AE383 Lecture Notes 2

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Exenpl betes > | Agents noel ae Z rhe Hadnts | cat S 2u-03. 3018 AE 393 SYSTEM pYMAMICS Syrbem iy on eebly with oe cel of measurable oudpudy thot con be changed Ceonteatied ing ose of inaads « ingal a System }— out pst Exorple | bu ‘ Spee Geer ——3 Exangle : bo Fleyeler my Speed j 4 ude = i Ailuron —>| xe ag Arye Atlee Alia de Tht + > bady bene Still preavre sy heed rake As enpneees if impardent he 1s tha de sedpu ls con meciaped For examgle " beelay bad i” deyeribes a4 person's : * oe ewdpat, bet Mag nok wed Be gael. hey fhe person feel Lefler, Measurable guankties bike femgernfrre, bled presane , bled somprrhion , he ace required help. th. plied. Dynamites: refer de the ggtten are cheng. Example! Coastder on oirerod't choages — the. elevader — deflection _ LE So 4 9 € F Sysher outputs se changing fapad . Sypten Dynamics? is the shed oad E>: inpuds ontputs. Theres 8 ot cast. saad a wader our andes Lowi vealkd. ao abate type 18 on called a shrbrbonee — inped effect worrakley of the ix steeds level Flight IP the pind * outputs of the AMC will. stent changing ort cnpease Hoe change in the of the ceeds Mebwten gays’ 30.99.2013 colein Uedaarn 4 eat gf es cons ebange ib. as we. wish) ther ih is have ; pon babel suerte» inped Hf ies: Example! §, —> ak ov bh (alc 2 “ fa ' Mnespherie ~ candiions —afleck The ndlan of the ALC, as Hy ave taps, But we cannot chaaye them, Uday) ore: dinberbance inputs. Classification of Systems + Stabe and Dynamic Systens ; A sgl ie tard ty be stated tha ould depend ape F(Q te present —apad only's 1 the autpul "depends on preven ond psf : fopat values Then if ts called» dyntimie sytlenn : i 5 Example : ow Ds yede © Gilen equation : DS Ths ie on shee gyitem. . ut) > Splen cqpations fr ace pon abelterer tel equations. ge au Evomple t i 4 . | | if ‘ ofa! ! - be yi) 2 falzpee = Bw v4 : ¢ : i GHA eqeelite 5 SE) Dyanerie! Soler! mel rida Poa | F yl sys + inlegel of 4 fen 0 4 Y initial eoydidion \ Fab teh a a ey za, bet Bet) #9) becase prewionaly applied inpeds are dilbert. So this is a dyeamte — gyrkes- Since. Gor static systems ingad —itsdorgy ig not important » thes ore ale called — memogless ayers 0 DF Spter equations of dyna systems ace LALerendial equations Almod atl mechanical systems are dyanntcs Usvelly or inputs ee have forces and moments aad wwe ust Newton's faus of. madisn’ de anode! such systems. amie com, MM 2m. oR Fe ae ee + Tine Varying oe Tine bavatend — Spafens A ystems fixe in if the dime shih $ ta, the inp ©) igen! results in corresponding int chit in Hae output. We have yds EUG ER Hine Tavarien fo thee yl-D 2 4lleD) You epply an inp bw aystem aad gel an owdpud . Ue pets, fe ant taped Bi the game gsi mt dileen Heng, counes the sent sespoase. , then 4 is. called 4 invariant Lgsten- pad : - Fy is exactly equel “fo y, except that ‘Aas ghidled to the right yan onnuad | Fac the Geek iapul — wa have 5 ' gy. fats) The second inpuk is equal fo the frek tnpat applied 7 seeandys loter ta Fhe cose we can ward. it as ay 4) = uy be-@) wa thee Rane bony { o kek, My = % ba uy also ade fnchion j ° beet { ° b-T ok we T O% Ae = G2) Ue by bet Exomple: Consider 9 minsile in ba osh phase Cahen the engine yi operating ) éW oo Ad ety the wiasile has differen jo Mach jaumbre pati, moment bb caer ee ee i alledude ; ele. compere’ Bo tte \ i i t hl he, séme input! Logplied ot 4a end peopel Gast : f ted Twill be Lidtf teed. vet Foe dive varying gyttens , system equations have Had are explic'} — functions of mes ye du Cilehe dee invariant aysfend ge bu ( shedic Have verging system ) BL sy (dypente me tnvertent) Bs bw (dynamite dine verging) Nn he missile, example, mast becomes a fenction md) em (4-048) Og bE Ts Vege wethe the male equedians using malt? with wefhidends thet — exptiettly — depend Lineer ve Neabinear Sys fens A glee red ob applies, [aol , if as called Ay ~U— Ba a 7 a VE bneor: aut by LIA aye by fr all real and Eeonple: Con an ALC with step elevabsr — tnged : SR de at Ls + Gok atep fac kina. i feo. ve} 0 £42 on +. => hime coetlrctents & at dine: yen get equations vegiy os fear if the superpssctivn principle bk vahets. 10 ue chesse 2 10, phen Or uz uy (H) = 19.10.44). We erpect fhe ovtpat fo be ye 10 ie be le bnear aystem However C] a canmst even apply «109° elwler ce fleclion ps obwtously aicceoff 18 9 gaalineer 20° elevator deflection mez be applied | but Jn mag cause dhe Ad te clot . There fee we shill dhon$ get) He response thal is tees fhe provions —respease This 2 onather rena why airerafll ore nonlinear —gyotemt. In mathemelteat medels br sear gsdems system voriebles andl tosis dime derivatives — gear oben - Ms yds deg cy sue edt ded | UIneer ODE of g) @ a AE tb weg sue ele ede y ¥ Terms tke yt, vt , (as Po sings get pote. mole on equedi poalisecr. F Noslincer ODE — means — ronlinter — gystem. 2. - Far dypamies gystens ; celebiens — befuein Sg ond.) ton, be exprened . 04. 10. 2013 ib. 4 QY erg 4 bf eeendiat , cequedion, GPS Greg a dy ve er highet order devivedive , order of the atten. ‘ In conkal ° systems, we wark with ysfems ett, one indepen dent variable only, which Gs times That means all fhe oud puts piapats ond other —fnfernal —veriables of the system art Lusctions af time only « As a cemlh, oo gysten epeedisns only conden devvedive terms with cetpeck fo dime. Hence, we only work with ordinary — dif fereabin | equations Cope). On many —syttens there ere — more than one independent voriables Cag: Hime ond positon) ond yslerr — egunbions contain pardial —derivalve ders, 2, Bm a Dk oe * Ot” Oe by embats engineering uch — systems ore shucied by using opprowinate Tonped — paremeter — models. Example : 4 —_ ul) i Gi) > Theyt) D> syedon output tenperetore Bhs ot the x postion at £ fine ‘et insdawk » ’ Alnast all corleol. . gyslenc’ there. is. developed for tysteme wile SODE's. Ts be ble use. Wal ue need fo oppronimede the syslems with one indegtaderk variable . oaly's bo veep foes Div — He gystem iat og Latte member af | tlemeste . alory the xe dvedion « : : getei win every clement ft The only Faagenden fyartebh« Tle) opprosinele Varin finn Te? aclae! variodign weeds “x ae This eliminates x on indypendant variablt’ “and. we end up evth (@ smatier —syrtleme Hal con de expressed. ath. OBE 's. This prrcedare con be