it proves to keep it? Why
Christians and Scholars who have claimed they were saved but found
unworthy because theyve not done the will of Gods Father?
The commandments were given because Paul identified them as incharge of leading us to Christ, So the law was put in charge to lead us to
Christ that we might be justified by faith. Galatians 3:24. The law was never
our basis of salvation but its existence is a reminder that we need Jesus
Christ who is the end of the law Romans 10:4 the essence is vital to
understand the end of the law which means without Christ we can never
fulfill or obey the law but with Him we can be obedient to the law. Paul again
declares I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13. In our own strength we can never fulfill the law, whenever
we wanted to fulfill the law without Christ we will falter along the way. To
keep it, it proves our dependency in Christ and it is vital because of its
characteristics. We claim and believed that the only name that a man can be
saved is in Jesus name Acts 4:12, for this reason fellow Christians must need
to understand that Seventh-day Adventists believes that Jesus Christ is our
salvation and obeying the law has a different relationship to our salvation.
Paul declares Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather,
we uphold the law. Romans 3:31, Why do some Christians nullify the law? It
is all because they cant comprehend the place of the law in our Christian
life they base their knowledge and understanding about the idea that we are
under grace and not under the law. Let me clarify this thought, under Gods
grace? Who is Gods grace anyway? Paul and John affirmed that Jesus Christ
is the Grace that was manifested for humanity Titus 2:11 John 1:17, 18. It is
right to say then that we are under Gods grace and wrong to declare that

the law is abolished for Paul he upholds the law. We need to understand then
that it was right to declare that Jesus Christ is the only salvation that I need
to have, and without the law who shows my frailty of sinning I can never
comprehend the importance of Christ Jesus in my life the law can never
saves usChrist can. The relationship of the law to Christian life is vital
because without the law we can never identify sin by its name. Sin is
transgression of the law. As a sinner well need Christ. The Ten
Commandments in sense lead us to Jesus Christ without Him we can never
fulfill the law. This is certainly the reason why his cousin John the Beloved
understands his obedience to the law when he declares This is love for God:
to obey his commands. And his commandments are not burdensome 1 John
5:3, to him obedience to the law is not burdensome because Jesus who is the
end of the law is with him in his obedience.
The second reason why the Ten Commandments were given can be found
in its roots which are the main purpose of the law: Moses said to the people,
Do not be afraid. God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be
with you to keep you from sinning. Exodus 20:20
What kind of test? Jesus said If you loved me keep my commandments.
John 14:15. Its a declaration of dependence on Jesus Christ our
manifestation of our true love is by keeping the commandments. God had
been testing ever since before our existence, our trust, and love for Him. Are
we willing to show our love through obedience in Gods commands? It is not
yet too late to determine our destiny. Today is the day of salvation through
Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. We should never tarry in showing our love to
humanity and our God. Obedience to the law is the fruit of our relationship
with Him. Gods judgment biblically begins with the family of God For it is
time for Gods judgment to begin with the family of God1 Peter 4:17.
Therefore, since it begins with us we should be resilient to obey. Lets show
our credibility by sharing the gospel that we have in Christ Jesus. Let them
understand our duty in the community of Christian believers as well as to
other religions/sect around us.
Another astounding truth according to Paul, he had a clear
understanding about Christ Jesus incarnation including his being part of the
triune God. Therefore he declared that Jesus Christ is the giver of the Ten
Commandments (Hebrews 12:22-26) for Jesus-Christ has an authority of the
law he wrote it with His own fingers when He was still in Godly form on
Mount Sinai. He alone can be dependable in Him there will be certainty of
salvation His righteousness is enough to make me righteous. Since He is the
person in godliness who gave the law to Moses He understands the meaning
being declared by Moses God has come to test you. He came to test each
of us whether you are a Christian believers or nonbelievers. We just hope and
pray that we can pass His test before He will certainly consider us as an
enemies and evildoer. It is my sincere prayers that may the Lord confirm our
name written in His book. Steadily recorded until the end so that salvation in
truest sense can manifest in our lifetime and people can discern our true
obedience to the law. And will never be considered cult for we base our

salvation through Jesus Christ. May we promise by Gods help to keep in our
mind good tidings whenever we have a chance, for tomorrow may never
come and it would be too late for our love ones to understand our faith and

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