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Lamp County Middle



By Ashley, Olivia, Walt, & Zac

It is our vision to see every student become successful in
middle grades by attaining academic achievement through
the pursuit of exceptional civic and individual responsibility.

Grade Organization
6th, 7th and 8th Grade
4 core teachers per team
528 Students
about 176 students per grade level
approximately 88 students per team
class size: 22 students per class


2 Teams per Grade Level

6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade


1 encore and 1 exploratory a day.

Encores and exploratories work on A Day/B Day schedule.
Encore classes rotate every 9 weeks.
If one signs up for band, then they are there for two 9 weeks.

Advisory- This We Believe

Advocacy is not a singular event or a period in the schedule, it is an attitude of
caring that translates into actions, big and small, when adults respond to the needs
of each young adolescent in their charge.
(AMLE, 2010, 35)
A school that fosters physical and psychological safety strives to build resiliency in
young people by maintaining an environment in which peaceful and safe
interactions are expected and supported by written policies, scheduled professional
development and student-focused activities.
(AMLE, 2010, p. 39)

Advisors Roles
An exceptional advisor should be a LAMP for their
students and light the path to success.


Advisory Topics

Transitioning to High School

Character Traits

Character Building

Transition to Middle School

Social Media Etiquette


Global Awareness

Study Skills

Healthy Relationships


Drug Use/Alcohol Abuse


Support Staff
Principal is a faculty and student
resource that serves as the school
s direction guide
Assistant Principal is a more
intimate resource for students. APs
serve as school moral officer and
they will handle disciplinary
misconduct (ASD, ISS, OSS)

Counselors are academic advisors and
aids in emotional, disciplinary, and
cultural dilemmas. They are available
everyday to students in the Counseling
School Therapist are counseling aids
that deal with more serious issues and
deep rooted dilemmas with students.
They are available at Counselors

Support Staff (contd.)

Aiding Faculty:
Nurse is a resource for students
health needs. The nurse will be
continuously on staff.
Student Resource Officer is an
on staff safety aid that is
employed through the local
Police Department. The SRO will
be on school premises every day
for safety and severe disciplinary

Special Education:
AG Coordinator will structure and
aid in academically gifted
programs and courses.
EC Staff will work with students
who have special needs. They
will condition life-skills and
overview adaptive teaching.
ESL Teacher will work with
secondary English speakers and
aid in their transition to a second

The Curriculum
Core Courses:

Non-core Courses:



-Art Education



-Physical Education

-Band (Two 9 weeks)

-Social Studies



-Language Arts
* Core Courses will align with state standards*

Instructional Strategies

Differentiated Instruction
Reach the needs of all learners where they are in terms of strengths and
weaknesses and allow for accommodations and modifications if needed
Implementation of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
UDL- Creating an educational environment that makes informational material
apprehendable and adequately challenging for ALL students
Active Learning
More than just lectures, get students up and moving through purposeful activities
Student-Based Learning
Teachers allow students to make decisions related to and guide their learning
experiences, includes discussions and research
Use of Technology
iPads, laptops, SmartBoards, and Elmos will be available for students and staff to
use appropriately and in an effective manner

Grouping Practices

Students will be randomly assigned one of the two grade level teams, so
the makeup of these teams will be heterogeneous
One team will consist of four class groups
The four class groups will be divided as follows:
Class 1 - Honors Students
Class 2 - Standard Students
Class 3 - Standard Students
Class 4 - Inclusion (standard students & students with diverse abilities)
The purpose of this division is to help the teacher address students with
similar strengths and weaknesses in the same class

Exceptional Learners
Students with Diverse Abilities:

Life Skills classroom for students with adapted needs

Students with mild/moderate needs will participate in inclusion as appropriate
Special Education and General Education teachers work alongside each other in the classroom
Assistive technology will be provided to those in need and handled by personnel with AT training

English Language Learners:

ESL teacher will support students in the classroom and work closely with them
Translation dictionaries/tools will be given to students to use at school
ESL and General Education teachers will work closely to develop supports and accommodations

Gifted Students:

Opportunity to participate in Odyssey of the Mind

Enrichment activities within the honors courses

Family Involvement

Parents should be instrumental in the education of their children. By

providing guidance, coaching, and support, parents will prepare their
students for academic success and emotional well-being.

Parents are encouraged to attend school open

house and parent-teacher meetings.

Team newsletters will go home with parents

weekly and will cover upcoming lesson topics,
book synopsises, and field trip permission slips.

Community Involvement

Community partners will host Career Days within the school to introduce
students to a myriad of professional paths.

Field trips to local community professionals and universities will be offered

throughout the academic year.

Community-supported after-school programs and fundraisers.

Local service projects to introduce students to responsible citizenship and

benefit community.



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