ogplied > flexible struclwe. prrlenr’, #low problems, ele. — 4 bbb) Lie oul dest) — vig debeekion In exabeals engineering we th the dollowings + Gober ¥ Slabics and Dyacmes coerce GB Flaid mechanics md aemdynamres eovrses Wate the ysler — equalivas : @ aN athens dyenntial load bea frwasler courses ] : Sysken Analysis Conlel Gels : (ar 383) (AL SE, AL GEL, AES, nEsT2) : Syston Aaalysis! for a given input sign and intial candittens we compete the —oudput ofthe. ater: shen le. pl gives 9 Ecample? We compete ow an ALC. thes cecdain —onbal pote. (itn ladion), wee Ta | Contes Syntheses foe given anved oedef od ihe gihie me @ m compete the necessorg | enabel | apa] | te he | gysden i DL we ster! wet —ohaintny a amafhemac uD (Byte) Fg Hhed defines the couse ond effect — reladisn belween we andy + Ned we ux these cquedions for : BEL - Cylons analysis: We compete gl hr ghen sibel condittons . AL = Conteol syathers > We compre what ult) shuald a dened yl) Mathenakes! “Modeling of Physical Syetems Mechanical Systeme Basie elements assed model mechanive! syslems are 5 1 equedisn (or 07. (9. 2013 a sth of os) bapat ult) and be ri dos oblarn 4) toedie) elements: Otjects with masses ond moments of inelies « They sore potential ond bbc enngy. Inertal elements mabe 0 mechanical —igiten bey hr From Newton's 2% fam iol ution’ extern! — forces and on ineclial clemnerts create acceleretion. 2 ie nine de gel on tdaesl” nana see fe oe oo Pomegicim. £Y dt a ' tolaliore) speed. pel pee mgh Ke spew : 4 Lov wer Lite ber G moment of rerdte with repel fo gi of @ moment — opplied @ b) Spring elements: con store potentic! energy. t by » A peng gpplits 9 Bree when SG shape ts cleboemed ‘ j # Compressed spring, force tries te bring Fits nanrthal shape» piswanaiaat oe Extended sprtg , bce doves fe being, to tte ntutenl shape. We aspume Hind gpring Fee is prepertionel bh ite ok lecton. F.key SIE Kis aw comdeal number, Fey reledion becomes Iineer In reahily , aleve assumption —dhesa4 bold at eatrene . defer trons- — shiflening spring (noalinten) orthestay aspereg — Caonlineer) Feely). wo if the pay orsdeak we have 9 gonlincer pong: Danger elensabe 1: dripale..enngy ae Denpes. apply a bicce proper btoval se teachon of deflection thet means ja heats he fom ak Feo. | € © L damper contend IE contdent 9 Iincar —olamper oa ection By ae > male shaper wy Motly seers ore medt of pislens moving 19a chamber filed with viseous — floid. Faster motion ot the picbr creates 2 fasher Pur orovad the piston aod this creates a. ager cesisfive tree. ——D— Ale called chek pots Sintlee ly , tresionsl — apeings and dampers are wed Lor =O. +. bo L Legulie dip hsterent a roletions| — mations ihe vee teed 4 cheaper hegee Brodit mechenicel ystems # = codify neclal elemels ~ delernine fhe Gres ond moments acting on thee —elemende- ~ we Newln’s 2" Ine of olin wrt eden — egundinas. De emG Ube ced leer nalians) Zr 1B. (be. tatalisnal, sokems! ) on mor ast, use, energy and power methods indeed of plewtba's — epielion. Exomple Spring — mats ~. claw prr a mets ny ; yt prsvlion - : Ft exdernl Aree in A : Lo sperag conch in M Im ‘ : e damper const. to ML (nts) We fave one tnerdict. clemet thal can iamve “oling! oe arta only Ths meen we need fo wnile Famen once: We’ need. bo cklernsac the forces « First male tiga conventione far yout enordinabe axes. > Ther assume a certain slate for fhe aystem andl | waite the Loves @ acesrding to thd slede, ' Hee we arene fhoh 5 por gre We cn es see Hho the fhis condition rrees are ar flows: eo m [> F Sie. F- ky- 05 2 my ri Ky =F, gay , GO~ Ge This 3 = second order inter tyneanie systems» 4 r> a) Invecled — perdulym Py Aegth = 4 re 4 A, — Te veonbeol ) Begee ef : Nha ib Thee is just one ayis! of moon, which is! inadndion | araukd. A, represtok (Qo ly coxdinde 0. et 4 bol popes oie ba QImM = Te + my see 2 1.8 1G my hme et , O20, , 69-4 oe wualeeee uedon sk 8 . Ths ty geernd aeder —narlinter dynamic gga ten |G [Hieicberce saps) kT > Ge) 0 Deyrees of Freedom DOF is Hoe number of independent — dinplecements and gate lions tat specify completely the — diplaced se clelormed pasttivn or orientation of dha body or sytem. The systems in the. asf fers exemples rere both — 4- DoF igslene. 92 pe cr} => 2-doF splen, y@O aner. Gevrral motion of an atrerath in 3-0 apace eB DOF ays tem Ctrershtion —almay ney toner and polation — orrend ng, 2 aes =) 24224 -Dor) Se verieble sweep bring ‘osother DOF. Langit dared motion vb gn ‘ovrereff is gq 3 - DOF, system because Keashdion —.olng gt ned elles ard goniny —matiras ace. excladed dadkisaa'l coetion. 08.10.4913 lar it TDF ayshens ¢ Com\ter pendulum att 6 Merle ber By jush Leowing the olan! angle 0 at He cack, we can mt comple Ady spells the shape aad orendation of He perdu Thee ore infinitely mong porbillics for the shape H#. con fave. We need ratinidel mors puartitier completely alefine Hs chee, 09. - DOF. Ditrtbeled —poremeter —agstems (systems thet are gpveraed by poe’) have inllately — moxy DOF lunged parameter —opprorivelion of 4 flexible | bers Vege ie X Tested spel. sord semper svcd ty meade - Hh coereelion between — He dvs rigid clement. Mowe approwimale tha Flerthle ber with tee rigid elements if Lecomes oe — 2-DOF gsm. (QQ Eleckeccal Systems : 4) Rerslee! used de cocleal flow of elecdeverty ing cirruth ont Vik +7 ve 1 Bl Capec'dor + fun condiclive | plate . ‘ Rg Bb accomulale. 24 onc gonducl wb Te yer L pede A, Vv i dé Ww ib plnce : rel gy my ' ‘ t ! F DILL a) constend | queatily: a \eapeelter 4) Voltege Snveee: v Ve OE =a Ts model cleclricel gglens uses = Ohm's lew! Ve ek Ry tases in soins» the eda — * Resistors in. parallel + Be ay be Ces td. Mop BR — Kiehl's daw 6 The sum of cured erterteg ated deaving a rake is wo ~_; 2) ni -G-u-9 nN "The ayebeeie pen of welyes around agg nap bee wre ] Pp VoituiesO 2) Gp Me @ eee . Y > f Iptenr) >t Caer Stabs System Via Cypha) oc sneer Nynimte System ans 21.10. 