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Water Stories

By Fodor Tania and Chifu



Water is vital
element for life
on our planet.
No plants,
animals or
humans could
live without it .
But do we
realise how
water is? What
can we do to
protect this


There are many places on

earth where there is almost
no water. In deserts it
doesnt rain for years so life
is possible in only few places
which are called oases .
Millions of years ago, when
deserts were savanahs
water from rains was
accummulated in huge
underground basins and now
it comes out under the form
of springs or it is pumped
out by people. So, there is a
lot of vegetation and people
can live there but nobody
knows how long it takes for
the underground water to
run out.

A danger
form of
Even if water is

essential for our life it

can cause a lot of
serious problems.
Due to climate
changes wild weather
affects more and
more peoples lives.
Heavy rains cause
the flooding of towns
and villages due to
deforestation and
many people lose
their possessions
and even their lives.
A solution to their
problem would be to
plant trees replacing
those that were cut.

How can we
protect water?

Water is, as I
mentioned above,
essential to our lives
but we often take it
for granted and over
use it.
We should spare
water by taking
shorter showers ,
using less water
when washing our
clothes or our cars.
At the same time we
should protect rivers
and lakes by keeping
them clean.

How much water is

consumed to get
some products?

Did you know

that ....? A glass of
milk contains 200
liters of water, a
hamburger contains
2400 liters of water,
one egg contains
135 liters of water,
a cup of coffee
contains 140 liters
of water and to
wash a shirt you use
4100 liters of water?

The Water Cycle

Source Water Protection

Thanks for listening

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