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Building process applications

Business process management and case management
Getting started with IBM Process Designer
Process Designer interface
Where to edit Process Designer artifacts
Process Designer tips and shortcuts
Concurrent editing
Setting preferences
Creating new process applications
Creating a process application from a WebSphere Business Modeler process
Creating processes in IBM Process Designer
Modeling processes
Creating a business process definition (BPD)
Adding lanes to a BPD
Adding activities to a BPD
Adding events to a BPD
Modeling process execution paths by using sequence flows
Converging and diverging flows
Example gateways
Implementing activities in a BPD
Implementing a BPD activity as a human service
Creating loops for a BPD activity
Configuring a BPD activity for simple loops
Configuring a BPD activity for multi-instance loops
Assigning teams to BPDs and lanes
Assigning teams to BPD activities
Assigning a dynamically retrieved team
Setting up a routing policy (deprecated)
Defining rules with a routing policy (deprecated)
Assigning an activity to an ad hoc list of users (deprecated)
Configuring conditional activities
Implementing a conditional activity
Managing conditional activities by using the JavaScript API
Creating an unstructured (ad hoc) activity
Example: Starting an unstructured (ad hoc) activity (JavaScript API)
Subprocess types
Modeling non-reusable subprocesses
Working with linked processes
Calling a linked process dynamically
Modeling event subprocesses
Creating a user attribute definition
Validating processes
Task types
Creating user interfaces for a BPD
Building services
Service types


Service components
Building a Decision service
Scenario: Creating a Decision service in a Personalized Notification
Adding a Decision service to a process
Implementing an activity using a Decision service
Attaching a Decision service to a decision gateway
Adding a BAL Rule component to a service
Creating rules using the rule editor
Business rule parts and structure
Defining variables in the rule editor
Copying and pasting content in the rule editor
Setting the rule language
Troubleshooting BAL rule editor errors
Adding and modifying Decision service variables
Default rule variables and parameters
Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service
Variable types
Testing a Decision service
Debugging a Decision service
Exception messages in Decision service testing
Scenario: Exporting rules to a Rule Execution Server
Exporting rules for use in Rule Studio
Configuring a remote Decision service
Adding a JRules Decision Service component to a service
Adding a Decision Table component to a service
Authoring rules using JavaScript in a Decision Table component
Decision Table controls
Specifying variable values using JavaScript
BAL reference
Decision service limitations
Building a client-side human service
Building a heritage human service
Building an Ajax service
Building an integration service
Building an advanced integration service
Building a General System service
Modeling events
Event types
Modeling delays, escalations, and timeouts by using timer events
Modeling message events
Using start message events
Using intermediate and boundary message events to receive messages 205
Using intermediate message events and message end events to send
Setting the target for a UCA message event
Using message end events

Enabling users to perform ad hoc actions (deprecated)

Building a sample ad hoc action (deprecated)
Testing a sample ad hoc action (deprecated)
Modeling event gateways
Handling errors using error events
Handling errors in BPDs
Handling errors in services
Error events in models from V7.5.x and earlier
Using Service Component Architecture to interact with processes
Undercover agents
Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a message event
Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a scheduled message
Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a content event
Documenting development artifacts
Linking to external information
Process documentation location links
Using external implementations
Building a custom application to implement an activity
Creating an external implementation
Using an external implementation to implement an activity
Integrating with web services, Java and databases
Creating outbound integrations
Integrating with web services
SOAP headers
Creating implicit SOAP headers for outbound web service integrations
Adding SOAP headers to a SOAP request message
Retrieving SOAP headers from the SOAP response message 263
Adding a web services server
Configuring a Web Service Integration component
Security for Web Service Integration steps
Web service faults
Serialization of objects
Setting up message-level encryption
Troubleshooting web services outbound web service integrations
Considerations when using WSDL with multiple XSD or WSDL imports
Troubleshooting XML schema messages for web service integrations
Calling a Java method in an integration service
Sending attachments using an SMTP server
Using Business Process Manager SQL Integration services
Creating inbound integrations
Building a sample inbound integration
Adding a message event to a BPD
Creating an attached service

Creating an undercover agent

Attaching the undercover agent to the message event
Creating a caller service
Creating an inbound web service
Testing the integration
Creating implicit SOAP headers for inbound web service integrations
Retrieving SOAP headers from an inbound request message
Adding SOAP headers to an outgoing response message
Posting a message to IBM Business Process Manager Event Manager 311
Publishing IBM Business Process Manager web services
Web services compatibility
Verifying that the web service is working
Calling a web service using a SOAP connector
Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases
Adding an IBM Case Manager server
Building the IBM Case Manager Integration service
Building a query for a search case operation
Processing a search case operation result
Data mapping in case operations
Accessing an IBM Case Manager server using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Designing process interactions for business users
Configuring a role-based business user interface
Exposing business process definitions
Exposing the Ad Hoc Reports dashboard
Exposing heritage human services
Enabling resumable services
Globalizing dashboard names
Generating portlets for heritage human services exposed as dashboards
Exposing client-side human services
Making business data available in searches and views
Developing flexible and efficient process applications
Configuring activities for inline completion
Optimizing BPD execution for latency
Automatically starting the user's next task
Defining ad hoc actions (deprecated)
Setting up collaboration features for business users
Enabling Sametime Connect integration
Specifying experts for an activity
Enabling IBM Connections integration
Enabling process instance management
Setting the work schedule for a BPD
Managing time and holiday schedules
Specifying activity due dates
Generating names for process instances

Enabling processes for tracking and reporting

Tracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data
Data tracking considerations
Autotracking performance data
KPIs and SLAs
Creating custom KPIs
Associating KPIs with activities
Creating SLAs
Setting up autotracking
Tracking groups of process variables
Creating a tracking group
Associating process variables to a tracking group
Creating a timing interval
Sending tracking definitions to Performance Data Warehouse
Exposing performance scoreboards
Defining reports (deprecated)
Defining a custom layout (deprecated)
Building cases
Case management overview
Case management concepts
Scenario: Financial services credit card dispute resolution
Scenario: Automobile insurance claims
Designing a case
Opening Case Designer from Process Center
Creating a case type
Configuring how a case is started
Adding a case type variable or property
Adding case type folders
Assigning teams to a case type
Adding a case activity
Setting preconditions
Implementing an activity
Creating a document type
Example document types
Creating case user interfaces
Testing and debugging a case type
Services to support case management applications
The IBM BPM content store
Case artifacts and the IBM BPM content store
Update restrictions for modifying case artifacts
Creating a team
Using services to define dynamic teams
Setting up a team retrieval service
Setting up a team filter service
Defining team managers
Defining Team rules (deprecated)
Business objects and variables


Variable types
Variable scope
Creating business objects
Shared business objects
Business objects, attributes, and variables that are renamed
Business object advanced properties
Declaring and passing variables
How variables are passed
Declaring variables
Mapping input and output data for an activity or step
Declaring variables for a subprocess
Testing declared variables and data mapping
XSD generation pattern for business objects
Using JavaScript in BPDs
Initializing complex variables
Creating exposed process values
Adding an EPV to a BPD or service
Adding an EPV to a report
Setting variables in pre and post assignments
Making business data available in searches and views
Creating user interfaces for business processes
Which artifacts should I use?
User interface concepts
Human services
Coach views
General properties
Configuration properties and configuration options
Positioning options for coach view instances
Visibility properties
HTML attributes
Data binding for coach views
Binding data and configuration options
Boundary events
Event handlers overview
Framework managed versus view managed content for coaches
Advanced items for coach views
Content box
Custom HTML
Heritage artifacts
Difference between heritage human services and client-side human services
Difference between coaches and heritage coaches

Modeling client-side human services

Tools available from the palette for client-side human services
Building a client-side human service
Implementing a BPD task using a client-side human service
Declaring variables
JavaScript API for client-side human service authoring
Calling another service from a client-side human service
Implementing exclusive gateways in client-side human services
Saving the state of a client-side human service during execution
Validating client-side coaches using client-side validation
Validating client-side coaches using server-side validation
Handling errors in client-side human services
Exposing client-side human services
Adding HTML meta tags to client-side human services
Enabling work to be postponed and resumed at run time
Navigation options for after service completion
Running and debugging client-side human services
Running client-side human services
Debugging client-side human services
Troubleshooting errors from running client-side human services
Keyboard accessibility for client-side human services
Adding nodes to client-side human services by using the keyboard
Heritage human service to client-side human service conversion
Building coaches
Validating coaches in heritage human services
Developing reusable coach views
Providing information about coach views
Defining coach view behavior
Improving coach view performance
Adding custom AMD modules
Accessing a child coach view
Configuring the design-time appearance of coach views
Adding variables to coach views
Defining the contents of coach views
Adding bidirectional language support
Setting the visibility of coach views
Calling Ajax services from coach views
Generating URLs of managed assets
Generating a unique ID for a coach view
Tips for debugging coach view lifecycle method inside client-side human services
Tips for debugging coach views in Process Portal
Enabling JavaScript debugging for coaches
Coach and coach view troubleshooting
Responsive settings for coach views
Coach and coach view examples
Example: creating a template
Example: wiring coaches in a human service


Example: creating a tabbed coach

Example: creating a Select control using custom HTML
Example: creating a Dojo button control
Example: creating a jQuery button control
Example: validating a coach in a client-side human service
Example: validating a coach in a heritage human service
Example: creating a coach that calls an Ajax service
Example: creating a coach for tablets and smartphones
Example: showing the label of a complex coach view
Building Heritage Coaches
Adding sections to a Heritage Coach and controlling the layout
Setting column widths in a Heritage Coach
Setting the number of columns in a Heritage Coach
Examples of building services with heritage coaches
Example: building an integration service with a Heritage Coach
Nesting the Integration service and mapping its variables
Building Heritage Coaches to collect input and display output
Building a heritage human service with heritage coaches
Example: Building a heritage human service with coaches
Building an Ajax service with Heritage Coaches
Configuring Heritage Coach controls
Populating a list with static data
Populating a list with dynamic data
Binding a complex data structure to a Table control
Populating a table control using an SQL query
Binding a variable to a custom HTML component
Making an input control a required field
Displaying a control based on the input value of another control
Displaying a control to a specific group
Changing the visibility of a Heritage coach control
Validating user input
Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches
Using pre-defined formats in Heritage Coach Controls
Using characters to apply custom numeric formatting
Adding custom format types
Using formatting with variables
Using formatting with language localization resources
Configuring a Hebrew or Islamic calendar
Aligning buttons in a Heritage Coach
Aligning check boxes and radio buttons in a Heritage Coach
Adding documents and reports to Heritage Coaches
Choosing the type of documents to attach to a Heritage Coach
Attaching IBM Business Process Manager documents to a Heritage Coach
Attaching ECM documents to a Heritage Coach
Embedding documents in a Heritage Coach
Embedding IBM Business Process Manager reports in a Heritage Coach
Customizing Heritage Coaches


How Heritage Coaches work

Adding custom images to a Heritage Coach
Overriding CSS styles for selected controls and fields
Specifying a custom CSS for a Heritage Coach
Specifying an XSL transform override for a Heritage Coach
Setting the length of input text fields
Enhancing interface layout using custom attributes
System services to implement conditional activities
Troubleshooting Heritage Coaches
Localizing process applications
Creating localization resources
Localizing user interfaces
Localizing coach view configuration options
Versioning process applications
Naming conventions
Naming conventions for Process Center server deployments
Naming conventions for Process Server deployments
Enabling document support
Working with IBM BPM documents
The IBM BPM document store
Inbound events for the IBM BPM document store
Inbound events for the IBM BPM content store
The IBM_BPM_Document document type
Creating IBM BPM documents
Updating IBM BPM documents
Working with the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Writing to the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Reading from the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Updating the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Specifying search criteria for the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Working with IBM BPM documents in the Document List coach view
Limitations in working with IBM BPM documents
Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems
Adding an Enterprise Content Management server
Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems
Authentication scenarios
How to use Coach views to store or view documents
Configuring coach views for storing and viewing Enterprise Content
Management documents
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM
document store
Building a query for an Enterprise Content Management search operation
Working with a search result programmatically
Working with document content
Data mapping in Enterprise Content Management operations
Inbound events from Enterprise Content Management systems
Runtime behavior for inbound content events


Performing modeling tasks for inbound events

Subscribing to document and folder events: the end-to-end approach 844
Creating and configuring event subscriptions
Content event types
Creating attached services
Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a content event
Adding a content event to a BPD
The ECMContentEvent business object
Performing administrative tasks for inbound events
Creating an event handler for an Enterprise Content Management system
Using the event handler for FileNet Content Manager
Troubleshooting interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems
Integration considerations for ECM products
IBM FileNet Content Manager
IBM Content Manager
Alfresco Community
Microsoft SharePoint
Accessing the SharePoint CMIS provider from IBM BPM
Testing and debugging process applications
Visualizing process data
Visualize variables
Visualize tag groups
Keyboard shortcuts for data visualization
Running and debugging processes with the Inspector
Managing process instances
Restricting access to debugging for services
Stepping through a process
Debugging a process
Resolving errors
Inspector reference
Authentication during playback to handle changes in user identity
Bidirectional support in IBM Business Process Manager
Applying bidirectional text layout transformation
Contextual support
Troubleshooting Process Designer and Process Center connectivity
Enabling error logging
Troubleshooting Process Designer and Process Center connectivity
Enabling error logging

Building process applications

In IBM Business Process Manager (BPM), process applications are the containers
for business processes and cases that are created in IBM Process Designer.
You can either create process applications in Process Center or export and import
process applications into Process Center. After a process application is created or
imported, it is stored and listed in the Process Center repository. You open process
applications in Process Designer where you can create and edit the business
process definitions (BPDs) or cases within those process applications.
For information about designing high-performing IBM Business Process Manager
solutions, see the following publications:
- For designing processes, see Chapter 5: Design considerations and patterns in
Business Process Management Design Guide: Using IBM Business Process
- For best practices, see Chapter 2: Architecture best practices and Chapter 3:
Development best practices in IBM Business Process Manager V8.5 Performance
Tuning and Best Practices.
- For an overview of critical performance-related information, see IBM Business
Process Manager V8.5 Performance Tuning.
The following high-level diagram illustrates the basic tasks and activities that are
typically associated with building a process application.

- Business process management and case management

Business process management and case management are two approaches to
build a process. The type of business situation you are addressing determines
which approach you use.Case management functions are only available if you
have IBM BPM Advanced with the Basic Case Management feature installed.

- Getting started with IBM Process Designer

Process Designer is an easy-to-use graphics-oriented tool that enables you to
model and implement your business processes and easily demonstrate process
design and functionality during development efforts. This overview describes how
to begin using all of the tools that are available with Process Designer.
- Creating new process applications
When you create a new process application, you provide a name, acronym, and
optional description of the process application.
- Creating a process application from a WebSphere Business Modeler process
You can import business processes from WebSphere Business Modeler to
Process Designer.
- Creating processes in IBM Process Designer
Create processes in Process Designer that represent the processes in your
company. When you run your processes inside Process Designer, you can analyze
and simulate them in order to optimize your business activity.
Building cases
A case is a project that starts and finishes over time to resolve a problem. The
problem can involve a claim or a request or a proposal and be supplemented by
many documents and records relevant to the case. A case usually involves
multiple people from inside and outside of an organization. These people often
have a relationship to each other. For example, a customer with a problem and a
corporate support representative who solves the problem for the customer.
- Creating a team
A team is a group of users that perform similar tasks, and consists of a set of
members and a team of managers. Teams are used to manage the tasks that
users can perform in Process Portal. Because any team can be added as the
manager of another team, you can flexibly define your organization's management
- Business objects and variables
In Process Designer, variables capture the business data that is used by activities
in a business process definition or by steps in services such as integration services
or human services.
- Creating user interfaces for business processes
In IBM Business Process Manager, human services provide the logic and user
interface through which users can view and interact with business processes,
cases, data or process instances.
- Versioning process applications
Versioning provides the ability for the runtime environment to identify snapshots in
the lifecycle of a process application, and to be able to concurrently run multiple
snapshots on a process server.
- Enabling document support
- Testing and debugging process applications
- Globalization
To ensure that applications can be used in multiple geographical locations and
cultures, globalization support is built in through appropriate design and
implementation of systems, software, and procedures. IBM Business Process
Manager provides globalization support for single- and multi-byte character sets
and for bidirectional transformation including contextual support, support for text

layout transformation, and calendar support for Hebrew and Hijri.

- Troubleshooting Process Designer and Process Center connectivity
Resolve problems starting Process Designer, for example during login, by using
various techniques such as correcting invalid connection information or logging
errors that are captured with log4J or java.util.logging.

Business process management and

case management
Business process management and case management are two approaches to build
a process. The type of business situation you are addressing determines which
approach you use.Case management functions are only available if you have IBM
BPM Advanced with the Basic Case Management feature installed.
IBM Business Process Manager provides tools for the approaches to define and
then improve a process: business process management and case management.
Learn the differences so that you can select the best approach for your situation.
Consider two types of situations that a corporation faces. In the first situation, the
corporation wants more customers to use its credit card. In the second situation, the
corporation wants a process to handle calls about credit card billing problems. The
following sections describe the design and implementation you would likely use for
each situation.
- Designs for two types of business situations
- Building and running a business process
- Building and running a case
- Key differences between business process management and case management

Designs for two types of business situations

If you needed to get more customers to use your credit card, you might come up
with the following activities:
1. Define the type of customer you think might benefit from your credit card.
2. Use an application to search a database for potential candidates.
3. Use an application to email the candidates.
4. Review the candidates who responded to assess the effectiveness of the email
and determine patterns in the list of interested customers.
5. Use an application to check the credit rating of the respondents.
6. Use an application to mail the credit cards to candidates with good credit ratings.
The activities are in order and their order follows a predictable and repeatable
process. The process determines the sequence of events. It is a stable process that
likely remains unchanged over many years. A number of the actions can be
automated. In this scenario, a business process would most likely be your
implementation choice.
If you wanted to handle customers with credit card billing problems, you might come
up with the following unordered activities:
- Capture the complaint when someone called or sent an email.
- Get information about the customer.
- Get information about the vendor.
- Collect receipts and invoices to verify the complaint.
- Notify Customer Records if unusual information was found.
- Notify system administrators if the billing system caused problems.
- Notify Vendor Records if unusual information was found.
- Resolve the dispute.

The activities are unordered because the sequence of activities is unpredictable.

The events determine the order in which the activities in the process are followed.
People rather than programs interact to resolve the dispute. External documents are
needed for verification. In this scenario, a case would most likely be your
implementation choice.

Example of building and running a business process

The following business process might get more customers to use the corporation's
credit card. It is a wired process. You can see which activity follows the other. At run
time, the activities drive the events. For example, a worker defines the type of
customer that the worker is looking for and then starts the application to get the
candidates and email the candidates. Then, the worker waits until there is a list of
candidates to review based on the people who responded to the email. Finally, the
worker starts the credit check application. The credit check application is followed by
the application that mails out the credit cards. A worker at run time does not select
the next activity from a set of choices to choose what comes next; the next activity is
predetermined at development time.
The activities are in swimlanes that define the type of activity. The team lane is for
activities that people do and the system lane is for activities that programs do.
Programs automate and complete many activities. To implement these activities
with human services, subprocesses, services, and teams, you use the same set of
tools as you do to implement a case.

Example of building and running a case

The following case might handle credit card billing complaints. The activities are not
wired. No predetermined sequence is set at development time. A worker would likely
start by describing the complaint and finish by resolving the dispute. However,
whether the worker receives the customer information before the vendor information
would likely be determined by what the worker read in the complaint. The
information that is retrieved about the customer would determine whether the worker
would check with the people who handle the customer records. The information that
is retrieved about the vendor would determine whether the worker would check with
the people who handle vendor records. The information that is retrieved about either
the customer or the vendor might lead to investigating the computer billing system
for problems.
The activities are not in a swimlane that determines their type. Although the worker

controls the process at run time, the process is dynamic and influenced by current
events. As in a business process, the required activities must be completed.
However, optional activities do not need to be completed.
People who interact with other people, rather than automated programs, determine
the activities. To verify the complaint, receipts and invoices, which are external
documents independent of the case, must be captured. To implement these
activities with human services, subprocesses, services, and teams, you use the
same set of tools as you do to implement a business process.

Key differences between business process management

and case management
Considering the previous scenarios, the following table summarizes the
characteristics of business process management and case management. Examining
these characteristics, you can select which type of process might best suit your
Table 1. Characteristics of business process management and case management
Business process management
You can define an ordered sequence of
activities that can be completed to solve
a business challenge.
The sequence of activities is stable and
seldom changes; that is, the process is
predicable and repeatable.
The process determines the events. The
first activity determines the first set of
events, which then leads to the next
activity and the next set of events. The
activities are wired to one another, which
determines the sequence.

Case management
You can define an unordered set of
activities that can be completed to solve
a business challenge.
The activities occur in an unpredictable
The events determine the process. As
events occur, a worker selects the
appropriate activity. The resulting
process can vary depending on the
current event and the subsequent
selection by the worker. Activities are not
wired to one another.

The activities are often programmatic. A

repeatable sequence, such as selecting
a set of potential credit card owners from
a database, can be automated.
External documents are not part of the

People primarily determine the activities.

Handling a customer with a billing error is
done by a person who uses judgment to
determine the best resolution of this
particular case.
External documents play a key role. For
example, receipts provide a record for
how the problem that must be resolved

Parent topic:Building process applications

Getting started with IBM Process Designer

Process Designer is an easy-to-use graphics-oriented tool that enables you to
model and implement your business processes and easily demonstrate process
design and functionality during development efforts. This overview describes how to
begin using all of the tools that are available with Process Designer.
For a high-level overview of the components of the Process Designer interface,
watch Getting Started with Process Designer version 8.5.5, available on YouTube
or in the IBM Education Assistant information center. A transcript of the video is
- Process Designer interface
Before you start to build processes with IBM Process Designer, you must
understand the tools that are available in the Process Designer interface.
- Where to edit Process Designer artifacts
Learn where you can edit artifacts in IBM Process Designer.
- Process Designer tips and shortcuts
You can use several features in Process Designer to improve your efficiency.
- Concurrent editing
Multiple users can simultaneously access and change process applications and
library items in IBM Process Designer. When you edit concurrently, you collaborate
with other team members to create the library items that you need for your project.
For example, you can communicate about your ideas and edits with instant
messaging and see the results in the Designer view as they happen.
- Setting preferences
IBM Process Designer provides several settings to control the appearance and
functionality of the editors and interfaces that it includes.
Parent topic:Building process applications

Process Designer interface

Before you start to build processes with IBM Process Designer, you must
understand the tools that are available in the Process Designer interface.
The Process Designer interface provides the tools to model your processes in IBM
BPM. The following image and corresponding table describe the parts of the
Designer view that you interact with when modeling processes and implementing
the steps in those processes.

Table 1. Description of numbered areas on the Designer interface image


Main toolbar


Provides access to the
Designer view and
Inspector. Also provides
access to Process Center
and Optimizer if you open
the Process Designer
desktop editor. The main
toolbar is also where you
go to save all open editors,
take a snapshot, and view
web-based help.
Provides access to the
library items for the current
process application. You
can create and edit library
items, as described in
Managing library items in
the Designer view. Note:
Users who have
administrative access to
the application control
access to process
applications. For more
information, see Managing
access to the Process
Center repository.

Main canvas


Property manager

Parent topic:Getting started with IBM Process Designer

Related information:
Known issues for translated IBM BPM components


Where you can graphically

model and configure your
process and design the
layout of coaches, human
services, and heritage
human services.
Provides BPMN elements
and variables that you can
use to model and configure
your process.
Where you can set
properties and
configuration options for
selected components in
your process.

Where to edit Process Designer artifacts

Learn where you can edit artifacts in IBM Process Designer.
In previous releases, you worked with artifacts in Process Designer on your desktop.
Now, you can work with artifacts that are in the Process Designer web editor and in
the Process Designer desktop editor. For example, to create process applications
that contain business process definitions (BPDs) and client-side human services,
you must use both the desktop editor and the web editor because there are some
Process Designer capabilities that you can access only on the web and some that
you can access only on your desktop.
Multiple users can work simultaneously on the same process applications and
artifacts in the two editors and changes happen automatically and seamlessly.
If you have Process Designer open on your desktop and you are working in the web
editor, you can edit certain artifacts in the desktop editor. When you click the
artifacts in the web editor, they open in the desktop editor so that you can edit them.
You can access the Process Designer web editor in the following ways:
- Open Process Designer desktop editor and then select an artifact that is editable
only on the web, such as a client-side human service, case type, or document
type. Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM
Advanced with the Basic Case Management feature installed.
- Open Process Designer desktop editor, select a coach view, and then right-click
and select Open in > Web Editor.
The following table lists which artifacts you can edit where (indicated with asterisks).
You can edit some artifacts in the desktop editor. You can edit other artifacts in the
web editor. The web editor opens in a web browser from Process Designer.
Table 1. Where you can edit Process Designer artifacts

Editable in the Process

Designer desktop editor

Advanced Integration
Ajax service
business object
case typeNote:Case
management functions are
only available if you have
IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case
Management feature

Editable in the Process

Designer web editor



coach viewNote: To use

responsive features in
coach views, for example
to have the runtime
behavior respond to
different screen size
environments, you must
edit coach views in the
web editor.
client-side human service
decision service
design file
document typeNote:Case
management functions are
only available if you have
IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case
Management feature
event subscription
external implementation
exposed process value
General System service
heritage human service
historical analysis scenario
IBM Case Manager
Integration service
Integration service
key performance indicator
localization resource
process application setting
server file
service-level agreement
simulation analysis
teamNote: To define a
team using a filter or
retrieval service, you need
to edit this artifact in the
Process Designer desktop
timing interval
tracking group
undercover agent
user attribute definition
web file





web service

Parent topic:Getting started with IBM Process Designer


Process Designer

tips and shortcuts

You can use several features in Process Designer to improve your efficiency.
When you start using the Designer interface in Process Designer, there are some
tips and shortcuts to keep in mind.
The following are tips and shortcuts for the Process Designer desktop editor:
- To maximize the space available for the main canvas, you can hide the library by
clicking the toggle at the bottom of the Revision History. You can also hide the
palette by clicking the left margin of the palette. Click the toggle icon and the
palette margin to restore the library and the palette.
- To move from one open library item to another, click the arrow keys or the menu at
the top of the window.
- Unsaved changes have an asterisk next to the item name at the top of the window.
- To create a new library item while you are working in the Designer view, press
- To open an existing library item while you are working in the Designer view, press
- To choose multiple items in a category, press and hold the Ctrl key and then click
each item.
- You can capture your development progress in snapshots as described in
Creating snapshots in the Designer view.
- You can revert to a previous snapshot (version) of a library item as described in
Reverting to a previous version of a library item.
- You can copy the previous snapshot (version) of a library item to your current
project as described in Copying an asset from a snapshot.
- You can add a dependency to a toolkit to use the library items from that toolkit as
described in Creating, changing, and deleting a toolkit dependency in the Designer
- You can see updates that are made by other users as described in Concurrent
- For quick and easy access of particular library items, you can create favorites as
described in Creating favorites.
- To group library items for easy access, follow the instructions in Tagging library
- To create smart folders of library items, follow the instructions in Organizing library
items in smart folders.
- To move or copy library items from one process application to another, follow the
instructions in Copying or moving library items.
- To add and manage external files as part of your IBM BPM project, see
Managing external files.
The following are tips and shortcuts for the Process Designer web editor:
- Click the "Hide the Library" icon at the top left corner of Process Designer to hide
the library.
- To maximize the space available for in the main canvas, you can resize the palette
and the main canvas and you can also hide the property manager by clicking the
arrow below the main canvas.


- To move from one open library item to another, click the arrow keys or the menu at
the top of the window.
- To choose multiple items in a category, press and hold the Ctrl key and then click
each item.
- You can capture your development progress in snapshots as described in
Creating snapshots in the Designer view.
- Unsaved changes have an asterisk next to the item name at the top of the window.
- You can add a dependency to a toolkit to use the library items from that toolkit as
described in Creating, changing, and deleting a toolkit dependency in the Designer
- You can see updates that are made by other users as described in Concurrent
- To tag library items for easy access, follow the instructions in Tagging library items.
- To move or copy library items from one process application to another, follow the
instructions in Copying or moving library items.
- To add and manage external files as part of your IBM BPM project, see Managing
external files.
Parent topic:Getting started with IBM Process Designer


Concurrent editing
Multiple users can simultaneously access and change process applications and
library items in IBM Process Designer. When you edit concurrently, you
collaborate with other team members to create the library items that you need for
your project. For example, you can communicate about your ideas and edits with
instant messaging and see the results in the Designer view as they happen.
Note: Each user must be connected to the same Process Center and each user
must have write access to the process application or toolkit where the library items
are located. When you edit concurrently with other users, ensure that your
connection status is good.
When you are working in the Designer view, you can see when other users are
working in the same process application, as shown in the following screen capture:

You can also see when others are viewing or editing the same library item, as
shown in the following screen capture:

When multiple users work on the same library item, such as a human service, each
user can see the changes when edits are saved. To ensure that all users are aware
which library items are open and what changes are being made, Process Designer
provides the following notifications:
- When another user opens a library item by showing a user icon. You can hover
over the icon to see who that user is.
- When another user is editing a library item by displaying the words Read Only
next to the library item. When a user saves their work, the library item will be
available to edit.
- When another user has saved changes while you are editing a library item by
displaying the words Read Only next to the library item. When you click Save, a
Save conflict message displays to ask you either to save your changes and
override the other user's changes or discard the changes and accept the other
user's changes.
- When multiple users start to edit a library item at the same time, before the Read
Only text appears, by displaying a warning icon and message to suggest to each
user that they either immediately save their changes or discard them.
Parent topic:Getting started with IBM Process Designer


Setting preferences
IBM Process Designer provides several settings to control the appearance and
functionality of the editors and interfaces that it includes.

Process Designer preferences

The following steps describe how to access the preference settings and the
following table describes the options that are available:
1. Select File > Preferences from the main menu.
2. Click the IBM BPM entry to display the available options.
3. Click the option that you want. For example, to set the user name for Blueworks
Live process subscriptions, click the Blueworks Live option.
Table 1. Options for IBM Process Designer preferences
Blueworks Live



Optimizer Settings

Set the Blueworks Live server
URL and email address for
Blueworks Live process
subscriptions.Tip: Changing the
email address or the URL logs
you out of Blueworks Live.
Control the capabilities of the
current user. For example, to
create external activities in IBM
Process Designer, you must
enable IBM BPM Developer
Capability and IBM BPM
Advanced Features.
Control the locale setting for BAL
Set preferences for the
JavaScript editor included in IBM
Process Designer. For example,
you can choose whether to
display JavaScript warnings.
Set options for the Optimizer.
For example, the KPI thresholds
that are used by the
Visualization Modes are the
thresholds from the current
working version of your process
application or toolkit. If you want
to use the KPI thresholds from
the snapshot (version) of your
process application or toolkit that
was most recently run and
tracked, change the Optimizer to
the following preference setting:
Use the KPI threshold values
from the actual version of the
Process App/Toolkit.


Web Browser

Manage the passwords that are

stored when running tasks from
the Inspector.
Select the web browser to use
when web pages are opened
from IBM Process Designer. If
you do not see a particular
external web browser as an
option, click New to add it.

Process Center Console preferences

To set the locale for IBM Process Center Console and Process Designer, access
the Process Center Console by opening your web browser to the following location:
http://[host_name]:[port]/ProcessCenter. Click Preferences in the upper
right corner and choose the language that you want from the list. When you change
the locale, you must exit and then restart IBM Process Designer for the change to
take effect. (When you are accessing Process Center Console from a browser, you
can log out and then log back in for the change to take effect.)
The locale preference that you selected applies to the user who logs in. Each IBM
Business Process Manager interface that is started by the same user in the same
environment uses this preference setting.

Process Designer XML configuration settings

The IBM BPM settings related to Process Designer are transferred through the
network from Process Center to Process Designer as properties of the
AuthoringEnvironmentConfig configuration object every time Process Designer is
launched. These properties affect the connections created between Process
Designer and Process Center. Based on your business requirements, you might
want to change the properties of Process Designer.
For IBM BPM XML configuration settings that are related to Process Designer, see
the following table that contains properties and explains how to set the properties.
The AuthoringEnvironmentConfig object contains the following properties:
Images Prefix

The Images Prefix
endpoint maps to the
scenario key, which
configures the URLs that
are used in the Process
Designer authoring
environment to get images.


Additional Information
Information about using the
scenario keys to configure
the IBM BPM endpoints is
described in the topic
Configuring endpoints to
match your topology.

Portal Prefix

The Portal Prefix endpoint

maps to the
scenario key, which
configures the URLs that
are used in the Process
Designer authoring
environment to reach
Process Portal.
Repository Prefix
The Repository Prefix
endpoint maps to the
X scenario key, which
configures the URLs that
are used in the Process
Designer authoring
environment to reach the
Servlet Prefix
The Servlet Prefix endpoint
maps to the
scenario key, which
configures the URLs that
are used in the Process
Designer. This scenario
must specify an absolute
URL by setting the url
Social Bus WebApp Prefix The Social Bus WebApp
Prefix endpoint maps to
P_PREFIX scenario key,
which configures the URLs
that are used in the
Process Designer
authoring environment to
reach the social bus web
Web API Prefix
The Web API Prefix
endpoint maps to the
scenario key, which
configures the URLs that
are used in the Process
Designer authoring
environment to reach the
web API.


REST Gateway Prefix

The REST Gateway Prefix

endpoint maps to the
_PREFIX scenario key,
which configures the URL
that is used in the Process
Designer authoring
environment to reach the
Process Center REST
Web PD Prefix
The Web PD Prefix
endpoint maps to the
scenario key, which
configures the URL that is
used in the Process
Designer authoring
environment to launch the
web editor.
Webviewer WebApp Prefix The Webviewer WebApp
Prefix specifies the
endpoint of the web
application contained in the
webviewer.war file.The
host and port number of
the URL can be
customized by setting the
IBM BPM virtual host.
The context root of the
URL can be customized by
adding a prefix before the
context root.
BPM Asset Prefix
The BPM Asset Prefix
specifies the endpoint of
the web application
contained in the
bpmasset.war file. The
host and port number of
the URL can be
customized by setting the
IBM BPM virtual host.
The context root of the
URL can be customized by
adding a prefix before the
context root.


Information on setting the

IBM BPM virtual host is
found in the topic
Configuring endpoints to
match your topology.
For information about
setting the context root
prefix, see the topic
BPMConfig command-line

Process Portal Prefix

HTTP Protocol Only

The Process Portal Prefix

specifies the endpoint of
the web application
contained in the processportal.war file. The host
and port number of the
URL can be customized by
setting the IBM BPM virtual
The context root of the
URL can be customized by
adding a prefix before the
context root. For example,
If this attribute is set (which
is the default),
communication between
Process Designer and
Process Center is limited
to using HTTP or HTTPS
protocols instead of RMI
with JMS.
Note that if the attribute is
not set, HTTP or HTTPS
communication still occurs
between some Process
Designer components and
Process Center, but not


Information on setting the


attribute is found in the

topic Configuring the
httpProtocolOnly property
for Process Designer.

Suppress Redirect URL


Specifies whether to
suppress the inclusion of
the user password in the
URLs that Process
Designer opens. For
example, each time you
run a playback in Process
Designer, a new Process
Portal browser session is
opened. Process Designer
then submits the user
credentials, which consist
of the user ID and
password, and the browser
session uses these
credentials to log in. The

Information on setting the

swd attribute is found in the

topic Installing IBM

Process Designer.

swd option stops the

password from being

included in the URL to
improve security. Note:
When you use the
swd option, you only need

Formatting Templates

to log into the browser the

first time that you open a
web editable artifact or run
a playback in Process
Designer. This option only
applies to Process
Designer and can be
turned on and off as
Specifies the predefined
character formats for text
controls or specifies the
creation of additional
formats. The data type is

<formatting-templates merge="replace">
comment="Currency" template="$
template="###,###,###.## "/>
comment="Currency" template="
comment="US phone" template="(###) 0000000"/>
comment="US SSN" template="000-000000"/>


These properties are all

configured using IBM BPM
configuration XML files.
For information about
setting the properties, see
the topic Changing IBM
Process Server properties
in 100Custom.xml.


This property specifies

inspector configuration.
The data type is
InspectorConfig.<authoringenvironment merge="mergeChildren">

Library Event Stream


The data type is



Mime Types

The data type is


environment merge="mergeChildren">
<mime-types merge="replace">
<mime-type type="application/octetstream"/>
<mime-type type="application/pdf"/>
<mime-type type="application/xml"/>
<mime-type type="application/xmldtd"/>
<mime-type type="application/zip"/>
<mime-type type="image/gif"/>
<mime-type type="image/jpeg"/>
<mime-type type="image/png"/>
<mime-type type="text/calendar"/>
<mime-type type="text/css"/>
<mime-type type="text/csv"/>
<mime-type type="text/html"/>
<mime-type type="text/rtf"/>

Repository Broken Ping


Specify an integer value.

The default value is 15000
if the value is set to 0 or a
value is not

Repository Max Wait

During Shutdown

Specify an integer value.

The default value is 3000 if
the value is set to 0 or a
value is not


Repository Ping Delay

Specify an integer value.

The default value is 15000
if the value is set to 0 or a
value is not

<repository-ping-delay merge="replace">

Repository Slow Ping Time Specify an integer value.

The default value is 7500 if
the value is set to 0 or a
value is not

Add Redirect URL


Specifies whether the

credentials are permitted to
be passed in IBM Business
Process Manager URLs.
For example, a service can
be started directly from
IBM Process Designer
without presenting a login
screen. The default value
is true.<authoring-environment

Deploy Snapshot Using


Specifies whether the

Process Center Server
uses HTTPS to deploy
process applications and
toolkits to process servers.
If the property is set to the
default value of true and
all process servers are
secure, then
communication from
Process Center to Process
Server will work with HTTP
Secure (HTTPS) or HTTP
over SSL. However, if you
have a mix of secure and
non-secure servers,
Process Center can only
communicate with Process
Servers that are configured
to work with this mixed
configuration.<authoringenvironment merge="mergeChildren">


Encode Redirect URL


Specifies whether the

credentials that are passed
in an IBM Business
Process Manager URL that
implements redirectlogin.jsp are encoded.
For example, you can
encode credentials in a
URL that is used to start a
service directly from IBM
Process Designer. By
default, this property is set
to true, which specifies
that the credentials passed
in an IBM BPM URL are
encoded. If you change the
setting to false, the URL
is composed with
credentials in plain

Parent topic:Getting started with IBM Process Designer


Creating new process applications

When you create a new process application, you provide a name, acronym, and
optional description of the process application.

About this task

You create new process applications in Process Center. You can access the
Process Center console in the following ways:
- From entering the remote Process Center URL (for example
https://servername:9080/ProcessCenter/login) into a web browser.
- By starting the Process Designer desktop editor.
Tip: If you are creating processes in your process application, use the Process
Designer desktop editor. If you are building cases in your process application, use
the remote Process Center URL.

To create a new process application, complete the following steps:
1. Start the Process Designer desktop editor or enter the remote
Process Center URL into a web browser.
2. In the Process Apps tab, click the Create New Process App option.
3. In the Create New Process App window, enter a name, acronym, and description
of the process application. Ensure that the acronym for the process application is
unique and limited to seven characters. IBM Business Process Manager (BPM)
uses the acronym as an identifier for this process application and the library items
that it contains. For example, when you manipulate the items in the process
application with the IBM BPM JavaScript API, you can use the acronym to specify
the namespace of the items. For example, when you manipulate the items in the
process application with the IBM BPM JavaScript API, you can use the acronym
to specify the namespace of the items. The acronym for the process application
must be unique and limited to 7 characters. IBM BPM uses the acronym as an
identifier for this process application and the library items that it contains. For
example, when you manipulate the items within the process application with the
IBM BPM JavaScript API, you can use the acronym to specify the namespace of
the items.
Providing a description is optional. When you enter a description, you can view it
in the Process Center console by clicking the question mark next to the process
application name.
If you are building cases in the process application, you can
select Allow users to open the process application in the web-based Case
Designer. For more information, see Opening Case Designer from Process
Center.Note:Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM
Advanced with the Basic Case Management feature installed.
5. To create library items in the process application, click the appropriate option:
- Open in Designer
Open in Case DesignerNote:Case management functions
are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with the Basic Case


Management feature installed. You see the Open in Case Designer option only
if you selected the option described in step 4.

What to do next
- To use tracks in this process application, enable the tracks in the Process Center
- You can create toolkits to enable Process Designer users to share library items
across process applications.

Parent topic:Building process applications


Creating a process application from a WebSphere

Business Modeler process
You can import business processes from WebSphere Business Modeler to Process

About this task

You can do this by importing the BPMN models that you exported earlier from
WebSphere Business Modeler BPMN 2.0 file archive (.zip) files. You can import
your models into the IBM Process Center. You can then use the IBM Process
Designer to open the resulting Process App or Toolkit, if you want to see the details
of what was imported or to make changes to the imported models.

To import BPMN models into the IBM Process Center complete the following
1. Start the IBM Process Designer from your Windows desktop or using the URL for
the Process Center in a browser. The first time you start the IBM Process
Designer it opens to the Process Center console.You can trigger the import of the
models in two ways. You can either click Import Process App (on the Process
App tab), or Import Toolkit (on the Toolkit tab). Either of these actions will result
in an import window.
2. Click Import Process App. The Import Process App window displays.
3. Click Browse to select the BPMN 2.0 archive (.zip) file that you exported from
IBM WebSphere Business Modeler and click Next.
4. In the Import Process App window, a name and acronym have been specified
based on information in the file you selected. You can edit the name and acronym
and add a description. If you are using IBM BPM Advanced, you will see radio
buttons that you can use to choose what will be generated for unimplemented
services. Select either Advanced Integration Services or Integration Services
and then click Next. Note: Advanced integration services are only available for
unimplemented services. Integration services are always generated for
implemented services. Both radio buttons display only in IBM BPM Advanced. For
more information, see Building an Integration service and Building an Advanced
Integration service.
A Summary of the import results pane opens containing any generated error,
warning and information messages. A new process application or a toolkit is
created, containing the content from the BPMN 2.0 archive. It will include
integration services if the model contained web service bindings and advanced
integration services if the model contained unimplemented advanced integration
services. All Blueworks Live artifacts will also be integrated with a BPMN import if
Blueworks Live phases and other BPMN 2 extensions were in the model.
A snapshot of the process application is automatically created in the Process
Center, for your use as a baseline, in the future, if necessary.


5. You can filter the messages by clicking Errors or Warnings. Click Save and
specify a location if you want to save the messages. All the messages will be
saved as a text file even if a filter has been applied. Click Close.

What to do next
You have now imported your BPMN models successfully into the Process Center.
The following procedure helps you identify the step-by-step actions you will take
after a successful import. However these steps will vary depending on the contents
of your model and how you intend to make use of these models in the future. If you
had seen warning messages at the end of your import it is likely that you may need
to take some remedial action. Warnings usually indicate an unsupported construct
or invalid input model. For each warning, examine the contents of what was
generated and take additional action as required.
Parent topic:Building process applications

Next Steps after importing BPMN Models

1. Open the Process App or Toolkit that you created
2. Open every single generated artifact and ensure that its contents appear as
3. Replace any of the default generated logic with the intended logic wherever
4. Complete the following steps for each of the following artifact:Services: Enter the
service flow details
A. Human services: Customize the default generated coach
B. Rule services: Enter the rule details
Teams: Specify the team members Processes:
A. Private Variables: Provide default values for any variables that are not
B. XOR and IOR Gateways: Enter the conditional logic
C. Javascript Activities: Enter the javascript logic
D. Adjust the process layout to minimize connection crossing.
5. Check for validation messages and fix them as necessary.


Creating processes in IBM Process Designer

Create processes in Process Designer that represent the processes in your
company. When you run your processes inside Process Designer, you can analyze
and simulate them in order to optimize your business activity.
The following diagram illustrates the main tasks and activities that are associated
with creating processes.

- Modeling processes
A process is the major unit of logic in IBM Business Process Manager (BPM). It is
the container for all components of a business process definition (BPD). Modeling
a good process that matches your requirements is at the core of Process Designer.
- Designing process interactions for business users
After you deploy a business process definition that you have built in Process
Designer to the Process Portal, a business user might interact with it in a number
of ways. The user might be the one to launch the process, or the user might be
assigned individual activities in the process.
- Enabling processes for tracking and reporting
IBM Business Process Manager provides ways to collect and consume process
performance information. To take advantage of this information, you enable to
design your processes to make them trackable.
Parent topic:Building process applications



Modeling processes
A process is the major unit of logic in IBM Business Process Manager (BPM). It is
the container for all components of a business process definition (BPD). Modeling a
good process that matches your requirements is at the core of Process Designer.
Many different individuals from various organizations are involved in developing
processes with IBM BPM. The overriding concern is to ensure that you are building
the best possible solution for meeting the stated goals of your project. To ensure
successful results, team members must work together to capture process
requirements and iteratively develop the model and its implementations, as specified
in the IBM Business Process Manager overview.
- Creating a business process definition (BPD)
To model a process, you must create a business process definition (BPD). A BPD
is a reusable model of a process that defines the common aspects of all runtime
instances of that process model.
- Building services
Use services to implement the activities in a business process definition (BPD).
When a BPD starts and the tasks within it are invoked, services perform the
required functions.
- Modeling events
Events in IBM Business Process Manager can be triggered by a due date passing,
an exception, or a incoming message from an external system. You can add
events to your BPDs that can occur at the beginning, during, or at the end of a
process. Use events to track data, manage errors, and retrieve information about
the execution of your BPDs.
- Documenting development artifacts
As you develop your process application, you might want to capture information
about the artifacts that you are creating. Each artifact in IBM Process Designer has
a documentation field for this purpose. You can enter text or links to external
resources such as web sites or attachments.
- Using external implementations
You can create external implementations for activities that are handled by
applications outside of IBM Business Process Manager. For example, you can
model an activity that is run by a custom Eclipse RCP or Microsoft .NET
- Integrating with web services, Java and databases
You can configure IBM BPM processes to communicate with an external system
to retrieve, update, or insert data. And, external applications can call into IBM BPM
to initiate services. You can manage inbound and outbound communication with
external systems using undercover agents, web services, and integration services.
- Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases
To integrate with IBM Case Manager, you build an integration service and perform
other key steps when you want to integrate a business process developed in IBM
Process Designer with a case management case in IBM Case Manager.
Parent topic:Creating processes in IBM Process Designer



Creating a business process definition (BPD)

To model a process, you must create a business process definition (BPD). A BPD is
a reusable model of a process that defines the common aspects of all runtime
instances of that process model.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Ensure that you have access to a process application in the Process Center

About this task

Process modeling captures the ordered sequence of activities within a process
along with supporting information from end to end. In process modeling, the
business process is framed in a BPD to reflect the activities, the roles that conduct
those activities, conditional branching, and the sequence of the workflow between
the activities.Tip: When you create a BPD, use the Business Process Model and
Notation (BPMN) standards so that everyone who is involved with the process can
interpret and understand the process model. BPMN also compacts your BPD by
using symbols to represent ideas.
Tip: Create BPDs in a process application, not in a toolkit. A BPD in a toolkit can
result in process instances running inside the toolkit. A process instance running in a
toolkit cannot be migrated.
A business process definition needs to include a lane for each system or group of
users who participates in a process. A lane can be a participant lane or a system
lane. However, you can create a BPD that groups the activities of a group and a
system into a single lane if that is your preference.
You can designate any specific person or group to be responsible for the activities in
a participant lane. Each lane that you create is assigned to the All Users group by
default. You can use this default group for running and testing your BPD in the
Inspector. The All Users group includes all users who are members of the
tw_allusers security group, which is a special security group that automatically
includes all users in the system.
A system lane contains activities handled by a specific IBM Process Center system.
Each activity needs an implementation, which defines the activity and sets the
properties for the task. During implementation, a developer creates a service or
writes the JavaScript necessary to complete the activities in a system lane.
For each BPD that you create, you need to declare variables to capture the
business data that is passed from activity to activity in your process.
You can also add events to a BPD. Events in IBM BPM can be triggered by a due
date passing, an exception, or a message arriving. The trigger that you want
determines the type of event you choose to implement.



1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to Processes and select Business Process Definition
from the list and complete the fields in the New Business Process Definition
4. Design your process by dragging BPMN elements from the palette onto the
diagram area.
5. To specify the details for an element, select the element in the diagram and edit
its properties in the Properties view.
- Adding lanes to a BPD
A Business Process Definition (BPD) can include a lane for each system or team
of users who participate in a process. A lane is the container for all the activities to
be carried out by a specific team or by a system.
- Adding activities to a BPD
In a business process definition (BPD), you can include activities that represent
logical work that a specific team or a system completes.
- Adding events to a BPD
When modeling a process, you might want to model events that can occur at the
beginning, during, or at the end of a runtime process (as opposed to activities that
are carried out by participants in the process).
- Modeling process execution paths by using sequence flows
Use sequence flows to connect activities and other modeling constructs to
establish the process flow.
- Converging and diverging flows
Gateways control the divergence and convergence of a sequence flow,
determining branching and merging of the paths that a runtime process or case
instance can take.
- Example gateways
The following samples illustrate how to model several types of gateways.
- Implementing activities in a BPD
Choose the implementation for each activity in your BPD and set the required
- Assigning teams to BPDs and lanes
Assign teams of users that can start activities, and teams that can work on
activities in Process Portal. You can assign a team of instance owners for a BPD,
or you can assign teams for individual activities and lanes.
- Assigning teams to BPD activities
For any activity with a service implementation, you can designate the users who
receive the runtime task by using the Assignments page in the properties for that
- Configuring conditional activities
You can use conditional activities to model steps which are either skipped or
completed during run time based on the values of specific process variables. The
decision to skip or complete a conditional activity can be made by the runtime user
or programmatically, based on scripted rules.
- Creating an unstructured (ad hoc) activity
An ad hoc activity has no input wires and is started as required by knowledge

workers or according to predefined preconditions, rather than by a predefined

process flow. Such activities can be required or optional, and they can be defined
as repeatable or to run at most once. Knowledge workers can start unstructured
activities from the Activities section in the Process Instance details page in Process
- Subprocess types
Subprocess is an option for encapsulating logically related steps within a parent
process. Steps in a subprocess can directly access business objects (variables)
from the parent process. No data mapping is required. However, unlike a linked
process, a subprocess can be accessed and instantiated only from the parent
BPD, and it is not reusable by any other process or subprocess.
- Creating a user attribute definition
You can associate unique capabilities or qualities with one or more users by
creating user attribute definitions.
- Validating processes
Use validation functions to refine process definitions as you build them.
- Task types
Learn more about the task types that are available when modeling with IBM
Process Designer.
- Creating user interfaces for a BPD
Create customized user interfaces that a user sees for the process instance in
Process Portal.
Parent topic:Modeling processes
Related information:
Business process definitions (BPDs)
Modeling events
Declaring and passing variables
Service types


Adding lanes to a BPD

A Business Process Definition (BPD) can include a lane for each system or team of
users who participate in a process. A lane is the container for all the activities to be
carried out by a specific team or by a system.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. Drag a lane from the palette and drop it onto the diagram.
4. In the Properties view, enter a name for the lane.
5. Optional: You can also associate a default team with the lane.When a user task is
added to this lane, the initial assignment for the task is the default lane team. If
you do not specify a default lane team, the default team is All Users.
6. Optional: You can also create a lane as a system lane, indicating that activities
within it are to be completed by an IBM Business Process Manager system. To
make a lane a system lane, select the lane in the diagram then select Is System
Lane in the Properties view. Although you can create a system task in nonsystem lanes, any new tasks in the system lane are created as system tasks by
default. After a system task is created, if you move the task to a non-system lane,
for example a lane associated with a team, it retains a system task type.
7. To reorder lanes with respect to one another, right-click a lane and select Move
Lane Up or Move Lane Down.
8. Click Save in the main toolbar.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Adding activities to a BPD

In a business process definition (BPD), you can include activities that represent
logical work that a specific team or a system completes.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

When you add activities, follow these guidelines:
- Ensure that activities represent logical units of work that are assigned to a
participant of a process.
- Make multiple concurrent workflow steps that are assigned to one responsible role
into one activity or task.
- Use verb-noun statements to label activities, such as Submit job requisition.
- Apply a top-down, left-to-right flow to your BPD so that it is easier to read.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. In the Designer view, click the Diagram tab.
4. Drag an activity from the palette and drop it onto the diagram.
5. In the Properties view, enter a name for the activity.
6. Click Save in the main toolbar.

What to do next
After you add an activity to a BPD, you can change the type by selecting the activity
and choosing the implementation in the properties.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)
Related information:
Implementing activities in a BPD


Adding events to a BPD

When modeling a process, you might want to model events that can occur at the
beginning, during, or at the end of a runtime process (as opposed to activities that
are carried out by participants in the process).

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

An example of an event is a message received from an external system. You can
specify the trigger type of an event and represent the event with a meaningful icon in
your process diagram.
Events in IBM BPM can be triggered by the passing of a due date, an exception, or
the arrival of a message. The trigger determines the type of event that you choose
to implement. For information about available event types and their triggers, see
Modeling events.
You can attach intermediate events (timer, message, and error events) to activities
in your business process definitions (BPDs) to create boundary events or you can
include intermediate events in the process flow by using sequence lines. Other
events must be part of the process flow.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. In the Designer view, click the Diagram tab.
4. Drag the event from the palette. If you want to create a boundary event by
attaching an intermediate event to an activity, drop the event onto the activity
node. To verify the attachment, select the activity. If the outline of the activity
includes the event, the event is attached. By default, attached intermediate events
are Error events.
5. Select the event. In the event properties, click the Implementation option.
6. Select the type of event from the available options.
7. For attached intermediate events, select Interrupt activity if you want the activity
to close when the message is received.
8. In the Trigger section, you can select or create an undercover agent (UCA) to
attach to the event. See the topic in the related tasks section. Each event must be
associated with a UCA. When you run the process, the associated UCA carries
out the required action when the event is triggered.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)
Related information:
Creating an undercover agent



Modeling process execution paths by using

sequence flows
Use sequence flows to connect activities and other modeling constructs to establish
the process flow.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD) in
the Designer view.
3. From the palette, click to select the Sequence Flow tool.
4. In your process diagram, click the first modeling construct (normally the start
event), and then click the construct that follows the start event in the process flow.
The Sequence Flow tool connects the two items.
5. Continue creating sequence flows as needed. If more than one sequence flow
leaves the same modeling construct, the first one you add is the default sequence
flow. Subsequent sequence flows that originate from the same construct are only
followed under certain conditions. To specify the conditions under which a nondefault path is followed:
A. Select the sequence flow in the diagram.
B. In the Behavior section of the Properties view, specify the condition under
which the process execution follows this sequence flow. The default sequence
flow is followed whenever the conditions specified for the non-default flows are
not met. Conditions for all outgoing sequence flows other than the default
sequence flow are required or mandatory.
6. When you are finished establishing the process flow, click the Selection Tool in
the palette or press Esc to switch back to normal selection mode in the process
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Converging and diverging flows

Gateways control the divergence and convergence of a sequence flow, determining
branching and merging of the paths that a runtime process or case instance can

About this task

You can think of inclusive and exclusive gateways as questions that are asked at a
particular point in the flow. The question has a defined set of alternative answers,
which act as gates. The process or case cannot proceed until a valid answer is
provided. You can model questions by using JavaScript conditions, which are
evaluated before the flow is allowed to proceed.Note:Case management functions
are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with the Basic Case Management
feature installed.
You can model the following types of gateways in your process or service flow
Table 1. Types of gateways that can be modeled in process diagrams
Component icon

Gateway type
Parallel (AND)

Inclusive (OR)


Use a parallel, diverging
gateway when you want
the process to follow all
available paths.
Use a parallel, converging
gateway when you want to
converge all available
Use inclusive, diverging
gateway when you want to
follow one or more
available paths based on
conditions that you specify.
Use downstream of an
inclusive diverging
gateway to converge
multiple paths into a single
path after all the active
paths completed their
runtime execution. The
inclusive join looks
upstream at each path to
determine whether the
path is active, in which
case it waits. Otherwise, it
passes the token through
without waiting.

Exclusive (XOR)


Use to model a point in the

process or service flow
execution where only one
of several paths can be
followed, depending on a
condition, or to model a
point in process execution
when the token for one of
several incoming paths is
passed through the
gateway. Note: The
exclusive gateways are the
only gateways that can be
implemented in human
services. For more
information, see
Implementing exclusive
gateways in client-side
human services.
Use to model a point in the
process execution where
only one of several paths
can be followed,
depending on events that
occur. A specific event,
such as the receipt of a
message or timer event,
determines the path to be
taken. An event gateway
must be modeled a certain
way as described in
Modeling event gateways.

Restriction: In human services, support for gateway implementation is provided for

exclusive gateways only.
Be aware of the following when using gateways:
- After you drag a gateway from the palette to your diagram, you can choose any of
the available gateway types.
- When you model inclusive and exclusive gateways, if all conditions evaluate to
false, the process follows the default sequence flow. The default sequence flow is
the first sequence flow that you create from the gateway to a following activity, but
you can change the default sequence flow at any time, as described in the
following procedure.
For more information about implementing inclusive and exclusive gateways, see
Example gateways.
To add gateways to a process or human service diagram:

1. Drag a gateway from the palette onto the diagram.


2. In the box that displays over the gateway, type a name for the gateway.
3. Create the necessary sequence flow to and from the gateway. The default
sequence flow is the first sequence that you create from the gateway to a
following activity. For a gateway, you can change the default flow by reordering
the sequence flow in the implementation properties.
4. Click the gateway in the diagram, and then click the General option in the
5. In the Behavior section of the general properties, click the list and select a
gateway type. The other fields described in the following table are optional:Table
2. Optional fields in the Behavior section of the general properties
Name visible

Presentation Icon

Gateway Type

Displays the name that you provide for
the gateway in the diagram. Clear this
check box if you do not want the name
displayed in the diagram.
If you want to use an icon other than the
default provided by IBM Business
Process Manager, provide the path
name for the image that you want to
use. This option is not applicable to
exclusive gateways that are
implemented in human services.
Enter a description of the gateway.
Ensure that the type of gateway you
want to implement is selected from the
list. The preceding table describes the
types of gateways available. This option
is not applicable to exclusive gateways
that are implemented in human

6. Configure the implementation for the gateway.

A. For inclusive and exclusive gateways, click the Implementation tab. For each
outgoing sequence line, a condition (in JavaScript) is required that controls
whether the path is followed. (For more information about the types of
conditions that you can define, see Example gateways.) Ensure that the
sequence flow shown as the Default Line is the one that you want the
process or service flow to follow if all conditions evaluate to false. If not,
reorder the lines until the one that you want is designated the default. Note: A
default sequence flow does not have a condition.
B. For event gateways, see Modeling event gateways.
7. Click Save in the main toolbar.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Example gateways
The following samples illustrate how to model several types of gateways.
When modeling processes or case instances in IBM Business Process Manager,
you have several options for implementing gateways. See Converging and diverging
flows to understand the available options and to see a sample implementation of a
parallel gateway. Review the following samples to learn more about exclusive and
inclusive gateways.
- To implement an exclusive and inclusive gateway in a business process definition
(BPD), you must declare variables for that BPD, as described in Declaring and
passing variables.
- To implement an exclusive gateway in a client-side human service, you must
specify the JavaScript conditions that determine the path to be followed by the
service flow, as described in Implementing exclusive gateways in client-side
human services.Restriction: Support for gateway implementation in human
services is provided for exclusive gateways only.
Note: If you want complex expressions to be used in gateway definitions, you can
enable an advanced editing feature in your preferences so that complex expressions
can be entered and customized. The default preference settings do not have the
advanced editing feature enabled. To enable the advanced editing feature, click File
> Preferences, expand IBM BPM > Capabilities > IBM BPM Advanced Features,
and then select Advanced Editors.

Sample exclusive gateways

Use an exclusive gateway in a BPD or in a human service when you model a point
in the flow in which only one of several paths can be followed. JavaScript conditions
that you define for the sequence flows that emerge from the gateway determine
which path is to be followed by the flow.
In the Implementation properties, decisions are evaluated from top to bottom. The
flow follows the first condition that evaluates to true. If all conditions evaluate to
false, the flow follows the default sequence flow, which does not have a condition.
- Sample exclusive gateway in a BPD
- For example, you might have two exclusive gateways in a BPD diagram.Note:
You can access the HR Open New Position BPD in the Hiring Sample process
application or see Hiring Sample tutorial: Add event gateways and Hiring
tutorial: Implement gateways in the Hiring tutorial section.
In the sample and tutorial, the first gateway, named Need GM Approval?,
determines which path to follow based on whether the submitted job requisition
requires approval. To see how this works, click the gateway in the BPD diagram
and then click the Implementation option in the properties. The approval
options are then shown under the Decisions section.


Remember: To enable the advanced editing feature in your preferences, click

File > Preferences, expand IBM BPM > Capabilities > IBM BPM Advanced
Features, and then select Advanced Editors.

The Approval required path is followed to the Approve/reject

requisition activity only when the
tw.local.currentPosition.positionType variable is equal to "New". This
logic ensures that those requisitions from Hiring Managers for new headcount
are approved by General Managers before HR processing. If a position is not
new, the process follows the default path to the Find job candidates activity.
Notice in the BPD diagram that the default path is marked with a forward slash
The second gateway, named GM Approved?, determines which path to follow
based on whether a new position is approved. To see how this works, click the
GM Approved? gateway in the BPD diagram to select it, and then click the
Implementation option in the properties. The approval information is then
shown under the Decisions section.
The Approved --> proceed to HR path is followed to the Find job
candidates activity only when the tw.local.requisition.gmApproval
variable is equal to "Approved". This logic ensures that those requisitions that
require approval are approved before HR processing. If a requisition is not
approved, the process follows the default path (Rejected path) to the Notify
hiring manager activity.
- Sample exclusive gateway in a human service
- The following example shows the implementation of an exclusive gateway in a
human service. To model the exclusive gateway in the service flow, JavaScript
conditions that evaluate to true or false are defined in the implementation

properties of the gateway, under Decisions. A default sequence path is also

specified in the Default Flow list, with no JavaScript condition associated with
it. The flow follows the first condition that evaluates to true or, if all conditions
evaluate to false, it follows the default sequence path.

The default sequence path is selected in the Default Flow list, and is followed
to the Coach1 activity. Note that the default path is marked with a forward slash
(/) sign in the diagram. The sequence flow to Coach2 evaluates to false.

Sample inclusive gateway

Use an inclusive gateway in a BPD when you need to split or diverge the process
along more than one path, and you want to follow one or more available paths
based on conditions that you establish.
Note: Inclusive gateways can follow a maximum of n-1 paths. So, if you model a
conditional split with three paths, the process can follow two of those paths.
Restriction: Support for implementing inclusive gateways in human services is not
For example, suppose that you want to model a process where the steps are
different based on whether the customer type is new or existing. For new customers,
you want activities 1 and 2 to be completed. For existing customers, only activity 3 is
needed. You can use an inclusive gateway (split) for this type of process so that two
activities are set for new customers and a third activity is set for existing customers.


With exclusive gateways, only one available path is followed from the gateway. With
inclusive gateways or splits like the one described in the preceding example, one or
more paths from the gateway can be followed. The inclusive split gateway in the
preceding example determines the path or paths to follow based on the type of
customer that is processed. The conditions for this split are configured in the
implementation properties for the gateway as follows:
- If the value of the tw.local.customerType variable is "New", the path to activity 1
is followed.
- If the value of the tw.local.customerType variable is "New", the path to activity 2
is also followed.
- If none of the preceding conditions evaluate to true, the path to activity 3 is
Using this logic, you are able to run two separate activities for new customers and a
different activity when the customer is an existing one.

Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Implementing activities in a BPD

Choose the implementation for each activity in your BPD and set the required

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The following table lists the options available when you choose the implementation
for an activity and provides a link to detailed information and procedures. To learn
more about the types of tasks that are available, see Task types.Table 1.
Implementation options available for activities in process diagrams
Implementation option
User Task

System Task

Select this option if an
activity is to be started or
completed by a user
(human performer). For
example, if an activity
requires that managers
enter employee data,
choose User Task and
select or create a clientside human service or a
heritage human service to
implement the task.
Select this option if an
activity is to be completed
by an automated system or
service. For example, if an
activity requires integration
with an external system,
such as a database,
choose System Task and
select or create an
Integration service to
implement the task.


Building a client-side
human serviceBuilding a
heritage human service

Service types

Decision Task



Linked Process

Select this option when

you want a decision or
condition in a business rule
to determine which
process implementation is
started. For example, if you
want Process Designer to
implement an activity when
a condition evaluates to
true, choose Decision
Task and select or create
a decision service to
implement the task.
Choose this option if you
plan to create a script to
implement an activity. A
Script activity runs a
Java script.
Use this option to
encapsulate logically
related steps within a
parent process. Steps in a
subprocess can directly
access business objects
(variables) from the parent
process. No data mapping
is required. However,
unlike a linked process, a
subprocess can be
accessed and instantiated
only from the parent BPD,
and it is not reusable by
any other process or
subprocess. Therefore,
use a subprocess for those
implementations that are
limited to a single business
process definition (BPD).
You can implement an
activity by using a linked
process. Linked processes
encapsulate logically
related steps within a
process while retaining the
high-level view of the
parent process. Linked
processes differ from
subprocesses because
they can be accessed and
instantiated from
processes other than a
single parent process.


Service types

Using JavaScript variables

and objects inside Process
Subprocess types

Working with linked


Event Subprocess


Use this specialized

Modeling event
subprocess to model
event-handling logic for a
process or subprocess. It
is triggered upon
occurrence of a configured
start event, and it is not
connected to other steps
through a sequence flow. It
has access to the business
objects (variables) of its
parent process, and can
encapsulate steps that use
those variables. When
triggered, an event
subprocess can either
interrupt the execution of
its parent or can run in
Select this option if you are
not ready to associate an
implementation. Use this
option to create a
temporary placeholder
activity in your process
diagram until an
implementation is
available. If you run a
process that includes an
activity with this option
selected, the task
completes immediately
after it starts.

Tip: To learn how to make an activity conditional, see "Configuring conditional


When the implementation that you want to use is created, such as a service,
complete the following steps to select it:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. Select the activity that you want to use in the BPD diagram, and then go to the
Implementation properties.
4. Under Implementation, select an option from the displayed list. For example,
choose User Task if the implementation for the current activity is a human
service with a coach. (The preceding table describes each available option.) Tip:
To implement the task as either a client-side human service or a heritage human
service, see Implementing a BPD activity as a human service.


5. Click Select to choose the implementation from the library. If the implementation
does not yet exist, click New to create it. (The previous table provides instructions
for creating implementations.) If you choose System Task for your
implementation option, you must specify extra properties, as outlined in the
following steps.
6. (System Tasks only) Select Delete task on completion if you want to run an
automated service that does not require routing. When you select this check box,
audit data for the task is not retained by the Process Server. By default, this
option is disabled.
7. (User Tasks only) In the Task Header section, specify the following properties:
Table 2. Properties in the Task Header section
Clean State



Select to clear the runtime execution
state of an activity after it is complete.
By default, this option is disabled.
Enable this option only when you do not
want to store execution data (such as
variable values) for viewing after the
process finished execution.
Type a descriptive subject for the task
that is generated in IBM Process Portal
when you run the BPD. You can also
use the IBM BPM embedded JavaScript
syntax (for example,
<#=tw.local.mySubject#>) to express
the subject.
Type an optional description. You can
also use the IBM BPM embedded
JavaScript syntax to express the
narrative. Restriction: Do not use
JavaScript variable references in task
narratives if you need the data to be
available after the task completes.
When a task is complete, IBM BPM
removes the data for completed tasks to
conserve space. Instead, store the data
items in another location, such as a

8. (User Tasks only) In the Priority Settings section, specify values as needed.Tip:
If you prefer to use a JavaScript expression with predefined variables to establish
the priority settings, click JS for options.
A. Under Priority, select one of the default priority codes from the list: Highest,
High, Normal (the default), Low, or Lowest.
B. Under Due In, enter a value in the text box and then choose Minutes, Hours,
or Days from the list. (When you choose Days, you can use the text box after
the list to specify hours and minutes.) You can also use the variable selector
next to the text box to choose an existing variable from the library. At run time,
the variable reflects the specified value for the time period. Select the required

option from the list: Minutes, Hours, or Days.

C. Under Schedule, select an option from the list. For example, select 24x7 if you
want 24 hours a day, seven days a week to be the time period in which the
resulting tasks from the current activity can be due. You can leave the
Schedule, Timezone, and Holiday Schedule fields set to (use default). If
you do, the work schedule that is specified for the BPD is used. For more
information, see "Setting the due date and work schedule for a BPD".
D. Under Timezone, select the time zone that you want to apply to the tasks that
result from the current activity. For example, you can select US/Pacific for
users who work in California.
E. Under Holiday Schedule, leave the setting at (use default) as described in
the preceding note, or click JS if you prefer to use a JavaScript expression.
Each holiday schedule is made up of a list of dates. If you choose JavaScript,
you can enter either a String (or String-generated JavaScript) or a JavaScript
that returns a TWHolidaySchedule variable. If you use a String, IBM BPM
looks up the Holiday Schedule by name according to those rules. If you use a
TWHolidaySchedule variable, IBM BPM assumes that the holiday schedule is
appropriately specified. (Go to the System Data toolkit and open the
TWHolidaySchedule variable to view its parameters.)
9. (User Tasks only) In the Processing Behavior section, select Automatically
flow to next task if you want the next task in the sequence to run automatically.
- Implementing a BPD activity as a human service
If an activity in the business process definition (BPD) is to be completed by a user,
you can implement the activity as a client-side human service or a heritage human
- Creating loops for a BPD activity
When you want the runtime task that results from a BPD activity to be run more
than once, you can create a loop. You can create simple loops and multi-instance
loops in IBM Business Process Manager.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)
Related tasks:
Setting the work schedule for a BPD
Automatically starting the user's next task
Related information:
Service types
Configuring conditional activities


Implementing a BPD activity as a human service

If an activity in the business process definition (BPD) is to be completed by a user,
you can implement the activity as a client-side human service or a heritage human

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

To implement the activity as a service:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. Select the activity that you want implemented in the BPD diagram, and then go to
the Implementation properties.
4. From the Implementation list, select User Task, and then click Select next to
Default Human Service.
5. From the corresponding list, select the client-side human service or the heritage
human service to implement the user task. If the human service does not exist,
click New and complete the wizard steps to create the human service.
6. On the General tab, update the name of the user task as required, and then click
Save.Back in the Diagram view, when you double-click the task in the BPD:
- The Process Designer web editor opens if the task is associated with a clientside human service.
- The Process Designer desktop editor opens if the task is associated with a
heritage human service.

Parent topic:Implementing activities in a BPD

Related information:
Client-side human services
Difference between client-side human services and heritage human services


Creating loops for a BPD activity

When you want the runtime task that results from a BPD activity to be run more than
once, you can create a loop. You can create simple loops and multi-instance loops
in IBM Business Process Manager.
Prerequisite: To create loops, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop
IBM Business Process Manager provides several ways to create and implement
loops. For example, you can include a script component in a service that iteratively
processes records that you retrieve from a database until all records are processed.
Since you can include JavaScript throughout your implementations, you can easily
develop the logic required to repeat an action until a certain condition is true.
In addition to implementing loops with scripts, the activities that you add to your
BPDs can be configured for simple and multi-instance loops, as described in the
following table. When you want the runtime task that results from an activity to be
run more than once, you can configure loop behavior for that activity.
Table 1. Loop types available for loop configuration
Loop type
Simple loop

Multi-instance loop

When you model a BPD activity with
simple loops, the required number of
instances is dynamically created, up to
the loop maximum value that you specify.
A simple-loop activity is run sequentially
until the last instance of the activity is
run. When you run an activity configured
for simple loops, a single token is
generated and used for each instance of
the activity, which, in effect, recycles the
runtime task.
A multi-instance loop dynamically runs
multiple unique instances of the same
BPD activity sequentially or in parallel.
When you run an activity configured for
multi-instance loops, a unique token is
created for each instance of the activity.
(For more information about tokens, see
Inspector reference.)

- Configuring a BPD activity for simple loops

Follow these steps to configure a BPD activity for simple loops.
- Configuring a BPD activity for multi-instance loops
Using multi-instance loops, you can dynamically run multiple unique instances of
the same activity sequentially or in parallel. When you run a BPD activity that is
configured for multi-instance loops, a unique token is created for each instance of
the activity.
Parent topic:Implementing activities in a BPD



Configuring a BPD activity for simple loops

Follow these steps to configure a BPD activity for simple loops.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Restriction: Ad hoc start events are not supported in simple loop activities. If you
are using looping, do not define ad hoc actions for Process Portal users to start.

About this task

When you model an activity with simple loops, the required number of instances is
dynamically created, up to the loop maximum value that you specify. A simple-loop
activity is run sequentially until the last instance of the activity is run. When you run
an activity configured for simple loops, a single token is generated and used for
each instance of the activity, which, in effect, recycles the runtime task.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. Select the activity that you want to configure in the BPD diagram.
4. Click the General option in the properties.
5. Under Behavior, select the Simple Loop option from the Loop Type list.
6. Under Simple Loop, type a value in the Loop Maximum box. This value sets the
maximum number of instances that can be created at run time. If you declare a
variable that can be used for this setting, click the variable icon to select it or type
the variable name into the Loop Maximum box.
7. In the Loop Condition box, type an optional JavaScript condition to dictate the
runtime loop behavior. A condition is evaluated before any instances are created
from the activity. If the condition is not met, the loop configuration does not occur.
8. Save your changes.

When you configure an activity for simple loops, the activity includes the indicator

shown in the following image:

Parent topic:Creating loops for a BPD activity


Configuring a BPD activity for multi-instance loops

Using multi-instance loops, you can dynamically run multiple unique instances of the
same activity sequentially or in parallel. When you run a BPD activity that is
configured for multi-instance loops, a unique token is created for each instance of
the activity.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Restriction: Ad hoc start events are not supported in multi-instance loop activities.
If you are using looping, do not define ad hoc actions for Process Portal users to


Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

Open a process application that contains a BPD.
In the BPD diagram, select the activity that you want to configure.
In the properties, select General.
Under Behavior, select Multi-instance Loop from the Loop Type list.
Under Multi-instance Loop, type a value in the Start Quantity box. This value
sets the number of instances that are created at run time. To specify a variable
that can be used for this setting, click the variable icon to select it or type the
variable name into the Start Quantity box. Tip: For information about how to
associate each loop activity instance with a specific item in a list, see
Associating loop activity instances with different items.
7. From the Ordering list, select one of the following options:
Run Sequential

Resulting instances are run
sequentially until the last
instance of the activity is
Run in Parallel
Resulting instances are run at
the same time until all
instances are finished or until
the condition that you specify is
8. For parallel ordering, select one of the following options from the Flow
Condition list:
Wait for all to finish (All)

Looping continues until all
resulting instances of the
activity are finished.


Conditional Wait (Complex)

Looping continues until the

condition that you specify in the
following step is met.
9. For complex flow conditions, type the JavaScript to implement that condition in
the Complex Flow Condition box.
10. If you want active instances of the activity to be canceled when the preceding
condition is met, select Cancel Remaining Instances.The runtime behavior of a
multi-instance loop depends on how its task is implemented. The behavior is
different when the task content contains server scripts only and when it also
includes services. For example, a loop with Ordering selected to Run in
Parallel, with a valid complex flow condition, and Cancel Remaining Instance
set to true, runs as follows:
- Loop content contains server scripts only: If you specify only server scripts in
the multi-instance loop task content, the various instances of the loop run
sequentially. Therefore, all instances run in sequence, they all run to their end,
and at the end of all task instances the exit conditions are verified, again
- Loop content contains Human, Decision, or System services: If the loop task
content contains a Human, Decision, or System Service, then the tasks
instantiate in parallel within their own thread. In the example of the System
service, if an exit condition is set, upon completion of the System service task,
the result is given back to the multi-instance loop. Then, the condition is
evaluated and the multi-instance loop task completes, which ends all other still
running loop instances.
11. Save your changes.
Parent topic:Creating loops for a BPD activity

Associating loop activity instances with different items

About this task
You can configure activity instances in multi-instance loops so that each instance
corresponds to one specific item in a list. For example, if you have five instances of
an activity and five orders in a list, you might want to associate each instance with
an order in the list. To set up the activity instance-item association, the following key
settings are required:
- As a prerequisite, you must already have defined a private variable that holds the
list of items that you want to iterate through, for example, tw.local.ListofItems. This
variable is used in the built-in tw.local.ListofItems.listLength JavaScript
function, where .listLength calculates the length of the item list.
- You associate each activity instance with a specific item in the list by using the
tw.local.ListofItems[tw.system.step.counter] JavaScript, where
[tw.system.step.counter] specifies which item to be retrieved from the list.