2013 Brargle + Modeling 0 DC mabe ® Elam These are aed fo model the inductance » aad: reskfonce of — uindlags insde othe motor beqee. - Kiehl's law: V- Ri - lL di -v, 20 de Breck en. vollaye Vee bye wreatedvonal speed of the mabor : When pe apply 9 vellagey current aterds. flowy, whieh erectes es bege Ta Ty acceleretes He pote ht, and as 4 rent 90 v= > F, DC metres can elie be sed ae generates. IE you apply an eter forque th 4 moter and rotate Hy back emt — developed dee do roterk @ : : beeames the oudeuf of the gerbe: T — | Geerabe [> V Externe! T can be ° created by wind, weter tow, ete. Example! VC mohe + used: te rafede Electss mechtotcel — system wn “anne — go bY — Wes Ae Wm Gealeded do gear sabs. ~ Blechicel pods Vo ke = b di de 2h de node ~ Mechenical pat: IM- 1.6, . Li imelie of all meviag. parle Coole gent ondal veel.) wel (moler darque, aerdyrance nome, Frielien in the - gears) lol momenk aching on the eh | 29 IMs Ta-T = rea y" ( Siturbonce) > 8 Cobol Ackndisn — Syston We have dr Leven dial cpedioas coupled tayether , thal a5, 9 the i. equelin and 6 apprors im the Oe equadisn. appears in Example: “ FeO ibs mfr Ogaty -F thet the eadernel force bel sched eyslem analy Sy. assuming opplied ig tera, mg tT Bip Key t He Awial golebion te Whe there's. nx erdermeh — faree, y= is Hh ODE. Mle gel co molion ili we egply aa. intliad > deflection he fhe» gyeten and relense sit : wT : " my bar to; to) yo. a JEG Ty oe gaye EY ~ — bese bpp be jatdaad~ eon gitem wher celtosd Pon womans miltal conch tian con by solving Hee above . homegeneous oil. que Solution depends 2% values of Byam, Ks HE By Fim” Clamping is greater Han 2 cerdain value por there foe amch —domping) gee Ws ech eget L sesponse do inthinl con d'Ntons (Q— since Cy Gale”, beth a, Ga, we nagellve real meen bere This ts dhe generat solatren. The particular sebubion Sr the give Lil.'s can be fond by solving Be ey wand easy wing fonand Ja =e (ag <3) Ml bs mer ye “4 7 Cnt Oy . Whoo GQ: (rays + §.) @ we a ta = 40 as f7w ea or be . et Ie thes giten 1 Be Gm (under camped cave) an imasinagy dre HDs Ot Cegeasbh + Gain bt) 5 where a and b ore: a, 2 Ot 5b MB: boo. danpitg), then a2 9 & The. system oe'lmtes Aoreser ! ~ In sytem — onslysis we alte need sh Lind the reyponse of the ggitex te erleral inputs, This tine et He inchinl —condleons Le ers meget OZ ky mB yl Slatin depends 6 Fas | : : £ . let F de a anh shop Canchlan 5 0. bes malt : rs wo : a poh feb : to by OL : i @ wt, - See Ha f-e H cesponse do external freeing as A9™, y,, wot : eat oc BR < Sone” Af. f- st Bx Shee es 22,19. 2913 Exot _onalytieel oxpressiset thet represent system oda (yD con be obtained «by solving aystem differential equedions:. Noe D> ayshen orp mentored and ‘peearded in en expurinend. Mathenoticn! expression far Hs rtpanse cen be fond Et baw the exec - aytler equedion - The ambylien! approach — becomes impossible fr complex ystems with (Q ocbidenry —— covdral inpebs- Tobey compete programs ‘cnr be used bh anole conpler —syslems. Anothee oppocch ob Fawsloe | ke equedions bb ompl plore tarigh Laplace trans forme tion. Compler Variables Le Sao tj geht Cssceel. eck Fis o-ju Ceongler conjagete) tar (alenss 6 reel number) Complen fanehons! Fan ot conpler variables in genera! have compen values » gO) Creed valued Laredton Sof real variaWe 4) Yl Ye 450% then the —svgearerd of 2 Lncktsn ie a camplen number , valet ot te banchion will im genwel be a empleo aueber. Aatsnal Fonebions: con be wriflen as ray oF has polgnorwel beled © YO) sc Pt Let HBr d CL eonpler palyrreval ponedion) Sl) Le Ceompler. reltanel — fenelren) ses as): 1 te where ge TH jw see £lsed), 1 (ot jw) (oeleje) 4 , Bo. Silyeay TTR) = Ghesthaet 5g ate ale) re AE Cote) (sete ot) A A eG ri Gy ealyhe faredioas? A complir Lonchion is said bh be ovelyhies) if sche Syelie candela tb. calerivabives. east! id. nol ga tafiaily) 2 Feamplest...6()\a.3¢ 2. 464 © eualyli evegwhee iy The finite. 5 plane. Whos ig Exereles Gls) = two” NoT nel ot 52 O and sent Lee aoalyhe cenpwhee eles Ub seo (real number) . t Go) Cea) CY Singtlar pointes Points on thes plane of which the Farcion nat asaly be are called singular potads « Gi): + Gisye os Sin GO) ae 16 ie + OF singular ST he TG — ——> Ne OL, 14. 2913 Algebraic Ey | Fillowny Me red pel de the sesoll it~ mu cesiees. since me con't (Q need te soe br, dleveadinl equabtons FUE) of cel variable £ £1 congler variable L{ew} = fetid < et) J Properkias of Laplace Teansform 1&2) Lnenarty Lhah eb Wy. wf} +e L{Qle} - eel + WAL) DQ 4 fey = S*Fl) = 5% flo) fp) = (0) ee jsttal en dshoas 4) Compler — Shi f king Lf eteuy] - & lsva) Example: fl) = ult) Fis) ot 3 FU = Assis but) Fis). Aw stew KH Dells ia the nodes on Mea online Examples fl) > et ol) We're inbeskd in dhe Le L0, ») alerval. Life tht can be Ge youdin wo ballen oraz. yoblained: by abag the Laplace telegeal Csloua 1 fhe oh) we con ale add org LGW s Lo cod Hla compet abefing properly i b f= sin lw). ul Yang dG intwert - ond campler shit hing property» Fis) = - Spring ~mass - dowpre — ayrbem etleored free —inidiol conditions with my thy r ky +9 1 gllegs _"s -h dt les rbd ew Lgl ean ty) e wstys fo f, Iaear'ly pager ly om (VG) = 5 y0 3 + BV ty) + EYE) 29 The yy.) > £' fo} Mote Saf WU) is camper raltanal tenefion ott tue poles af Soy = SEL oe 2m oes 8 trea 2p. - tht Be mde 1 Response to extemal feeing with ters 1-Cles Linge 8g +kyl e Lftw Ws): —t_—_ . Fe) mse Bs eo ft) eG, yoy -=—te ot meeesek § (EF. Aaate (wt) Yo). —t ~AS met Be stew F We weed te solve for 4 tor chfberend snpats ! Let Gtads —L A, Gla) depends oe yeden properties Imp 8.) roeress end NOT s — inpa't applied , or initial — conditions. ots called he” Transfer fasedin" of the syzlen. Once yor obain Gls), yor con find reaps eng input cinply by Vis) 2 Gls). Fls) Teansher fanedinns — are always rational — finchions br hacer aytlent Q The general fherendial yr dor. 6 near deamte “agafen can be unblen at (ol ted ag + aey) ole ce HG pany s bel) che soon thy Taking £ tenra tym with rem LG's gies: bbe Yee besiec s nibe oy is : * oo Ge St a 4 On anne Towns ber Lancdcon This as, ak then. cate for nonlinear agidemes Ue the. —yslem eyes be: mir Bgeg it by ee a wept bby rey 2 fly) d=) mele BLE Gy] + CVG) = FIs) Liggh # LG Li) F Complex convalulion property of Laplace trans form slades Hat 1f-4] AG) «Aly = + fiieo Bt) dt Pej o convolution operator systems, Laplace transformation... ches mali gie ons algebace a We hit get ae adegecl Cor differen) eq even after yanibr- peabien 1s wathal fr Inene —sgetent lye Transfer nelion iy athe delved he @ Tener ggatens only. Ul) Far exal world physical agetens mon mecca oudoat depends on filuce valves of the inpah Teorsder Lancdien ob tes agen Ges Cat 7/000) de gn alert) ¥ mins] ' & i i ' bt boty