Meeting Minutes Cedar Brook Homeowners Association: TH ST TH

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Meeting Minutes

Cedar Brook Homeowners Association

The first quarter meeting of the Cedar Brook Homeowners Association duly called and
held on March, 13 2016 at 12912 Curtis Avenue commencing at 3:00 p.m.
Present were:
Kris Pierce
Barbara Buckles
Luci Foster

Kelsey Lancaster
Lisa Pike
Laura Hora

Corey Hora
Dane Spurgeon
Kim Spurgeon

With the approval of the directors present, HOA President Kris Pierce acted as Chairman
of the meeting and Kelsey Lancaster recorded the minutes.
Treasurer Report:
HOA Treasurer Barbara Buckles handed out the income/expense report and a copy
of the 2016 budget.
Neighborhood Events:
The newsletter with all the events and dates will be sent out via email, as well as
posted on the Cedar Brook HOA Facebook page.
1. Spring Clean Up: The date will be decided upon by Kelsey Lancaster
depending on weather. It will take place on a Saturday morning. The
neighborhood will be notified via multiple avenues.
2. Garage Sale: The garage sale banner will be designed by Kris Pierce and
approved by the board. It will be held May 19th-21st.
3. Block Party: This will be held on June 11th at 6:00 in the roundabout. Meat
and Buns will be provided by the HOA. The idea of a porta potty was brought
up, and price will be looked into.
4. Fourth of July Parade: The board decided to have the neighborhood children
decorate the banner for this as an activity. Paper and markers will be provided
by the HOA. The streets of the parade route will be temporarily blocked by
either cars or neighborhood teenagers for the event. This may count as
volunteer hours for some teenagers who need them.
5. Neighborhood Watch: The momentum for this project will kick back into
gear this Spring. The Board is currently looking for someone willing to
spearhead this project so the current leader can focus on other projects.

Meeting Minutes
Cedar Brook Homeowners Association
Dues Letters:
Dues letters were prepped for sending and taken to the post office.
Open Forum for Residents:
1. The idea of a speed bump near the park was brought up to slow traffic and
keep the children safe. If this is what the majority of the neighborhood wants,
a traffic study would need to be done in order for a speed bump to be placed.
This study would cost money and the board would look into that cost if need
be. The SID board would be in charge of this instead of the HOA board, so the
neighborhood residents would need to bring this up with them. They have open
meetings and we can get the information on the next meeting to anyone who
would like that.
2. A request was sent in for the board to discuss the covenant regarding trash bins
in the front of the residence. A reminder will be sent in the newsletter that the
covenants state Outside trash containers are prohibited unless enclosed in a
full fenced-in area.
3. The idea was brought up to send letters out reminding people to keep their
lawns looking nice. This has been done in the past, and may be revisited this
4. A request was sent in for the board to discuss the possibility of sending out a
summary of all reported crime in the neighborhood if possible. This will be a
job for the neighborhood watch when it gets up and running. In the meantime
residents can go to and check it out there. This
website will be in the newsletter as well.
Upcoming Meeting:
The 2nd quarter board meeting will be held on Sunday June 5th at 3:00.

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