1. In the BPD diagram, select the activity that you want to configure.
2. In the properties, select General.
3. Under Behavior, select Multi-instance Loop from the Loop Type list.
4. Under Multi-instance Loop, enter tw.local.ListofItems.listLength in the
Start Quantity box.
5. On Data Mapping, under Input Mapping, select, or type the following input
string: tw.local.ListofItems[tw.system.step.counter]
6. For the Ordering and Flow Condition settings, refer to steps 7 and 8 in the
procedure described earlier.
7. Save your changes.


Assigning teams to BPDs and lanes

Assign teams of users that can start activities, and teams that can work on activities
in Process Portal. You can assign a team of instance owners for a BPD, or you can
assign teams for individual activities and lanes.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must start the Process Designer desktop editor. For
information about how to create a team, see Creating a team.

About this task

You can assign teams to activities that are implemented as user tasks (including ad
hoc activities), to lanes, and as instance owners in the Overview page of the BPD
editor. Teams that are assigned to activities and lanes determine which users can
work on tasks in Process Portal. If a team is assigned to a user task activity,
members of that team can work on that task in Process Portal. If a team is assigned
to a lane, members of that team can work on all the tasks that are part of that lane. If
both a user task activity and the lane in which it is contained have teams that
assigned to them, the team that is assigned to the activity is used.
If a user task implements an ad hoc activity, members of the team that is assigned
to the lane or members of a task-specific team can work on the task. The instance
owners team and lane teams are authorized to perform actions that are related to an
ad hoc activity, such as starting a manual activity.
Members of the instance owners team can start the task in Process Portal, and can
start, disable, and enable ad hoc activities in the BPD. For instances that they own,
they can reassign user tasks, set their due dates and the priority of tasks.

To assign a team of instance owners to a BPD:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the process application that contains the business process definition (BPD).
3. In the BPD Overview, select a team for Instance owners, or create a new team.
To assign teams to lanes:
1. In the BPD diagram, click the lane in which you want to make the assignment.
2. In the Behavior section of the properties, click Select to choose the team that you
want to use as the default team for this lane. You need a default lane assignment
to ensure that any activities that are not otherwise routed have an automatic
default assignment. By default, the All Users team is assigned to each lane in the
BPD. You can use this default team for running and testing your BPD in the
Inspector. The All Users team includes all users in the system who are members
of the tw_allusers security group.Note: If the default team assigned to the lane
that is currently used for activity is changed, the team filter service definitions are
removed from the Assignments tab.
3. Choose the team from the library.


To assign teams to activities, see Assigning teams to BPD activities

1. Click Save in the main toolbar.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Assigning teams to BPD activities

For any activity with a service implementation, you can designate the users who
receive the runtime task by using the Assignments page in the properties for that

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Note: Assignment options are available only for those activities with a BPM service

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
3. Click an activity in a BPD diagram to display its properties.
4. Go to the Assignments page in the properties view.
5. From the Assign To list, choose one of the following options:Table 1. Assignment


Routing Policy (Deprecated)

List of Users (Deprecated)

Assigns the runtime task to the team
associated to the swimlane in which the
selected activity is located (the default
selection). If you select this option, you
can use a team filter service to
dynamically eliminate users from being
assigned to the activity.
Assigns the runtime task to a team. If
you select this option, you can either
specify a static team or use a team
retrieval service to dynamically select a
suitable set of users. In addition, you
can use a team filtering service to
remove unsuitable users from the team.
Assigns the runtime task according to
the policy that you establish.
Assigns the runtime task to an ad hoc
list of users.


Custom (Deprecated)

Assigns the runtime task according to

the JavaScript expression that you
provide in the corresponding field. To
select one or more variables for your
expression, click the variable selection
icon next to the field. The JavaScript
expression produces results such as
USER:<user_name> or
ROLE:<group_name>, where user_name
is the name of an IBM BPM user (such
as author) and group_name is the
name of an IBM BPM security group
(such as tw_authors).Note: Complex
JavaScript expressions can be typed in
or pasted into the Expression field and
can be customized as required. More
valid expressions can be chained
together to produce a complex
JavaScript expression, for example

Important: To show up in the Team Performance dashboard, tasks must be

assigned to a Team or a team Lane. Tasks that are assigned to the deprecated
options are not displayed on the Team Performance dashboard.
6. Optional: From the Experts Team list, select the team that you want to associate
with the selected activity.
7. If you selected Assign ToTeam you must assign a team.
A. To define a new team, click New, provide a name, and complete the team
properties. For more information about the team properties, see Creating a
B. If you want to select an existing team, click Select, then choose a team from
the list.
C. If you want to specify a fixed team name or a team that is not defined yet, enter
the name as a literal value, for example, damageAssessors.
D. If you want the team to be selected by the value of a local or environment
variable, specify the name of the variable, for example,
8. Optional: If you selected Assign ToTeam or Assign ToLane the Team Filter
Service section is displayed. If you want to use a team filter service to eliminate
certain users before the user distribution is applied, complete the following steps.
A. To assign a Team Filter Service, either click Select to select an existing team
filter service or click New to define a new one. If you select New, perform
Setting up a team filter service.
B. If the team filter service that you selected or defined requires parameters from
the application, a Team Filter Service Input Mapping section is displayed.
For each required service variable, enter the corresponding process variable
name, for example tw.local.estimatedClaimAmount or


9. From the User Distribution list, choose one of the following options:Table 2.
User Distribution
Last User

Load Balance

Round Robin

IBM BPM assigns the runtime task to all
potential users (the default setting).
Assigns the runtime task to the user
who completed the activity that
immediately precedes the selected
activity in the swimlane. Do not select
this option for the first activity in a lane
unless the activity is a service in a toplevel BPD and a Start Event is in the
lane. In this case, the runtime task is
routed to the user who started the BPD.
From the potential users who can
receive the runtime task, IBM BPM
assigns to the users who have the
fewest number of open tasks,
regardless of presence.
From the potential users who can
receive the runtime task, IBM BPM
assigns to users in a round-robin
fashion. For example, if the users in the
Call Center team must receive the
runtime task, IBM BPM assigns each
task (created by each process instance)
in a series - to one user in the team
after another.

- Assigning an activity to a dynamically retrieved team

If you do not want to assign an activity to a static team, you can define a team
retrieval service that dynamically returns a set of users and managers.
- Setting up a routing policy (deprecated)
One of the options when routing the runtime tasks that are generated by activities,
is to establish a routing policy.
- Defining rules with a routing policy (deprecated)
When you establish a Routing Policy for a BPD activity, you establish rules to
determine the recipients of the activity as a runtime task.
- Assigning an activity to an ad hoc list of users (deprecated)
An activity can be assigned to an ad hoc user list if the user group is defined
dynamically when a business process definition (BPD) instance is running.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Assigning an activity to a dynamically retrieved

If you do not want to assign an activity to a static team, you can define a team
retrieval service that dynamically returns a set of users and managers.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must open the Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

You can define a new team retrieval service either when you define a team, or when
you assign an activity to a team.

If you are working with a business process definition (BPD), and want to assign an
activity to a dynamically retrieved team, complete the following actions.
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. Open the diagram of your BPD and select the activity that you want to assign to a
team that is defined by a team retrieval service.
4. Go to the Assignments page in the properties view.
5. From the Assign To list, select Team.Tip: The Assign toLane option can also
be resolved by a team retrieval service if the team that is assigned as the default
team for the lane is a dynamically resolved team.
6. To assign the activity to an existing dynamically defined team, click Select then
select the name of the dynamically defined team.
7. To assign the activity to a new dynamically defined team, click New, provide a
team name, then follow the instructions described in Setting up a team retrieval

The team's members are determined dynamically by the appropriate team retrieval
Parent topic:Assigning teams to BPD activities


Setting up a routing policy (deprecated)

One of the options when routing the runtime tasks that are generated by activities, is
to establish a routing policy.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Before you can configure a routing policy, you must declare variables for your BPD.

About this task

When you define a policy, the users who receive the runtime task are determined by
the conditions that you specify.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
3. Open the diagram of your BPD and select the activity that you want to route.
Note: The activity that you choose must already have an attached service.
4. Go to the Assignments page in the properties view.
5. From the Assign To list, select Routing Policy (Deprecated).
6. Under Routing Conditions (If), click Add a column to select the variable to use
to begin specifying conditions.When defining routing conditions, you create a
table in which each column represents a variable and each row represents a
7. From the displayed list, choose the variable for which you want to specify a
8. In the first field in row 1, enter the value to compare to the variable.For example,
if you choose a variable called customer (String) in the preceding step and
that variable holds customer names, enter a customer name in the field.
9. If you want to add another variable to the routing condition, click Add a column
and choose a variable from the displayed list. Enter the value to compare to the
second variable.The following examples illustrate the syntax for possible values
in the variable columns:
Table 1. Routing conditions

To match...
The exact string, ok (no
quotation marks)
Any number greater than 100
Any number less than 100
All numbers except 3


10. If you want to establish advanced routing rules, select Adv. When you establish
routing rules, you create specifications that determine who receives the runtime
task, such as only those users who have a previously defined user attribute.To

establish rules, click Add Rule in the Advanced Assigned To (Then) section of
the Routing properties, and see Deprecated: Defining rules for instructions.
Note:IBM Business Process Manager creates only one set of rules under
Advanced Assigned To (Then) for the entire Routing Conditions table. If you
want to remove a rule after you define it, click Advanced Lane Participant in
the Assign To field in the routing conditions table to display the rule or rules for
that routing condition. Under Advanced Assigned To (Then), click the bullet
before the rule that you want to remove, and then click Remove.
11. If you do not select Adv, the Assign To field in the routing table shows the
default assignee, Swimlane, which means that the runtime task is routed to the
team assigned to the swimlane in your BPD. If you have multiple teams defined
in your current process application, you select one of those teams from the

What to do next
When you define routing conditions, IBM BPM evaluates the conditions in the table
from top to bottom. IBM BPM implements the first condition that matches. If no
conditions match, IBM BPM assigns the activity to the default assignee, Swimlane.

Parent topic:Assigning teams to BPD activities


Defining rules with a routing policy (deprecated)

When you establish a Routing Policy for a BPD activity, you establish rules to
determine the recipients of the activity as a runtime task.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Using rules, your task assignments can be dynamic, which ensures that activities
are routed to the appropriate individuals.
When defining rules, you can choose from the following rule types:
Table 1. Available rule types
Rule type
Participant Rule
User Attribute Rule
Expression Rule

Routes activities to users based on
whether they are the default lane
Selects users according to group
Selects users based on user attributes.
Selects users who match a particular
expression that you provide.


Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
Click an activity in the BPD.
In the Properties page, click Assignments.
In the Assign To list, select Routing Policy (Deprecated). The Routing
Conditions (If) section becomes available.
6. Under Routing Conditions (If), click Add a column, and select the variable for
which you want to add the condition.
7. In the table, select Adv. The Advanced Assigned To (Then) section is
8. Under Advanced Assigned To (Then), click all in the following statement:
Advanced Lane Participants are users who match all of the following rules:
Choose all or any.
If you choose all, the runtime task is assigned to users who match all specified
rules. If you choose any, the runtime task is assigned to users who match at
least one of the specified rules.
If none of the conditions that you specify are met, IBM Business Process
Manager assigns the task to the swimlane for the rule to which this Advanced
Assignment applies.

9. Click Add Decision to choose the type of rule to add.For example, you can
define the following Advanced Lane Participant group (team) rules in the group
Advanced Lane Participants are users who match all of the following rules:
- Who belong to the Finance Managers group
- Who have an attribute Level 1 Loans greater than tw.local.loanAmount
- Who match expression tw.local.Recipient
The Add Decision... option adds other rules to the list.
10. Supply the necessary information for the specified type of rule.
- For a Swimlane rule, supply the required input for the following specification:
Who belong to lane participant.
Table 2. Input required for a Swimlane rule

Click belong to choose either
belong or do not belong.

- For a Participant Rule, supply the input that you want for the following
Who belong to the select team .
Table 3. Input required for a Participant Rule

Click belong to choose either
belong or do not belong.
Click select team to choose a
team from the library.

select team

- For a User Attribute Rule, supply the required input for the following
Who have an attribute select user attributeequal toenter value.
Table 4. Input required for a User Attribute Rule
select user attribute

Click select user attribute to
select a user attribute
definition from the library.
Click equal to to choose from:
equal to, not equal to, less
than, less than or equal to,
greater than, or greater than
or equal to.

equal to


enter value

Click enter value to display a

field in which you can enter
either anIBM BPM variable or
a JavaScript expression that
produces the value that you
want to compare. Be sure to
surround any strings in the
expression with double
quotation marks.

- For an Expression Rule, supply the required input for the following
Who match expression enter value.
Table 5. Input required for an Expression Rule

Click match to choose either
match or do not match.
Click enter value to display a
field in which you can enter
either an IBM BPM variable or
a JavaScript expression that
produces the value that you
want to compare. Be sure to
surround any strings in the
expression with double
quotation marks. The variable
or expression must evaluate to
a specific user name.

enter value

Parent topic:Assigning teams to BPD activities


Assigning an activity to an ad hoc list of users

An activity can be assigned to an ad hoc user list if the user group is defined
dynamically when a business process definition (BPD) instance is running.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The ad hoc group or list of users is maintained while the process instance exists on
the runtime Process Server.
Note: To assign activities to an ad hoc user list, create an activity with an underlying
service, upstream from the activity to be routed, to dynamically generate the user
list. The activity that generates the user list must include an output variable that
binds the user list to the follow-on activity to be routed.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. Open the diagram of your BPD and select the activity that you want to route.
4. Click the Assignments page in the properties view.
5. From the Assign To list, select List of Users (Deprecated).
6. In the Binding field, specify the variable that binds the list to the activity to be
assigned.For example, you can define a new complex variable that is a list (array)
to pass the list of users from the service that generates the list to the activity to be
Parent topic:Assigning teams to BPD activities


Configuring conditional activities

You can use conditional activities to model steps which are either skipped or
completed during run time based on the values of specific process variables. The
decision to skip or complete a conditional activity can be made by the runtime user
or programmatically, based on scripted rules.
- Implementing a conditional activity
Complete the following steps to implement a conditional activity.
- Managing conditional activities by using the JavaScript API
You can find and select conditional activities for runtime execution by using the
following JavaScript API properties.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Implementing a conditional activity

Complete the following steps to implement a conditional activity.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
3. In the BPD diagram, click the activity that you want to make conditional.
4. Click the Condition tab in the properties, and then select the Is Conditional
option.Restriction: The conditions tab is disabled for ad hoc activities (unwired
activities). If a wired conditional activity is turned into an ad hoc activity by
deleting wires to and from the activity, the isConditional option becomes
disabled. To set conditions for an ad hoc activity, use preconditions. See
Creating an unstructured (ad hoc) activity
The activity in the BPD diagram includes a diamond-shaped icon to indicate that
it is conditional. The diamond-shaped icon on an ad hoc activity indicates that the
activity has a precondition.
5. Select the conditional activity for execution by using one of the following options:

Set selected conditional


Enter JavaScript in the
available box. It returns a valid
Boolean (true or false) value.
If the runtime return value of the
supplied script is true, the
activity is carried out. Note: If a
script is present in the box, it
overrides any human decision
at run time to carry out or skip
the activity.
If the Is Conditional option is
enabled and no JavaScript is
entered in the box, the activity
is carried out only if previously
selected. Use the

property to set selected

conditional activities.
Note:IBM Business Process Manager Performance Data Warehouse records
data that can be used to analyze the conditional activities. When a conditional
activity is skipped, a tracking point is created with SKIP appended to the name of
the skipped activity. A tracking point is created in the Performance Data
Warehouse TRACKINGPOINT views each time an activity is skipped. Using this
data, you can generate reports to show which activities are skipped and how

often those activities are skipped in a process instance.

Parent topic:Configuring conditional activities


Managing conditional activities by using the

JavaScript API
You can find and select conditional activities for runtime execution by using the
following JavaScript API properties.
The following table lists the available JavaScript API properties.
Table 1. JavaScript API properties

tw.system.process.conditionalActiv Finds all conditional activities in a
process definition (BPD). Returns a list of
items of the ConditionalActivity
variable type. You can use this property
to construct a Coach that specifies the
conditional activities that you want to run
in the current BPD instance.
tw.system.process.selectedConditio Returns a list of identifiers for the
conditional activities that are to be run at
run time. You can set the value of this
property by providing a list of conditional
activity IDs to be selected. This property
also accepts a comma-separated string
of IDs, which is the output format from
the conditional activity Coach described
tw.system.step.isConditionalActivi Determines wheter the current step is a
conditional activity that is selected for
Returns the ID of the BPD.
Returns the ID of the step or activity that
is currently running.

Parent topic:Configuring conditional activities


Creating an unstructured (ad hoc) activity

An ad hoc activity has no input wires and is started as required by knowledge
workers or according to predefined preconditions, rather than by a predefined
process flow. Such activities can be required or optional, and they can be defined as
repeatable or to run at most once. Knowledge workers can start unstructured
activities from the Activities section in the Process Instance details page in Process

To create an unstructured (ad hoc) activity, complete the following steps.
1. Drag the activity from the palette to your process diagram.Important: Do not add
any input or output wiring to the activity. If you add any wiring to the activity, the
activity is no longer unstructured. The Activity Behavior section is only displayed
for unstructured activities that have User Task, Subprocess, or Linked Process
2. Specify the behavior properties of the activity.
A. Select Properties > Implementation > Activity Behavior.
B. Indicate how the activity is started.
- If the activity is started by the system, select Automatically by the process.
- If the activity must be started manually by the user, select Manually by the
C. Indicate whether the activity must be completed.
- If the activity must be completed before the process can complete, select
Yes. The activity is required.
- If the activity does not have to be completed for the process to complete,
select No. The activity is optional.
D. If the activity can be run multiple times, select Repeatable: The activity can
be invoked multiple times.
E. If the activity is started by the system, and must be hidden from users, select
Hidden. This is a background activity that users will not see.
F. If preconditions must be met before the user or system can start the activity,
select There are preconditions that must be met before the activity can be
performed, and specify the conditions that must be met.
1. If there are multiple conditions, use the Match field to select whether all
must evaluate to true, or whether it is sufficient for any one of them to be
2. To specify the conditions by selecting a variable, a comparison operator,
and another variable or literal value, use the default form.
A. Click the variable selection icon to select from a list of variables.
B. In the next field, select the type of comparison that is required, such as
is equal to and not equal to. Tip: The choices that are available depend
on the type of the variable that you selected. For example, for numeric,
date, and time variables, you can also select is less than, is less than
or equal to, is greater than, or is greater than or equal to.
C. In the next field, either enter a literal value or the name of a variable, or
click the other variable selection icon to select from a list of variables.


3. To specify the conditions as JavaScript expressions, click js to switch to the

JavaScript expression form, and enter the JavaScript expression for the
condition. To return to the default form, click js again.
4. To add more conditions, click the add icon.
- Example: Starting an unstructured (ad hoc) activity (JavaScript API)
This example shows you how to start an unstructured (ad hoc) activity.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Example: Starting an unstructured (ad hoc) activity

(JavaScript API)
This example shows you how to start an unstructured (ad hoc) activity.

Before you begin

To start an unstructured activity, the user must be a member of one of these groups:
- BPM admin
- Process/case admin
- Process/case instance owner
- Default lane team of the corresponding lane
An authorization check is performed by the REST API only when starting an
unstructured activity.

To start an unstructured (ad hoc) activity, complete the following steps.
1. Retrieve a list of matching unstructured activities and their IDs on a
TWProcessInstance object. On the ActivityListItem object there is a list of
available actions for the current user (the user that executed the
retrieveActivityList() call), as well as the ID of the activity. Refer to the
description of the TWProcessInstance object in JavaScript API for IBM Process
- Set the hiddenFilter parameter to retrieve hidden activities.
- Set the checkAuthorization parameter to true to receive only those results
that the current user is authorized to view for the process or case instance."querying for piid: " + tw.local.piid);
var pi = tw.system.findProcessInstanceByID(tw.local.piid);"found process instance: " + pi);

var activitiyListProperties = new tw.object.ActivityListProperties();

var activityListFilter = new tw.object.ActivityListFilter();

activityListFilter.executionStateFilter = ["READY"];

activitiyListProperties.filters = new
activitiyListProperties.filters.insertIntoList(0, activityListFilter);"querying for activity list ...");

tw.local.activities = pi.retrieveActivityList(activitiyListProperties)"activities found: " + tw.local.activities);

tw.local.aiid = // get the id of the activity you want to start (and

'actions' contains 'ACTION_START_ACTIVITY')

2. When you have the ID of the unstructured activity, use the

findActivityInstanceByID() call to retrieve the instance of the activity. Then
call start(...) to start the instance. Refer to the description of the


TWBPDSystemNamespace object in JavaScript API for IBM Process Designer. The

optional parameter taskOwnerUserId reassigns the task to the specified user id.

This feature works only for unstructured activities with a user task implementation.
Refer to the description of the ActivityInstance object in JavaScript API for
IBM Process Designer."querying for aiid: " + tw.local.aiid);
var ai = tw.system.findActivityInstanceByID(tw.local.aiid);"starting activity with id: " + tw.local.aiid);

Parent topic:Creating an unstructured (ad hoc) activity


Subprocess types
Subprocess is an option for encapsulating logically related steps within a parent
process. Steps in a subprocess can directly access business objects (variables)
from the parent process. No data mapping is required. However, unlike a linked
process, a subprocess can be accessed and instantiated only from the parent BPD,
and it is not reusable by any other process or subprocess.
A subprocess represents a collection of logically related steps contained within a
parent process. You can view a subprocess as a single activity, providing a
simplified, high-level view of the parent process, or you can drill into the subprocess
for a more detailed view of its contents.
A subprocess can be embedded within another subprocess. To drill down into a
collapsed subprocess and view the contents, double-click the subprocess activity in
the parent. To go back to the parent process from within a subprocess or event
subprocess, use the navigation in the upper left corner of the diagram. To return to a
parent process from a linked process, use the menu above the canvas.
Subprocesses can contain swimlanes that are distinct from the parent process. For
example, activities in your subprocess can be carried out by a set of participants that
is different from the set of participants that carry out the activities in the parent
Like other activities, subprocesses can be configured to run multiple times within the
execution of the parent process by configuring looping behavior on the subprocess
activity element in the parent process.
There are three types of subprocesses that you can model in a BPD. Their
characteristics are described in the following table.
Table 1. Types of subprocesses that can be modeled in a business process




Variable scope


A non-reusable
subprocess that
exists only within
the parent process.

Linked process

A call to another
reusable process.

Each subprocess
must contain at
least one start event
with an
implementation type
of None.Activity
names must be
unique with respect
to the top-level
process activities,
and all other
subprocesses and
event subprocesses
under the same toplevel process.

Inherits variables
from the parent
process and can
contain local private
variables visible
only within the
e names declared in
a subprocess
cannot be the same
as variable names
declared in any of
its parent
processes. If there
are multiple layers
of embedding, with
contained within
other subprocesses,
variable names
must be unique
throughout the
entire subprocess
The process called Variable data is
by the linked
local to each
process activity can process, therefore
contain multiple
data mapping is
start events, but
required to pass
must contain at
data into and out of
least one start event the linked process.
with an
implementation type
of None.


Event subprocess

A specialized type
of non-reusable
subprocess that is
not part of the
normal sequence
flow of its parent
process, and which
might occur zero or
many times during
the execution of the
parent process.

Must contain a
single start event,
which can be one
execution can
interrupt parent
process or can run
in parallel.
Activity names must
be unique with
respect to the toplevel process
activities, and all
other subprocesses
and event
subprocesses under
the same top-level
Boundary events
are not supported
on an event

Inherits variables
from the parent
process and can
contain local private
variables visible
only within the
e names declared in
an event
subprocess cannot
be the same as
variable names
declared in any of
its parent
processes. If there
are multiple layers
of embedding, with
event subprocesses
contained within
other subprocesses,
variable names
must be unique
throughout the
entire subprocess

- Modeling non-reusable subprocesses

A subprocess is a logical collection of activities that exists only within its parent
process. Grouping related process elements in a subprocess simplifies the view of
the process. A subprocess hides the complexity of individual step details until the
subprocess activity is expanded.
- Working with linked processes
A process can call another process through a linked process activity. When the
linked process activity is triggered at run time, the linked process is run. After the
linked process is completed, the parent process resumes execution. When you
group together related activities in a separate BPD, instead of in a subprocess, you
can reuse that process in other processes that share that set of activities. For
example, the steps for creating a customer account might be common to several
different processes. If you group these steps together in a Create Customer
Account process, you can use linked process activities to call this process from all
processes that require it.
- Modeling event subprocesses
Event subprocesses are triggered by an event that occurs in the parent process.
Event subprocesses are similar to other subprocesses in that they are contained
within a parent process, and are not reusable outside of that process. They are
unlike other subprocesses in that they are not connected to other activities in the
process by incoming or outgoing connections, but are instead triggered by an
event or timer.


Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Modeling non-reusable subprocesses

A subprocess is a logical collection of activities that exists only within its parent
process. Grouping related process elements in a subprocess simplifies the view of
the process. A subprocess hides the complexity of individual step details until the
subprocess activity is expanded.

About this task

Subprocess activities are represented in the process diagram or case type activities

diagram by an activity element with an expandable subprocess marker:

Note:Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM
Advanced with the Basic Case Management feature installed.

1. For a business process, open the parent business process definition (BPD) in the
Process Designer.
A. Drag an activity from the palette onto the diagram area, and enter the name of
the activity in the highlighted box.
B. In the Implementation tab of the Properties view, select Subprocess. The
visualization of the activity in the diagram is updated to reflect the subprocess
activity type.
C. Double-click the subprocess activity to add elements to the subprocess. The
subprocess expands in the editor.
2. For a business process or case type, drag elements from the palette onto the
canvas. By default, your new subprocess contains a start event and an end event.
Subprocesses must contain at least one start event with an implementation type
of None. Names of activities that you create in your subprocess must be different
from the names of activities in the top-level process. The names must also be
different from any subprocess under the same top-level process. For a business
process, swimlanes or phases that you add to your subprocess are independent.
They are not part of the swimlanes and phases that are contained in the parent
business process definition.
3. Like other activities, you can configure your subprocess to run the subprocess
steps multiple times. Select the subprocess activity in the parent process and set
the repeating behavior in the General tab.
4. Subprocesses have access to all of the variables that are defined in the parent
process. You do not need to map data to pass data into or out of the subprocess.
However, you can Modeling subprocess data that are only available to the
subprocess (and any subprocesses it contains).

What to do next
In a business process, to return to the parent business process definition, use the

navigation in the upper left of the canvas.

Parent topic:Subprocess types


Working with linked processes

A process can call another process through a linked process activity. When the
linked process activity is triggered at run time, the linked process is run. After the
linked process is completed, the parent process resumes execution. When you
group together related activities in a separate BPD, instead of in a subprocess, you
can reuse that process in other processes that share that set of activities. For
example, the steps for creating a customer account might be common to several
different processes. If you group these steps together in a Create Customer Account
process, you can use linked process activities to call this process from all processes
that require it.

About this task

Linked processes encapsulate logically related steps within a process while
retaining the high-level view of the parent process. However, linked processes differ
from subprocesses because they can be accessed and instantiated from processes
other than a single parent process. In previous product releases, linked processes
were known as nested processes.
Linked process activities are represented in the process diagram by an activity
element with a thick border and an expandable subprocess marker.

1. Open the parent business process definition (BPD) in the Process Designer.
2. Drag an activity from the palette onto the diagram area, and type the name of the
activity in the highlighted box.
3. In the Implementation tab of the Properties view, select Linked Process. The
visualization of the activity in the diagram is updated to reflect the Linked Process
activity type.
4. Specify another process to call during the execution of your process.
- To select an existing process, click Select, and choose the business process
- To create a reusable process:
A. Click New.
B. Enter a name for the new process and click Finish. In the editor, continue to
specify this new process definition, or return to the parent process.
- You can also Calling a linked process dynamically by using a variable defined in
the parent process.
5. In the parent process, connect the linked process activity to other elements in the
process flow.
6. Variables in a linked process activity are local to the linked process. If you want to
pass data into or out of a linked process activity, you must map the inputs and
outputs of your linked process to the inputs and outputs of the linked process
activity in the parent. Complete one of the following steps in the Data Mapping
tab of the Properties view for the linked process activity:
- If you declared variables in the parent process that have the same names and
data types as the input and output variables in the linked process, use auto-


mapping to have the inputs or outputs of the linked process automatically

mapped to variable defined in the parent process.
- If the variables declared in the parent process do not match the variables of the
linked process inputs or outputs, you can manually select the variables to map.
- Calling a linked process dynamically
When you use a linked process as the implementation for an activity, you can use
an advanced option in the implementation properties to supply a predefined
variable to dynamically call one of many linked processes, depending on your
Parent topic:Subprocess types


Calling a linked process dynamically

When you use a linked process as the implementation for an activity, you can use
an advanced option in the implementation properties to supply a predefined variable
to dynamically call one of many linked processes, depending on your needs.

About this task

To use the dynamic option for a linked process, complete the following tasks first:
- Create a variable of type String in the parent process to hold the name of the
linked process that you want to run. Your parent process must also include the
logic to determine the value of this variable at run time. For example, the parent
process can include logic to set the value of this variable based on user input.
- Establish the input and output variables for each potential linked process so that
the parent process runs as expected regardless of which linked process is called.
To meet this requirement, the variables in all potential linked processes must be
the same. To map variables from the parent process to the linked process, follow
the steps described in Working with linked processes.
- Dependencies might exist between process applications and toolkits, as well as
between toolkits and other toolkits. For example, ProcessApp PA1 might depend
on Toolkit TK1, which in turn might depend on Toolkit TK2. This creates a
dependency chain: PA1 -> TK1 -> TK2. In order for the search to be started at the
beginning of the dependency chain (in PA1), the name of the invoked business
process definition (BPD) must be prefixed with a double slash (//). If a BPD in TK1
invokes a BPD dynamically without the double slash prefix, it will find only BPDs
down the dependency chain (that is, in TK1 and TK2, but not in PA1).
Restriction: The Diagram tab on the Process Performance dashboard can drill
down into subprocesses and statically linked processes that are defined in the
business process definition (BPD). It cannot drill down into dynamically linked
processes that are called by the process at run time.
To configure an activity to dynamically call one of many potential linked processes,
complete the following steps:


Open the parent BPD in the Process Designer.

Click the activity that you want to work with in the BPD diagram.
Click the Implementation tab in the properties.
Under Implementation, select the Linked Process menu option.
Click Select to choose one of the predefined linked BPDs from the library.You
must initially select one of the predefined linked BPDs for the dynamic
configuration to function properly.
6. Click the Data Mapping tab in the properties.Because you already created the
input and output variables for the linked process, the Data Mapping tab for the
activity in the parent process includes those variables.
7. Under Input Mapping, click the auto-map icon in the upper-right corner, and
then click the auto-map icon in the upper-right corner of the Output Mapping


8. Click the Implementation tab in the properties.

9. Click the indicator next to the Processing Behavior section heading to expand
the section.
10. Click the variable icon next to the Dynamic Sub-Process field to choose the
previously defined variable that provides the name of the selected process.Note:
At run time, the value of this variable cannot be null and it must exactly match
the name of an existing BPD.
11. Save the configuration.
Parent topic:Working with linked processes


Modeling event subprocesses

Event subprocesses are triggered by an event that occurs in the parent process.
Event subprocesses are similar to other subprocesses in that they are contained
within a parent process, and are not reusable outside of that process. They are
unlike other subprocesses in that they are not connected to other activities in the
process by incoming or outgoing connections, but are instead triggered by an event
or timer.

About this task

The event subprocess is a specialized subprocess that you can use to model eventhandling logic for a process or subprocess. It is triggered upon occurrence of a
configured start event, and as a result it is not connected to other steps through
sequence flow. It has access to the business objects (variables) of its parent
process and so can encapsulate steps that use those variables. When triggered, an
event subprocess can either interrupt the execution of its parent or it can run in
You can use event subprocesses to handle exceptional process flows within your
process. For example, an event subprocess can be used to handle an out-of-stock
situation that arises during an order-fulfilment process. The out-of-stock event in the
parent process triggers the start event in the event subprocess, which contains
activities to order more stock or to check supplies at other locations.
An event subprocess can have only one start event. The start event implementation
is represented visually in the event subprocess activity in the parent process. It can
have any of the following implementation types:Table 1. Event subprocess
implementation types and visualizations
Start event implementation type Event subprocess visualization



- Message event subprocesses are triggered by a message event that often

originates from outside the business process definition (BPD) in which the event
subprocess is contained. A message start event might be used in a situation
similar to the situation described previously, where a message, such as an out-ofstock message, is received by the event subprocess and triggers a sequence of
- A timer start event might be used to model the steps to take when an activity within
the parent process is not completed after a specified amount of time. For example

if a requested item cannot be located within a certain amount of time, the out-ofstock subprocess can be triggered by a timer start event.
- An error start event might be triggered when something goes wrong in the process,
for example, the order fulfilment system is non-responsive. Error start events can
be triggered only from within the parent BPD or its subprocesses.
A parent process cannot complete until all active event subprocesses are complete,
unless the parent is terminated by a terminate end event. A terminate end event in
an event subprocess terminates only the activities that are contained within that
event subprocess.
Boundary events cannot be attached to event subprocesses. To handle exceptions
within an event subprocess, for example, errors that arise during the event
subprocess execution, event subprocesses can themselves contain event
To add an event subprocess to your BPD:

1. Open the parent business process definition (BPD) in the Process Designer.
2. Drag an activity from the palette onto the diagram area, and type the name of the
activity in the highlighted box.
3. In the Implementation tab of the Properties view, select Event Subprocess. The
visualization of the activity in the diagram is updated to reflect the event
subprocess activity type. By default, new event subprocesses are assigned an
error start event.
4. To change the start event type and properties and to add activities to the event
subprocess, double-click the event subprocess activity to expand it.
5. Select the start event and, from the Implementation tab in the properties view,
select a new implementation type from the list.
6. The start events for event subprocesses can be interrupting or non-interrupting.
When triggered, event subprocesses with an interrupting start event terminate all
activities in the parent process. Activities in an event subprocess with a noninterrupting start event run in parallel with the parent process. You can specify
whether the start event of the event subprocess is interrupting or non-interrupting
by selecting or by clearing Interrupt Parent Process. Note: Error start events in
an event subprocess always interrupt the parent process and cannot be set to
7. To configure an event subprocess to be repeatable, select Repeatable? on the
Implementation tab. When you select this property, the event subprocess might
run several times during the execution of a process, and might have multiple
instances that run in parallel.Note: Unlike subprocesses, looping behavior is not
supported for event subprocesses.
8. Drag elements from the palette onto the canvas. The names of the activities that
you create in your subprocess must be different from the names of the activities in
the top-level process or any other subprocess or event subprocess under the
same top-level process. Any swimlanes or phases that you add to your
subprocess are independent from the swimlanes and phases that are contained
in the parent BPD.

9. Like subprocesses, event subprocesses have access to the data of the parent
process. Data mapping is not required to pass data into or out of the event
subprocess. You can also declare private variables within the event subprocess
itself, which are not visible to the parent BPD. See Modeling subprocess data.

What to do next
To return to the parent BPD, use the navigation in the upper left of the canvas.
Parent topic:Subprocess types


Creating a user attribute definition

You can associate unique capabilities or qualities with one or more users by
creating user attribute definitions.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

This procedure triggers dynamic group creation, which can be time consuming. You
can configure IBM Business Process Manager to deactivate these triggers. See
Deactivating dynamic group updates.
You can use defined attributes when you create teams that are based on a user
attribute rule. For more information, see Deprecated: Defining Team rules.
When a user creates a new user attribute definition in a process application, the new
attribute may need to be added to one or both of the following whitelists that
describe authorization on a per-user-attribute level depending on the authorization
requirement using a REST API for the specific attribute. These whitelists are
included in the 00static.xml file and can be overwritten by users in the
100custom.xml file.
- server/user-attributes/rest-authorization/public-attribute
- server/user-attributes/rest-authorization/self-managable-attribute
When accessed using a REST API, users that are not assigned privileges in the
- Can only see attributes of themselves and other users listed as public-attribute
- Can only see and update own attributes listed as self-managable-attribute
The following example shows how to add a new attribute to the list of selfmanagable attributes in the 100Custom.xml file.<server>
<user-attributes merge="mergeChildren">
<rest-authorization merge="mergeChildren">
<self-managable-attribute merge="append">CustomAttribute</self-managable-attribute>

To create a user attribute definition:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to Data and select User Attribute Definition from the list
of components.
4. In the New User Attribute Definition window, provide a unique name for the
attribute, and click Finish.


5. Supply the following requested information about the user attribute definition:
Table 1. Input required for the user attribute definition
Dialog area

Field or link


Business Object

Obtain current value



Obtain possible values



If you select Any

If you select List...

Displays the name that
you provided in step 2.
(Optional) Provides a
description of the attribute
in this field.
Specifies the business
object type. The default
type is String. Click
Select to specify a
different type. Click New if
you want to define a new
business object.
Specifies the source of the
current value. The source
is IBM Business Process
Specifies the sources of
other possible values for
the user attribute. Select
the source from the list,
Any Allowed, or List. The
choice that you make
determines the
information that is
Specifies that the possible
values for the attribute are
limited only by its
business object type.
Enter each possible value
in the Value field and click
Add. You can remove
values from the list by
clicking Remove or
change the order of the
values that are displayed
by clicking Up and Down.

6. Click Save on the main toolbar.IBM Process Designer saves the user attribute
definition, and you can use the attribute when creating teams.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Validating processes
Use validation functions to refine process definitions as you build them.
The Designer in Process Designer includes validation functions that alert you to
issues in your process applications and toolkits. Validation provides feedback about
the following types of issues:
- Broken references, such as missing implementations for activities
- Problems with parameter mappings
- Duplicate names and other naming violations
If IBM Business Process Manager Designer detects issues, the Validation errors
category in the library displays the number of errors detected. You can click the
category to display a list of issues.
Double-click an item in the list to open the item, and then click the Validation Errors
tab to list each error for the selected item.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Task types
Learn more about the task types that are available when modeling with IBM
Process Designer.
IBM BPM supports the following task types:
Table 1. Available task types
Task type
User Task

User tasks must be completed by
process participants and are associated
with Human services by default. When
you drag a Human service from the
library to a BPD diagram, Process
Designer automatically creates an
activity with a User task with the Human
service selected. When you drag an
activity from the palette to a participant
lane in a BPD diagram, Process
Designer automatically creates an
activity with a User task with the Default
Human service selected. For cases
where you want a user to start the
service but no additional user
involvement is required, you can also
choose a user task type and associate a
service with it, such as an Integration or
Advanced Integration service. In this
way, Process Designer automatically
creates the required user implementation
that you need when you drag process
components onto a diagram. You can
also choose User Task and an
associated service for an activity
implementation, as described in
Implementing activities in a BPD.


System Task

Decision Task

System tasks must be completed by an

automated system or service and are
automatically run without a need for user
initiation regardless of the type of lane in
which they are defined in a BPD
diagram. When you drag an Ajax service,
General System service, Integration
service, or Advanced Integration service
from the library to a BPD diagram,
Process Designer automatically creates
an activity with a System task type,
regardless of whether the service is
dragged to a system lane or to a
participant lane. Dragging an activity
from the palette to a system lane in a
BPD diagram automatically creates an
activity with a System task with the
Default System service selected. System
tasks that you place in a non-system lane
are also run by the system. In this way,
Process Designer automatically creates
the System implementation that you
need when you drag process
components onto a diagram. You can
also choose System Task and an
associated service for an activity
implementation, as described in
Implementing activities in a BPD.
A script uses JavaScript to access and
manipulate data.
Decision tasks are useful when you want
a decision or condition in a business rule
to determine which process
implementation is started. When you
drag a Decision service from the library
to a BPD diagram, Process Designer
automatically creates an activity with a
Decision task. You can also choose
Decision Task and an associated
Decision service for an activity
implementation, as described in
Implementing activities in a BPD.Note:
Decision tasks in IBM BPM are
equivalent to BPMN 2.0 Business Rule

Note: Simple and multi-instance loop properties can be defined for all task types.
For more information, see Creating loops for a BPD activity.
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)



Creating user interfaces for a BPD

Create customized user interfaces that a user sees for the process instance in
Process Portal.

About this task

IBM Business Process Manager provides a user interface for your instances in
Process Portal. You can either use the provided interface or you can create your
own user interface and make it the default user interface for all users. Optionally,
you can also create your own user interface that is customized for instance owners.
Attention: A process instance user interface must be implemented as a client-side
human service. You cannot implement it as a heritage human service.
These are the process instance user interfaces that you can create:
- The Default user interface that overrides the user interface that is provided by
IBM BPM. Any user that has permission to see the process instance in Process
Portal will see this interface. You can create a client-side human service and
specify it as the user interface. If you do not specify a client-side human service
here, the user interface that is provided by IBM BPM is used.
- The Instance Owners user interface is an optional user interface that you can
create for the team that is specified in the Instance owner team field in the
Overview page. You can create a client-side human service and specify it as the
user interface for the instance owners.

To create a process instance user interface, first create a client-side human service,
then create your customized interface by modifying the generated service and
adding a coach.
1. Open the BPD for which you want to create the user interface.
2. Switch to the Views page.
3. Under Details UI, select the interface that you want to create (Default or
Instance Owners).
4. Select a client-side human service, or create a new one. IBM BPM provides a
template in the Dashboards toolkit, called Instance Details UI Services Template.
You can copy this template and modify it to create your custom UI. The template
contains the following coaches:
- View Instance Details coach, which contains the following coach controls:
- Default Instance Details Template
- displays the instance details in Process Portal
- Data section
- displays the values of the variables that are passed into the client-side
human service.
- Show error, which returns an error if the instance is not found.
For more information, see Instance Details UI Service template.


5. Map the process variables to the client-side human service variables. To

automatically map input properties with process variables, click the auto-map icon
6. Open the client-side human service, and click Run
to test the client-side
human service and the coach.Note: If you copied the template in step 4, remove
the defensive logic that shows an error when the instance ID is null.
7. To test the interaction between the user interface and the process:
A. Open the BPD and click Run Process in the toolbar.
B. Switch to the Inspector when prompted.
C. In the Inspector, select the process instance and click the Runs the Details UI
for the selected BPD Instance in the toolbar.
Process Portal opens in your default browser showing the process instance user
interface. You can view the user interface, enter data, and interact with the
Parent topic:Creating a business process definition (BPD)


Building services
Use services to implement the activities in a business process definition (BPD).
When a BPD starts and the tasks within it are invoked, services perform the required
The type of service that you choose to create depends upon the requirements of the
activity. For example, if an activity requires integration with an external system, such
as a database, you can create an integration service. If an activity requires that call
center personnel enter data about customer requests, you can create a human
service with a coach.
- Service types
Learn about the types of services available in IBM BPM and when to use each
- Service components
Learn about the tools and components available when building services in IBM
Process Designer.
- Building a Decision service
Build a Decision service when you want a decision or condition in a business rule
to determine which process implementation is invoked. For example, when a
certain condition evaluates to true, Process Designer implements the associated
activity or action.
- Building a client-side human service
Build a client-side human service to handle the interaction for process or case
instances between the system and users through interactive tasks, dashboards, or
user interfaces. Within a client-side human service, you can use coaches, clientside scripts, and services to create a service flow that is run entirely in a web
browser.Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM
Advanced with the Basic Case Management feature installed.
- Building a heritage human service
Build a heritage human service when you want an activity in your business
process definition (BPD) to create an interactive task that process participants can
perform in a web-based user interface.
- Building an Ajax service
Build an Ajax service when you want a coach view to send data to or retrieve data
from the server asynchronously, such as for auto-completion in text fields, for
default selection values in selection lists, and so forth.
- Building an integration service
Build an integration service when you want a flow to interact with an external
- Building an advanced integration service
An advanced integration service is used to call a service implemented in IBM
Integration Designer from a business process definition (BPD) (via a system task)
or another service (via a nested service).
- Building a General System service
Use General System services when you want to orchestrate other background
services, manipulate variable data, generate HTML for a Coach, or perform some


other actions that do not require any integrations or business rules.

Parent topic:Modeling processes


Service types
Learn about the types of services available in IBM BPM and when to use each
The type of service that you choose to create depends upon the requirements of the
activity. For example, if an activity requires integration with an external system, such
as a database, you can create an integration service. If an activity requires that call
center personnel enter data about customer requests, you can create a client-side
human service with a coach.
The following table describes the types of services available in IBM BPM:
Table 1. Types of services available in IBM BPM
Service type
Heritage human service

Use a heritage human
service to implement an
interactive task in a
business process definition
(BPD) or a dashboard that
users can use in a webbased application such as
IBM Process Portal.
Heritage human services
run on the server and
supply user interfaces to a
web browser. Heritage
human services are
authored in the Process
Designer desktop editor,
and can contain coaches,
heritage coaches, and
postpones. A heritage
human service is the only
type of service that can call
other heritage human


Building a heritage human
serviceDifference between
client-side human services
and heritage human

Client-side human service Use a client-side human

Building a client-side
service to implement an
human service
interactive task, a
dashboard, or a user
interface for a case or
process instance that
users can use to manage
cases or processes in an
application such as IBM
Process Portal. Client-side
human services run within
a web browser and can call
the server for data when
needed. Client-side human
services are authored in
the Process Designer web
editor, and can contain
coaches, client-side
scripts, services, and
events. Client-side human
services cannot use
heritage coaches.
Ajax service
Use an Ajax service when Building an Ajax service
you want to include a
control in a coach to
implement dynamic data
selection such as
automatically populating
drop-down lists and
automatically completing
edit boxes. An Ajax service
can pull data dynamically
from a connected data
source, such as a
database. You cannot call
an Ajax service from other
types of services, but an
Ajax service can call other
nested services.


Decision service

Integration service

Advanced integration

IBM Case Manager

integration service

Use a decision service

when you want a condition
to determine the
implementation invoked.
For example, when a
certain condition evaluates
to true, IBM BPM
implements the JavaScript
expression that you
provide. Decision services
cannot include Java or
Web Service integrations
directly. You can call a
decision service from any
other type of service and a
decision service can call
other nested services.
Use an integration service
when you want to integrate
with an external system.
An integration service is
the only type of service
that can contain a Java or
Web Service integration.
You can call an integration
service from any other type
of service and an
Integration service can call
other nested services.
Use an advanced
integration service when
you want to integrate with
a service created in IBM
Integration Designer.
Use an IBM Case Manager
integration service when
you want to integrate with
an IBM Case Manager


Building a Decision service

Building an Integration

Building an Advanced
Integration service

Integrating BPDs with IBM

Case Manager cases

General system service

Use a general system

Building a General System
service when you need to service
coordinate other nested
services or you need to
manipulate variable data.
For example, if you need to
implement data
transformations or
generate HTML for a
coach, you can use a
general system service.
General system services
cannot include Java or
Web Service integrations
directly. You can call a
general system service
from any other type of
service and a general
system service can call
other nested services.

Parent topic:Building services

Related information:
Examples of building services with heritage coaches


Service components
Learn about the tools and components available when building services in IBM
Process Designer.
When developing a service diagram in the Designer view in IBM Process Designer,
the following tools and components are available from the palette. Not all tools and
components are available for each type of service.
- All service types
- Integration service
- Heritage human service
- Decision service
- IBM Case Manager Integration service

All service types

The following tools and components are available from the palette for all service
types:Table 1. Tools and components available from the palette for all service types
Component icon

Enables you to select and move
components on the diagram.
Enables you to connect service
components to establish the order in
which the steps in the service occur.
Use when you want to write JavaScript to
run on the Process Server in the service
context. The Server Script component is
useful for parsing through variables and
executing programmatic commands.
Use to bind blocks of formatted text (for
example, HTML, XML, or XSLT) directly
to a service variable. This eliminates the
need to store large blocks of text in
default values for variables.
Use to model a point in the process
execution where only one of several
paths can be followed, depending on a
Use to end service execution. For
services that contain multiple paths, each
path requires its own end event. Note:
An end event is automatically included
each time you create a service.
Use to add information about the overall
service or each step in the service to the
diagram. Adding notes helps other
developers understand your design.


Use to purposely throw an error and end

processing. You might, for example, use
an Error End Event component if you
return too many rows from a database
(over a limit that is normal and would bog
down the server).
Use to invoke an undercover agent
(UCA) from your service.
Use to listen for errors from the service
component to which it is attached.
Use to indicate a point in a service at
which you want IBM Business Process
Manager to capture the runtime data for
reporting purposes. For more information
about tracking data, see Enabling
processes for tracking and reporting.
Use to incorporate other services in your
current service. Nested services are
generally defined to perform specific,
repeatable functions such as exception
handling routines, integration with
outside systems, or data manipulation.
Nested services are often used in
multiple process applications and likely
reside in a toolkit. Note: Human and Ajax
services cannot be nested.
Note: You must use a nested service to
invoke an Advanced Integration service.
Use to send task-related alerts
(deprecated). In prior releases, the Send
Alert component was used to send alerts
to an IBM Process Portal user. Starting
in IBM Business Process Manager V8,
alerts can be retrieved only with the
TWSearch JavaScript API by querying
on tasks with the status of Alert.

Integration service
The following tools and components are available from the palette for Integration
services only:Table 2. Tools and components available from the palette for
Integration services only
Component icon

Use to run an external web service. This
component enables you to supply a
WSDL URI and then use any of the
available services.


Use to call methods from a Java class.

You can use the methods to complete
tasks like reading or writing files or
sending SMTP mail.
Use to integrate with an IBM Enterprise
Content Management system.

Heritage human service

The following tools and components are available from the palette for heritage
human services.Table 3. Tools and components available from the palette for
heritage human services
Component icon

Use to implement the interfaces for your
heritage human services so that users
can participate in a business process.
For more information, see Building
coaches. The coach tool is shared with
the client-side human services. For more
information, see Tools available from the
palette for client-side human services.
Use to implement the interfaces for your
heritage human services so that users
can participate in a business process.
For more information, see Building
heritage coaches. This component is
used for heritage human services only.
Use to change the priority, due date,
status, or other aspects of a task.
Use to halt processing without changing
the status of a task. This component is
used for heritage human services only.

Decision service
The following tools and components are available from the palette for Decision
services only:Table 4. Tools and components available from the palette for Decision
services only
Component icon

Use to build conditions for your Decision
Use to include decision services
available on an ILOG JRules Rule
Execution Server.


Use the Business Action Language

(BAL) Rule component to author
business rules using natural language

IBM Case Manager Integration service

The following tools and components are available from the palette for IBM Case
Manager services only:Table 5. Tools and components available from the palette for
IBM Case Manager services only
Component icon

Use to integrate a case management
case in IBM Case Manager.

Parent topic:Building services

Related information:
Tools available from the palette for client-side human services


Building a Decision service

Build a Decision service when you want a decision or condition in a business rule to
determine which process implementation is invoked. For example, when a certain
condition evaluates to true, Process Designer implements the associated activity or
IBM Process Designer supports business rule authoring tasks as performed by
business analysts and business users who are rule designers rather than
programmers. Business rule designers can express business logic using rule syntax
that resembles natural human language. This rule syntax is called Business Action
Language (BAL), which is a declarative language that relates business concepts to
business data and actions.
Business rules are an expression of business policy in a form that is understandable
to business users and that can be run by a rule engine. Business rules formalize a
business policy into a series of "if-then" statements. In Process Designer, business
rules are included in a business process definition (BPD) by adding a Decision
service to the process. Add a Decision service to a Process Application when the
actions that should take place in your process depend upon one or more conditions.
For example, if an employee holds the position of Director and submits a meal
expense for more than $250, then you can create a rule and set a variable in the
rule, such as approvalRequired, to route the process sequence flow into a specific
approval activity.
A Decision service contains one or more components. There are three types of
- BAL Rule
- You can use the rule editor in this component to author business rules using
Business Action Language (BAL), a natural language technology.
- JRules Decision Service
- IBM Business Process Manager integrates with IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules
using the JRules Decision Service component. You can use this rule
component to connect to and implement rule applications that are available on
a JRules Rule Execution Server.
- Decision Table
- The Decision Table component contains a rule table. Each row in the rule table
represents a Boolean condition that evaluates to true or false at run time. When
a rule evaluates to true, the JavaScript expression that you provide as the rule
action is started.
When building a Decision service, follow these guidelines:
- Build your rule hierarchy so that rule conditions are ordered from most complex to
least complex.
- Create a final condition that is a catch-all rule. This rule is necessary if you cannot
guarantee that the variable that you want to modify in the rule will be set before
running the process that triggers the Decision service.
- Consider encapsulating your rules in a single-function Decision service, which
allows the service to be available to any other part of the process application that
needs the same rule logic.


The following topics describe how to author, implement and manage business rules
in Process Designer.
- Scenario: Creating a Decision service in a Personalized Notification process
This scenario shows you how to create, configure and test Business Action
Language (BAL) rules in a Decision service. The scenario presents a sample
business process that is used by a bank to notify a customer when a payment is
made from a specific account.
- Adding a Decision service to a process
You can add a Decision service to a business process definition (BPD). Use a
Decision service when you want a decision or condition to determine which
process implementation is invoked. For example, when a certain condition
evaluates to true, IBM Process Designer implements the associated activity or
- Implementing an activity using a Decision service
You can implement an activity using a Decision service.
- Attaching a Decision service to a decision gateway
You can use a decision gateway in your business process definition (BPD) when
you need to model a point in the process execution where only one of several
paths can be followed, depending on a condition. You can also attach a Decision
service to a decision gateway.
- Adding a BAL Rule component to a service
The Business Action Language (BAL) Rule component provides a rule editor that
allows rule designers to author business rules using natural language technology.
Using natural language, instead of JavaScript, to author rules means that no
programming expertise is required to create business rules, and the rules are
easier for people to read and understand.
- Adding and modifying Decision service variables
Each IBM Business Process Manager Decision service has a set of input, output,
and private variables that are declared for that service. The business terms and
phrases that you define as variables are available for you to use when you are
writing rules. For example, the variable appear in the Content Assist menu in the
rule editor.
- Testing a Decision service
When you have finished creating a Decision service and authoring rules in a rule
component, such as a BAL Rule component, you can test the Decision service to
determine if the rules are being applied as you intended. If an error or exception
occurs within a rule, you will see messages about the error during testing, and you
can debug the specific rule component or rule that caused the error.
- Scenario: Exporting rules to a Rule Execution Server
This scenario shows you how to export, migrate and connect BAL rules to a rule
execution server (RES). You can migrate the rules that you created in Process
Designer to a business rules management system (BRMS) such as IBM
WebSphere ILOG JRules, and then continue to use the rules in a business
process definition.
- Exporting rules for use in Rule Studio
You can export a set of rules to create a project file that you can then import and

work on in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules Rule Studio.

- Adding a JRules Decision Service component to a service
When building a Decision service in Process Designer, you can include decision
services available on an ILOG JRules Rule Execution Server in your
- Adding a Decision Table component to a service
You can add a Decision Table component to a service.
- BAL reference
A reference guide to the Business Action Language (BAL), which is used to author
rules in IBM Business Process Manager, is available in the IBM WebSphere ILOG
JRules InfoCenter.
- Decision service limitations
Some functions and variables are not supported in a Decision service.
Parent topic:Building services


Scenario: Creating a Decision service in a

Personalized Notification process
This scenario shows you how to create, configure and test Business Action
Language (BAL) rules in a Decision service. The scenario presents a sample
business process that is used by a bank to notify a customer when a payment is
made from a specific account.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

This scenario assumes that there is an existing business process definition called
Personalized Notification that includes a decision gateway named Send Alert. The
process includes a Decision service with BAL rules to decide whether a notification
is sent to the customer. The Decision service defines the conditions that must
evaluate to true in order for the notification step to be triggered. Using the following
steps, you can attach the NotificationRulesService to the Send Alert decision
gateway. The rules in the Decision service control whether the sequence flow
coming out of the gateway follows the "No notification" decision path, or the "Send
notification" decision path.

To add a Decision service to the Personalized Notification process, complete these
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
3. Create a new Decision service called NotificationRulesService.
A. In the Library panel on the left side of the Process Designer window, move the
mouse cursor over the Decisions item in the list of library items for the
process application.
B. Click the plus sign next to Decisions to add a new Decision service.
C. In the Create New window, click Decision Service.
D. In the New Decision Service window, enter NotificationRulesService as the
Decision service name, then click Finish.


You can find more information about adding a Decision service in the related
topic "Adding a Decision service to a process."
4. Add a BAL Rule component called AlertRules to the NotificationRulesService
Decision service.
A. Make sure that you are editing the NotificationRulesService Decision service.
B. Click BAL Rule in the component palette and drag the BAL Rule component
icon from the palette to the service diagram.
C. In the Properties tab, enter AlertRules ad the name for the new BAL Rule
D. Click Save, or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save the Decision service.

You can find more information about adding a BAL rule component in the related
topic "Adding a BAL Rule component to a service."
5. Create a business object called CheckingAccount that contains parameters
such as CustomerName, Balance and Payments.
A. Add a business object from the Process Designer library panel.
1. Click the indicator next to the process application name in the library panel
to see the categories of library items in the current process application.
2. Click the plus sign next to the Data library item.
3. In the Create New window, click Business Object.
4. In the New Business Object window, enter CheckingAccount as the
name for the business object, then click Finish.
B. In the Behavior section of the Business Object panel, select Complex
Structure Type as the Definition Type.
C. Add parameters to the CheckingAccount business object.
1. In the Parameters section of the Business Object panel, click Add.
2. In the Parameter Properties section, add the CustomerName parameter
with the variable type set to String, the Balance parameter with the variable
type set to Decimal, and the PastPayment parameter with the variable type
set to Payment.
D. Click Save, or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save the Decision service.


You can find more information about creating a business object in the related
topic "Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service."
6. Define which of the parameters are used as input variables to the Decision
service, such as CustomerName, Balance and PastPayment, and which
parameters are output variables from the Decision service, including the
notification message.
A. Make sure you are editing the NotificationRulesService Decision service.
B. Click the Variables tab.
C. Click Add Input to add the input variables:
1. In the Details section, enter accountIn as the name for the input variable.
2. Click Select next to Variable type and click CheckingAccount in the list.
3. Click the plus sign next to accountIn in the Variables list to confirm that
CustomerName, Balance and PastPayment are included in the list.
D. Click Add Output to add the output variable, notificationOut.
1. In the Details section, enter notificationOut as the name for the output
2. Click Select next to Variable type and click Notification in the list.
3. Click the plus sign next to notificationOut in the Variables list to confirm
that message is included in the list.
E. Click Save, or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save the Decision service.


You can find more information about defining Decision service variables in the
related topic "Adding and modifying Decision service variables."
7. Use the BAL Rule editor to create rules in the AlertRules BAL Rule component.
A. Make sure you are editing the NotificationRulesService Decision service.
B. Click the Diagram tab, then click to select the AlertRules BAL Rule component.
C. Click the Decisions tab. By default, the rule editor opens with an empty BAL
rule window. The rule window contains a basic template for a simple rule, with
one condition (if) and one action (then).
D. Click inside the rule window to begin creating a new rule from the template.
1. Click the condition placeholder, next to if, to use the Content Assist menu to
complete the condition. Add the following condition statements by doubleclicking on each as it appears in the list. If the list closes before you can
select a condition statement, press Shift+Spacebar to reopen the Content
Assist menu.
- if the amount of
- paymentIn
- is more than
- the balance of
- accountIn
The first part of the rule (if) looks like this:if the amount of paymentIn is more than the balance
of accountIn

E. Click the action placeholder next to then and add the following condition
- set the message of
- notificationOut
- to
- string
When you double-click to select string, the edit cursor appears between two
double quotation marks. Type the notification message, Payment takes
account overdrawn between the double quotation marks.The second part of

the rule (then) looks like this:then

set the message of notificationOut to

"Payment takes account overdrawn";

F. Add a second rule editor window. Click the plus sign in the upper right corner
of the BAL rule editor panel. Repeat the previous sequence of steps to create
a second rule that looks like this:if there is no payment in the past payments of accountIn
where the payee of this payment is the payee of paymentIn ,
set the message of notificationOut to the message of notificationOut + "\n" +
"Payment to new payee: " + the payee of paymentIn ;

G. Click Save, or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save the Decision service.

You can find more information about using the BAL Rule editor in the related
topic "Creating a rule using the rule editor."
8. Attach the NotificationRulesService Decision service to the Send Alert decision
A. Make sure you are editing the NotificationRulesService Decision service.
B. In the business process definition diagram, click the Send Alert decision
gateway icon to select the decision gateway.
C. Click the Properties tab.
D. Click Decision.
E. In the Decision Service section, click Select. Click to select the
NotificationRulesService Decision service.
F. Click Implementation in the Properties tab.
G. Under the Decisions heading, add a variable statement to each decision to
control the output of the decision gateway.

You can find more information about decisions in the implementation of a

gateway, and attaching a Decision service to a gateway, in the related topic
"Attaching a Decision service to a decision gateway."
9. Test the Decision service and the BAL rules that you created and attached to the
decision gateway.

A. Make sure that you are editing the NotificationRulesService Decision service
and the AlertRules BAL Rule component.
B. In the NotificationRulesService Decision service, click to select the Send Alert
decision gateway.
C. Set a breakpoint for the gateway. Set breakpoints at specific locations in the
process where you want the process flow to pause during testing so that you
can determine the status of the process, and identify any errors that might
have occurred.
D. In the AlertRules BAL Rule component panel, click the Debug
icon in the
banner above the rule editor windows.

E. The IBM BPM Debug Service opens in a new browser window.

F. When Process Designer prompts you to change to the Inspector interface,
click Yes. The prompt to switch to the Inspector perspective might be covered
up by the Debug window.
G. Click Step in the Debug window to run the Decision service one step at a time.
The Inspector clearly identifies any errors in the Execution State panel. The
Inspector also tells you where the error happened, and links directly to the
source of the problem. The Debug service browser window captures error and
exception messages. For more information about using the Debug service and
the Inspector window to identify and fix Decision service problems, refer to the
related topic "Debugging a Decision service."
H. If you make any changes to resolve errors in the Decision service or the BAL
rules, click Save, or use the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut to save the Decision

What to do next
When you have finished creating, configuring and testing the AlertRules BAL rules in
the NotificationRulesService Decision service, then you have completed the
scenario procedures. If you want to refine or share the rules that you create in
Process Designer, you can export the rules into a project file and import them into
IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules. For more information, refer to the related topic
"Exporting, migrating and connecting BAL rules to a rule server."
Parent topic:Building a Decision service
Related information:
Adding a Decision service to a process
Adding a BAL Rule component to a service
Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service
Adding and modifying Decision service variables

Creating rules using the rule editor

Attaching a Decision service to a decision gateway
Debugging a Decision service
Scenario: Exporting rules to a Rule Execution Server


Adding a Decision service to a process

You can add a Decision service to a business process definition (BPD). Use a
Decision service when you want a decision or condition to determine which process
implementation is invoked. For example, when a certain condition evaluates to true,
IBM Process Designer implements the associated activity or action.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
To create services, you must have access to a process application or toolkit in the
Process Center repository. Access to process applications and toolkits is controlled
by users who have administrative rights to the repository. For more information, see
Managing access to the Process Center repository.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. Create a new Decision service.
A. Click the plus sign next to Decisions to add a new Decision service.
B. In the Create New window, click Decision Service.
C. In the New Decision Service window, enter a name for the new Decision
service, then click Finish.
D. Process Designer displays the diagram of the service with the default Start
Event and End Event components.
4. Drag a rule component, such as a BAL Rule, JRules Decision Service or Decision
Table component, from the component palette to the Decision service diagram.
5. Depending on which component or components you added to the service
diagram, follow the additional steps in the following related topics to configure the
components in the Decision service:
- Adding a BAL Rule component to a service
- Adding a JRules Decision Service component to a service
- Adding a Decision Table component to a service

What to do next
You can now nest this Decision service in any other service within your process
application that requires this logic. Be sure to adjust the input and output variables
as required for each implementation. See Declaring and passing variables for more

Parent topic:Building a Decision service

Related information:
Declaring and passing variables
Adding a BAL Rule component to a service
Adding a JRules Decision Service component to a service


Adding a Decision Table component to a service


Implementing an activity using a Decision service

You can implement an activity using a Decision service.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

To select a Decision service as the implementation for an activity, complete the
following steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
3. Open the BPD diagram that contains that activity that you want to implement
using a Decision service.
4. Click the activity in the diagram to select the activity.
5. Click the Implementation option in the properties.
6. Click the drop-down list and select Decision Task from the available options.
7. Click the Select button to choose the Decision service that you want from the
library. If the service does not yet exist, click the New button to create it.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service


Attaching a Decision service to a decision gateway

You can use a decision gateway in your business process definition (BPD) when
you need to model a point in the process execution where only one of several paths
can be followed, depending on a condition. You can also attach a Decision service
to a decision gateway.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

When you attach a Decision service to a decision gateway, the process follows a
specific sequence line coming out of the gateway based on the result of the
conditions and actions in the rule components in the Decision service. If there are
multiple decisions in the Implementation properties for the gateway, the decisions
are evaluated from top to bottom and the path for the first decision that evaluates to
true is followed. If no decisions evaluate to true, the default path is followed.

To attach a Decision service to a decision gateway, complete the following steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
3. In the BPD diagram, click the decision gateway icon to select the decision
gateway where you want to attach the Decision service.
4. Click the Properties tab.
5. Click Decision.
6. In the Decision Service section, click Select.
7. Select the Decision service you want to attach to the gateway from the list of
available services.
8. If you decide not to use an existing Decision service, you can create a new
service. Click New next to the Service field. You can remove an attached
Decision service from a decision gateway. Click the delete icon (X) next to the
Decision service name.
9. The Inputs section contains a variable condition statement field that controls the
behavior of the gateway, based on the result of the rules in the rule component.
A. To select an input variable statement, click the variable icon
to display a
list of available variables.
B. The Inputs section includes an auto-map function. To create a mapping
between the variables used in the Decision service and the variables that are
used in the main business process definition, click the auto-map icon
When developing processes in IBM Business Process Manager, you must set
the input and output mapping for each activity included in a business process
definition so that the variable values received and generated by services map
to the variables from the main process definition. For more information about
the auto-map function, refer to the related topic "Mapping input and output
data for an activity."

The text field under the Inputs heading shows the JavaScript object that
represents the variable. The variable name is displayed to the right of the Inputs
10. Click Implementation in the Properties tab.
11. Under the Decisions heading, add a variable statement to each decision to
control the output of the decision gateway. The last decision is the default
condition sequence line, which is followed if none of the decisions evaluate to
true. You can change the position of a decision. Click the down arrow or the up
arrow next to a decision to move it down or up in the decision list.
12. For each decision above the last (default) decision, add an output variable
statement. Click the variable icon to display a list of available output variables
that are defined in the Decision service. The text field for each decision shows
the JavaScript object that represents the variable condition.
13. To enable the process to process the decision and choose the correct output
sequence line for the decision gateway, you must also specify a comparison
function and a value for each decision. For example, if the purpose of the
decision gateway is to determine whether a notification message is sent to a
customer or not, then the decisions are No Notification (the process ends with
no message sent), or Send Notification. The value of the No Notification decision
is null, because the rules in the decision service have determined that no
notification message is required. The value of the Send Notification decision is
determined by variables that are defined in the rules. In this example, Send
Notification is the default decision. The example decisions are illustrated in the

following figure:
In this screen capture, the input variable tw.local.notification.message in
the top position is set to no message as output; that is, no text will be sent as
indicated by the quotation marks with no text inside (""). This output would be
determined by the logic of the decision service. Under a certain set of conditions,
no message would be sent. For example, if the decision service checked a
database and found that the customer no longer existed it would not send a
message. Another possibility might be that the customer had an invalid email
address, so no message would be sent.The input variable and its output in the
bottom position are hidden in this screen capture; however, by using the arrows
you could move the bottom position up to the top position and the code would be
displayed. This is the default output, which is to send a message. The message
sent as output could be in quotation marks, for example, "Your order is
confirmed," or the message sent as output might be in an another variable such
as orderConfirmationNumber, which would contain the order number for
something the customer had ordered.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service
Related information:
Mapping input and output data for an activity or step


Adding a BAL Rule component to a service

The Business Action Language (BAL) Rule component provides a rule editor that
allows rule designers to author business rules using natural language technology.
Using natural language, instead of JavaScript, to author rules means that no
programming expertise is required to create business rules, and the rules are easier
for people to read and understand.

About this task

The following steps describe how to add a BAL Rule component to a sample
Decision service. The purpose of the sample service is to determine whether
approval is required for certain employee expenses. The sample service is a singlefunction Rule that can be called from any other service.
Restriction: The following variable types cannot be used with BAL rules in Decision
- ConditionalActivity
- IndexedMap
- Map
- NameValuePair
- Record
- SLAViolationRecord
- SQLDatabaseType
- SQLParameter
- SQLResult
- SQLResultSetColumn
- SQLResultSetRow
- SQLStatement
- TWHolidaySchedule
- TWTimePeriod
- TWTimeSchedule
- TWWorkSchedule
- TaskListData
- TaskListItem
- TaskListProperties
- TaskListFilterProperties
- TaskListSortBySelectionType
- XMLDocument
- XMLElement
- XMLNodeList

1. Open the process application in the Designer view.
2. Create a Decision service.
3. In the diagram of the new Decision service, click BAL Rule in the component
palette and drag the BAL Rule component icon from the palette to the service


4. In the Properties tab, enter a name for the new BAL Rule component, such as
5. Click the Variables tab.
6. Click Add Private to add a private variable to the Decision service. For this
sample Decision service, add the private variable, request.
A. Replace Untitled1 in the Name field with request .
B. Click Select next to Variable Type and select the type from the list.
7. If you use the Activity Wizard to create a Decision service, you can choose
existing variables to add as input and output. You should use the Activity Wizard
when you start with an existing activity and want to quickly create a service to
implement the activity. To access the wizard, right-click an activity icon in a
process diagram and select Activity Wizard from the list of options.
8. Click Add Private.
9. Replace Untitled1 in the Name field with approvalRequired .
10. Click Select next to Variable Type and select the Boolean type from the list. The
Boolean variable type is included in the IBM BPM System Data toolkit. The
System Data toolkit is included in each process application by default.
11. Click the Decisions tab to open the rules editor.

What to do next
Create a rule that is implemented for this Decision service. Refer to the related topic
"Authoring rules using the BAL rule editor."
- Creating rules using the rule editor
You can create rules using the Business Action Language (BAL) rule editor. The
rule editor uses natural language technology to express business decisions in a
form that is readable by humans but can also be run by a rule service runtime such
as the JRules Rule Execution Server.
- Business rule parts and structure
Business rules, such as action rules or decision tables, express business policy
statements using a predefined business vocabulary that can be interpreted by a
computer. Rules authored in the Business Action Language (BAL) are also easily
readable by humans.
- Defining variables in the rule editor
Variables are defined in the definitions part of a business rule.
- Copying and pasting content in the rule editor
You can copy content from a rule to the system clipboard, or paste content written
outside the rule editor into the editor window.
- Setting the rule language
You can use the locale preference setting provided in IBM Process Designer to
set the language used in a BAL Rule component.
- Troubleshooting BAL rule editor errors
The Business Action Language (BAL) rule editor highlights errors with red
underline in the editing window.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service
Related information:

Declaring variables for a BPD or a service in Process Designer


Creating rules using the rule editor

You can create rules using the Business Action Language (BAL) rule editor. The
rule editor uses natural language technology to express business decisions in a
form that is readable by humans but can also be run by a rule service runtime such
as the JRules Rule Execution Server.

About this task

You can use the BAL rule editor to build rules, add rule parts, statements, and
fragments, and replace placeholders with variables and values. Use the completion
menu in the editor to insert or edit constants, values, parts, or fragments of rule
statements. While you are creating or editing rules, the editor highlights errors to
help you identify and resolve problems in your rules.
A business rule consists of some or all of the following parts. The parts must be
defined in the following order:
1. definitions part (optional)
2. if part
3. then part
4. else part (optional)
For more information about the parts and structure of a business rule, refer to the
related topic "Business rule parts and structure."
The following steps describe how to author a rule using the rule editor. The rule is
implemented in a BAL Rule component as part of a sample Decision service. The
purpose of the sample service created in the procedure steps is to determine
whether approval is required for certain employee expenses. The sample service is
a single-function rule that can be called from any other service.

1. Make sure you are working in the sample Decision service that was created in the
related topic "Adding a BAL Rule component to a service."
2. Click the Decisions tab to open the rule editor.
3. By default, the rule editor opens with an empty BAL rule window. The rule window
contains a basic template for a simple rule, with one condition (if) and one action (
4. Click inside the rule window to begin creating a new rule from the template.
A. Click the condition placeholder, next to if, to use the Content Assist menu to
complete the condition. Double-click a condition statement in the menu to add
that condition to the rule.
- If the list of conditions is long, you can use the Tree Completer menu instead
of the Content Assist menu to select the condition statement. With the edit
cursor on the <condition> placeholder, press Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar to open
the Tree Completer menu.
- If you know the name of the condition you want to insert, start typing the
condition name. The Tree Completer shows all the conditions that match the
name as you type, as shown in the following diagram:


B. Click the action placeholder, next to then, to select from the menu of possible
actions. Double-click an action statement in the menu to add that action to the
rule. For more information about using the menu to select actions, refer to the
related topic in the IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules InfoCenter, "Inserting a term
or a phrase."
5. To add additional rule parts to the rule, click to place the editor cursor above or
below the existing rule content, then press Ctrl+Spacebar to activate the Content
Assist menu. The Content Assist box displays a list of valid rule parts. For
example, to create a definition rule part, click before the if condition section, then
press Ctrl+Spacebar to open the Content Assist menu and select definitions. To
create an else rule part, click below the then section of the rule.
6. To add additional rules to the BAL Rule component, click the plus symbol at the
top of the rule editor window. Each time you click the plus symbol, a rule editor
window is opened. Each window contains the simple rule template.
7. In a BAL Rule component that contains multiple rules, you can change the order
of the rules. Click the up arrow beside the editing window to move the rule up one
place in the rule order. Click the down arrow to move the rule down one place in
the rule order.
8. The rule editor saves the rules periodically as you are authoring. To save all the
rules in the BAL Rule component while you are authoring, click Ctrl+S, or click
the Save icon in the Process Designer action bar.
9. To exit the rule editor, click the exit icon (X) next to the Decision service name.
Parent topic:Adding a BAL Rule component to a service
Related information:
Business rule parts and structure
Adding a BAL Rule component to a service
Inserting a term or a phrase


Business rule parts and structure

Business rules, such as action rules or decision tables, express business policy
statements using a predefined business vocabulary that can be interpreted by a
computer. Rules authored in the Business Action Language (BAL) are also easily
readable by humans.
For example, the business policy "refuse a loan to customers whose credit score is
below the minimum of 200" can be expressed as a business rule in the following
- definitions

- set minimum_score to 200;

- if

- the credit score of the borrower is less than minimum_score

- then

- refuse the loan with the message "Credit score below" + minimum_score;
The parts must be defined in the following order:
1. definitions part
2. if (conditions) part
3. then (actions) part
4. else (optional actions) part

The definitions part of a rule gives you more control over your business rules when
you set variables at the beginning of your rule. Variables help you identify and then
reference an occurrence of a business term by a convenient name. Use variables to
make your business rules less ambiguous and easier to understand.
Define a variable by giving it a name of your choice and then setting a value for the
variable. This value can be a number (or an arithmetic expression whose result is a
number), text, or a predefined business term that already exists in your rule (for
example, customer). Once you have set a variable, it becomes available in all the
parts of the current rule. The variable is valid only in the rule in which it is defined.
The simplest use of definitions is to define a constant value that you can use
throughout your rule. For example, by declaring a variable called minimum_score in
the example rule, you make the rule easier to understand:
- definitions

- set minimum_score to 200;

This is a very basic illustration of the definitions part of a rule. For more information
about complex versions of the definition part, such as multiple occurrences of a
value, or adding a where clause to a definition to apply further restrictions on the
variables, refer to the related section in the WebSphere ILOG JRules InfoCenter,
"Understanding your rules -- Definitions." A related link is provided.