it Mew Gapat racleder oudpuh. It con be showe an the block — dingram a follows; Feedback — connec tion et 18.14, 2013 Block Diagram Opera (Asseming lineer blocks) 1 Blocks in series (cascade connections ) GSE Eb yee Eboy Y, = GR G- GG. 6, = G6, .G, Ye GN 2 GG. k Far S1SS systems order of Ye Gyo Gy Ge GR mulliphtnbon — dese matter, = r—alehoy Gear ey VY. 6,.2°F 6. R = (676,).8 3. Bhels a feedback path a on oy y Loa Ww YeTY Ye REY Yor wy =) ¥. Tete) = TRF Tuy yttuy Te CIE TH) LY TR | =) i 1 ep pa Le Using thet three operettans’ coupler ack dtagrens . com. be simplified. o> [EH [EL Lm eS o—feee }>y : \ zi] LEY [ L Hee oe have an aivernft . ennbrlied ey outspilet . We cer Hes ystems by cheng He equivalent ensor fovebon KES - : te econ Respanse af the atecrath * con be charged by charging each — nae of these. bbek ss (1K, 6, 6, HI). cad we. com rtady te effects © af thee changes by stachyin kee edhe peu KO, A ° S oO Teecen . : Cheasng 6, © and requires physical modtfientisas te the aera], The avlepilel — bhek = Kis, uwelly sod fwere cunning ty computer ard very cary do chenge. Ass eorteal cageneers , we design bee K th mabe the etverall — perform —beller. Ceandal aga theets 9) Of covese the autopilot —clesigns haw ds eoastder — physteal — Ninite tions of the atrereHd, Respsnn with ky cy vary Mord, bed yaw ttl large forces aekiere thal sehich meant strong wringt , sheong eying ede Block diagram algebra for simplifications ke * e (a@besy a aT yo mare prelate. pod de He right of a A a [Bp v z (Ek vane peat pail @ | . exefajel de He det 4 9 [- Yo 4 FERS Oy reve senegal de the righ L uy — wo 4 [e/sQo>54y te SOE x moe ety ges Le Lj. te the belt é bt Example + Simply the bethany bleet diagram we connol ust series ond. povallel — cannecdine —prapardies . become of the pielsH on painf, Lich, move..pielell pe “the leds cao ae pe & R—- 7 Gs + Gy y 6 17 6.6.4 We con get the me result. directly by usicg —rigan — bebwern the blocks , Ye GM + 6% = (6, 1G, 6).Y, 6 oS 'e 4 = Ge D%. 6&.le-H&%) (+ 6&GH)% -&.2 => ys te Gy GH > y- (by + 6.65) Gy 14 6,6, 4 “Rk AIC conbol problem with wind dts borboree WCssind, distorbonee ) +b R + O— eee y | em as = Gives AIC respase fo AIC response J pit inputs 25.44. 2013 Moe te anny bow ts anetyse Mtar Hine taveinnd gyifen, Tol st vill eke 5 @ iteh iadesduction te candrol pact. Exemple: Ceuiie cartel problen Fev) Urspeed of the cor Cota t) 4p at ™. fy: propulsive force ofthe engine OO be Gale): road Griebion it apprmeinabed 66 vltons beschisn dem, f, 2 digheeboree — Bece Engine ip aypronimeded by 2 inter stedic models OD: gos pedal porkisn fps He Mes engine constant Newtons. Seed Law: : LF emo = wo de ae 4 foe bee ned Tate Iplace Hrarsfoom wilh 200 16. 's ot Leb detver “step “on Hoe gas pach thad OG) . 0, . oft) Aseume veer 1's oad rere Sy Vis) = wl) = ut) — Z 2t 3 UZ Speed ceaches o sfeady stabe value agymplolienlly « ee oe 0 Gs lel 7. M/B VID © Uy (406) oa) @ 4.2% BLT) 2, (fee) F 0.8 ¥ (32) 5 095 the VOGT) E 0.98 vy DT tas called Hoe tanstenk, swe, gill re 1000 by, Mes 2800 Bs 455M (mls) Fae 84 Ceareeyndy: fe “naan gps. “pedal deflection) 1000 = = 12 ass > 9 dolly nore cad Ahak Jobers aes Now ld’ #bink —cleout the enndral prstlem . Lets say we wert bo drive ot speed af 99 km/h = BS mls. We Sneed de fied “He coereed apt Topat cs Gaelin of ECO) LAE tape be step fonedinn Then the only Hing te need de ind ois the magatdude, OU) Os. ult) 2 25 més (desied speed ay 3 Osby et Woe 2Tewl) 4, : 6 «<¢ i é ou): 2 y, & : ee OF ys te 3 \ ke FR O— wae POO u controller block : i delermincs iagad te He 'ergine Ind ion died speed This cartel strategy fabes fhe gystem of the ested —astpud if the model ot fhe system "ae otcurede and there ace ne external. disturbances. Consider as Gallowing cose: we ak Ke x 42500. bof the veel value is Kegan = 10000 N. Ie controle we we Ke value eno ld ys 25 ahs Ce pg ow Uy 20 mle Ly 2 aS mds ' Reduction in engine per Hrrmance ond ty sant Net consider, the coe whee phell. i ade 4 Be as ngewe Hs road nclinakion — angle (canstert) vas WS ale wl) Me = Koga 2 500 £12 mg sine ould) Vode (Eee Me nny sine L ) : +, Ya E23 nls if sinm = 0,05 In the above control steelegy we defermine the apf fe our syste based en or tolewle tions where we ase the aysten adel we rave. The oudet will be ws expected — uncer deel condidionS.. There will be ax error in the output HE there art 1) Modelig eorort ; ~ error in model porsncder (Cm, 8, ke velees) ~ non tincarshies ignored (we assured road faetion vas given by Bit, but ta really A may be BC). w) T nglected — dynomies Cue. assumed . stebre engi madel Fos Ker ® , buh -in really it my be Fee Hele) 0) » Cymutly eke) 2) Ecfenel oF a her ban $4 the oukput is different then expected ( due fo ubaferer vestsr) , we can taput based s > on hears, eovbel | Hens cige deen. beeen sup dang! eoabe owkpal is belne Wom on latheed be: . By ty OS [emnleler (Ke aYehpyu - I ot Closed-Loop emalval 0 ie updeted bared an We teed the sutgat beck 4, Sem the evter 5 0, Tier wearer 8 0p the bel am. Hence , this eardesl strategy it caf led closed - leap var * teadbac —caetral the simplest canteatlee , hve eg Mnene ‘ 9. he inp it parapar diane! to geror pig ealled yal (Pees! 26.11, 2042 — H Meateet mst 8 Then with aspen (aap Ms ~ oy Ya open Ho Kegs = ake , thes Uy au an The ersse ine aire tly Meck the stendy veler by the sone re bet Meg long. penal 2 aban : Peadalun : 4 : Shoet pendulen ey much Faster dynentes Cotes Hine enns and te — teansber Sanction from ng tye 9 been ‘pend te med Bah eomagh. ® 02,12. 