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Abdullah bin Ummi-Maktum

A part of people only know that Rasulullah S.A.W has a muadzin

and he is Bilal bin Rabah ra. But not only Bilal who becomes
Rasulullahs Muadzin, there is other name and he is Abdullah bin
Ummi-Maktum. Bilal and Abdullah have special time to do
adzan, Bilal does adzan when time of tahajud and Abdullah does
adzan when time of subuh is coming.
Abdullah bin Ummi-Maktum is a best friend of Rasulullah. He is
a part of as sabiqunal awwalun (the people who first embrace
Moslem) and he is blind. Some people call him Umar or
Amr, and Rasulullah S.A.W changes his name to be Abdullah.
There is story about Abdullah bin Ummi-Maktum when he goes
to Mosque. His foot stumbles the rock until he was fallen down,
but he still goes to mosque. In other day, he meets someone and
the person helps him to go mosque for some days. Abdullah asks
to him about his name because he wants to pray for him, but the
person doesnt want to tell his name. Then Abdullah says that he
will not want to be helped by him again. Finally the person tells
his name, and his name is Iblis. Abdullah is shocked and he asks
to him why do you want to help me?. Iblis answers the question
and he says You remember when your foot stumbles the rock but

you still go to mosque? In fact, Allah S.W.T has forgiven a half

your sins. I dont want if you fall down again then Allah S.W.T
forgive the other of your sins. Accordingly, our business is vain.
Beside of his distinction to be a Rasulullahs muadzin, he is also a
trusted person of Rasulullah S.A.W. When Rasullah S.A.W does
safar to battlefield, Rasulullah S.A.W promotes Abdullah bin
Ummi-Maktum to be temporary mayor of Madinah for 13 times.
Other his distinction is Allah S.W.T becomes witness that
Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum is a person who loves Al-Quran
and As-Sunnah so much. Rasulullah S.A.W has been reproved by
Allah S.W.T because he more concerns to leaders of Quraisy than
Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum who comes to be taught by
Rasulullah S.A.W. Not because Rasulullah S.A.W doesnt respect
to him, but Rasulullah S.A.W hopes benefit if leaders of Quraisy
embrace Moslem. Apparently, it isnt right from the side of Allah
S.W.T and Allah S.W.T guides Rasulullah S.A.W. The Story of
Abdullah bin Ummi-Maktum when he comes to be taught by
Rasulullah S.A.W is immortalized by Al-Quran in Surah Abasa 116.
Abdullah bin Ummi-Maktum passes away as a person who is
syahid death in battlefield against Persias army. His body is

found in battlefield while hugs the flag who is mandated to be

kept by him. Finally the muadzin goes home to Rahmatullah and
passes away as a hero who against the nation of Persia. May Allah
S.W.T accepts his Amals and places us and him into heaven.
Cough: batuk
Tears : robek
Lice: kutu
Where were we : sampai dimana?
Willingness: kemauan
Desire: kemauan
Companion: (best friend)
Inferior: minder
Dawry: mahar

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