The condition part of a rule specifies under what conditions the actions in the action
part of the rule will be carried out. Conditions are represented in the rule editor by


the text (or number) that appears after if, ending at then. The word then signals the
beginning of the action part of the rule.In the example rule, the condition is defined
so that when the credit score of the borrower is below the minimum value, then the
loan to the customer is refused.
- if

- the credit score of the borrower is less than minimum_score

This is a simple condition that is either true or false. The action is carried out if this
condition is true. The condition part of a rule can be made up of one or more
condition statements. For more information about conditions, refer to the section
"Understanding your rules -- Conditions" in the WebSphere ILOG JRules InfoCenter.

The action part of a rule describes what to do when the conditions of the rule are
met. Actions are represented in the rule editor by the text that appears after then
and else. If there is more than one action to perform, the actions are carried out in
the order that they appear in the action part of the rule.In the example rule, the
action is defined so that when the condition evaluates to true, then the resulting
action is to refuse the loan, and issue a message "Credit score below 200."
- then

- refuse the loan with the message "Credit score below" + minimum_score;
Optionally, you can include an else part in a rule. The else part of a rule is an
optional block of actions that specify what to do when the conditions are not met.
You can use an else rule part in combination with variables in the definitions part to
control the rule action more precisely. If a rule contains both definitions and a
condition part, the else part of a rule will only be run if the conditions set in the
variables are satisfied and the condition part of the rule is not satisfied. This sample
rule shows this application for the else part:
- definitions

- set applicant to a customer;

where the category of this customer is Gold;
- if

- the value of the shopping cart is more than $100

- then

- apply a 15% discount

- else

- apply a 5% discount;
This rule applies an extra discount only for customers who qualify for the Gold
category. For more information about actions, refer to the section "Understanding
your rules -- Actions" in the WebSphere ILOG JRules InfoCenter.

Parent topic:Adding a BAL Rule component to a service

Related information:
Understanding your rules: Definitions
Understanding your rules: Conditions
Understanding your rules: Actions


Defining variables in the rule editor

Variables are defined in the definitions part of a business rule.

Before you begin

Variables are accessible from business rules when you add them to the rule
vocabulary. For more information about verbalizing variables, refer to the related
topic "Adding and modifying Decision service variables."

About this task

You can use a variable to identify and then refer to an occurrence of something by a
convenient name. Use variables to make your business rules clear and easy to
understand. When you create a variable in a rule, the variable is only valid for that
rule, although the variable can be used in a all parts of the rule. Variable names
must be unique within a rule.

To define a variable, complete these steps:
1. In the definitions part of the rule, press Ctrl+Spacebar, and double-click to select
set from the Content Assist menu. The content of the Content Assist menu
changes to show the default name for new variables, variable1. After the
definitions are specified, the Content Assist menu changes to show the closing
2. Double-click in the Content Assist menu to insert the placeholder variable name
variable1 in the rule.
3. Type over the placeholder variable name to replace variable1 with the name of
your variable. If your variable is only one word, quotation marks are not required.
If your variable is a phrase containing more than one word, you must put the
phrase between quotation marks.
4. Press Ctrl+Spacebar, and select a variable type from the menu. In IBM BPM,
every variable name is associated with a variable type, which determines what
values are legal for the associated variable. For more information, refer to the
related topic "Variable types."
5. After the variable type is specified, the Content Assist menu changes to show the
closing semicolon, or the optional building blocks from, in, and where. If you have
finished defining the variable, select the closing semicolon. To define a variable
using the optional building blocks, continue by selecting from, in, or where.
6. The variable definition ends with the closing semicolon. Once a variable is
defined, you can use the variable in all parts of the business rule.

To make a rule easier to read, you can use a variable to define a one-to-one
relationship between business objects. In the following business rule, the variable
the shopping cart is defined using the one-to-one relationship between two objects:
the ShoppingCart and the Customer:
- definitions


set customer to a customer;

set the cart to the shopping cart of customer;

- if

- the value of the cart is less than $100

- then

- apply 10% discount;

What to do next
You must initialize complex variable structures before running the Decision service.
In IBM BPM, all complex variables and all lists (arrays) must be initialized before
you use them in a BPD or service. If you do not initialize a complex variable or list,
you may receive runtime errors or notice that the controls to which the variables are
bound do not behave as expected. For more information, refer to the related topic,
"Initializing complex variables and lists."

Parent topic:Adding a BAL Rule component to a service

Related information:
Variable types


Copying and pasting content in the rule editor

You can copy content from a rule to the system clipboard, or paste content written
outside the rule editor into the editor window.

To cut or paste content in the rule editor, complete the following steps:
1. You can copy the contents of an individual rule to the system clipboard.
A. Click to place the edit cursor inside the rule that contains the rule content you
want to copy.
B. Highlight the content you want to copy. To select the entire content of the rule,
press Ctrl+A.
C. Copy the content to the clipboard using a keyboard shortcut, or the product
menu, or the right-click menu, as described in the following steps:
1. Press the copy keyboard shortcut for your system. For example, on a
Microsoft Windows system, the copy function shortcut is Ctrl+C.
2. From the main product menu, click Edit > Copy.
3. Right-click in the rule editor window and select Copy from the menu.
2. To paste content from the system clipboard into a rule, complete these steps.
A. Make sure that the content you want to paste into the rule has been copied into
your system clipboard.
B. Click to place the edit cursor inside the rule in the location where you want the
pasted content to appear.
C. Paste the content to the rule editor window using a keyboard shortcut, or the
product menu, or the right-click menu, as described in the following steps:
1. Press the paste keyboard shortcut for your system. For example, on a
Microsoft Windows system, the paste function shortcut is Ctrl+V.
2. From the main product menu, click Edit > Paste.
3. Right-click in the rule editor window and select Paste from the menu.
Parent topic:Adding a BAL Rule component to a service


Setting the rule language

You can use the locale preference setting provided in IBM Process Designer to set
the language used in a BAL Rule component.

About this task

The BAL Rule component language is set to English by default, but you can change
the locale setting to change the language used in new BAL Rule components. Once
the locale is set, you can create new BAL Rule components using the updated
locale. However, if you add new rules to an existing BAL Rule component that was
created before you changed the locale, the added rules use the locale setting from
the BAL Rule component, not the updated locale preference setting.

To change the locale setting, complete the following steps:
1. From the main menu, click File > Preferences
2. Click IBM BPM to display the available options.
3. Click Rules.
4. Click English next to BAL Decision Locale, then select a language from the
Parent topic:Adding a BAL Rule component to a service


Troubleshooting BAL rule editor errors

The Business Action Language (BAL) rule editor highlights errors with red underline
in the editing window.
To identify and correct an error in a rule, use the mouse to hover over the
highlighted error in the editor. When the error tip window is displayed, click the
underlined text in the error to go to the location of the error. Type in the editing
window to correct the error.

Error indicators in the rule editor

Errors in the rule editor are indicated by a wavy line under the section of the rule that
is invalid. Errors are underlined in red. Warnings are underlined in yellow.

Using Quick Fix to identify and fix errors

The Eclipse Quick Fix feature is available in the BAL rule editor. Quick Fix
messages offer suggestions to help you correct rule errors.
To see a proposed Quick Fix, click the light bulb icon next to the error indicator in
the rule editor window, or place your cursor on the error and press Ctrl+1.The
messages provide a list of possible corrections from which you can select the
appropriate fix.
To auto-correct an error from the quick fix message:
1. Put your cursor on the error indicator to display the error messages.

2. Click the light bulb icon or move your cursor to the error in the rule, and press
Ctrl+1 to open the Quick Fix message.

3. From the list of suggestions, click to select the appropriate fix.

Parent topic:Adding a BAL Rule component to a service



Adding and modifying Decision service variables

Each IBM Business Process Manager Decision service has a set of input, output,
and private variables that are declared for that service. The business terms and
phrases that you define as variables are available for you to use when you are
writing rules. For example, the variable appear in the Content Assist menu in the
rule editor.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

A Decision service might require input or output variables, or both. A service can
also include private variables for processing that occurs only within the service. For
more information about variables in a Decision service, refer to the related topic
"Declaring variables for a service."

To add or modify variables for a Decision service, complete the following steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD) in
the Designer view.
3. Make sure you have selected the Decision service where you want to add or
modify variables.
4. Click the Variables tab.
5. Existing variables are organized into three sections: Input, Output, and Private, as
shown in the following example. Click the plus sign next to a section to see the
variables in that section.


6. You can add a variable to the Decision service by completing one of the following
- Click Add Input to add a variable that you can use for input into a rule.
- Click Add Output to add a variable that you can use for output from the rule.
- Click Add Private to add a variable that applied only to the current Decision
The following information applies to variables:
- Variables are mapped to the IN, OUT or IN-OUT parameter directions
automatically, depending on how the variable is used in the rule. For example, a
variable that is referenced in a rule but is not updated at run time is identified as
an IN variable. For more information about parameters, refer to the related topic
"Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service."
- The input or output designation for variables might affect the way the Decision
service runs, but the designation is not significant when you are authoring BAL
rules because input, output and private variables are all referenced identically in
a BAL rule.
- If you create an input and an output variable that have the same name, only one
variable is actually created. The variable is used for both input and output at the
Decision service level.
- Exposed Process Variables (EPVs) are managed at the process application
level, and allow the IBM Business Process Manager administrator to specify
designated users who can set or alter variable values using the Process Admin
Console while instances of a process are running. The Decision service can pick
up an EPV variable that has been created in a process application and use the
variable in a rule to affect the way that the Decision service runs. For more
information about EPVs, refer to the related topic "Creating exposed process

7. You can modify or view the properties of an existing variable. Click to highlight the
variable name, then modify the variable properties under the Details section, or
view the Default Value of the variable if a default value has been defined, as
shown in the following example:

8. Select an existing Variable Type, or define a new variable type.

A. Click Select to set or modify the current variable type.
B. Click New to define a new variable type. For more information about defining a
new variable type using the Business Object editor, refer to the related topic
"Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service."

What to do next
You must initialize private variables before running the Decision service. In IBM
BPM, all private variables must be initialized before you use them in a business
process definition or Decision service. If you do not initialize a variable, you may
receive runtime errors or notice that the controls to which the variable is bound do
not behave as expected. For more information, refer to the related topic, "Initializing
complex variables and lists."
- Default rule variables and parameters
Pre-defined variables and variable types are deployed from the System Data
toolkit when IBM Business Process Manager is installed.
- Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service
In IBM Business Process Manager, you can create a custom business object
(variable type) for the Decision service. The variable type becomes part of the data
for the process application, and is available for all business process definitions
(BPDs) and services included in the process application.


- Variable types
You can define a Decision service variable by first specifying the name of the
variable, then setting the variable type. The variable value can be a simple data
type such as a string, integer, or date. You can also define a complex variable type
using a business object that contains parameters.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service
Related information:
Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service
Creating exposed process values (EPVs)


Default rule variables and parameters

Pre-defined variables and variable types are deployed from the System Data toolkit
when IBM Business Process Manager is installed.

Default Decision service variables

The System Data toolkit is imported into the Process Center repository so that each
process application and toolkit that you create has access to IBM BPM system data.
The System Data toolkit includes assets that all IBM BPM projects require, including
variable types. The Decision service can use most of the pre-defined variables and
variable types, with a few exceptions.
For example, when you create a new variable in the Rule editor, and select a
business object (variable type) to associate with the variable, the following list of
default variable types is displayed:

The following variable types are not supported for Decision service variables:
- SQLResult
- XMLDocument
- XMLElement
- XMLNodeList

Decision service parameters


Decision service parameters, which are defined for each business object (variable
type) provide a mechanism for exchanging data between a rule component and a
process application. You can define Decision service parameters using the following
- A business object name
- A variable type
- A direction, which indicates whether a parameter is used as input to a Decision
service, or output from the Decision service, or both. The direction setting is
determined automatically based on how the parameter or variable is used in the
rule. For example, any parameter or variable that is referenced in a rule, but is not
modified or updated when the service is running, is identified as an IN variable.
For information about setting up Decision service parameters, see the related topic
"Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service."

Parent topic:Adding and modifying Decision service variables

Related information:
Adding variable types and business objects to a Decision service


Adding variable types and business objects to a

Decision service
In IBM Business Process Manager, you can create a custom business object
(variable type) for the Decision service. The variable type becomes part of the data
for the process application, and is available for all business process definitions
(BPDs) and services included in the process application.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
To create a custom business object (variable type), you must have write access to
a process application or toolkit in the Process Center repository. Access to process
applications and toolkits is controlled by users who have administrative rights to the

To add a business object (variable type) to a Decision service, complete these
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains the Decision service.
3. You can add a variable type from the library panel, or from the Variables tab while
you are working in the Rule service.
- To add a business object from the library panel:
A. Click the plus sign next to the Data library item.
B. In the Create New window, click Business Object.
C. In the New Business Object window, type a name for the variable type, then
click Finish.
D. Follow the procedure steps to define the new business object (variable type).
- To add a variable type while working in the Decision service:
A. Make sure you are working in the Decision service where you want to add the
new variable type.
B. Click the Variables tab.
C. Create a new variable, or select the variable where you want to add the new
variable type. For more information about adding variables, refer to the
related topic "Adding and modifying Decision service variables."
D. In the Details section, click New next to the Variable Type field.
E. In the New Business Object window, type a name for the variable type, then
click Finish.
F. Follow the procedure steps to define the new business object (variable type).
4. In the Behavior section, select a Definition Type from the list.
- Select Simple Type to create a new variable type using an existing type such as
String, Decimal, or Integer. For more information about creating simple variable
types, refer to the related topic "Creating custom variable types."
- Select Complex Structure Type to create a new complex variable type. You
can create a custom variable type by adding parameters and parameter
properties to the business object. For more information about creating complex
variable types, refer to the related topic "Adding process variables to a BPD."As


you are adding parameters for a complex structure type, you can see the
resulting changes to the XML schema for the variable type. To see how the
variable parameters are declared in the XML schema, open the Advanced
Properties section and click View XML Schema.
5. When you have entered all the necessary parameters and settings for the
variable type, click Save in the main toolbar.
6. Return to the Decision service editing panel, then click Select next to the
Variable Type field. The variable type that you added is listed as an available

What to do next
In IBM BPM, all complex variables must be initialized before you can use the
variables in a BPD or service. Refer to the related topic "Initializing complex
variables and lists" for more information.
Parent topic:Adding and modifying Decision service variables
Related information:
Creating custom business objects in Process Designer
Declaring variables for a BPD or a service in Process Designer


Variable types
You can define a Decision service variable by first specifying the name of the
variable, then setting the variable type. The variable value can be a simple data type
such as a string, integer, or date. You can also define a complex variable type using
a business object that contains parameters.
Declaring the variables for a service enables the service to display and manipulate
the values that it receives from (input) and then pushes back up (output) to the main
business process.Important: You must initialize complex variable structures before
running the Decision service. In IBM BPM, all complex variables and all lists
(arrays) must be initialized before you use them in a business process definition or
service. If you do not initialize a complex variable or list, you may receive runtime
errors or notice that the controls to which the variables are bound do not behave as
expected. For more information, refer to the related topic "Initializing complex
variables and lists."

Complex variables for hierarchical data

In IBM Business Process Manager, you can create a custom variable type by using
a base variable type or by defining a new complex structure. You can create rules
about complex data that is nested, or hierarchical. Data that is referenced within the
text of a rule is not limited to simple data types such as string, integer, or date. You
can create complicated rules with nested variable structure. For example, in the
Decision service shown in the following diagram, the variable paymentIn has the
variable type Payment, and contains other, nested variables.

For more information about creating complex, hierarchical variable types, see the
related topic "Adding process variables to a BPD."
There are several complex variable types that are not supported when authoring
rules in a Decision service. The unsupported variable types are:
- SQLResult


- XMLDocument
- XMLElement
- XMLNodeList

Collections (lists) of variables

You can write rules against collections, or lists of variables, using Business Action
Language (BAL) rule constructs. You can use a variable to retrieve a collection (list)
of objects of a specific type. Use a list parameter in a business object when then are
numerous objects that your rule must run against, instead of just a single object. For
example, if you are writing a rule about an invoice, and there are multiple line items
in the invoice, then the invoice is actually a collection of line items. To write a rule
against the number of line items (if there are 10 or more line items, then process this
invoice manually), add a list parameter in a complex variable to your rule.
In the complex variable type, or business object, shown in the following diagram,
PastPayment is a list parameter, which means that it contains multiple objects of the
String, Decimal and Date variable type. To identify a variable as a collection or list,
click to select the Is List option under Parameter Properties.

Predefined variable types

Many pre-defined variable types are provided by the IBM BPM System Data toolkit.
These variables are defined as business objects. You can open a business object in
Process Designer and review the Documentation field to learn when and how to use
each variable type. For example, to open the Record business object included in
the System Data toolkit, complete these steps:
1. Open a process application in Process Designer.
2. Click the indicator next to the Toolkits category to see a list of toolkit
dependencies for the current process application.


3. Click the indicator next to the System Data toolkit to see its contents.
4. Click the Data category
5. Double-click the Record business object to open it. The Documentation field
provides information about the business object. The documentation informs you
that a Record is a group of ANY typed variables and that you do not need to
declare the number of ANY typed variables that you want to go into the Record.
So, the Record object is similar to a Structure object, except you do not need to
declare the type or the number of variables it contains.
For additional information about using variable types in rules, refer to the related
topic "Types of variable definition" in the WebSphere ILOG JRules InfoCenter.

Parent topic:Adding and modifying Decision service variables

Related information:
Declaring variables for a BPD or a service in Process Designer
Types of variable definition


Testing a Decision service

When you have finished creating a Decision service and authoring rules in a rule
component, such as a BAL Rule component, you can test the Decision service to
determine if the rules are being applied as you intended. If an error or exception
occurs within a rule, you will see messages about the error during testing, and you
can debug the specific rule component or rule that caused the error.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

To test a rule component and the rules it contains, you can load the Decision service
with default data and then step through the activities in your business process
definition to see the generated process data as it interacts with the business rules
you have defined. For example, if you set a breakpoint on an activity that has an
associated Decision service, you can make sure that the Decision service is
producing the data you expect, and make sure that there are no error messages or
exceptions being produced by the Decision service as it runs.

To test a Decision service, complete these steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD) with
a Decision service you want to test.
3. Open the BPD and click to select the activity or decision gateway in the business
process that has the Decision service associated with it.
4. Set a breakpoint in the activity. Set breakpoints at specific locations in the
process where you want the process flow to pause during testing so that you can
determine the status of the process, and identify any errors that might have
5. Click the Decision service name to open the rules in the rule editor.
6. Click the Run service icon
in the banner above the rule editor.
7. When Process Designer prompts you to change to the Inspector interface, click
Yes. The Inspector displays red tokens both in the BPD diagram and the
execution step tree, which provides a hierarchical view of the execution state,
showing the step that is currently running in the active process instance.
- Debugging a Decision service
Debug a rule component in a Decision service using the Inspector perspective and
the debugging feature in Process Designer. Use these testing functions to can
examine how the Decision service operates in each step of the process execution,
which provides a more detailed inspection than simply stepping through the
- Exception messages in Decision service testing
You can review exception messages that result from Decision service testing. The


exceptions provide information that is helpful when you are troubleshooting

Decision service execution errors.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service


Debugging a Decision service

Debug a rule component in a Decision service using the Inspector perspective and
the debugging feature in Process Designer. Use these testing functions to can
examine how the Decision service operates in each step of the process execution,
which provides a more detailed inspection than simply stepping through the process.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

There are several types of Decision service problems that you can troubleshoot
using the Debug Service and the Inspector. For example:
- Results from running the Decision service are not what you expected.
- Running the Decision service results in an exception and you need to identify the
process step that generates errors.
To enable the Debug Service to step through the Decision service execution, set a
breakpoint on each activity within the Decision service before running the debug

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Make sure that you are working in the Decision service that you want to test and
4. Click the Debug icon.
5. The IBM BPM Debug Service opens in a new browser window, as shown in the
following diagram:

6. Click Step in the Debug window to run the Decision service one step at a time,
or click Run to run the complete Decision service.

7. When Process Designer prompts you to change to the Inspector perspective,

click Yes.Note: The prompt to switch to the Inspector perspective might be
covered up by the Debug window.
8. The Inspector opens the currently running service in the Services in Debug tab
and shows progress through the service, using a hierarchical tree in the
Execution State panel to show the process step that is running.

9. When you run a Decision service and an exception occurs, the Inspector clearly
identifies the error in the Execution State panel. The Inspector also tells you
where the error happened, and links directly to the source of the problem. For
more information about using the Inspector to debug errors, see the related topic
"Resolving errors."
10. The Debug service browser window captures error and exception messages.
The first few lines of the exception are displayed at the top of the browser
window. To see the complete message, click Details. To help you locate the rule
that produced the error, some exception messages refer to specific rules by their
order number, such as Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3, prefixed by the name of the
Decision service step, as shown in the following example:An error occurred in
QuoteLookupRule2 service, at step BalRule1.
Detail message: Object stockQ not found at run time during execution.
You must make sure that the object has been initialized.

Parent topic:Testing a Decision service

Related tasks:
Resolving errors


Exception messages in Decision service testing

You can review exception messages that result from Decision service testing. The
exceptions provide information that is helpful when you are troubleshooting Decision
service execution errors.
When troubleshooting Decision service errors, the following information applies to
the exception messages:
- When a rule component is running, exception messages include the Decision
service name and step name.
- Exceptions in a rule condition cannot be traced to a specific rule.
- Exceptions in a rule action can be traced to a specific rule.
- The rule name includes a number part that corresponds to the order of the rules in
the BAL rules component, such as 1, 2, 3, or 4. If there are numerous rules in a
BAL rules component, this number helps you track down the location of the error.

Example of a null exception

If a variable value cannot be resolved, this problem results in a null exception, as
shown in the following example:ilog.rules.res.session.IlrRuleServiceException:
ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionException: An error occurred while the rule session was invoked.:
ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionException: An error occurred while the rule session was invoked.
ilog.rules.res.util.IlrRemoteException: Ruleset execution error
ilog.rules.res.util.IlrRemoteException: null
at call to 'mainRuleflow flow task body'
at call to 'execute'

at ilog.rules.res.session.IlrRuleService.executeRuleset(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.notifyListeners(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.access$4(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$
at org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Realm.runWithDefault(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(


at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.Main.main(
Caused by: ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionException: An error occurred while the rule session was invoked.:
ilog.rules.res.session.IlrSessionException: An error occurred while the rule session was invoked.
ilog.rules.res.util.IlrRemoteException: Ruleset execution error
ilog.rules.res.util.IlrRemoteException: null
at call to 'mainRuleflow flow task body'
at call to 'execute'

Unsupported variable type

If you author a rule that uses an unsupported variable type, an exception message
similar to the following example is displayed:An error occurred in simpleTypeTestService service, at
rule 1 in step SimpleTypeRuleStep.
Detail message: Ruleset
/b_c54531e1028c40a185bf1115183a3420/1.0/_bd1ea7af45d14fa9afcea38113db2c35_8cf262cc674e4561bce84c00820bc88e/1.0 parsing
failed 'IRL/rule_1.irl', line 8:
error: incompatible values involved in assignments
An error occurred in simpleTypeTestService service, at rule 1 in step SimpleTypeRuleStep.
Detail message: Ruleset
/b_c54531e1028c40a185bf1115183a3420/1.0/_bd1ea7af45d14fa9afcea38113db2c35_8cf262cc674e4561bce84c00820bc88e/1.0 parsing
failed 'IRL/rule_1.irl', line 8:
error: incompatible values involved in assignments
at com.lombardisoftware.core.TeamWorksException.asTeamWorksException(
at com.lombardisoftware.core.RegexExceptionRewriter.rewrite(
at com.lombardisoftware.core.ExceptionHandler.returnProcessedException(

Uninitialized variable produces a NullPointerException

Using an uninitialized variable in a BPEL process can result in various exception
errors. In IBM BPM, all private or complex variables and all lists (arrays) must be
initialized before you use them in a business process definition or Decision service.
If you do not initialize a private or complex variable or list, you may receive runtime
errors, such as the following example, or notice that the Coach controls to which the
variables are bound do not behave as expected. For more information about errors
produced by uninitialized variables, refer to the related topic "Uninitialized variable
or NullPointerException in a Java snippet."An error occurred in NotificationRules service, at rule 1
in step AlertRuleStep.


Detail message: Object CustomerName not found at run time during execution. Make sure the object has been initialized.
at com.lombardisoftware.core.TeamWorksException.asTeamWorksException(
at com.lombardisoftware.core.RegexExceptionRewriter.rewrite(
at com.lombardisoftware.core.ExceptionHandler.returnProcessedException(
at com.lombardisoftware.servlet.ControllerServlet.doError(
at com.lombardisoftware.servlet.ControllerServlet.doCommon(
at com.lombardisoftware.servlet.ControllerServlet.doPost(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Parent topic:Testing a Decision service

Related information:
Uninitialized variable or NullPointerException in a Java snippet


Scenario: Exporting rules to a Rule Execution

This scenario shows you how to export, migrate and connect BAL rules to a rule
execution server (RES). You can migrate the rules that you created in Process
Designer to a business rules management system (BRMS) such as IBM
WebSphere ILOG JRules, and then continue to use the rules in a business
process definition.

About this task

This scenario assumes that you previously completed the steps outlined in
Scenario: Creating a Decision service in a Personalized Notification process. Upon
completion of that scenario, your business process definition includes a Decision
service called NotificationRulesService, which contains a BAL Rule component
called AlertRules. For the purposes of the current exporting scenario, assume that
the rules you wrote for the AlertRules component also apply to other processes in
your organization, so you want to share the rules with your co-workers, who are
developing business rules using IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules. You can export the
rules you created in Process Designer, import them into Rule Studio, deploy the
rules to a Rule Execution Server (RES) , and then connect your Decision service to
the RES using a JRules Decision Service component.

To export rules for use in Rule Studio and the Rule Execution server, complete
these steps:
1. Export the BAL rules from your Decision service.
A. Make sure that you are editing the NotificationRulesService Decision service
and the AlertRules BAL Rule component.
B. In the AlertRules component panel, click the Decisions tab to open the rule
C. In the menu bar above the rule editor window, click the Export
D. In the Save As window, navigate to the location where you want to save the
exported rule file.
E. Enter a name for the export file, then click Save to specify the location.
You can find more information about exporting rules in the related topic about
exporting rules for use in Rule Studio.
2. Import the rules into Rule Studio.
A. Using IBM WebSphere ILOG Rule Studio, import the project .zip file to create a
new Rule Studio project.
B. Click File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.
C. Click Select archive file. Click Browse to navigate to the location where you
saved the exported rule project file and select the file.
D. Select an existing project where the rules will be imported, or create a new
Rule Studio project, then click Finish.
You can find more information about importing rules in the related topic about
configuring a remote decision service.


3. Deploy the rules to the rule execution server (RES).

A. In Rule Studio, select the RuleApp which contains the AlertRules and click
Deploy a RuleApp to one or more Rule Execution Servers.
B. Select an existing Rule Execution Servicer and deploy the RuleApp to the
For more information, see the related topic about deploying from Rule Studio in
the IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS Information Center.
4. Add a JRules Decision Service component the Decision service and connect it to
the RES.
A. Configure your Decision service to include a JRules Decision Service
component. When you specify the correct rule execution server and port
settings, the JRules Decision component establishes a connection between
Process Designer and the Rule Execution Server that contains the imported
rule project.
B. Make sure that you are editing the NotificationRulesService Decision service.
C. Remove the AlertRules BAL Rule component that contains the rules you
D. Replace the BAL Rule component with a JRules Decision Service component.
Drag a JRules Decision Service component from the palette to the service
diagram, and place it in the same location as the deleted BAL Rule
component. Reconnect any sequence lines to other activities or services.
E. Select the new JRules Decision Service component, then click
Implementation in the Properties tab.
F. In the Discovery section, enter the following information to connect to the Rule
Execution Server that contains the rules that you want to use.
- Server: Select the Rule Execution Server (RES).
- SOAP Port: Specify a port for the SOAP connection if the Rule Execution
Server is running on WebSphere Application Server.
- User name: Enter a user name if the JRules server requires a secure
- Password: Enter the password if the JRules server requires a secure
G. Click Connect.
H. In the Rule section, select the Rule App that you want from the menu, then
select the version that you want to use.
I. Click Generate Types.
You can find more information about adding a JRules Decision Service
component in the related topic about configuring a remote Decision service.
5. Map the variables to make sure that the variables used in the rules on the Rule
Execution Server correspond to variables defined in Process Designer.
A. Click the Properties tab in the JRules Decision Service panel.
B. In the Properties section, click Data Mapping.
C. Click the auto-map icon in upper right corner of the Input Mapping section.
D. In the Create variables for auto-mapping window, click to select each
variable that you want to create in your Decision service and then click OK.
E. Click the auto-map icon in upper right corner of the Output Mapping section.
F. In the Create variables for auto-mapping window, click to select each
variable that you want to create in your Decision service and then click OK.

6. Save the updated Decision service.

What to do next
After completing the scenario, test and debug the Decision service and the JRule
Decision service component to make sure the rules from the Rule Execution Server
are producing the results you expect. For more information about testing and
debugging a Decision service, see the related topic about testing a Decision service.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service
Related information:
Exporting rules for use in Rule Studio
Configuring a remote Decision service
Deploying from Rule Studio
Testing a Decision service


Exporting rules for use in Rule Studio

You can export a set of rules to create a project file that you can then import and
work on in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules Rule Studio.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Process Designer provides the capability for non-developers to express business
logic using Business Action Language (BAL) in business rules. In most cases,
business rules can be fully developed and implemented using Process Designer.
However, in a situation where the business logic reaches levels of complexity not
supported within IBM Business Process Manager, the business logic can be
exported without modifications to IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules Rule Studio. The
export procedure produces a complete business rules project suitable for continued
work within JRules. After exporting the rules, importing into Rule Studio, and
deploying the rules on a Rule Execution Server, the business process in Process
Designer can consume the resulting rule application using a remote decision service
provided by JRules.

To export a rule component that contains a single rule or multiple rules, complete
these steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Make sure that you are working in the Decision service that contains the rule
component you want to export.
4. In the Decision service diagram, click to select the component icon, such as a
BAL Rule, that represents the component you want to export.
5. Click the Decisions tab.
6. In the menu bar at the top of the rule editor window, click the Export
7. In the Save As window, navigate to the location where you want to save the
exported rule file.
8. Enter a name for the export file, then click Save.

The export function produces an Eclipse project file with a .zip extension.

What to do next
You can import the rule project file into ILOG Rule Studio. To keep the Decision
service connected to the rules as you work on them in Rule Studio, you can replace
the BAL Rule in the Decision service with a JRule Decision Service. Refer to the
related topic "Configuring a remote Decision service" for information about
performing this procedure. For more information about importing a rule project into
ILOG Rule Studio, refer the related topic "Importing a rule project in Rule Studio" in

the WebSphere ILOG JRules InfoCenter.

- Configuring a remote Decision service
You can include a rule application from a remote ILOG JRules Rule Execution
Server in your Decision service.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service
Related information:
Importing a rule project in Rule Studio


Configuring a remote Decision service

You can include a rule application from a remote ILOG JRules Rule Execution
Server in your Decision service.

Before you begin

- Export the rules to an Eclipse rule project file.
- Using IBM WebSphere ILOG Rule Studio, import the project .zip file to create a
new Rule Studio project.
1. Click File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.
2. Click Select archive file. Click Browse to navigate to the location where you
saved the exported rule project file and select the file.
3. Select an existing project where the rules will be imported, or create a new Rule
Studio project, then click Finish.
4. Deploy the imported rules to the Rule Execution Server. For more information,
see the related topic "Deploying from Rule Studio." A related link is provided.

About this task

After you have exported rules in a rule component from IBM Business Process
Manager, and imported the rule project into IBM WebSphere ILOG Rule Studio, you
can configure your Decision service to include a JRules Decision Service
component. When you specify the correct rule execution server and port settings,
the JRules Decision component establishes a connection between Process
Designer and the Rule Execution Server that contains the imported rule project.

1. Make sure that you are working in the Decision service where you want to add
the JRules Decision Service.
2. Remove the BAL Rule component that contains the rules you exported.
3. Drag a JRules Decision Service component from the palette to the service
diagram, and place it in the same location as the deleted BAL Rule component.
Reconnect any sequence lines to other activities or services.
4. Select the new JRules Decision Service component, then click Implementation
in the Properties tab.
5. In the Discovery section, enter the following information to connect to the Rule
Execution Server that contains the rules that you want to use.Table 1. Input
required to connect to the Rule Execution Server


Select the server that you want from
the list of ILOG Rules Server variables.
See the related topic "Setting
environment variables" for more
Specify a port for the SOAP connection
if the Rule Execution Server is running
on WebSphere Application Server.

User name

Enter a user name if the JRules server

requires a secure connection.
Enter the password if the JRules server
requires a secure connection.

The SOAP port, user name, and password fields accept embedded JavaScript
expressions, so variables can be used to provide those values.
6. Click Connect.
7. In the Rule section, select the Rule App that you want from the menu, then
select the version that you want to use. If a secure connection to the Rule
Execution Server has not been established, the menu is not populated. In this
case, manually enter the name and version of the Rule App and Rule Set that
you want to use. The names must be accurate for the next step to work.
8. Click Generate Types.
9. In the Generating Types window, make sure that the Generate
request/response wrapper types option is not selected. Click Next.
10. Click Finish when type generation is complete.
11. In the Properties section, click Data Mapping.
12. Click the auto-map icon in upper right corner of the Input Mapping section. The
Create variables for auto-mapping window opens, listing the private variables
needed for input parameters from the selected Rule App.
13. Click to select each variable that you want to create in your Decision service and
then click OK.
14. Click the auto-map icon in upper right corner of the Output Mapping section. The
Create variables for auto-mapping window opens, listing the private variables
needed for output parameters from the selected Rule App.
15. Click to select each variable that you want to create in your Decision service and
then click OK.
16. Save the updated Decision service.
Parent topic:Exporting rules for use in Rule Studio
Related information:
Deploying from Rule Studio


Adding a JRules Decision Service component to a

When building a Decision service in Process Designer, you can include decision
services available on an ILOG JRules Rule Execution Server in your

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

IBM Business Process Manager integrates with IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules by
providing a JRules Decision Service component. This rule component enables you
to use rule applications available on a JRules Rule Execution Server for your IBM
BPM implementations.
Why should you choose using a JRules Decision Service component over creating a
standard web service when connecting to an IBM Operational Decision
Management (ODM) server, which is IBMs recently renamed ILOG JRules Rule
Execution Server? The JRules Decision Service component is specifically designed
for calling a JRules decision service. It has a closer conceptual mapping to the
JRules decision service called and, therefore, is a more efficient representation of it
in your business process model. A JRules Decision Service component can handle
decision services hosted on either a WebSphere ILOG JRules BRMS 7.1,
WebSphere Operational Decision Management 7.5, or IBM Operational Decision
Management server.
Conversely, the web service will treat the service called as it would any other
generic service; that is, the web service has no corresponding model representing
the JRules decision service called. Each time a JRules server version changes, you
will need to modify the web service.
The following procedure describes how to use the JRules Decision component to
connect to a WODM server and invoke the rule applications and rule sets available
on that server as decision services.
Before using the JRules Decision Service component in your Rules service, review
the following requirements:
- For a secure connection to a Rule Execution Server running on WebSphere
Application Server, you must provide the SOAP port and, if necessary, the user
name and password for the Rule Execution Server. This secure connection
enables you to choose the applications and rule sets that you want to use from the
Rule Execution Server.
- If you connect to a Rule Execution Server that is running on WebSphere
Application Server, but the Rule Execution Server is not properly configured for
security or you are not able to provide the SOAP port, user name, and password,
then you cannot list the rule applications and rule sets available on that Rule
Execution Server. In this case, you can manually enter the names of the rule
applications and rule sets that you want to use. If the names that you provide are
accurate, you can successfully generate types as described in the following


- If you connect to a Rule Execution Server that is running on an application server
other than WebSphere, you cannot list the rule applications and rule sets available
on that Rule Execution Server. In this case, you can manually enter the names of
the rule applications and rule sets that you want to use. If the names that you
provide are accurate, you can successfully generate types as described in the
following procedure.

To build a Decision service that includes an JRules Decision Service component,
complete these steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Create a Decision service.
4. Drag a JRules Decision Service component from the palette to the service
5. With the JRules Decision Service component selected, click the
Implementation option in the Properties tab.
6. In the Discovery section, enter the following information to connect to a Rule
Execution Server that contains deployed rule applications (Rule Apps) that you
want to use.Table 1. Input required to connect to the Rule Execution Server
User name

Select the server that you want from
the list.
Specify a port for the SOAP connection
if the Rule Execution Server is running
on WebSphere Application Server.
Enter the user name to use, if
necessary, for a secure connection.
Enter the password to use, if
necessary, for a secure connection.

The SOAP port, user name, and password fields accept embedded JavaScript
expressions, so variables can be used to provide those values.
7. Click Connect.
8. In the Rule section, select the Rule App that you want from the menu, then
select the version that you want to use. If a secure connection to the Rule
Execution Server has not been established, the menu is not populated. In this
case, manually enter the name and version of the Rule App and Rule Set that
you want to use. The names must be accurate for the next step to work.
9. Click Generate Types.
10. In the Generating Types window, make sure the Generate request/response
wrapper types option is not selected. Click Next.
11. Click Finish when type generation is complete.
12. In the Properties section, click Data Mapping.


13. Click the auto-map icon in upper right corner of the Input Mapping section. The
Create variables for auto-mapping window opens, listing the private variables
needed for input parameters from the selected Rule App.
14. Click to select each variable that you want to create in your Decision service and
then click OK.
15. Click the auto-map icon in upper right corner of the Output Mapping section. The
Create variables for auto-mapping window opens, listing the private variables
needed for output parameters from the selected Rule App.
16. Click to select each variable that you want to create in your Decision service and
then click OK.
17. Use sequence lines to connect the JRules Decision Service component to the
Start and End Events.
18. Save the new Decision service.

What to do next
You can nest this Decision service in any other service within your process
application that requires the same logic. Be sure to adjust the input and output
variables as required for each implementation. Refer to the related topic "Declaring
and passing variables" for more information.

Parent topic:Building a Decision service

Related information:
Adding a server configuration
Adding a Decision service to a process
Declaring and passing variables


Adding a Decision Table component to a service

You can add a Decision Table component to a service.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The Decision Table component contains a table with a rule condition in each row.
Each row in the table represents a Boolean condition that will evaluate to true or
false at run time. The condition evaluates to true only if the values of all the
associated variables produce matches with the provided values. The following
information applies to the Decision Table component.
- The double-dash (-) value in a variable field indicates that any variable value is
considered a match.
- When a rule evaluates to true, the JavaScript expression that you provide as the
action is started. This expression may contain any valid JavaScript.
- A rule only executes the JavaScript expression once per a rule, using the
JavaScript expression associated with the first condition that evaluates to true.
The steps in this procedure demonstrate how to add a Decision Table component to
a decision service using example values. For your own implementation, you might
not use the same steps or names.


Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
Create a Decision service.
Drag the Decision Table component from the component palette to the service
5. Click the Properties tab, then enter ExpenseApproval as the Decision Table
component name.
6. Click the Variables tab.
7. Click Add Input to add variables to the service.
8. Replace Untitled1 in the Name field with request.
9. Click Select next to Variable Type and select the type from the list.If you use the
Activity Wizard to create a Decision service, you can choose existing variables
to add as input and output. You should use the Activity Wizard when you start
with an existing activity and want to quickly create a service to implement the
activity. To access the wizard, right-click an activity and select Activity Wizard
from the list of options.
10. Click Add Private.
11. Replace Untitled1 in the Name field with approvalRequired .
12. Click Select next to Variable Type and select the Boolean type from the list.
13. Click the Decisions tab to open the rules editor.


14. In the rules editor, click the plus sign to add a variable (column) to the first rule
15. From the list of available variables, select amount from the request structure.
16. Type >250 as the variable value.
17. In the rules editor, click the plus sign again. Make sure the first rule (row) is
selected because you want to add another variable (column) to this rule.
18. From the list of available variables, select type from the request structure.
19. Type "director" as the variable value.
20. In the Action Requirement field for the first rule (row), type Requires
Approval .
21. In the rules editor, click the Action section to expand it.
22. For the Requires Approval requirement, enter the following JavaScript for the
Action: tw.local.approvalRequired = true;
23. In the rules editor, click the second row to select it. Create a new rule stating that
employee expenses of more than $60 require approval.
24. In the rules editor, click the third row to select it. Create a catch-all rule by typing
- for both the amount and type. The - value in a variable field indicates that any
variable value is considered a match.
25. In the Action Requirement field for the third rule (row), type Auto Approval .
26. In the Action section, enter the following JavaScript for the Auto Approval
action:tw.local.approvalRequired = false;
27. Click the Diagram tab.
28. Use the Sequence Flow tool to connect the Decision Table component and the
Start and End events.
- Authoring rules using JavaScript in a Decision Table component
You can create rules using JavaScript in a Decision Table component.
- Decision Table controls
You can use the toolbar options in the conditions editor window to add, remove, or
move conditions in the table.
- Specifying variable values using JavaScript
You can use JavaScript in rules to set variable values.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service
Related information:
Adding a Decision service to a process
Declaring variables for a BPD or a service in Process Designer


Authoring rules using JavaScript in a Decision

Table component
You can create rules using JavaScript in a Decision Table component.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The following steps describe how to create a sample business rule using the
Decision Table editor and JavaScript. The rule in the sample is used to determine
whether approval is required for certain employee expenses. The sample is a singlefunction rule that can be called from any other service. For your own
implementation, you might not use the same steps or names.


Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

Open a process application that contains a business process definition (BPD).
Create a Decision service.
Drag a Decision Table component from the palette to the Decision service
diagram, and edit the component parameters as described in the related topic
"Adding a Decision Table component to a service."
5. Click the Decisions tab to open the rules editor.
6. In the rules editor, click the plus sign to add a variable (column) to the first rule
7. From the variables displayed, pick the amount variable from the request
8. Type >250 as the value.
9. In the rules editor, click the plus sign again. Make sure the first rule (row) is
selected because you want to add another variable (column) to this rule.
10. From the variables displayed, pick the type variable from the request structure.
11. Type "director" as the value.
12. In the Action Requirement field for the first rule (row), type Requires
13. In the rules editor, click the Action section to expand it.
14. For the Requires Approval requirement, enter the following JavaScript code for
the Action: tw.local.approvalRequired = true; The rules editor includes the
rule shown in the following image:


15. In the rules editor, click the second row to select it. Create a new rule so that
expenses of more than $60 for employees requires approval.
16. In the rules editor, click the third row to select it. Create your catch-all condition
by typing - for both the amount and type. The - value in a variable field indicates
that any variable value is considered a match.
17. In the Action Requirement field for the third rule (row), type Auto Approval.
18. In the Action section, enter the following JavaScript for the Auto Approval
action: tw.local.approvalRequired = false; The rules editor includes the
rules shown in the following image:

For more information about specifying variable values using JavaScript, refer to
the related topic "Specifying variable values using JavaScript."
19. Click the Diagram tab.
20. Use the Sequence Flow tool to connect the Decision Table component and the
Start and End events.
21. Name the Decision Table component and save your work.

What to do next
You can now nest this Decision service in any other service within your process
application that requires this logic. Be sure to adjust the input and output variables
as required for each implementation.
For more information about the controls in the decisions editor window, such as the
up and down arrows, refer to the related topic "Decision Table controls."

Parent topic:Adding a Decision Table component to a service

Related information:
Adding a Decision service to a process
Adding a Decision Table component to a service


Decision Table controls

You can use the toolbar options in the conditions editor window to add, remove, or
move conditions in the table.
Table 1. Toolbar options in the conditions editor window

Add a new variable (column) or remove
the selected variable (column) from the
Move the selected rule (row) up or down
in the table or remove the selected rule
(row) from the table.

Parent topic:Adding a Decision Table component to a service


Specifying variable values using JavaScript

You can use JavaScript in rules to set variable values.
The following samples demonstrate how to specify the value of a variable when
using the rules editor:
Table 1. Samples for setting variable values
{"A", "B"}
!={"A", "B"}

Matches the exact string ok (no quotation
Matches the exact number 1.4
Matches either of the strings A or B
Matches anything except the strings A or
Matches any number between 1 and 5
Matches any number greater than 3
Matches any number less than 3
Matches any number greater than or
equal to 3
Matches any number less than or equal
to 3
Matches 1, 3, or 5
Matches 1, 3, or any number between 5
and 10 (inclusive)
Matches any number except 1, 3, or a
number between 5 and 10 (inclusive)
Matches the Boolean value true
Matches the Boolean value false

Parent topic:Adding a Decision Table component to a service


BAL reference
A reference guide to the Business Action Language (BAL), which is used to author
rules in IBM Business Process Manager, is available in the IBM WebSphere ILOG
JRules InfoCenter.
The BAL language reference topics list the predefined BAL constructs that you can
use to build business rules, and the operators that you can use in rule statements to
perform arithmetic operations, associate or negate conditions, and compare
expressions. For more information, refer to the related topics in the IBM WebSphere
ILOG JRules InfoCenter, in the section "Business Action Language (BAL)." A related
link is provided.
Parent topic:Building a Decision service
Related reference:
BAL Reference, IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules InfoCenter


Decision service limitations

Some functions and variables are not supported in a Decision service.
When you are creating or modifying rules using the rule editor, the following
limitations apply:
- You cannot create complex rules that use decision tables and Business Action
Language (BAL) rules in a single rule component.
- You cannot write rules that include behaviors (methods).
- The rule editor does not support rules that include data with complex (many-tomany) relationships.
- The rule editor does not support the following business objects (variable types):
- SQLResult
- XMLDocument
- XMLElement
- XMLNodeList
The following types of rule components are not supported, or are supported with
some limitations:
- Decisions that require complex algorithms such as chaining, Rete, or stateful
execution are not supported; only sequential execution is supported.
- Decisions that reference runtime process instance data cannot be exported for use
in IBM WebSphere ILOG JRules Rule Studio.
- Multi-channel decisions are not supported.
- Decisions that use methods, custom verbalization and model abstraction are not

Parent topic:Building a Decision service


Building a client-side human service

Build a client-side human service to handle the interaction for process or case
instances between the system and users through interactive tasks, dashboards, or
user interfaces. Within a client-side human service, you can use coaches, client-side
scripts, and services to create a service flow that is run entirely in a web browser.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
To create services, you must have access to a process application or toolkit in the
Process Center repository. Access to process applications and toolkits is controlled
by users who have administrative rights to the repository. For more information, see
Managing access to the Process Center repository.

About this task

Building a client-side human service is an iterative process in which many of the
steps can be done in any order. In general, you create a flow, create the user
interface through one or more coaches, and then test and fix problems. The steps in
the procedure are in a suggested order but typically you will go back and forth
through the steps as you iteratively build the client-side human service
implementation. For example, you could create a simple client-side human service
that has a couple of coaches and variables and test it in one iteration. You then
expand the client-side human service by adding more coaches and variables, clientside scripts, decisions, and other details in later iterations. Similarly, you could
create some variables immediately and create other variables as you need them.
Remember:IBM BPM also has heritage human services. While client-side human
services flow entirely in the web browser, heritage human services instead flow on
the server. For more information, see Difference between client-side human
services and heritage human services.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. In New Service, enter a name for the service and click Finish.IBM Process
Designer displays the diagram of the service with the default Start Event and
End Event components.
4. Create the client-side human service artifact. You can do this from the
navigation tree or you can do this from the activity wizard. For information, see
Building a client-side human service and Implementing a BPD task using a
client-side human service. Process Designer opens the new client-side human
service in a web browser.


5. In the Variables page, define the data used by artifacts within the client-side
human service. This data consists of data passed into the client-side human
service, data used only within the service, and data passed out of the client-side
human service. For information, see Declaring variables for a human service.
6. In the Diagram page, add coaches, client-side scripts, called services, and
exclusive gateways to the client-side human service diagram. Connect them to
define the flow for the client-side human service.
7. For each element in the client-side human service diagram, define its properties.
For information, see the following topics:
- Building coaches
- Implementing exclusive gateways in client-side human services
- Calling another service from a client-side human service
8. If the client-side human service is within a BPD or a case type activity, map the
input and output data. For information, see Mapping input and output data for an
activity or step.
9. If the client-side human service is within a BPD or a case instance and you want
users to be able to resume work at a particular point with minimal loss, select a
flow line in the diagram and then select to save the execution context. For
information, see Saving the state of a client-side human service during execution
10. To validate the data in a coach, add a coach validation pattern to the client-side
human service diagram. For information, see Validating client-side coaches
using client-side validation.
11. To postpone work in a coach, add a postpone pattern to the client-side human
service diagram. For information, see Enabling work to be postponed and
resumed at run time.
12. Set how users interact with the client-side human service by setting its exposure.
By default, the client-side human service is not exposed, which means that it is
contained within a BPD or case type. However, you can also make it available in
Process Portal or through a URL. For information, see Exposing client-side
human services.
13. Optimize how users see the coaches by adding HTML meta tags to the clientside human service. For information, see Adding HTML meta tags to client-side
human services for mobile device optimization.
14. Set what happens after the client-side human service completes. By default, the
user sees the default page of the application that launched the client-side human
service. For example, if the user started the client-side human service in
Process Portal, the user sees the Process Portal home page when the clientside human service is complete. For information, see Navigation options for after
service completion.
15. Run the client-side human service and debug any errors that might occur. For
information, see Running and debugging client-side human services.
Parent topic:Building services


Building a heritage human service

Build a heritage human service when you want an activity in your business process
definition (BPD) to create an interactive task that process participants can perform in
a web-based user interface.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
To create services, you must have access to a process application or toolkit in the
Process Center repository. Access to process applications and toolkits is controlled
by users who have administrative rights to the repository. For more information, see
Managing access to the Process Center repository.

About this task

A heritage human service consists of a server-based flow that can include scripts,
events, decisions, and coaches. When the flow reaches a coach, users see the
web-based form that is defined in the coach layout. The form displays processrelated data to users and collects input from those users.
The steps in this procedure start from the business process definition diagram, add
an activity, and then define the heritage human service that is associated with that
activity. If you are not creating the heritage human service for a BPD or you want to
create the heritage human service first, create the heritage human service using the
library and then start the procedure at step 7..

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. In New Service, enter a name for the service and click Finish.IBM Process
Designer displays the diagram of the service with the default Start Event and
End Event components.
4. In a BPD diagram, drop an activity into a non-system lane and then rename the
activity. Activities dropped into any lane but System have the default heritage
human service implementation. In the remaining steps, you replace this default
heritage human service with your own.
5. Right-click the activity and select Activity Wizard from the list of options.
6. In the Setup Activity page of the wizard, select Create a new Service or
Process. .
7. If the BPD has variables that are defined, click Next. In the Parameters page of
the wizard, set whether each business process variable is an input or output of
the heritage human service. For example, if you have business process variable
that is named request and the heritage human service is to collect data to
create that request for the server, set its Input to false and Output to true.
The heritage human service then provides the data for the subsequent process
activities to act upon.


8. Click Finish. The activity now has an associated heritage human service that

includes a simple diagram.

The coach in the diagram has the following default content:
- If you added one or more business process variables that are primitive types,
the coach has an appropriate stock control in the layout for each of these
- If you added one or more business process variables that are complex types
and they have an associated coach view, the coach has that coach view for
each of these variables.
- If you added one or more business process variables that are complex types
and they do not have an associated coach view, the coach has a placeholder
message for each of these variables. When you are building the coach, you
replace each placeholder with a coach view that is appropriate for the variable
and how the coach is using it. For example, if you have a Customer business
object, you could replace the placeholder with a Customer View coach view
that displays customer data in a set of text fields.
- A button that provides the boundary event that you can use to wire the coach
to the end node.
This default content is for your convenience and you can use it or replace it.
9. In the heritage human service diagram, create the service flow by adding
elements from the palette and wire the elements together to create a flow. See
Service components in Process Designer for information about the elements that
you can add to the diagram. Restriction: You cannot wire out from a coach
unless the coach (or one of its child coach views) contains at least one element
that fires a boundary event. You can use the Button stock control to fire a
boundary event, or you can create a custom control that fires a boundary event.
For more information, see Coaches toolkit: Button stock control.
10. In the Variables page, add business process variables to support your service
flow.Tip: If you provide HTML code as a default value for a variable, wrap the
code using the other type of quotation mark. For example, if the HTML values
use double quotation marks, wrap the entire code in single quotation marks as
shown in the following example:'<font color="#f08080"><b>Some text!</b></font>'
11. In the Coaches page, create the user interfaces used in the service flow. For
more information, see Building coaches.
12. Click Save in the main toolbar.
13. To view the service flow in a web browser, click the button.
14. Iterate through steps 7 - 11 until the service flows correctly and the user
interface is correct.
15. If you want to expose the heritage human service outside of the business
process (for example, in the Process Admin Console or as a page in Process
Portal), set the exposure in the Overview page of the service. For more
information, see Exposing heritage human services.If you are building the
heritage human service in a toolkit instead of in a process application, to expose
the heritage human service as a page in Process Portal, you must also do the

following steps:
A. Create a snapshot of the toolkit.
B. Activate the toolkit snapshot. For more information, see Activating snapshots
for use with IBM Process Portal.
C. Add the toolkit snapshot as a dependency to a process application. For more
information, see Creating, changing, and deleting a toolkit dependency in the
Designer view.

Parent topic:Building services


Building an Ajax service

Build an Ajax service when you want a coach view to send data to or retrieve data
from the server asynchronously, such as for auto-completion in text fields, for default
selection values in selection lists, and so forth.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
To create services, you must have access to a process application or toolkit in the
Process Center repository. Access to process applications and toolkits is controlled
by users who have administrative rights to the repository. For more information, see
Managing access to the Process Center repository.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. In New Service, enter a name for the service and click Finish.IBM Process
Designer displays the diagram of the service with the default Start Event and End
Event components.
4. Add variables that the service will use as input or output. You can also add private
variables. See Declaring variables for a BPD or a service in Process Designer for
5. Add components to the service diagram and then set up the sequence flow.For
more information about components, see Service components in Process
6. Configure the components in the sequence flow. For example, if you are using a
Server Script component, add a script in the Implementation properties.
7. Save changes. The Ajax service is available for use in Coach Views.

To view an example of an Ajax service, the following Ajax services are provided in
the Coaches (8.0) toolkit: Coaches Localized Messages Loader, Default
Autocompletion Service, and Default Selection Service.
Parent topic:Building services
Related information:
Calling Ajax services from coach views
Building an Ajax service with heritage coaches


Building an integration service

Build an integration service when you want a flow to interact with an external

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
To create services, you must have access to a process application or toolkit in the
Process Center repository. Access to process applications and toolkits is controlled
by users who have administrative rights to the repository. For more information, see
Managing access to the Process Center repository.

About this task

For example, you may want users to choose from a list of products available from a
common site on the internet. In that case, you can build an Integration service that
calls a web service to display the list of options. Integration services are the only
services that can include Web Service Integration and Java Integration components
as well as content integration. For more information about inbound and outbound
integrations, see Integrating with web services, Java and databases.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. In New Service, enter a name for the service and click Finish.IBM Process
Designer displays the diagram of the service with the default Start Event and End
Event components.
4. Select the Variables tab, and add the variables that your integration service will
use as input or output and also add private variables that the service will use. See
Declaring variables for a BPD or a service in Process Designer for information.
5. Select the Diagram tab, and add the appropriate components to the service and
then connect the components to create the flow. For information about the
components that you can add to the diagram, see Service components in Process
Designer. In particular, add one or more of the following components:
- Web Service Integration component. For information about integrating web
services, see Creating outbound integrations to web services.
- Java Integration component.
- Nested service component by dragging an integration service or other service
onto the diagram. This action attaches the service to the component.
- Content Integration component. For information about this component and how
to configure it, see Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the
IBM BPM document store.
Tip: You can also use the Invoke UCA component for integration. See
Undercover agents.
6. Configure the components in the flow. For the integration components listed in the
previous step, configure them so that they interact with the external system. In


particular, for the Web Service Integration, Java Integration, Content Integration,
and nested service components, map the data used in the task flow to the input
and output for the component:
A. Click the Data Mapping option in the properties. Because you already created
the input and output variables for the nested service, the Data Mapping tab
includes these variables.
B. From the Input Mapping section, you can map each variable using one of the
following ways:
- Use
to suggest mappings. If the automatic mapper does not find a
variable, you can create a private variable for the mapping.
- Use and then select the appropriate variable.
C. In the Output Mapping section, do similar mappings for the output variables.
7. If you want the results of the service to be cached for unique combinations of
input parameter values, enable and configure the service result cache.
A. Select the Overview tab, then in the Service Result Cache section, select
Enable caching of service results. The cache configuration fields are
displayed.Restriction: The service result cache setting works only for top-level
services that are called directly. If a service is called within another service, the
cache setting does not apply.
B. By default, when caching is enabled, the results for each combination of input
parameter values are kept in the cache for 12 hours. To change the caching
period, in the Cache results for section, use the Days, Hours, Minutes, and
Seconds fields to select the duration that you want.Important: You might be
able to improve the performance of some services by using the cache,
however you must take care when you decide how long to cache results for,
and might need to tune the size of the cache to avoid memory problems. By
default, the cache stores up to 4096 results. You can change the size of the
cache by setting a different value for <service-result-cache-size> in the
100Custom.xml file, inside the <server merge="mergeChildren"> section.

See the integration services included in the System Data (TWSYS) toolkit for
implementation examples.
Parent topic:Building services
Related information:
Integrating with web services, Java and databases
Examples of building services with heritage coaches
Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases
Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems


Building an advanced integration service

An advanced integration service is used to call a service implemented in IBM
Integration Designer from a business process definition (BPD) (via a system task) or
another service (via a nested service).

Before you begin

An advanced integration service is a collaboration between a business user working
with IBM Process Designer and an integration developer working with IBM
Integration Designer.
For example, your business process may need a list of computer parts in your
warehouses in Canada. Checking with an integration developer, you realize that a
service is being built in Integration Designer to query the Canadian warehouses and
return an inventory list of the computer parts available. You could create an
advanced integration service that would use this Integration Designer service as an
activity in your business process. Note: Advanced integration services are available
only with IBM Business Process Manager Advanced.
As suggested in Best practices when using IBM Integration Designer and IBM
Process Designer together, collaborate before defining your advanced integration
service. For example, since you may want to share this and other advanced
integration services with many business processes, you might select a toolkit to
contain all your advanced integration services.
To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
To create services, you must have access to a process application or toolkit in the
Process Center repository. Access to process applications and toolkits is controlled
by users who have administrative rights to the repository. For more information, see
Managing access to the Process Center repository.

About this task

To build an advanced integration service, follow these steps.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. In New Service, enter a name for the service and click Finish.IBM Process
Designer displays the diagram of the service with the default Start Event and End
Event components.
4. Optional: In the Documentation field, add a description for your service.
5. In the Parameters section, add input, output, and error parameters.An input
parameter defines the name and type of data your business process sends to the
service in Integration Designer.
An output parameter defines the name and type of data your business process
receives from the service in Integration Designer.
An error parameter identifies an error or fault that might be thrown by the service


designed in Integration Designer. If you want to catch a specific error using an

error event in your process model, enter an error name that matches the error
code in the catching error event.
Add a description for the parameter in the Documentation field. Selecting Is List
means the parameter is an array (contains a set of data). In the Parameter Type
field, set the data type for the parameter.
6. The Advanced Integration Service section contains fields used in Integration
Designer that will be initially empty with the exception of Can be used with
service? The fields will be filled in when the service is implemented in Integration
Designer. Can be used with service? can also be changed at that time depending
on the implementation in Integration Designer.
- Module name: The name of the module in Integration Designer containing the
service implementation.
- Export name: The name of the export of the module that exposes the service
implementation. An export is the endpoint to be used when invoking the service.
- Operation name: The name of the operation of the service to be invoked.
- Can be used with service?: Not all implementations of advanced integration
services can be used with a service. If the implementation cannot be used with a
service, this field will be set to No.An advanced integration service can always
be used by a Business Process Definition whether the Can be used as service
field is set to Yes or No. It can also be used by the following services if the field
is set to Yes: a general system service, a human service or an integration
service. Do not use an advanced integration service with these services if you
see a No in this field or these services will experience unexpected behavior.
The Yes or No value itself is determined by the preferred interaction style and
operation type used by the associated export in Integration Designer.
- Asynchronous style with a one-way operation type: Yes.
- Asynchronous style with a request-response operation type: No.
- Synchronous style with a one-way operation type: Yes.
- Synchronous style with a request-response operation type: Yes.

7. An Open in Integration Designer button lets you see the implementation created
in Integration Designer. It can only be used if Integration Designer is available.
8. Save your work. From the menu, select File > Save All

An advanced integration service can be used as implementation of a user task or a
system task. If used by a user task, it is assigned as specified via the assignments
of the user task. If used by a system task, it is run by the system user.
An advanced integration service can also be emulated. In emulation, it behaves in
the following way:
- If used by a user task, it is assigned as specified via the Assignments of the user
- If used by a system task then it will use the All users group.
When All users is shown in emulation, any user selected will require authentication.
Select the user you are currently authenticated as and enter your credentials.

As discussed earlier, your service is a collaborative arrangement. Should you move

your advanced integration service to another toolkit, notify the integration developer
who implemented your service. Your service and its implementation by Integration
Designer are decoupled, which means that even though you may move a service in
Process Designer there will not be an automatic corresponding movement in the
implementation by Integration Designer.
The integration developer should use the refresh function to identify the
implementation that he needs to move and recouple with the advanced integration
service you moved in Process Designer.

What to do next
Use the information in Authoring services in IBM Integration Designer to continue
developing your advanced integration service. You can add services, service-related
functions, BPEL processes. monitor models, and more.
Parent topic:Building services


Building a General System service

Use General System services when you want to orchestrate other background
services, manipulate variable data, generate HTML for a Coach, or perform some
other actions that do not require any integrations or business rules.
Prerequisite: To build a General System service, you must be in the IBM Process
Designer desktop editor.
General system services are likely to be called directly from a BPD or from a Human
Service. General System services can include only basic service components, such
as scripts, and cannot contain Coaches or integration steps (Web Service
integration, Java integration, or Content integration). General System services can
be nested within any other type of service.
To create services, you must have access to a process application or toolkit in the
Process Center repository. Access to process applications and toolkits is controlled
by users who have administrative rights to the repository. For more information, see
Managing access to the Process Center repository.
To create a General System service, perform the following steps.
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to Implementation, and then click General System
4. In New Service, enter a name for the service and click Finish.IBM Process
Designer displays the diagram of the service with the default Start Event and End
Event components.
Parent topic:Building services
Related information:
Examples of building services with heritage coaches
Service types


Modeling events
Events in IBM Business Process Manager can be triggered by a due date passing,
an exception, or a incoming message from an external system. You can add events
to your BPDs that can occur at the beginning, during, or at the end of a process.
Use events to track data, manage errors, and retrieve information about the
execution of your BPDs.
- Event types
Learn about the types of events available in IBM BPM and when to use each type.
- Modeling delays, escalations, and timeouts by using timer events
To specify when an activity occurs or when another path in the process should be
taken, use intermediate and boundary events of the timer type.
- Modeling message events
Use a message event to represent a point in your process where an incoming
message is received or where an outgoing message is sent.
- Enabling users to perform ad hoc actions (deprecated)
Use an ad hoc event when you need to include ad hoc actions that can be run at
any time during process execution.
- Modeling event gateways
Use an event gateway to model a point in the process execution where only one
of several paths can be followed, depending on events that occur.
- Handling errors using error events
When you design a business process definition (BPD) or a service, provide logic
to recover from possible errors that might be generated in the runtime application.
- Using Service Component Architecture to interact with processes
There are several ways to start and interact with business process definition
(BPD) instances using Service Component Architecture (SCA). You can use
receiving message events to create or interact with BPD instances.
- Undercover agents
An undercover agent (UCA) is attached to a message event or a content event in
a business process definition (BPD) and calls a service to handle the event.
Parent topic:Modeling processes


Event types
Learn about the types of events available in IBM BPM and when to use each type.
You can include the following types of events in your IBM BPM Business Process
Definitions (BPDs):
- Start event
- Use to model the start of a process, a linked process, a subprocess or an event
subprocess. A Start event is automatically included each time you create a
business process definition (BPD). A BPD can include multiple Start events
(one Start event with an implementation of None and multiple Start events with
an implementation of Message) if you need to be able to start the process more
than one way. Start events have the following implementation options:
Table 1. Implementation options for Start events

Use the None implementation option if
you want to enable process
participants to start a process manually
from IBM Process Portal. (For an
example of such a process, see
Creating a business process definition
(BPD).) Or, you can use this
implementation option when you intend
to use a process as a linked process
from another higher level process.
Use the Message implementation
option if you want an incoming
message to kick off a process (see
Using start message events ) or an
event subprocess (see Modeling event
Use the Ad Hoc implementation option
when you need to include ad hoc
actions that can be run at any time
during process execution. For
example, you can include an ad hoc
event to enable users to cancel a
customer order at any time during the
ordering process. See Deprecated:
Enabling users to perform ad hoc
actions for more information.
Use the Content implementation option
if you want an ECM event to kick off a


Ad Hoc


.Note: For information about implementation options for Start events in a

subprocess or event subprocess, see Subprocess types.
- Intermediate event


- Intermediate events can be attached to activities within your BPDs or they can
be included in the process flow, connected with sequence flows. Attached
intermediate events are known as boundary events.Intermediate events have
the following implementation options:Table 2. Implementation options for
Intermediate events

Use the Message implementation
option to model a message event that
is received or sent. The Message
implementation option is available for
events included in the process flow
and events attached to an activity.
When attached to an activity, the event
receives only messages. See Using
intermediate and boundary message
events to receive messages and Using
intermediate message events and
message end events to send
messages for more information.
Use the Timer implementation option
to model escalation paths or delays in
your BPDs. Using a timer event, you
can specify a time interval after or
before an activity is performed. The
Timer implementation option is
available for events included in the
process flow and events attached to an
activity. See Modeling timer events for
more information.
Use the Tracking implementation
option to indicate a point in a process
at which you want IBM BPM to capture
the runtime data for reporting
purposes. The Tracking
implementation option is available only
for events included in the process flow.
Use the Error implementation option to
catch errors and to handle errors with
login in the process flow. The Error
implementation option is available only
for events attached to an activity. For
an example of how to use intermediate
error events, see Handling errors using
error events.
Use the Content implementation option
to model an ECM event that is
received. The Content implementation
option is available for events included
in the process flow and events
attached to an activity.






- End event
- Use to model the end of a process. An End event is automatically included
each time you create a BPD.End events have the following implementation
options:Table 3. Implementation options for End events

Use the None implementation option
when you want to indicate the end of
activities on a particular path.
Use the Error implementation option
when you want to throw an error to
parent processes or to error event
subprocesses. See Handling errors
using error events for more
Use the Terminate implementation
option when you want to close running
tasks associated with a process and
cancel outstanding timers. You can set
these options for the terminate event:
Terminate Entire Process
InstanceTerminates the entire process
instance. If you do not select this
option, only the process that contains
the event and its subprocesses is
terminated. If an entire process
instance is terminated, the process
shows a status of Terminated in the
Inspector. Delete All Terminated
Instance Runtime DataCleans up the
runtime state for the executing
instance. All database states for the
runtime instance and any generated
tracking data is deleted. This setting
only applies to top-level process
instance cleanup, and is ignored
Use the Message implementation
option when you want to send a
message. For example, you might
want to send a message at the
conclusion of each process instance
that is received by a start message
event in another process or processes
so that the completion of one process
starts another related process or
processes. See Using message end
events for more information.





Parent topic:Modeling events


Modeling delays, escalations, and timeouts by

using timer events
To specify when an activity occurs or when another path in the process should be
taken, use intermediate and boundary events of the timer type.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

In a business process definition (BPD), use timer events to control when activities
occur within a process flow or when a process flow takes a specific path. That is,
use timer events to do the following things:
- Create a delay to prevent an event or activity from immediately triggering.
- Create an escalation to handle when an activity fails to complete in a timely
- Create a timeout to prevent a flow from waiting indefinitely.
Each timer event has an associated timer. The time interval for the timer is
calculated according to the configuration that you specify in the implementation
properties for the timer event. Normally, when the specified time interval elapses,
the timer event triggers and the sequence flow goes out from the timer event to a
subsequent node. However, when a BPD instance suspends, the timer events do
not trigger. All of the timers within the timer events continue to track the passage of
time though. If any timers elapse while the instance is suspended, their associated
timer events wait for the BPD instance to resume before they trigger.
For modeling delays, use timer intermediate events that have sequence flow lines
that are entering it and sequence flow lines that are leaving it.

The process waits for the timer in the timer event to elapse before it proceeds to the
next node. For example, if your BPD has an activity that emails offers to customers
and an activity that has the sales team contact these customers two days later,
model a delay by using a timer intermediate event between the two activities. The
delay ensures that two days pass between the emails and when the sales team
starts contacting the customers.
For modeling escalations, use timer boundary intermediate events. Timer boundary

events are attached to an activity in a BPD.

When a running process instance reaches an activity that has a timer boundary
event, a timer starts. When the timer elapses, the process follows the sequence flow

from the timer boundary event to a subsequent activity. For an example, see Hiring
tutorial: Add a timer intermediate event in the Hiring Tutorial or see the Hiring
For modeling timeouts, use timer intermediate events that are included in event
gateways. If the other intermediate events in the event gateway group do not trigger
before the timer elapses, the timer intermediate event triggers instead. When you
add an event gateway, Process Designer automatically adds a timer intermediate
event and a message event to the event gateway group. You configure the timer

intermediate event to specify the timeout period.

For information about creating an event gateway, see Modeling event gateways.

To model a delay, escalation, or timeout:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a BPD in the Designer view.
3. Drag an intermediate event
from the palette.
- To create a delay, drop the intermediate event into a blank area of the canvas.
- To create an escalation, drop the intermediate event onto an activity. This action
attaches the intermediate event as a boundary event. To verify that you have
created a boundary event, select the activity and check that the outline of the
activity includes the event icon.To have multiple escalations, attach more than
one intermediate events to the activity. Each boundary event triggers a different
escalation path.
- To create a timeout, drop the intermediate event into an event gateway group.
4. Select the intermediate event and open its Implementation properties.
5. From the list of Intermediate Event types, select Timer.
6. If you are creating an escalation and you want the activity to remain open after
the timer is triggered, in the Boundary Event Details section clear the Interrupt
Activity check box. For example, imagine that you create a timer boundary event
for a user task. The human service that is associated with the user task has
coaches. If you want the users to complete the coaches even after the timer
elapses, clear the Interrupt Activity check box. If you clear the Interrupt
Activity check box, you can choose to have the escalation occur only once by
clearing the Repeatable check box.
7. Specify when to start the timer for the timer event by setting the Timer properties:
A. Set what starts the timer with the Trigger On field. For example, to start the
timer when the due date for an activity elapses, select After Due Date. The
due date is calculated according to the work schedule for the BPD and the
priority settings for the activity. For more information, see Setting the work
schedule for a BPD. Note: To trigger the timer event before or after a custom

date, you can enter the JavaScript to determine the custom date in the
Custom Date field. Your JavaScript must return a Date object, which specifies
when to start the timer.
B. Optional: To modify the trigger, use the Before or after difference field. For
example, if you want start the timer a day after the due date of the activity, type
1 into the field and select Days from the associated list.
C. Optional: To further modify the trigger, use the Tolerance Interval field. For
example, specify a tolerance level of one hour if you want the escalation to
occur one day and one hour after the due date of the activity.
8. If you are creating an escalation or timeout, create the flow that the process uses
after the timer elapses. The escalation path is the logic that the process performs
if the timer elapses before the activity it is attached to finishes. Similarly, the
timeout path is the logic that the process performs if the timer elapses before
another event in the event gateway group triggers.
9. Connect the timer event:
- For a delay, use the Sequence Flow tool to connect the timer event to the rest of
the process.
- For an escalation or timeout, connect the timer event to the escalation or timeout
Parent topic:Modeling events
Related information:
Hiring tutorial


Modeling message events

Use a message event to represent a point in your process where an incoming
message is received or where an outgoing message is sent.
Prerequisite: To model message events, you must be in the Process Designer
desktop editor.
Incoming messages can originate from a message event in a process, from starting
an undercover agent (UCA) in a service, from a Service Component Architecture
(SCA) service, from a web service that you create, or from a message that you post
to the JMS Listener. If you want to create web services to initiate inbound requests
from external systems, see Publishing IBM Business Process Manager web
If you want to post a message to the JMS Listener, the Event Manager has a
defined XML message structure that it must receive from an external system. For
more information about the required message structure, see Posting a message to
IBM Business Process Manager Event Manager.
Outgoing messages can be received by a message event in a process, can be sent
to call an external service, or can be received by the start event in another process
or processes. To learn how to configure message events to send messages, see
Using intermediate message events and message end events to send messages.
You can include the following types of message events in your BPDs:
Table 1. Available types of message events
Event type
Start event

Message that is configured
to receive (Start events
can only receive


When to use
Use to model the start of a
process if you want an
incoming message event
to kick off the process. A
BPD can include more
than one start message
event.Use as the start
event for an event
subprocess when you want
the event subprocess to be
triggered upon receipt of a

Intermediate event

Intermediate event

End event

Message that is configured Use to receive a message

to receive
event. Intermediate events
can be attached to
activities within your BPDs
or they can be included in
the process flow, which is
connected with sequence
flows. An intermediate
event that is attached to an
activity, rather than the
swimlane, is known as a
boundary event. Boundary
events can optionally either
interrupt and complete the
activity, or be triggered
Message that is configured Use to send a message
to send
event. Intermediate events
can be included in the
process flow, which is
connected with sequence
Message that is configured Use to send a message
to send (End events can
event at the end of a path.
only send messages)

When you create a message event, you can cut and paste or copy and paste that
message event within the same BPD or from one BPD into another BPD. A
message can cause a process instance to be created, and can be received by a
running process that contains one or more appropriate message events.
Before you include any type of message event that uses an undercover agent as the
triggering mechanism, you should be aware of the following:
- You can configure message events to consume messages. If you do, when a
message is delivered to a running process, the message is consumed by the first
message event in the BPD that can accept it (as determined by the undercover
agent that is attached to the message event). When a message is consumed, it will
not be processed again by that message event, or any other message event in the
BPD instance that can accept it, should the execution of the BPD instance loop
back and reach the same message event(s). If a new instance of the message is
delivered to the process instance, this message is available for consumption again
and is accepted by the message event.
- Message events can be used to enable roll-forward scenarios in which the same
message needs to be passed through multiple steps until it reaches the
appropriate step in the process where it is to be consumed. To enable rolling a
message forward through multiple message events, enable the Consume Message
option only for the last message event in the chain of roll-forward message events.
You can also use conditions to further control message consumption.
- Occasionally, you might need to set conditions on the processing of incoming
messages. If the condition that you specify evaluates to true, the message is
accepted and processing continues-otherwise, it is stopped. Because the message

condition is evaluated before the message values can be passed to the input
variables of the process definition, the message values are passed to the condition
in a special namespace, tw.message. If the message condition evaluates to true,
the values are passed from the tw.message namespace to the BPD input
- Using start message events
If you want a process or event subprocess to start when a message is received,
use a Start Message Event in your business process definition (BPD) or inside
your event subprocess.
- Using intermediate and boundary message events to receive messages
You can include an intermediate message event in your business process
definition (BPD) when you want to model a message event that is received during
execution of a process. When the process execution reaches an intermediate
message event, if a matching message is stored in the system, it is passed to the
message event, otherwise, further execution along that path is blocked until an
incoming message arrives that matches.
- Using intermediate message events and message end events to send
You can include an intermediate message event in your business process
definition (BPD) when you want to model a message event that is sent during
execution of a process, or a message end event when you want to send a
message at an end of a path.
- Setting the target for a UCA message event
While you are configuring an undercover agent (UCA) message event in a
business process definition (BPD) or configuring an Invoke UCA step in a service
to use a message event, you can exercise some control over which snapshots use
the event. You can override the default target by selecting a check box in the
implementation settings for the UCA that carries the event.
- Using message end events
You can use a message end event when you want to send a message at an end
of a path.
Parent topic:Modeling events
Related information:
Modeling event subprocesses


Using start message events

If you want a process or event subprocess to start when a message is received, use
a Start Message Event in your business process definition (BPD) or inside your
event subprocess. Incoming messages can originate from a message event in a
process, from starting an undercover agent (UCA) in a service, from a Service
Component Architecture (SCA) service, from a web service that you create, or from
a message that you post to the JMS Listener.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The general information that applies to all types of message events are covered
in Modeling message events .When modeling start message events that use a UCA
for the triggering mechanism, be aware of the following:
- When a message is received by a start message event (specifying that an
incoming message is to start a process at run time), a new instance of the process
is created and a unique BPD instance ID is assigned to it.
- If you use multiple start message events in a single BPD, use a separate
undercover agent for each. If you use the same undercover agent for multiple start
message events, IBM BPM instantiates multiple instances of the BPD.
For example, you might want an employee on-boarding process to start when a
record for each new employee is created in your HR system. When the record is
created, the system sends an event to IBM Business Process Manager. IBM BPM
captures the event and starts the follow-on steps for each new employee such as
setting up the necessary space and computer equipment, requesting and creating a
security badge.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a BPD or drill into an event subprocess, then drag a Start Event component
from the palette onto the diagram.
3. On the Properties tab, click Implementation.
4. In the Start Event Details section, select the start event type Message.
5. If the start event is part of an event subprocess, the Start Event Details section
shows the following options.
A. If receiving and processing the message causes completion of the parent
process, make sure that the Interrupt Parent Process option is selected,
which is the default setting. When this option is selected, when the subprocess
reaches its end, the parent instance is completed. Otherwise, clear the
selection so that the parent process is not interrupted or completed when the
message is received.