2913 Stability of Egutlthetnm Points : TF Equtltbcion poiaks is a enaditien of ag gythen fwhere, all the ayptem — umeinbles are tra. =) all derwative ferns ere tera. a a rr HO gets on egutltbriym — prind with eneresponding, egw Ennmple: Cruise —conteol , problem mi + Be 24,0 Diving ah 0. contend speed wave aiceleg. Ope nm i pod fp | nat cu ee be ditee!. ot gs eontdank upeed ey ! this ‘mgh input must | bes isepalied: to othe ges pedal. I “t 4 | Every vy valve ison epatlbeiten © point « Simtlacls en ALC in shendy Flight can be constdeved te be in equilibrium. An ie stable if perkerbatient given fo Hat ystems ab the caves He tysten to go back the equilibciom print the syste moves ouey y then if an unstable egeilriam point « (Stable equilbeiom pte) Cuntathe puch pf. ) maple: Pendulans B20 wd 8: Roce boy equi berm. paints t 4 4 OF shelde warfeble F The some system con have rtable ond uasbeble —eguils pla « Systems af unstable eguiliborium —prinds can only be contented ey feedback canto Systems ab anstable gu piste con only be eeadeslled by feedback conbel , Unstecle ALC tend 4 mantaver veg earthy wed vag, ama L didurharces , oF rhe inpeds . Therefore modern. fighter oireratt are _ intentionally j costyne do dovesohmets canada bles Elgbh of epa ddl bas co cThiy en mbes. lhe gos Magoo maneavtreble , bud. tty. need. veg sbilled © piles . or urelteble . aur pilets to fly. Dgrome systems are msdeled ty 1 deE gad t- Ee yl aad Ore wey tected Apne. aysdems ts spp ly Laplace Ararador ms For Mncor Fine tnverient systems, this leo ds de deans er Lachtans and Here ere ery case) deelrntgues for enalysts. and. Synthesis tn. s These “ore called —elassleat conden! methods. They fre only oppbcoele 4 STS into «Mm Iavervend ays teams . Modern — eankee! —nednrds con handle «MEMO gstees thal; cn be noalintsr ond Tor Hime verging directly am teme — domern, using’ — shade space representation» CQ State Sree Representation of Dynamic Systems A shel space representation is mathemedicn! made! of a) system es set of input, oudpat , and state veriables elated by Feet order differential —equadcans « 5 (*) FG a a order LEE tga of yond we ond there derive /tves + Define A new variables 9 frchians of yg, u ke yer, -- yu) new variables defined we mG, cee wd) ® Then, wethe 9 feck order def qa of the ater. venta called stoke variables + Re Alyy. ck ‘ Stale “equations Ya jo wt entetn york, they detvedioe dunk pte pi), > oxtpul ‘ega. 7 The dus models tx) ond CH) re eguivalend yon appracimetions Usually stale wertables ore clsen Le mecuurable — phystee! quantifies, het the tof necessary The sel of © shode — vartables. cs aad i unique, but the wmber af clade vortakies ig) fixed. Uakinttely — mary sete of stede varvebles coy be defined far ery systems ents ore the eda cveclor: The a obimentians! — veedor. whe cs Slate variables, She apace: The 0 dintational space whose caordinate ares cotsd of nq Foe UTE systems, gi erage ee may tba ee baw Sele voriaSles are defined as Irnear combine tons of pce ge eee < ag g xh bas’ thy gt? #4 Gey ee by ey tha ed te t Amey tie we thy Kes heey t cnn the SI by test fata Stale epuokiens ore. Dacor fies sedee dill. epey of t's and we yt ot Bec las . fae an teat cepa i ate een lat Oy tt hag at oh : : ppobeb ok - ‘ : Pt aan By ey ye ene Tt tes ty de Ly geet 8 MIM con be wetbhen in a Me my Get Aen Fa Cn : ds eA we Bu ye Cx ade chee « € B” Un u € 2” y eRe AER lara Re we (§ coe Re dD eR The splen — cgndtgn of gr tay? s any Be puke ysden ah (as ther mbipadin 38) wodety Sa, dyannter oF any utr form sys ben Uneasionel aedeiy gereal with vector Ur P inputs ond gs outputs by ' 4 \ 4, r dip ' uy ' H Me be weet tten 09 with eal elenends ) elements } 03.42.2013 syten tin the form: At beh a tna Stem Me ao idode. variables jn deems Salt Py Evanple: SMB aysben w 1 mgt aye Ky ee sy eye be mst Be tk Ths is entqe , thee ig jul re Tr ye de aed, mee We need dele ey and ty in terme of oy and aadorl — chores, (KK) wag Bt physteal variables me a ae be any dectvalive dems oe y Then we ated 4 write dus state equations (i and dole variables (xy, x.) ond ua. There terms in state — equadiont Ditferendiebe (kx) te gehy de rthe clove equation; im dems of x's mad uw wag spect reptesendodion of this system gies oo We ako need an dowd equation. dust the state equations it should alse be in termy of x ond. aly yee . -licol.e : 4 D290 This 1s not the only state space. form. We can alan wie Key GP caek og physical variable orymare Day byw Minter combination of yond for aky real fond & members « Maz ay by Valid state + delin'fions 0s fang as The maahesee (: ‘] ts tute ble ce Jd weg ty wey is NOT valid becouse, 10} pat taveitle, 5 . too Since there or infinitely mony ehwiete Ber abye,d , thee are anlatte ED creey pruibitilicr for sbabe variable, chetees « thle space (55 Foe a LTT system Here ig jak me THR, bah representations. Transformation fram Sate Space te. TE leXG) 2 AKL) + BULD pos ce At Bate ‘ ye Cerda Ie YG) 46 Xts) > pul) “ chow! t bop tet . BX AKI RU t Li Le (s1-A)x . gu’ : 9 bisa ake hho S Heaths makes nia | 1 ' : Inbndveed de imake! het subdiecdion jpassiblei i | f : \ =) x= (era! eu Ys Cx + dus Celet-ayto+on)u 6G) = C(sT-AY go + D ar . le) Gr Cat te) Gls) is the TR of the system with stale apace welvicts A, 8,6, D. (sT=ay* 2 det Gr-a)", adj (sb-a) Cy adingate malere I~) seal jar quantity , Lanehion of 5s 6). £8 OEAG , 5 deh I-A) dee [1 AD bene the denentnader polynomial in GCs), ako called — the cheracherabic pal + Any vale of os, thet. mates ef Ce, F-A} 2 Os eo pele of Glo}. [6 det (,T-A) 29. | then 3,1 -Ao mush be rank delcrent Coot fall cant). Ther, there mest be a nat vecor ue gueh Mad, (sr-abe. 0 sus Ay Fs, on eyenvolve of A and uw te the corresponding — eigtaeertor . eigenvalue, of A’ ve the . pele, of GL), 09.42. 20¢3 Genera! equation foro. noalinenr Lime verging ays fens : ge Fly, er gh ae ee) 2 of lee, “SS model : afm esr Jin fret wecnghstigedaesupt) 2 Hine varying : agsten. ; «ER Lf gan nonlincee — funchivn of ju bt i if £ . : A Gg at) geht ' i f, Wedd : re I - ed i i : Li : For a paaltncar dine xe # lan) gw) For a then ting varying system: ke Alix + bea go Cex + Odeo Far a Racer fee Fevartnnt stn > woe Ax or Bu @ ge Cx t de Stmtlartty Transformations Consider, ok = Ax + Bu aoe Cx + dw Leb TER be on orbiteny wverdible (= rat Ut) en = det (tT) #0) adele, TT. T ® Dele sn thle vecher Be Tex. Dk Geratiating gives, te CAn + Ga) > TAx+ Thu Sree To overlie, we con wet ee Te a ye The oe Acee dw ory invite fee gon 6 Tae De s Gut die \ : : 4 Aesther CTT gysten with ma beieet | Te br the LTE ayten with shade Os) 2 ¢ GT-Ay'@ +b TF for the system ety odale 6G). CGE-AS BE +d = eT Csr Tat)" t8 +b @ Q.sTT' - Tart = TOst-a) 2 Tlet-ayt Tt T.Gr-ad Tt, b Grease aQ'ta+d 2 eT (ot-ay'T teed = ClsT-ay te ed > 6G) Fe Beth LTE systems th (0,8, 6,2) and (A, 8,0, 05) have the game TE np mater shat Tie, at long ar ts taverbib le, Ane Os lex) = Cee de Arg, 6D such theb Fhe LTT ays tem (#) 9s closely as possible An spsalincor, Lerebion, fle) cba be puttprt sented | by jen of derma thet ort eateulabed. uting the values | of hc usingle pate 1 ‘ i to | (et) appro ninates safle sam deri vedives VE you fase flee), ae a de then yew can fad the value af ak ong we a Gs te +t] Gon s oF . fled flee) a > i SS — Denvatives of fat me, thy are all conch. avn PO) 2 a baer extn oe CoePEicients a; 's ore constants that depead on xe, Togler series mateh Hae original Linedion . evectly 10 you sie intone ely ~~ dems If you bap a Giathe number of terms and agaere the rest, you gtk — on approximation. 