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Name: _____________________

Date: ______________________

Advertisement Analysis

Graphic Organizer

Graphic organizer or
outline has been
completed and shows
clear, logical relationships
between all topics and

Graphic organizer or
outline has been
completed and shows
clear, logical relationships
between most topics and

Graphic organizer or
outline has been started
and includes some topics
and subtopics.

Graphic organizer or
outline has not been


Includes ALL of the

I. Ad Background
II. Target Audience
III. Persuasive Technique
IV. Gender Role Analysis
V. What the research says
VI. My Counter Ad

Includes 4-5 of the

I. Ad Background
II. Target Audience
III. Persuasive Technique
IV. Gender Role Analysis
V. What the research says
VI. My Counter Ad

Includes 3 of the
I. Ad Background
II. Target Audience
III. Persuasive Technique
IV. Gender Role Analysis
V. What the research says
VI. My Counter Ad

Includes 2 or less of the

I. Ad Background
II. Target Audience
III. Persuasive Technique
IV. Gender Role Analysis
V. What the research says
VI. My Counter Ad


Information is very
organized with wellconstructed paragraphs
and subheadings. Follows
the format provided.

Information is organized
with well-constructed
paragraphs. Follows the
format provided.

Information is organized,
but paragraphs are not
well-constructed. Follows
some of the format

The information appears to

be disorganized. Does not
follow the format


Successfully uses
suggested internet links to
find information and
navigates within these
sites easily without
assistance. Information is
accurately included in Ad

Usually able to use

suggested internet links to
find information and
navigates within these
sites easily without
assistance. Information is
accurately included in Ad

Occasionally able to use

suggested internet links to
find information and
navigates within these
sites easily without
assistance. Some
information is included in
Ad Analysis.

Needs assistance or
supervision to use
suggested internet links
and/or to navigate within
these sites. Information
from sources was not
included in Ad Analysis.

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