B. If Interrupt Parent Process is not selected, the Repeatable option is

available. If the start message event can be triggered more than once, select
the Repeatable option so that the subprocess can receive multiple messages.
6. To use UCA for triggering a start message event, complete the following actions
in the Message Trigger section.
A. For Triggering Mechanism, select UCA.
B. To select an existing undercover agent, click Select next to the Attached
Message UCA field.
C. To create an undercover agent, click New. See Undercover agents.
D. In the Condition text box, type a JavaScript expression if you want to define
conditions under which the message event is processed.If you do specify a
condition and the condition evaluates to true, the message is accepted and
processing continues. If the condition evaluates to false, processing stops. In
most cases, special message conditions are not necessary because you
should implement each message event with a separate undercover agent.
E. If you want the incoming message to be consumed after it is received by the
message event, enable Consume Message. Refer to the bulleted list in
Modeling message events to learn more about message consumption.
F. The Durable Subscription check box is not available for start message
events, only for intermediate message events as described in the following
Important: The sender and receiver of the message must both use the same
undercover agent. For example, if the sender of the message is a message end
event in another BPD, then select the same undercover agent for both the
receiving intermediate event and the sending message end event in the other
Tip: UCAs must have a schedule type of On Event to function as a message
trigger. Plus, the service that is attached to the selected undercover agent must
have one or more input variables so that it can pass and correlate information
from the event.
To use an SCA service for triggering a start message event, complete the
following actions in the Message Trigger section.
A. For Triggering Mechanism, select SCA Service.
B. For Message Object Type, click Select to select a business object (BO) type,
click New to define a new BO type, or leave it to be set automatically when you
select a service definition. The business object type that you select
determines the output parameters of the start message event. The message
object type must be a complex type.
C. For Service Identifier, a default value is provided, based on the name of the
event, as shown in the BPD diagram. If you want, you can either specify a
different service identifier name, or select one from the drop-down list of
services that match the selected message object type. If you enter a name, it is
restricted to using the NMToken character set.
- If you selected an existing service definition and the message object type was
not set, the message object type is updated to match the service definition.
- The service identifier is used with the BPD name to generate a unique SCA
service for this event point. The generated service interface name is

- If you selected an existing service definition, the associated events are added
to the list of events that the definition includes.
- To restore the default value, click the X (delete) icon.
- If you specify the same SCA identifier for multiple message events, any
changes to the service identifier or message object type affect all the events
that provide the service. Making such changes can break data mappings for
the events.
Tip: If your BPD includes more than one start message, each one should use
a different SCA service identifier. Otherwise, if multiple start message events
specify the same SCA service identifier, the start event that receives the start
message is selected arbitrarily.If you specify the same SCA identifier for
multiple message events, the service interface can trigger multiple events in
the BPD. However, each incoming message is received by only one of the
events. Which event receives the message, or whether it is stored for future
delivery, depends on whether a correlating process instance is found, and if
so, which compatible message events are in the waiting state. For details of
the semantics, see Using Service Component Architecture to interact with
Important: It is possible to define unintentionally the same service identifier
on multiple events. For example, if different events have identical names
(which is shown as an error on the General tab), or if different service
identifiers map onto identical NMToken strings. If such a naming clash
happens, you can break the unintended polymorphism by renaming the
duplicate event names and then click X (delete) to restore the default service
identifier name.
8. Specify the correlation and output mapping.
A. On the Properties tab, click Data Mapping.
B. Open the Correlation and Output Mapping section.
C. Select the output variable that you want to use to for correlation. The value that
is assigned to it ensures that the parameter values of the runtime message are
passed to the correct BPD instance. The variable that is selected for
correlation is identified by an assignment symbol ( ). This correlation ensures
that the parameter values of the runtime message are passed to the correct
BPD instance.
- For undercover agents that are implemented using a complex variable rather
than a service, you can select the complex variable or the top-level child
properties of the variable for mapping or correlation.
If you use SCA, you must select a variable that is marked as a
process instance identifier that ensures that the message is passed to the
correct BPD instance based on the value of that variable.
D. Map each output variable to a local variable in the BPD. For each variable,
click the variable selector icon to map each output variable to be passed into a
local variable in the BPD.
For example, if the start message event starts an instance of an on-boarding
process when an employee record is created in your HR system, you can map
the employee information from the undercover agent to a local variable in the

If your start message event is inside an event subprocess, you must select a
variable to be used for correlating process instances. Correlation allows IBM BPM
to identify the process instance that the message is meant for.
For example, an employee number might be used to uniquely identify an instance
of an on-boarding process. Selecting this variable for correlation ensures that
when the data related to a specific employee number is passed to the event
subprocess, the appropriate instance of the on-boarding process is found.
Parent topic:Modeling message events
Related information:
Using Service Component Architecture to interact with processes


Using intermediate and boundary message events

to receive messages
You can include an intermediate message event in your business process definition
(BPD) when you want to model a message event that is received during execution
of a process. When the process execution reaches an intermediate message event,
if a matching message is stored in the system, it is passed to the message event,
otherwise, further execution along that path is blocked until an incoming message
arrives that matches.
Intermediate message events can be attached to activities within your BPDs or they
can be included in the process flow, which is connected with sequence flows. Drag
an intermediate message event onto the swimlane to create an intermediate
message event. If you drag an intermediate message event onto an activity, it
becomes a boundary message event. You can change either existing message
event type to the other type by dragging it to or from the swimlane or activity.Tip:
When you add message events in a BPD, be aware of the general information in
Modeling message events that applies to all types of message events.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

For a receiving intermediate message event, you can use an undercover agent
(UCA) for the message triggering mechanism.
You can also use a Service Component Architecture (SCA) service as the
triggering mechanism.
Tip: To build a sample inbound integration that includes an intermediate message
event included in the process flow, which is connected with sequence lines, see
Building a sample inbound integration.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a BPD and drag an Intermediate Message Event component from the
palette onto the BPD diagram. It can be dragged to the swimlane or attached to
an activity. When the event is attached to an activity, the event is known as a
boundary event and it is included in the outline of the activity.
3. On the Properties tab, click Implementation.
4. Select the event type Message.
A. If you dragged the Intermediate Message Event component onto the BPD
diagram, in the Intermediate Event Details section, select the intermediate
event type Message.
B. If you dragged the Intermediate Message Event component onto an activity, in
the Boundary Event Details section, select the intermediate event type


5. If the intermediate message event is a boundary event, use the Boundary Event
Details section to specify its behavior:
A. If receiving the message signals completion of the activity, make sure that the
Interrupt Activity option is selected, which is the default setting. Otherwise,
clear the selection, so that the activity is not interrupted and completed when
the message is received.
B. If Interrupt Activity is not selected, the Repeatable option is available. If the
boundary message event can be triggered more than once, select the
Repeatable option so that the attached activity can receive multiple messages.
6. To use a UCA for triggering an intermediate message event, complete the
following actions in the Message Trigger section.
A. For Triggering Mechanism, select UCA.
B. To select an existing undercover agent, click Select next to the Attached
Message UCA field.
C. To create an undercover agent, click New. See Undercover agents.
D. In the Condition text box, type a JavaScript expression if you want to define
conditions under which the message event is processed.If you do specify a
condition and the condition evaluates to true, the message is accepted and
processing continues. If the condition evaluates to false, processing stops. In
most cases, special message conditions are not necessary because you
should implement each message event with a separate undercover agent.
E. If you want the incoming message to be consumed after it is received by the
message event, enable Consume Message. Refer to the bulleted list in
Modeling message events to learn more about message consumption.
F. To allow the message event to receive an incoming message that arrives
before a process is at a point where the event can accept the message, select
Durable Subscription. The durable subscription causes the message to be
stored until the message event is reached. Only the most recently received
message is stored. Tip: If you occasionally use inbound messages and
undercover agents, consider using durable subscription events.
When Durable Subscription is selected, incoming messages are persisted in
the database. The durable messages accumulate, even if you select the check
box to make them consumable. Periodically use the
BPMDeleteDurableMessages command for deleting durable subscription
Important: The sender and receiver of the message must both use the same
undercover agent. For example, if the sender of the message is a message end
event in another BPD, then select the same undercover agent for both the
receiving intermediate event and the sending message end event in the other
Tip: Undercover agents must have a schedule type of On Event to function as a
message trigger. Plus, the service that is attached to the selected undercover
agent must have one or more input variables so that it can pass and correlate
information from the event.
To use an SCA service for triggering an intermediate message event,
complete the following actions in the Message Trigger section.
A. For Triggering Mechanism, select SCA Service.

B. For Message Object Type, click Select to select a business object (BO) type,
click New to define a new BO type, or leave it to be set automatically when you
select a service definition. The business object type that you select
determines the output parameters of the intermediate message event. The
message object type must be a complex type.
C. For Service Identifier, a default value is provided, based on the name of the
event, as shown in the BPD diagram. If you want, you can either specify a
different service identifier name, or select one from the drop-down list of
services that match the selected message object type. If you enter a name, it is
restricted to using the NMToken character set.
- If you selected an existing service definition and the message object type was
not set, the message object type is updated to match the service definition.
- The service identifier is used with the BPD name to generate a unique SCA
service for this event point. The generated service interface name is
- If you selected an existing service definition, the associated events are added
to the list of events that the definition includes.
- If you specify the same SCA identifier for multiple message events, any
changes to the service identifier or message object type affect all the events
that provide the service. Making such changes can break data mappings for
the events.
- To restore the default value, click the X (delete) icon.
Tip:If you specify the same SCA identifier for multiple message events, the
service interface can trigger multiple events in the BPD. However, each
incoming message is received by only one of the events. Which event receives
the message, or whether it is stored for future delivery, depends on whether a
correlating process instance is found, and if so, which compatible message
events are in the waiting state. For details of the semantics, see Using Service
Component Architecture to interact with processes.
Important: It is possible to define unintentionally the same service identifier on
multiple events. For example, if different events have identical names (which is
shown as an error on the General tab), or if different service identifiers map
onto identical NMToken strings. If such a naming clash happens, you can
break the unintended polymorphism by renaming the duplicate event names
and then click X (delete) to restore the default service identifier name.
8. Specify the correlation and output mapping.
A. On the Properties tab, click Data Mapping.
B. Open the Correlation and Output Mapping section.
C. Select the output variable that you want to use to for correlation. The value that
is assigned to it ensures that the parameter values of the runtime message are
passed to the correct BPD instance. The variable that is selected for
correlation is identified by an assignment symbol ( ). This correlation ensures
that the parameter values of the runtime message are passed to the correct
BPD instance.
- For undercover agents that are implemented using a complex variable rather
than a service, you can select the complex variable or the top-level child
properties of the variable for mapping or correlation.


If you use SCA, you must select a variable that is marked as a

process instance identifier that ensures that the message is passed to the
correct BPD instance based on the value of that variable.
D. Map each output variable to a local variable in the BPD. For each variable,
click the variable selector icon to map each output variable to a local variable
in the BPD.
Parent topic:Modeling message events
Related information:
BPMProcessInstancesCleanup command
BPMDeleteDurableMessages command
Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a message event
Attaching the undercover agent to the message event
Using Service Component Architecture to interact with processes


Using intermediate message events and message

end events to send messages
You can include an intermediate message event in your business process definition
(BPD) when you want to model a message event that is sent during execution of a
process, or a message end event when you want to send a message at an end of a
For example, you might want to call an external service or to send a message to be
received by the start event in another process or processes. Message events can be
included in the process flow, which is connected with sequence lines. Intermediate
message events have both incoming and outgoing sequence flows, while message
end events have only incoming sequence flows. Tip: When you add message
events in a BPD, you should be aware of the general information in Modeling
message events that applies to all types of message events.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a BPD and drag an intermediate or end event from the palette onto the
BPD diagram.
3. In the text box that displays over the event, type a name for the event.
4. Use the Sequence Flow tool to connect the event as needed.
5. In the diagram, select the new event.
6. On the Properties tab, click Implementation. The default implementation for
intermediate events that are included in the process flow is Message. If you are
creating a message end event, select Message end event as the implementation
7. If you are creating an intermediate message event, select Sending from the
available message types in the drop-down list. By default, all message end events
are sending message end events.
8. In the Message Trigger section, complete one of the following actions.
- To select an existing undercover agent, click Select next to the Attached
Message UCA field.
- To create an undercover agent, click New. See Undercover agents.
Important: The sender and receiver of the message must both use the same
undercover agent. For example, if the sender of the message is a message end
event in another BPD, then select the same undercover agent for both the
receiving intermediate event and the sending message end event in the other
Tip: Undercover agents must have a schedule type of On Event to function as a
message trigger. Plus, the service that is attached to the selected undercover
agent must have one or more input variables so that it can pass and correlate


information from the event.

9. If you created an end event, specify the input mapping.
A. On the Properties tab, click Data Mapping.
B. Open the Input section.
C. Map each input variable to a local variable in the BPD. For each variable,
select it then complete one of the following actions.
- Click the variable selector icon to map each input variable to a local variable
in the BPD.
- Enter a literal value or the name of a local variable.
- To use the default value from the variable, click Use default. When you
enable this check box, the variable selector icon is disabled.
Parent topic:Modeling message events
Related information:
BPMProcessInstancesCleanup command
BPMDeleteDurableMessages command
Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a message event
Attaching the undercover agent to the message event


Setting the target for a UCA message event

While you are configuring an undercover agent (UCA) message event in a business
process definition (BPD) or configuring an Invoke UCA step in a service to use a
message event, you can exercise some control over which snapshots use the event.
You can override the default target by selecting a check box in the implementation
settings for the UCA that carries the event.
You can include an intermediate message event in your BPD when you want to
model a message event that is sent or received while a process is running, or you
can use a start event to receive a message event or use an end event to send a
message event.
The default behavior for intermediate incoming message events is that they are
received by all snapshots in all process applications that refer to the undercover
agent and that have event message properties that match the correlation values.
For start message events, the default behavior is that they are used on the tip in
Process Center and in the default snapshot on IBM Process Server.
To change that default behavior, select the check box labeled Target the snapshot
of the installed process application that contains this BPD or Target the
snapshot of the installed process application that contains this service. (The
label depends on your context.) You encounter the check box when you are
configuring the undercover agent for a message event. If you select the check box,
at run time start message events are targeted in the same snapshot of the process
application that contains the BPD or the service that sends the message event. If
the BPD or the service of the sending message event is in a toolkit, the snapshot of
the process application (which is the root container) is used.
When the check box is selected, you are limiting the responding listener to the start
message event and to the intermediate incoming message events in that specific
process application snapshot.
Parent topic:Modeling message events
Related information:
Designating default snapshots
Adding a message event to a BPD
Attaching the undercover agent to the message event
Using intermediate message events and message end events to send messages
Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a message event


Using message end events

You can use a message end event when you want to send a message at an end of
a path.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

For example, you might want to send a message to be received by the Start event in
another process or processes. When including message end events in a business
process definition (BPD), you should be aware of the general information that
applies to all types of message events covered in Modeling message events.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a BPD and drag an end event from the palette onto the diagram.
3. In the text box that appears over the event, type a name for the event.
4. Click the Implementation option in the properties.
5. Click the drop-down list and select Message from the end event types. By default,
message end events can only send messages.
6. In the Message Trigger section, click Select next to Attached UCA to select an
existing undercover agent.To create an undercover agent, click New. See
Undercover agents.
Undercover agents must have a schedule type of On Event to function as a
message trigger. Plus, the service attached to the selected undercover agent
must have one or more input variables so that it can pass and correlate
information from the event.
Note: Ensure that the sender and receiver of the message both use the same
undercover agent. For example, if the receiver of the message is an message
intermediate event in another BPD, then select the same undercover agent for
both the sending message end event and the receiving intermediate event in the
other BPD.
7. Click the Data Mapping option in the properties.
8. In the Input section, click the variable selector icon on the right side of each field
to map each undercover agent output variable to a local variable in the BPD. Click
the Use default check box if you want to use a default value from the attached
undercover agent for a particular variable. When you enable this check box, the
variable selector icon is disabled.
Parent topic:Modeling message events


Enabling users to perform ad hoc actions

Use an ad hoc event when you need to include ad hoc actions that can be run at
any time during process execution.
Important: Ad hoc actions are deprecated in version, instead use Creating
an unstructured (ad hoc) activity.
If you want to enable end users to perform an ad hoc action during the execution of
another process, you can do so by using a start ad hoc event in your BPD. For
example, you may want to enable end users to cancel an order, determine the
status of an order, or perform some other ad hoc function during the normal
processing of an order. Because an ad hoc action is run in the context of the regular
process instance, it has access to all the data of the regular process instance and
can also manipulate the flow of the regular process instance, depending on the logic
that you include.Important: Process Portal users who perform ad hoc actions must
be assigned to the security group that is configured for the
ACTION_INJECT_TOKEN policy. Modify the security properties of the
BPMActionPolicy configuration object as described in Security configuration

- Building a sample ad hoc action (deprecated)

This example shows how to model an ad hoc action that enables users to view the
contents of a requisition at any time during normal processing of the requisition.
- Testing a sample ad hoc action (deprecated)
Use IBM Process Designer to test the sample ad hoc action.
Parent topic:Modeling events
Related information:
Configuring access to Process Portal action policies
Deprecated: Defining ad hoc actions


Building a sample ad hoc action (deprecated)

This example shows how to model an ad hoc action that enables users to view the
contents of a requisition at any time during normal processing of the requisition.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

For the following example, you can use the Standard HR Open New Position
business process definition (BPD) included in the Hiring Sample process
application. (If you do not see the Hiring Sample process application in your list of
applications in the Process Center Console, ask your IBM Business Process
Manager administrator to give you access.) To do so, clone a snapshot of the Hiring
Sample process application so that your changes do not affect other users of IBM
Process Designer.


Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

Open a BPD in the Designer view and click the Diagram tab.
Drag a swimlane from the palette to the diagram.
Right-click the new lane and select Move Lane Down until the new lane is the
last lane in the BPD (below the System lane).
5. Click the new lane in the diagram (named Untitled 1 by default) and in the
Name field in the properties, type Ad hoc event .
6. Drag a start event from the palette onto the BPD diagram so that it is positioned
in the new Ad hoc event lane.
7. In the text box that displays over the start event , type Show Requisition Data
for the event name.
8. Click the Implementation tab in the Properties view and select Ad Hoc from the
available start event types. If you wanted to restrict the users who can perform
the action, you could also associate a specific team with the swimlane and then
in the Event Visibility section specify that the event visibility is restricted by
9. Drag an activity from the palette into the Ad hoc event lane.
10. In the text box that displays over the user task,, type Show Data for the user task
11. Drag an end event from the palette onto the BPD diagram so that it is positioned
after the Show Data activity in the Ad hoc event lane and optionally name the
end event.
12. Using the Sequence Flow tool, connect the Show Requisition Data start
event, the Show Data activity, and the end event on the BPD diagram.
13. Right-click the Show Data activity and select Activity Wizard from the list of


14. In the Activity Wizard - Setup Activity window, make the following selections:
Table 1. Recommended selections in the Activity Wizard - Setup Activity window
Activity Type
Service Selection

User Task
Select the Create a New Service or
Process option.

In the Name field, type Show Data for the new service. (For this example, name
the new Human service the same as the corresponding activity in the BPD.)
15. In the Activity Wizard - Setup Activity window, click Next.
16. In the Activity Wizard - Parameters window, choose the process variables from
the regular process to use as input and output for the new service for the ad hoc
process.For the private variable named requisition, leave the Input field set
to true and change the Output field to false. These settings reflect the fact that
our sample ad hoc event simply displays the requisition data and does not pass
back modified data. For other variables, click to change the setting from true to
false under the Input and Output field. Click Finish.
The new service is created and attached to the activity. The new service
includes a single Coach.
17. Double-click the Show Data activity in the Ad hoc event lane in the BPD.The
new service opens and you can see the service diagram.
18. Click the Coaches tab and then click the listed Coach to see its controls.
Because we used the Activity Wizard, the Coach includes a form element for
each of the parameters in the requisition variable.
19. Save your work and then follow the instructions in Deprecated: Testing a sample
ad hoc action.
Parent topic:Enabling users to perform ad hoc actions (deprecated)
Related information:
Hiring tutorial
Configuring access to Process Portal action policies


Testing a sample ad hoc action (deprecated)

Use IBM Process Designer to test the sample ad hoc action.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Before you can test the sample ad hoc action, you must have a business process
definition (BPD) that contains an ad hoc event and at least one task connected by
sequence flow. For example, you can modify the Hiring Sample BPD to contain an
ad hoc action as described in Deprecated: Building a sample ad hoc action.


Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

Open a BPD in the Designer view.
Click the Run icon in the upper right corner of the BPD diagram.
IBM Process Designer switches to the Inspector where you should see a new
Submit requisition task in the task list.
5. Open IBM Process Portal and log in as a member of one of the teams who
receive and can complete the tasks generated by the activities in the BPD.
6. Run the Submit requisition task displayed in your Open Tasks view in IBM
Process Portal.
7. Fill out the Job Requisition information, click Next, and then Submit on the
Confirm Job Position form.
8. When the next task for the process instance (Approve/reject requisition)
displays in your Open Tasks view in IBM Process Portal, click the instance
name or task subject to open the details page. Note: If the task does not display,
reload the browser page.
9. Click the Actions menu in the toolbar, and select the name of the ad hoc action.
(The name of the action is the name that you assign the ad hoc event that
initiates the user task in the BPD diagram in IBM Process Designer. If you are
using the modified Hiring Sample, the name is Show Requisition Data. )IBM
BPM generates a new task called Show Data, which is displayed in your Open
Tasks view.
10. Run the Show Data task. If you receive an information message about claiming
the new task, click Claim Task. IBM BPM displays the data that you entered in
step 5.
11. Click OK.Now you can continue with normal processing by completing the next
task in the process instance, Approve/reject requisition. You can invoke
the ad hoc action again, after completion of the Approve/reject requisition
task, to see whether the requisition has been approved.

What to do next
The ad hoc event and user task that you added to the BPD diagram enables you to
view the requisition information at any time during running of the regular process.

Parent topic:Enabling users to perform ad hoc actions (deprecated)


Related information:
Getting started with Process Portal
Configuring access to Process Portal action policies


Modeling event gateways

Use an event gateway to model a point in the process execution where only one of
several paths can be followed, depending on events that occur.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

An event gateway represents a branching point in a process execution where only
one of several paths can be followed, depending on events that occur. A specific
event, such as the receipt of a message or timer event, determines the path that will
be taken. The event gateway represents a single point of behavior that is spread out
across multiple process components connected by sequence flow. The following
types of events can directly follow an event gateway (connected by a single
sequence flow):
- Intermediate message event (receiving)
- Intermediate timer event
When creating an event gateway, you must connect at least two intermediate events
to the gateway. And, when connected to an event gateway, an intermediate event is
not allowed to have additional incoming sequence flow.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a business process definition (BPD).
3. Drag a gateway from the palette to the process diagram.
4. In the text box that displays over the gateway, type a name for the gateway.
5. Click the General option in the properties.
6. In the Behavior section of the general properties, click the drop-down list and
select Event Gateway from the available gateway types. To streamline
configuration of an event gateway, IBM Process Designer automatically adds an
intermediate message event (receiving) and an intermediate timer event to the
process diagram. These intermediate events are grouped with the event gateway
in the process diagram.
7. Add any additional events required by the gateway configuration by dragging
them from the palette to the event gateway group in the process diagram. Only
intermediate message events and intermediate timer events are allowed. The
minimum number of events is two, and you can add as many as you require.
8. Click an event in the group and then select the Implementation option in the
A. To configure an intermediate message event, follow the steps in Using
intermediate and boundary message events to receive messages.
B. To configure an intermediate timer event, follow the steps in Modeling timer


Parent topic:Modeling events


Handling errors using error events

When you design a business process definition (BPD) or a service, provide logic to
recover from possible errors that might be generated in the runtime application.
When you develop an application in IBM BPM, build error handling into BPDs and
services to do the following things:
- To detect errors.
- To specify how errors are thrown and caught in your runtime environment.
- To recover in a predictable manner.
For example, if a BPD involves filling orders, an item might be out of stock during
one instance of the BPD, which causes an error. Error handling that you build into
the BPD could create notifications to replenish items that are out of stock.
There are three types of error events:
- Error end events in BPDs and services that throw errors
- Error intermediate events in BPDs and services that catch errors
- Error start events in BPD event subprocesses that catch errors
You can assign error codes and error data to errors that are thrown by the error end
To catch errors using error intermediate events, select an error code from a list of
previously defined errors and map the error data to a variable. The error
intermediate events are boundary events, which are intermediate events that are
attached to the boundary of an activity. Each boundary event can be triggered only
while the activity is running, interrupting the activity. From the BPD diagram or a
service diagram in Process Designer, you can use an error intermediate event that
is attached to the boundary of an active to catch specific errors and error data from
a linked process, a subprocess, or a service.
Another way to catch errors is by using error intermediate events in services that
catch all errors. When building services, you can attach an error intermediate event
to the boundary of a step to catch all errors for the step, and you can use an error
intermediate event as part of the service flow to catch all errors that are raised by
steps of the service flow that are not handled by an error intermediate event at the
boundary of the step.
You also can catch errors using error event subprocesses in BPDs. In the
subprocess, you use an error start event that catches errors if the start event is
However you decide to catch errors, designate the error behavior for the events on
the Properties tab in your diagram. Under Implementation, go to the Error
Properties section to designate the following error handling behavior:
- Catch all errors or specific errors. To catch specific errors, you can select the error
code, map the error data, or both, as described in the following bullets.
- Filter the specific errors that are caught by selecting an error code from a list of all
thrown errors for the linked process, subprocess, or service.
- Map the error data into a variable by selecting an error mapping variable that was
previously defined on the Variables tab. Important: If the error code has changed,
make sure to select the variable again so that it is mapped properly.
If there are multiple error events defined to catch errors for an error that is thrown in


a linked process, subprocess, or service, the catching event is determined by the

precedence rules in the order that they are listed in the Error event components
Errors are caught in the following order in your runtime environment:
1. The boundary events catch errors that are raised by the attached activity, as
described in the following table.
2. If there is no error boundary event that handles the error, and a subprocess is in a
BPD or in an unattached intermediate error event in a service, errors are caught
in the error event subprocesses, as described in the following table.
3. If there is no error event subprocess that handles the error in an event
subprocess, linked process, or service, errors are propagated to the next level.

Table 1. Error event components

error code and error data
error code
error data
neither code nor error data
the Catch All Errors option on error

Errors caught
Only errors with the same code and data
Errors with the same code, unless they
are already caught by an event, as
specified by the preceding rule
Errors with the same data type, unless
they are already caught by an event, as
specified by the preceding rules
All errors that are not already caught by
an event, as specified by the preceding

Note: Multiple events that are defined in the same context and with the same
constraints cause nondeterministic runtime behavior.
Specifying the variable name in the mapping controls the filtering by error data type.
If the type of the variable and the type of the error data that is displayed on the
Properties tab do not match, the variable type determines the behavior.
- Handling errors in BPDs
When modeling error handling as part of your business process definitions
(BPDs), you can catch errors using error intermediate events or event
subprocesses, and you can throw errors using error end events.
- Handling errors in services
For services, you can use error intermediate events to catch errors, and you can
use error end events to throw errors.
- Error events in models from V7.5.x and earlier
If you have Process Designer models from V7.5.x or earlier that use error events,
the earlier error handling behavior is still available.
Parent topic:Modeling events



Handling errors in BPDs

When modeling error handling as part of your business process definitions (BPDs),
you can catch errors using error intermediate events or event subprocesses, and
you can throw errors using error end events.
Table 1. Usage of error events in business process definitions
BPD event

Catches specified errors or all
error intermediate event
at the
errorsProvides error handling logic for
boundary of an activity (error boundary
errors raised by the activity that it is
attached to
error event subprocess that starts with an Catches specified or all errorsProvides
error handling logic for errors raised by
error start event
activities of the BPD, subprocess, or
event subprocess that directly contains
the error event subprocess
Throws an error
error end event

Catching errors using error intermediate events

For BPDs, you can attach an error intermediate event to an activity and connect that
event to an error handling flow or activity. The attached error event is known as a
error boundary event.
To determine whether to use error immediate events, consider the following points:
- If an error occurs while a process is running an activity with an attached error event
at the boundary, the process flows along the sequence line that is attached to the
error event. Errors are handled in the flow and then proceed with the normal
- Error intermediate events must be attached to an activity.
- You can have multiple error events for an activity, but only one catches the error.
- Consider specifying the error data to catch specific errors, filtering on the error
code for the types of errors that are caught, and mapping to a variable after the
errors are caught. When all errors are caught, or if only an error code is specified,
the error data is captured in an XMLElement in the tw.system.step.error

Catching errors using error event subprocesses

An event subprocess is a specialized type of subprocess that is not part of the
normal sequence flow of its parent process. An error event subprocess is an event
subprocess that contains an error start event. The event subprocess is not
connected by sequence flow and runs only if the start event in the event subprocess
is triggered. You can use error event subprocesses to handle errors in your BPD.
To determine whether to use error event subprocesses, consider the following
- Define a readable process by locating the error event in the event subprocess
instead of defining it in the process.

- To reuse the error-handling flow for multiple tasks in your process, use event
subprocesses. To reuse an error-handling flow using attached events, you must
attach an intermediate event for each of the tasks and then connect those events
to the error-handling flow.
- Define data objects that you can access only from within the event subprocess.
You can define only those data objects that belong to a subprocess. The parent
process is not cluttered with unnecessary variables.
For more information about event subprocesses, see Modeling event subprocesses

Throwing errors
You can use an error end event in your BPD to specify an error code and map to an
error type on errors thrown from the flow of a BPD or a service.
When working with either error events or event subprocesses, think about whether
errors can be handled immediately, and normal processing can continue, or if
another error can be thrown at another level. Then implement error handling from
the bottom up. In other cases, it might be more efficient and readable if subprocess
can be reused. Build each linked process and service so that errors can be captured
and corrected. If a correction is not possible at the lowest level of the
implementation, you can allow the error to move up a level by not including an error
event or include an error event to rethrow the error to the calling service or process,
as shown in the following section.
For example, to ensure that any errors that might occur during process run time are
captured, you can create a high-level BPD that includes an activity to call the main
process as a linked process and then one additional activity with an underlying
service to implement error handling as shown in the following image:

This type of design ensures that errors thrown from underlying processes and
services are propagated up and handled appropriately.

Parent topic:Handling errors using error events


Handling errors in services

For services, you can use error intermediate events to catch errors, and you can use
error end events to throw errors.
Table 1. Usage of error events in services
Service event
error intermediate event
attached to
the boundary of a step (error boundary
error intermediate event
service flow

error end event

Catches errors from the step

as part of the Catches all errors raised by steps of the

service flow that are not handled by an
error intermediate event at the boundary
of a step. This event can have only
outbound links.
Throws an error and ends the processing
of this service. You might, for example,
use an error end event when you want a
particular result from a Coach to end a
human service.

To determine whether to use error events in your services, consider the following
- You must attach error intermediate events to steps in your service. The attached
error event is known as a error boundary event.
- Include error intermediate events in the service flow so that they can act as global
error handlers in the service.
- Determine whether errors can be handled immediately, and normal processing can
be continue, or if another error can be thrown at another level. Then implement
error handling from the bottom up.
- Use an error end event to throw a specific error. You can specify an error code and
error data for the error.
- Consider specifying the error data to catch specific errors. For example, you could
filter on the error code for the types of errors that are caught and map the error
code to a variable after the errors are caught. When all errors are caught, or if only
an error code is specified, the error data is captured in an XMLElement in the
tw.system.error variable.

Using error intermediate events in the service flow

The use of error intermediate events in a service flow offers several options in error
handling, but it must be done carefully to prevent unexpected behaviour.
An error intermediate event in the service flow can act as a global error handler in
the service. It catches errors that are not already handled by boundary error events.
The error intermediate event cannot catch specific errors; it is a catchAll error event.
It is meant for handling errors that can be handled within that very service flow. It is
recommended that you not wire back into the normal flow. Instead, after the error
handling, logic should be concluded with an end event. After the error handling you

might reenter the service and run the normal flow with corrected data.
To handle errors in a service and wire back to the normal flow in the same service,
use one or more error boundary events with specific errors and the catchAll options.

Note: An error intermediate event in the service flow also catches errors thrown
through error end events of that service flow.
Important: The error intermediate event can cause endless loops if follow-up
activities after the event throw a runtime or a modeled error. The service engine
prevents these loops. In some cases, it might be useful to model a loop with an
intermediate error end event. To allow looping, add the following entry to the
100Custom.xml file: <server> <!-- insert if not already present -->
<execution-context> <!-- insert if not already present -->


</execution-context> <!-- insert if not already present -->

</server> <!-- insert if not already present -->

Changing this property will globally suppress the error loop detection of the service
engine. Change this property only if all your models are free of endless error loops.

Parent topic:Handling errors using error events


Error events in models from V7.5.x and earlier

If you have Process Designer models from V7.5.x or earlier that use error events,
the earlier error handling behavior is still available.
Models that were created in V7.5.x and earlier versions include the following errorhandling behavior:
- Error intermediate events at the boundary of a step in services or at the boundary
of an activity in a business process definition (BPD), subprocess, or event
subprocess catch all errors. As of V8.0, you model this behavior using the Catch
All Errors option, which is available on the Properties tab for a catching error
event. In addition, you can refine your error handling by catching specific errors
using the Catch Specific Errors option.
- Error intermediate events in the flow of a BPD, subprocess, or event subprocess
were allowed but had no effect on runtime behavior. You can delete these events.
- Error end events in services, BPDs, subprocesses, or event subprocesses retain
the same error throwing behavior: they can be caught only as part of an event that
catches all errors. To use the extended error-handling capabilities, delete the old
event and add a new event.
To use the latest error-handling capabilities, you can move the models to V8.0.
Open your application, look at the referenced system toolkits, click a toolkit, and
select the menu option to upgrade it.
Parent topic:Handling errors using error events


Using Service Component Architecture to

interact with processes
There are several ways to start and interact with business process definition (BPD)
instances using Service Component Architecture (SCA). You can use receiving
message events to create or interact with BPD instances.
You can also use SCA to create a BPD instance without the use of a receiving
message event. In that scenario, the inputs of the BPD and optionally its outputs
define the service interface for the SCA interaction. To interact with receiving
message events, you can use SCA as the triggering mechanism as an alternative to
using undercover agents (UCA). A receiving message event can be a start message
event, intermediate message event, boundary message event, or the start event of
an event subprocess.
The use of SCA as the triggering mechanism makes it possible to use instancebased correlation that always delivers the message to exactly one event of one
instance. By contrast, correlation that is supported by undercover agent invocations
permits multiple instances and events (of the same or different models) to receive
the same message.

Supported interaction patterns that use receiving message

You can use SCA messages to invoke the following BPD event types. These
interactions are one-way interactions.
- Message Start Event
- The start event causes a new instance of the BPD to be created. If your BPD
includes more than one start event, each one should use a different SCA
service identifier. Otherwise, if multiple start events specify the same SCA
service identifier, the start event that receives the start message is selected
- Start Event of a Message Event Subprocess
- The Start Event of a Message Event Subprocess requires correlation. A
message that invokes a message event subprocess must be correlated with the
BPD instance that then invokes the event subprocess. Optionally, this event
type can be configured to be repeatable or to interrupt the parent process
- Intermediate Message Event
- An intermediate message event requires correlation to ensure that the message
triggers the intermediate message event that belongs to the correct BPD
- Boundary Message Event
- A boundary message event is an intermediate message event that is attached
to an activity. A boundary message event requires correlation to ensure that the
message triggers the boundary message event that belongs to the correct BPD
instance. Optionally, this event type can be configured to be repeatable or to
interrupt the activity that the event is attached to.


Supported interaction patterns that use input and output

The input and output variables of the BPD define the parameters of the SCA request
message and SCA response message. They are used to store the parameter data
of the request message and the response message that are exchanged by means of
SCA. There are two interaction patterns:
- One-way interface
- You create a BPD instance using the one-way interface of the BPD. The
message parameters are automatically assigned to the input variables when
the BPD instance receives the SCA message.
- Request-response interface
- You create a BPD instance and upon the completion of the BPD, you receive a
response message that uses the request/response interface of the BPD. The
request message parameters are automatically assigned to the input variables
when the BPD instance receives the SCA request message. The SCA
response message is constructed from the output variables when the BPD
instance ends.
The one-way interface and the two-way interface are derived from the input and
output variables. Both interfaces are available in IBM Integration Designer for use
as an SCA module.

Instance-based correlation
If a request message must be received by an existing instance of a BPD, you must
specify a correlation variable to identify the intended instance that receives the
SCA message correlation requires that at least one of the BPD's variables is marked
as being a process instance identifier. The correlation variable can be written to only
once. The value that is assigned to the correlation variable must uniquely identify
the instance. Normally, business data is assigned to a process instance identifier
variable. For example, the correlation variable might be assigned an employee
number from the start message. All messages that are intended for the same
instance must include the same value for the correlation variable to identify the
appropriate process instance. The value that is used to identify a process instance
cannot be reused to identify a new instance until after the first instance is in the
completed or terminated state, or the instance is deleted.Important: You must
ensure that the process instance identifier variable is initialized before any message
is sent for the instance. Because the correlation matching is only performed when
the message arrives, if a message arrives before the process instance identifier
variable is initialized, it can never match with a process instance, and can never
trigger a receiving message event.
If a message is posted before the a suitable message receive event is in a waiting
state, the message is stored. The message will be received by the first matching
message receive event that goes into the waiting state.

Defining a service that can trigger different events in a BPD

In general, when receiving message events are used with SCA, the corresponding
service interfaces of the BPD are derived from the message event's service
identifier and message object type.

You can specify that the BPD exposes only one service, which is implemented by
different receiving message events of the BPD. To do so, specify the same service
identifier and message object type for different message events in the BPD. When a
message is received, one of the receiving message events will process it. Which
event receives the message depends on whether a correlating process instance is
found, and if so, which event is active, or reached first.
- If a process instance matches the instance identifier value in the message, then
the following rules are applied:
- If the instance has exactly one matching event (intermediate, boundary, or a start
event for an event subprocess) that is in the waiting state, the matching event
receives the message.
- If the instance has multiple matching events that are in the waiting state, one of
them is selected arbitrarily to receive the message.
- If the instance does not have any matching event in the waiting state, the
message is stored until an event that can receive the message becomes active.
- If no process instance matches the instance identifier value in the message and
there is a start process message event that matches the message type, a new
instance of the BPD is created, and the start message event receives the
Warning: It is possible to define unintentionally the same service interface for
multiple events. For example, if different events have identical names (which is
shown as an error on the General tab), or if different service identifiers map onto
identical NMToken strings, then different events share the same service interface. If
this naming conflict happens, you can break the naming conflict by renaming the
duplicate event names and then restoring the default service identifier name.

Rules for instance migration

To allow instance migration of BPDs that contain SCA message events and
variables that are marked as process instance identifiers, you must conform to the
rules for what cannot be changed or deleted when you create a new version of a
BPD that is already deployed. The rules are described in Strategies for migrating

Task overview
To use SCA to interact with a BPD, you must complete the following actions:
1. Using Process Designer:You can either use the implicitly provided services of the
BPD, or use the services that are provided for a receiving message event in
which SCA is specified as the triggering mechanism. For the former you do not
have to do anything, for the latter you must specify the corresponding receiving
message events.
A. If SCA messages interact with existing BPD instances, use instance-based
correlation for the message event subprocess, intermediate receiving message
events, or boundary message events. For that, you must mark one or more of
the process variables as process instance identifiers. See Declaring variables
for a BPD or a service in Process Designer.
B. Ensure that the process variable that identifies a BPD instance is assigned a
suitable value. The value must be assigned before any SCA message can

arrive for the instance.

C. Optional: Add a start message event to your process. See Using start
message events.
D. If you want message event subprocesses or receiving message events in a
process to be able to receive SCA messages:
1. Add intermediate receiving message events and boundary message events
as necessary. See Using intermediate and boundary message events to
receive messages.
2. Add a message event subprocess, with a corresponding start message
event where required. See Using start message events.
3. For each receiving message event, as a part of the data mapping, select the
variable that uniquely identifies each process instance. See Mapping input
and output data for an activity or step.
2. Switch to using IBM Integration Designer, and complete the following actions:
A. Drag the BPD onto the design canvas, and select which interfaces to include in
the SCA import. See Creating an import to start a business process definition.
B. In the assembly editor, you can use the SCA import to invoke and
communicate with a BPD instance using SCA messages.

Parent topic:Modeling events


Undercover agents
An undercover agent (UCA) is attached to a message event or a content event in a
business process definition (BPD) and calls a service to handle the event.
An undercover agent is started by an event. For example, when a message event is
received from an external system, an undercover agent is needed to start the
appropriate service in response to the message.
Message events can originate from any of the following components:
- BPDs (see Modeling message events)
- web services that you create (see Publishing IBM Business Process Manager web
- messages that you post to the JMS listener (see Posting a message to IBM
Business Process Manager Event Manager)
When an undercover agent runs, it starts an IBM Business Process Manager
service or a BPD in response to the event.
When you include a message event or a content event in a BPD, you must attach an
undercover agent to the event. For example, when a message event is received
from an external system, an undercover agent is needed to trigger the message
event in the BPD in response to the message.
If you want to run the startBpdWithName application programming interface (API) to
start a BPD instance inside an undercover agent, set the <enable-start-bpdfrom-uca> property to true in the 100Custom.xml file or another override file.
Restart the product, and check the TeamworksConfiguration.running.xml file to
ensure that the setting has the appropriate value. The property is set to false by
default, and if you don't change it, you might have errors that prevent the BPD from
- Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a message event
You can create an undercover agent (UCA) that invokes a particular service as
the result of an incoming or an outgoing message event.
- Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a scheduled message
You can create an undercover agent (UCA) that invokes a service as the result of
a message event that occurs on a regular schedule.
- Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a content event
To obtain information about document or folder events on an Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) server, you must create and configure a content undercover
agent that works with your event subscription. A content undercover agent (UCA)
is used to initiate a BPM Start or Intermediate event when specific content changes
occur on an ECM server. It is conceptually similar to a message undercover agent,
but it has a specialized Content marker to differentiate it from a Message marker.
Parent topic:Modeling events
Related information:
Creating inbound integrations
Creating an undercover agent


Attaching the undercover agent to the message event


Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a

message event
You can create an undercover agent (UCA) that invokes a particular service as the
result of an incoming or an outgoing message event.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

See Building a sample inbound integration to learn how to build a sample integration
that includes this type of undercover agent.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. In the Designer view, click the plus (+) sign next to Implementation and then
select Undercover Agent from the list.
3. In the New Undercover Agent window, enter the following information:
- Name: Type a name for the new undercover agent.
- Schedule Type: Select On Event from the drop-down list.
- Click Finish.
4. In the Common section, you can type a description of the undercover agent in
the Documentation text box.
5. In the Scheduler section, you can see the type of schedule for the current
undercover agent in the Schedule Type field.
6. Beside the Event Marker area, accept the default event marker Message. If you
want, you can later click Select and then select Content. (The Content
selection is used to work with content events that originate from ECM servers.
By comparison, the Message selection is used to work with message events
that originate from business process definitions, JMS listeners, or web services
that you have created.)
7. Under Details, click the drop-down list next to Queue Name to select the queue
that you want from the following options:
Table 1. Available queue
Async Queue

Allows Event Manager jobs to run at
the same time.
Forces one job to finish before the next
job can start. By default, three
synchronous queues are available.
Forces one job to finish before the next
job can start. By default, three
synchronous queues are available.



Forces one job to finish before the next

job can start. By default, three
synchronous queues are available.

Note: For more information about Event Manager jobs, monitoring those jobs,
and creating and maintaining Event Manager execution queues, see
Maintaining and monitoring IBM Business Process Manager Event Manager.
When you install and run the process on a Process Server in a test or production
environment, the queue that you select must exist in that environment in order
for the undercover agent to run.
8. Beside the Implementation area, accept the default selection Variable or select
Service (if necessary). Use a variable implementation to pass events directly
from the undercover agent to the business process definition (BPD). By
comparison, use a service implementation to process information about events
by adding business logic or decisions.
9. If you selected Variable, the default variable type NameValuePair is already
selected. However, you can click Select to choose a different existing variable
type or you can click New to create a new variable type.
10. If you selected Service, the default attached service Default BPD Event is
already selected. However, you can click Select to choose a different existing
service or you can click New to create a new general system service.
11. Ensure that the Enabled check box is selected.Note: If this check box is not
selected, the Event Manager does not run the undercover agent when the
message is received or sent. (The Event Manager monitor might show that the
Event Manager has run the undercover agent, but if this check box is not
selected, the execution does not occur.)
12. In the Parameter Mapping section, select the Use Default check box if you want
to use the default value of the input variable in the attached service. If the input
variable of the attached service does not have a default value, this check box is
disabled.Type a value in the text box if you want to map a constant value to the
input variable of the attached service. For example, you might use a constant for
testing purposes.
In most cases, the required values are included in the incoming message event
and no action is required here.
13. In the Event section, IBM BPM provides a default ID that is unique in the Event
Message field. This ID represents the event message for IBM BPM processing.
If you are posting a message to IBM BPM Event Manager from an external
system, the ID in this field is the event name that you need to include in the XML
message. See Posting a message to IBM Business Process Manager Event
Manager for more information about the message structure.
If you are using a web service to enable an external application to call into IBM
BPM, you should not alter this ID. IBM BPM seamlessly uses this ID if you
create an inbound integration as described in Building a sample inbound
14. Open the BPD that includes the message event to which you want to attach the
undercover agent. For example, if you want a particular process to start when a
new customer record is created in an external system, you can associate the
start event in the BPD with an undercover agent that handles that incoming

event.Note: Ensure that the sender and receiver of a message both use the
same undercover agent. For example, if the sender of a message is a message
end event in another BPD, then select the same undercover agent for both the
receiving start event and the sending message end event in the other BPD.
Tip: If you occasionally use inbound messages, consider using durable
subscription events. Durable subscriptions are Java Message Service (JMS)
subscriptions that persist and store subscribed messages even when the client
is not connected. The durable messages accumulate, even if you select the
check box to make them consumable. Periodically use the
BPMDeleteDurableMessages command for deleting durable subscription
15. Click the message event in the BPD to select it.
16. Click the Implementation option in the properties.
17. In the Message Trigger section, click Select next to Attached UCA and pick the
undercover agent created in the previous steps.
18. Click Save and switch back to the undercover agent editor.
19. In the undercover agent editor, you can click Run Now if you want to test the
undercover agent and monitor it as described in Maintaining and monitoring IBM
Business Process Manager Event Manager.
Parent topic:Undercover agents
Related information:
Attaching the undercover agent to the message event
BPMDeleteDurableMessages command


Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a

scheduled message event
You can create an undercover agent (UCA) that invokes a service as the result of a
message event that occurs on a regular schedule.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Scheduled undercover agents do not run on the Process Center server unless you
click Run Now. If you are testing a business process definition (BPD) that includes
scheduled undercover agents, and you want to ensure that the undercover agents
run on time, run the BPD on a Process Server in one of your runtime environments,
such as your development, test or staging environment.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Select the plus (+) sign next to Implementation and then select Undercover
Agent from the list.
4. In the New Undercover Agent window, enter the following information:
- Name: Type a name for the new undercover agent.
- Schedule Type: Select Time Elapsed from the drop-down list.
- Click Finish.
5. In the Common section, you can type a description of the undercover agent in
the Documentation text box.
6. In the Scheduler section, you can see the type of schedule for the current
undercover agent. After you have configured and saved the undercover agent,
you can click Run Now if you want to test the undercover agent and monitor it
as described in Maintaining and monitoring IBM Business Process Manager
Event Manager.
7. Under Details, click the drop-down list next to Queue Name to select the queue
that you want from the following options:
Table 1. Available queue
Async Queue

Allows Event Manager jobs to run at
the same time.
Forces one job to finish before the next
job can start. By default, three
synchronous queues are available.
Forces one job to finish before the next
job can start. By default, three
synchronous queues are available.



Forces one job to finish before the next

job can start. By default, three
synchronous queues are available.

Note: For more information about Event Manager jobs, monitoring those jobs,
and creating and maintaining Event Manager execution queues, see
Maintaining and monitoring IBM Business Process Manager Event Manager.
When you install and run the process on a Process Server in a test or production
environment, the queue that you select must exist in that environment in order
for the undercover agent to run.
8. Ensure the service shown as the Attached Service is the one that you want to
invoke according to the specified schedule. If not, click Select to choose a
different service.
9. Ensure that the Enabled check box is selected.Note: If this check box is not
selected, the undercover agent will not run.
10. In the Parameter Mapping section, select the Use Default check box if you want
to use the default value of the input variable in the attached service. If the input
variable of the attached service does not have a default value, this check box is
disabled.Type a value in the text box if you want to manually map a constant
value to the input variable of the attached service. For example, you might use a
constant for testing purposes.
11. Scroll down to the Time Schedule section and use the available options to
establish a schedule.For example, if you want to start the attached service every
weekday at midnight, use the Ctrl key to select the options that are selected in
the following image:

You can select multiple contiguous items by pressing the Shift key, clicking the
first in the series, and then clicking the last in the series. To select multiple noncontiguous items, press the Ctrl key each time you click an item.
Note: The On the hour value is selected by default in the last column of the
Time Schedule section. If you clear this selection and you do not make any other
selection in the column, the On the hour value will be used even though it is not
Note: If you select the First value and also select multiple weekdays, the
undercover agent will run on the first occurrence of each selected day for the
selected months. For example, if you select First and also select Monday,
Tuesday, and Thursday, the undercover agent will run on the first Monday,
Tuesday, and Thursday that occur in the selected months. Similarly, if you select
the Last value and also select multiple weekdays, the undercover agent will run
on the last occurrence of each selected day for the selected months. For
example, if you select Last and also select Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday,
the undercover agent will run on the last Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday that
occur in the selected months.

12. Open the BPD that includes the message event to which you want to attach the
undercover agent. For example, if you want a particular process to start at the
same time each day, you can associate the start message event in the BPD with
an undercover agent that establishes the required schedule.
13. Click the message event in the BPD to select it.
14. Click the Implementation option in the properties.
15. In the Message Trigger section, click Select next to Attached UCA and select
the undercover agent created in the previous steps.
Parent topic:Undercover agents


Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a

content event
To obtain information about document or folder events on an Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) server, you must create and configure a content undercover
agent that works with your event subscription. A content undercover agent (UCA) is
used to initiate a BPM Start or Intermediate event when specific content changes
occur on an ECM server. It is conceptually similar to a message undercover agent,
but it has a specialized Content marker to differentiate it from a Message marker.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
The following procedure describes how to create a content undercover agent
without consideration for some of the other components that are required to detect
and respond to ECM events, such as an event subscription. If you need to create a
content undercover agent and all of the other required components as well, you
should follow the instructions in the topic Subscribing to document and folder
events: the end-to-end approach. This end-to-end approach is a simpler approach
than creating each component on a stand-alone basis. It automatically creates some
resources that you would otherwise need to create manually.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Create a content undercover agent by completing the following steps:
A. Click the plus (+) icon beside Implementation and then select Undercover
Agent. The New Undercover Agent wizard opens.
B. In the Name field, specify a name for the new undercover agent.
C. In the Schedule Type drop-down list, select On Event.
D. Click Finish. The undercover agent opens in the undercover agent editor.
4. Configure the content undercover agent by completing the following steps in the
undercover agent editor:
A. Beside the Event Marker area, click Select and then select Content. (Use the
Content selection to work with content events that originate from ECM
servers. By comparison, the Message selection is used to work with message
events that originate from BPDs, JMS listeners, or web services that you have
B. Beside the Implementation area, accept the default selection Variable or
select Service (if necessary). Use a variable implementation to pass events
directly from the undercover agent to the business process definition (BPD).
By comparison, use a service implementation to process information about
events by adding business logic or decisions.
C. If you accepted Variable as your implementation, the default variable type
ECMContentEvent is used and it cannot be changed.
D. If you selected Service as your implementation, the default attached service
Default ECM Event is already selected. However, you can click Select beside


the Attached Service area and choose a different attached service for the
undercover agent.
E. Ensure that the Enabled check box is selected, which enables the content
undercover agent to run.
F. In the Parameter Mapping section, select the Use Default check box if you
want to use the default value of the input variable in the attached service. If the
input variable of the attached service does not have a default value, this check
box is disabled. You can type a value in the field to manually map a constant
value to the input variable of the attached service. For example, you might use
a constant for testing purposes.
G. Click Save.
H. If you accepted the Content event marker and you need to create an event
subscription for the undercover agent, click Add Event Subscription and
follow the instructions in the topic Creating and configuring event subscriptions
I. After you have configured and saved the content undercover agent, you can
click Run Now to test the content undercover agent and monitor it as
described in Maintaining and monitoring IBM Business Process Manager
Event Manager.

The new configured content undercover agent is displayed in the Undercover
Agents section of the Implementation library list.

Parent topic:Undercover agents

Parent topic:Performing modeling tasks for inbound events


Documenting development artifacts

As you develop your process application, you might want to capture information
about the artifacts that you are creating. Each artifact in IBM Process Designer
has a documentation field for this purpose. You can enter text or links to external
resources such as web sites or attachments.

To enter documentation for an artifact:
1. Open the artifact in Process Designer.
2. Switch to the Overview tab.
3. Enter your text in the Documentation field.

What to do next
Restriction: The documentation field allows a maximum of 200,000 characters,
including hidden formatting characters. Long documentation that approaches this
limit can impact performance. Consider the following options:
- Reduce the size of the documentation.
- Simplify the formatting, such as removing tables and text formatting.
- Move the documentation content to a separate file and link to or attach the file. See
Linking to external information.

- Linking to external information

To include a link to an external source, paste a link into the Description field of the
process application or toolkit, or the Documentation field of an artifact in IBM
Process Designer.
- Process documentation location links
When you work with process applications and toolkits in IBM Process Center or
IBM Process Designer, you can share the location of an artifact in your
development flow by copying a link to that artifact.
Parent topic:Modeling processes


Linking to external information

To include a link to an external source, paste a link into the Description field of the
process application or toolkit, or the Documentation field of an artifact in IBM
Process Designer.
When you work with process applications or toolkits, you might need to link to
related information that is outside of the IBM Business Process Manager
environment. For example, you might want to link to a website or a wiki page. You
can also reference a change request stored in a change management system or a
test case in a quality management system. These kinds of links can be used to
achieve traceability or provide details about the fixes and features that went into a
new process application snapshot.
Parent topic:Documenting development artifacts

Adding a link
You can add a link to an external resource in a process application or toolkit

Before you begin

To add a link in the documentation field in IBM Process Designer, you must use the
Process Designer desktop editor.

To add a link to an external source, complete the following steps:
1. Log in to IBM Process Center or IBM Process Designer and select a process
application or toolkit.
2. Do either of the following steps:
A. In Process Center, click the Manage tab. The
B. In Process Designer, select the artifact in the process application or toolkit for
which you want to add a link to an external resource and click the Overview
tab, or open the Properties editor.
3. Do either of the following steps:
- In Process Center, click inside the Description field.
- In Process Designer, click the Documentation Edit link in the Common Section
of the Overview, or in the Properties editor.
In Process Center, the inline editor displays showing you a standard formatting
toolbar. In Process Designer, a rich text editor window opens that shows a
standard formatting toolbar.
4. To add a link, click the Insert Link icon on the toolbar and complete the fields in
the Add Link window. When you access a specific content source, you might be
prompted to log in to the source. You must log in with a user ID and password
that provides access to that content source. The link source must be registered as
a remote content source with Process Center using the Create Registration
option. For more information about registering a remote content source, see
Using remote assets.Note: In Process Center, the attachment link type is


available only when you create a new snapshot, or edit an existing snapshot.
When you create a new snapshot, you can create the attachment link either to an
existing design file, or to a new file. When you edit an existing snapshot, you can
create the attachment link only to an existing design file. Also, when you create
an attachment link to a new file:
- The files that you add must be 100 MB or less.
- The name of the file that you add must be less than 64 alphanumeric characters.
- The accumulated total file size for a process application must be less than 600
5. Optional: You can specify the relationship type of the link and the asset type that
the link is associated to. The asset types are determined by the type of content
source that you are using in your project. When you select a link type, it can be
modified by any asset type that you select. For example, if you select
Implements as the relationship type and Defect as the asset type, the
description of the artifact is modified with an option that defines the link as
implementing a defect. The link displays as a defect. The following table identifies
the default link and asset types.Table 1. Link options
Relationship Type
Affected by
Related to
Tested by
Asset Type
Change Request

No specific link type is specified
Defines the link target as affected what
is defined by the selected asset type
Defines the link target as implementing
what is defined by the selected asset
Defines the link target as associated to
what is defined by the selected asset
Defines the link target as resolving what
is defined by the selected asset type
Defines the link target as tested by what
is defined by the selected asset type
Defines the link target as using what is
defined by the selected asset type
No specific asset type is specified
Defines the asset type as a change
Defines the asset type as a defect
Defines the asset types a project
Defines the asset type as a service that
can be implemented
Defines the asset type as a test


Editing an existing link

When you have your link setup, you might need to update the link or change it to a
new link.

Before you begin

To edit a link in IBM Process Designer, you must use the Process Designer desktop

To edit an existing link, complete the following steps:
1. Log in to Process Center or Process Designer and select a process application or
2. Do either of the following steps:
- In Process Center, click the Manage tab.
- In Process Designer, select the artifact in the process application or toolkit for
which you want to add a link to an external resource and click the Overview tab,
or open the Properties editor.
3. Do either of the following steps:
- In Process Center, click inside the Description field.
- In Process Designer, click Edit in the Overview tab or the Properties editor.
In Process Center, the inline editor displays showing you a standard formatting
toolbar. In Process Designer, a rich text editor window opens that shows a
standard formatting toolbar.
4. Place the cursor on the link and click the link text. The Edit Link window opens.
You can now edit the link or the link name.


Process documentation location links

When you work with process applications and toolkits in IBM Process Center or
IBM Process Designer, you can share the location of an artifact in your development
flow by copying a link to that artifact.
You might need to provide a link to an artifact, such as a business process definition
(BPD), outside of IBM Business Process Manager. For example, you might want to
email the Process Center location of a BPD or a process application. Perhaps you
might need to share a link to an artifact within another artifact, such as by sharing a
link to a process application in the documentation of another process application.
Parent topic:Documenting development artifacts


Using external implementations

You can create external implementations for activities that are handled by
applications outside of IBM Business Process Manager. For example, you can
model an activity that is run by a custom Eclipse RCP or Microsoft .NET application.
To use an external implementation to implement an activity in a business process
definition (BPD), complete the tasks listed in this section.
Tip: In product releases older than V7.5.1, external implementations were referred
to as external activities.

1. Building a custom application to implement an activity

Build a custom application using the IBM Business Process Manager Web API to
implement an activity in a BPD.
2. Creating an external implementation
Create an external implementation when you want to reuse an existing external
application or create an external application to handle one or more steps in your
3. Using an external implementation to implement an activity
Select a custom application to implement a particular activity (step) in a BPD.
Parent topic:Modeling processes


Building a custom application to implement an

Build a custom application using the IBM Business Process Manager Web API to
implement an activity in a BPD.
If you want to build a custom application to implement an activity within a process,
you must use the IBM Business Process Manager Web API to enable your custom
application to interact with IBM BPM. For example, the IBM BPM Web API provides
operations that enable you to pass variables from an IBM BPM BPD to a custom
application and then back to the BPD for continued processing.
Using the IBM BPM Web API sample external implementation
IBM Business Process Manager includes a sample external implementation that
illustrates how to use IBM BPM Web API operations when developing a custom
application to enable process participants to complete a particular step within a
process. The IBM Process Designer enables you to include these custom
applications in your Business Process Definitions (BPDs) and model them as
external implementations.
The Samples Exchange on Blueworks Live includes a sample external
implementation. The sample external implementation is a custom Eclipse application
that enables managers to either approve or reject expense reports from their
employees. It represents one step in a process and can be modeled as an external
implementation in IBM Process Designer.
Download the samples archive file from Sample Exchange Home. Search using
keywords web-api.
If you import the BPD External Implementation Library and other associated
components in the ExpenseApproval.twx file from the sample, the Eclipse
application, combined with the corresponding library items, is a complete working
example of external implementations.

Parent topic:Using external implementations

Next topic:Creating an external implementation
Related concepts:
Web API and external implementations


Creating an external implementation

Create an external implementation when you want to reuse an existing external
application or create an external application to handle one or more steps in your

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Using the external implementation function is similar to using the service functions
like an integration service or web service. However, unlike those service functions
that are designed for a specific area like web services or integration, the external
implementation is more generic in nature. When a step in a business process is
implemented with an external implementation, the business process halts and waits
for input from the external application.
To create an external implementation, use the Web APIs or REST APIs. The
previous topic discusses a sample that creates an external implementation with the
Web APIs. To create an external implementation with the REST APIs, these articles
are helpful. Using the REST APIs in IBM Business Process Manager and
Integrating a business process application with an external system using the REST
API. The related links at the bottom of this topic link to more information on the Web
When you create an external implementation in IBM Process Designer, you need to
know the properties to use to identify and run the custom application. If you did not
build the custom application, you need to coordinate with the developers to ensure
that you provide the appropriate properties in IBM Process Designer.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to Implementation and select External Implementation
from the list of components.
4. Supply a descriptive name for the new external implementation.
5. Click Finish.
6. In the Common section of External Implementation, optionally provide a
description in the Documentation text box.
7. In the Custom Properties section, specify the properties to identify and run the
external application.For example, for an external Eclipse RCP application, you
might add custom properties to pass the Java Class name of the form to use for
an activity or an application-specific identifier to look up the implementation by
another means. Alternatively, you might use the external application name or
system ID to find the implementation.
You can create parameters with a special meaning. For example, suppose you
need to pass a URL address as a custom property? In the Custom Properties


section you could use url as the name and then add a value that is the URL itself
You can also use this section to pass data to variables in a client that were
instantiated with a constructor.
Note: You can add custom properties to pass static metadata about the
implementation to the external application. For dynamic data, which would be
different for each process instance or environment, use the Parameter Details
section as outlined in the following step.
8. In the Parameters section, add the parameters for the external implementation by
clicking Add Input or Add Output.For example, if the external implementation
provides an interface in which a manager can either approve or reject an expense
report, it might include input parameters for the expense report data and output
parameters for the decision that the manager makes and the justification for his
Be sure to account for all process data that the external implementation requires
to complete successfully and also for any data required from the external activity
by subsequent activities.
9. Click Save in the main toolbar.

What to do next
You can use an external implementation with Process Portal. In the Custom
Properties section add the URL for Process Portal as shown earlier. In the article,
Load External Activity URLs from Teamworks Portal, you will see how to retrieve a
task ID from the business process to work with a specific task.

Parent topic:Using external implementations

Previous topic:Building a custom application to implement an activity
Next topic:Using an external implementation to implement an activity
Related concepts:
Using the web service API in IBM BPM
Related information:
Developing client applications that use IBM BPM REST APIs


Using an external implementation to implement an

Select a custom application to implement a particular activity (step) in a BPD.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The following steps describe how to select a custom application as the
implementation for an activity in a BPD:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a BPD and click the activity that you want to implement using a custom
3. Click the Implementation tab in the properties.
4. Under Implementation, select the User Task or System Task option from the
displayed list.
5. Click the Select button to choose an external implementation from the library.If
the external implementation has not been created, click the New button and
follow the steps in Creating an external implementation to create a new external
6. In the Task Header section, specify the following properties: Table 1. Properties
in the Task Header section


Type a descriptive subject for the task
that is generated in IBM Process Portal
when you run the BPD. You can also
use the IBM Business Process
Manager embedded JavaScript syntax
(for example,
<#=tw.local.mySubject#>) to
express the subject.
Type an optional description. You can
also use the IBM BPM embedded
JavaScript syntax to express the
narrative. Restriction: Do not use
JavaScript variable references in task
narratives if you need the data to be
available after the task completes.
Once a task is complete, IBM BPM
removes the data for completed tasks
to conserve space. Instead, store the
data items in another location, such as
a database.


Note: For the following properties (in the Priority Settings section) you can click
the JS button for an option if you prefer to use a JavaScript expression with
predefined variables to establish the priority settings.
7. For the Priority field, click the drop-down list to select one of the default priority
codes: Very Urgent, Urgent, Normal, Low, or Very Low.
8. For the Due In field, you can enter a value in the text box and then choose
Minutes, Hours, or Days from the drop-down list. (When you choose Days, you
can use the text box after the drop-down list to include hours and minutes in
your specification.) You also have the option of using the variable selector next
to the text box to choose an existing variable from the library. at run time, the
variable should reflect the value that you want for the time period. Be sure to
select the option that you want from the drop-down list: Minutes, Hours, or Days.
9. For the Time Period field, click the drop-down list to select one of the options.
For example, select 24x7 if you want 24 hours a day, seven days a week to be
the time period in which the resulting tasks from the current activity can be due.
Note: You can leave the Schedule, Timezone, and Holiday Schedule fields set
to (use default). If you do, the work schedule specified for the BPD is used. See
Setting the work schedule for a BPD for more information.
10. For the Time Zone field, click the drop-down list to select the time zone that you
want to apply to the tasks that result from the current activity. For example, you
can select US/Pacific for users who work in California.
11. For the Holiday Schedule field, you can leave the setting at (use default) as
described in the preceding note or you can click the JS button if you prefer to
use a JavaScript expression. Each Holiday Schedule is made up of a list of
Dates. If you choose JavaScript, you can enter either a String (or Stringgenerated JavaScript) or JavaScript that returns a TWHolidaySchedule variable.
If you use a String, then IBM BPM looks up the holiday schedule by name
according to those rules. If you use a TWHolidaySchedule variable, then IBM
BPM assumes that the holiday schedule is filled in appropriately. (Go to the
System Data toolkit and open the TWHolidaySchedule variable to view its
12. Click the Data Mapping tab in the properties.Because you added the input and
output parameters for the external implementation when you created it, the Data
Mapping tab for the activity in the BPD should include those parameters.
Under Input Mapping, click the auto-map icon in the upper-right corner, and then
click the auto-map icon in the upper-right corner of the Output Mapping section.
For more information about mapping variables, see Business objects and
variables in Process Designer.
13. Save the implementation.
Parent topic:Using external implementations
Previous topic:Creating an external implementation


Integrating with web services, Java and databases

You can configure IBM BPM processes to communicate with an external system to
retrieve, update, or insert data. And, external applications can call into IBM BPM to
initiate services. You can manage inbound and outbound communication with
external systems using undercover agents, web services, and integration services.
IBM Business Process Manager supports both outbound and inbound integration
as described in the following table:
Table 1. Supported integration types
Integration type



Required IBM BPM

IBM BPM communicates
Integration service, IBM
with an external system to Case Manager Integration
retrieve, update, or insert Service, or Undercover
An external system calls
Undercover Agent and
into IBM BPM to initiate a Web Service

- Creating outbound integrations

Outbound integrations enable business process authored in Process Designer to
interact with other systems, such as a web service, a content management system,
or an external database. Depending on the system that you are integrating with,
you can implement the integration service using an Integration Service
implementation or an IBM Case Manager Integration Service implementation.
- Creating inbound integrations
For inbound integrations that involve an external system or application calling into
IBM Business Process Manager to kick off a service, you need to build several
IBM BPM components and corresponding services.
- Web services compatibility
Web services conform to a flexible architecture that allows variation in web
services implementations. This variation unfortunately can lead to compatibility
Parent topic:Modeling processes


Creating outbound integrations

Outbound integrations enable business process authored in Process Designer to
interact with other systems, such as a web service, a content management system,
or an external database. Depending on the system that you are integrating with, you
can implement the integration service using an Integration Service implementation
or an IBM Case Manager Integration Service implementation.
To create an outbound integration with an external database, use the predefined
SQL Integration services that are available in the IBM BPM System Data Toolkit.

Integration Service implementations

Integration Service implementations can contain integration step types that you can
configure for the system that you are interacting with. For example, a Web Service
Integration step is useful if you are not passing volumes of information. A Java
Integration step gives you access to the features of the Java language, including
published Java libraries and APIs. The following table describes the integration step
types that are available for Integration Service implementations.
Table 1. Step types that can be used in an Integration Service implementation
Integration step type
Web Service Integration

Java Integration

Content Integration

Invoke UCA

Uses a SOAP connection to access
objects from a web service. A Web
Service Integration step hides the
complexity of the underlying WSDL,
SOAP request, and SOAP response. It
also converts inputs into the appropriate
XML and outputs into the appropriate
IBM BPM variables.Attention: The
RPC/encoded WSDL support is
deprecated in IBM BPM V8. Consider
replacing RPC/encoded web services
with documentation/literal wrapped web
services. For more information, see
Deprecated and removed features of IBM
Business Process Manager V8.5.5
Calls methods from a Java class and
interfaces with most third-party Java
APIs, and thus supports various
integration scenarios.
Enables business processes that are
developed in Process Designer to work
with an Enterprise Content Management
Uses an undercover agent (UCA) to
invoke an IBM BPM service or a
business process definition (BPD).

IBM Case Manager Integration Service implementations

An IBM Case Manager integration service is the means of accessing case
management cases from a business process both for searching and updating case

management data.Table 2. Step types that can be used in an IBM Case Manager
Integration Service implementation
Integration step type
IBM Case Manager Integration

Invoke UCA

Enables business processes that are
developed in Process Designer to work
with an IBM Case Manager case
management solution.
Invokes an IBM BPM service or a BPD..

- Creating outbound integrations to web services

Integration services enable outbound integration with web services so that
processes can retrieve and update data that is stored on an external system. You
can use a generic web service connector or a Web Service Integration step to
enable the access to the web service.
- Calling a Java method in an integration service
If the implementation for an activity requires calling methods from a Java class,
you can use the Java Integration step in an integration service.
- Sending attachments using an SMTP server
With a Java Integration component, you can send attachments by using a Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server.
- Using IBM Business Process Manager SQL Integration services
To integrate with an external database, you can use the SQL Integration services
available in the IBM BPM System Data Toolkit.
Parent topic:Integrating with web services, Java and databases
Related information:
Building an Integration service
Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems
Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases
Undercover agents
Using IBM Business Process Manager SQL Integration services


Creating outbound integrations to web services

Integration services enable outbound integration with web services so that
processes can retrieve and update data that is stored on an external system. You
can use a generic web service connector or a Web Service Integration step to
enable the access to the web service.
A generic web service connector, Call WebService via SOAP, is provided in the
System Data Toolkit. This connector abstracts the complexity of the web service
implementation and requires only minimal configuration. For more information on
using the connector, see Calling a web service using a SOAP connector.
However, if you have specific requirements on the web service, such as the type of
security or message encryption, use a Web Service Integration step to integrate with
the service.
- SOAP headers
Use a SOAP header to include application-specific context information in the web
service SOAP request and response messages.
- Creating implicit SOAP headers for outbound web service integrations
SOAP headers are used to communicate application-specific context information
within SOAP request and response messages. This context information can be
anything that you need to send along with the web service operation parameters.
An implicit SOAP header is one that is not defined in the web service WSDL
document. As part of your outbound web service integrations, you can add implicit
SOAP headers to your web service request messages and retrieve SOAP headers
from response messages.
- Adding a web services server
You can add one or more web services servers to your process application. Each
web services server describes the location of a web service endpoint and can be
referenced when you define an outbound web service integration. This reference
enables the sharing of configuration information between web service integrations
that starts the same endpoint, eliminating the need to configure similar information
multiple times. In addition, if you need to change the information that is associated
with a particular endpoint, you can change the web services server information and
the updated information can be used by any web service integration that
references the web services server.
- Configuring a Web Service Integration component
Use a Web Service Integration component to invoke a web service that is hosted
externally. You can configure the WSDL properties, SOAP header information,
authentication, signature and encryption properties for the web service integration.
- Security for Web Service Integration steps
You can secure a web service using policy sets and bindings or by manually
creating an authentication method that requires a user name and password.
- Web service faults
Faults are a way of handling exceptions in web services at run time. A fault that
helps a user understand a problem and what he can do about it leads to a quick
resolution of the problem. If you use a Web Service Integration step from the
integration service palette to call an outbound web service, your step can catch


and handle faults.