16 yew only se the ire hs der yea get 5 attest order pelyasate le FO) = Fla) Ceonetant — fanetion > FO) = nd © BEL Geog = at mo Utah seder appro) de ly fod = faye LH] leew + 2t ben delay do 2 fl) fest order aerlh order approximate —> x - At poials close Veneel <4 wok U musts Nese than and (eu) is evtn smaller Car 8 2, Sa, the Sat order oppee cimalion spprortmetes the — fandion very well around 8 small netghborbosd gh xe We need te Unewrre fled | whieh it veeder Lnchion of tes veecdor — orgements (x ju). Fivst order Tayler Sertea Approximation af eeu} i | flew) 2 flare 26] (eed + afl (ucasy j 7 ee Tuy a4 Ne us, at at, oy Oy oe at, ath =f: | 2 A et ba cashed nen 2% Iau : ‘ ame hs Oe 2 » of th als be ap ath : | = 6 if thee ee] : oe da ‘ : o a Oop Oadpat —eqeadton : Gerad Fog be pad 1 280 ( (xy +2] (are an ae SATO SELL any ~ ey By). fee 2 Tate de the 2 Dn KE Abe) Olam) 3 sia bea djt Cee) + Dhue) The ayeten ie mb bear get he eae constant bene wat, gs 2 ge S2 deur Saperprothon ches ast hold Chose xe ae be be ne gut brtum “point of the geben yp OMe BHU, Then First order © Tegler — sertes expansion of 9 nanlingar system around an epurtbecum point (xy Ue) give a LTD syetens Ad 2 Ade + BAG CBR =e ba ie contd) yo CAx + Dou Note that de ond Au ace the relative values of ond with repel xg od tg ct) the Eight epietions, Fr an aiveratt ot Vy = 100, my dee To Be nt mle and dg sf” mesos: Ahat the jachual ‘speed and fey ft 10.42.2013 le + Pendulum KT Ts corbel —begee LE png haind tbo =7 \y denpiag manent = . Nonlineer due te sin. fermen Fist vide the system in stots space dorms bel ty 2 0) ny 2 Opa We need te wctle 12 stale equations Ke A lea) ee Ale) Wt eka, - bye bee ' met mht The system will be Wrnencred —, but fret mented bo ind we eguilibeium — petnd ° ah at o 1 o 4 Dy, Ome : Ae Pos cnn é voles we ae sca -2, & am i? . Lo mht ° Bz | 4 @ (0 C) Linearae — onsund ~[3] a) A: 66,0 ere te same ess © oat (3 a la Ahts example dhere is just one asalinene term , sin (BY. Small angle assumption gives sinB= B , whieh sneer» This gives dhe tone incor models nO. is the first order Taylor apprartmatian — aroved — 8 = 0 ton) Example : Magnetic suspension (lew VQ): inpt voltage Bi myettic free mg steel Gell wth mast Oukpot : position of the ball Elecdteal part Ve Bie Gpressere at the eel affects be erent fibw Mechantcal part mj Feb (gi) y Ve seder —poabinter — dywamte ystems Chit 3, ofable vores phyrlesl yatnble ) abat. chevee £ a ae Rye bX tame = A lew) % cae } mh try et “4 ( EB can ctineee ferns ‘ Party Find cquilthrtu~ oink . Ta keep the eal Flaating nonzero. walbage should be" opplied » So det Vy be Letum input. 0 Zan s Lega ay ty et clesang a #0) c c z =? «+0 one fea sfe tw 6 on ars “2 -2a whe a t ers ° L A a ° t B= . ah Ant 6 ° “4 aw Xe Ura 16.12, 2013 Response Stabilidy oh Geene Uannte Sysbems * An + Bw Epeilibrivm pont with nm external, input (as 07 kL Ak AR equtlibeiaae a Ke Ay 20 MS Aso ball crane, thar. Above exits (AL sath Shab ALA « Multiply both des 2 above clegn wilh | A fam. bef xe HA a Fah rene there is just one eguitibecan ° ws Oa) ° HA is. not full cask then there enists x. #O Axe +0 A For any KER, KXe alts. an point ie an eguilibctem as well. : Example od 1 I ae eee Fenn epeitibetiom oa ° m 7 any post on x, aris kan gull bevum LTT systems —cheve just one elated epuilibvium point : LTT ystems ue orn simply talk about the stabiltly “of of stability of 20 i > Fist Order Sytters: Sinplest dynemict aats : A spring = damper aydem. withauf mass. : shim fh? i : “e ‘ ; ‘ ~ 2 Fe fonts by 70 u moasless bobs ¥ ~ by) + ky A agaken hawt. foe. dypes de external. ianpub Lo paint , whieh is suck that alang the oxy diveets pent. peiab peed te the. syste, castead Free repose (ylodege #29) 3 Yl 2 Bee bere pole of Y ‘ De Ficrk ceder — palynemtnl , there te push one cat Pate ak Bad arder system az do be real number. Because complies. pales heve be Fa pairs and og ystem fer be of leat secrad order ta hawe ev me ler pale. We reek one scalar quently fe pee the neatiin of pale. Thu cen be th Iaeatian oq reed ate yew Be 1% wae mere usehel qvontity , time content 7 ckfined oy Fathens . te pated Uret 5 eM eo yee al) . 90 (ye) then gt) sheds fxm yo and eanuerges aera Ab ts 7 , gl Bee ye E'S 08% yy €22T, yD 2 ye) 20. 03% y ah GD. converges | de opra I) be <9 leds CIs the pole gets closer pagtlem respenie gets slawor the orige 16 © €0 (5430), -systen — cespenne — diverges to +3) ae GOO = x e| 2,3 go We @e-3 se ot bes gQ)e gee 4 z VE first trder —syshem ae 8 negative pele (pele on the Left hal & one. (LWP) ) , then sgeten response converges fo ner ard tang the gyal fa ao ‘. a ‘3 iy “shale Jf the pale is peaiive [on the RHP), cetponse — diveges He yten ead be “unstable IF the pele us ot thew gh) syed WW 2 ys ul The system stags at its taihel i able we bere the pole of 8 Grek ardor: system) re bore anything : . chy coe ee fi sete abet te dynnmtes p whether ie stable deli cand hows fash i esnverges Toreed ve cpanse ® YO), 2 60); su) yi = le T90, feo > gorse . TD yee eet) eos © le pe te Same corclasin applies heres Peles on the CHP resulls ta emerge responses and the geles sn the RHP revally tn divergent peapanzee A Second Order Systems have bus poles - They con be ath etal, or comple conjugebe pate of dee shaded — 05 cuperpart bien + Tee re Con be Example! 6) = —2— ebb Lb . TOS Gad 2 2 © Gs a : Unik step Cesponee : = (648) 4 CS etcagel If there is tg’ bf Ference jn fine. constnds of the ter poles responce duc Wo the pate with emailer Hine coaster? converges much faite flen the other. The overall response is, dominated ty the pole with the ager me eamatent 17.12,2912 G(s) = 5 ad 7 Sy mG ae aso Gm j (arena) Pee Soke wd To hove purely poles, cxetbicteah of 5 tern shold be aera’ 3 Fee SMD system: oi) = — = ste bs tke ee kis eb @ For mecheniesl syttens purely ten atten with ns danptes So, they a also called Undarrped -gptens + Free sesponse: £20, gle ge 90 = J. given Syphon en iss mg thy 0 OT PY cel son sje edit bYoa, Oe oe . Ys Lido tole = Stet Se Lo matt we Bs geben oe nage 9 ay : 2 ; te ae . ‘ , . , There ts ne Eterm thet FO ge Em, se system onetllad as forever at freqency ine Uy ix the nodural treprency of the ystem - Lacetien of fle poles on fhe axis debernines the dreguency of oseillabions. 