- Serialization of IBM Business Process Manager objects for use in web
You can add metadata to IBM BPM objects to control how those objects are
serialized into XML elements in a SOAP request for web services.
- Setting up message-level encryption
Message-level encryption provides confidentiality by applying encryption to all or
parts of a SOAP message. The encryption spans the entire communication chain
between the consumer and the provider. To take advantage of this type of
encryption in integration services for BPDs, you must enable the corresponding
configuration settings.
- Troubleshooting web services outbound web service integrations
Learn how to solve problems that you may have when using web service
integration steps in your services.
- Considerations when using WSDL with multiple XSD or WSDL imports
When you are using Web Services Description Language (WSDL) with multiple
XSD or WSDL imports for an outbound web service component, you can merge all
of your XSDs into one WSDL file to avoid multiple connections to your endpoint.
- Troubleshooting XML schema messages for web service integrations
When you are using a Web Service Integration component, you might encounter
error and warning messages if you use XML constructs that are not supported or
have problems in Process Designer.
Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations
Related information:
Building an Integration service
Supported web service standards


SOAP headers
Use a SOAP header to include application-specific context information in the web
service SOAP request and response messages.
SOAP is a lightweight, XML-based protocol that you can use to exchange
information in a decentralized, distributed environment. You can use SOAP to query
and return information and to invoke services across the Internet with SOAP
SOAP messages are exchanged in a request-and-response format. When IBM
Business Process Manager sends a request to a web service, the web service
returns the requested values. These values are specified in a SOAP message.
This XML-based protocol consists of three parts:
- An envelope, which defines what is in the message and how to process it
- A set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined data types
- A convention for representing procedure calls and responses
Each SOAP message must contain a SOAP envelope element. The SOAP envelope
describes what is in the message and provides instructions about how to process it.
The SOAP envelope has two child elements: a body (required) and a header
(optional). All the elements must be declared in the namespace for the SOAP
The SOAP body element contains the SOAP message that is associated with a web
services request or response. The body typically contains the value of input
parameters for a request message and the value of output parameters for a
response message.
The SOAP header is an optional section in the SOAP envelope, although some
WSDL files require that a SOAP header is passed with each request. A SOAP
header contains application-specific context information (for example, security or
encryption information) that is associated with the SOAP request or response
message. There is only one SOAP header section in a SOAP request. If the SOAP
header element is present, it must be the first child element of the envelope
element. SOAP headers can be input, output, or input and output, and you do not
need to specify them in the WSDL file.
Important: For outbound web services, if you have defined the SOAP header in the
header section of a web service integration component, use the same type that is
defined in the WSDL file, or use the basic XML schema definition (XSD) type.
Otherwise, you cannot automatically map the SOAP header variable or change its
values from the data mappings section.
In IBM BPM Standard, you can populate a SOAP header in the following ways:
- Define the SOAP header in the WSDL definition as part of the SOAP binding. You
indicate these headers by by using a <soap:header> tag in the <wsdl:input> and
<wsdl:output> elements in the WSDL file. When IBM BPM sends a request to the
server that hosts the web service, the SOAP message includes the SOAP header.
- Copy headers directly from system variables, or from user-defined variables of the
correct type, into the predefined request and response SOAP header data types.
This SOAP header is considered implicit because it is not part of the SOAP


binding. For more information, see Creating implicit SOAP headers for outbound
web service integrations.
- Capture an incoming SOAP header in the response. In the Properties view, select
the Data Mapping tab and map the incoming SOAP header to an existing
SOAPHeaders variable. System variables are supplied or you can create your own
variables of the SOAPHeaders type. This SOAP header is also considered implicit
because it is not defined in the WSDL file.

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services

Related information:
Creating implicit SOAP headers for outbound web service integrations
Retrieving SOAP headers from the SOAP response message


Creating implicit SOAP headers for outbound web

service integrations
SOAP headers are used to communicate application-specific context information
within SOAP request and response messages. This context information can be
anything that you need to send along with the web service operation parameters. An
implicit SOAP header is one that is not defined in the web service WSDL document.
As part of your outbound web service integrations, you can add implicit SOAP
headers to your web service request messages and retrieve SOAP headers from
response messages.

About this task

Note: The Headers tab in the Properties view for web services is deprecated. The
method for adding implicit SOAP headers described here is now the preferred
All the variables that you declare in IBM Process Designer are JavaScript
variables. You can use them inside service definitions and also in expression
evaluations inside JavaScript code snippets.
- Adding SOAP headers to a SOAP request message
You can add a SOAP header to a request message by creating a variable of type
SOAPHeader or SOAPHeaders. You can then map that variable to the SOAP header
- Retrieving SOAP headers from the SOAP response message
You can retrieve SOAP headers from a response message by creating a variable
of type SOAPHeaders and then mapping that variable to the SOAP header

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services

Related information:
Using JavaScript variables and objects inside Process Designer
SOAP headers


Adding SOAP headers to a SOAP request message

You can add a SOAP header to a request message by creating a variable of type
SOAPHeader or SOAPHeaders. You can then map that variable to the SOAP header

1. Create an integration service that includes a web service integration component.
2. Select the web service integration component and click the Variables tab above
the diagram area.
3. Create the private variable that you will later map to the SOAP header of the
request message. To add a single header entry to the request message, use the
variable type SOAPHeader. To add multiple headers to the request message, use
the variable type SOAPHeaders.
4. Initialize the variable that you created in step 3. You can initialize the variable in
three ways:
- Define a default value on the page where you created the variable.
- Add JavaScript code to a server script component.
- Click Pre & Post and add JavaScript code to the Pre-execution Assignments
The following example of JavaScript code initializes a private variable,
requestHeader, which is of the type SOAPHeader and contains a single header
entry: = "sessionId";
tw.local.requestHeader.nameSpace = "";
tw.local.requestHeader.value = "<x:sessionId xmlns:x=\"\">1237314</x:sessionId>";

Note: Make sure namespaces are fully qualified, as they are in the examples.
Note: Try to avoid white spaces in a SOAP header value. Best practice is to add
the XML snippet without any extra white space.
You can include more than one header. The following example of JavaScript
code initializes two SOAP headers and adds them to the requestHeaders private
variable, which is of the type SOAPHeaders and contains multiple headers: //
Initialize the "subscriptionId" header
var header1 = new tw.object.SOAPHeader(); = "subscriptionId";
header1.nameSpace = "";
header1.value = "<x:subscriptionId xmlns:x=\"\">123-4567-9012</x:subscriptionId>";

// Initialize the "auditLogUUID" header

var header2 = new tw.object.SOAPHeader(); = "auditLogUUID";
header2.nameSpace = "";
header2.value = "<x:auditLogUUID xmlns:x=\\">ab74-ffce-3333-feab</x:auditLogUUID>";

// Now add the two headers to the SOAPHeaders variable

tw.local.requestHeaders.headers[0] = header1;
tw.local.requestHeaders.headers[1] = header2;


5. On the Data Mapping tab of the Properties view, in the Input Header Mapping
section, add your newly created variable (either requestHeader or
requestHeaders) to map it to a request SOAP header.
6. Complete the definition of the web service integration.
7. Run the integration service by clicking Run Service and verify that the SOAP
headers are added to the request message.
Parent topic:Creating implicit SOAP headers for outbound web service integrations
Related information:
Retrieving SOAP headers from the SOAP response message


Retrieving SOAP headers from the SOAP response

You can retrieve SOAP headers from a response message by creating a variable of
type SOAPHeaders and then mapping that variable to the SOAP header response.

Before you begin

This task requires that you have access to an integration service with a web service
integration component and a SOAP request message.

1. Select the web service integration component and click the Variables tab above
the diagram area.
2. Create the private variable of the type SOAPHeaders. This variable will receive the
header entries from the SOAP response message.
3. On the Data Mapping tab of the Properties view, in the Output Header Mapping
section, map your newly created variable to the response SOAP header. When
the web service invocation finishes, this variable is initialized for you and it
contains all the SOAP header entries from the SOAP response message.
4. To access the headers that have been received by the variable, add JavaScript
code to Post-execution Assignments on the Pre & Post tab or add a server
script component after the web service integration component and add the code
there. The following example shows how to access the header entries. In this
example, the private variable tw.local.responseHeaders is defined on the
Variables tab and mapped to the response SOAP header on the Data Mapping
tab.var myHeader = new tw.object.SOAPHeader();
var numHeaders = tw.local.responseHeaders.headers.listLength();
for (var i = 0; i < numHeaders; i++) {
if (tw.local.responseHeaders.headers[i].name == "header1") {
myHeader = tw.local.responseHeaders.headers[i];

5. Complete the definition of the web service integration.

6. Run the integration service by clicking Run Service and verify that the SOAP
headers are added to the request message and that the expected SOAP headers
are retrieved from the response SOAP message.
Parent topic:Creating implicit SOAP headers for outbound web service integrations
Related information:
Adding SOAP headers to a SOAP request message for an outbound web service


Adding a web services server

You can add one or more web services servers to your process application. Each
web services server describes the location of a web service endpoint and can be
referenced when you define an outbound web service integration. This reference
enables the sharing of configuration information between web service integrations
that starts the same endpoint, eliminating the need to configure similar information
multiple times. In addition, if you need to change the information that is associated
with a particular endpoint, you can change the web services server information and
the updated information can be used by any web service integration that references
the web services server.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Also, the policy set and bindings must be configured by a system administrator.

About this task

The web services server can be configured with policy sets and bindings. Policy sets
simplify the configuration of web services by providing reusable configurations. A
web services policy set defines a set of configuration properties to be associated
with a web service integration or endpoint. A policy set follows the WS-Policy
specification. One example of how policy sets can be used is to configure WSSecurity for your web service endpoint or outbound web service integration. WSSecurity provides SOAP message-layer security with the following tokens and
- Security tokens: Security tokens contain authentication information that flows with
the message.
- Signature elements: Digital signature information for all or part of the message
verifies that the original request is not modified.
- Encryption elements: Messages can be encrypted, either completely or partially, so
that only the intended recipient can read it.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application.
3. Select the Servers tab from the Process App Settings editor. You see the
Process App Settings editor when you first click Open in Designer from a
newly created process application in the Process Center. Alternatively you can
select Process App Settings from the drop-down list on the toolbar in Process
4. Beneath the Servers heading click Add. Beneath the Server Details heading,
enter a meaningful name for the server. From the drop-down list in the Type field,
select Web Service. Add a meaningful description of the server in the
Description field.


5. Beneath the Server Locations heading, enter the following information:

- Environment Type: The environment of the web service server. Add the server
location information (host name, port, context path, whether it is a secure server,
repository name, user ID, and password) for each environment type. These
environments are described in the IBM Business Process Manager overview. If
you do not provide values for these environments, the values from the default
environment type are used.
- Default: If you do not provide values for the following environment types,
default values are used.
- Development: The environment where you develop your services.
- Test: The environment where you test your services.
- Staging: The environment where you deploy your services for pre-production
- Production: The environment where your services are deployed for use by
your organization.
- WSDL URL: The URL of the web service. For example: You
can enter a URL or browse to retrieve a URL.
- Select Browse to launch the Registry Explorer.
A. Select a registry type from the list and select a registry URL or enter a new
B. For protected services, click Is Protected and enter a userid and password.
Click Next.
C. Enter the name of the web service and click Search services. You can
include wildcard characters in the name. For a Universal Description
Discovery and Integration (UDDI) registry use the percent sign (%) and for a
WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) registry use an
asterisk (*).
D. Select a web service, click Next to see the detailed information and then
click Finish.
If you use the Registry Explorer, the WSDL URL, Protected WSDL,
Username, and Password fields are populated automatically. If you enter the
URL manually, you must provide the other information about the WSDL file.
You can use text in the fields or text that is wrapped by <# ... #> control
characters; that is, as JavaScript code.
- Select View to view the WSDL source code of a WSDL file.
- Select Discover to verify that the URL is correct. The Discovery Status field
shows Successfully Discovered.
- Discovery Status: Confirms if you have made a connection to the server and
successfully read the WSDL file.
- Override Endpoint: If selected, you can override the WSDL URL field using the
fields beneath the check box. This selection can be useful if you use different
endpoints for development and testing, for example.
- Endpoint Address: The URL of the web service you want to use. You can use
the same format as the WSDL URL field that you are overriding.
- Port: If there are multiple ports that are defined in the WSDL file and there is a
specific port for the web service that you want to use, then enter the port name
in this field.

You can enter text in these fields or text that is wrapped by <# ... #> control
characters; that is, as JavaScript code.
- Security and Policy: Determines the type of security you use.
- Use Basic Security: This selection means either no security or security
through a combination of user name and password, digital signatures, and
encryption certificates.
- Authentication: Specifies the type of authentication. Authentication ensures
that the parties in a transaction are who they claim to be.
- None: No authentication is required.
- HTTP Authentication: User name and password are passed in a header
element of a message.
- UsernameToken (password in plaintext): The username token passes the
user name and password. The password is in text.
- UsernameToken (password in digest): The username token passes the
user name and password. The password is in digest form, which means it is
a hash value. A hash value for a user name and password makes these
values more difficult to detect.
- Username: The user name that is registered at the server.
- Password: The password that is registered at the server.
- Client certificate alias: The alias for the client certificate; that is the alias
name that identifies where the client certificate is located.
- Sign request: Select if you require messages from the client to be signed.
- Expect encrypted response: Select if the client expects an encrypted
response message.
- Server certificate alias: The alias for the server certificate; that is the alias
name that identifies where the server certificate is located.
- Encrypt request: Select if you require the request message to be encrypted.
- Expect signed response: Select if you want to verify a signed response
message from the server.
- Use Policy Set: This selection means that a policy set is used to define the
configuration and security requirements for the web service.
- Policy Set: Specifies the name of the application policy set. Click Select to
choose the policy set. The list that you will see depends on the policies
available on the server. Some default application policy sets include:
WSHTTPS default, WSAddressing default, and Username WSSecurity
default. You can also create more application policy sets in the WebSphere
Application Server Administrative Console. Deselecting a policy set also
removes the policy binding.
- Policy Binding: Specifies the name of the general client policy set binding,
which contains system-specific configuration parameters like username and
password information. Click Select to choose the policy binding. The list you
see depends on the policy set bindings available on the server. Default policy
set bindings include: Client sample and Client sample V2. You can also
create more policy set bindings in the WebSphere Application Server
Administrative Console. Deselecting removes the policy binding.
6. Save your work. From the menu, select File > Save All.


Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services

Related information:
Configuring a web service server at run time
Supported web service standards
WS-Security specification


Configuring a Web Service Integration component

Use a Web Service Integration component to invoke a web service that is hosted
externally. You can configure the WSDL properties, SOAP header information,
authentication, signature and encryption properties for the web service integration.

Before you begin

If the web service uses the SSL protocol, the certificate that is used by the target
host must be installed in the IBM BPM environment as described in Secure
communications using SSL. If the certificate is not installed, you get a No trusted
certificate is found error when you try to discover the WSDL implementation
Ensure that you know whether the service that you are invoking requires any
additional SOAP headers in web service messages. Conversely, if the web service
has to process the request message, for example, for the security information,
contact the web service provider to ensure that they can support your header.
If the web service uses X509 client and server certificates for both encrypting and
signing the request, the certificates must be added to the IBM Business Process
Manager keystore. In addition, configuration changes must be made to the
100Custom.xml file as described in Setting up message-level encryption.
The 99Local.xml file sets the use-jaxws property to true. In most cases this
setting is appropriate for an integration with a web service as many web services
use the Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS). If the web service you are
integrating with, however, uses a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) encoding style then
you should set the use-jaxws property to false.

1. In the Process Designer Designer view, create an integration service for the
process application.
2. Drag a Web Service Integration component from the palette to the diagram, and
click the component to open the properties.
3. Specify the location and properties of the web service WSDL file by clicking the
Implementation properties tab. Select the Discovery Scheme you want from the
drop-down list.From process application settings lets you select a configuration
from the web service server configurations. Provide inline configuration lets
you specify your own web service configuration as shown in the following sub
A. Enter a value in the WSDL URI field. You can enter a URL, or use the
Registry Explorer to discover it.
1. Click Browse to start the Registry Explorer, and then select the registry type
from the list.
2. Select a registry URL or enter a new one.
3. For protected web services, enable the Is Protected check box, and provide
the user name and password, and click Next.
4. Enter the name of the web service and click Search services. You can
include wildcard characters in the name; for a UDDI registry use a percent


sign (%), for a WebSphere Service Registry and Repository registry use an
asterisk (*).
5. Select a web service, click Next to see detailed information, and then Finish
If you use the Registry Explorer, the WSDL URL, Protected WSDL,
Username, and Password fields are populated automatically. If you enter the
URL manually, you must also provide the other information about the WSDL
file if needed.
B. Click Discover to find the WSDL file and obtain the list of operations. Then
select an operation from the list.
C. Optional: Specify that the endpoint address URL can be overridden and
provide an alternative endpoint address. You might want to specify an
alternative endpoint address, for example, if you have different endpoints for
development, test, staging, and production environments; or if your production
environment does not have direct internet access and requests are routed
through a proxy server or gateway.
You can enter the new address as a String value, for example,, or as a JavaScript expression
that is wrapped by <#...#>.
D. Extract the input and output variables from the WSDL file that are needed by
the web service by clicking Generate Types. You can map the input and
output variables in two ways. In the Properties view, select the Data Mapping
tab and click the "Auto-map web service connector input (or output)
parameters" icon. You can also manually create the variables using the
functions in the Variables tab. Then you can map these variables to the web
service input and output parameters in the Data Mapping section.If your web
service integration component calls an inbound web service created in IBM
BPM, you must generate the types again in the following cases.
- The inbound web service uses a business object defined in the System Data
Toolkit. The namespace of that business object uses a host name and a port
specification. The types must be generated again for business objects
(complex types) if the inbound web service's host name or port is changed in
this situation.
- The Target namespace scheme field is changed to the Per snapshot name
value. The namespace of the WSDL file will use the snapshot name once you
select this option. You must generate the types again for business objects
(complex types) each time you create a snapshot for the inbound web
4. Optional: Add a SOAP header by creating a new variable in the Variables tab of
type SOAPHeader or SOAPHeaders, then map that variable in the Data Mapping
tab under Properties. For detailed instructions, see Creating implicit SOAP
headers for outbound web service integrations. You can add a SOAP header to a
SOAP request, for example, to pass additional context information to the web
5. Click the Security properties tab. Specify the type of security by selecting Use
Basic Security or Use Policy Set.
A. If you select Use Basic Security, specify the policy sets that are used by the

web service, and provide the user name and password. Specify the certificate,
encryption, and signature settings for both the client application and the web
service server. These settings ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the
messages that are exchanged with the web service.
B. If you select Use Policy Set, select the policy set and the policy binding from
the drop-down lists.Policy Set: Specifies the name of the application policy set.
Click Select to choose the policy set. The list you will see depends on the
policies available on the server. Some default application policy sets include:
WSHTTPS default, WSAddressing default, and Username WSSecurity default.
You can also create additional application policy sets in the WebSphere
Application Server Administrative Console. Deselecting a policy set also
removes the policy binding. More information on policy sets can be found in the
WebSphere Application Server Web Services Guide IBM Redbook.
Policy Binding: Specifies the name of the general client policy set binding,
which contains system-specific configuration parameters like username and
password information. Click Select to choose the policy binding. The list you
will see depends on the policy set bindings available on the server. Default
policy set bindings include: Client sample and Client sample V2. You can also
create additional policy set bindings in the WebSphere Application Server
Administrative Console. Deselecting removes the policy binding.
6. Configure the input and output mappings for the parameters in the WSDL file by
clicking the Data Mapping properties tab.
Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services
Related information:
Supported web service standards


Security for Web Service Integration steps

You can secure a web service using policy sets and bindings or by manually
creating an authentication method that requires a user name and password.
To use policy sets and bindings, see the following topics:
- Configuring a Web Service Integration component
- Adding a web services server
- Creating an inbound web service
In the context of web service integration with BPDs, security can be required at
design time and at run time.

Design time authentication

If you are manually creating your own security, at design time you can enable
protected WSDL in the implementation properties for the Web Service Integration
step and provide the user name and password.Attention: The user name and
password are sent as base64-encoded text strings in the HTTP basic authentication
header. To prevent eavesdropping, use only SSL secured connections by ensuring
that the URL starts with https://.

Run time authentication

If you are manually creating your own security, authentication options for SOAP
calls at run time are available in the security properties for the Web Service
Integration step. The following table describes the information that you must provide
for each supported option:
Table 1. Input required for authentication options
HTTP basic authentication

Requires a user name and password.
IBM BPM never stores the password in
plain text in its database or export files,
and no plain text passwords are required
in IBM BPM configuration files.
Attention: The user name and password
are sent as base64-encoded text strings
in the HTTP basic authentication header.
To prevent eavesdropping, use only SSL
secured connections by ensuring that the
URL starts with https://.
For more information, see RFC 2627.


Username token authentication

When using username token

authentication in IBM BPM, a user name
and password are passed to a web
service in the SOAP header of the SOAP
request. Username token authentication
allows for different algorithms and
formats for passing the password.
IBM BPM supports passwords in plain
text and digest format. The specification
for username token authentication
describes two optional elements that can
be supplied: wsse:Noncewsu:Created
The IBM BPM implementation of this
standard always provides wsse:Nonce
and wsu:Created. This is compatible
with the behavior of Microsoft WSE 2.0
Toolkit when using username token
digest authentication.
For more information, see Web Services
Security UsernameToken Profile 1.0.

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services

Related information:
Supported web service standards


Web service faults

Faults are a way of handling exceptions in web services at run time. A fault that
helps a user understand a problem and what he can do about it leads to a quick
resolution of the problem. If you use a Web Service Integration step from the
integration service palette to call an outbound web service, your step can catch and
handle faults.
To catch and handle faults, attach an error intermediate event to the web service
integration. By default, configure the error intermediate event with the Catch All
Errors option to catch faults which are modeled in WSDL, as well as other faults
such as system or connectivity exceptions. For more information on handling faults,
see Handling errors in services.
Figure 1. An outbound web service integration with attached error intermediate

If you want to catch specific WSDL faults (those that match a particular fault name
or fault type), use the Catch Specific Errors option in the error intermediate event.
Use the following requirements when you define the WSDL fault:
- Specify a value for the name that begins with either an alphabetical character or
the underscore (_) character. Valid values can include alphabetical characters,
numbers, and the underscore. Names cannot contain words that are used within
IBM Business Process Manager (for example, arrayOf or listOf).
- When defining wsdl:part entries for the fault, use the element attribute in order to
comply with the WS-I Basic Profile specification.
The following example shows a web service that contains an error intermediate
event that is set to catch specific WSDL errors, such as multiCFaultFault1. You can
see the settings in the Error Properties section of Process Designer, as well as an
excerpt of the related WSDL file.

<wsdl:operation name="multiCFault">
<wsdl:input message="tns:multiCFaultRequestMsg" name="multiCFaultRequest"/>
<wsdl:output message="tns:multiCFaultResponseMsg" name="multiCFaultResponse"/>
<wsdl:fault message="tns:multiCFault_multiCFaultFault1Msg" name="multiCFaultFault1"/>
<wsdl:fault message="tns:multiCFault_multiCFaultFault2Msg" name="multiCFaultFault2"/>


After the web service integration discovers the WSDL file and generates the types
(the input and output variables needed for the service), the specified faults can be
caught when the web service runs.

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services

Related information:
Modeling events
Handling errors in services


Serialization of IBM Business Process Manager objects for

use in web services
You can add metadata to IBM BPM objects to control how those objects are
serialized into XML elements in a SOAP request for web services.
When sending complex types as input parameters to web services, IBM BPM often
needs hints as to how to structure the data. These methods are built on the structure
because a structure is, by definition, a Complex type.
Note: Serializing IBM BPM objects for use in web services is primarily for advanced
users, and is now required only when using Record objects with web services
instead of the generated types.
The following methods have been added to the tw.object.Record() object to
assist in forming the SOAP request:
- setSOAPElementName(string elementName)
- setSOAPElementNS(string namespace)
- defineSOAPProperty(string propertyName, string schemaName, string
typeName, boolean isAttribute, string namespace)

You are passing an object of type NameUpdateRequest as an argument to a web
service. This object is defined in the namespace . The
NameUpdateRequest object contains two properties, First (string) and Last (string).
Following is example code to generate the XML that is part of the SOAP call:
<# out = new tw.object.Record(); out.setSOAPElementNS(" NameUpdateRequest");
out.setSOAPElementName("NameUpdateRequest"); out.defineSOAPProperty("First", " XMLSchema",
"string", false, ""); out.defineSOAPProperty("Last", " XMLSchema", "string", false, ""); out.First
= "John"; out.Last = "Smith"; #>

This generates the following XML element:

<NameUpdateRequest xmlns=" NameUpdateRequest"> <first xmlns="">John</first> <last
xmlns="">Smith</last> </NameUpdateRequest>

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services


Setting up message-level encryption

Message-level encryption provides confidentiality by applying encryption to all or
parts of a SOAP message. The encryption spans the entire communication chain
between the consumer and the provider. To take advantage of this type of
encryption in integration services for BPDs, you must enable the corresponding
configuration settings.

Before you begin

There are two ways of setting up message-level encryption. You can use policy sets
and bindings, which simplify the encryption with reusable configurations. To use
policy sets and bindings, see the following topics:
- Adding a web services server
- Configuring a Web Service Integration component
- Creating an inbound web service.
Alternately, you can configure a specific encryption using the 100Custom.xml file as
shown in this topic. First, check that the 100Custom.xml file exists. See The
99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files.

About this task

The default 100Custom.xml configuration file includes a <server> section that you
can use to set up message-level encryption for integration services.<server>
<webservice-security merge="mergeChildren">
<keystore-file merge="replace">teamworks.jks</keystore-file>

<certificate>path to client certificate</certificate>

Table 1. Elements in the <server> section of the default 100Custom.xml file

Element name

Provide a name for the key
store file related to the
service requester.








Provide a key store

password for the service
Holds an element that
contains information about
the private key for the
client. This element has
two child elements.
Alias for the private key
specified during creating of
the key store.
Holds the key name for the
alias. If this element is not
present, specify the alias
name as the key name.
Provide the encrypted key
password for accessing the
client private key.
Provide the key store type.
This element can have one
of the following
values:JKSUse this value if
the keystore uses Java
Keystore format.JCEKSUse
this value if the Java
Cryptography Extension is
configured in the
application server.
this value if the keystore
file uses the PKCS#12 file
format. If a type is not
provided, the default is
Provide the client
certificate path including
the certificate file name.

KeyName : CN="Bob",
OU=IBM, O=US,.. or
KeyName : Bob



1. Stop the deployment manager, process server, and Process Center server if they
are running.
2. Open the 100Custom.xml file in a text editor.
3. Uncomment the <server> section, and specify the encryption settings.
4. Specify the encryption settings.
5. Start the process server or the Process Center server.



The encryption-related settings are now available for use in Process Designer for
Web Service integration step types.

What to do next
Specify the encryption settings on the Security tab for the Web Service integration
step type.
- Encrypt request
- Select this option to encrypt outbound SOAP messages. Note that you cannot
modify the parts of the message that are encrypted. The Web Service
integration step type always encrypts the SOAP body, the WS-Security
username token (if present), and the WS-Security signature (if present). With
this option, you also need to provide a value for the Server certificate alias in
order to configure the encryption key.
- Expect encrypted response
- Select this option to specify that you expect the web service provider to use
WS-Security message-level encryption in the response. Note that you cannot
modify the parts of the message that are encrypted. The Web Service
integration step type always assumes that the SOAP body and the WS-Security
signature (if present) are encrypted. With this option, you also need to provide a
value for the Client certificate alias in order to configure the decryption key.

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services


Troubleshooting web servicesoutbound web service

Learn how to solve problems that you may have when using web service integration
steps in your services.
The following table describes some common problems that you might encounter
when creating services that include web serviceoutbound web service integration
Table 1. Common problems for the outbound web service integrations

Error message when you

click Discover
Incorrect WSDL URI value PARSER ERROR:
Problem parsing
ce.':The markup in the
document following the
root element must be well

Nonexistent host

Unknown Host Exception


Possible resolutions
You have incorrectly typed
the URI value. Navigate to
the URI using a web
browser to verify that you
have the correct WSDL. A
common problem is that
the ?wsdl argument is
missing from the end of the
For file protocol URIs, the
URI does not exist on disk.
If you are unable to
validate the location of the
URI on disk, contact your
network administrator.
You have incorrectly typed
the host value. Navigate to
the URI using a web
browser to verify that you
have the correct host
The server that hosts the
URI is offline (not running).
Contact your network
administrator to determine
if this is causing the
The network is
experiencing connectivity
problems. Contact your
network administrator to
determine if this is causing
the problem.

Authentication required for Runtime Exception:

WSDL access
Unauthorized access to


protected by an
authentication mechanism.
If you have permission to
access the web service,
check the Protected
WSDL check box, and
then enter the Username
and Password .
Navigate to the WSDL URI
using a web browser and
save the text of the WSDL
to a file so that you can
use the file location as the
target WSDL URI.

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services


Considerations when using WSDL with multiple

XSD or WSDL imports
When you are using Web Services Description Language (WSDL) with multiple XSD
or WSDL imports for an outbound web service component, you can merge all of
your XSDs into one WSDL file to avoid multiple connections to your endpoint.
When you are using WSDL with multiple XSD or WSDL imports for an outbound
web service component, IBM BPM creates a connection for each XSD or WSDL
import. For example, if you have 20 XSD imports defined in a WSDL file, IBM BPM
creates 20 connections to your web service to fetch the artifacts.
This happens in the following scenarios :
1. When you are discovering WSDL for the first time.
2. When you use web service integration for the first time after a server restart.
3. If the web service definition is not found in the IBM BPM runtime cache.
To avoid multiple connections to your endpoint, you can merge all of your XSDs into
one WSDL file. You can use a tool such as IBM Integration Designer (IID) to import
your WSDL, and you can choose to include all of your XSDs in that WSDL file when
you export the WSDL out of IID.
Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services


Troubleshooting XML schema messages for web

service integrations
When you are using a Web Service Integration component, you might encounter
error and warning messages if you use XML constructs that are not supported or
have problems in Process Designer.
These errors and warnings occur when XML types that are not valid are generated
for an external web service through a Web Service Integration component. You see
these validation errors or warnings in the type generation panel of the Generate
Types wizard, where you can copy them. The panel displays each error or warning
and the exact line in the XML construct that is causing the problem. If an error
occurs, you can select the Ignore problems and continue type generation to
continue the type generation process. The following tables list the messages you
could see in the wizard and information about each message.

Error messages caused by XML constructs that are not valid

The {0} complex type contains
the {1} element that has a type
of anySimpleType, which is not
supported.The {0} global
element has a type of
anySimpleType, which is not
The {0} complex type contains
attribute {1} that is without a type
or uses anySimpleType, which
is not supported.

The {0} complex type contains

anyAttribute. Attribute
wildcards (anyAttribute) are
not supported.

The anySimpleType type is not
supported.To fix the error,
replace anySimpleType with an
appropriate simple type.

The type has an attribute

declaration without a type
definition, which defaults to
anySimpleType or an attribute
with anySimpleType. Attributes
of anySimpleType are not
supported. To fix the error,
assign a simple type or replace
anySimpleType with an
appropriate simple type.
Attribute wildcards permit an
extension of the content model
while providing some control to
enforce a minimal constraint.
Because wildcards are
ignored,anyAttribute is not
supported. The location of the
wildcard is in XPath format.To fix
the error, replace anyAttribute
with an appropriate attribute.


The {0} complex type has a

simpleContent child, which is
not supported.

Complex types allow elements in

their content to have a simple
content element. Because
simple content elements in a
complex type are ignored, the
simpleContent element is not
The {0} complex type contains
Element wild cards, which allow
an 'any' element . Element
flexibility on what is allowed in
wildcards (any) are not
the content model, are not
supported.To fix the error,
replace ANY with concrete
The {0} complex type contains
The anyType type is not
the {1} element that is directly or supported.To fix the error,
indirectly mapped to anyType,
replace anyType with an
which is not supported.The {0} appropriate type.
global element directly or
indirectly maps to anyType,
which is not supported.
The {0} complex type contains a A model group definition
group reference with maxOccurs associates a name with a model
of {1}. However, the maximum
group so that you can reuse the
value of maxOccurs is 1.
model group. However, Process
Designer has a maximum
occurrence constraint on the
maxOccurs attribute in the model
group definition.To fix the error,
change the value of the
maxOccurs attribute to 1.
The {0} complex type contains
Process Designer has a
the {1} nested model group with maximum occurrence constraint
a maxOccurs of {2}. However,
on the maxOccurs attribute in the
the maximum value of
model group definition even if
maxOccurs is 1.
the model group is nested within
other elements. To fix the error,
change the value of the
maxOccurs attribute in the
identified model group to 1.
The {0} simple type is not
A union type creates a new type,
handled. Union types are not
which is the union of two or more
simple types. Union types are
not supported.To fix the error,
replace the union type with an
appropriate simple type.


The {0} complex type extends

the {1} complex type. However,
the {1} type refers to xsi:type,
which is not supported and might
cause errors at run time.

If you use a derived complex

type in place of a specified base
complex type, it is assumed that
a relationship exists between the
base type definition and the
derived type. The xsi:type
annotations are ignored and only
instances of the base complex
type are created.

Warning message caused by XML constructs that have

The {0} complex type contains
the {1} attribute with a value of
"default", which is not
supported.The {0} complex type
contains the {1} attribute with a
value of "fixed", which is not
A type with name {0} already
exists. Type names must be

The {0} complex type contains

the element {1} of the
base64Binary type. The
base64Binary type is
transformed to String.The {0}
global element is of the
base64Binary type. The
base64Binary type is
transformed to String.The {0}
complex type contains the
element {1} of the hexBinary
type. The hexBinary type is
transformed to String.The {0}
global element is of the
hexBinary type. The hexBinary
type is transformed to String.

Process Designer does not
support attributes with default
or fixed values. These values
are ignored. To remove this
warning, if no corresponding
attribute is present in an
instance document, specify a
value for the attribute other than
default or fixed.
Process Designer does not
support using qualified or
QNames for types. The location
of the type is in XPath format.
Process Designer generates
different names for these types.
The base64Binary and
hexBinary data types have
validation rules that are
supported in Process Designer.
To prevent them from having
values that are not valid in
Process Designer, these data
types are converted to strings.To
remove this warning, do not use
the base64Binary and
hexBinary types.


The {0} complex type contains

the element {1} of the gYear
type. The gYear type is
transformed to String.The {0}
global element is of the
gYeartype. The gYear type is
transformed to String.The {0}
complex type contains the
element {1} of the gYearMonth
type. The gYearMonth type is
transformed to String.The {0}
global element is of the
gYearMonth type. The
gYearMonth type is transformed
to String.
The {0} complex type contains
the element {1} of the
normalizedString type. The
normalizedString type is
transformed to String.The {0}
global element is of the
normalizedString type. The
normalizedString type is
transformed to String.

The gYear and gYearMonth data

types have validation rules that
are supported in Process
Designer. To prevent them from
having values that are not valid
in Process Designer, these data
types are converted to strings.To
remove this warning, do not use
the gYear and gYearMonth

The rules to normalize

whitespace values are not
supported in Process Designer.
To prevent the types from having
values that are not valid in
Process Designer, their
normalized strings are converted
to strings.To remove this
warning, do not use the
normalizedString type.
The {0} complex type contains
All XML decimal numeric types,
the element {1} of type {2}, which regardless of their precision,
is transformed to Decimal. The transform to the Decimal type in
Decimal type in Business
IBM BPM. The Decimal type
Process Manager maps to
maps to the java.lang.Double
xsd:double.The {0} global
data type through xsd:double.
element is of the type {1} is
transformed to Decimal. The
Decimal type in Business
Process Manager maps to
The {0} complex type contains
All XML integer numeric types,
the element {1} of type {2}, which regardless of their precision,
is transformed to Integer.
transform to the Integer type in
TheInteger type in Business
IBM BPM. The Integer type
Process Manager maps to
maps to the
xsd:int.The {0} global element java.lang.Integer data type
is of the type {1}, which is
through xsd:int.
transformed to Integer. The
Integer type in Business
Process Manager maps to
The {0} complex type extends
When a complex type has a
the {1} complex type. The
base type, Process Designer
generated business object for {0} includes all the elements and
is flattened to include the
attributes from the base type to
elements and attributes that are flatten business objects that are
defined in {1}.
created from the complex type.

The {0} element contains the

substitutionGroup attribute,
which is not supported.

Substitution groups are ignored.

With a substitution group, you
can specify elements that can
replace another element in
documents generated from the
The {0} simple type contains the Process Designer ignores the
{1} restriction facet, which is not following XSD restriction

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations to web services


Calling a Java method in an integration service

If the implementation for an activity requires calling methods from a Java class, you
can use the Java Integration step in an integration service.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Before creating the Integration service, add the JAR file that contains the classes
that you need. After you add the JAR file as a server file, you can select the class
and method that you want to use for your service. If the JAR files that you need are
included in an IBM Business Process Manager toolkit, you can add a dependency to
that toolkit to access those files. See "Creating a toolkit dependency in the Designer
view" for instructions.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Create an integration service.
3. Drag a Java Integration step from the palette to the service diagram and then
use sequence lines to connect the step to the Start and End Events.
4. Click the Java Integration step in the diagram and then click the Definition option
in the properties.
5. Click the Select button next to the Java Class field to choose the JAR file and
the class on the JAR file that you want to call.The JAR files listed are the ones
added as managed server files as described in topic "Managing external files".
By default, the classes in the IBM BPM Java package are available in the
integration.jar file, which is included in the System Data toolkit. If your
current project has dependencies on other toolkits that include JAR files, those
files are also available.
6. From the Discovery section (under the Properties and Definition tabs), click
the Method field. From the drop-down list, choose the method that you want to
call on the class that you selected in the preceding step.
7. Enable the Translate JavaBeans check box if you want the result of the Java
method that is invoked to be serialized and returned to the Integration service as
an XML element. The content of the element is based on the properties of the
object's class. For example, if you choose the teamworks.Users class from the
integration.jar file (IBM BPM Java packages) and then select the getUser
method with the Translate JavaBeans check box enabled. The result looks like
the following example:
<userino type="com.lombardisoftware.core.UserInfo" description="UserInfo">
<calendarId type="com.lombardisoftware.client.persistence.common.ID" description="calendarId" />
<fullname type="java.lang.String" description="String">tw_author</fullname>
<qualifiedName type="java.lang.String" description="String">tw_author</qualifiedName>
<sendToAddress type="com.lombardisoftware.core.routing.Address" description="Address">
<name type="java.lang.String" description="String">tw_author</name>
<toGroup type="java.lang.Boolean" description="Boolean">false</toGroup>
<toUser type="java.lang.Boolean" description="Boolean">true</toUser>


<userData type="java.util.HashMap" description="HashMap">
<entry key="Full Name" description="Map Entry">
<key type="java.lang.String" description="String">Full Name</key>
<value type="java.lang.String" description="String">tw_author</value>
<userId type="com.lombardisoftware.client.persistence.common.ID$NumericID" description="ID$NumericID">
<id type="java.math.BigDecimal" description="BigDecimal">2</id>
<type type="com.lombardisoftware.client.persistence.common.POType$User" description="POType$User">
<deleted type="java.lang.Boolean" description="Boolean">false</deleted>
<exportable type="java.lang.Boolean" description="Boolean">false</exportable>
<factoryName type="java.lang.String"
<id type="java.lang.Integer" description="Integer">2048</id>
<libraryItem type="java.lang.Boolean" description="Boolean">false</libraryItem>
<name type="java.lang.String" description="String">User</name>
<tableName type="java.lang.String" description="String">LSW_USR_XREF</tableName>
<username type="java.lang.String" description="String">tw_author</username>

Note: When you enable the Translate JavaBeans check box, the variable type
that you select in the Integration service for the value returned from the Java
method should be XMLElement or ANY.
If you do not enable the Translate JavaBeans check box, the Java method can
only return objects of the types shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Types of objects returned by the Java method if Translate JavaBeans is
not enabled
Object types



8. Click the Variables tab for the Integration service to add any input variables that
the service needs to receive and any output variables that the service needs to
make available for subsequent steps in the service or BPD.
9. Click the Java Integration step in the service diagram and then click the Data
Mapping option in the properties to configure the input and output mappings for
the step.

10. Nest the Integration service in another service or select it as the implementation
for an activity, depending on the requirements of the overall process.
Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations
Related information:
Creating, changing, and deleting a toolkit dependency in the Designer view
Building an Integration service
Managing external files
Using the TWObjectFactory, TWObject and TWList classes


Sending attachments using an SMTP server

With a Java Integration component, you can send attachments by using a Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Check that your system administrator set up the SMTP server. You must know its
URL address when you complete the following procedure.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Create an integration service.
3. In the Integration service, add a Java Integration component.
4. In the Variables tab, add an input variable with a Boolean value set to true. The
input variable instructs the SMTP server to use file names to identify attachments
instead of a full path name. For example, use a name like useFileName.
5. Create all the other variables to pass values to the SMTP server. Use them later
in the Data Mapping section.
6. On the Definition tab, select the teamworks.Mail class and the sendMessage
method that includes the Boolean parameter.
7. In the Data Mapping section, add the variables that are expected by the SMTP
server, including a variable for your attachments. In the Replace Full Paths By
File Names field, add the variable that you created earlier to indicate that you are
specifying the names of the files that are being transferred and that you are not
using the full path name for them.
Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations


Using IBM Business Process Manager SQL Integration

To integrate with an external database, you can use the SQL Integration services
available in the IBM BPM System Data Toolkit.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

During IBM BPM installation, the System Data toolkit is imported into the Process
Center repository so that each process application and toolkit that you create has
access to IBM BPM system data. The System Data toolkit includes SQL Integration
services to enable you to easily integrate with external databases.
The SQL Integration services support common database interactions, including
support for parameterized queries. In addition, these services can automatically map
query results directly into the relevant variable type. The SQL Integration services
enable you to develop implementations to:
- Read existing data from a database
- Update existing data in a database
- Write new data to a database
In addition, when passing data between IBM BPM and a connected database, the
SQL Integration services enable you to specify certain types of data (like integers,
BLOBs, and CLOBs).
Important: The SQL connector services in the System Data toolkit support local
transactions only. They do not work properly in global transactions, for example,
during deployment or in an installation service. When SQL connector services are
used in a scenario that requires a global transaction, you might receive an error
similar to the following error:java.sql.SQLException: DSRA9350E: Operation Connection.commit
is not allowed during a global transaction.
at teamworks.sql.SQLExecutor.executeInTransaction
at teamworks.SQLConnector.executeMultiple

The SQL Integration services are Java-based integrations that bind to a specific
method in the teamworks.SQLConnector Java class. Although you cannot alter the
SQL Integration services, you can open them in the Designer in IBM Process
Designer to see the method implemented by each one and the available input and
output variables as outlined in the following procedure.



1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the indicator next to the Toolkits category to see a list of toolkit
dependencies for the current process application.
4. Click the indicator next to the System Data toolkit to see its contents.
5. Click the Implementation category and then double-click one of the listed SQL
services.For example, double-click the SQL Execute Statement service to open it.
6. In the service diagram, click the Java Integration component to select it.
7. Click the Definition option in the properties to display the Java Class and method
implemented by the service.
8. Switch from the diagram view of the service by clicking the Variables tab.
9. Click an Input or Output variable to see its details, such as its type and default
values (where applicable).

What to do next
To use a SQL Integration service in an implementation, you can:
- Select a SQL Integration service as the implementation for an activity as described
in Implementing activities in a BPD .
- Nest a SQL Integration service in another service by dragging it from the library to
the diagram of the parent service.

Parent topic:Creating outbound integrations


Creating inbound integrations

For inbound integrations that involve an external system or application calling into
IBM Business Process Manager to kick off a service, you need to build several
IBM BPM components and corresponding services.
See the following topics for instructions and more information:
Note: You should also refer to Modeling message events to learn how to use a
message event to represent a point in your process where an incoming message is
received from an external system.
- Building a sample inbound integration
Several components must work together to complete an inbound integration. You
can use the procedures listed in this topic to build and test a complete integration.
- Creating implicit SOAP headers for inbound web service integrations
SOAP headers are used to communicate application-specific context information
within SOAP request and response messages. This context information can be
anything that you must send along with the web service operation parameters. An
implicit SOAP header is one that is not defined in the web service WSDL
document. In an inbound web service integration, you can retrieve SOAP headers
from an incoming request message and include SOAP headers in the outgoing
response message.
- Posting a message to IBM Business Process Manager Event Manager
If you want to post a message from an external system to IBM BPM Event
Manager, you must use the message structure that is described in this topic.
- Publishing IBM Business Process Manager web services
IBM BPM can publish web services in the same way that it consumes web
services. Using a SOAP connection, external applications can call the IBM BPM
web service to initiate a particular service or set of services.
Parent topic:Integrating with web services, Java and databases
Related information:
Undercover agents


Building a sample inbound integration

Several components must work together to complete an inbound integration. You
can use the procedures listed in this topic to build and test a complete integration.
To implement an inbound integration in IBM Business Process Manager, you need
to build several components that work together. The following image represents the
steps required to build a sample inbound integration.
Figure 1. Steps to build a sample inbound integration

For general and introductory information, see Integrating with web services, Java
and databases.
The following sections describe how to create simple components so that you can
easily build the integration and also easily test your initial implementation.
References to more detailed descriptions of the implementation options for each
component are provided in the relevant sections.
Note: You can call an undercover agent (UCA) using another business process
definition (BPD), using a web service (and an associated caller service), or via JMS
as illustrated in this sample. To learn how to establish message flow between two
BPDs instead of using a service, see Using intermediate message events and
message end events to send messages and Using message end events.
- Adding a message event to a BPD
Start building the sample integration by adding a message event to a business
process definition (BPD).
- Creating an attached service
Create a service to pass parameter values from the message event to the
business process definition (BPD).
- Creating an undercover agent
Create an event-based undercover agent.
- Attaching the undercover agent to the message event
Attach the undercover agent (UCA) to the message event. The event waits for the
completion of the UCA. When the UCA completes, the event completes.
- Creating a caller service
Create a service with appropriate inputs to call the undercover agent (UCA) to
send the event.
- Creating an inbound web service
Create an inbound web service to provide a way for an external system or
application to call into IBM Business Process Manager.
- Testing the integration
Test the completed inbound integration using the Inspector.
Parent topic:Creating inbound integrations


Adding a message event to a BPD

Start building the sample integration by adding a message event to a business
process definition (BPD).

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Create a simple BPD that contains two activities. (If you need detailed
instructions, see Creating a business process definition (BPD) .)
4. Drag an Intermediate Event component from the palette onto the BPD diagram so
that it falls between the two activities.
5. In the text box that displays over the event, type a name for the event. For this
sample, you can type: Incoming Message Event.
6. Click the Implementation tab in the properties. The default implementation for
intermediate events that are included in the process flow is Message.
7. If not already selected, click the drop-down list and choose Receiving from the
available message types.
8. Use the Sequence Flow tool to connect the BPD components as shown in the

following example:
9. Save your work.
Parent topic:Building a sample inbound integration


Creating an attached service

Create a service to pass parameter values from the message event to the business
process definition (BPD).

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The undercover agent (UCA) that you attach to the message event needs a service
to pass the parameter values from the runtime message to the BPD.
Note: For intermediate message events like the one in this sample inbound
integration, even if no parameter values are being passed from the message event
to the BPD, you must map a UCA input variable to a local variable to ensure that the
correct running instance of the BPD resumes execution upon receipt of the message

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. Create a General System service and name it My UCA Handler or something
similar. (If you need detailed instructions, see Building a General System service
4. Use the Sequence Flow tool to connect the Start Event and End Event
components in the service diagram. Because this service is used to simply pass
values, you do not need to add any service components to the diagram.
5. Click the Variables tab.
6. Click the Add Input button and replace Untitled in the Name field with
7. Leave the variable type for the input variable set to String.
8. Click the Add Output button and replace Untitled in the Name field with
9. Leave the variable type for the output variable set to String.
10. Save your work.
Parent topic:Building a sample inbound integration


Creating an undercover agent

Create an event-based undercover agent.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The undercover agent tells IBM Business Process Manager what service to run
when the message event is received. The message can be triggered by IBM BPM
itself or by an external system as in this example.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to Implementation and then select Undercover Agent
from the list.
4. In New Undercover Agent, enter the following information and then click the
Finish button.
- Name: Type My UCA or something similar for the name.
- Schedule Type: Select On Event from the drop-down list.
5. In the Details section, the queue for processing this undercover agent is set to
Async Queue by default. This setting is fine for the sample integration. (To learn
more about the queue options, see Undercover agents.)
6. In the Parameter Mapping section, you can see that the undercover agent is
automatically mapped to the someString variable from the attached service, My
UCA Handler.
7. Save your work.

What to do next
Now that the undercover agent is available, you can attach it to the message event.
Parent topic:Building a sample inbound integration
Related information:
Undercover agents


Attaching the undercover agent to the message

Attach the undercover agent (UCA) to the message event. The event waits for the
completion of the UCA. When the UCA completes, the event completes.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

After you create the UCA, you should go back to the message event in the BPD and
attach the UCA as described in the following steps.


Open the Process Designer desktop editor.

Open a process application that contains a BPD with a message event.
Open the BPD that includes the message event.
Click the message event in the BPD to select it.
Click the Implementation option in the properties.
In the Message Trigger section, click the Select button next to the Attached
UCA field and pick My UCA that you created in the preceding steps.
7. Ensure that the Consume Message and Durable Subscription check boxes
are enabled. (For more information about these options, see Modeling message
events.)Tip: If you occasionally use inbound messages, consider using durable
subscription events. Durable subscriptions are Java Message Service (JMS)
subscriptions that persist and store subscribed messages even when the client
is not connected. The durable messages accumulate, even if you select the
check box to make them consumable. Periodically use the
BPMDeleteDurableMessages command for deleting durable subscription
8. Click the Data Mapping option in the properties. Notice that the Output
correlation key is automatically set to the someString variable from the UCA.
The variable is used as a correlation parameter, which allows you to correlate an
event recipient with a particular key. Note: When an event occurs, that event
must be matched against the correct instance of the process for which the event
is destined. The ability to match the event against the correct instance is called
correlation. You must specify one variable in the message event that has a value
that matches the value of the incoming event's UCA payload (the correlation
value). If there is such a match, the message is received. If not, the message is
not received, and the event continues to wait.
9. In the field next to the variable, type tw.system.process.instanceId. This
sets the value of the someString variable to the ID of the running instance,
which allows you to test the implementation in the Inspector.In this example, you
are creating a UCA that uses the current process instance ID as the correlation
parameter. For example, if you have a process application with the instance ID


of 50 and another process application with the instance ID of 100, if you invoke
the UCA passing an ID of 50, only the first process application receives the
10. Save your work.
Parent topic:Building a sample inbound integration
Related information:
Undercover agents


Creating a caller service

Create a service with appropriate inputs to call the undercover agent (UCA) to send
the event.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The next step in completing this sample inbound integration is to create an
Integration service to call the UCA to send the event when the inbound web service
(that you create in the following section) is called.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Create an Integration service and name it Inbound WS Handler or something
similar. (If you need detailed instructions, see Building an Integration service.)
4. Drag an Invoke UCA component from the palette, name it My UCA and place it
between the Start Event and End Event in the service diagram.
5. Use the Sequence Flow tool to connect the service components on the diagram.
6. Click the Invoke UCA component in the diagram.
7. Click the Variables tab, and then click the Add Input button to add the
someString variable as an input variable.
8. Save the changes.
9. Select the Implementation option in the properties.
10. Click the Select button next to the Attached Undercover Agent field and pick the
Undercover Agent that you created in the preceding procedure, My UCA.
11. Select the Data Mapping option in the properties. The Input Mapping is
automatically set to the someString variable from the UCA.
12. In the field next to the variable, type tw.local.someString. This sets the input
value of the UCA to the local value of the someString variable, which enables
you to test the implementation in the Inspector as instructed in Testing the
integration. The value is used in the business process definition correlation
mapping that is created in the initial task. Note: The someString variable is
available only if you create the attached service as instructed in Creating an
attached service and the UCA as instructed in Creating an undercover agent
before performing the steps in this procedure.
13. Save your work.
Parent topic:Building a sample inbound integration


Creating an inbound web service

Create an inbound web service to provide a way for an external system or
application to call into IBM Business Process Manager.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Now you need to provide a way for an external system or application to call into
IBM Business Process Manager. The recommended method for accomplishing this
is to create and publish a web service endpoint so that external applications can
initiate a particular IBM BPM service or set of services by invoking an operation on
the endpoint. By invoking a SOAP call, external applications can call the web
All operations that are exposed on an inbound web service are exposed as requestresponse operations. Even an operation bound to a service that has no outputs will
be exposed as a request-response operation with no output. One-way operations
are not supported.
Tip: The endpoint address for a web service is in the following format: http://
snapshot_name/]web_service_name.tws. If you do not specify the snapshot_name in

the endpoint URL, it points to the tip snapshot for Process Center, or to the default
snapshot for Process Server. If you want to invoke a web service for a specific
snapshot, make sure to specify the snapshot_name in the endpoint URL.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Select the plus sign next to the Implementation category and then select Web
Service from the list.
4. In New Web Service, type KickTheBPD in the Name field and then click the
Finish button.
5. In the Operations section, click the Add button and select the Inbound WS
Handler Integration service that you created in the preceding procedure from the
6. In the Operation Detail section, change Untitled in the Operation Name field to
doKick or something similar.
7. Notice the WSDL URI in the Behavior section. You can use this URI to test the
sample integration as instructed in Testing the integration.The Protected check
box adds user name and password security to an operation in the web service.
For a web service client to invoke a protected operation, the user ID and
password added to the user name and password elements for this operation must
be registered at the server, assigned to the process application and have at least


read authority. Note that this is not authentication in the context of an HTTP
transaction, so selecting Protected does not display a default user ID and
The Target namespace scheme drop-down list provides options for setting the
target namespace:
- Per Process App/Toolkit settings (default): Uses the namespace from the
Advanced XML Settings section of the Process App Settings page and does
not include the snapshot name. This is the recommended setting as the target
namespace will remain consistent when using multiple snapshots. Note that the
namespace must be already set at the time of this selection or Per snapshot
name will be used. You will not be able to modify or update this value.
- Per snapshot name: Includes the snapshot name as well as the namespace
from the Advanced XML Settings section of the Process App Settings page,
if set. This scheme was used to define the target namespace before IBM BPM
8.0.1. The target namespace value in your web service client will be different
each time a snapshot is taken. You will not be able to modify or update this
- Custom: Lets you create your own target namespace in the Target namespace
Important: If you select Per snapshot name, the namespace of the Web
Services Description Language (WSDL) file will be changed in the following
cases. You must generate the types again for your inbound web service so that
your namespace is consistent with the namespace on the server.
- The inbound web service uses a business object defined in the System Data
toolkit. The namespace of that business object uses a host name and port
specification. You must generate the types again if the inbound web service's
host name and port are changed because of this situation.
- The Target namespace schema field is changed to the Per snapshot name
value. The namespace of the WSDL file will use the snapshot name once you
select this option. You must generate the types again for your inbound web
service each time you create a snapshot.
- The Target namespace schema field is changed to the Per snapshot name
value. The namespace of the WSDL file will use the snapshot name once you
select this option. You must generate the types again for your inbound web
service each time you switch the snapshot to the default or the non-default
version. Note: In this situation, if the inbound web service is defined in the
toolkit, the namespace of this WSDL file will not be changed when you switch
the snapshot to the default or the non-default version.
8. The Security and Policy section allows you to configure a policy set and a policy
binding with your web service. The server must have been already configured by
a system administrator.
- Policy Set: Specifies the name of the application policy set. Click Select to
choose the policy set. The list you will see depends on the policies available on
the server. Some default application policy sets include: WSHTTPS default,
WSAddressing default, and Username WSSecurity default. You can also create
additional application policy sets in the WebSphere Application Server

Administrative Console. Deselecting a policy set also removes the policy

binding. More information on policy sets can be found in the IBM Redbook
WebSphere Application Server Web Services Guide.
- Policy Binding: Specifies the name of the general provider policy set binding,
which contains system-specific configuration parameters like username and
password information. Click Select to choose the policy binding. The list you will
see depends on the general provider policy set bindings available on the server.
Default policy set bindings include: Provider sample and Provider sample V2.
You can also create additional policy set bindings in the WebSphere Application
Server Administrative Console. Deselecting removes the policy binding.
Note: SOAP header information is available in system variables. The
tw.system.soap.header.request variable is automatically initialized to contain
the list of SOAP header entries found in the incoming request message. You can
include JavaScript code with your inbound web service which accesses these
SOAP header entries. You can also write JavaScript code which adds SOAP
header entries to the tw.system.soap.header.response system variable. The
SOAP header entries contained in this variable are added to the outbound
response message.
9. Save your work.Limitation: Any variable with a simple type containing a restriction
element will not have the restriction element on generation of the inbound web

What to do next
If you do not specify a snapshot name in the URI, then the default track is used to
locate your web service. The tip in the default track is assumed to contain the
process application with your web service. However, if you have your web service
on a tip in a non-default track, it cannot be found. Therefore, create a snapshot
name or make the track that you are working with the default track.

Parent topic:Building a sample inbound integration

Related information:
Supported web service standards


Testing the integration

Test the completed inbound integration using the Inspector.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

After you build and link the input and output of the required components as
instructed in the preceding procedures, you can test the completed inbound
integration using the Inspector in IBM Process Designer and a utility such as

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains the simple BPD that you created per
the instructions in Adding a message event to a BPD.
3. Open the BPD and click the Run icon in the upper right corner of the BPD
diagram. (If you need detailed instructions for using the Inspector, see Stepping
through a process.)
4. When IBM Business Process Manager prompts you to change to the Inspector
interface, click Yes. Note: Click the check box if you want IBM Process Designer
to change interfaces without prompting for approval.
5. From the Process Instances tab, click the received task for Step 1 and then
click the run icon ( ). The coach for the activity, which is the default Human
service, opens in a browser.
6. Click the Done button in the Coach to complete the first step.
7. Click the refresh icon ( ) in the toolbar. You can see that the process instance
is waiting for the incoming message event.
8. Using your SOAP utility, such as soapUI, point to the WSDL URI for the
KickTheBPD inbound web service that you created per the instructions in
Creating an inbound web service.
9. In your SOAP utility, initiate a request to the doKick method. In the someString
parameter for the method, provide the Instance ID for the currently active
instance, which you can see in the Process Instances tab in the Inspector. For
example, in the preceding image, the instance ID of the active instance is 4.
10. Click the Refresh icon in the Inspector toolbar. You should see that Step 2 has
been received, meaning that the message event was successfully processed
and the instance is able to move to the next step.
11. Click the Step 2 task to select it and then click the Run task icon. The value is
used in the business process definition correlation mapping that is created in the
initial task. If this value and the value of the BPD mapped variable are equal, the
message intermediate start event runs. If not, the message intermediate start
event continues to wait until a match is found.


12. The Coach for the activity, which is the default Human service, opens in a
browser. Click the Done button in the Coach to complete the second step.
13. Click the Refresh icon in the Inspector toolbar. You should see that the task for
Step 2 is closed and the process instance has a status of Complete, indicating
that the BPD instance has completed successfully.
Parent topic:Building a sample inbound integration


Creating implicit SOAP headers for inbound web

service integrations
SOAP headers are used to communicate application-specific context information
within SOAP request and response messages. This context information can be
anything that you must send along with the web service operation parameters. An
implicit SOAP header is one that is not defined in the web service WSDL document.
In an inbound web service integration, you can retrieve SOAP headers from an
incoming request message and include SOAP headers in the outgoing response
- Retrieving SOAP headers from an inbound request message
You can retrieve SOAP headers from an inbound request message by writing
some JavaScript code to capture data from the tw.system.header.soap.request
system variable.
- Adding SOAP headers to an outgoing response message
You can add a SOAP header to an outbound response message by using a
system variable and some JavaScript code.
Parent topic:Creating inbound integrations


Retrieving SOAP headers from an inbound request

You can retrieve SOAP headers from an inbound request message by writing some
JavaScript code to capture data from the tw.system.header.soap.request
system variable.

Before you begin

This task requires that you have access to an inbound web service integration that
has at least one general system service associated with it.

About this task

IBM Business Process Manager provides a system variable that you can use to
retrieve SOAP headers. SOAP headers found in inbound request messages are
automatically copied to the tw.system.header.soap.request system variable. You
can write code to retrieve those SOAP headers.

To retrieve SOAP headers from an inbound SOAP request message, write
JavaScript code that uses the tw.system.header.soap.request system variable.
You can add a component, such as a server script component, to your general
system service. You can then add your JavaScript code to this component's
Properties view within the Pre-execution or Post-execution Assignments section or
within the Implementation section. Alternatively, you can add the code to any
location that is part of the general system service for the endpoint. In this example,
the code example is retrieving a header named subscriptionInfo of type
SOAPHeader from the system variable tw.system.header.soap.request. If the
request message contains SOAP headers, this variable will be initialized to contain
them. If the request message does not contain SOAP headers, this variable will be
null.">>>>>> Checking to see if the subscriptionInfo SOAP header was received in the request message...")

var subscriptionInfoHeader = null

if (tw.system.header.soap.request != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < tw.system.header.soap.request.headers.listLength; i++) {
// search for the subscriptionInfo header
if (tw.system.header.soap.request.headers[i].name == "subscriptionInfo") {
subscriptionInfoHeader = tw.system.header.soap.request.headers[i]

if (subscriptionInfoHeader != null) {"Found the subscriptionInfo SOAP header!")


else {"The subscriptionInfo SOAP header was not present in the request message.")

Assume that the following SOAP header is in a request message:<ns1:subscriptionInfo


The following output is produced by the code in that example: Found

the subscriptionInfo SOAP


Parent topic:Creating implicit SOAP headers for inbound web service integrations


Adding SOAP headers to an outgoing response

You can add a SOAP header to an outbound response message by using a system
variable and some JavaScript code.

About this task

IBM Business Process Manager provides a system variable that allows you to add
SOAP headers to an outbound response message,
tw.system.header.soap.response. You can instantiate the
tw.system.header.soap.response variable from the Variables tab above the
process diagram or in the JavaScript code.

To add a SOAP header to an outbound response message, add an entry to the
SOAPHeaders array within the tw.system.header.soap.response system variable.
You can add the code to the Pre & Post > Post-execution Assignments section
within a component of a general system service, such as a server script component.
To add a header that is called sessionToken to the response message, use
JavaScript code such as the following example. Follow these best practices as you
write your code:
- Make sure namespaces are fully qualified, as they are in the following examples.
- Avoid white spaces in the XML snippet that constitutes the SOAP header value.
- Make sure that you only instantiate the tw.system.header.soap.response
variable if it is null. Otherwise, you could end up clearing out SOAP header entries
that were added by some other component within your general system service.">>>>>> Adding a SOAP header to the response message...")

// Create the header object

var myResponseHeader = new tw.object.SOAPHeader() = "sessionToken"
myResponseHeader.nameSpace = ""
myResponseHeader.value = "<x:sessionToken xmlns:x=\"\">abdf-128974-33-33-fcea-10243-7433</x:sessionToken>"

// If the response header system variable doesn't exist yet,

// then you must instantiate it
if (tw.system.header.soap.response == null) {
tw.system.header.soap.response = new tw.object.SOAPHeaders()
tw.system.header.soap.response.headers = new Array()

// Determine which index we need to use when adding the new header entry.
//Add the new header at the end of the array so that the processing does not
// overwrite any existing entries.
var nextIndex = tw.system.header.soap.response.headers.listLength

309"Adding new header at index: " + nextIndex)

tw.system.header.soap.response.headers[nextIndex] = myResponseHeader

Note: Use the next available index when adding your new SOAP header entry to the
tw.system.header.soap.response variable "headers" field, which is an array of
SOAP header values. Otherwise, you might inadvertently clear out an existing
SOAP header entry that was added by some other component within your general
system service.

Parent topic:Creating implicit SOAP headers for inbound web service integrations


Posting a message to IBM Business Process Manager

Event Manager
If you want to post a message from an external system to IBM BPM Event
Manager, you must use the message structure that is described in this topic.
You can use Java Message Service (JMS) to post a message to the Event
Manager. See Maintaining and monitoring IBM Business Process Manager Event
Manager to learn how the Event Manager processes incoming requests.

Understanding the message structure

The message that you post to the Event Manager must contain an event name (the
message event ID generated when you create an undercover agent) and it can
contain parameter names and values in key-value pairs. (The topic Creating and
configuring an undercover agent for a message event describes the message event
ID that you should use for the event name.) The message must be structured as
XML as shown in the following example:
<eventmsg> <!-- The process app acronym and event name are required: The snapshot and UCA name are optional --> <event
processApp="[acronym]" snapshot="[snapshot_name]" ucaname="[UCA_name]">[event_name]</event> <!--Optional: The name of the
queue for the event to run in--> <queue>[queue name]</queue> <!--Any parameters the UCA may require-- <parameters>
<parameter> <key>param1</key> <value><![CDATA[value1]]> </value> </parameter> </parameters> </eventmsg>

If you do not include the snapshot name in the message, the Event Manager uses
the default snapshot on the target Process Server for start message events. For
intermediate message events, if you do not include the snapshot name in the
message, all active snapshots receive events. To learn more about active and
default snapshots, see Configuring runtime settings for installed snapshots. Note: If
the value of the <value> element contains XML elements or similar content, you
need to wrap the value in a CDATA tag as shown in the preceding example. For
information about passing parameter values for each complex business object
(variable type), see the following section.

Passing complex variable types to undercover agents

You can use undercover agents to instantiate services and BPDs automatically,
without human interaction by an IBM BPM participant. When you include a message
event in an IBM BPM BPD, you must assign an undercover agent to it for the
message event to run at run time. The Event Manager, which is part of the IBM
Process Server, handles the scheduling and queuing of undercover agents. For
more information, see Undercover agents.
In addition to user-created complex business objects (variable types), the following
complex business objects can be used to invoke undercover agents at run time:
Table 1. Complex business objects that can be used to invoke undercover agents at
run time
Variable type
Date and Time



ANY (default)

For example, to invoke an undercover agent using an XML message, let's say your
runtime process contains a message event that waits for an incoming message.
This message contains an input parameter whose value includes the Customer
Name, Description, and Age.
First, create the service and then associate the service with an undercover agent
(the service describes what happens when the undercover agent is invoked at run
time). Then, send the message with the following syntax:
<eventmsg> <event processApp="[acronym]" snapshot="[snapshot_name]" ucaname="[UCA_name]">[event name]</event>
<parameters> <parameter> <key>customerParam</key> <value> <Name>John</Name> <Description>John Description</Description>
<Age>30</Age> </value> </parameter> </parameters> </eventmsg>

The following sections provide examples of how to pass the content of the <value>
element. The conversion from the event XML format to a complex type is handled
automatically by the IBM BPM engine.
When the Any type is used to pass a parameter value, the actual IBM BPM type
must be supplied using the type attribute of the corresponding element. The type
attribute can be omitted only when IBM BPM knows the exact type or when the type
is String. The value of the attribute must be an existing IBM BPM type-or in case of
an array, an IBM BPM type concatenated with the [] string at the end.

Passing IBM BPM Structured types

All structured objects are passed as XML structures, where every object property
corresponds to an XML element.
For example:
Variable type: Customer - Name: String (John Doe) - Description: String (Single) Age: Integer (30)
is mapped to:
XML: <value> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Description>Single</Description> <Age>30</Age> </value>

Keep the following important rules in mind:

- Every object property is mapped to an XML Element with the same name as the
property name. The element name is case-sensitive. For example, if the property is
Name, the element name must be <Name>, not <name>.
- All XML element attributes are reserved. If you pass an attribute (excluding type),
an error is returned because the passed Document is not valid.
- When an array is passed, it is mapped as a sequence of XML elements with the
same name. There are two possibilities: Passing root level arrays: Every object
array item must be placed as content of an <item> element. For example:
<value> <item> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Description>Married</Description> <Age>30</Age> </item> <item> <Name>Jane
Doe</Name> <Description>Married</Description> <Age>31</Age> </item> </value>

Passing array properties: Every object in the object array is converted to XML
using the object property name as an XML Element name. For example:
<value> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Description>Single</Description> <Age>30</Age> <Address> <Street>10506 Jollyville
Rd</Street> <City>Austin</City> </Address> <Address> <Street>10507 Research Blvd</Street> <City>Austin</City>


</Address> </value>

- If an object property is null , the corresponding element is skipped.

Passing Record type

The Record type is serialized in the same way as Structured types. However,
because all values are considered of type ANY, the type information must also be
passed (using the type attribute) in order for the correct objects to be instantiated
during de-serialization.

Passing Date/Time types

The format for passing dates is yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.S z .
- <value>2004/03/11 14:02:20.0 PST</value>
- <value>2000/02/20 11:10:20.0 GMT+6:00</value>
When the value is converted to the Calendar Java object, it preserves the time zone,
and no other modifications (such as adjusting it to the server time zone) is

Passing Boolean type

The valid values for the Boolean type are true or false(case is not considered).

Passing Map type

A Map type is passed to an undercover agent using the following structure:
<value> <entry> <key> </key> <value> </value> </entry> </value> For example: <value> <entry> <key>TX</key>
<value>Texas</value> </entry> <entry> <key>CA</key> <value>California</value> </entry> </value>

Because all values and keys in this case need to be of the ANY type, the type
information must also be passed in order for the correct objects to be instantiated
during deserialization. If the object is of the String type, the type does not need to
be specified.

Passing XMLDocument type

An XML Document is passed as an XML escaped string.
<value> <![CDATA[ <?xml version="1.0"?> <Customer> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Description>Married</Description> <Age>30</Age>
</Customer> ]]> </value>

Passing XMLElement type

An XML Element is passed as an XML escaped string.
<value> <![CDATA[ <Customer> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Description>Married</Description> <Age>30</Age> </Customer> ]]>


Passing XMLNodeList type

Every node is passed as an XML escaped string. The array of the nodes is encoded
as a sequence of <item> elements.
<value> <item> <![CDATA[ <Customer> <Name>John Doe</Name> <Description>Married</Description> <Age>30</Age> </Customer>
]]> </item>| <item> <![CDATA[ <Customer> <Name>Jane Doe</Name> <Description>Married</Description> <Age>31</Age>
</Customer> ]]> </item> </value>

Passing ANY type

When the type of an input parameter to an undercover agent is declared as ANY ,
the information about the actual type must be passed as part of the XML.
Define a process with one input parameter, Name , of type ANY . When the data is
encoded in XML, the actual type must be supplied as the value for the type
attribute. If the type is not passed, the String type is assumed.
<value type="String"> John Doe </value>

Parent topic:Creating inbound integrations


Publishing IBM Business Process Manager web services

IBM BPM can publish web services in the same way that it consumes web
services. Using a SOAP connection, external applications can call the IBM BPM
web service to initiate a particular service or set of services.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

You can create and publish a web service to enable external applications to initiate
a particular IBM BPM service or set of services. Using a SOAP integration, external
applications can call the web service.
Note: See Building a sample inbound integration to learn how to build a sample
integration that includes a web service.
Follow these steps to create a web service that external applications can call:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Select the plus sign next to the Implementation category and then select Web
Service from the list.
4. In the New Web Service window, type a name for the service and then click the
Finish button.
5. In the Common section, you can type a description of the web service in the
Documentation text box.
6. In the Operations section, click the Add button to choose an existing service to
add. Because the services that IBM BPM initiates from a web service do not
have an associated task, do not add services that include the following
components: Coach, Modify Task, and Browser Script. See Service components
in Process Designer for more information about these components.
7. Under Operation Details, type a name for the selected service in the Operation
Name text box. (Change Untitled to the name that you want.)
8. Optionally, you can type a description of the operation in the Documentation text
9. Click the Add button in the Operation section to continue adding services.
10. In the Behavior section, enable the Protected check box if you want access to
the WSDL URI to be password-protected. If password-protected, a user must
supply a user name and password to access the operations described in the
11. In the Behavior section, click the WSDL URI to view the XML description of the
resulting web service and its elements and operations. You can supply this URI
to the developers who need to call the operations within the web service.
12. Include a message event in your BPD for the incoming request as described in
Modeling events.


13. Create an undercover agent that calls this web service as described in
Undercover agents and then attach the undercover agent to the event from the
preceding step.

What to do next
Note: When you install a process application on a test or production server, all web
services are included in the list of exposed items in the Process Admin Console.

Parent topic:Creating inbound integrations


Web services compatibility

Web services conform to a flexible architecture that allows variation in web services
implementations. This variation unfortunately can lead to compatibility problems.
If you are experiencing problems when you call an external web service from a
business process, you should first check its compatibility with IBM Business
Process Manager. In the topic XML constructs not supported, these compatibility
problems are outlined and explained. Tables are provided that list errors and
warnings caused by incompatibilities. Once you know the source of the cause you
can correct the web service accordingly.
If you are using IBM Business Process Manager Advanced and experiencing web
services difficulties associated with incompatibilities, consider using an Advanced
Integration Service to give you access to Integration Designer. The web services
tools in Integration Designer have a variety of popular bindings and features that can
be used to handle most web services interactions.
You also have another alternative, particularly if you have IBM Business Process
Manager Standard, and that is to use a SOAP connector. In the following sections,
which show this approach, it is assumed that you have access to a service using
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) and that you can make a call to the
web service using the soapUI open source tool or another SOAP tool. These
instructions describe testing the web service with soapUI.
Note that IBM Business Process Manager Standard has the following restrictions:
- SOAP header: There is only support for a request SOAP header that passes
complex type parameters. There is no support for a SOAP header, either request
or response, that passes simple type parameters.
- SOAP / JMS: SOAP over JMS is not supported.
- SOAP faults are not supported.
- HTTP headers are not supported.
- The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) binding style is not supported.

- Verifying that the web service is working

First check that the web service is working. The web service must be working
before you can call it from a business process.
- Calling a web service using a SOAP connector
When you know the web service works, you should test it from within Process
Parent topic:Integrating with web services, Java and databases


Verifying that the web service is working

First check that the web service is working. The web service must be working before
you can call it from a business process.

About this task

These steps let you determine if you have a proper, working URL containing the
expected WSDL file.
You can see the following steps with screen captures from a previous version in this

1. Verify that you have a live WSDL URL.
2. Paste the URL into a browser window. You may need to add ?WSDL to the end
or your URL. If the URL is not working, you are likely lacking the correct network
configuration to access the web service.
3. Install soapUI using the default configuration.
4. Right-click Projects and click New soapUI Project.
5. Paste your WSDL URL into the box labeled Initial WSDL/WADL. Do not change
the other values and options and click OK. You should now have a sample call
for your web service where you can make sample calls based on XML input.
6. Test the web service by replacing question marks with actual data inputs and
press Play. There are hints that are provided by soapUI in places where repeated
entries or optional entries exist. For these entries, deleting items should not be a
Parent topic:Web services compatibility


Calling a web service using a SOAP connector

When you know the web service works, you should test it from within Process

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

These steps show you how to test your web service.
You can see the following steps with screen captures from a previous version in this

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to the Implementation category and select
Implementation Service.
4. In the dialog that opens, enter a name and click Finish.
5. Beneath TOOLKITS, expand SystemData and select Implementation. Locate
the Call WebService via SOAP component and drag it onto the diagram.
6. Drag a Server Scriplet from the right-side palette to your diagram. Place it to
the left of Call WebService via SOAP.
7. Connect the lines. Start should connect to the Untitled server scriptlet. The
Untitled server scriptlet should connect to Call WebService via SOAP. Call
WebService via SOAP should connect to End.
8. Select the Call WebService via SOAP component. Select the Data Mapping
tab in the Properties view. You should be able to identify all of the inputs
required except for the request input.
- wsdlURL maps to the URL address.
- serviceNS maps to the targetNamespace value.
- serviceName maps to the service name value.
- destinationAddress maps to the soap:address location value.
- soapAction maps to the soap:operation soapAction value.
9. The request input includes your variable inputs. In this example, we use the
server scriptlet to create the XML input.
A. Open the variables tab and create a new private variable called request with
an XMLElement type.
B. Return to the diagram view and rename the server scriptlet to Set Request.
C. Select the Implementation tab from the Properties view for the server
scriptlet and bind the implementation to your request variable. Click Select
and click the request variable from the menu.
D. Copy your entire XML input from soapUI and paste it into the server scriptlet


E. Bind your request variable to the request input of the SOAP Connector.
Return to the Data Mapping section of the Call Web Service via SOAP
component and, using Select, map request (XMLElement) to the request
variable you just created.
10. In a similar manner, create a variable called response of type XMLElement,
and bind it to the output of the SOAP Connector; that is, the Call Web Service
via SOAP component. At this point, you should be able to test your service
using hard-coded values.
11. Run the service in debug mode to see the response placed into your response
variable. If it worked correctly, you are ready to add input variables to your
service and map them into your request variable in the server scriptlet. The
following example only has one input:
A. Add an input variable to your service.
B. Use <#= #> notation to include JavaScript in your server scriptlet. For
example if your input variable was degreesF. the implementation code
referring to it would be <# = tw.local.degreesF #>. Now your service input
will determine the input to the SOAP Connector.
12. Use Xpath to map your response variable into proper outputs. This example
uses a single output variable (_degreesC).
A. Add a Server Script to the end of your service
B. Use Xpath to map the XML response into the output variables. For example:
1. This Xpath expression returns a node list of all 'Page' nodes until the
VisioDocument/Pages node:xml.xpath("VisioDocument/Pages/Page");
You might need to experiment with having or not having a slash at the
beginning depending on the structure of the XML.
2. This Xpath expression returns a node list of all 'Master' nodes that have the
NameU attribute equal to 'Horizontal holder':
xml.xpath("VisioDocument/Masters/Master[@NameU='Horizontal holder']");

3. In either case, you need to know the node path and namespace. The
following Xpath expression ignores the depth and ignores namespaces. It
is the same as i, except it ignores namespace and depth of 'Page' node:
xml.xpath = "//*[local-name()='Page']";

In any case, the result is a nodelist that can be used something like: var
nodeList = xml.xpath(...);
tw.local.objArray = new tw.object.listOf.myObj();
for (var i=0;i<nodeList.length;i++) {
var obj = new tw.object.myObj();
//If name node always exists as a child = nodeList[i].name[0].getText();
tw.local.objArray[tw.local.objArray.listLength] = obj;

Parent topic:Web services compatibility



Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases

To integrate with IBM Case Manager, you build an integration service and perform
other key steps when you want to integrate a business process developed in IBM
Process Designer with a case management case in IBM Case Manager.
To see the integration from IBM Case Manager to IBM Business Process Manager,
read Copying IBM Case Manager solutions that are associated with IBM Business
Process Manager process applications.
You might also want to consider including cases in your process applications so that
they run directly on an IBM BPM process server. For more information, see Building
process applications.
- Adding an IBM Case Manager server
You require at least one IBM Case Manager server to build an IBM Case Manager
Integration service.
- Building the IBM Case Manager Integration service
Like other integration services, this service integrates with another system.
Specifically, this service integrates a business process developed in IBM Process
Designer with an IBM Case Manager case management solution.
- Building a query for a search case operation
A graphical interface helps you build a query to your IBM Case Manager solution.
- Processing a search case operation result
A search case operation result is often used with an update case operation. Since
an array is returned in a search case result, you would use JavaScript to iterate
through each element of the array and perform multiple updates.
- Data mapping in case operations
Each case operation requires that variables, or values in the case of input, be
mapped to the input and output fields. Using the auto-map function creates
variables, if required, and assigns variables of the right type to each field.
- Accessing an IBM Case Manager server using the Secure Sockets Layer
Some IBM Case Manager servers may use SSL for security protection.
Parent topic:Modeling processes


Adding an IBM Case Manager server

You require at least one IBM Case Manager server to build an IBM Case Manager
Integration service.

About this task

To add a server, follow these steps.

1. Select the Servers tab from the Process App Settings editor. You will see the
Process App Settings editor when you first click Open in Designer from a
newly created process application in the Process Center. Alternately you can
select Process App Settings from the drop-down list on the toolbar in Process
2. Beneath the Servers heading click Add. Beneath the Server Details heading,
enter a meaningful name for server. From the drop-down list in the Type field,
select IBM Case Manager Server. Enter a description of what the server does or
provides in the Description field.
3. Beneath the Server Locations heading, enter the following information.
- Environment Type: The environment of the IBM Case Manager server. Enter
the server location information (hostname, port, if it will be a secure service,
target object store, connection userid and password) for each environment type.
If you do not provide values for these environments, the values from the default
environment type will be used.
- Default: A set of default values that are used if you do not provide values for
the following environment types.
- Development: The environment where you develop your services.
- Test: The environment where you test your services.
- Staging: The environment where you deploy your services for pre-production
- Production: The environment where your services are deployed for use by
your organization.
- Hostname: The hostname of the IBM Case Manager server. Specify an IP
address or a hostname and domain (but do not specify http:// or another
protocol). For
- Port: The port number of the IBM Case Manager server.
- Secure: Select if you want your service to be secure, that is, use the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocol. If you are accessing a server using
SSL security, see Accessing an IBM Case Manager server using the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL).
- Target Object Store: The target object store name for the IBM Case Manager
server. A target object store is used to store runtime case solutions. If you do not
know the name, you should be able to get it from the IBM Case Manager server


- Connection Userid: The userid for connecting to the IBM Case Manager
- Password: The password of the userid connecting to the IBM Case Manager
4. Save your work. From the menu, select File > Save All.
Parent topic:Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases


Building the IBM Case Manager Integration service

Like other integration services, this service integrates with another system.
Specifically, this service integrates a business process developed in IBM Process
Designer with an IBM Case Manager case management solution.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Note: The name for the IBM Case Manager solution you will use and the process
application that you are currently using to develop your IBM Case Manager
Integration service must be identical. Before developing your service, check that
your IBM Case Manager solution name and your process application name match.
Should you rename the IBM Case Manager solution in future you will also need to
rename the corresponding process application, and vice-versa.

About this task

To build an IBM Case Manager Integration service, follow these steps:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to Implementation and select IBM Case Manager
Integration Service from the menu to create a service that the business
process could use later. The library section is found in the upper left area of
Process Designer. Enter a name for the service on the following dialog box and
click Finish. The IBM Case Manager Integration Service editor opens with the
Diagram tab in focus.
4. From the palette, drag an IBM Case Manager Integration step onto the canvas.
The initial IBM Case Manager Integration step is named Untitled which you
can rename to something more appropriate.
5. Click Implementation in the Properties view. Under IBM Case Manager
Server, select a case management server from the list of known servers. The
drop-down list of servers is located in the Server field. These servers are initially
defined under Process App Settings (see Adding an IBM Case Manager server
). Should there be no entries in the list that means that no servers have been
specified. Click Use Process Application Settings to add a server and add a
6. Under Case Operation, select the appropriate operation.
- Create case: This operation lets you create a new case. A case is an instance
of a case type.
- Search case: This operation retrieves a set of case references according to a
query. See Building a query for a search case operation. The case references
are returned in an array object.
- Retrieve case: This operation retrieves a case, that is, a case instance, based
on a case reference. It can be used with a search case operation which


provides the case references.

- Update case: This operation lets you modify a case. See Processing a search
case operation result if you want to search for cases and then perform multiple
updates by iterating through the array object that is returned.
7. Beneath Case Type, select the type of case to use. For example, a case type
for a case pertaining to insurance claims might have an Auto Claim case type.
Should your case type change in the future you will need to repeat the previous
steps for the new case type name and regenerate the business objects which
you do in the next step. In other words, changing a case type name in an IBM
Case Manager solution is independent of creating this service.
8. Click Generate Types. This generation creates the business objects which are
used by variables to contain the data transferred between your service and the
case management server. To see the business objects, click Data.Note that
generating the business objects does not mean that you have created variables
with these business objects as types. You still need to create those variables to
handle the input and output data for each operation. In the next step on data
mapping, you can create these variables quickly by using an auto-map function.
9. Click Data Mapping. This section lets you create the map between the variables
for input and output. As stated previously, these variables need to be created. A
simple way to both create and map the input and output variables for an
operation is to use the auto-map function. The auto-map function creates private
variables for the business objects, which are used by the IBM Case Manager
Integration service. Click the auto-map icon to create these private variables.
The mapping structure for each operation is discussed in Data mapping in case
10. Save your work to update the process application with any changes to your
Parent topic:Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases


Building a query for a search case operation

A graphical interface helps you build a query to your IBM Case Manager solution.

About this task

Follow these steps to add a query that can be used in a search case operation.

1. In the IBM Case Manager editor, click the Case Filters tab.
2. In the left column, select the search node you want to create your query for, if you
created more than one search service.
3. Beneath Build Case Filter complete the fields appropriate to your query.
- Use Mapping Variable (String): Select this check box only if you are
experienced in writing Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)
queries and want to write your own hand-coded query (see the query section of
the CMIS specification for information on the syntax). You can improve your
response time by qualifying your SELECT clause as follows: SELECT
CmAcmCaseIdentifier, cmis:objectId FROM ...The case type in your query
takes precedence over the case type specified in your service. If there is a
difference between the case type in your query and the case type in your
service, the case type in your query will be used.
Selection will disable the fields in case filter and make the Input Mapping field
editable. Select the Data Mapping tab in the Properties view to see the Input
Mapping field.
- Match criteria: Lets you select all or any as a match criteria. All returns cases
matching all the criteria specified in the case filter. Any returns cases matching
any single field in the case filter.
- Case ID: Lets you specify a case.
- Case State: Lets you specify the state of a case: working, complete or failed.
- Date added between: Lets you specify a period of time when a case was added
to the case management solution.
- Added by: Lets you specify a userid that added a case.
- Date modified between: Lets you specify a period of time when a case was
- Modified by: Lets you specify a userid that modified a case.
- User-specified properties: Lets you specify custom properties found in the
case type selected for the node.
4. Save your work. File > Save All.
Parent topic:Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases


Processing a search case operation result

A search case operation result is often used with an update case operation. Since
an array is returned in a search case result, you would use JavaScript to iterate
through each element of the array and perform multiple updates.

About this task

Follow these steps to make multiple updates using a search case result.
Although this topic is about a search case, it could also be applied to a retrieve
case. For example, you could search for a case and for each case reference
returned perform a retrieve to get the properties of each case instance. You could
look upon this example as a pattern that can be used any time multiple case
references need to be processed.

1. In the IBM Case Manager Integration Service editor, create a flow of operations
similar to the following screen capture.

2. In the Loop Case References component, add JavaScript similar to the following
in the Implementation section of the Properties view. It will let the loop run until
there are no more cases in the array to process. /* Assumes that the counter variable will
always be reset to -1 at the end of the loop */
tw.local.counter ++; /* Increase the counter by one */
tw.local.currentReference = null; /* Reset the current reference */

/* If the counter is within the length of the array, get the next case reference */
if(tw.local.counter <= tw.local.references.listLength){
tw.local.currentReference = tw.local.references[tw.local.counter];
/* Else, reset the counter.

The Reference is

already null so the decision node should continue */

tw.local.counter = -1;


3. In the Implementation section of the Properties view for the Decision Gateway
, return the flow to the Update Case service when the currentReference
variable from the JavaScript shown previously is not equal to a null value.
4. Create a query to run against your IBM Case Manager solution as shown in
Building a query for a search case operation.
5. Run the business process that invokes this service.A different situation to the one
described in the previous steps is if you update a case instance in IBM Process
Center that originated on the IBM Case Manager server. When you return that
case instance to the IBM Case Manager server, use the
tw.system.enclosingCaseInstance system variable as the reference to the
case instance running on the IBM Case Manager server. This variable is only
available at the business process definition level.
Parent topic:Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases


Data mapping in case operations

Each case operation requires that variables, or values in the case of input, be
mapped to the input and output fields. Using the auto-map function creates
variables, if required, and assigns variables of the right type to each field.
This section shows you the mapping between the input and output fields.
- Input and output map for a create case operation
- Input and output map for a search case operation
- Input and output map for a retrieve case operation
- Input and output map for an update case operation

Input and output map for a create case operation

Input map:
- Case properties: An array of key-value pairs to initialize the properties of the
case. The types are generated by the Generate Types button when you build your
service. The properties have an integer, float, boolean, string or datetime type. The
cardinality (number of elements) of the properties is either a single element or
multiple elements.
Output map:
- Case reference: A reference to the IBM Case Manager case. It maps to the
CaseReference business object found in the System Data toolkit.
- Return code: A return code indicating if the operation was successful.
- Response message: A response message from the server.

Input and output map for a search case operation

Input map:
- CMIS query: A string of text containing the Content Management Interoperability
Services (CMIS) query.
Output map:
- Case references: An array of IBM Case Manager CaseReference objects that
match the query. They map to the CaseReference business object found in the
System Data toolkit.
- Return code: A return code indicating if the operation was successful.
- Response message: A response message from the server.

Input and output map for a retrieve case operation

Input map:
Case reference: A reference to an IBM Case Manager case. It maps to the
CaseReference business object found in the System Data toolkit.
Output map:
- Case instance: An instance of the case type. The types are generated by the
Generate Types button when you build your service.


- Return code: A return code indicating if the operation was successful.

- Response message: A response message from the server.

Input and output map for an update case operation

Input map:
- Case reference: A reference to an IBM Case Manager case. It maps to the
CaseReference business object found in the System Data toolkit.
- Case properties: An array of key-value pairs to initialize the properties of the
case. The types are generated by the Generate Types button when you build your
service. The properties have an integer, float, boolean, string or datetime type. The
cardinality (number of elements) of the properties is either a single element or
multiple elements.
Output map:
- Return code: A return code indicating if the operation was successful.
- Response message: A response message from the server.

Parent topic:Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases


Accessing an IBM Case Manager server using the

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Some IBM Case Manager servers may use SSL for security protection.

About this task

These steps show you how to set up a connection to an IBM Case Manager server
using SSL.

1. Launch the Administrative console and log in to the IBM Integration Solutions
Console of the server running your IBM Process Center.
2. For stand-alone servers, navigate to Security > SSL certificate and key
management > Key stores and certificates > NodeDefaultTrustStore >
Signer certificates. In a Network Deployment (ND) environment, the truststore is
called CellDefaultTrustStore.
3. Click Retrieve from port.
4. In the Host field, enter the hostname, in the Port field enter the secure port
number and in the Alias field enter an alias name for the IBM Case Manager
server you want to connect to.
5. Click Retrieve signer information. Verify that the retrieved information is the
expected signer certificate of your Case Manager server. Click Ok if the retrieval
is successful.
6. In a Network Deployment (ND) environment, make certain all nodes are
synchronized. Save your work and log out of the IBM Solutions Console.
7. When you add this secure server in your process app settings page, use the host
name and port that you used in the IBM Solutions Console. Click the Secure
check box.
Parent topic:Integrating BPDs with IBM Case Manager cases


Designing process interactions for business users

After you deploy a business process definition that you have built in Process
Designer to the Process Portal, a business user might interact with it in a number of
ways. The user might be the one to launch the process, or the user might be
assigned individual activities in the process.
The user might have more of a management role, for example, monitoring the
progress of the process execution, or the user might be called upon as an expert to
collaborate with another user on an activity. It is important to keep each of these
roles, and their business goals, in mind when you are designing the different
features of your process.

- Configuring a role-based business user interface

Before you deploy your process application, you need to configure different
elements in the business process definition (BPD) to control the types of actions
that different business users can perform in the Process Portal, the types of data
they can search for and view, and the dashboards that they can access.
- Developing flexible and efficient process applications
After you have mapped out your process to include all of the normal task flows for
normal process execution, you can optimize your process to make it more flexible
and efficient for the business users who will be working with the application in the
Process Portal.
- Setting up collaboration features for business users
Business Process Manager provides several features that allow business users to
collaborate with other users while working with processes.
- Enabling process instance management for a BPD
In IBM Process Portal, process owners can use the Process Performance
dashboard to review the progress of processes and their instances. If the business
process is enabled and process owners are authorized, they can also act on
individual process instances in the Gantt chart to resolve issues, such as
- Generating names for process instances
When you run a BPD, IBM BPM creates a default name for the process instance.
This name is visible to business users in the Process Portal, allowing them to
distinguish between different instances of a process as they complete their work. In
Process Designer, you can change the way the process instance names are
generated for a BPD in the Process Portal.
Parent topic:Creating processes in IBM Process Designer


Configuring a role-based business user interface

Before you deploy your process application, you need to configure different
elements in the business process definition (BPD) to control the types of actions that
different business users can perform in the Process Portal, the types of data they
can search for and view, and the dashboards that they can access.
- Exposing business process definitions
Exposure settings for business process definitions (BPDs) enable you to establish
who can start the process and perform other tasks in the IBM Process Portal.
- Exposing heritage human services
In addition to implementing the activities in a business process definition (BPD),
the heritage human services that you create in IBM Process Designer can also be
used to customize the Process Admin Console or to create a custom dashboard
for IBM Process Portal. The exposure settings for a service depend on its intended
- Exposing client-side human services
In addition to implementing activities in a business process definition (BPD) or a
case type, other people can use the client-side human services that you create in
IBM Process Designer to create custom dashboards for IBM Process Portal or
instance user interfaces for case instances. Or they can be exposed as URLs.
- Making business data available in searches and views
Before business users in IBM Process Portal can search for business data across
process instances, you need to configure each variable in the Process Designer to
be available to search. In addition, the business data about a task that business
users see in their task list needs to made available to search in order to be
viewable in the task list.

Parent topic:Designing process interactions for business users


Exposing business process definitions

Exposure settings for business process definitions (BPDs) enable you to establish
who can start the process and perform other tasks in the IBM Process Portal.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

You need to expose a BPD to particular teams to establish who can:
- Start instances of the process in Process Portal
- View data for instances of the process in reports in Process Portal

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view.
3. Click the Overview tab.
4. In the Exposing section, configure the exposure settings to expose different
aspects of the process to specific teams.Table 1. Settings that can be enabled in
the Exposing section
Exposure setting
Expose to start

Expose business data

Expose performance metrics

Click the Select button to choose the
team whose members can start
instances of this process in IBM
Process Portal. Members of the
selected team can start instances of the
process from the Launch tab in IBM
Process Portal.
Click the Select button to choose the
team whose members can perform ad
hoc analysis on this process in the Ad
Hoc Reports dashboard in IBM Process
Portal. The Ad Hoc Reports dashboard
is not exposed by default for Process
Portal users. If you want process
participants to see the Ad Hoc Reports
dashboard in their tabs list, you must
expose it manually. See Exposing the
Ad Hoc Reports dashboard.
Click the Select button to choose the
team whose members can view data for
this process in the Process
Performance dashboard in IBM Process

To remove an assigned team, click the X icon next to the exposure setting.


5. Save your changes. Exposed BPDs and data from the current working version
are always available in IBM Process Portal. However, If you want exposed BPDs
and data from a particular snapshot to be available in IBM Process Portal while
under development on the Process Center Server, you need to activate the
snapshot (version) that you want. Anyone with administrative access to the
process application can activate snapshots. When you deploy snapshots of
process applications on Process Server in other environments, such as test and
production environments, those snapshots are active by default.
- Exposing the Ad Hoc Reports dashboard
If you want IBM Process Portal users to see the Ad Hoc Reports dashboard so
that they can generate dynamic reports directly from IBM Process Portal, you must
expose the Ad Hoc Reports dashboard manually.
Parent topic:Configuring a role-based business user interface
Related information:
Creating a team
Activating snapshots for use with IBM Process Portal


Exposing the Ad Hoc Reports dashboard

If you want IBM Process Portal users to see the Ad Hoc Reports dashboard so
that they can generate dynamic reports directly from IBM Process Portal, you must
expose the Ad Hoc Reports dashboard manually.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the process application in the Designer view and click User Interface.
3. In the library, go to User Interface > Heritage Human Service and open the Ad
Hoc Reports dashboard that you want to expose.
4. Click the Overview tab.
5. In the Exposing section, click Select next to the Exposed to field to choose the
team whose members can view and use the exposed Ad Hoc Reports dashboard.
To create a team, click New. To remove an assigned team, click the X icon next
to the Exposed to field.
6. Save your changes.
Parent topic:Exposing business process definitions


Exposing heritage human services

In addition to implementing the activities in a business process definition (BPD), the
heritage human services that you create in IBM Process Designer can also be
used to customize the Process Admin Console or to create a custom dashboard for
IBM Process Portal. The exposure settings for a service depend on its intended

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
For information about exposing client-side human services, see Exposing clientside human services.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the heritage human service that you want to expose and click the Overview
3. In the Exposing section, click Select next to Exposed to to choose the team
whose members can view and use the exposed service. To create a team, click
New. To remove an assigned team, click the X icon next to New.
4. In the Expose As list, specify the exposure type by selecting one of the following
options.Table 1. Exposing options
Do Not Expose (Service contained in a Use this default option for services that
implement the activities within a BPD.
When this option is selected, the
Exposed to setting is not used.
Administration Service (Available in the Use this option to make the heritage
Process Admin Console)
human service available to members of
the selected team as a separate page in
the Process Admin Console in the
Server Admin capabilities. A new
category is added to the menu, which
has the same name as the process
application that contains the service.
The name of the individual page in the
new category matches the service
Startable Service (Launch from Process Use this option to enable members of
the selected team to start the service
from the Launch sidebar in Process


Dashboard (Available in Process Portal Use this option to make the heritage
Dashboards menu)
human service available in Process
Portal to members of the selected team.
Team members can access the
dashboard by clicking the Organize
tabs icon , and selecting the
dashboard from the list of hidden
pages. If you do not specify a
localization resource for the dashboard
name, the dashboard page has the
same name as the exposed service.
If you defined a localization resource for
your dashboard name, click Select next
to the Label field and select the key in
the resource. See Globalizing
dashboard names.
If the heritage human service is in a
toolkit, you must complete the following
steps:Create a snapshot of the
toolkit.Activate the toolkit snapshot. See
Activating snapshots for use with IBM
Process PortalAdd the toolkit snapshot
as a dependency to a process
application. See Creating, changing,
and deleting a toolkit dependency in the
Designer view.
If you want to expose the dashboard
outside of Process Portal, generate a
portlet that you can deploy to a portal
server by clicking Create a Portlet
from the Dashboard.
URL (Available from a URL only)
Use this option to make the service
available from a URL address. For
information about the REST API that
provides the URL for the exposed
service, see REST Interface for BPDrelated Resources - Exposed Items

In addition to being exposed to user interfaces as described in the previous table, all
exposed heritage human services are made available to be called as URLs.
The URL is composed of the name of the host on which IBM Process Center Server
or Process Server is installed, the port that is designated for the server during the
IBM Business Process Manager installation, and the acronym for the process
application that contains the service. For example, if you expose a service named
MyService, you can access it from the following URL: http://host_name:port/contextRootPrefix

The default value for the contextRootPrefix is teamworks. For more information
about how to configure a custom context root, see the section for the -update
parameter in the BPMConfig command-line utility topic.Remember: Any browser339

specific URL limitations, such as the URL length and character restrictions, apply
and must be considered when calling a heritage human service as a URL.
- URL parameters
- The URL can contain one or more of the following parameters:
- processApp

- The name of the process application

- serviceName

- The name of the heritage human service

- snapshot

- The name of the snapshot

- com.lombardisoftware.errorPage

- The URL of the error page

- Input variables
- In the URL, input variables that are defined for the service have the following
The default configuration is defined in the 99Local.xml file. For more
information, see The 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files. Also,
the following example shows how to customize the 100Custom.xml file to
enable the type-string-to-date configuration option:<common merge="mergeChildren">
<type-string-to-date merge="replace">true</type-string-to-date>

For heritage human services, variableName can be a system-defined

SimpleType or a BusinessObject that is based off a SimpleType variable (of
type String, Integer, Decimal, Date, Time, Selection). Date or Time are
allowed only after enabling the type-string-to-date configuration option.
Restriction: The type-string-to-date configuration option is applicable only
to heritage human services. It does not apply to client-side human services.
The default configuration is defined in the 99Local.xml file. For more
information, see The 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files. Also,
the following example shows how to customize the 100Custom.xml file to
enable the type-string-to-date configuration option:<common merge="mergeChildren">
<type-string-to-date merge="replace">true</type-string-to-date>

- Date/Time syntax
- The date and time format differs between client-side human services and
heritage human services. The syntax for the other simple types (String,
Integer, Decimal, Selection) is the same for client-side human services and
heritage human services.
- Note: For information about the date and time syntax in human services, see
Exposing client-side human services.
- For heritage human services, the date and time format is as follows:
- The Date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
- The Time format is HH:mm:ss.
- Time Zone: Because support for time zone information is not provided with
heritage human services, the default time zone is set to the time zone of the

- Service version invoked
- If a specific snapshot name is not passed to the URL, the default version of the
service that is run depends on the environment in which the service is running.
Table 2. Version of the heritage human service invoked for each environment
Process Center

Version of the heritage human service

The exposed service in the tip of the
default track is run.
The exposed service in the default
snapshot is run.
When you start a heritage human
service as a dashboard in Process
Portal, the version that is started is the
current working version of the heritage
human service if the version is
exposed. Otherwise, if there is an
active snapshot in which the heritage
human service is exposed, then the
snapshot version is started. If the
current working version is not exposed
and there are multiple active
snapshots in which the heritage human
service is exposed, then the latest
snapshot version is started.
You can export only one valid
snapshot when you generate a portlet
for a dashboard. When the portlet
communicates back to IBM Business
Process Manager, that snapshot must
be active.

Process Server
Process Portal

A portlet in an external portal server

- Enabling resumable services

To enable resumable dashboards for a process application, you must configure
the property.
- Globalizing dashboard names
If you want dashboard names in Process Portal to be available in multiple
languages, define a localization resource for each dashboard name.
- Generating portlets for heritage human services exposed as dashboards
If you exposed a heritage human service as a dashboard for a group of process
participants, and you want to use the dashboard in IBM WebSphere Portal,
generate a portlet. Then the portal server administrator can deploy the JSR 286
portlet to the portal server runtime environment.
Parent topic:Configuring a role-based business user interface
Related information:


Exposing client-side human services

Creating a team
Activating snapshots for use with IBM Process Portal
Generating portlets for heritage human services exposed as dashboards


Enabling resumable services

To enable resumable dashboards for a process application, you must configure the property.

About this task

When an exposed heritage human service is invoked, the service instance and
associated data remains in the Process Portal user's session memory until one of
the following conditions occurs: the heritage human service ends, the Process Portal
user logs out, or the session times out due to inactivity.
If the Process Portal user navigates away from a heritage human service Coach, the
service instance remains in the user's session. Sessions are held in IBM Business
Process Manager server memory, which might result in large memory allocations if
many service instances accumulate. Therefore, consider the various service types
and the service lifecycle when authoring and exposing a heritage human service.
- Non-resumable services
- By default, services are not resumable. A new service instance is created each
time the service is invoked. If the service does not flow to an end node, each
instance remains in the Process Portal user's session (until logout or session
timeout), which can potentially utilize a large amount of server memory per
user. Therefore, services should typically flow to an end node so that the
service is removed from the Process Portal user's session immediately.
Startable services that are called from the Process PortalLaunch list and
administrative services that are called from the Process Admin Console are not
- Resumable services
- Services can be called as resumable (called with zResumable=true). When a
service is resumable, a service instance is reused if a previously created
service instance is still available in the Process Portal users session. The
service state and any service variables set from the prior instance invocation
are still in session memory and are used. If the service does not flow to an end
node, one instance remains in the session and is available for reuse (until
logout or session timeout). If the dashboard service flows to an end node, the
service instance is removed from the session, and the next time the service is
resumed, the Process Portal user is prompted to restart the service. Resumable
services are often authored so that they do not end, which allows Process
Portal users to continue where they were when they logged out.
Dashboard Services called from Process Portal can be configured to be
resumable (called with zResumable=true).
Note: Only services invoked in a snapshot can be resumed. When invoking a
service in a tip, the service is never resumed, which supports iterative
development scenarios on Process Center.



To enable resumable dashboards for a process application, you must configure the property:
1. Open the administrative console and click Resources > Resource Environment
> Resource Environment Provider > Mashups_ConfigService > Custom
2. Create a property named and set its value to
be a list of process application IDs, for example: TRD,RD,MAILCOM.
3. Save your changes
4. Restart the server. Important: Do not add the Process Portal (TWP) process
application to the list. The dashboards
delivered in the Process Portal application are not designed to be resumable.
5. Invoke resumable services by using the following URL: http://host_name:port/
&serviceName=MyService. The default value for the contextRootPrefix

teamworks. For more information about how to configure a custom context root,
see the section for the -update parameter in the BPMConfig command-line utility
6. In addition to the standard service URL parameters, you can use the following
resumable parameters:
- zResumable=true

- This parameter causes the user's dashboard session to be resumed. It is

appended by default to all dashboard URLs. The resumable instances are
stored per user session, so different users have different instances. When a
user logs out, all resumable instances are cleared. The parameter can be
used with the optional zClientHandle={key} parameter. If the process
application for the dashboard is added to the list, dashboard services called from
Process Portal are automatically called with zResumable=true.
- zForceNew=true

- If you use the URL to launch the dashboard as part of an application that
runs outside of Process Portal, you can use this parameter to override the
zResumable=true parameter so that a new dashboard instance results. If
you use this parameter, you must ensure that services are terminated, for
example, by modeling an end event in the service, or by calling an API to
complete or terminate the service.
- [zClientHandle={key}]

- If you use the URL to launch the dashboard as part of an application that
runs outside of Process Portal, you can use this optional parameter with the
zResumable=true parameter. With these parameters, you can use a clientside key as a reference to resume and reference multiple dashboard
For information about HTTP session settings including session timeout intervals,
see Session management settings in the IBM WebSphere Application Server
Parent topic:Exposing heritage human services


Globalizing dashboard names

If you want dashboard names in Process Portal to be available in multiple
languages, define a localization resource for each dashboard name.

1. Define a new resource bundle group in Process Designer.
A. In the library for your process application, hover over Setup and click the Add
icon. In the window that opens, select Localization Resource. The New
Localization Resource wizard opens.
B. Enter a name for the resource bundle.
C. Add localizations and localization keys to the resource bundle group.
D. Save your changes.
2. On the dashboard Variables tab, link the resource bundle group to your
A. Click Link Localization.
B. Select the resource bundle group that you created in the previous step.
3. On the human service Overview tab, click Select next to the Label field. Select a
localization key from the resource bundle group that you want to apply to the
dashboard label.
Parent topic:Exposing heritage human services
Related information:
Customizing the IBM Business Process Manager dashboards


Generating portlets for heritage human services

exposed as dashboards
If you exposed a heritage human service as a dashboard for a group of process
participants, and you want to use the dashboard in IBM WebSphere Portal,
generate a portlet. Then the portal server administrator can deploy the JSR 286
portlet to the portal server runtime environment.

Before you begin

Make sure that the heritage human service is exposed to the appropriate group of
process participants who work with the dashboard at run time, and that the heritage
human service is exposed as a dashboard. Make sure that the heritage human
service has at least one snapshot and one coach.
The dashboard is available for the specified users in Process Portal by default. If
you complete the following procedure, the dashboard also is available for the
specified users as a portlet deployed on a WebSphere Portal server.
When you design heritage human services that you intend to expose as dashboards
that are deployed as portlets, consider the following guidelines:
- Work with the portal server administrator to understand how the dashboard portlets
are related to other portlets and services in the portal server runtime environment.
- Make sure that the IBM WebSphere Portal server is added to the trusted server list
as described in Adding servers to the trusted server list.
- Typically, heritage human services that are exposed as dashboards are not
services that end. However, you are not prohibited from using end events in the
heritage human services that you expose as dashboards. Remember that when a
dashboard portlet is deployed, and it contains an endpoint, the portlet ends, and it
must be restarted. If your coach is designed to end the service, the generated
dashboard portlet includes a Reload button for process participants to start a new
instance and refresh the dashboard.
- If a heritage human service contains two coaches with the same name, make sure
that all boundary events on the coaches have unique control IDs. If the boundary
event control IDs are not unique, process participants who use the dashboard
portlet might receive errors or unexpected portlet interactions.
- You can generate portlets for dashboards that contain heritage coaches, but you
cannot map heritage coaches to boundary events for dashboard portlets.
- If you use preprocessing and postprocessing for the heritage human service, pay
attention to where the processing occurs in relation to the boundary event.
Because portlets can be wired together and wired to other services, you might
need to move preprocessing and postprocessing so that the boundary event
triggers properly in the dashboard portlet.
- If you are planning to update variables within a coach from an inbound event, but
you do not want trigger any of the boundary events for the coach, add a new
boundary event that loops back to the same coach that is specified as part of an
inbound event. Make sure to select the new boundary event when you define the
inbound event for the generated dashboard portlet.
- If you are planning to designate a payload variable for inbound or outbound events
for the dashboard, make sure that the payload variable is included on each coach


that is part of the heritage human service. The payload variable must be included
on each coach that is part of the heritage human service that is exposed as a
dashboard and deployed as a portlet. However, a coach can include a variable
without displaying it to process participants if you add a field for the variable to the
coach and set the visibility of the field as None (hide or disable).
- For globalization support for the name and description of the generated portlets,
make sure to prepare an XML file that you designate when you create the portlet
from the dashboard. The XML must be ready before you start the Export
Dashboard wizard. Ensure that the XML uses the same format as the following
example:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<description xml:lang="en">English description</description>
<description xml:lang="fr">French description</description>
<description xml:lang="es">Spanish description</description>
<display-name xml:lang="en">English display name</display-name>
<display-name xml:lang="fr">French display name</display-name>
<display-name xml:lang="es">Spanish display name</display-name>

Ensure that the XML file has encoding defined as UTF-8. The XML file can contain
zero or more description or display-name elements. The description and
display-name elements cannot have empty string values. The xml:lang attribute
must follow the RFC 1766 specification, which is available at
- The collaboration feature is not available for dashboards exposed as portlets. That
is, users cannot interact in an activity with other users or experts like they can in
Process Portal.
- Using the same security protocol for both the IBM BPM server and the IBM
WebSphere Portal server prevents an issue where Process Portal users see a
blank task completion view in an IBM WebSphere Portal portlet. For example, use
HTTPS for both the IBM BPM server and the portlet running on the IBM
WebSphere Portal server, or use HTTP for both the IBM BPM server and the
portlet running on the IBM WebSphere Portal server. When you configure the
portlet on the IBM WebSphere Portal server and specify the IBM BPM URL,
specify the same security protocol that is used by the IBM BPM server.

About this task

Use the Export Dashboard wizard in Process Designer to define portlet parameters
and map events when exporting the dashboard. After you generate a portlet for the
dashboard, your portal server administrator can deploy the portlet to IBM
WebSphere Portal so that the process participants interact with the dashboard in the
runtime environment.

1. For heritage human services that are exposed as dashboards for a group of
process participants, click Create a Portlet from the Dashboard on the overview

page in Process Designer to open the Export Dashboard wizard.

2. When setting the parameters for the portlet, consider how the portal server
administrator and the process participants use the deployed portlet:
- Enter a name and a description that describe what the portlet does.
- If you created an XML file for globalization of the name and description of the
portlet, select Globalization and browse to the file.
- Select the snapshot that represents the version of the dashboard that you want
to be generated as a portlet for process participants to use at run time. If you
select an older snapshot, changes after the snapshot was taken are not
represented in the generated portlet.
3. Optional: Define inbound events for the dashboard portlet.At run time, other
portlets interact with the dashboard portlet by sending events to it. When the
dashboard portlet receives an event from another portlet, it fires a boundary
event, moving the dashboard to another coach.
- For each inbound event that you want this dashboard portlet to respond to,
change the event name field to something meaningful to your dashboard. The
namespace default value makes the event unique and prevents unintended
interactions between portlets.
- Specify a payload variable if you expect the inbound event to contain data that
you want to use to update the dashboard data. If the coach uses a payload
variable, select the payload variable that the dashboard portlet receives from
other portlets at run time. You can choose from variables that are part of the
heritage human service. As previously mentioned, ensure that the payload
variable is included on each coach that is part of the heritage human service.
- Select a coach and a boundary event that represents the user interface element
that you want the dashboard portlet to interact with when it receives the event.
The boundary event in a heritage human service diagram is labeled as End
State Binding. If you selected a payload variable, make sure to select a coach
that has the same variable.
- Define multiple interface elements by clicking the plus sign and designating
another coach and boundary event.
- When the dashboard portlet receives the event, it interacts with only the
interface element on the currently displayed coach.
4. Optional: Define outbound events for the dashboard portlet.At run time, the
dashboard portlet sends events to other portlets.
- Select a boundary event to designate user interface elements that cause the
dashboard portlet to send the event.
- If you specify a payload variable, the dashboard portlet includes data in the sent
event for other portlets to use. As previously mentioned, ensure that the payload
variable is included on each coach that is part of the heritage human service.
5. After you finish exporting the dashboard as a portlet, install the .war file on your
IBM BPM server and tell the portal server administrator to point to the endpoint for
the Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) 2.0 protocol and import the .war
file. The IBM BPM server comes with a WSRP 2.0 provider already installed,
which allows consumption of portlets generated from WebSphere Portal. The
URL for accessing the WSPR 2.0 provider web service on an installed IBM BPM
server is: http://{BPM_host_name}:{BPM_port
}/producer/wsdl/wsrp_service.wsdl. For information on using WebSphere

Portal with a WSRP provider, see Using WSRP services on the IBM WebSphere
Portal wiki.
If you are not using WSRP, give the .war file to the portal server administrator to
Discuss the following points with the portal server administrator:
- The administrator should install dashboard portlets on the same cluster as
Process Portal.
- Notify the administrator that the IBMBPM keyword is added to the generated
dashboard portlet. The keyword makes it easier for administrators to find and
manage the dashboard portlets.
- Make sure that the administrator knows that portlet preferences can be edited in
WebSphere Portal using the edit page for the portlet. The administrator can edit
the following information for the dashboard portlet that is generated: host name,
port number, width, and height.
- Give the administrator information about the following IBM BPM portlet
preferences that can be edited in the dashboard portlet. All other IBM BPM
portlet preferences should not be changed.
- bpmHost (default: localhost) - The host name or IP address for the server
- bpmPort (default: 9080) - The port number for the server
- bpmUseSSL (default: false) - The indication that https should be used instead of
- bpmWidth - The width (in pixels) to be used for the portlet iframe that displays
the dashboard
- bpmHeight (default: 400) - The height (in pixels) to be used for the portlet
iframe that displays the dashboard
- bpmUseDojo (default: true) - A boolean value to indicate if Dojo should be used
when available for client-side events. If the value is true, the portlet tests if Dojo
is loaded and uses the Dojo publish-subscribe methods to send and receive
events. If the value is false, the portlet uses server side-events as specified in
Tip: The WSRP Producer for WebSphere Application Server is a stateless
producer and does not manage any portlet preferences on the server. If you are
using the WSRP Producer, you must update the portlet.xml file that is
contained in the exported .war file with any portlet preference changes before
the administrator installs the .war file.
- Tell the administrator the following requirements for using single-sign-on (SSO)
and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol in WebSphere Portal with the
dashboard portlets from IBM BPM.
- To prevent the Process Portal login panel from appearing in the dashboard
portlet, administrators should enable and configure single-sign-on for the
WebSphere Portal and IBM BPM servers. See Single sign-on for
authentication in the WebSphere Application Server information center.
- To avoid browser messages about secure connects for process participants
who connect to WebSphere Portal and use the dashboard portlets,
administrators should replace personal, self-signed certificates with those
provided by a trusted external certificate authority (CA). See Creating a
certificate authority request in the WebSphere Application Server information

- If using personal certificates for testing or in a pre-production environment, the

administrator can import the certificates from each system into the browser
before testing.
- In a production environment, administrators should avoid using self-signed
- If using HTTPS to connect to WebSphere Portal, the administrator should also
use HTTPS in the dashboard portlets. If a part of a page is loaded using
HTTPS, and other parts are loaded using HTTP, process participants who
connect to WebSphere Portal and use the dashboard portlets might receive a
warning that some content on the page is not secure.
- The portal server administrator should determine whether to use client-side
events or server-side events. Both client-side events and server-side events use
the boundary events that are modeled as part of the heritage human service
definition. The difference between client-side events and server-side events is
the channel for communication.When using client-side events, the portlets
created with Process Designer use the Dojo Toolkit to send messages between
portlets that are on the same page in the portal server. Using client-side events
is faster, because it does not require events to be sent to the server for
processing and does not require page reloads when an event is sent or
received. If client-side events are used, the Dojo Toolkit must be loaded as part
of the theme for the portal page, and the generated dashboard portlets send
events using only the Dojo Toolkit. The generated dashboard portlets receive
server-side events from other portlets on the page that are not using client-side
Server-side events do not require the Dojo Toolkit to be loaded and are the
standard event mechanism defined in the JSR286 specification. Server-side
events take longer to process because the events must be sent to the server for
processing and the page must be reloaded to display the results. Server-side
events can be used across portal server pages with the correct portal
configuration and wiring.
- If the administrator decides to use client-side events, the Dojo Toolkit must be
loaded as part of the theme for the portal page. See the WebSphere Portal V8
documentation Changing the theme default profile or the WebSphere Portal
V7.0.0.2 documentation, which requires two steps: Installing a new theme and
enabling the full profile to use Dojo by default as described in Theme

Parent topic:Exposing heritage human services

Related information:
Exposing heritage human services


Exposing client-side human services

In addition to implementing activities in a business process definition (BPD) or a
case type, other people can use the client-side human services that you create in
IBM Process Designer to create custom dashboards for IBM Process Portal or
instance user interfaces for case instances. Or they can be exposed as URLs.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The exposure settings for a service depend on its intended purpose. Note: For
information about exposing heritage human services, see Exposing heritage human

To expose a client-side human service, complete the following steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the client-side human service that you want to expose and then click the
Overview tab.
3. In the Exposing section, in the Expose as list, specify the exposure type by
selecting one of the following options.Table 1. Exposing options
Do Not Expose (Service contained in Use this default option for client-side
a BPD or case type)
human services that implement
activities within a BPD or a case type.
When this option is selected, the
Expose to start setting is disabled.
Startable Service (Launched from
Use this option to enable members of
Process Portal)
the selected team to start the client-side
human service from the Launch sidebar
in Process Portal.


Dashboard (Available in the Process Use this option to make the client-side
Portal Dashboards menu)
human service available in Process
Portal to members of the selected team.
Team members can access the
dashboard by clicking the Organize
tabs icon
and selecting the
dashboard from the list of hidden
pages. If you do not specify a
localization resource for the dashboard
name, the dashboard page has the
same name as the exposed service.If
you defined a localization resource for
your dashboard name, click Select next
to the Label field and select the key in
the resource. See Globalizing
dashboard names.
If the client-side human service is in a
toolkit, you must complete the following
steps:Create a snapshot of the
toolkit.Activate the toolkit snapshot. See
Activating snapshots for use with IBM
Process PortalAdd the toolkit snapshot
as a dependency to a process
application. See Creating, changing,
and deleting a toolkit dependency in the
Designer view.
URL (Available from a URL)
Use this option to make the service
available from a URL address. For
information about the REST API that
provides the URL for the exposed
service, see REST Interface for BPDrelated Resources - Exposed Items
Resource.For fast access, the URL is
displayed as a link that you can either
click or copy and paste into your web
browser. To copy the URL, right-click
the link and select the option provided
by your browser to copy the URL (for
example, Copy Link Location in
Mozilla Firefox or Copy link address in
Google Chrome).


Do Not Expose (Instance details UI

for a BPD or case type)

Use this option to indicate that the

client-side human service cannot be
exposed because it implements an
instance details user interface that is
used for a process instance or case
instance. When you create the BPD or
case type and create the details user
interface under Details UI in the Views
folder, you also create the client-side
human service that implements the user
interface for the specified process or
case instance.
When this option is displayed for a
client-side human service, the Expose
as and Expose to start settings in the
Overview folder are disabled. The
exposure of this client-side human
service is determined only by the
settings in the Views folder of the
corresponding BPD or case type.

For client-side human services, the URL can include the following additional
parameters.Remember: Any browser-specific URL limitations, such as the URL
length and character restrictions, apply when a client-side human service is called
as a URL.
- Input variables
- In the URL, input variables that are defined for the service have the following
- Date/Time syntax
- The date and time format differs between client-side human services and
heritage human services. The syntax for the other simple types (String,
Integer, Decimal, Selection) is the same for client-side human services
and heritage human services.
- Note: For information about the date and time syntax in exposed heritage
human services, see Exposing heritage human services.
- For client-side human services, the date and time format is specified by
a profile of the ISO-8601 standard, as defined by RFC3339.
- The Date format is YYYY-MM-DD.
- The Time format is [hh]:[mm]:[ss], where
- [hh] specifies a zero-padded hour between 00 and 24 (where 24
indicates midnight at the end of a calendar day).
- [mm] specifies a zero-padded minute between 00 and 59.
- [ss] specifies a zero-padded second between 00 and 60 (where 60
indicates an added leap second).
For example, the time might be displayed as 13:47:30.
- Note the following time zone designators for Time:
- If no UTC relation information is given with a time representation, the time,
<time>, is assumed to be the local time. The <time>Z parameter refers to
UTC time. For example, 14:45:15 UTC can be 14:45:15Z.


- The following parameters are time zone offsets from UTC time:<time>hh:mm

For example, the following times refer to the same moment: 18:30Z,
22:30+04, 1130-0700, and 15:00-03:30.
- The combined Date and Time format is <date>T<time>, for example 200704-05T14:30Z or 2007-04-05T12:30-02:00.
4. Click Select next to Expose to start to choose the team whose members can
view and use the exposed service. To create a team, click New. To remove an
assigned team, click the X icon next to New.

The default version of the exposed service that runs depends on the environment in
which the service is running.Table 2. Default version of the client-side human
service for each environment
Process Center server
Process server
Process Portal

Default version of the client-side human

The version of the exposed service that
runs is the one that is in the current
working version of the default track.
The version of the exposed service that
runs is the one that is in the default
When you start a client-side human
service as a dashboard in Process
Portal, the version that is started is the
current working version of the client-side
human service if the version is exposed.
Otherwise, if there is an active snapshot
in which the client-side human service is
exposed, the snapshot version is started.
If the current working version is not
exposed and there are multiple active
snapshots in which the client-side human
service is exposed, the latest snapshot
version is started.

Parent topic:Configuring a role-based business user interface

Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


Making business data available in searches and

Before business users in IBM Process Portal can search for business data across
process instances, you need to configure each variable in the Process Designer to
be available to search. In addition, the business data about a task that business
users see in their task list needs to made available to search in order to be viewable
in the task list.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

As you model the business data for your process application, consider what type of
data a business user might want to search on while working with the process. You
also should consider which business data provides necessary information about a
task to help users complete the task from the task view if it is an in-line task, or
which provides a quick way for users to understand something about that task
instance without opening the coach for the task. These are the variables that you
need to configure in the Process Designer to be searchable and viewable in the
IBM Process Portal.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a business process definition (BPD) that includes the variables you want to
configure and go to the Variables tab.
3. For each variable whose runtime values you want to search or to make viewable
in the IBM Process Portal task list, select the Visible in Process Portal check
box in the Business Data section. For complex variables, be sure to select the
check box for each parameter you want to make available.Note: Only processlevel variables can be made available as business data for searches, but not
variables defined, for example, inside human services.
4. In the Alias text box, type a name for the variable. This is the name to use when
performing searches in IBM Process Portal. This is also the name that is seen by
users in Process Portal when they are viewing the data related to tasks in their
task list. If you use camel case, a mix of upper and lower case letters to indicate
word boundaries, the label for the variable will be parsed into a multi-word string.
For example, if your search alias is customerName, the label for the variable in
Process Portal will be Customer Name. Note: The search alias must be unique to
the variable type throughout the process server on which the BPD runs. If a
variable is shared by multiple BPDs (for example, a parent process and its linked
processes) and you want the variable to be searchable in all of those processes,
you must define the same search alias for the variable in each of the BPDs where
it is used.
5. Save your changes.


Now when IBM Business Process Manager runs instances of the BPDs that contain
the configured variables, you can search for process instances that include these
variables in IBM Process Portal. The variables that have been made available to
search are also viewable to business users viewing the associated task in their task
list. Note: If a BPD or subprocess contains a linked process or subprocess that has
been specified as "Loop Type: Multi Instance Loop" with "Run In Parallel," users
cannot search for tasks using business data declared in the BPD or subprocess
even if that data has been specified as "Visible in Process Portal".

What to do next
Your IBM Business Process Manager administrator can create saved searches to
provide IBM Process Portal users with customized views of their tasks.
Parent topic:Configuring a role-based business user interface
Parent topic:Business objects and variables
Related information:
Declaring variables for a BPD or a service in Process Designer
Creating and maintaining saved searches for Process Portal


Developing flexible and efficient process

After you have mapped out your process to include all of the normal task flows for
normal process execution, you can optimize your process to make it more flexible
and efficient for the business users who will be working with the application in the
Process Portal.

About this task

At design time, there are several things that you can do to save the business user's
time and make it easier for them to complete their work:

- If your process includes user tasks that involve a simple decision, such as to
approve or reject a request or to choose between a set of options, you can design
the task so that the business user can complete it in the Process Portal without
having to open the coach for the task. Instead, the user clicks a button or chooses
between the options with a single click.
- If your process must have a low latency, for example, to achieve a business
service level agreement, you can enable the optimization of execution for latency.
This optimization means that one path through the BPD is performed using a
single thread on a cluster member, other paths are scheduled to use the default
shared pool of threads.
- Sometimes multiple sequential tasks in a process are assigned to the same user.
In Process Designer, you can configure individual activities to launch automatically
if they are assigned to the same person as the previous task. In the Process
Portal, if the owner of the first task is the same as the owner of the second, the
second task will launch automatically when the first task is complete.
- Not all process activities run predictably in each execution of a process.
Sometimes a user must launch a new task that is outside of the normal process
flow. For example, they might need to cancel the process or they might need to
complete a separate but related business action, such as updating customer
contact information. Ad hoc processes are actions that you can expect users to do
at some point during at least some process instances. You can add ad hoc start
events and subsequent activities to your BPD, and the business user is able to
launch the ad hoc process from the Process Portal environment.
- Configuring activities for inline completion
Some activities in your process application can be completed with a single action,
such as an approval, rejection, or a simple decision. Using the services provided in
the system toolkit in Process Designer, you can configure these activities to be
performed by the business user in Process Portal with a single click action that
does not necessitate the user opening the coach interface.
- Optimizing BPD execution for latency
Select the optimization for latency to reduce thread context-switching for BPDs
that require low latency responses. When enabled, this optimization causes the
BPD to keep its execution thread rather than releasing it back to the pool of


threads that are shared between activities.

- Automatically starting the user's next task
To help your business users be maximally efficient while they are using your
application, consider places in your process where you expect the same user to be
completing multiple tasks in sequence.
- Defining ad hoc actions (deprecated)
While a process is running, a user might need to launch a new activity or set of
activities, such as updating a customer's contact information or canceling the
process instance. The process designer can define a set of these unplanned, or
ad hoc, actions to be launched by the user from action menus in the Process
Parent topic:Designing process interactions for business users


Configuring activities for inline completion

Some activities in your process application can be completed with a single action,
such as an approval, rejection, or a simple decision. Using the services provided in
the system toolkit in Process Designer, you can configure these activities to be
performed by the business user in Process Portal with a single click action that does
not necessitate the user opening the coach interface.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

There are three types of tasks that can be configured to be completed by the user
from within their task list without requiring the user to open the coach interface: a
simple approval or rejection, a simple completion, or a simple choice between a set
of options.Table 1. Inline completion task type characteristics
Task Type

Use when the None.
task requires
the business
user to indicate
an approval or
rejection based
on the task
narrative and
the task details
that are
exposed in the
task list.


approved Type:
t Type: String


Simple Choice

Use when the

task requires
the business
user to indicate
task completion
based on the
task narrative
and the task
details that are
exposed in the
task list. For
example, in a
completion task
the user might
only need to
indicate that
they have
reviewed the
task narrative
and the
exposed task
details, and
include a
Use when the
task requires
the business
user to choose
between a list
of options.


comment Type:

choices Type: decision Type:

String, List. Stringcomment
By default these Type: String

choices are

Restriction: Do not use JavaScript variable references in task narratives if you

need the data to be available after the task completes. Once a task is complete, IBM
BPM removes the data for completed tasks to conserve space. Instead, store the
data items in another location, such as a database.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the business process definition (BPD) in the Designer view.
3. Select the task that you would like to configure for inline completion.
4. In the Implementation tab of the Properties view, select User Task as the task
5. Select the predefined Human Service that corresponds with the type of inline task
that you are creating: Simple Approval,Simple Completion or Simple Choice

. Note: When the user is completing a Simple Approval task, they must enter a
comment if they select the reject option.
6. If you are creating a Simple Choice task, you can modify the choices presented to
the user, and provide additional choices. These options will each appear as a
button in the Process Portal task list.
A. Ensure that you have enabled The IBM BPM Advanced Features by going to
File > Preferences > IBM BPM > Capabilities. The check box for IBM BPM
Advanced Features should be selected.
B. In the Variables tab of the BPD, create a private variable to represent the
different options that are presented to the user. .
C. Because the variable will contain a list of strings, assign it type String and
select the Is List check box.
D. Under Default Value, select the Has Default check box.
E. The list of options, which appear as button labels in the Process Portal
interface, are added as string values for the autoObject[n] parameters.
When you first create your variable, the default appears as follows: var autoObject =
new tw.object.arrayOf.String();
autoObject[0] = "";

For each option that is presented to the user, add an autoObject[n]

parameter and a string value. For example, if you are creating inline
completion buttons for computer configuration, you might have the following:
var autoObject = new tw.object.arrayOf.String();
autoObject[0] = "Single Core";
autoObject[1] = "Dual Core";
autoObject[2] = "Quad Core";

F. Save the BPD.

7. In the Data Mapping tab, the inputs and outputs required by the predefined
service are already added. Map the relevant variables that are specific to your
process to the data required by the predefined service. For example, if you
created a simple choice task drawing from a list of options defined in a private
variable, then you must map this variable to the choices(List of String)
variable associated with the Simple Choice service.
Parent topic:Developing flexible and efficient process applications
Related information:
Mapping input and output data for an activity or step


Optimizing BPD execution for latency

Select the optimization for latency to reduce thread context-switching for BPDs that
require low latency responses. When enabled, this optimization causes the BPD to
keep its execution thread rather than releasing it back to the pool of threads that are
shared between activities. By default, new BPDs are not optimized for latency,
which means that, between activities, instances return their execution threads to the
shared thread pool. You can change the optimizing setting for a BPD in Process

About this task

The execution of implementations of system tasks and decision tasks, is scheduled
by the Event Manager. Every cluster member has one Event Manager, which uses a
pool of threads to schedule work in the order that it was created. This use of a pool
of threads makes it possible for implementations of a BPD to run independently and
in parallel.
If the IBM BPM system is running under high load, the processing of an
implementation of a specific process instance might be delayed because other work
is already scheduled to be executed before it. This thread sharing behavior can
increase the latency for the overall process instance. However, some types of BPD
need higher performance to minimize the straight-through processing latency. If a
straight-through processing BPD does not contain any parallel paths, but performs a
series of system tasks or decision tasks that are implemented by integration
services, this work might be run more efficient and with less latency by using a
single thread on one cluster member.
This optimization setting defines two classes of BPD:
- The default processing behavior is not optimized for latency, which means that the
thread is released after each unit of work. This behavior ensures that all BPD
instances that use the default setting have an equal chance to continue navigation
of the process.
- BPD system tasks and decision tasks that are optimized for latency are executed
on the same thread that the BPD uses for navigation. If multiple system tasks or
decision tasks exist in parallel paths of the BPD, only one path is executed by the
same thread, the other paths are scheduled to use the default behavior by the
Event Manager. Process instances with this execution optimization use the Event
Manager threads for longer and so they provide a more predictable latency.
You must take care to avoid causing a negative performance impact on other
instances, services, undercover agents, and other functions that use the shared pool
of threads.
- Do not enable this optimization option for all BPDs in your system, otherwise the
wait time to acquire one execution thread might increase for your process
- Make sure that the number of requests for BPDs that have this optimization
enabled that are sent to a cluster member per unit of time does not exceed the
capacity of the execution threads that are available to process the requests.


To enable the optimization for latency, complete the following actions.
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view.
3. On the Overview tab, open the Advanced section.
4. Select Optimize Execution for Latency to reduce thread context-switching for
the BPD. Clearing the option turns off the optimization for the BPD.
Parent topic:Developing flexible and efficient process applications
Related information:
Maintaining and monitoring IBM Business Process Manager Event Manager


Automatically starting the user's next task

To help your business users be maximally efficient while they are using your
application, consider places in your process where you expect the same user to be
completing multiple tasks in sequence.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Normally, for each task that users are assigned, they must start the task from their
task list, complete the work for that task, then return to the task list for the next
activity. You can save users from having to go back to the task list when the next
task in the process is also assigned to them. For example, a customer service agent
might be assigned a task for opening a new customer account that is followed
immediately by a task for taking the new customer's order. Instead of having the
user return to his or her task list to retrieve the second task after the first one
completes, you can designate that the coach for the second task opens immediately
upon completion of the first task.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view.
3. To configure an activity to automatically start the following task, go to the
Implementation tab of the first task in the sequence and select Automatically
flow to next task. In the Process Portal, if the owner of the first task is the same
as the owner of the second task, the second task starts automatically when the
first task is complete.
4. In the following task, set the assignment to be the last user: select Lane from the
Assign To list and select Last User from the User Distribution list in the
Assignments section of the properties for the activity.Activities are still considered
to be sequential even if they are separated by synchronous actions such as
exclusive gateways or tracking points. However, there are a number of scenarios
where the second activity in a sequence cannot be automatically started even if
the check box is selected on the first task:
- When the second task in the sequence is a system task.
- When an intermediate timer event or an intermediate message event follows the
first activity in the sequence.
- When the first activity flows to multiple tasks assigned to the same user, for
example in a multi-instance loop or a parallel (split) gateway.
- If the task is being tested in the Process Inspector.
- If the elapsed time between the end of the first task and the arrival of the token
at the next task is greater than the autoflow-timeout setting. By default, the
autoflow-timeout is set to 3 seconds. You can use the 100custom.xml file to
modify the value of the autoflow-timeout setting.


Parent topic:Developing flexible and efficient process applications

Related information:
The 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files


Defining ad hoc actions (deprecated)

While a process is running, a user might need to launch a new activity or set of
activities, such as updating a customer's contact information or canceling the
process instance. The process designer can define a set of these unplanned, or ad
hoc, actions to be launched by the user from action menus in the Process Portal.
Important: Ad hoc actions are deprecated in version, instead use Creating
an unstructured (ad hoc) activity.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
To use ad-hoc tasks, Process Portal users must be members of a security group
that is configured for the ACTION_INJECT_TOKEN policy. For information about
security groups, see Setting up users, groups, and teams. For information about the
ACTION_INJECT_TOKEN configuration, see Configuring access to Process Portal
action policies. For information about managing the security groups, see Creating
and managing groups.
Restriction: Ad hoc start events are not supported in simple loop or multi-instance
loop activities. The activity that calls the business process definition (BPD) should
not be configured for looping.

To model a new activity or set of activities that a user can launch in the normal
process flow, complete the following steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view.
3. Add an ad hoc start event to your process diagram by dragging a start event from
the palette and specifying an implementation type of Adhoc in the Implementation
tab of the Properties view.
4. Add the activity or set of activities that occur when the start event is triggered. For
example, if you are designing a process application where business users can
look up a customer order history at any time in the normal processing of a
customer order, you might include a set of tasks for logging into the order history
database and submitting a query.
5. Connect the task or tasks to the new start event. When you deploy your process
application to the Process Portal, business users can launch the set of activities
from the action menu in the current application. New task instances are created
and appear in the task list for the user or team that is assigned to the new ad hoc
task.Important: Ad hoc task instances that were created during the running of a
process instance must be complete before the process instance completes.
6. Optional: Ad hoc actions might be associated only with a particular phase of the
process. For example, an order can be canceled before it has been sent out for
delivery, but after it has been delivered, the order can no longer be canceled. To
make an action available for only a certain phase of the process, complete the


following steps:
A. Add phases to your BPD to define the different phases in the running process.
For example, you might have a pre-delivery phase that contains all the
customer order activities that occur before the order ship, and a post-delivery
phase that contains the activities that occur after the order ships.
B. Move the ad hoc start event to the phase in which it should be available.
C. In the Event Visibility section, to restrict the visibility of the event by phase,
select phase.
In the Process Portal, the ad hoc action is in the action menu only while the
running process instance is in the specified phase.
7. Optional: Limit the type of users that run ad hoc actions in your process. For
example, you might want to limit a credit check override action to users who
belong to the managers team. To make an action available to only a certain team
of users, complete the following steps:
A. Add swimlanes to your BPD diagram and associate each swimlane with a
specific team. For example, you might have a swimlane for customer service
representatives and a swimlane for managers.
B. Move the ad hoc start event to the swimlane that is associated with the team
that should be able to launch the action in the Process Portal.
C. In the Event Visibility section, to restrict the visibility of the event by swimlane
select swimlane.
In the Process Portal, the ad hoc action is in the action menu only for users who
belong to the specified team.
Parent topic:Developing flexible and efficient process applications
Related information:
Creating a team
Deprecated: Enabling users to perform ad hoc actions


Setting up collaboration features for business users

Business Process Manager provides several features that allow business users to
collaborate with other users while working with processes.

About this task

Within the Process Portal environment, users can request help from other users,
collaborate in real time with other users on task completion, and communicate
through messages in the process activity stream. All of these features are available
without any configuration of your process applications. However, you can also
enable users to chat with one another using Lotus Sametime Connect. You can also
specify a set of expert users for a given activity so that users can immediately
identify the best person to ask for assistance in completing a task.
- Enabling Sametime Connect integration for Process Portal
You can enable instant messaging support to allow your end users to
communicate in real time with others in the organization as they work on process
- Specifying experts for an activity
Business users working with your process applications can collaborate or request
assistance from expert users associated with a given task or activity. The list of
experts appears in the Experts panel in the Process Portal environment.
- Enabling IBM Connections integration for Process Portal
If your environment is configured for IBM Connections, you can set up Process
Portal so that business card information displays when users click an avatar or a
name. With IBM Connections V4.0 or later, you also can enable users to, after they
set preferences, receive notifications in IBM Connections when new tasks are
assigned to them.

Parent topic:Designing process interactions for business users


Enabling Sametime Connect integration for Process

You can enable instant messaging support to allow your end users to communicate
in real time with others in the organization as they work on process activities.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Ensure that your administrator has configured your Process Portal environment for
IBM Lotus Sametime Connect integration. You will need the Sametime Connect
server location information in order to complete this task.To make changes to the
Process Portal environment, you must be logged into Process Designer with a user
ID with administrative rights.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the Servers tab, and then Add to add a new server.
4. In the Type field, select IBM Sametime Server.
5. Enter the information about your Sametime server.
6. Test the connection to the Sametime Connect server. Point your browser to the
following URL.https://sthost:secureport/stwebclient/popup.jsp
- sthost

- The name of your Sametime Connect server.

- secureport

- The port for the Sametime Connect server.

If your setup is configured correctly, you will see the Lotus Sametime login
7. Create a snapshot of the application, and install the snapshot on Process Server.

While working with business processes in Process Portal, users will be able to
search for and chat with other users within the context of tasks and process
Parent topic:Setting up collaboration features for business users
Related information:
Configuring Sametime Connect integration


Specifying experts for an activity

Business users working with your process applications can collaborate or request
assistance from expert users associated with a given task or activity. The list of
experts appears in the Experts panel in the Process Portal environment.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
An activity must be associated with a human service before it can be assigned

About this task

Each activity in Process Portal can list two types of experts:
- Users who have completed this activity in the past, based on historical analysis.
This list is limited to a small group of users who have completed the activity most
- Users belonging to a team that is explicitly specified in Process Designer as an
expert group for this activity.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view.
3. To explicitly specify an expert group for an activity, select the activity and go to
the Assignments tab in the Properties view.
4. Specify the relevant team in the Experts Team field. If you have not already
created a team that defines the experts for this task, you can create a new team
to use.

What to do next
Your BPM administrator can configure the teams at run time to ensure that the
correct set of users are identified as experts for the activity in Process Portal.
Parent topic:Setting up collaboration features for business users
Related tasks:
Configuring runtime teams
Related information:
Creating a team
Getting help from experts to complete a task


Enabling IBM Connections integration for Process

If your environment is configured for IBM Connections, you can set up Process
Portal so that business card information displays when users click an avatar or a
name. With IBM Connections V4.0 or later, you also can enable users to, after they
set preferences, receive notifications in IBM Connections when new tasks are
assigned to them.

Before you begin

Ensure that IBM Connections is configured for your environment. You need the IBM
Connections server location information to complete this task.If you want users to
see the IBM Connections avatar instead of the IBM BPM avatar, the proxyconfig.xml file must contain a proxy policy for the URL of the IBM Connections
server. For information about updating the proxy configuration, see Configuring the
Business Space Ajax proxy and Adding proxy policies to the Business Space Ajax
If you want users to receive activity notifications, and you have IBM Connections V4
or later, ensure that your administrator configured the IBM Connections integration.
See Configuring IBM Connections integration for task notifications.
Restriction: When coach views are displayed in IBM Connections, the width is
limited to 380 pixels. To modify the width of a coach view using the media type, see
Defining coach view behavior.
To change the Process Portal application, log in to IBM Process Designer with a
user ID with administrative rights.

To enable the IBM Connections integration for Process Portal, complete the
following steps:
1. Open the Process Portal application in IBM Process Designer, click the Servers
tab, and then click Add to add the IBM Connections server.
2. In the Type field, select IBM Connections Server.
3. Complete the server locations information, including the host name.
4. Provide a user ID and password.Tip: If you want participants to use the IBM
Connections notification capability, which requires IBM Connections V4.0 or later,
the user ID and password to IBM Connections are required to enable the IBM
Connections server. On the administrative console for the IBM Connections
server, make sure that the user is a member of the trustedExternalApplication
security role in the WidgetContainer application. If your participants use only the
business card capabilities, specifying a user ID and password is not required.
5. Specify whether the IBM Connections server uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). If
Process Portal is accessed through HTTPS, select this setting. If Process Portal
is accessed through HTTP, do not select this setting.Tip: SSL is enabled by
default in IBM BPM, so unless your administrator disabled SSL, select Use SSL


for IBM Connections.

6. Click Test Connection. This tests if the user ID and password successfully
connect to the IBM Connections server. Tip: The test does not include SSL
certification. On the administrative consoles for your production systems, verify
that the administrator exchanged SSL certificates between the IBM Connections
server and IBM Business Process Manager as described in Configuring IBM
Connections integration for task notifications.
If your setup is configured correctly, a message appears.
7. Create a snapshot of the application, and install the snapshot on Process Server.

For IBM Process Server profiles, the Process Portal snapshot is installed on IBM
Process Server.
Process Portal users can see the business card information of the users whom they
work with.

What to do next
For all Process Portal users, make sure that the email addresses in their IBM
Business Process Manager user profiles match the email addresses in their IBM
Connections user profiles.
So that process participants receive notifications in IBM Connections, ask them to
update their user preferences as described in Setting preferences in Process Portal.

Parent topic:Setting up collaboration features for business users


Enabling process instance management for a BPD

In IBM Process Portal, process owners can use the Process Performance
dashboard to review the progress of processes and their instances. If the business
process is enabled and process owners are authorized, they can also act on
individual process instances in the Gantt chart to resolve issues, such as

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

If the business process is enabled for process instance management, process
owners can use the Process Performance dashboard and the Gantt chart to
complete the following tasks:
- View and change the projected path for a running instance.
- Determine whether a running process instance is on track for completion.
- Change the due date of a running process instance.
- Adjust the due dates and durations of tasks in a process instance.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view.
3. Grant users access to the Process Performance dashboard tab.Without access to
the tab, users cannot see the Process Performance dashboard in Process Portal.
To grant access, on the Overview tab for the process, assign a group to the
Expose Performance Metrics option.
4. Enable due dates and at-risk calculations.Due dates and at-risk calculations are
enabled for a process by default in the Advanced section on the Overview tab.
At run time, due dates are calculated from the creation time of the process
instance based on the value of the Due in field and the settings for the work
schedule. Due dates are used in Process Portal to determine whether a process
instance is on track for timely completion. At-risk calculations are based on the
average time it takes to complete an instance of the process.
A. Enable the due date. At-risk calculations require that the due date is enabled.
B. Set the expected duration of process instance in the Due in field. By default,
each instance is due 8 hours after it is started. If you select Days for the
duration, you can also add hours and minutes to the elapsed time, for example
2 days, 4 hours, and 30 minutes.
C. Optional: Enable at-risk calculations.
Due dates are shown for the instances of this process in Process Portal. Process
owners can modify the due dates in the Gantt chart. If at-risk calculations are also
enabled, instances become at risk when the average time to completion is longer
than the time left to the due date.


5. Enable projected path management.Projected path management is enabled for

processes by default in the Advanced section on the Overview tab. There are
several routes, or paths, that can be followed to complete a process. With
projected path management enabled, the projected path for an instance can be
displayed on the Gantt chart if distinct paths from the start to end nodes are
If projected path management is not enabled, the Process Performance
dashboard and the Gantt chart are affected in the following ways:
- Process Performance dashboard: No estimated completion time for entries in
the Instances in progress list:
- Gantt chart Set Path page: No projected path.
- Gantt chart Gantt View page:
- No future tasks
- No estimated completion time
- Task durations are not editable
6. Optional: Enable the collection of historical data in the Performance Data
Warehouse.Historical data is used in the Set Path page of the Gantt chart to
display the traversed path and calculate the projected path for a running process
A. On the Overview tab, ensure that Enable tracking field is selected.
B. On the Tracking tab, ensure that Enable Autotracking is selected.
C. Send the updated tracking definitions to the Business Performance Data
If autotracking is not enabled, the Gantt chart is affected in the following ways:
- Historical path information is not available for the instance.
- The projected path through the instance is based on the longest (pessimistic)
path and not the typical historical path.
7. Optional: Enable process owners to analyze the average amount of time that
elapses between steps in the process.To enable time lapses to be analyzed,
include tracking points in the process and create a timing interval to capture the
time between the defined points. If tracking points are defined for the process,
timing intervals are sent to the Performance Data Warehouse and the Process
Performance dashboard includes timing intervals on the Overview page.

The Process Performance dashboards for processes and instances in Process
Portal are enabled for process management.
Important: The following Process Portal action policies determine who is authorized
to view and change the projected path:
The action policies are contained in the BPMActionPolicy configuration object.
Administrators can modify the set of users who are assigned to these policies.

What to do next

Define the work schedule for the process and set the due date for individual
- Setting the work schedule for a BPD
The due date for a process instance is the expected date and time that all
activities related to a process instance should be completed. The due date is
affected by the work schedules of the users who receive the tasks involved in the
- Specifying activity due dates
Activity due dates are used to calculate the expected completion time for an
activity. This completion time is used during process execution to establish which
tasks are overdue or at risk of being overdue.
Parent topic:Designing process interactions for business users
Related information:
Configuring access to Process Portal action policies
The Gantt chart
Setting up autotracking
Sending tracking definitions to Performance Data Warehouse
Creating a timing interval for a business process


Setting the work schedule for a BPD

The due date for a process instance is the expected date and time that all activities
related to a process instance should be completed. The due date is affected by the
work schedules of the users who receive the tasks involved in the process.

About this task

The default work schedule for all BPDs is specified in the 99Local.xml
configuration file in the following directory, where server_type is either processserver or process-center: PROFILE_HOME\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\
node_name\servers\server_name\server_type\config\system. If you do not
specify a work schedule for a BPD, or if you leave the settings at use default, date
calculations for instances of the BPD are based on the <default-work-schedule>
in the configuration file.

In the Work Schedule section on the Overview tab, specify the working hours that
users are available to complete work.
- The Time Schedule specifies the normal business hours that work can be
completed. For example, if you expect the users completing the task to be
available Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM, you can select this schedule from
the list.
- Timezone specifies the timezone that you want to apply to running instances of
the current BPD. All standard time zones are available.
- The Holiday Schedule is a list of dates that are exceptions to the normal time
If you use the default values for any of these fields, the values are taken from
corresponding settings in the 99Local.xml file.
Tip: If you expect some activities to be completed by users with a specific work
schedule, you can specify a different work schedule for that activity in the Properties
view for that activity.
For all of the work schedule values, you can use a JavaScript expression with
predefined variables. You can enter either a String (or String-generated JavaScript)
or a JavaScript expression that returns a TWTimeSchedule or TWHolidaySchedule
variable. If you use a String, then IBM BPM looks up the schedule by name
according to those rules. If you use one of the TWSchedule variables, then IBM
BPM assumes that the schedule is filled in appropriately. To view the parameters of
the TWTimeSchedule or TWHolidaySchedule variables, open them from the System
Data toolkit.You can also write an IBM BPM service to dynamically set the overall
work schedule for a BPD and store the entire work schedule in the
TWWorkSchedule variable. The TWWorkSchedule variable includes parameters for
timeSchedule, timeZone, and holidaySchedule. To view the parameters of the
TWWorkSchedule variable, open it from the System Data toolkit.


- Examples
You can specify a task Due in value in days, hours, or minutes, with an optional
clock time.
- Managing time and holiday schedules
You can manage time and holiday schedules by using the JavaScript API. You
can set time and holiday schedules for activities on the Implementation tab. After
you add a new time or holiday schedule, it immediately becomes available in the
time or holiday schedule list in the authoring environment.
Parent topic:Enabling process instance management for a BPD
Related information:
Using JavaScript variables and objects inside Process Designer
The 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files


You can specify a task Due in value in days, hours, or minutes, with an optional
clock time.
In these examples, assume that the assigned time schedule for our sample task is
Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM, which means that only 8 hours of work time
are available on each business day. Depending on the task Due in value
assignment, this time schedule assignment has the following impact when it comes
to the task due date calculation:
1. If you specify the task Due in value as 24 hours, the task is allowed to take 3
days (meaning 3 business days), because each business day contains only 8
hours of available work time.
2. If you specify the task Due in value as 7200mins or 120hours, this time is divided
by 8 hours per business day, based on the time schedule. The calculated task
due date therefore moves out into the future, because for every business day
available identified by the time schedule, only 8 hours per business day can be
worked on the task.
3. If you specify the task Due in value as 5 days (meaning 5 business days), this
means 5 business days as available according to the time schedule. In our
examples, all Saturdays and Sundays are excluded, which means that more than
5 days might pass before the task is due.
4. If a holiday schedule is assigned, and if the assigned time schedule allows the
days identified by the Holiday Schedule value to be excluded from the task due
date calculation, the task due date moves even further out into the future.

Parent topic:Setting the work schedule for a BPD


Managing time and holiday schedules

You can manage time and holiday schedules by using the JavaScript API. You can
set time and holiday schedules for activities on the Implementation tab. After you
add a new time or holiday schedule, it immediately becomes available in the time or
holiday schedule list in the authoring environment.

About this task

Avoid removing the default holiday or time schedules. The default schedules are
specified in the 99Local.xml configuration file. Changes to the default schedules
require changes to the 99Local.xml file.

1. Create an integration service by using a server script similar to the following
script:var holidaySchedule = new tw.object.TWHolidaySchedule(); = "holidaySchedule" + new Date().getTime();
holidaySchedule.dates = new tw.object.arrayOf.Date();
holidaySchedule.dates[0] = new tw.object.Date();
holidaySchedule.dates[0].parse("20100101", "yyyyMMdd");
holidaySchedule.dates[1] = new tw.object.Date();
holidaySchedule.dates[1].parse("20100223", "yyyyMMdd");
holidaySchedule.dates[2] = new tw.object.Date();
holidaySchedule.dates[2].parse("20100308", "yyyyMMdd");
holidaySchedule.dates[3] = new tw.object.Date();
holidaySchedule.dates[3].parse("20100501", "yyyyMMdd");
holidaySchedule.dates[4] = new tw.object.Date();
holidaySchedule.dates[4].parse("20100824", "yyyyMMdd");
holidaySchedule.dates[5] = new tw.object.Date();
holidaySchedule.dates[5].parse("20091231", "yyyyMMdd");

2. Save and run the integration service.Note: It might take some time for the new
holiday schedule to be available in Process Designer after running the integration
service. To make use of your new holiday schedule right away, restart Process
Designer before you begin modeling.
3. Create a business process definition (BPD), and add an activity with a default
4. Link the activity in a start-end flow.
5. On the Implementation tab of the activity, select the holiday schedule that you
created, and then set the time schedule to 7AM-7PM Every Day.
6. Save the BPD.
7. Run the BPD, and then open the Process Inspector tab to verify the due date
Parent topic:Setting the work schedule for a BPD


Specifying activity due dates

Activity due dates are used to calculate the expected completion time for an activity.
This completion time is used during process execution to establish which tasks are
overdue or at risk of being overdue.