4In aaj To seh gence de change kad Jor tn apprapetately , Retpoase te shee inputs Fs fyruH) oy yoo Qe 20 Ak (e kee) Agsin ic theo manne siayeden < tetllates © forever gh fee guenty. Wn j + Respense ts sinusoidal iggts FO) = A. sinew Yu) = i at) = witty onsh with ginning Omplihede emp lade. This phtrsmenon it called "pesenente” , Facing, 2 rgsten nb the amhurnl — Lrequency cannes the ceapanst : even fr vey small by vas - . ex 2 (ulomped 24 order ays 6G): Ahm _ A om ste sek Gr). ben) E Second — seder . polynomials | with real poets, Tae complete. cena pagal huehietse yak Leh yw) = (+ sinwh oh ~t) rats) poy bw ve The ayshen asetlldes at dae requencies 3 rds frequency of the input applied w (6 eee aelelise changes becoe we | need ecponsion differen Hy. aedarel a Irepuenty sy petiel un cemped ds gow ond: freetiga 2h order vsheundedl y 23.12, 2013 heave comele a ee Fre cations . There 16 webs jy raed , then [In ths cour, SH} mat bee root ay wall « fue seclar — guentites ore sufficient da apecily aot tes quendifies can be selected ar Ha cordescan condi nates on the oa plee plane + er een a> follows A Gls) = ———— Fase oy la eerlesior — coordiater Gu) = 1 >t Gras tz scab) (era}ta bh In polar coordinates , i 6G) 2 —— st i Cie 2% 6928 6 te BAZ) (se gers > e105) St Ledges ed i i We delme Fs ere® 0s the damping rahi, then ' 6G) = ——t se dtons +t Relation Gebuees. carbecion, ond polar caordinades pole tecaditons : fon = [Grind ston son PPA aot! defied here tetera yeah t- Sisco (WCFUE CF, Leth goles wre real cond negedive , on the ° leEb bel plane Mo och et | ther P'-1 © 0 . Poles ove By zn Pen Fw de ete ee, Jeary 2S jen J st Le Ltn + lw SEY Fif Octca we have dee conmpler pales on the [eft half plane loco eh ) ww fet (820) doo. reat peter of g, (at ste abs lok) me (e:%2) be parely ioraginey pol at FSH aif CHO (72 <2 68) das comple pales on the RHP 7 (O=x) tes reel paler oh 5g 2 Ma ae dus real poles on the HP , (9 tarnse) corde sf te pales of the a hi, > guy = Le sy nde le) + Free sespmse of 2 donged 2% order _ysten (octet): FU O | yl: O , Glde he. guen. ge lhay euby so LT: SO Y~ sy-g, + 2fa, Ge yd) tery ao sD yee SALE ee Ser uns awd : ovat) cul) re co arent ; yl) se ( Bs -E) nwo + ue Fine. eipendent dependent hank snp tude ovcilletiny deems Oct SA, thin the yttem oscillates ett decaying omplifade. whee wy dee LIFE is called! the danped “pada The aytten oacilleder wilh Frequency wy ewe VIP and amphttede i : jeaginery pad ot the pak . 7 —~ gies Ve Sreguoncy af sgctllalions. : veal port of the poles 3 gives the anplifade change. z IF -fee co, Hed =u, 20, de, the poles ore 2 the : cmplitede of the Mabions grow plibed t Net gre: ‘ ‘ the Fesponses at tes agttens: | will poles given aut Pater of des systens have Hee eae reel part. They beth share Hk tame. amplifade — chenge- agtlens —osetllade - cttin | fhe | seme. envelope. : ty Uy, SP f second... system. cactllales “at ia higher. | Frequency. Exouple: Compare the ves, frequency: But Lf ferent cafes s a2 7 Shep response ok YG): 4 J & ser sf the This dime beth the na An grcler LTT agttem has ligt con be sdaded by fle hehawore systems Hak ecints in the pavdial traction an aytlens system cr pansion, secillete at the Ledyons Feanches yw & ( 1-0" ( fo eye oman) ocillakers became Fresh dig out. ot Heady sted ameter 24.12, 2013 poles ond bebawtor of such. @ of «end, Seeand onder Benavie of LTT getens tk determined by of Me pales on the camplte planes Im Fige Greguersy otillation Y bee lecgueney orcitteds ee ay Re —S fe Slowls, Slowly, fost decay yoning growin sro hde tps teplode Eat the poles of 2 LTT aytdem art, or the open LHP Imegennry exit excluded) then respanses — correrpaading ts all) “poles converge ond dhe ythen cy stable. If Hen ist least ane pale ue, then Hae veagan due fo Haak pale will diverge, ond iy called A gsten oth pales on the aed no poles on Hh RHP vealed — meng ianlly on dhe meginwry ents : ere atl rimple pales (of muthplicthy 1). A cayslen sith a multiple pole on the nes SQ Eek gt ro macginally state 7 — Th 3 6. 7 unstable Gt In designing conbratlers. we fws Condacrentel — goele : abit: Clases cag aga tsen on ehmld | be | sable LAI the.” pated auld ~ be. on tue) , : ‘yy eceplable, | Mdbnslect —cheracherabie a « Loy Catt dae pols “shewld have ecceplable.. | fes.quancy. ® _— gorse: Chit lap aysten shes _aernee . ve aging gharacleraies le teat the allows us fo find There ee orkibeary ardor LTT agslen. Routh - Murwite — Stabiltly Criterion . GG) 2a), deG) ses pate. ten co den ds) + ate This epeatron iy called dhe charachenube — eguatton, Construct the Pallberey beable: s eo a wy First bev ror conn am the, charnedenitte aga a a, 4; o, a, ' book 5 ‘ . Remamins 1209 ore computed ering data from Hee previous tun rues 1 ee 2 hat all the evefhreients of A necessery condition fer dealt) Cara, 2,0.) shoud be non-negative (20). A acgefive caf tietent @ implies thet there, is, af denst ane unstable pale If all. coef hrerents ore nigadive then you mulliply den) wth Lond cardinals 20.12. 2043 Gls) =< aun led GBs Ane Be 46) feewe sop ob abcd ane oS Lee aoe poles sh) Ala) = egenvalues af Ave of ursbable ste Teh eQsh-st so ao (she iP east) 20 es Ay He ak by jusigg | Medal 2 T4006 = AGG + 0986 50,9987 ot the the tee Al) = he + Ts* eed silt oa 4 vitae . i ee ee eee a t 1 . 5 | p= LD e undeCnes ! ° 1 A ters ta the firsh —eolama — crentes a poblen fie He Fills [yon get 8 zee te the Girt hen with a nansers ember bot, replace err with a very small = EO ond — contin ( the teak se] 4 2 3 e [1 2 6 : ele 3 co tne 6 puilhe Ryall U rio L sign ehonges changes ., s9. there ore After . the vastable In ths cere) wea cue te on | dnstead polyasntol Als] from Hee prewiows roe at Fills Als) 2 lst + & Thee reptece the ere row with the coe Pietendy of 44 228s da s 2 ° a . ae tla 2 Alter the nadificelion ue compute the dest wd eh Q] Fb cle eR ne tye changes Bet there ds oh 2 in the dead. fn all aero poe tn owt orray — aecurs in a : Hhree — conses t we have pate of egual randy with opposite signs ra Ru he e wrk the image Ho dhs the care ve get ant sign change inthe ® A) We have ont or mare pairs of purely any pales. Poles wrt the rent otis with cel peed eguel ener I. Eds the reas Lae al] ner row |___, ee ne sgn changes, Ta te bak ealamn Di We have oo 1 ke conshoued Als) 4 as fist grrele ‘and les Al) = she 28-958 - Qos - 12 We can wdhately sey dhe syshen is unstable dag 4+ the rege hve coclbicierds. Ts Find te neater off anstale pales ve ean apply Ha Heol 2 2 2 0 Thee 2, ont caalable pole! sj a. no e292, -2, 3 tf ( & castalole. E : | “12 o . ifr Exanples Ab) othe TS ye 4 eb : : sl aR & . : pls F Ald= brah : el eg b 4 eT 24 ads 2 Zs ds : : 1 + Ns sign. chonges after the madi fection, Tha, flee we fue purely Imaginary pales. Poles we soe 2 od, 72 BT aoe otter the modificabran « “Thes, ceal.. pales — tymmebeve 06. 01, 2014 Transient — Perfarmerce Charackerishies tn. cherecdertties PerBrmace of a system ts. quantified by defining cbr of the ceiponse of Hat © gystem ds step tapu Max. percent overshoot 1 dose =98 yy 400 7, ty: dine breach 90 eof ts repied do rhe fem 10%, OH af, the Finel value ts Aime ceguced for. step rerpraze do deereate ands stay within ES he Sind vale. Perbormance — pegstremeaty de cernrsls | engineer Lis! | given iin deems, ‘of! Hes guaabitios « : Pid Exonple: Max > overshoot << 19% de 6 1 see, ty <0 we ats © 2 see These quontitier ae related fo. the Ioendioss of. the paler at the Ss sybhen Fara second order system Here ore qnaly Hea! — formulas Het refed these quosdities pale locations Cu, RE) + For higher order gystems pu ated de simadote the system and cheek if the requizements ore met Nofe : Reath - Horetle desk has fed ae tn contrater — dettge We can design staltlaing controllers using ib, bud sinew the dest bes nat give evact pole —ocadions wt canal. set. performance of the stem wig Hs det. Example Musile Roll Autapilol Des 4 sgrneditcs] ore only synatbiteel bor . ke pleat aot yl all arent @ AipenaeT pa tssice Roll dyawies of 9 isthe con be simplified by decvpled rll, you, ond pileh — channels ot . iach de 10 - LM wp yp, 9.6 &,--) A pe mead a el “ae dypamtes calag -mamints «f St Saga gieeeens | | Aersdgammie mvirint. ob depends aa + flighh vartadtess cand the. dependmees ort f crrliogne in general We can tnesring LS by cetng dhe Tage “series ppeaneh | ' 1b Po: [bbe | See ns go ety ‘ Fiat we seleeh og tet ee dA OM yay aa eee) such that Lynn = wen write Limes) eb, +2! ap + 2h] ae rt| AM 4 2-H HOT 2e bie ba. dan 39 day *° we Primary factors Secondery faebra thet Dependence of Loon plank dh can be ignored. fe much steonger compared bo other Flight vertatles. Then et can (pees) ew 2 ot . Pein) 6 SE) Gone) ® - “ : whe eps i Ppt beep + bg beh SA Lace 1 sede ode Skat appear in Ineasinabisn of cera dynemte Loads are enlled Trabg Laplace Jrantforn we gtd & ee S$ Fb order TR with ow pile ct he slp Stele 4 et 1 The deivadve ferme ia called stebilldy derivative. For 9 generic mt Oper —Iaop block diagram ofthe ayshew : é sj} tj4} —, Tle A * IE a step atleren apt with 9 mngettnde of 4 rad (59 dy) 3D The missile ceaches 9 steady oll role of 200. deg /s in aloud sees. Supprse tad ve vonh ba canta Ht roll angle such thet B® drmeks desired roll onghe Hy» Difberent —conteal « orchitectures con be used. Ore of then fat Fake (G -6.) - eee This beoen as PO eanbeal U prapardional and derivative) cance the condo! signal 14 propordionel do the ondpul aad. th devivade (p26), Glock Bath be | eas By applying block dingram.. eduction Hechniges mba gh sg L. - fake i Po [Fy Grek) tee rie | ee Hold i Go ebsed loge TR | | hot r oe G, has two poles that depend on Kp and Ky conlroller —parenels ee can zed the elated = bony pales eke : 9 B+ (beokads take Se DP eae wae . where in ond FT represend desired We ee given fhe following | cequirements * Ma fe overshoot 2 LY ley = 0.0403 ty thu example se ignaved «= CAS. In candy CAS be ed de move fhe ailerons according fo auto pilat We opproximele CAS beet archer 7 fe - & : Tat : 8, —ho- 4. a be we . ‘ Smee Ze + Uaeetl e+ Corelyh a ake i Noe Be click = Loop csyshen ins. thed | ope, oct thre 5 piles) , buf we i iy pope | sHill, howe Aue ‘eoalraller © parameters. We chmat. locate! saysten yaoles, arbteacsl @ ogee ithe poles. of i ply eed Kg were designed) ch. facade) — 7.9 Ins cast) Sy 2 ORD (4,229 & ¢,9.2) Pe have. CAS. wtth = T = 004 see Ove fal cs) 6 s,s 7 O8P very Fat stable pale Sag = 71834 EGG - 4 poles, very clrse the poles woud CAS, (0 ce eg ulewer CASK THO see, then | by 2 7 1292 Sug = OSL E 12,297 — unsheble poles ! 09.01. 2014 Aus of a. contraller da perform under external dsdurbences © evens, che is. eaberred te as ith eabvatarss stn thir example CAS couuts a madeling error since we ignored 4 token desigasng — He condaller. Robustness of amr controller fs T can be mk sing Raut . Hurwit dest | 2 be ak, a | beet ake 5 | (rata) 6%) Zale 0 ere 1 1 av, Thee ere ns aga. chenge. TO Vv. GE CAS stable 7. cant be ¢0) BTHt > 1690, system parameder) 20. Gh Kp 2.0 . — seal, term tHe I gst. We beedy ane thal bE 4470. Then, (ae aks J (bt tt 7, Take 7 0 Joo thee kan Aor To thet mates . the! syste unstable, Thea the inepualily — beermes e< - tte ea, OFF sec. a ak gh - akp He TOC | then all ferns ore positive end fhe CL system A stall It FO Cne 5 then the 12 fern te negative , end Here re 2g, changes = 2 ussteble pales | . : Ife con inereese Zane the contratler will! be | mare robust. We can co thel by changing Kp ond Ky a Hf we choose = Kp & Ky such thab bir okyh - ake 190, thea the inequelily , Lecrwes ty - teats ez, Beaks ake we chee a twee bound on Te The system will he ata @, is negative , 22 the system will be stele for 4 T. positive %valucr | The ‘eonbeatler iy to finitely ra Ss chase Kp & Ky cadlaly br akjb - ake 7O ok, bt Ky eribeat Ke and Ky were chosen as kee pe ee + oy BF one chesen veobusd ness oy we oe need. ab Lieg-b 5 web * ae fp oe « 2b eoreesponds 4a a. -cirele i it we ebssse CL ples tek vidivin His tvele the reselling crdotter will be infinitely “robust & %. As alungs we ave faced wth a deade aff. [fF we gerd ptefarmence, eoabeoller will be fess rout TS improve iobwalaccs we need do pick pales within circle, but thet wil degrade performace Calower response)

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