About this task

In IBM Process Portal, tasks are listed according to their due date status. Activity
due dates and the projected path are also used to calculate the expected completion
time for a process instance.
By default, the due date of a human task is 1 hour from the time of task creation.
You can modify this duration for each activity in your process. Administrators can
also change the default duration after deployment. If projected path management is
enabled for the process, authorized business users can change the due date for
individual tasks and the overall process instance in Process Portal.
The calculation of the activity due date is also affected by the working hours that
users are available to complete work. The working hours depend on the values that
you specify for the time schedule, time zone, and holiday schedule.

1. Select an activity in the diagram and go to the Implementation tab of the
Properties view.
2. In the Priority Settings section, specify the expected duration of the activity in
the Due In field. If you select Days for the duration, you can also add hours and
minutes to the elapsed time, for example 2 days, 4 hours, and 30 minutes.
3. In the other fields in the Priority Settings section, specify values for the
properties that affect the working hours that are available to complete work.You
can leave the Time Schedule, Timezone, and Holiday Schedule fields set to
the default value: (use default). If you use the default values, the time schedule,
time zone, and holiday schedule that are specified for the business process
definition (BPD) are used for the activity. For more information, see Setting the
work schedule for a BPD.
- The Time Schedule field specifies the normal business hours. For example, if
you expect the users who work on the task to be available Monday through
Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM, you can select this schedule from the list.
- In the Timezone field, select the time zone that you want to apply to the tasks
that result from the current activity. For example, if you expect the users who
work on the task to be in California, you can select the US/Pacific time zone
from the list.
- The Holiday Schedule field contains a list of dates that are exceptions to the
normal time schedule. If you use a JavaScript expression to define a holiday
schedule that is specific to users who work on this task, enter either a String (or
String-generated JavaScript) or JavaScript that returns a TWHolidaySchedule
variable. If you use a String, then IBM BPM looks up the holiday schedule by
name according to those rules. If you use a TWHolidaySchedule variable, then it
is assumed that the holiday schedule is inserted appropriately. To view the


parameters for the TWHolidaySchedule variable, go to the System Data toolkit

and open the variable.

What to do next
If you plan to enable projected path management for the BPD, keep in mind that
variable-based due dates used in the implementation of activities are not detected in
the projected path.

Parent topic:Enabling process instance management for a BPD

Related information:
Using JavaScript variables and objects inside Process Designer
The 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files


Generating names for process instances

When you run a BPD, IBM BPM creates a default name for the process instance.
This name is visible to business users in the Process Portal, allowing them to
distinguish between different instances of a process as they complete their work. In
Process Designer, you can change the way the process instance names are
generated for a BPD in the Process Portal.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

By default, the name for each instance of a process is the BPD name plus the
instance ID. The name for a given process instance is displayed in many different
places in the Process Portal, including the users Work list, in the dashboards and in
the details for all the tasks associated with the process instance. To modify the way
that the process instance names for a given BPD are generated, complete the
following steps.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view and go to the Overview tab.
3. In the Advanced section, change the text in the Instance name field if you want
the name of each instance to be something other than the BPD name. Be sure to
retain the quotation marks around the text. By default, the instance ID is
appended to the instance name that you specify, using the
tw.system.process.instanceId variable. You can remove this variable or use
the variable picker to choose additional variables.
4. Save your changes.
Parent topic:Designing process interactions for business users


Enabling processes for tracking and reporting

IBM Business Process Manager provides ways to collect and consume process
performance information. To take advantage of this information, you enable to
design your processes to make them trackable.
- Tracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data
To create customized and third-party reports in IBM BPM, you identify the data to
track and send that data to the Performance Data Warehouse.
- Sending tracking definitions to Performance Data Warehouse
In order to track performance data, you need to send tracking definitions to the
Performance Data Warehouse. Each time you update your tracking requirements
in IBM Process Designer, you must send the updated definitions to Performance
Data Warehouse.
- Exposing performance scoreboards
The performance scoreboards are not exposed by default. If you want to expose
them to your Process Portal users, you must complete some manual steps.
- Defining reports in Process Designer (deprecated)
Reports enable you to analyze business data that is specific to your processes.
You can specify the variables to track and define the report to query your tracked
data. Users can view the resulting report scoreboards from the Dashboards page
in Process Portal. Instead of using the deprecated reporting capabilities, consider
using dashboards that you design in Coaches.

Parent topic:Creating processes in IBM Process Designer

Related information:
Using IBM Business Monitor with process applications


Tracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data

To create customized and third-party reports in IBM BPM, you identify the data to
track and send that data to the Performance Data Warehouse.
To track data in a business process definition (BPD), use autotracking, tracking
groups, or both.
- Autotracking automatically captures data from tracking points at the entry and exit
of each item in a BPD (for example, services, activities, and gateways). To enable
autotracking, make sure that Enable Autotracking is selected under the Tracking
tab of the BPD. (By default, the checkbox is not selected, which is better for
performance.) Your system administrator can change this default.
- Tracking groups provide more control over tracked data. For example, use tracking
groups track a selected group of process variables across multiple BPDs or
process applications and to store tracking points for a timing interval. To enable
tracking groups, make sure that Enable Tracking is selected under the Overview
tab of the BPD. (By default, the checkbox is selected.) Your system administrator
can change this default. Note that the Enable Tracking setting does not apply to
services with tracking points. Tracking data is always enabled when services
contain tracking points.
You can use both tracking methods in one BPD. If you use both autotracking and
tracking groups, you can create a timing interval.
After you configure data tracking for your BPD, and each time after that
configuration that you update your data-tracking requirements, you must send the
tracking definitions to the Performance Data Warehouse. When you send tracking
definitions, either directly or as part of deploying a snapshot, the Performance Data
Warehouse establishes the structure in its database to hold the data that Process
Server generates when you run instances of your processes. In IBM BPM, these
tracking requirements are called definitions because they establish the database
schema in the Performance Data Warehouse to accommodate the tracked data that
Process Server generates.
When you change your tracking requirements in Process Designer, you must send
the definitions to the Performance Data Warehouse. Therefore, you are developing
process applications on Process Center Server, be sure to send definitions after you
change each process application. For process applications that are deployed in
runtime environments, create a snapshot of your changes and deploy the new
snapshot to ensure that the data you want to collect is available in the runtime
- Data tracking considerations
Before you implement data tracking in a process application, make sure you
understand the supported data types and naming conventions, as well as any
considerations for working with versioned data.
- Autotracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data
Use autotracking if you want to capture data to quickly configure and publish
reports using the ad hoc wizard, or if you want to capture data that automatically
includes tracking points at the entry and exit of each item in a BPD. For example,
use autotracking if you know that you want to compare the duration for each


activity in a BPD.
- Tracking groups of process variables
Use tracking groups if you want to explicitly control your tracked data and tracking
points. For example, you can group the variables that you want to track by type,
strategically place tracking points in your BPD, and track variables across multiple
BPDs. With tracking groups, your tracking points can also span multiple BPDs.
- Creating a timing interval for a business process
To enable process owners to analyze the amount of time that elapses between
certain steps in a business process, you can add tracking points to the business
process definition (BPD) and then create a timing interval to capture the duration
between the defined start and end points.
Parent topic:Enabling processes for tracking and reporting
Related information:
getBPMProperty command
setBPMProperty command
deleteBPMProperty command


Data tracking considerations

Before you implement data tracking in a process application, make sure you
understand the supported data types and naming conventions, as well as any
considerations for working with versioned data.

Supported data types

Data types that IBM BPM tracks include the following:
Type of tracking
Tracking groups

Supported data types

String, Integer, Decimal, Boolean, and
String, Number, and Date

When you are tracking data, be aware of the following:

- A tracking group can have a maximum of 50 fields for each of the data types. Do
not increase the maximum number of fields because it can affect the database
table size and future migration to a new IBM BPM release.
- Variables for which the Is List option is enabled cannot be tracked.
- Complex types cannot be mapped directly; their fields must be mapped
- Variables of type ANY, Map, Record, XMLDocument, XMLElement, and
XMLNodeList cannot be tracked.

Naming tracking groups

When naming tracking groups and tracked fields, be aware of the following
- Do not use SQL-92 reserved words. Several sources available on the internet
provide a complete list of SQL-92 reserved words.
- Do not use any of the names used for the views and fields in the Business
Performance Data Warehouse database schema.

Tracking data across processes and process applications

To track data from multiple processes (BPDs) that reside in the same process
application, create a tracking group and implement it for as many BPDs as you like,
mapping the tracked fields to the appropriate variables for each BPD.
If you want to capture data from multiple processes (BPDs) that reside in different
process applications, you can do so by using the same tracking group in each
process application. For example, you can create a tracking group in a toolkit, and
then create a dependency on that toolkit in each process application where you
want to use the tracking group. From each process application, you can implement
the tracking group one or more times, mapping the tracked fields to variables within
each application. When you send tracking definitions and then run instances of the
BPDs, the data is captured in a single tracking group view as described in "Business
Performance Data Warehouse tracking group views." The data that IBM BPM
captures enables you to analyze the tracked data in any way you choose. For
example, you can analyze the tracked fields as a whole or you can compare the
data from each process application or from each process.

Working with versioned data

All data tracked by IBM BPM includes snapshot (version) information that enables
you to create reports to compare versions of your processes if you have that
When tracking data, keep the following in mind:
- Timing intervals work across snapshots (versions). For example, a process that
starts in one version (1.0) might be migrated to a new version (2.0) before reaching
the end of a timing interval. In such a case, the data for the timing interval is
captured in the Performance Data Warehouse as expected with the version
change noted.
- Data types of variables that are being stored (autotracked or part of a tracking
group) can change between versions. If data types do change, a new column is
created in the corresponding view as described in "Performance Data Warehouse
database architecture."

Parent topic:Tracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data

Related information:
Business Performance Data Warehouse tracking group views


Autotracking IBM Business Process Manager performance

Use autotracking if you want to capture data to quickly configure and publish reports
using the ad hoc wizard, or if you want to capture data that automatically includes
tracking points at the entry and exit of each item in a BPD. For example, use
autotracking if you know that you want to compare the duration for each activity in a
When you enable autotracking for a BPD, you also track the following Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs) associated with your BPD.
- Custom KPIs associated with your BPD
- Custom KPIs associated with the activities in your BPD
- The Total Time KPI associated with each BPD by default
KPIs act as conditions for Service Level Agreements (SLAs), which you can use to
trigger a particular consequence such as an email notification. You can analyze the
performance of your SLAs using the SLA Overview dashboard that is available in
Process Portal. To create custom SLA reports, use the SLASTATUS view and the
SLATHRESHOLDTRAVERSALS view in the Business Performance Data
Warehouse database.
Autotracking is not required for the Process Performance and Team Performance
dashboards, but some features of the Process Performance dashboard are not
available without autotracking. For more information, see Enabling process instance
management for a BPD.
- Key performance indicators (KPIs) and service level agreements (SLAs)
With the data that IBM Business Process Manager tracks and stores for key
performance indicators (KPIs), you can analyze process performance and create
service level agreements (SLAs).
- Creating custom KPIs
You can use key performance indicators (KPIs) to analyze process performance
and create service level agreements. IBM Business Process Manager tracks KPI
measurements at process run time and stores the information in the Business Data
- Associating KPIs with activities
To use a KPI in IBM Business Process Manager, you must associate it with one or
several activities.
- Creating SLAs
Create service level agreements (SLAs) so that you can analyze the performance
of your business processes over time.
- Setting up autotracking
You need to set up autotracking before you can use the ad hoc wizard. When
autotracking is enabled for a business process definition (BPD), data for any
nested processes of that BPD will also be tracked. Subprocesses and services
inherit the setting of the parent process.
Parent topic:Tracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data



Key performance indicators (KPIs) and service level

agreements (SLAs)
With the data that IBM Business Process Manager tracks and stores for key
performance indicators (KPIs), you can analyze process performance and create
service level agreements (SLAs).

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are measurements that IBM BPM tracks at
process run time, storing results that you can use to analyze process and task
performance in the Optimizer. IBM BPM includes the following types of KPIs:
Standard KPIs

Custom KPIs

Located in the System Data Toolkit. By
default, most of the standard KPIs are
associated with each activity that you
add to a BPD diagram. Click the KPIs
option in the properties for an activity to
see the associated KPIs. Each of these
KPIs has default settings that you can
You can define custom KPIs and
associate them with one or more
activities in your BPDs.

When you run instances of a business process definition (BPD), IBM BPM tracks
and stores data for configured KPIs in the Business Performance Data Warehouse.
IBM BPM uses stored KPI data when you run certain types of historical analyses in
the Optimizer. Not all historical analyses available in the Optimizer rely on data that
is generated and stored because of KPIs.
Note: The standard KPI, Total Time (Clock), is associated with each BPD by
default. To view the settings for this KPI, click the Process KPIs tab in the Designer.
You cannot alter the settings for this KPI.

You can create service level agreements (SLAs) that are based on standard and
custom KPIs. With SLAs, you establish a condition for one or more activities that
triggers a consequence. For example, you can create an SLA that causes IBM BPM
to send an email notification when a particular activity takes longer than expected to
When you run instances of your processes, SLA consequences do not trigger until
the associated activity starts or completes. For example, if you configure an SLA to
send an email notification when a particular activity takes longer than two days to
run, IBM BPM does not send the notification when the violation occurs. Instead,
IBM BPM sends the notification when the activity is complete. Therefore, if the
activity takes three days to complete, IBM BPM sends the notification then,
informing users of the violation. With SLAs you can report violations and, over time,
understand the trend in violations.
To enable Process Portal users to immediately react to time-based conditions for

one activity, use a timer event to capture the violation. If an SLA is not based on
time, consider using exposed process values (EPVs) to model the SLA. To provide
immediate notification of violations, develop the appropriate implementation for your
needs (such as a timer event for an escalation), and then create an SLA so that you
can track and report historical trends.
SLAs enable in-depth performance analysis over time, as described in the following
My SLA Overview dashboard

Custom SLA reports (deprecated)

Historical analysis in the Optimizer view

View this report in Process Portal to see
the name, description, and status of each
configured SLA, and a trend chart of
violations for all SLAs or a specified SLA.
The My SLA Overview dashboard is not
exposed by default for Process Portal
users. If you want process participants to
see the My SLA Overview dashboard in
their tabs list, you must expose it
manually, as described in step 10 of
Creating SLAs in Process Designer.
Use SLA data that is stored in the
Business Performance Data Warehouse
to create custom reports using IBM BPM
or a third-party tool. You can use the
database views to query the data..
When you are running scenarios, choose
the SLA visualization mode to display
results that are based on SLA violations.

Parent topic:Autotracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data

Related concepts:
Business Monitor KPIs


Creating custom KPIs

You can use key performance indicators (KPIs) to analyze process performance and
create service level agreements. IBM Business Process Manager tracks KPI
measurements at process run time and stores the information in the Business Data

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

To create a custom KPI for IBM Business Process Manager, complete the following

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to Performance and select Key Performance Indicator
from the list.
4. In the New Key Performance Indicator window, type a descriptive name for the
new KPI and click Finish.
5. Provide a description for the KPI in the Documentation field.
6. In the Details section of the window, select the Unit for the KPI from the dropdown list. For example, if your company assembles cell phones and you want to
measure the number of phones in production, select Count from the drop-down
7. To roll up the unit you are tracking into a higher-level KPI, click Select to choose
the KPI that you want. IBM Business Process Manager displays the KPIs in the
current process application and any KPIs in referenced toolkits, including the
System Data toolkit. For example, select the standard KPI, Resource Cost, to
roll the Count KPI from the previous step into a higher-level KPI. You can click
New to create a new KPI. Click the X icon to remove a roll-up KPI.
8. In the Roll-up multiplier field, specify the value by which to multiply the unit that
you are tracking before the data is collected in the roll-up KPI. For example, to
obtain an accurate Resource Cost for the previous step, enter the value of each
cell phone in the Roll-up multiplier field. Rolling up to higher-level KPIs is useful
when you create SLAs. The Resource Cost example in this procedure shows how
to create an SLA for a condition where the cost of resources in production was
either too high or too low.
9. Click Save.
Parent topic:Autotracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data


Associating KPIs with activities

To use a KPI in IBM Business Process Manager, you must associate it with one or
several activities.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Follow these steps to alter associated KPIs or associate a new KPI with an activity
in a business process definition (BPD):

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view.
3. Select the activity that you want to associate with a KPI and go to the KPIs tab in
the Properties view.
4. To add a KPI, click Add and select the KPI or KPIs that you want. IBM Business
Process Manager displays the KPIs in the current process application and any
KPIs in referenced toolkits, including the System Data toolkit.
5. In the Assignment Settings panel, clear the Use KPI defaults check box if you do
not want to use the default assignments for the selected KPI.
A. Select the assignment type from the drop-down list. The assignment type
establishes how the value for the KPI is determined.
B. For KPIs that measure time, the assignment type is Automatic and cannot be
changed. Automatic assignment means that IBM BPM automatically tracks and
stores the values for these KPIs.
C. For other KPIs, you can choose from the following assignment types:
Assignment type
Value per Hour (clock)

Enables you to multiply the specified
value times the total number of hours
spent on the activity.
Enables you to multiply the specified
value times the number of working
hours spent on the activity.
Enables you to specify a value for the
Enables you to supply custom scripts
to track the value for this KPI.
Enables you to specify the number of
times an activity must be performed
before it is considered rework.

Value per Hour (calendar)

Absolute Value
Custom JavaScript
True after N traversals (for Rework
KPI only)

6. In the Threshold Settings area, clear the Use KPI defaults check box if you do
not want to use the default threshold settings for the chosen KPI. If you do not
use the default thresholds, you can indicate the type of performance that you

expect by providing minimum, expected, and maximum values in the appropriate

fields. IBM BPM uses the specified thresholds as the range for producing heat
maps and recommendations in the Optimizer. You can also use KPIs to specify
conditions that trigger service level agreements (SLAs).
7. Click the Save icon in the toolbar to save your changes.
Parent topic:Autotracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data


Creating SLAs
Create service level agreements (SLAs) so that you can analyze the performance of
your business processes over time.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

When you run instances of your processes, SLA consequences do not trigger until
the associated activity starts or completes. With SLAs you can report violations and,
over time, understand the trend in violations. Use other methods, such as timer
events, to enable Process Portal users to immediately react to time-based
The My SLA Overview dashboard is not exposed by default for Process Portal
users. If you want process participants to see the My SLA Overview dashboard in
their tabs list, you must expose it manually, as described in step 10 of the following

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a appropriate process application or toolkit in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to Decisions and select Service Level Agreement from
the list.
4. In the New Service Level Agreement window, type a descriptive name for the
new SLA and click Finish.
5. Describe the SLA in the Documentation field.
6. In the Trigger section of the window, the default trigger statement is displayed:
Whenever the condition is violated. Complete the following steps:
A. Click Whenever (displayed in blue font and underlined) to change the trigger
for the SLA. For example, if you select Violated % of the time over period,
the trigger statement changes to When the condition was violated 10%
of the time over the last day.
B. Click 10% of the time and set the percentage.
C. Click last day and set the time frame.
7. In the Condition section of the window, the default condition statement is
displayed: TheTotal Time (Clock) KPI for <select activities> is greater than 1
day. Complete the following steps:
A. Click Single value and choose Single value, Sum of values over time, or
Average value over time.
B. Click Total Time (Clock) and choose the key performance indicator (KPI)
that you want to use.
C. Click <select activities> and choose the activities that you want to apply this
SLA to. All activities are displayed under the BPD that they are in.


D. Click Greater than and choose greater than, less than, or equal to.
E. Click 1 day and choose Threshold, % above threshold, % below threshold
, Value above threshold, Value below threshold, or Value. Then, set more
parameters as necessary.
8. In the Consequence section of the window, select the check box next to the
action that you want to take when the specified condition is violated.
A. To choose the Send email option, click <enter email address> and provide
the address or addresses of the recipients of the notification. Separate
addresses with a comma.
B. To choose the Initiate process option, click <select process> and select a
BPD. IBM Business Process Manager displays the BPDs in the current
process application and any BPDs that are referred to in toolkits. The process
that you run as a consequence of the violation must have the following input
Input variable




Indicates which SLA was
violated, to what degree,
and when
Reserved for future use

9. Click Select next to the Expose to view label and select the team whose
members can view data for this SLA in the My SLA Overview dashboard in
Process Portal.
10. Click the Save icon in the toolbar.
11. Expose the My SLA Overview dashboard so that it is available in Process Portal:
A. In Process Designer, open the Process Portal application.
B. Click Performance and then open PM SLA Overview.
C. In the Exposing section, click Select next to the Exposed to field to choose
the team whose members can view and use the My SLA Overview
dashboard. To create a team, click New. To remove an assigned team, click
the X icon next to the Exposed to field.
D. Save your changes.
12. Test the SLA in the My SLA Overview dashboard in Process Portal. If the
dashboard does not display any data, complete one of the following steps:
- In the Process Portal application, select Implementation > Periodic SLA
Update, and click Run now.
- Include the Update All SLA Statuses service from the system toolkit in a
process application, and run the process application in Process Portal before
you test your SLA.
Parent topic:Autotracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data


Setting up autotracking
You need to set up autotracking before you can use the ad hoc wizard. When
autotracking is enabled for a business process definition (BPD), data for any nested
processes of that BPD will also be tracked. Subprocesses and services inherit the
setting of the parent process.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

To use autotracking, perform the following steps.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Designer view.
3. Click the Tracking tab for the BPD.
4. Ensure Enable Autotracking is selected.
5. In the Autotracking Name field, enter the name you want to use.
6. In order to analyze process data according to particular business variable values,
set the variables as follows.
A. Click the Variables tab for the diagram.
B. For each variable you want to track, right click it and then click Track this
7. Save your changes.
8. Click File > Update tracking definitions to send the new tracking requirements
to the Business Performance Data Warehouse.

When you run instances of the process, IBM Business Process Manager stores the
tracked data for each variable in the appropriate column. Each row in a Tracking
Group view represents a discrete unit of tracked data.
Parent topic:Autotracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data


Tracking groups of process variables

Use tracking groups if you want to explicitly control your tracked data and tracking
points. For example, you can group the variables that you want to track by type,
strategically place tracking points in your BPD, and track variables across multiple
BPDs. With tracking groups, your tracking points can also span multiple BPDs.

About this task

Tracking groups provide the following advantages:
- You can group similar data together for analysis. For example, you can track
employee data, account data, or shipment status information in independent
tracking groups.
- You can track process variables across multiple BPDs and process applications.
For example, if your organization includes several locations and each location has
a similar, but unique, onboarding process for new employees, you can create a
tracking group to capture the business data for all of these processes.
- Tracking points for a timing interval can span multiple BPDs. For example, if you
want to measure the duration between steps that start in one process and end in a
nested process, you can include the start tracking point in the main process and
the end tracking point in the nested process.

- Creating a tracking group

Create and use a tracking group to track process variables across multiple
business process definitions and process applications, or to store tracking points
for a timing interval. Use tracking groups when you want to explicitly control your
tracked data and tracking points for more advanced custom reports.
- Associating process variables to a tracking group
You can associate process variables to a tracking group in order to track them.

Parent topic:Tracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data


Creating a tracking group

Create and use a tracking group to track process variables across multiple business
process definitions and process applications, or to store tracking points for a timing
interval. Use tracking groups when you want to explicitly control your tracked data
and tracking points for more advanced custom reports.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Use the Process Designer to create a tracking group, assign tracking events to it,
and send the tracking information to the Business Performance Data Warehouse.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus sign next to the Performance category in the library, and then
click Tracking Group from the list of components.
4. In the New Tracking Group window, enter a name for the tracking group.
5. Click Finish. The Tracking Group window opens in Process Designer.
6. For each process variable you want to track, add a field to the tracking group.
A. Click Add in the Tracked Fields panel to add the field. The new field is added
with the default name UntitledNumber (string).
B. In the Tracked Field Details panel, specify the name and type for the process
variable. You can also include documentation.
C. When prompted, save the changes.
Attention: A tracking group can have a maximum of 50 fields for each of the
data types String, Number, and Date/Time.
7. Open the business process definition and add one or more tracking events to
the diagram.
8. For each tracking event, select it and open the Implementation tab.
9. Add the process variables that you want to associate with each tracked field.
10. Save the business process definition.
11. To send the new tracking information to the Business Performance Data
Warehouse, click File > Update Tracking Definitions .

What to do next
Associate process variables with each tracked field in the tracking group.

Parent topic:Tracking groups of process variables


Associating process variables to a tracking group

You can associate process variables to a tracking group in order to track them.

Before you begin

You must create a tracking group to hold the process variable data that you want to
track.To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop

About this task

After you create a tracking group, use the following steps to associate process
variables with each tracked field in the tracking group.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the business process definition (BPD) in the Designer view.
3. Add a tracking event to your BPD.
4. Select the tracking event and open the Implementation tab.
5. Click Select and select the tracking group you want to use.
6. Select the check box of each tracked field you want to use and click the selection
icon ( ) to bind a process variable to it.
7. Save your changes.
8. Click File > Update Tracking Definitions to send the new tracking information to
the Business Performance Data Warehouse.

By updating tracking definitions, you automatically created a view in the Business
Performance Data Warehouse database. This new view displays the values of each
variable associated to the tracking group.
Parent topic:Tracking groups of process variables


Creating a timing interval for a business process

To enable process owners to analyze the amount of time that elapses between
certain steps in a business process, you can add tracking points to the business
process definition (BPD) and then create a timing interval to capture the duration
between the defined start and end points.

Before you begin

Do the following tasks before creating a timing interval:
- Open the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
- Enable autotracking
- Add tracking points to the BPD
- Create a tracking group to hold the timing interval data. Ensure that you add each
tracking point to the tracking group that you create.

About this task

When you create a timing interval for the process, process owners can use the
Process Performance dashboard in Process Portal to calculate the duration of a
process, or compare the duration of several processes.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application that contains a BPD.
3. In the Designer library, expand Performance by clicking the plus icon, and then
click Timing Interval from the list of components.
4. Type the timing interval name in the Name field, for example,
TimeToCompleteRequest, and then click Finish. The Timing Interval window
opens in Process Designer.
5. Define the timing interval.
A. To add the start and end points for the timing interval, select the Add button in
the Start Points and End Points panels.
B. To indicate the binding calculation you want to use for the start and end points
in the interval, select the Calculation Bound list in the Start Points and End
Points panels.
C. Save your changes.

Timing intervals are available in the Overview page of the Process Performance
dashboard in Process Portal.
Parent topic:Tracking IBM Business Process Manager performance data
Related information:
Deprecated: Defining reports in Process Designer



Sending tracking definitions to Performance Data

In order to track performance data, you need to send tracking definitions to the
Performance Data Warehouse. Each time you update your tracking requirements in
IBM Process Designer, you must send the updated definitions to Performance
Data Warehouse.

About this task

When developing on the Process Center Server, be sure to send definitions when
you make changes. For process applications deployed in runtime environments,
snapshot any changes and deploy the new snapshot to ensure that the data you
want to collect is available in the runtime environment.
The method of sending tracking definitions varies depending on the type of server
you are using.


Process Center Server

When you use

autotracking, manually
create or edit tracking
groups, or perform any
other task in the Designer
in IBM Process Designer to
capture performance data,
you must send these
tracking requirements to
the Performance Data
Warehouse if you plan to
run your processes on the
Process Center Server to
test data tracking and
If IBM Business Monitor is
installed, its tracking
definitions (part of a
monitor model) are
updated when you use this
menu item.


How to send tracking

In Process Designer, click
File > Update Tracking

Process servers in runtime When you deploy

snapshots of process
applications on process
servers in runtime
environments, all tracking
definitions are
automatically sent to the
Performance Data
Warehouse in the selected
runtime environment. This
ensures that your data is
tracked as expected when
instances of your
processes are run in the
runtime environment.
If IBM Business Monitor is
installed, its tracking
definitions (part of a
monitor model) are
automatically updated as

There is no need to send

tracking definitions unless
a problem occurs during
snapshot deployment. If a
problem does occur, you
can select the Update
Tracking Definitions
option for the snapshot in
the Process Admin

When you send tracking definitions, either directly or as part of a snapshot
deployment, the Performance Data Warehouse establishes the structure in its
database to hold the data that is generated by the Process Server when you run
instances of your processes. In IBM BPM, these tracking requirements are called
definitions because they establish the database schema in the Performance Data
Warehouse to accommodate the tracked data generated by the Process Server.

Parent topic:Enabling processes for tracking and reporting


Exposing performance scoreboards

The performance scoreboards are not exposed by default. If you want to expose
them to your Process Portal users, you must complete some manual steps.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

If you want to expose a performance scoreboard to your Process Portal users,
complete the following steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the process application.
3. Click Performance and then open the scoreboard.
4. In the Exposing section, click Select next to the Exposed to field to choose the
team whose members can view and use the scoreboard. To create a team, click
New. To remove an assigned team, click the X icon next to the Exposed to field.
5. Save your changes. The scoreboard is available in the Process Portal Organize
tabs list for the members of the team that it is exposed to.
Parent topic:Enabling processes for tracking and reporting


Defining reports in Process Designer (deprecated)

Reports enable you to analyze business data that is specific to your processes. You
can specify the variables to track and define the report to query your tracked data.
Users can view the resulting report scoreboards from the Dashboards page in
Process Portal. Instead of using the deprecated reporting capabilities, consider
using dashboards that you design in Coaches.

Before you begin

The reporting functionality is deprecated in IBM BPM V8; by default it is not
enabled. To enable reporting, in Process Designer go to File > Preferences > IBM
BPM > Capabilities, and enable the Backward Compatibility capabilities.
To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.
Ensure that autotracking is enabled for the business process definition (BPD).
Ensure that the tracked data is current by selecting File > Update tracking

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the process application.
3. Click File > Ad Hoc Report Analysis.
4. Define the content of the report. Select the variables for the X and Y axes from
the corresponding bindings lists. You can also specify a time period filter and a
business data filter.
5. Click the Refresh icon to preview the chart.
6. When you are satisfied with the appearance of the chart and the data, click the
Create Report from Chart button.
7. In the Create Report window, give the report a name, and click Finish.
8. Create the scoreboard to display the report.
A. In the library for the BPD, expand Performance, and select ScoreBoard from
the list of components.
B. In the New Scoreboard window, give the dashboard a name, select a layout,
and click Finish.
9. Assign the report to the dashboard.
A. In the Scoreboard window in the Reports section, click Add, and then the
B. In the Layout section, select the Enabled check box, and type a title in the
ScoreBoard title field. This title is what Process Portal users see in the list of
C. In the Exposing section, click Select next to the Exposed to field, and select
the team whose members can view this dashboard in Process Portal.

When you log in to Process Portal as a member of a team to whom the dashboard is
exposed, you can see the new dashboard in the list of dashboards. Click the
dashboard to display the report.


What to do next
After installing a process application snapshot that includes the dashboard, you can
adjust the members of the team to whom the dashboard is exposed.

- Defining a custom layout Process Designer for reports (deprecated)

When you define a report in Process Designer, you can select an existing chart
layout (for example, one of the layout included in the System Data toolkit), to
display resulting data, or you can create a custom layout.
Parent topic:Enabling processes for tracking and reporting
Related tasks:
Configuring runtime teams


Defining a custom layout Process Designer for reports

When you define a report in Process Designer, you can select an existing chart
layout (for example, one of the layout included in the System Data toolkit), to display
resulting data, or you can create a custom layout.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The reporting functionality is deprecated in IBM BPM V8; by default it is not enabled.
To enable reporting, in Process Designer go to File > Preferences > IBM BPM >
Capabilities, and enable the Backward Compatibility capabilities.
Creating a custom chart type enables you to control the format of your report results.
For example, the chart types available by default in the System Data Toolkit may not
meet the needs of your users. Or, you may want to develop customized chart types
to meet corporate guidelines.

To create a custom chart type:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the process application.
3. Click the plus sign next to the All category in the library and select Chart Type
from the list of components.
4. In the New Chart Type window, enter a name for the chart type and click the
Finish button.
5. Optionally provide information about the new chart type in the Documentation
text box.
6. In the Chart Definition text box, enter the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) definition
for your custom chart type. By default, the Chart Definition text box includes the
CSS framework for a new definition to help you get started. You can use the
framework to build a definition for the new chart type or you can overwrite the
framework by copying and pasting an entire CSS definition from another
application like IBM ILOG JViews Charts.
7. Click Preview to ensure that the CSS definition produces the chart layout that you
expect. If not, refine the definition until it meets your needs.
8. Click Save in the main Process Designer toolbar to save the custom layout.
Parent topic:Defining reports in Process Designer (deprecated)


Building cases
A case is a project that starts and finishes over time to resolve a problem. The
problem can involve a claim or a request or a proposal and be supplemented by
many documents and records relevant to the case. A case usually involves multiple
people from inside and outside of an organization. These people often have a
relationship to each other. For example, a customer with a problem and a
corporate support representative who solves the problem for the customer.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
To create a case, you identify the user activities that are needed to complete the
case and then group those activities into a case. You identify the documents that
are used and the teams of users that work on the activities. You also identify the
conditions that are required to start and complete the case and activities. Finally,
you create the user interface that case workers see in Process Portal.
The following diagram illustrates the main tasks and activities that are associated
with building a case.

Case management overview

IBM Business Process Manager is a case management system that simplifies the
job of designing and building cases. It also provides a graphical user interface for
case workers to manage cases. With IBM Business Process Manager, you design

a case management application that is based on closely related cases and then
deploy that solution into a production environment. Case workers can then
complete work items that are associated with cases.
Designing a case
To design a case management application, identify what user activities are
needed to accomplish the main user goal. Decide what business level activities
and steps you need, and then group those activities and steps into a case. As you
identify the content that is needed to complete the activities, decide who works on
the content. Then, consider what does or does not need to happen to complete
an activity.
Opening Case Designer from Process Center
You can configure process applications and toolkits so that users can open them
Case Designer from Process Center.
Creating a case type
A case type defines the activities that are needed to resolve a specific business
problem. A case type also defines who works on these activities and the steps they
take to resolve the problem. At run time, a business user works with a case,
which is an instance of a case type. A case type also uses document types that
define the documents that are required for the case.
Adding a case activity
An activity in a case is a discrete task that can be completed by a person or a
system as part of that case. Typically a case has a number of activities. You add
an activity in a case type and classify it as either is required or optional, and also
define the order in which activities are performed by setting preconditions, and
add implementation logic.
Creating a document type
Document types classify the documents that belong to a case. Document types
provide order to the many kinds of documents that can occur in a case. You can
configure a case to start when a document of a specified document type is filed
into the IBM BPM content store. You can also set a precondition on an activity to
start the activity when a document of a specified document type is filed in the IBM
BPM content store
Creating case user interfaces
Create user interfaces that a user sees for the case instance in Process Portal.
Testing and debugging a case type
Play back your case type in the Inspector to test and debug your activities.
Services to support case management applications
You can create services to use with your case management applications. These
services, which can do standard tasks in your case management applications,
can be shared by
all case types in a process application.
The IBM BPM content store
The IBM BPM content store is a CMIS-enabled embedded document repository
that is used to store IBM BPM documents in IBM Business Process Manager
Advanced version or later. It supplants the document attachment feature
that was used in earlier releases. The IBM BPM content store supports all Content
Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) operations and most inbound events
and you can use either Coaches or Heritage Coaches to work with IBM BPM
documents in the content store.

Case artifacts and the IBM BPM content store

The IBM BPM content store contains the
generated case folder and
document definitions and the case artifacts.
Parent topic:Building process applications


Case management overview

IBM Business Process Manager is a case management system that simplifies the
job of designing and building cases. It also provides a graphical user interface for
case workers to manage cases. With IBM Business Process Manager, you design a
case management application that is based on closely related cases and then
deploy that solution into a production environment. Case workers can then
complete work items that are associated with cases.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
For example, if you want to design an application for resolving credit card disputes,
IBM Business Process Manager provides tools to design and create an application
that case workers can then use to process the cases that are created.
IBM Business Process Manager unifies information, processes, and people by
providing you with the following functions:
- An active-content infrastructure that manages the persisted case object model and
content-based events for case activities. For example, the addition of a
document or a field
change triggers a case activity.
- Enterprise Content Management integration that includes complete document
capabilities. These capabilities include creating a version and security.
Some licensing
restrictions might apply.
- True content management functions to store document metadata that you can
modify and search
- A process that manages the logic for running a sequence of activities.
- An out of the box user interface that is flexible and customizable. You can use the
interface to create a team-based experience that provides case workers
with the information
they must work on.
For a high-level overview of how IBM Business Process Manager handles cases,
watch this short overview video available on YouTube or in the IBM Education
Assistant information center. A transcript of the video is available.

Case management concepts

Case management applications consist of case types, document types, human
and other components. A case management application is an
application that case workers use to
process cases.
Scenario: Financial services credit card dispute resolution
IBM Business Process Manager can provide card-issuing banks with a case
management application for credit card dispute resolution. IBM Business Process
Manager provides a comprehensive view of the case for the case workers. It
improves case worker efficiency and reduces the chance for errors as the case is
being processed.
Scenario: Automobile insurance claims
IBM Business Process Manager can provide an application for creating and
managing automobile insurance claims. With the case management system, you
can associate the data about the claim and the submitter with the supporting
documentation as it is submitted. The business analyst can quickly process any


required changes to the automobile claim solution. By configuring an application

in IBM Business Process Manager, you can ensure that claims are processed
completely and accurately.
Parent topic:
Building cases
Related concepts:
Designing a case application
Related tasks:
Creating a process application for your case types
Creating a case type
Creating a document type
Related reference:
Services to support case management applications


Case management concepts

Case management applications consist of case types, document types, human
and other components. A case management application is an
application that case workers use to
process cases.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.

- Process application
- A process application contains one or more related case types that
provide the documents, data, business processing, and routing to the case
For example, a process application for a human resources
department might include
a case type for new hires. The process
application might also include a case type
for retirement and a case
type for employee termination.
- Case types
- Case types define the activities and might use document types to
support the activity. Case types also specify the teams that must complete the
activities to solve a business problem. The case type also includes
that are shown to case workers in Process Portal. Case
types make up a
case management application. A case is an
instance of a case type.
- Document types
- Document types help you to organize and classify the documents that
belong to a case. You can provide more information about the documents by
assigning properties to the document type. For example, a document
type might be a
job application form.
- Preconditions
- A case type can contain preconditions. A precondition
the action to take if particular conditions are met in a case. You can
use preconditions to determine process routing.


- Coaches
- You can define a launch user interface or an instance user interface for a
business user to work with your case. The implementation of these user
by a client-side human service can contain coaches.
Human services with coaches
can also be used to implement
- Activities
- A case contains activities. An activity in a case is a discrete task
can be completed by a person or a system as part of that case. You can
implement an activity as a user task, which is a client-side human service, a
subprocess, or a linked process. For example, an activity might be to
review new
hire applications. A case is not complete until all
activities that are marked as
required during design are completed.
Also, all activities that are started must
be completed. For
details about the states that an activity can be in, see Runtime states for
activities in process applications.
- Linked process
- A case can call a reusable process, which is known as a linked process. Since
linked process is reusable, it can be used by many cases. For
example, creating a
customer account might follow a common set of
steps; so, if created with a linked
process, it might be used by many
- Subprocess
- A subprocess is an option for encapsulating logically related steps within a
case. Steps in a subprocess can directly access variables from the case.
No data
mapping is required. However, unlike a linked process, a
subprocess can be
accessed and instantiated only from the case
that is using it. It is not reusable
by any other case.
- Client-side human services
- Human services are the human actions in a process that must be
completed for an activity. For example, a human service might be to review a
application form. There are two types of human services in IBM
BPM; heritage
human services, and client-side human services.
activities use client-side human services. Use the Client-side
human service
editor to create and edit human services.
- Teams
- A team represents a specific business function. For example, a team
might be an Applicant or Supervisor. You assign users and groups to teams.
You can
assign them at design time with the Designer or at run time
with the Process Admin
Console. Teams are associated with cases.
You can also specify which users can
start a case.

Parent topic:

Case management overview

Related concepts:
Scenario: Financial services credit card dispute resolution
Scenario: Automobile insurance claims

Related information:
Business process management and case management
Client-side human services


Scenario: Financial services credit card

dispute resolution
IBM Business Process Manager can provide card-issuing banks with a case
management application for credit card dispute resolution. IBM Business Process
Manager provides a comprehensive view of the case for the case workers. It
improves case worker efficiency and reduces the chance for errors as the case is
being processed.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.

Banks that issue credit cards are seeing a significant increase in dispute cases. In
addition, regulatory reform and an increased focus on customer satisfaction put
more pressure on banks to handle each case as efficiently as possible. The
banks require a solution that enables them to process each incoming dispute and
decide whether to forward it to the credit card company for chargeback.
Credit card companies have strict requirements for how cases can be submitted.
The bank solution must provide accurate and appropriate information to the credit
card company to ensure efficient processing.

Solution to problem
A business analyst at the bank, Anna, studies the requirements of the credit card
company's dispute process. Anna determines the types of information that the
credit card company requires to process a dispute. Anna uses the IBM Business
Process Manager tools to quickly design and create an application. The
application helps the bank representatives capture all of the required information
in a case and attach extra records and documents to the case. Anna determines
what teams must be involved in processing dispute and fraud cases, and Anna
assigns permissions to different groups based on those teams.

Jane, a credit card customer of the bank, buys a table from an online merchant for
$400. The table is not delivered within three weeks as the merchant promised.
Jane sends email and calls the merchant. However, no one responds. Because
Jane used a credit card for the transaction, Jane calls the bank for help.
Jane enters the account information by using the automated phone system. As a
result, the call is routed to Nicole, a senior customer service representative. When
Jane explains the situation, Nicole opens a case to track the dispute. Nicole finds
the purchase transaction for the table from Jane's account and adds the record to
the new case. Nicole forwards the call and the case to a dispute agent, Frank.
During the conversation with Jane, Frank enters data into the case by using a form
that captures details about the transaction, the merchant, and the customer. Jane
says that a copy of the receipt can be provided and a copy of the delivery
agreement. Frank creates an activity in the case to follow up on requesting the
documents. Frank tells Jane that an investigation is proceeding, and adds Jane's
preferred contact method to the case. When the call ends, a recording of the call


is automatically added to the case as a document.

Frank uses Process Portal as an interface. This interface is customized to Frank's
job as a case worker. The interface provides a comprehensive view of the case.
The tools to review details of the case are readily available and actions can be
taken based on the findings. After some research, Frank discovers that the
merchant is out of business. Frank adds a comment to the case about this
discovery. Frank is notified that the online receipt and delivery agreement from
Jane are available. These documents automatically get added to the case and
are ready for Frank to review.
Frank decides to process a chargeback against the merchant. Frank starts an
activity that gathers the relevant details of the case. The activity formulates the
chargeback request, validates that the information is correct and complete, and
forwards it to the credit card company. Frank also creates an activity in the case
for Frank's supervisor Richard to review the case. Richard can then determine
whether any action must be taken based on the fact that the merchant is no
longer in business.
Frank's supervisor Richard reviews the case. Richard notices Frank's comment that
the merchant is out of business. Richard also analyzes recent transactions that
involve the merchant to determine the bank's level of exposure.
Based on this analysis, Richard decides to set up a subteam to handle any disputes
that involve this merchant. Richard sends a change request to Anna, who is the
business analyst, to modify the application to incorporate this new team. From
Richard's Process Portal environment, Richard requests that a letter is sent to
affected customers to inform them of their dispute rights. Richard also sends an
alert to the team of advisors to inform them of the situation. Richard then completes
the review of the case.
Anna receives Richard's change request. To satisfy the new requirement, Anna
designs a new team for the subteam in the application and a new rule. When
customers call with disputes that involve this merchant, the new rule routes the
disputes to the new team. By using the IBM Business Process Manager tools, Anna
can implement the changes in a few minutes. Anna can then easily test the
changes before Anna deploys the changes to the production system.
Because the credit card company implemented an efficient case management
process, Jane's and other customer's requests can be more quickly resolved.

Parent topic:

Case management overview

Related concepts:
Case management concepts


Scenario: Automobile insurance claims

IBM Business Process Manager can provide an application for creating and
managing automobile insurance claims. With the case management system, you
can associate the data about the claim and the submitter with the supporting
documentation as it is submitted. The business analyst can quickly process any
required changes to the automobile claim solution. By configuring an application in
IBM Business Process Manager, you can ensure that claims are processed
completely and accurately.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.

Automobile insurance claims can involve input and supporting documentation from
many sources. The sources include the claim submitter, the repair shop, the
police, and other official sources of information about vehicle value or road
conditions. In addition, different analysts are often required to evaluate and add
information to an insurance claim during processing. All documentation and claim
information must be available and easily accessible to enable adjustors to
properly evaluate and resolve the claim.
Individual claims can vary greatly. This variability can require case workers to start
discretionary processes and to involve new teams. The variability can also change
how and when tasks are completed as the claim is routed through the

Solution to problem
Javier, a business analyst at the automobile insurance company, is working on
making the automobile claims process more consistent. Javier uses IBM
Business Process Manager to design an application with activities that involve
multiple human services. Javier creates teams for each step in the claims process.
Javier assigns permission to the teams for the groups of employees who do the
activities at each stage in the process.
The application that Javier designs combines these elements.
- Claim properties, such as policy number and accident details
- Teams, such as claims adjustor or fraud investigator
- Case types, such as general claims, claims with injury, or major loss claims.
In addition, IBM Business Process Manager enables Javier to create a flexible
solution. Javier can quickly change teams, processing, or add activities when they
are needed.

Carly is driving on a roadway when Carly's car strikes a large object. Although Carly
is not hurt, the car is too damaged to drive. The police arrive, and a tow truck is
dispatched. When Carly calls the insurance company, customer service
representative Chris opens a case for the claim. Chris uses a First Notice of Loss
(FNOL) form to record the information. When Chris enters Carly's home phone


number, many of the form fields are automatically populated with data that is
retrieved from the system.
Chris asks about Carly's location, and tells Carly to have the tow truck driver take
the damaged car to a specific nearby repair shop. The case information is
forwarded to the car repair shop. Chris tells Carly how to use a PDF form that is
available on the insurance company's website to provide details about the
accident. Chris gives Carly the case number that was generated when Chris
opened Carly's case. Carly is told to include the case number on the form.
Chris recalls a memorandum about recent fraudulent claims that involve collisions
with roadway debris. Chris creates a discretionary task to involve a fraud
investigator in the claim.
Later, Carly downloads the PDF form from the insurance company's website and
enters the accident details and the case number. Carly mails the form back to the
insurance company. Because this action is set as a precondition on Chris's task
to review the claim, Chris is notified when the form is added to the case. Also, on
the company website, Carly uses the case number to access a tool for uploading
photographs of the damaged car.
John, the agent at the car repair shop, receives notification about the case. John
creates a task to provide an estimate for repairs. John makes sure that the $4500
estimate for repair does not exceed the value of the car and submits the estimate
to the insurance company. John uses Carly's contact information to notify Carly
that the estimate was submitted.
The case is routed to Lisa, an adjustor. Lisa reviews the case and the supporting
documents, including the police report and the photographs of the damage. The
estimate is below the threshold for investigation, and the fraud investigator set the
flag for possible fraud to false. Lisa approves the claim.
After the case is closed, the insurance company receives a report from the police.
The report says that a freight company was charged with dropping the object that
caused Carly's accident. Lisa reopens Carly's case. Lisa contacts Javier, who
adds a team to the system called recovery expert. The recovery expert creates
new tasks to attempt to reclaim the cost of the repairs from the freight company.
Because of the flexibility of this case management system, case workers can
resolve problems more quickly and efficiently, and customers can close their
claims more easily.

Parent topic:

Case management overview

Related concepts:
Case management concepts
Scenario: Financial services credit card dispute resolution


Designing a case
To design a case management application, identify what user activities are needed
to accomplish the main user goal. Decide what business level activities and steps
you need, and then group those activities and steps into a case. As you identify the
content that is needed to complete the activities, decide who works on the content.
Then, consider what does or does not need to happen to complete an activity.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
One approach to designing an application is to first identify the types of documents
that people in your organization must complete for some activity. For example, to
resolve a credit card dispute claim, you might need a dispute form and a customer
to complete the form. Then, a service representative must review that form. Next,
you might initiate a fraud investigation if the circumstances warrant such an
activity. In that case, you might need a fraud investigator to review the claim.
Therefore, for a credit card dispute case, the application must include these
- Dispute form
- Fraud investigation form
Your application must also include these teams:
- Customer
- Customer service representative
- Fraud investigator
You can use the Case Type editor to help you think through the various document
types, teams, case types, and activities that you need.
Parent topic:

Building cases

Related concepts:
Case management overview
Related tasks:
Creating a process application for your case types
Creating a case type
Creating a document type
Related reference:
Services to support case management applications



Opening Case Designer from Process

You can configure process applications and toolkits so that users can open them in
Case Designer from Process Center.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
If you configure a process application or toolkit so that users can open it in Case
Designer, a link Open in Case Designer is displayed in Process

- To configure a new process application so that users can open it in Case Designer
from Process Center:
1. Log in to Process Center.
2. Select the Process Apps tab.
3. Click Create New Process App.
4. In the Create New Process App window, enter a name and
acronym for your process application.
5. Select the Allow users to open the process application in the
web-based Case Designer check box.
- To configure an existing process application so that users can open it in Case
Designer from Process Center:
1. Open the process application in Process Designer.
2. Click Manage.
3. Select the Allow users to open the process application in the
web-based Case Designer check box.
- To configure a new toolkit so that users can open it in Case Designer from Process
1. Log in to Process Center.
2. Select the Toolkits tab.
3. Click Create New Toolkit.
4. In the Create New Toolkit window, enter a name and an
for your toolkit.
5. Select the Allow users to open the toolkit in the web-based Case
Designer check box.
- To configure an existing toolkit so that users can open it in Case Designer from
Process Center:
1. Open the toolkit in Process Designer.
2. Click Manage.
3. Select the Allow users to open the toolkit in the web-based Case
Designer check box.
Parent topic:

Building cases



Creating a case type

A case type defines the activities that are needed to resolve a specific business
problem. A case type also defines who works on these activities and the steps they
take to resolve the problem. At run time, a business user works with a case, which
is an instance of a case type. A case type also uses document types that define
the documents that are required for the case.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
You create a case type from the Cases category in the library. Note:You can use
only the Case Type editor to update a case type; that is, you cannot use an
external tool.

1. Select Cases from the library. Click +. In
the Cases menu, select Case Type
2. In the New Case Type dialog, enter a name for the case type.For example, if
you were creating a case type for the Credit Card Dispute Resolution
application, you might enter Manage Dispute.
3. Click Finish. The Case Type editor opens for your case type in the
page. The case type that you created is added to the
Case Type menu that
is listed when you click
4. Optional: In the overview page, use the Documentation field to add information
about the case type that you want to share with your development team.
5. Configure how the case is started in Process Portal. See Configuring how a
case is started.
6. Assign teams whose members can start a case, or instance owner teams whose
members can work
with the case in Process Portal. See Assigning teams to a
case type.
7. Create variables for the information that you want to share across activities.
properties that are stored in case folders. Adding a case type variable
or property.
8. Add activities that define the business tasks that make up the case. Add
preconditions and
behavior that determine how and when the activity starts.
Implement the activity. Adding a case activity.
9. Creating user interfaces for the case Creating case user interfaces.
10. Adding folders that are used to group the documents in Process Portal and in
content store Adding case type folders.

What to do next


Configuring how a case is started

A case can be started manually by an authorized user or automatically when a
document of a specified type is added to the IBM BPM content store. You can
configure a case type to support both of these starting mechanisms. For example,
a case might start when a customer submits an online complaint form or when a
customer service representative initiates the case in response to a customer call.
Adding a case type variable or property
A variable contains information that can be shared among activities. A case folder
property is a variable whose value is stored in the case folder and thus also visible
to anyone directly interacting with the case folder.
Adding case type folders
Folders provide a way of grouping documents that are related to a case. You can
create a folder structure that case workers in Process Portal can use to add
documents that are required to complete the case. You create case folders in the
case type editor.
Assigning teams to a case type
You can assign a team whose members can start a case, or an instance owners
team whose members can work with the case at run time in Process Portal.
Parent topic:
Building cases
Related concepts:
Case management overview
Designing a case application
Related tasks:
Creating a process application for your case types
Creating a case type
Creating a document type
Related reference:
Services to support case management applications


Configuring how a case is started

A case can be started manually by an authorized user or automatically when a
document of a specified type is added to the IBM BPM content store. You can
configure a case type to support both of these starting mechanisms. For example,
a case might start when a customer submits an online complaint form or when a
customer service representative initiates the case in response to a customer call.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.

To configure how a case is started:
1. Open the case type that you want to configure.
2. Optional: Specify the type of document that can automatically start a case:
A. In the Starting Document section of the Overview page, click
Select to
choose a document type or New to
create a document type.
B. Optional: To automatically initialize case folder property values with the
values of matching document properties, select the Map document
properties check box. If you select this check box, the properties on a starting
document are matched to the
properties on the case folder. Properties are
matched based on the symbolic name, which is
composed of the business
object name, type, and cardinality. For example, assume that you have a
business object that is called
customerId of simple type string. Both the
case type and the starting
document type contain a property of type
customerId. When a starting
document is created, these properties are
matched and the value of the case's customerId
property is updated with
the value of the starting document's customerId property.The identifier of the
starting document is available as a JavaScript system variable:
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.startingDocumentId. You can use
this identifier in case activities, such as with Enterprise Content Management
operations. The case type is started by the default snapshot of a process
application. In Process Center, the tip is the default snapshot unless another
snapshot was explicitly configured to be the default. If the case type is defined
in a toolkit, it is started only if a snapshot of that toolkit is referenced by a
process application. If multiple process applications reference the same toolkit
that contains a case type with a starting document, multiple case instances are
3. Specify the team that can manually start a case by clicking Select
or New for
the Expose to Start option. You must select a team to work with the case in
Process Portal.
Parent topic:

Creating a case type

Related tasks:


Assigning teams to a case type


Adding a case type variable or property

A variable contains information that can be shared among activities. A case folder
property is a variable whose value is stored in the case folder and thus also visible
to anyone directly interacting with the case folder.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
A variable can have a primitive type such as a String. A variable can also be a
business object with either a complex or simple type. A case folder property can
reference only a custom simple type business object. It cannot reference a
complex type business object or one of the simple types, such as a String,

1. To add a variable, select the Variables tab and click
+ beside Input, Output,
or Private.
2. Beneath Details add an appropriate name and, if you want, a
description in
the Documentation field. By default, the variable has a
String type. To change
the type, click Select and select another type
from the menu. To make a
variable a list, that is, make the variable an array, select
List. Select Visible
in Process Portal to make a
variable visible and available for searching in
Process Portal. If you select Visible in
Process Portal, a name in the Alias
field is required. This
name appears in the following places:
- The Data section of the View Instance page
- The Details section when you work on a task
- The expanded task.
3. To use an existing business object as a type, click Select and
retrieve the
business object from the menu. To create a new business object, click
and follow the steps in Creating custom business objects in Process Designer.
For example, in the Manage Dispute case type, you might require a business
object to
contain personal information about the owner of the credit card. You
can add a
CreditCardOwnerPersonal business object with these parameters.
- cardNumber (Integer)
- expiryDate (Date)
- givenName (String)
- surname (String)
4. Select + beside Case Folder Properties to
create a variable that is a property
of the case folder.In addition to the attributes for an input, output or private
variable, case folder
properties have display and symbolic names. The
Display name field
shows a generated name that is based on the property
type. This name appears on the case
folder in the IBM BPM content store. If
you create
a case folder property that is called customerCardNumber and
customerCardNumber is based on a
simple type that is called
CustCardNumber, then the Display name field
becomes Cust Card Number.


In other words, the simple type name becomes the display name with a
change for readability.
The Symbolic name field shows a generated name that is based on the
property type. You can use this name for Enterprise Content Management
A property that is a list must contain values when used. Null values result in an
5. The Visible Variables section shows the names and aliases of
variables or
properties that are identified as Visible in Process
Portal. If you want, you
can remove that visibility.
6. Save your work when finished creating your variables.
Parent topic:

Creating a case type

Related information:
Creating custom business objects in Process Designer
Data mapping in Enterprise Content Management operations


Adding case type folders

Folders provide a way of grouping documents that are related to a case. You can
create a folder structure that case workers in Process Portal can use to add
documents that are required to complete the case. You create case folders in the
case type editor.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
Adding folders is a way to group logically related documents similar to paper folders
in a desk. In a large, complex case, folders bring order to the many documents
that accumulate over the resolution of the business problem. A folder can contain
one or more subfolders.
A case itself has a folder. The folders that you define for the case type are the initial
set of folders that are automatically created when a case is started. At run time,
you can add or remove subfolders under a specific case folder. In addition to
Process Portal, case folders can also be accessed in the IBM BPM content store.

1. To add a folder, open the case type.
2. Click the Folders tab. You can create a folder directly under the root case folder,
or under a previously created
3. Click + beside the folder under which you want to create your
folder. Add a
name for your folder and save your work. You can create as many folders and
subfolders as you want. For example, in the
Manage Dispute case type,
you might want to have several folders for the parties involved.
You might
create folders for information on the credit card owner, the vendor, and
third-party corporations that are involved with the transaction. You might create
folder structure.
- Credit Card Dispute Documents
- Credit Card Owner Documents
- Historical Documents on Owner
- Monthly Transactions
- Vendor Documents
- Historical Documents on Vendor
- Monthly Transactions
- Third-party Services Documents
- Delivery Records
- Shipping Records

What to do next
The case folder and its subfolders are accessible through the Document Explorer
coach view in the Instance Details UI that is provided with the Dashboards toolkit.
See Default Instance Details template.
If you are working with the IBM BPM content store on an Enterprise Content


Manager server, you can modify your Launch UI so that a user can view
documents in the case folder that you specified in the Folders page. See
Creating case user interfaces.
You can also access the folder structure programmatically by using Enterprise
Content Management operations. The identifier of the root case folder is available
within a case as
tw.system.currentProcessInstance.caseFolderId. When
you create a subfolder programmatically by using the Enterprise Content
Management operation Create Folder, you must use IBM_BPM_CaseSubFolder
as the Object type ID.

Parent topic:

Creating a case type


Assigning teams to a case type

You can assign a team whose members can start a case, or an instance owners
team whose members can work with the case at run time in Process Portal.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
You develop your case type in the Case Type editor. At run time, you can start an
instance of the case type, and case workers can view and start the case activities
in the activity list in Process Portal. The Expose to start option determines the
users who can start the instance in the Launch area in Process Portal. The
instance owner team identifies the users who can work with the case. For
example, for the Manage Dispute case type you might create a case owner team
called Customer Service Representatives.

1. Open the case type for which you want to assign teams.
2. Click the Overview page.
To assign the team of users that can start a case instance in Process Portal.
1. Select a team for the Expose to start option. You can also create a
new team
here. See Creating a team.
To assign the team of users that can work on the case in Process Portal.
1. Select a team for the Instance owners option. You can also create a
team here. See Creating a team.
2. Save your work.
Parent topic:

Creating a case type

Related tasks:
Configuring how a case is started


Adding a case activity

An activity in a case is a discrete task that can be completed by a person or a
system as part of that case. Typically a case has a number of activities. You add an
activity in a case type and classify it as either is required or optional, and also
define the order in which activities are performed by setting preconditions, and
add implementation logic.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
To simplify a workflow, you can also break a large activity into smaller, more
activities. For example, instead of having a single activity for the
credit card dispute,
you might have the following activities:
- Receiving a form from a customer
- Initiating a case
- Tracking the status of a case
- Reviewing a document
- Requesting a copy of the sales receipt
- Opening a dispute claim
- Opening a fraud investigation
- Generating correspondence related to the dispute
- Requesting a document
The case is not complete until all the required activities are completed and all
activities are completed.

1. Open the case type for which you want to add an activity and switch to the
Activities page.
2. Decide whether the activity is required or optional and create the activity in the
appropriate section.




A required activity must be

completed before the case can
complete. A
activity can be started
automatically or manually as
soon as the case is
created or after preconditions
are met for the activity. For
example, your solution
for credit card disputes has a
case type for claims with
supporting documentation.
You can create a required
activity for a claim review as
soon as supporting
documentation for a claim is
added to the content store.
An optional activity is created
as needed. An optional activity
can be
automatically, or manually as
soon as the case is created or
are met for the activity. For
example, your solution for
has a case type for automobile
accidents. You can create an
optional activity
can be manually started for the
rental car task.
3. Enter a name for the activity and optionally add a description in the
Documentation field.
Next, define the behavior of the activity, in the Behavior
section of the General
1. Define how the activity is started:


The activity starts automatically
when a case is created or when
preconditions are
met for the activity.
The activity must be started by
a user. You can define
preconditions that
must be met to put a manual
activity into Ready state.
However, the activity does
not start until the case worker
decides to manually start the


2. The behavior section provides another way to set an activity as required or

If you change the setting here, the activity moves into the
appropriate section.
3. If the activity can be invoked multiple times, select
Repeatable. You can
mark an activity to repeat when there is a
property change or when a
document-filing precondition is defined for the activity. An
activity that is
marked as repeatable can occur multiple times during the lifetime of the
case it is part of and can cause new activities to be created and repeated.
Activities can
be repeated as needed, even if the activity already
4. You can hide activities from users in Process Portal. If the activity is a background
activity that users should not see, select Hidden. Hidden
can be started automatically or manually as soon as the case is created or
after the preconditions are met for the activity. The activity does not appear in the
Activities section in the Process Portal, but assigned users can view and
work with
resulting tasks in the Process Portal task lists. Typically, hidden
activities are
automatic but they can also be manual. A manual hidden
activity can be started only programmatically, by using the
ActivityInstance.start() method. For more information, see JavaScript API
for IBM Process Designer and REST API for the Activity Instance (Ad Hoc)
Define when the activity is ready to start by setting preconditions. Activities
start automatically after all the preconditions are met or manually by a user after all
the preconditions are met. If you do not set any preconditions, automatic
activities start
as soon as the case is launched and manual activities must be
started by a user. See Setting preconditions.
1. Define the implementation for the activity and map the data if it is required.

Setting preconditions for case activities

You can specify preconditions that must be met before the activity is ready to
start. Activities can start automatically after all the preconditions are met or
manually by a user after all the preconditions are met. If you do not set any
preconditions, automatic activities start as soon as the case is launched and
manual activities must be started by a user.
Implementing a case activity
Case activities can be implemented with a linked process, a subprocess, or a
client-side human service.
Parent topic:
Building cases
Related tasks:
Implementing an activity


Setting preconditions for case activities

You can specify preconditions that must be met before the activity is ready to start.
Activities can start automatically after all the preconditions are met or manually by a
user after all the preconditions are met. If you do not set any preconditions,
automatic activities start as soon as the case is launched and manual activities
must be started by a user.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
A precondition consists of two parts, a precondition event, and a precondition
expression. The two parts together determine when the activity starts:
- If both are defined, then when the precondition event occurs, the precondition
is evaluated. If the expression evaluates to true, the activity starts.
- If there is a precondition event but no precondition expression, the activity starts
the precondition event is met.
Note: In addition to determining
when the activity first starts, the precondition
also determines when an activity that is
already started changes state. For
example, from a waiting state to a working state. See
Runtime states for
activities in process applications.

To set a precondition:
1. Open the case type.
2. In the case type editor, switch to Activities, and select the activity that you want.
3. Switch to the Preconditions page.
4. In the Precondition Event section, select the event that triggers
precondition expression to be evaluated.
Precondition event
No precondition event for
this activity

Automatic activities start as
soon as the case is launched.
Manual activities must be
started by a user.


A document is filed in the


The activity starts when a

document is added to the case.
Any document typeThe
activity starts when a document
is added to the case. This
option applies to all
documents, including
documents that are not
contained in this process
application.Choose one or
more document typesThe
activity starts when a document
of any of the specified
document types is added to
the case.Inside the
implementation of the activity,
you can use JavaScript to
access the
identifier of the
document that caused the
activity to start:


You can
use this identifier
to further process the document
within the activity by using
Management operations.
A case property or variable is You can select multiple case
properties or variables from the
list provided. The
starts when any of the specified
properties or variables are
A precondition expression is There is no precondition event
to be triggered. You must
specify a precondition
expression, and when the
expression is met, the activity
5. Create an expression if your precondition requires it. The expression must
evaluate to true
at the time the precondition event occurs, for the activity to
A. Click the + icon in the Precondition Expression section heading.
B. Specify the parameters of the expression. For example, you might specify
claimAmount is greater than 100. You
can specify multiple
expressions for the precondition. For example, you might specify
creditCardNumber is not equal to 0 and vendorName is not like
C. Select Match All if both expressions must evaluate to true for the
to start. Select Match Any if the activity can start when any
expression evaluates to true.
Parent topic:

Adding a case activity



Implementing a case activity

Case activities can be implemented with a linked process, a subprocess, or a
client-side human service.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.

1. Open the case type, and select the activity that you want to implement.
2. Switch to the Implementation tab and select the activity
type, and
then select the implementation. You can choose from one of the
following implementations.
- User task
- A task that is performed by a user in Process Portal. The user task
is implemented as a client-side human service, which creates the
user interface.
- Linked process
- Calls another process within the process application.
- Subprocess
- A non-reusable process.
3. Add the details of the implementation that you selected:
- Client-Side Human ServiceYou can select an existing client-side human
service, or create a new
one. When you create a new clientside human service, the input and
output variables are
automatically taken from the case type variables.
All input and
output variables are selected by default. You can clear
input and output variables that you do not want to use with your
human service.
Under Priority Settings,
specify your settings. A priority that
ranges from lowest to highest
establishes the priority you want
for this activity in the Process
Portal. Specify a due in time;
that is, when the activity must be
completed from the time the
activity begins, and the timezone that is
used by the due in
Under Task
Header, specify a display name for the activity in
Subject field. If you do not specify a
display name, the activity name is used. In the
field, you can enter a description
or instructions for this activity.
You can use JavaScript to specify
these fields.
In the Process Designer web editor, create your
human service as described in Building a client-side human service.
- SubprocessDouble-click the activity and the
editor opens. Create your subprocess as described in Modeling non-reusable
subprocesses.Warning: If you define a
repeatable activity


that is implemented as a subprocess, multiple

instances of
the subprocess might be active at the same time (for
example, when multiple documents arrive within a short time period).
These instances concurrently access the same case variables and can
therefore interfere with each other.
- Linked ProcessSelect an existing linked
process as the
implementation. Working with linked processesNote: You cannot create a linked
process from the case type
editor. To create a linked
process, start the Process Designer
desktop editor.
4. For client-side human services and linked processes, you must map the case
variables to the client-side human service or linked process variables.
mapping maps the case type input and output variables to the
input and output
variables of the client-side human service or linked
process. In some
client-side human services, the mapping is
complete since the wizard to create a
human service creates the
mapping as one of its steps. To create a data
A. Click the Data Mapping tab.
B. For input mapping, click the select a variable icon ( ). Select the input case
type variable to map to the input variable from the linked process
human process. Then, repeat this procedure for the output
Subprocesses have direct access to the case variables and therefore do not
need data mapping.
5. Save your work.
Parent topic:

Adding a case activity

Related tasks:
Adding a case activity
Related information:
Subprocess types
Client-side human services
Building a client-side human service
Creating a team


Creating a document type

Document types classify the documents that belong to a case. Document types
provide order to the many kinds of documents that can occur in a case. You can
configure a case to start when a document of a specified document type is filed into
the IBM BPM content store. You can also set a precondition on an activity to start
the activity when a document of a specified document type is filed in the IBM BPM
content store

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
You create a document type from the Cases category in the library.

1. Select Cases from the library. Click +. In the Cases menu, select Document
2. In the New Document Type dialog, enter a name for the document type.For
example, if you were creating a document type for the Credit Card Dispute
Resolution application, you might enter SupportingCustomerDocumentation.
3. Click Finish. The Document Type editor opens for your document type.
4. Enter the properties for the document type. The properties provide the structure
for your document type. These properties become fields at run time when a
business user enters information in them. You can use the following attributes:
- List: the property is a list (or array).
- Hidden: the business user cannot see the property in Process Portal, but it is
visible in the IBM BPM content store.
- Required: the property must be completed by the business user. The property is
marked as required in Process Portal, and the user cannot proceed without
entering a value for it.
Restriction: A document property can reference only a custom simple type
business object. It cannot reference a complex type business object or one of the
simple types, such as a String, directly. Also, it cannot reference a custom
simple type business object that has a base type of Selection.
For example, SupportingCustomerDocumentation might have a property for the
customer's credit card number with a required attribute. If all vendors were
available in a list, another property might be the name of the vendor that sold the
goods to the customer with a list attribute. Finally, there might be a property for a
system where the document is stored with a hidden attribute.
5. Document properties also have display and symbolic names. The Display name
field shows a generated name that is based on the property type. This name
appears in Process Portal and on the case folder in the IBM BPM content store.
The Symbolic name field shows a generated name that is based on the property
type. The symbolic name is a unique identifier for the property within the IBM
BPM content store. You can use this name for Content Management
Interoperability Services (CMIS).


What to do next
To rename or delete a document type, select it in the Document Type list and either
right-click or click the arrow to its right.
As time progresses, you might update the properties of your document type. If you
remove properties from your document type, the removed properties still appear in
Process Portal. The removed properties remain active until they are deleted from
the embedded content store by using the cleanupDocumentStoreProperties

Example document types

Document types help you to organize and classify the documents that belong to a
case. You can provide more information about the documents by assigning
properties to the document type.
Parent topic:
Building cases
Related concepts:
Case management overview
Designing a case application
Related tasks:
Creating a process application for your case types
Creating a case type
Creating a document type
Related reference:
Services to support case management applications
Related information:
cleanupDocumentStoreProperties command


Example document types

Document types help you to organize and classify the documents that belong to a
case. You can provide more information about the documents by assigning
properties to the document type.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
You define document types to group similar documents and the information about
the documents that are related to the case. You can create as many document
types and properties as needed.
For example, an automobile claim case might have these document types and
Table 1. Examples of automobile claim document types and properties
Document type and description

Properties that are related to this

document type
Policy documents, such as the written
Deductible amount, effective date of the
automobile policy and formal changes to policy, expiration date of policy, policy
number, policy type, vehicle identification
Application forms, such as the initial
Customer address, customer given
written application form
name, customer surname, customer
phone number, date
of application,
policy number, policy type, vehicle
Claim forms, such as a claim for a
Claim number, date of loss, policy
broken windshield
number, type of loss, vehicle
Repair estimation documents, such as an Claim number, customer given name,
estimate for a new windshield from a
customer surname, estimate total, repair
repair company
vendor name
Damage assessment documents, such Claim number, customer given name,
as the report from insurance claim
customer surname, date of loss, vehicle
evaluator or
photographs of the
identification, vehicle replacement value
damaged windshield
Correspondence, such as letters sent to Claim number, customer given name,
the customer about the claim
customer surname, date of loss, vehicle
Proof of ownership, such as the
Claim number, customer given name,
automobile registration from a state
customer surname, date of loss, vehicle
licensing agency
or a bill of sale
identification, vehicle license plate

Parent topic:

Creating a document type


Creating case user interfaces

Create user interfaces that a user sees for the case instance in Process Portal.

About this task

Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
IBM Business Process Manager provides a user interface for your instances in
Process Portal. You can either use the provided interface or you can create your
own user interface and make it the default user interface for all users. Optionally,
you can also create your own user interface that is customized for instance owners.
Attention: A process instance user interface must be implemented as a client-side
human service. You cannot implement it as a heritage human service.
You can create these user interfaces:
- The Default user interface that overrides the user interface that is provided by
IBM BPM. Any user that has permission to see the process instance in Process
Portal will see this interface. You can create a client-side human service and
specify it as the user interface. If you do not specify a client-side human service
here, the user interface that is provided by IBM BPM is used.
- The Instance Owners user interface is an optional user interface that you can
create for the team that is specified in the Instance owner team field in the
Overview page. You can create a client-side human service and specify it as the
user interface for the instance owners.
- The Launch UIDefault user interface is seen by members of the team that is
assigned to the Expose to start option in the
Overview page.

To create a case instance user interface, first create a client-side human
service, which includes a generated coach. You can then create your customized
interface by
modifying the generated service and coach.
1. Open the case type for which you want to create the user interface.
2. Switch to the Views page.
3. Select the interface that you want to create, for example
Default under
Details UI.
4. Click New beside Client-side human
service and enter a name for your
user interface. In the New
Client-side Human Service page, if you click
Next, you
see a list of case variables that you can add to your human
service. Select the variables
to be added to the interface of the human
service.You do not need to map the variables between the case type and the
human service. The
case type variables are already mapped to the human
service variables with the same
5. The client-side human services editor opens. Switch to the
page. Notice that the input and output variables that are mapped from the case
type are
locked. You can edit these variables only in the case type editor.


You can, however, add

private variables that are available only to the
human service. If you are creating a
launch case UI, Process Designer
generates a cancelCase variable of
type Boolean. The default value is
false. You can only view this variable, you cannot
change or delete it. The
value of the variable is set by the launch UI human service. If
the value of
cancelCase is true when a user completes the human
service during case
launch, the launch is canceled. If the value is false, the case is
6. Switch to the Diagram page. A basic diagram is generated for
7. Double-click the coach to open the Coaches page.
8. Complete the human service diagram and customize the coaches.
- For a Details UI, the generated human service has two
- View Instance Details coach, which contains the following
- Default Instance Details Template
- Displays the instance details in Process Portal
- Data section
- Displays the values of the variables that are passed into the human
- Show error, which returns an error if the instance is not
The human service is generated from a template in the Dashboards toolkit,
Instance Details UI Services Template. For more information, see
Instance Details UI Service template
- For a Launch UI, the generated human service has an
Enter Data
coach, with a control for each mapped case type
variable and property.
When you specify a launch case UI, Process Designer generates a
cancelCase variable of type Boolean. The value of the variable is
set by
the launch UI human service. If the value of cancelCase is
true when a
user completes the launch case human service, the launch is canceled. If the
value of cancelCase value is false, the case is started. The default
value is false. The generated Launch UI has one coach with two buttons;
OK and Cancel. If a user clicks
Cancel, the cancelCase variable is set
true. If you are working with the IBM BPM content store on an
Enterprise Content
Manager server, you can modify your Launch UI so
that a user can view or add documents
in the case folder that you
specified in the Folders page. To do
so, use coach controls that are
provided in the Content Management toolkit for viewing
and retrieving
documents in the content store. For example, the Document
Explorer control. These controls are available in the Content Management
toolkit. For more information, see:
- How to use coach views to store or view documents
- Document Explorer control
Note: If the case launch is canceled, the case folder is removed from the IBM
content store. Documents that are also used outside the case
folder remain in the
content store. Otherwise, they are removed.
9. Test the client-side human service.
- For Launch UI, click Run
to test the client-side human

service and the

- For Details UI, do one of the following:

- If the human service flow is not customized, run the instance UI within Process
- If you want to incrementally test and build your custom UI:
A. Remove the logic in the human service that shows an error if the process
instance id is null.
B. Add a script task to insert some temporary test data.
C. Run the human service
D. After you are satisfied that the service works as expected, remove the
temporary script and then test again by running the instance UI within

What to do next
If your variables change in the future, you can use the Sync button
synchronize the variables and human service. During synchronization, you can
choose to regenerate the human service body. Regenerating
replaces any customization that
was done in the human service.

Parent topic:

Building cases

Related information:
Client-side human services


Testing and debugging a case type

Play back your case type in the Inspector to test and debug your activities.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
You can test and debug your case type in the Inspector to test your activities. You
can run and debug the implementations of your activities; human services,
subprocesses and linked processes. Depending on the type of activity, you start
the Inspector from the Process Designer web editor or the Process Designer
desktop editor.

Case type
To test and debug a case type, you must play back the case type in the Process
Designer desktop editor.
1. Open the process application that contains the case type in the Process Designer
2. In the library, click Cases and select the case type that you want to
3. Right-click the case type and click Playback > Run Process
4. At the Switch View prompt, click Yes. The
Inspector opens showing the case
type as a BPD.
5. Click Executing Phase to view the activities.
6. Click and activity to select it and click Run or
Debug to launch the Inspector.
7. To view the user task activities (client-side human services) in Process Portal,
Run the details UI for the selected BPD instance.

User task activities

You can test and debug a user task activity by running the client-side human
service that implements the activity.
1. Open the case type and drill into the activity to open the client-side human
2. Depending on whether you are testing or solving a problem, click Run
Debug. See Running and debugging client-side human services.

Subprocess activities
To test and debug an activity that implements a subprocess, you must play back
the case type in the Process Designer desktop editor.
1. Open the process application that contains the case type in the Process Designer
2. In the library, click Cases and select the case type that you want to
3. Right-click the case type and click Playback > Run Process
4. At the Switch View prompt, click Yes. The
Inspector opens showing the case
type as a BPD.
5. Click Executing Phase to view the activities.
6. Click the subprocess activity and click Run or
Debug to launch the Inspector.

Parent topic:

Building cases



Services to support case management

You can create services to use with your case management applications. These
services, which can do standard tasks in your case management applications, can
be shared by
all case types in a process application.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
A service to support a case management application uses its own server type. The
server type is IBM BPM content store.
IBM BPM content store
supports all
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)
Add the Content Management (SYSCM) toolkit to your dependencies if it is not
as you need access to the Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
types. To add this
toolkit dependency, select + beside
TOOLKITS. In the Add dependency
menu, select the Content
Management toolkit version that you
1. Select any service from the library area that supports Content
Integration steps. The following services contain a
Integration step.
- Select Implementation in the library section
and then +.
From the menu, select
Integration Service
- Select User Interface and then
+. From the menu, select
- Select User Interface and then
+. From the menu, select
Enter a name for the service on the following dialog box and click
Finish. The editor opens with the
Diagram view in focus.
2. From the palette, drag a Content Integration step to
the canvas
and provide a meaningful name for it.
3. Click Implementation in the
Properties view. Under
Content Management Server, <Use data
mapping> is the default selection in the
Server field. It
means that in the
Data Mapping tab section, the Server
name input map is enabled and editable. Select
IBM BPM content store
to create a case service.
4. Under Content Operation, select an appropriate ECM
5. Click Data Mapping. Create the map between the
variables for
input and output. These variables must be created. You can
them manually by yourself or use the auto-map function. The auto-map
function creates private variables for the business objects, which are used
by the service you create. Click the auto-map icon to create these
variables ( ). The mapping structure for each operation is
shown in Data mapping in Enterprise Content Management operations.
6. Save your work to update the process application with any changes to your


Enterprise Content Management operations can reference the content of a case by

JavaScript. Table 1. Referencing content of a case by using
Content or function referenced
Accessing the case folder

JavaScript required in the Enterprise

Content Management
Requires the

Accessing the starting document of a


Accessing the enabling document of a

case activity

JavaScript API, which contains the

identifier of the root case
Requires the

JavaScript API, which contains the

identifier of the document
that initiated the start of the case. If the
case was started
manually, the identifier is null.
Requires the

JavaScript API, which contains the

identifier of the document
that started or enabled the case activity.
The identifier is
null for activities not started by a
precondition of a document
filed in the case.
Creating a subfolder under a case folder Every subfolder of the case folder must
be of type
IBM_BPM_CaseSubFolder. You must
this type in
the Object type ID parameter of the
Create Folder

Parent topic:

Building cases

Related concepts:
Case management overview
Designing a case application
Related tasks:
Creating a process application for your case types

Creating a case type

Creating a document type
Related information:
Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems
Inbound events from Enterprise Content Management systems


The IBM BPM content store

The IBM BPM content store is a CMIS-enabled embedded document repository
that is used to store IBM BPM documents in IBM Business Process Manager
Advanced version or later. It supplants the document attachment feature that
was used in earlier releases. The IBM BPM content store supports all Content
Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) operations and most inbound events
and you can use either Coaches or Heritage Coaches to work with IBM BPM
documents in the content store.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
Parent topic:

Building cases



Case artifacts and the IBM BPM content

The IBM BPM content store contains the

generated case folder and
document definitions and the case artifacts.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
Case artifacts are created or updated in the IBM BPM content store in the following
- When a playback occurs, that is, a case starts or a document is created in
Process Portal. This
takes place in the Process Center.
- When a TWX file is imported into the Process Center.
- When a snapshot is taken in the Process Center.
- When a snapshot is installed on the Process Server.
- When the document type is used in either a Content Integration step or event
subscription that target the IBM BPM content store. The selection
of the document type in the Process Center causes the

Behavior of the IBM BPM content store

In IBM Business Process Manager, a business
process definition or a
case starts from the tip or a named snapshot. However, a
case not only
consists of the activities that are run like a business process
definition, but
a case also has a case folder. The case folder is a separate
artifact that is
created in the IBM BPM content store for each case instance.
For each
case type, there is also a case folder definition in the IBM BPM content store. It is
kept in
synchronization with the case folder properties defined in the case
Unlike the IBM Business Process Manager
repository, the IBM BPM
content store
does not save different versions of a case folder definition.
Instead, all case
folder properties that are defined in all snapshots and the
tip are available in one
case folder definition. At run time, changes to
variables that are made in
activities that use case folder properties are
automatically synchronized to the
case folder instance. Changes to the
properties on the case folder instance are
automatically synchronized
back to the case instance, potentially causing a
precondition change.
For document types, there is one document class definition in the IBM BPM content
store that has all properties
that are defined on all snapshots and the tip.

Cleaning up properties and removing case folder instances

For both case types and document types, a property might still be available in the
deployed definition in the IBM BPM content store although it is not
available in any snapshot or tip. This situation can happen if you deleted
snapshots. It can also happen if you had a property on a tip and then deleted the
property without taking a snapshot. For example, you have a snapshot that
two case type properties. You continue to develop your


application that is now on

the tip. You remove one of the properties but do
not take a snapshot. The property
that you removed is still available in the
corresponding IBM BPM content store artifact definition. To
clean up
these properties, use the cleanupDocumentStoreProperties command. See the
related links at the end of the topic.
While a case folder is automatically created when a case instance is started, it is
not cleaned up when the instance is finished and deleted. The case folder, its
properties, and contained documents are kept for archival purposes. You
need to explicitly remove them, for example, by using the IBM Administration
Console for Content Platform Engine. The only exception to this rule is
removal of a process application in the Process Center. With the removal of the
process application, all case folders and documents that belong to that process
application are removed.

Update restrictions for modifying case artifacts

You can update case artifacts and then playback or redeploy a process
application. For example, you can update a process application and then
playback or redeploy the process application again. The redeployed process
application contains case types and document types previously deployed.
Modifying a case type or a document type and then redeploying the process
application affects existing case and document data and new case and document
Parent topic:
Building cases
Related reference:
Redeployment restrictions for modifying a process application
Related information:
Cleaning up the IBM BPM document store
cleanupDocumentStoreProperties command
Limitations in administering the IBM BPM document store



Update restrictions for modifying case

You can update case artifacts and then playback or redeploy a process application.
For example, you can update a process application and then playback or
redeploy the process application again. The redeployed process application
contains case types and document types previously deployed. Modifying a case
type or a document type and then redeploying the process application affects
existing case and document data and new case and document data.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
The result of changes in the IBM BPM content store is discussed. These changes
relevant only when you are working with the IBM BPM content store
through the Enterprise Content
Management integration tools.
The following table describes the effects of updating case artifacts and then playing
or redeploying a modified process application. Table 1. Affects of process
application changes
Type of changes
New item, such as a No issues.
new document type
or a new case type.
Delete an item, such No issues.
as a document type
or a case type.
Add a property
definition to a
document type or
case type.
Delete a property
definition from a
document or case


The item is not

removed from the
IBM BPM content
Existing items can be See the Type of
changes column for
the Required property
setting for document
type properties.
No issues.
The property is not
removed from the
corresponding class
in the IBM BPM
content store.
When working with a
document or case
folder using the
Enterprise Content
integration tools, the
old property will
continue to be


Change the name of No issues.

a business object that
is associated with a
case type or
document type

Change the
cardinality of a
document type or
case type property

No issues.

Change the property Existing items are

definition description affected.
in a case type or
document type.


The business object

change results in the
addition of a new
property to the
corresponding class
in the IBM BPM
content store. The old
corresponding to the
original version is not
removed from the
class definition.
When working with a
document or case
folder using the
Enterprise Content
integration tools, the
old property will
continue to be
The cardinality
change results in the
addition of a new
(multi or single value)
property to the
corresponding class
in the IBM BPM
content store. The old
corresponding to the
original version is not
removed from the
When working with a
document or case
folder using the
Enterprise Content
integration tools, the
old property will
continue to be
All existing and new
instances of a case
and document class
in the IBM BPM
content store use the
property description.

The validation
settings for a simple
type business object
that is used in a
case type or
document type

Some existing items

are affected. This
method changes the
metadata of the
underlying property
template. As a result,
this change affects all
classes that use the
same business object
in a property
Case folder classes
are unaffected by the
validation settings
change with one
exception. Changing
the maximum length
of a string business
object might reset
the maximum length
of the corresponding
string property for all
case type
definitions that
reference the same
business object. The
value is set to the
greater of the existing
and new values.
None of the other
validation setting
values are set in the
corresponding case
folder class property.
However, the
validation setting
values are enforced
Business Process
Manager engine at
run time.


In the case of
documents, the
existing values are
validated against the
setting of the
validation value only
when there is an
update to the
New instances are
validated against the
new validation setting
Changing the
validation setting
values can cause a
document to have

Required property
Some existing items
setting for document are affected. See the
type properties.
Results column for
the validation
settings for a simple
type business object
used in a case type
or document type

Existing instances
require a value for
the property only if
the instance is
updated. New
instances require a
value for the
Before you can check
out an existing
document that
contains a
required property, the
property must be set
with a valid value.
Hidden property
Existing items are
All existing instances
setting for document affected. See the
of the property and
type properties.
Results column for
new instances use
the validation settings the updated
for a simple type
setting. If the property
business object used was changed from
in a case type or
hidden to visible, then
document type
all existing
instances and new
instances display the
property. If the
property was
from visible to
hidden, then all
existing instances
and new instances do
display the property.
Document type name New and existing
New and existing
and description.
items are affected.
instances of the
document class in the
IBM BPM content
store use the new
name and
Case folder structure New cases are
New instances of the
for a case type.
case use the updated
folder structure.

Parent topic:

Case artifacts and the IBM BPM content store

Related information:

cleanupDocumentStoreProperties command


Creating a team
A team is a group of users that perform similar tasks, and consists of a set of
members and a team of managers. Teams are used to manage the tasks that users
can perform in Process Portal. Because any team can be added as the manager of
another team, you can flexibly define your organization's management structure.
To add the members to a team, you can directly add users or groups from the user
registry, or you can use a team retrieval service to define a team dynamically at run
time. You can use teams in a number of ways in Process Designer:
- Assign a team to an activity or a lane in a business process. The users in that team
can work with the tasks that are created for the activities in Process Portal.
- Specify a team of instance owners for a case type, so that users in that team can
work with case instances of that type in Process Portal.
- Provide a team with the authority to view performance data and the performance
dashboard in Process Portal.
- Set simulation properties for a team to define the performance expectations for the
team, and run simulation on the business process activity.

To create a team and add members, follow these steps:
1. In the library, click the plus sign to next to the Teams category.
2. In the New Team window, enter a name for the team and click Finish.
3. Select the team members in one of the following ways:
- Select users or groups that are defined in the user registry.
- Use a service to dynamically retrieve a team at run time. You can create a new
service, or you can select a service that you have already created. See Setting
up a team retrieval service.Note: To select a service to dynamically retrieve a
team at run time, you must start the Process Designer desktop editor.
Tip: To prevent problems occurring when there is a large number of users in the
system, IBM BPM ignores the tw_allusers user group for task reassignment.
For task reassignments, add individual users or other groups instead of using
4. Select the team of managers that can manage the team's tasks in the Team
Performance dashboard.
5. If you want to simulate a process, set the simulation properties for the teams that
are assigned to the swimlanes in the process model. These settings represent the
performance expectations for the team. For more information, see Setting
simulation properties for teams
A. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
B. Open the team, and enter the simulation properties.
6. Click Save in the main toolbar. Your team is added to the list of teams, which is
shown when you click Teams.
- Using services to define dynamic teams
You can use the team retrieval service and the team filter service to dynamically


determine who is eligible to perform activities. These services can take parameters
from environment variables to influence the team selection.
- Setting up a team retrieval service
You can define a service that dynamically returns a set of users and managers at
run time.
- Setting up a team filter service
You can use a team filter service to dynamically prevent certain users from being
assigned to an activity. The filtering can be based on any criteria and can use input
parameters from relevant process variables to determine which users to filter out.
- Defining team managers
To define who the managers of a team are, you must select a team of managers.
In this way, with teams managed by teams, you can define the management
structure of your organization.
- Defining Team rules (deprecated)
When you choose to establish team members by using an expression, you can
define rules to determine those members.
Parent topic:Building process applications
Related information:
Setting up a team retrieval service


Using services to define dynamic teams

You can use the team retrieval service and the team filter service to dynamically
determine who is eligible to perform activities. These services can take parameters
from environment variables to influence the team selection. Instead of using a
statically defined team, you can use a team retrieval service that returns a list of
team members and the name of a team of managers. You can use a team filter
service to eliminate particular members from performing the associated activity. For
example, you can implement a separation of duties policy, or remove members who
are not available. To improve performance, these services can use service result
Prerequisite: To create or edit a team that uses a retrieval or filter service, you
must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

The structure of teams

Each team has a name, a list of members (users or groups) and, optionally, the
name of a team of managers. Only the managers can perform managerial actions,
but managers can also be members of the team that can perform an activity. Teams
can be associated directly with activities, or assigned as default teams to lanes.
Because any team can be assigned as the managers of another team, it is possible
to define teams to reflect the managerial structure of your organization.
When a team is resolved dynamically by a team retrieval service or filtered by a
team filter service, the service must return a Team object. The returned Team object
consists of a list of team members in the members field and the optional fields;
name for the name of the team (which is ignored), and managerTeam for the name
of the team of managers.

Team retrieval service

Instead of defining static teams, with fixed members and fixed managers, you can
create teams whose members and managers are dynamically resolved by a team
retrieval service. The service receives the name of the team as a string parameter,
and returns the resolved team as a Team object. If necessary you can add extra
input parameters that are required to resolve the team.
When you assign an activity to a team that is defined by a team retrieval service that
uses extra parameters, you must define which environment variables or literal
values are mapped onto each extra input parameter. If you want the team to be
used as the managers of another team, you can only use additional input
parameters that have default values that are defined for them.

Team filter service

There are times when you do not want the whole team to be assigned to a task, but
rather a subset of the team. You can create team filter services to implement
assignment policies. The team filter service takes the initially resolved team as a
parameter and must return the filtered team as a Team object. If necessary you can
add extra input parameters that are required to filter the team.
For example, to implement a separation of duties policy, you might need to remove
the user who performed the previous activity from the list of users who can perform
the next activity. In that case, the filter service needs an input parameter for the user


ID that is to be removed from the input team.

If, for example, insurance claims above a certain threshold can be handled only by
particular team members, you might create a filter named High claim value team
filter that uses an input parameter claimValue to filter out any users that are not
qualified to work high value claims.
For more examples, see the developerWorks article Teams in Business Process
Manager V8.5, Part 2: Developing services for dynamic team resolution.

Caching team service results

If appropriate, you can enable the service result cache for any team retrieval service
or team filter service. When enabled, the results of top level services are cached for
unique combinations of input parameter values to improve performance. By default,
results are refreshed after 12 hours, but this value can be changed. By default, the
cache stores up to 4096 results. You can change the size of the cache by including
a value for <service-result-cache-size> in the 100Custom.xml file, inside the
<server merge="mergeChildren"> section. If you add more than the defined
cache size, the least recently used result is removed so that there is space for the
new result.
Restriction: The service results cache setting works only for top-level services,
which are services that are directly started by a BPD. When a service is called by
another service, the service results cache setting for the nested service is ignored
and the results for the nested service are not cached.

Parent topic:Creating a team

Related information:
Setting up a team retrieval service
Setting up a team filter service


Setting up a team retrieval service

You can define a service that dynamically returns a set of users and managers at
run time.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

A team retrieval service can use custom defined input parameters to resolve a set of
team members and team managers.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. If you want to create a team that is dynamically resolved, complete the following
actions in the Designer view.
A. In the library, click the plus sign to next to the Teams category.
B. In the New Team window, enter a name for the team and click Finish.
3. In the team editor, choose to specify team members by using a service.
A. Click New.
B. Enter a suitable name for the service, for example, Claims Team Retrieval
C. Select the Variables tab. The mandatory input and output variables are
already present and are locked. If the new team retrieval service requires
information from the activity, add input parameters and specify the variable
details. Important: If you want to use this dynamic team as the managers of
another team, you can use only additional input parameters that have default
values that are defined for them.
D. Select the Diagram tab and provide the implementation of the service. Based
on the input parameters, the service must return a Team object that contains a
list of team members. It can also optionally include the name of a team of
managers, and optionally the name of the team (this parameter is ignored).
E. If you want the results of the service to be cached for each combination of
input parameter values, select the Overview tab, then in the Service Result
Cache section, select Enable caching of service results to display the cache
configuration fields. By default caching is disabled.
- When caching is disabled, the Cache results for section is not displayed.
- When caching is enabled, the Cache results for section is displayed. By
default, when caching is enabled, the results for each combination of input
parameter values are kept in the cache for 12 hours. To change the caching
period, use the Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds fields to select the
duration that you want. Important: Depending on the size of the results, you
might need to tune the size of the service results cache to avoid memory
problems. By default, the cache stores up to 4096 results. You can change
the size of the cache by setting a different value for <service-result-


cache-size> in the 100Custom.xml file, inside the <server

merge="mergeChildren"> section.

Restriction: The service results cache setting works only for top-level
services, which are services that are directly started by a BPD. When a
service is called by another service, the service results cache setting for the
nested service is ignored and the results for the nested service are not
4. To use an existing team retrieval service, complete the following steps.
A. Click Select. A selection dialog is displayed that lists all existing services that
match the team retrieval service template.
B. Select the team retrieval service that you want to use.
5. If the team retrieval service that you selected requires extra parameters, then the
Team Retrieval Service Input Mapping section is displayed. For each required
parameter, enter the corresponding environment variable name or literal, for
example tw.env.businessPriority.

The team's members are determined dynamically by the appropriate team retrieval
service. If you defined a new team retrieval service, it is available to select when you
assign activities to teams, as described in Assigning teams to BPD activities.
Parent topic:Creating a team
Related information:
Creating a team
Setting up a team filter service
Using services to define dynamic teams


Setting up a team filter service

You can use a team filter service to dynamically prevent certain users from being
assigned to an activity. The filtering can be based on any criteria and can use input
parameters from relevant process variables to determine which users to filter out.
To define a team filter service, you first define the input variables that the service
receives with the input team object, then you implement the service so that it
eliminates ineligible users and returns a team object that contains the remaining
users who can be assigned.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

The team filter service is optional. If you choose to use it, the filter is applied to the
static team associated with an activity or case, or to the dynamic team returned by a
team retrieval service. The results of the team filter service are then subject to the
selected user distribution. Using a team filter service allows the team to be narrowed
down according to whatever criteria or policies you choose to implement.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Click the plus sign in the All category, and create an Integration Service.
3. Enter a suitable name for the service, for example, High Value Claims Team
Filter Service or Separation of duties - filter out previous user.
4. Select the Team Filter Service template and click Finish.
5. Select the Variables tab. The mandatory input and output variables are already
present and are locked. If the new team filter service requires information from the
activity, click Add Input to specify more input parameters. In the Details section,
specify the name of the variable, its type, and any default value. Tip: The input
variables that are required depend on the policy that the filter must implement. If,
for example, certain users cannot work on tasks that are above a certain value,
the service might need the process variable tw.local.estimatedClaimAmount
as an input parameter that the service implementation uses to determine which
users to eliminate from the input team. Similarly, for example, to implement a
separation of duties policy, where the user who completed the previous activity
cannot be assigned to the following one, you might specify an input variable
previousUser that you map to the process variable so that
the service implementation can remove the previous user from the input team.
6. Select the Diagram tab and provide the implementation of the service. Based on
the input parameters, the service must return a Team object that contains a list of
team members. It can also optionally include the name of a team of managers,
and optionally the name of the team (this parameter is ignored).
7. If you want the results of the service to be cached for each combination of input
variables, select the Overview tab, then in the Service Result Cache section,
select Enable caching of service results to display the cache configuration


fields. By default caching is disabled.

- When caching is disabled, the Cache results for section is not displayed.
- When caching is enabled, the Cache results for section is displayed. By
default, when caching is enabled, the results for each combination of input
parameters are kept in the cache for 12 hours. To change the caching period,
use the Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds fields to select the duration that
you want.Important: Depending on the size of the results, you might need to
tune the size of the service results cache to avoid memory problems. By default,
the cache stores up to 4096 results. You can change the size of the cache by
setting a different value for <service-result-cache-size> in the
100Custom.xml file, inside the <server merge="mergeChildren"> section.
Restriction: The service results cache setting works only for top-level services,
which are services that are directly started by a BPD. When a service is called
by another service, the service results cache setting for the nested service is
ignored and the results for the nested service are not cached.
8. If the team filter service that you selected requires more parameters, then the
Team Filter Service Input Mapping section is displayed. For each required
parameter, enter the corresponding process variable name or literal, for example
tw.local.estimatedClaimAmount or 8000.

The new team filter service is added to the list of team filter services that you can
select when you assign a team to an activity.

What to do next
Apply the new team filter service to the team that is assigned to an activity by
completing Assigning teams to BPD activities.
Parent topic:Creating a team
Related information:
Setting up a team retrieval service
Using services to define dynamic teams


Defining team managers

To define who the managers of a team are, you must select a team of managers. In
this way, with teams managed by teams, you can define the management structure
of your organization. Only members of the appropriate team of managers can
access managerial functions, such as viewing a task's details, reassigning a task,
changing the due date, changing the priority, and accessing the Team Performance
dashboard in Process Portal. Even when a team has only one manager, you must
create or select a named team that contains that manager.

Before you begin

If the managed team is dynamically resolved by a team retrieval service, you must
implement the team retrieval service to return the set of team members and the
name of a team of managers. For more information, see Setting up a team retrieval

For statically defined teams, complete the following actions.
1. If you want to define a new team of managers, complete the actions in Creating a
2. If you want to add or remove managers from an existing team of managers,
complete the following actions using Process Designer.
A. Open the team of managers that you want to modify.
B. Add or remove users and groups in the members list.
C. Optional: To modify the team that manages this team of managers, use the
Managers section. You can either create a team, select an existing team, or
delete the currently selected team of managers.
Parent topic:Creating a team


Defining Team rules (deprecated)

When you choose to establish team members by using an expression, you can
define rules to determine those members.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must open the Process Designer desktop editor. This
procedure triggers dynamic group creation, which can be time consuming. You can
configure IBM Business Process Manager to deactivate these triggers. See
Deactivating dynamic group updates.

To define rules, follow these steps.
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the team that you want to edit.
3. Click Add Rule to choose the type of rule you want.When you define team rules,
you have the following types from which to choose:
Table 1. Rule types available for defining teams
Rule type
Participant Rule
User Attribute Rule
Expression Rule

Enables user selection according to
team membership.
Enables user selection that is based on
user attributes.
Enables the selection of users who
match a particular expression that you

4. Supply the necessary information for the type of rule that you choose.
- For a Participant Rule, supply the input that you want for the following
Who belong to team select participant.
Table 2. Input required for a Participant Rule
select participant

Click belong to choose either belong
or do not belong.
Click select participant to choose an
existing team.

- For a User Attribute Rule, supply the input that you want for the following
Who have an attribute select user attributeequal toenter value.
Table 3. Input required for a User Attribute Rule


select user attribute
equal to

enter value

Click select user attribute to select an
existing user attribute definition.
Click equal to to choose from: equal
to, not equal to, less than, less than
or equal to, greater than, or greater
than or equal to.
Click enter value to display a field in
which you can enter either an IBM
Business Process Manager variable or
a JavaScript expression that produces
the value that you want to compare. Be
sure to surround any strings in the
expression with double quotation

For example, when you select Using Expression and define a User Attribute
Rule, you can enter an expression that returns a default value when the complex
variable is null and the attribute for the variable otherwise. For example, if the
user attribute is a string, the expression can be:tw.local.processData==null ?

Note: Users that do not have a value set for the selected user attribute definition
are ignored for any of the operators.
- For an Expression Rule, supply the input that you want for the following
Who match expression enter value.

Table 4. Input required for an Expression Rule

enter value

Click match to choose either match or
do not match.
Click enter value to display a field in
which you can enter either an IBM
BPM variable or a JavaScript
expression that produces the value that
you want to compare. Be sure to
surround any strings in the expression
with double quotation marks. The
expression must evaluate to a specific
user name.

Parent topic:Creating a team



Business objects and variables

In Process Designer, variables capture the business data that is used by activities in
a business process definition or by steps in services such as integration services or
human services.
Each variable has its own type and scope. All variables you create must be declared
before you can start using them.
- Variable types in Process Designer
You can use the variable types provided by the system toolkits, such as the
System Data toolkit, or you can create custom business objects, depending on the
requirements of the business data included in your process.
- Variable scope in Process Designer
In IBM BPM, all variables declared for a business process definition (BPD) or
service are local variables.
- Creating business objects
When no system data toolkit variable types or business objects match your
specifications, you can create custom variable types called business objects.
- Declaring and passing variables
Variables capture the business data that is passed from step to step in a process.
- XSD generation pattern for business objects
When you create a business object, which is also referred to as a custom variable
type, an XML Schema Definition (XSD) is generated. Understanding the
generation rules and some suggestions for business object creation can be helpful
when your business objects will be used with IBM Integration Designer.
- Using JavaScript in BPDs
You can use JavaScript in many business process definitions (BPDs) in Process
Designer to improve the behavior of your model. For example, you can write
JavaScript to implement a step in your process and embed that script in an activity.
- Initializing complex variables and lists
In Process Designer, you must initialize all complex variables and all lists (arrays)
before you can use them in a BPD or service.
- Creating exposed process values (EPVs)
In IBM Process Designer, you can create exposed process values (EPVs) to
define a set of variables you want to expose to specific users. These variables can
be modified by the users while instances of a process are running. For example, if
you create a process to handle expense reimbursement, you may want to enable
supervisors to change the allowed amounts for daily expenditures, or the dollar
amount that coincides with various levels of approvers. By creating EPVs, you can
provide this type of flexibility, allowing users to adjust specific variable values as
constants, thereby affecting the flow of all running process instances, task
assignments, and so on.
- Setting variables in pre and post assignments
You can set pre and post assignments for variables when you want to assign a
value to a variable immediately before or after an activity or event runs.
- Making business data available in searches and views
Before business users in IBM Process Portal can search for business data across


process instances, you need to configure each variable in the Process Designer to
be available to search. In addition, the business data about a task that business
users see in their task list needs to made available to search in order to be
viewable in the task list.
Parent topic:Building process applications


Variable types in Process Designer

You can use the variable types provided by the system toolkits, such as the System
Data toolkit, or you can create custom business objects, depending on the
requirements of the business data included in your process.
During Process Designer installation, the system toolkits are imported into the
Process Center repository so that each process application and toolkit that you
create has access to a common system data. The system toolkits provide the
following categories of variables:
- Base types
- Base types allow you to create custom variable types called business object. A
list of all the base types is provided further in this topic.
- System types
- System types are provided variable types that cannot be modified. A list of all
the system types is provided in the JavaScript API reference guide.
The following table provides more information about the base business objects
(variable types) provided in system toolkits.Table 1. Provided base types
Base types



Allows alpha-numeric characters to be
entered into the variable.
Accepts digits without a decimal place,
such as 45 or 20.
Accepts digits with up to two decimal
places, such as 45.3 or 20.13.
Allows date and time formats to be
entered into the variable.
Allows date formats to be entered into
the variable as times. The user enters a
time, and before the variable is entered
into the symbol table, it is converted to
and behaves like a date.
Allows you to provide a list of possible
entries to a user, of which the user can
select only one. A selection is a list of
different values; each value is typed as a
string. A selection variable appears at
run time on a Coach form as a dropdown list or as radio buttons.
Accepts either true or false as values.
It appears at run time on a Coach form
as a check box.



To use a structure type, you need to

create a custom structure type and
define its properties. A structure regroups
business data that is related to the same
subject. For example, a Customer
structure might contain elements such as
lastName, firstName, homeNumber,

Custom variable types

Custom variable types are defined using business objects. If the predefined
business objects provided in the system toolkits do not represent your needs, you
can create your own business objects.

Parent topic:Business objects and variables

Related information:
JavaScript API in Process Designer


Variable scope in Process Designer

In IBM BPM, all variables declared for a business process definition (BPD) or
service are local variables.
Local variables are only accessible to the currently executing process instance or
service. Because variables are unique to an individual BPD or service, you can use
a variable of the same name in a nested BPD or service and there are no conflicts at
run time.
A variable contains a value or references an object. Multiple variables may
reference the same object. When a running process instance or service reaches an
exit point, the variable's value or references may be propagated to the calling
process instance or service. When a running process instance or service encounters
an activity, the variable values and references may be propagated to variables
within that activity. A variable that is defined as a Shared Object may persist its
values at these boundaries. See Declaring and passing variables for more details.
All Process Designer variables are JavaScript objects. Process Designer uses
namespaces to organize these objects and their methods. The following table
describes the namespaces most commonly used during process design and
Table 1. Available namespaces

Top-level Process Designer namespace
Access Process Designer JavaScript
objects and business objects (variable
Access and update BPD and servicelevel variables
Access system features and functionality
Access security functionality
Access exposed process values (EPVs)
Access environment variables

Parent topic:Business objects and variables

Related information:
Setting variables in pre and post assignments
Creating exposed process values (EPVs)
Setting environment variables


Creating business objects

When no system data toolkit variable types or business objects match your
specifications, you can create custom variable types called business objects.

Before you begin

To complete the following steps, you must have write access to a process
application or toolkit in the IBM Process Center repository. Access to process
applications and toolkits is controlled by users who have administrative rights to the

About this task

In IBM Process Designer, you can create a custom business object by using a base
business object or by defining a new complex structure.
When you create a business object in a process application, that object is available
for all business processes, case types, and services in the process application. If
you want to share a custom business object across process applications, create or
store the custom object in a toolkit. Then, create a dependency on that toolkit from
the process applications that require the variable.
Note:Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM
Advanced with the Basic Case Management feature installed.

1. In Process Designer, open your process application.
2. In the library, beside Data click + and select Business Object to create a new
business object. Alternately, you can create a business object by clicking New
when you create a variable. The New Business Object window opens.
3. In the Name field, type a name for the custom business object and click Finish.
Remember: Names of business objects are case-sensitive.
4. Under Behavior, you see definition types.
- Simple type
- Creates a new simple business object that is derived from one of String,
Integer, Decimal, Date, Time, or Selection. A simple type that is created with
the business object editor cannot be initialized before use with a business
process or service unlike a complex type. If you do initialize a simple type
that uses the new keyword, then you receive a runtime error.
- Complex type
- Creates a new complex business object by specifying the parameters for the
structure. Complex structure types that contain primitive types must initialize
the primitive types before use.
An example of initializing a primitive type before use is
tw.local.myListOfComplexTypes[0].name = "";.
5. Select a type from the Definition type list.
- If you selected Simple type, select the type of your business object and specify
a validation if you want. For example, you might want to limit the number of
characters for a String type.Case runtime behavior affects some string


properties. None (unlimited in length) defaults to a maximum of 64 characters.

You see a warning that states this limit when you select this property. If your
application requires a large string, use the Range property and set a large
maximum length. Fixed (always same length) becomes a maximum length.
- If you selected Complex type, add the parameters and a description of each
one, if you want. You can also order the parameters.
6. Select the Shared Object check box if the business object and its values must be
accessible to other instances at run time.
7. Save your business object.
- Shared business objects
A shared business object's values are accessible to other instances at run time,
which can be helpful when an application needs to use current data.
- Business objects, attributes, and variables that are renamed
With time, applications change and business objects, their attributes, and
variables might be renamed. However, many parts of a business process might
reference or have a dependency on a business object, an attribute, or a variable.
Renaming, therefore, can produce unexpected results. To rename a business
object, an attribute or a variable and see the impact that renaming causes, use the
rename function.
- Business object advanced properties
The advanced properties for business objects lets you customize the serialized
XML representation of the business object. This XML representation is used by
external systems when a business object is part of an exposed web service.
Parent topic:Business objects and variables
Related information:
JavaScript API in Process Designer
JavaScript variable types in Process Designer
Business object advanced properties


Shared business objects

A shared business object's values are accessible to other instances at run time,
which can be helpful when an application needs to use current data.
Because a shared business object is a different type of business object, you should
note its special considerations.
- Shared business objects only apply to a complex structure type.
- The data within a shared business object is shared between business processes
and tasks. You can send data from one process to a second process using a
Message Event or by loading the data into the second process using the unique
key of the shared business object. To load the data, get the unique identifier key
and then load the instance using the key. For example in the following code,
sharedBusinessObjectKey would be obtained by running
tw.local.myVariable = new tw.object.mySharedBusinessObject(sharedBusinessObjectKey);

- A shared business object uses database resources. The data within a shared
object is persisted to the database when:
- The shared object is created
- The task is persisted to the database
- The JavaScript method save() is performed on the shared business object.
- Each shared object is logically connected to the business process instance that
created it. When the business process instance is deleted (for example, when you
delete a business process instance that was running in the Inspector), the shared
object data in the database is also deleted.
- If you clear the Shared Object check box at a later point in time, the business
object will no longer be accessible to other instances at run time.
- If the shared business object is created within a human service that can be started
and that activity is not bound to a business process instance, the shared business
object is connected to the activity's task instance. In such cases, the shared
business object is deleted if the task instance is deleted.
- If a shared business object is deleted from the database, the behavior of the tasks
or processes that reference the shared business object is undefined.
- Best practice for shared business objects: If you want to create shared business
objects that have a long lifetime, you may want to design a business process that
acts as a factory (that is, it is based on a factory method pattern). The result is your
shared business objects will remain in the database until the factory business
process is deleted.
- An output shared business object for an external service, such as a web service,
and an Advanced Integration Service will return a new and typically updated copy
of the original input shared business object. Therefore, your application should not
reference the input shared business object expecting an updated value if your
application is working with an external service or an Advanced Integration Service.
It should reference the new output shared business object.
- Shared business objects allow concurrent modification. For example, two users
can view and modify the same shared business object instance in a human
service. When users trigger a boundary event, the data of the shared business


object instance is saved. Only the fields that each user modifies are saved.
Therefore, if the two users modify different fields, both changes are saved. If both
users modify the same field, the last users update is saved. In addition to multiple
users, you can have a situation with automated steps, for example, a server script
that makes modifications to shared business objects.
You can create and retrieve the shared business objects you have created by using
a key, as shown in the following example. In this case, tw.object.SharedObject is
the shared business object.
// Create shared object
var sharedObject = new tw.object.SharedObject();
sharedObject.taskId = "init";;

// Create key for shared object

tw.local.sharedObjectKey = sharedObject.metadata("key");"sharedObjectkey: " + tw.local.sharedObjectKey);

// Retrieve shared object by key

var sharedObject2 = new tw.object.SharedObject(tw.local.sharedObjectKey);"sharedObject2.taskId: " + sharedObject2.taskId);

Parent topic:Creating business objects


Business objects, attributes, and variables that are

With time, applications change and business objects, their attributes, and variables
might be renamed. However, many parts of a business process might reference or
have a dependency on a business object, an attribute, or a variable. Renaming,
therefore, can produce unexpected results. To rename a business object, an
attribute or a variable and see the impact that renaming causes, use the rename
Procedures for renaming business objects, their attributes, and variables are
contained in the following sections.

Renaming business objects and attributes

To find business objects, select Data from the navigation. To rename a business
object, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the business object that you want to rename. Select Rename from the
2. In the window that opens, change the business object name in the New name
field. By default, when you click OK, you see the references to that business
object in the subsequent Refactor window. However, you have the option of
clearing Update references. In that case, none of the references to the business
object are updated.
3. In the Refactor window, the pane shows the business processes and services
that reference the business object. Select the business processes and services
that you want updated and click OK. If there are no references, the pane is blank;
however, continue to click OK to rename the business object. If you want to
analyze the list later, you can copy the names of the business processes and
services to a clipboard by clicking Copy To Clipboard.
4. Afterward, check all the artifacts that you expected to be updated, particularly in
JavaScript sections. The refactor function updates all fully qualified references
that are instantiated with the keyword new for the old business object and old
business object lists; for example, new tw.object.OldBusinessObject or new
Business objects are themselves composed of other variables, which are called
attributes. You can rename attributes of a business object and the rename function
shows you the business processes and services that are affected. To rename an
attribute, follow these steps:
1. Click Data and double-click the business object in the menu that contains an
attribute that you want to rename.
2. Select the attribute in the Parameters list that you want to rename. When you
change the name in the Name field, a message says that to refactor the value
press Alt + Shift + R. Pressing this combination starts the Rename window.
Change the attribute name in the New Name field. By default, when you click OK
, you see the references to the attribute in the subsequent Refactor window.
However, you have the option of clearing Update references. In that case, none
of the references to the attribute are updated.


3. In the Refactor window, the pane shows the business processes and services
that reference the business object. Select the business processes and services
that you want updated and click OK. If there are no references, the pane is blank;
however, continue to click OK to rename the attribute. You can copy the names of
the business processes and services to a clipboard if you want to analyze the list
later by clicking Copy To Clipboard.
4. Afterward, check all artifacts that you expected to be updated, particularly in
JavaScript sections. The refactor function updates attributes on objects in the
following situations:
- The object is assigned to a fully qualified business object that is instantiated with
the keyword new or to any ancestral attribute of the object. An example of an
ancestral attribute that would be refactored is
- The object is assigned to a local variable that does not have an ANY type or to
any ancestral attribute of the object.
In the first example, name would be updated. In the next two examples, id would
be updated.
var businessobject = new tw.object.BusinessObject(); = "John"; = 1234;
var customer = tw.local.customerInfo; = 5678;

If you refactor a business object and one of its references is being edited by another
user, the reference is not selected to be refactored. A message specifies the user
who is editing the reference.
When you start the refactor window, the business object that is being refactored is
locked, as are any references that are selected to be refactored. When the refactor
operation is finished, the business object and the references are unlocked.
- JavaScript code in Coaches is not updated.
- To be listed as selectable for refactoring, the business processes or services must
reference the business object with the variables or variable fields that are found in
the Variables tab.
- Property names are not updated when the square bracket notation is used; for
example, in the following code, firstname, would not be updated:
customer['firstname'] = "John".
- Refactoring does not update the binding when the business object parameter
name is changed.

Renaming a variable
Variables are found within a business process or a service. In other words,
renaming a variable does not affect another business process or service. Renaming
a variable can affect a reference to it within the same business process or service.
To rename a variable, follow these steps:


1. Click the Variables tab and select the variable that you want to rename.
2. When you change the name in the Name field, a message says that to refactor
the value press Alt + Shift + R. Pressing this combination starts the Rename
window. Change the variable name in the New Name field. By default, when you
click OK, all references to the variable are updated. However, you have the option
of clearing Update references. In that case, none of the references to the
variable are updated. Unlike renaming a business object or attribute, you do not
see a subsequent panel where you select references or are shown no references.

Parent topic:Creating business objects


Business object advanced properties

The advanced properties for business objects lets you customize the serialized XML
representation of the business object. This XML representation is used by external
systems when a business object is part of an exposed web service.
The advanced properties used for serialization purposes are automatically created
with appropriate values when you create a business object or import a WSDL file
with business objects. It is recommended that you leave these serialization values
as they are. Only change a value if you are an advanced user who has a need to
override a value. You should be very knowledgeable of all the standard XML
elements as defined by the W3C's XML Schema. You should also have read the
web services compatibility topic and the XSD generation pattern for business
objects topic which are linked to at the end of this topic. These topics specify
restrictions that apply to XML schemas interacting with this product and within this
A change will only affect this particular business object. If you had a process
application with 100 business objects and you wanted to override an element such
as the target namespace in the XML representation for all business objects then you
would need to make 100 changes.
The customization is done by selecting and changing a property, saving that
configuration of the business object and then clicking View XML Schema to see the
XML Schema Definition (XSD) describing the XML representation of the business
object. In this section, each property has a description and some contain examples
of values that you might change using customization so that you understand the
behavior of the using the customization tool.
Any change to serialization values should be tested. If you are using the business
object in inbound or outbound web services, for example, this would mean testing
those web services after your change. If you are using Integration Designer and
your business object is used in an Advanced Integration service, you should test the
Advanced Integration service.
The following properties are discussed:
Advanced properties
Anonymous typeElement
namespaceExclude from
XMLNamespaceType name

Advanced parameter properties

Anonymous list typeExclude
from XMLList item nameList type
lableNode TypeOrderTime
zoneType nameType
namespaceWrap list

Anonymous list type

This property sets whether the type of the wrapper is named or anonymous. The
default value is false (named type). This property is available only when the
parameter is a list and the wrap list property is true.


Anonymous type
Schemas can be built with sets of named types, for example, an InvoiceType. Then
elements can be declared such as invoiceCanadian that reference those types.
However, if you only need to reference a type once then there is considerable
coding overhead. An anonymous type is used for these cases of a single reference.
To specify the value for an anonymous type, select Anonymous Type and select
true or false. The default value is false. Anonymous types can cause difficulties as
discussed in Web services hints and tips: avoid anonymous types. If you have read
the XSD generation pattern for business objects topic you will also know that the
true value is not honoured by the generator. Save your work. Click View XML
Schema. Your output should be similar to the following sample.
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" xmlns:tns="http://EH" targetNamespace=http://EH"
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
<xs:element name="employee">
<xs:element name="employeeNumber" nillable="false" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="firstName" nillable="false" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="lastName" nillable="false" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />

Element name
If the anonymous type property is set to true, this property places the anonymous
type under an element with the specified name.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

Element namespace
This property sets the namespace of the container element.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

Exclude from XML

In most cases you would leave this setting in its default value of false, which will
include your business object or parameter in the XML representation. However a
type could define some instance fields that you might not want to serialize to an
XML representation. For example, an instance field that has no equivalent in XML
as it refers to an internal running process. You may also not want to serialize a lot of
data when you know the web service could take some of the data and calculate
values itself thus improving performance by reducing the data transferred.
To exclude a business object or parameter from the XML representation, select
Exclude from XML and select true. Save your work. Click View XML Schema.
For example, if you were use the example from the anonymous type property and
exclude employeeNumber, the output is like the following example:<xs:schema
xmlns:xs="" xmlns:tns="http://EH" targetNamespace=http://EH"
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">


<xs:element name="employee">
<xs:element name="firstName" nillable="false" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="lastName" nillable="false" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />

List item name

This property sets the name for a wrapped list item. This property is available only
when the parameter is a list and the wrap list property is true.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change. The default
value is the name of the type of the list elements.

List type name

This property sets the name of the complex type that encapsulates a wrapped list.
The property is therefore valid only for a wrapped list that is not anonymous.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

Maximum occurrences
This property sets the maximum number of times that the parameter occurs. The
default value is 1. This property corresponds to maxOccurs in the XML schema.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

Minimum occurrences
This property sets the minimum number of times that the parameter occurs. The
default value is 0. This property corresponds to minOccurs in the XML schema.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

This property overrides the name of the serialized parameter with the name that you
specify. The default value is the name of the parameter. This property corresponds
to the name attribute in the XML schema.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

If you set the namespace for the business object, this property changes the target
namespace. The target namespace defines explicitly the elements that belong to
this instance of the namespace. You might want to change the target namespace if
you imported a WSDL file and the target namespace for your business object was
changed on importation. If you set the property for a parameter, it overrides the
serialized element namespace for that parameter.
To rename the target namespace, select Namespace and enter the target
namespace you prefer. For example:
. Save your work. Click View XML Schema. Your output should be similar to the

following sample.
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
<xs:complexType name="employee">
<xs:element name="employeeNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" />
<xs:element name="firstName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" />
<xs:element name="lastName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" />
<xs:element name="employee" type="tns:employee" />

This property determines whether the parameter can have a null value.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

Node Type
Nodes in an XML document can be defined as elements or attributes. A discussion
of these types can be read in Principles of XML design: When to use elements
versus attributes. In most cases, an element type is used which is the default, so
you do not need to set it explicitly. However, you can set it to use an attribute.
To change the type to an attribute, select Node Type and select Attribute. Save
your work. Click View XML Schema. Your output should be similar to the following
<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://EH" elementFormDefault="qualified"
<xs:complexType name="employee">
<xs:element name="firstName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" />
<xs:element name="lastName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" />
<xs:attribute name="employeeNumber" type="xs:int" />
<xs:element name="employee" type="tns:employee" />

Order explicitly sets the order of the complex type's elements. Usually you would
leave the order in the XML representation of the business object exactly as it is in
the business object editor. However, you might want to change the order if the

external web service changed and required the elements to be presented in a

specific way.
To change the order of a complex type's elements, select each element and add a
number to the Order field to specify the order you want in the XML representation.
For example, suppose the order of an employee complex type is employeeNumber,
firstName and lastName and you needed to change it to accommodate a web
service order of lastName, firstName and then employeeNumber. You would set
employeeNumber to 2, firstName to 1 and lastName to 0. Save your work. Click
View XML Schema. Your output should be similar to the following sample.
<xs:schema targetNamespace="http://EH" elementFormDefault="qualified"
<xs:complexType name="employee">
<xs:element name="lastName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" />
<xs:element name="firstName" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" />
<xs:element name="employeeNumber" type="xs:int" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" nillable="false" />
<xs:element name="employee" type="tns:employee" />

Time zone
This property sets the time zone to use when serializing a date parameter. The
property is not used in WSDL generation or schema creation but it is used to display
date and time values. The default value is CLIENT. The other valid values are
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

Type name
This property sets the qualified name of the type for the business object or
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

Type namespace
This property overrides the type namespace of the serialized XSD type with the
namespace that you specify.
Use the default value unless it is strictly necessary to make a change.

Wrap list
This property determines whether to create an array wrapper type to contain a list.
The default value is false, which means that the list is not wrapped. A list is an array
and it is specified when List is selected as an attribute. You might use this field if
you wanted to encapsulate the array. A wrapper type can be anonymous and the
name of the list items can be overridden. If you have not selected List for a variable,

this field and other fields with list in their name are disabled.

Parent topic:Creating business objects

Related reference:
Web services compatibility
XSD generation pattern for business objects


Declaring and passing variables

Variables capture the business data that is passed from step to step in a process.
The variables are local to a business process definition (BPD) or service. You
cannot reference a variable from another business process definition or service.
Variables contain the values or references to business data. To propagate the
business data values and references, you must properly declare the variables and
pass them to the linked processes, services, and message events. Note: When you
use the Activity Wizard to create a service to implement an activity, you can pick the
variables from the main BPD to use as input and output. When you do, the Activity
Wizard automatically declares the variables for the resulting service and completes
the data mapping for the activity. You can use the Activity Wizard to create Human,
Rule, and General System services.
The general procedure for passing variables is:
1. Declare variables at the BPD level.
2. For each linked process and service, declare variables and business objects to
receive the values of the variables of the main BPD.
3. Pass those variables as inputs to the linked processes and services that require
them for their implementation.
4. Pass the variables from the linked processes and services back up to the main
BPD as outputs when you want the main BPD to be aware of changes made to
the variables in the linked processes or services.
An alternative form of propagation is to define the variable type as a shared object
when you create or edit your business object; that is, select the Shared Object
check box. The values of a variable designated as a shared object are persisted to a
data store. At each process, service or message event boundary, the local variables
with the same shared object key are refreshed from the data store. See Shared
business objects for information about shared objects.
When passing variables from a process to a linked process, their types should be
compatible. For example, a string variable in a process can only be passed to a
linked process if this linked process has a string variable declared as an input
- How variables are passed in Process Designer
Using variables, business data in Process Designer is passed between processes
and linked processes, between processes and services, and between services and
- Declaring variables for a BPD or a service
For each business process definition (BPD) or service that you create, you must
declare variables to capture the business data that activities in that BPD or steps in
that service use.
- Mapping input and output data for an activity or step
In Process Designer, to pass variables to an activity or a step you have to set the
input and output data mapping.
- Declaring variables for a subprocess
Subprocesses and event subprocesses can access the variables of the process


they are contained in. They can also have their own variables that are only relevant
within the context of the subprocess or event subprocess and any subprocesses or
event subprocesses they might contain.
- Testing declared variables and data mapping with coaches
When you declare and map variables in your BPD, you can test the mapping
between activities by using coaches and running your BPD in the Inspector.
Parent topic:Business objects and variables


How variables are passed in Process Designer

Using variables, business data in Process Designer is passed between processes
and linked processes, between processes and services, and between services and
Variables capture business data. If the business data is a simple type (for example,
a String) then the variable contains a value of the business data. If the business
data is a complex type then the variable is a reference to an object containing
multiple values.
Variables can be passed by reference or by value, as described in the following
table. Table 1. How variables are passed
Business process
definition (BPD)
BPD activity



Pass by



BPD activity
BPD activity

Linked BPD
Linked BPD



Nested service
Nested service


Value (the BPD and

Service have
separate copies of
the business object)
Reference to the
same business
Reference to the
same business

- Variables passed by reference

- Most data interactions in a process are passed by reference (from BPD to BPD
or from service to service). Therefore, most of the time the same object is
passed from location to location. Also, changes to that object happen at all
- Variables passed by value
- Variables between BPDs and services are passed by value. When a variable is
passed by value from a BPD to an underlying service, the service that changes
the variable passes the changed complex variables back to the BPD as output
- Variables that are shared objects
- If a variable is defined as a shared object, its values are refreshed from the data
store before use. For example, a shared object is passed by value from a BPD
to two different services. The BPD and services will each contain a separate
copy of the business object.
- When the first service completes, the values of the shared object will
automatically be persisted to the data store. When the second service starts,
the shared object values will be automatically loaded from the data store.


- So even though the BPD and two services reference separate objects, the
values of these objects are updated by the data store. This allows the running
services to operate on current data. See Creating custom business objects in
Process Designer for information on shared objects.
BPDs and services have references to their variables. When complex variables are
passed from a BPD to a service, a deep copy of the variable is transferred from the
BPD space to the service space, and the service gets a reference to the copy.
Similarly, when a complex variable is passed from the service to a BPD, a deep
copy of the variable is transferred from the service space to the BPD space, and the
BPD gets a reference to the copy.
When the service changes the values of the existing complex variable, the changed
values are passed back to the BPD by replacing the entire complex variable with a
deep copy from the service. If the replaced variable was originally passed by value
from an outer BPD, the inner and outer BPDs no longer access the same variable.
Therefore, changes made to the inner BPD are not reflected in the outer BPD.
- Example
- An outer BPD has a reference, tw.local.pair, that points to a NameValuePair
object, NVP1. The outer BPD passes its .pair reference to an inner BPD: Outer BPD > NVP1
Inner BPD -> NVP1

Changes to either BPD affect the other BPD.

- The inner BPD passes the .pair to a service. A copy of NVP1 is made, NVP2, and
a reference of the copy is passed to the service.Outer BPD -> NVP1
Inner BPD -> NVP1
Service -> NVP2

- The service exits and outputs the .pair, mapped back to the variable of the inner
BPD .pair. A copy of NVP2 is created, NVP3, and a reference is passed back to
the inner BPD.Outer BPD -> NVP1
Inner BPD -> NVP3

Changes made to NVP3 are not reflected in NVP1.

If you want a service to modify a top-level variable in a BPD, use an embedded
JavaScript to store the service result in a temporary variable and copy its members
to the original variable. The parent BPD is not updated until the child BPD has

Recommended guidelines
Because of how Process Designer handles variables, follow these guidelines:
- If the variable is a simple type, declare the variable as an input and an output in
linked BPDs, services, and nested services.
- If the variable is a complex type, declare the variable as an input. Also, although
the output declaration is not required because complex types are passed by
reference, declare the variable as an output so that other developers will know that
the linked BPD, service, or nested service returns a complex variable.
- Always use an identical name and data type for a set of input and output variables
for data that is passed in, processed, and then passed back.

Parent topic:Declaring and passing variables



Declaring variables for a BPD or a service

For each business process definition (BPD) or service that you create, you must
declare variables to capture the business data that activities in that BPD or steps in
that service use.

Before you begin

If you are declaring variables for a BPD, open the IBM Process Designer desktop

About this task

You can add the following variables to your BPDs:
Table 1. Variables available for addition to business process definitions
Exposed process variable (EPV)

Local variables that are used only within
the process.
Variable that represents input data
passed to the current BPD or service.
Variable that represents output data that
the current BPD or service returns to its
Special type of variables that you can
create to set or alter values while
instances of a process are running.

Only BPD variables that are marked as process instance identifiers can be
used for instance-based correlation of intermediate message events that use the
SCA triggering mechanism. A process instance identifier variable can be a private,
input, or output variable, and can be a simple or complex variable type.

If you want to add an exposed process variable, click Link EPV, and then select the
EPV from the list. If you want to add a private, input, or output variable, complete the
following steps:
1. Open your BPD or service diagram in Process Designer.
2. In the Variables tab, click Add Private, Add Input, or Add Output to create the
corresponding variable.
3. In the Details section:
A. Type a variable name in the Name field.Note: Variable names start with a
lowercase letter, with subsequent words capitalized, for example: myVar. Do
not use underscores or spaces in variable names. Variable names are casesensitive.
B. Click Select next to the Variable Type field to select the type of the variable.
Custom business objects that you created are also listed.
C. Optional: Type a description of the variable in the Documentation field.
D. Optional: If you want your variable to be an array, select Is List.


4. Optional: To set a default value for the variable, in the Default Value section,
select Has Default, and enter the value in the corresponding field.
5. Optional: To include the BPD variable in the business data that users can view in
Process Portal, in the Business Data section, select Visible in Process Portal,
and type an alias in the Alias field.Tip: The search alias must be unique to the
variable type throughout the process server on which the BPD runs. If a variable
is used in parent and nested processes, use the same search alias if you want
search results to include all related processes.
6. Optional: To include the BPD variable values in the data that is collected and
used to create reports, in the Performance Tracking section, select Track this
7. To declare a BPD variable as a secondary process identifier, you must mark it as
a process instance identifier. In the Process Identification section, select
Variable is used as Process Instance Identifier. While it is possible to mark
any variable as process instance identifier, it is advisable to use a variable for this
purpose that is not too complex.Important: The value that is written to the
variable must be unique for each instance of the BPD. Because variables that are
selected as process instance identifiers can be written to only once, be careful
during initialization, data mapping, pre-assignments, and post-assignments to
avoid it ever being written to twice for an instance. Writing any value to such a
variable more than once causes an error.
Tip: If you clear the selection for a variable that is already used for correlation, the
variable is marked with an error icon on the Data Mapping tab.
Variables that are marked as process instance identifiers can be selected to be
used for correlation, and are indicated in variable selection dialogs by the text
8. To save the configuration, click Save in the main toolbar.

What to do next
The BPD or service includes variables that can be passed to activities or services,
by mapping input and output variables. If you have a coach in the diagram, the
variables are directly available inside the diagram, and can be dragged in the layout
Parent topic:Declaring and passing variables
Related information:
Using Service Component Architecture to interact with processes
Data tracking considerations
Mapping input and output data for an activity or step
Creating exposed process values (EPVs)


Mapping input and output data for an activity or

In Process Designer, to pass variables to an activity or a step you have to set the
input and output data mapping.

Before you begin

You must have a business process definition (BPD) that contains a set of declared
variables and an activity, or a service that contains a set of declared variables and a
step. The activity or step must implement a service or linked process which also
contains a set of declared variables that match the ones in the main BPD in the case
of an activity, or the service in the case of a step.Restriction: In the case of a
client-side human service, mapping input and output data is applicable only if the
client-side human service is used within a BPD or a case type activity. Data
mapping is not applicable if the client-side human service is used for a dashboard or
a case instance.

About this task

When developing processes in Process Designer, you must set the input and output
mapping for each activity included in a BPD so that the variable values received and
generated by the subprocesses and services that implement the activities map to
the variables from the main BPD. Similarly, if you have a service, you must set the
input and output mapping for each step included in the service.
Note: This task is not relevant if you use the Activity Wizard to create a service to
implement an activity. Also, Case management functions are only available if you
have IBM BPM Advanced with the Basic Case Management feature installed.
The following procedure describes how to map both input and output data for an
activity or a step. Depending on the logic of your BPD or service, an activity or step
may only require input or output data and not both.

1. Open the diagram of your BPD or service.
2. Click the activity in the BPD diagram or the step in the service diagram, and then
click the Data Mapping tab in the properties. The Data Mapping tab displays the
variables that are available from the service implemented in the activity or step.
- For receive events that are triggered using an undercover agent (UCA), both
identifier and non-identifier variables can be used for correlation.
For receive events that are triggered using a Service Component
Architecture (SCA) service call, only variables that are marked as process
instance identifiers can be used for correlation. Tip: If a selected variable is
subsequently changed to not be a process instance identifier, an error icon is
displayed by the variable on this tab.
3. To complete the data mapping, click the Auto-map input properties with
variables from service icon ( ) in both the Input Mapping and Output
Mapping sections.Note: Auto-mapping works only when variable names and


types match exactly. You should always use an identical name and data type for
a set of input and output variables that are passed in, processed, and then
passed back.
If your variable is a shared business object then the output mapping from the
activity or step is not required.
4. Click Save to save the configuration.

What to do next
The data mapping is complete, and you can test it.
Parent topic:Declaring and passing variables
Related information:
Testing declared variables and data mapping with coaches


Declaring variables for a subprocess

Subprocesses and event subprocesses can access the variables of the process
they are contained in. They can also have their own variables that are only relevant
within the context of the subprocess or event subprocess and any subprocesses or
event subprocesses they might contain.

Before you begin

If your subprocess uses business data that is also used in the top-level process or in
other subprocesses or event subprocess under the same top-level parent, declare
the variables in the top-level BPD. If the data is only used within the context of
process execution, create these variables as private variables. If the data needs to
be passed into or out of the process, create your variables as input or output
variables in the top-level process. Data that is used only within the subprocess
should be captured in private variables declared in the subprocess activity.

1. Expand your subprocess or event subprocess by double-clicking the activity in the
parent BPD. The contents of your subprocess or event subprocess are visible in
the editor.
2. Go to the Variables tab. The input and output variables declared in the top-level
process are visible, as are any private variables declared in the parent BPD. You
can access these variables from within your subprocess or event subprocess,
passing values between any subprocess activities that might require them. For
example, if you are modeling the Get Customer Order subprocess of a larger
Customer Order Handling process, you might need to access the Customer
Account variable that is declared in the parent process.
3. Create private variables for any data that is used only within the context of the
subprocess or event subprocess and any subprocesses it contains. For example,
the Get Customer Order subprocess might need to use a private variable that is
used to authenticate the customer service representative onto the ordering
system. This data is not needed outside of this part of the larger Customer Order
Handling process, so it is a private variable within the subprocess only. In the
Variables tab, click Add Private.
4. Complete the details of the new variable, including a name, data type, and
description. Note: Variable names declared in a subprocess or event subprocess
cannot be the same as variable names declared in its parent process. If there are
multiple layers of embedding, with subprocesses contained within other
subprocesses, variable names must be unique throughout the entire subprocess
hierarchy. In addition, if you specify a search alias to use for business data in
Process Portal searches, this alias must be unique within the top-level process
and across all subprocesses and event subprocesses under the same top-level
The new private variable is created. This variable is visible to the subprocess or
event subprocess and any embedded subprocesses or event subprocesses, but
is not accessible by the parent BPD.


5. To capture information about your subprocess data at run time, you can enable
automatic tracking of variable data for the subprocess.
A. In the Variables tab, select the variable that you want to track.
B. Under Performance Tracking, select the Track this Field check box.
C. In the Tracking tab, ensure that Enable Autotracking is enabled for the
subprocess. This setting is independent of the setting for the parent process.
Therefore, disabling autotracking in the parent BPD does not disable
autotracking in the subprocess or any subprocess that is contained within that
D. After enabling autotracking and specifying the variables to track, save the
process and send your newly defined tracking requirements to the Business
Performance Data Warehouse. From the IBM BPM main menu, select File >
Update Tracking Definitions.

What to do next
Now that you have declared your private variables, activities within your subprocess
or event subprocess can use these variables to capture business data. If you have
activities inside your subprocess that are implemented by services, you will need to
map the input and output data required by these services, either manually through
the Data Mapping tab, or using the Activity wizard. For more information about
mapping input and output data, see Mapping input and output data for an activity or

Parent topic:Declaring and passing variables


Testing declared variables and data mapping with

When you declare and map variables in your BPD, you can test the mapping
between activities by using coaches and running your BPD in the Inspector.

Before you begin

Make sure:
- Your BDP contains all the elements that pass and retrieve variables. For example,
2 activities that transfer data to one another.
- The data mapping is set as needed. Remember that variable types and name must

About this task

This task is an example of how you can test your JavaScript variable mechanics
from the graphic interface of Process Designer by passing a variable from the BPD
to an activity. You can also test your variable mechanics through the JavaScript text
box inside your services or activities.

1. In Process Designer, open the BPD that includes at least an activity for which you
established data mapping.
2. For each activity you want to test, add a coach to it and add the controls
representing each variable inside the coach. For example, if you want to test data
mapping between 2 activities that implement their own services, add a coach to
each service and drag all the variables (input and output) available into it.
3. Save by clicking the Save icon.
4. Click the Run Process icon ( ) to run the BPD in the Inspector.Note: If
prompted to switch to the Inspector, click Yes.
5. Check your data mapping with the coaches:
A. In the Process Instances tab in the Inspector, run the current task by clicking
the line of the table on the right side of the screen indicating Received in the
Status column and then click the Run the selected task icon ( ).
B. When prompted, select the user account that you want to use to run the task.
By default, activities in the participant lane are assigned to the All Users
group. The task runs and the coach displays the values of the local variables in
a browser window. The values that are displayed depend on the data mapping
of the current task.
C. Modify the values of the variables to see whether the changes will be passed
on to the next task for which you mapped the data. To validate your changes
click OK. The browser closes.
D. In the Inspector toolbar, click the Refresh icon ( ). The task generated by the
following activity in the BPD is displayed.
E. Repeat the previous steps and check that the current variables displayed in the
browser reflect the changes you made in the previous coach.


What to do next
If the data you modify in a task is displayed in the following task of your BPD, your
data mapping is properly set. If the data should match but does not, review your
data mapping settings.
Parent topic:Declaring and passing variables
Related information:
Mapping input and output data for an activity or step


XSD generation pattern for business objects

When you create a business object, which is also referred to as a custom variable
type, an XML Schema Definition (XSD) is generated. Understanding the generation
rules and some suggestions for business object creation can be helpful when your
business objects will be used with IBM Integration Designer.
A type without a name is called an anonymous type. An anonymous type can be
specified in the Advanced Properties section when creating a business object. This
property is not honoured by the generator, which means that a named, complex type
will be generated.
You should be careful when you use the properties in the Advanced Properties
and Advanced Parameter Properties sections as the generated schema may not
be as you expected. This may be true for the properties that were specified as a
result of an import of a WSDL or XSD file. These imports may result in compile
errors on some of the generated artifacts when they in turn are brought into
Integration Designer. In particular, note that the Advanced Parameter Properties
Type Name and Type Namespace will be used as opposed to the values specified
by the referenced business object.
The schema you see by clicking View XML Schema may not be an accurate
representation of the XSD as seen in Integration Designer.
For wrapper array types, specified in Advanced Parameter Properties using the
wrap list property, the generated code is inline with the business object. No
synchronization with Integration Designer is done.
In Process Designer, when you import a web service that has a wrapped array
element definition, a dummy business object for the wrapped array element will be
created in addition to the referencing business object having the same definition in
the Advanced Parameter Properties. For example, in the following code the
BenefitMessagesWrapper complex type when imported would create a dummy
business object that serves no purpose since the MemberBenefit business object
has the declaration defined for it under the BenefitMessages property. Although it
can be present as a business object, for clarity you may want to delete it. If you do
not delete it, the Integration Designer user will see two complex types, which could
cause confusion.
<xsd:schema targetNamespace=""
xmlns:bons0="" xmlns:tns="">
<xsd:complexType name="MemberBenefit">

<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="BenefitMessages"


<xsd:complexType name="BenefitMessagesWrapper">
<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"


name="BenefitMessageObject" type="bons1:BenefitMessageObject" />

<xsd:complexType name="BenefitMessageObject">
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="field1" type="xsd:string" />
<xsd:element minOccurs="0" name="field2" type="xsd:string" />

Parent topic:Business objects and variables


Using JavaScript in BPDs

You can use JavaScript in many business process definitions (BPDs) in Process
Designer to improve the behavior of your model. For example, you can write
JavaScript to implement a step in your process and embed that script in an activity.

About this task

Process Designer provides a number of JavaScript methods and variables to
customize your BPDs and to interact with:
- The design-time aspects of Process Designer
- The installation status
- The performance information
- The system data available at run time
- Serialized and deserialized Process Designer objects
- Users, groups and roles
All the variables you declare in Process Designer are JavaScript variables. You can
use them inside service definitions and also in expression evaluations inside
JavaScript code snippets.
While Process Designer supports using JavaScript to implement an activity, in most
cases it is best to create a service that includes a server script component and then
use the service to implement the activity.

1. Declare your BPD-level variables through the graphic interface.
2. Click to select an activity in the BPD diagram or a server script component in a
3. Click the Implementation tab in the properties.
4. If you selected an activity, in the Implementation section, select JavaScript from
the drop-down list.
5. Type your JavaScript code in the Script text box.

Your code is run when you run your process.

What to do next
If you want to reuse your code, you can write your code in an external JavaScript file
and import it as an external library.
Parent topic:Business objects and variables
Related information:
Managing external files


Initializing complex variables and lists

In Process Designer, you must initialize all complex variables and all lists (arrays)
before you can use them in a BPD or service.

About this task

The Coach framework requires that all variables that a Coach or Heritage Coach
references are initialized. If the human service does not initialize these variables, the
framework does it when the Coach runs. This initialization occurs even if the Coach
does not use these variables. Because of this initialization, ensure that service level
code does not require variables to be in an undefined state if a Coach references
these variables.

1. In the Variables tab of your BPD or service diagram, declare a variable that is a
complex business object or a list. For example, a variable named myVariable of
type Requisition or a variable named myList that is a list of string variables.
2. In the diagram area, drag a script task from the palette to the canvas.
3. In the Implementation tab, initialize your variable using the a JavaScript text area:
- If the variable is a complex object, use: tw.local.<variableName>=new
tw.object.<businessObject>();. For example: tw.local.myVariable=new
- If the variable is a list, use: tw.local.<listName>=new
tw.object.listOf.<businessObject>();. For example:
tw.local.myList=new tw.object.listOf.String();

Note: If your complex business object or list includes elements that are complex
variables, they also must be initialized.

What to do next
You have initialized your complex variable or list. The variable can now store data.
Parent topic:Business objects and variables
Related information:
Declaring variables for a BPD or a service in Process Designer


Creating exposed process values (EPVs)

In IBM Process Designer, you can create exposed process values (EPVs) to
define a set of variables you want to expose to specific users. These variables can
be modified by the users while instances of a process are running. For example, if
you create a process to handle expense reimbursement, you may want to enable
supervisors to change the allowed amounts for daily expenditures, or the dollar
amount that coincides with various levels of approvers. By creating EPVs, you can
provide this type of flexibility, allowing users to adjust specific variable values as
constants, thereby affecting the flow of all running process instances, task
assignments, and so on.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Expand Data and select Exposed Process Value. The New Exposed Process
Value window opens.
3. In the Name field, type a name for the value and click Finish. The EPV
configuration view opens.
4. Configure the EPV:
A. In the Documentation field, enter a description of the EPV for the developers.
B. To allow users to send feedback about this EPV, type an email address in the
Feedback E-mail Contact field.The Manage Exposed Process Values page in
the Process Admin Console includes a feedback link that uses this email
C. In the External Description field, enter a description of the EPV for the users.
The description that you provide here is displayed in the Manage Exposed
Process Values page in the Process Admin Console.
5. Add one or several variables to the EPV by applying the following steps:
A. In the Exposed Process Value Variables section, click Add to add a variable
to this EPV.For example, if you want to enable users to adjust the dollar
amounts that correspond with various levels of approvers for an expense
reimbursement process, add a variable for each available level.
B. In the Variable Details section, in the External Name field, type the name of
the variable for the users. This name appears in the Variable List for this EPV
in the Process Admin Console.
C. In the Variable Name field, type the name of the variable for internal
processing.Note: Variable names should start with a lowercase letter, with
subsequent words capitalized like so: myVar. Do not use underscores or
spaces in variable names. Variable names are case sensitive.
D. In the External Description field, type the text to describe this variable to
users. This description appears in the Variable List for this EPV in the Process
Admin Console.


E. Optional: In the Default Value text box, type a valid default for this variable.
F. To enable in-progress tasks to use the updated value of this variable when
users edits its value, select the In-Progress Tasks Use New Values check
G. To select a variable type, click Select... and select a business object or click
New to create a new custom business object (variable type).
6. In the Exposing section, click Select to choose the team whose members can
manage this EPV and adjust its variable values.
7. Click Save in the main toolbar to save your changes.

The EPV is created, you can link it to a BPD, service, or report.
You can reference the name of the EPV and its variables like so:
You can use the EPV in a decision gateway to control the flow of a process. You
can also reference the EPV from any JavaScript code in a linked BPD, such as the
code within a server script service component.

- Adding an exposed process value to a BPD

When you create an exposed process value (EPV), you can link it to a BPD or a
- Adding an exposed process value to a report
When you create an exposed process value (EPV), you can link it in a report.
Parent topic:Business objects and variables
Related information:
Creating custom business objects in Process Designer


Adding an exposed process value to a BPD

When you create an exposed process value (EPV), you can link it to a BPD or a

1. Open the BPD or service to which you want to link this EPV.
2. Click the Variables tab.
3. Click Link EPV and select the EPV from the list.

When you run the BPD or service to which the EPV is linked, you can go to the
Process Admin Console to manage the exposed process values.
Parent topic:Creating exposed process values (EPVs)
Related information:
Managing exposed process values (EPVs)


Adding an exposed process value to a report

When you create an exposed process value (EPV), you can link it in a report.

Before you begin

The reporting functionality is deprecated in IBM BPM V8; by default it is not
enabled. To enable reporting, in Process Designer go to File > Preferences > IBM
BPM > Capabilities, and enable the Backward Compatibility capabilities.

1. Click the plus sign next to the Performance category in the library, and open the
report to which you want to link this EPV.
2. Click the Overview tab.
3. In the Exposed Process Values section, click Link EPV and select the EPV from
the list.

Now, users can adjust variable values directly from a report.
Parent topic:Creating exposed process values (EPVs)
Related information:
Managing exposed process values (EPVs)


Setting variables in pre and post assignments

You can set pre and post assignments for variables when you want to assign a
value to a variable immediately before or after an activity or event runs.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

You can set pre and post assignments for components in a service, such as a
Coach or a Server Script component.
For example, if you want to send an email message to end users as soon as an
activity is active and can be completed, you can attach a timer event to the activity
and use a post assignment to place the task ID into a variable so that it can be
passed to the follow-on activity that sends the email message. The task ID is
needed so that the email message sent to end users includes information about the
task to complete. You can achieve this by using a post-assignment.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a business process definition (BPD) that includes an activity or event that
requires a pre assignment or a post assignment.
3. Click the activity or event in the BPD diagram and then select the Pre & Post
option in the properties.
4. To add an assignment, click the Add assignment icon ( ) in either the Pre
Assignments section or the Post Assignments section.
5. In the field on the left, click the variable icon to choose a variable that you have
declared in the current BPD that will receive the value.
6. In the field on the right, type the variable name that will be used as value for the
variable in the left field. Tip: You can type any existing variable name. Use the
type-ahead feature to select your variable, you do not have to limit yourself to
local variables.
When you set a pre or post assignment for an activity, the activity in the BPD
diagram includes a circular indicator on the left side (pre assignment) or on the
right side (post assignment).
Parent topic:Business objects and variables
Related information:
Accessing variables in Process Designer
Creating exposed process values (EPVs)


Creating user interfaces for business processes

In IBM Business Process Manager, human services provide the logic and user
interface through which users can view and interact with business processes, cases,
data or process instances.
Client-side human services, introduced with IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.5,
provide a lightweight alternative to the earlier human services in IBM BPM versions
before V8.5.5. The earlier human services are now referred to as heritage human
services. For more information, see Client-side human services and Difference
between client-side human services and heritage human services.
Human services use coaches to build the web pages that users see. Coaches are
composed from user interface controls called coach views. You can create coach
views in Process Designer. For information, see Coaches and Coach views.
Heritage coaches, used only in heritage human services, are composed from a fixed
set of user interfaces controls. They are primarily for compatibility with IBM Business
Process Manager before version 8.0. For processes created with IBM Business
Process Manager version 8.5 5.0 and later, web-based coaches are recommended.
Human services provide two types of user interfaces: task completion and
dashboards. A task completion user interface implements a specific activity within a
process instance. It has access to the details of that process instance. A dashboard
is a stand-alone user interface that users can run at any time. Users can access
dashboards through the Process Portal. For information about dashboards, see
Dashboards in Process Portal. With heritage human services, you can also use a
coach-based dashboard as a WebSphere portlet. For information, see Generating
portlets for heritage human services exposed as dashboards.
- Which artifacts should I use?
IBM Business Process Manager has a number of different artifacts that you can
use to create or modify a user interface. These artifacts consist of client-side
human services, heritage human services, coaches, heritage coaches, and stock
- User interface concepts
People interact with process applications through user interfaces. IBM Business
Process Manager provides a number of artifacts that you can use to create these
user interfaces.
- Modeling client-side human services
When you model a client-side human service, you build the service flow that
defines the activities, the dashboards, or the instance user interfaces that case
workers or people who participate in processes use in IBM Process Portal.
- Heritage human service to client-side human service conversion
To gain the improved performance of a client-side human service and use the new
features provided by the client-side human service, you must convert the heritage
human service into a client-side human service, which requires you to re-create
some of the service flow.
- Building coaches
You can build a coach as the user interface that process participants or case

owners use to interact with a service.

- Developing reusable coach views
To contain functions or user interface elements that another coach view or a
coach can use, create a coach view.
- Tips for debugging coach view lifecycle method inside client-side human
To debug your coach views inside a client-side human service, you need to use
the debugging features of your browser along with the debugging features of the
Inspector view in IBM Process Designer.
- Tips for debugging coach views in Process Portal
You can debug the lifecycle method for your coach views in IBM Process Portal.
- Enabling JavaScript debugging for coaches
For debugging purposes, you can set your coaches and coach views to use the
readable versions of Dojo and the Coach framework JavaScript.
- Coach and coach view troubleshooting
The following sections list issues that you might encounter and information about
possible solutions.
- Responsive settings for coach views
At run time, users can interact with your application interfaces by using a range of
devices, each of which have their own characteristics, such as screen size and
standard user-interface conventions.
- Coach and coach view examples
This documentation includes a number of examples that demonstrate how to
create and code the various parts of coaches and coach views.
- Building Heritage Coaches
When you build heritage human services you can use Heritage Coaches, which
provide the interfaces for end-user interaction.
- Localizing process applications
Localizing your process applications enables users in different language locales to
interact with the application interfaces in their own languages. In addition to
providing translated versions of your applications for business users, you can also
specify localized strings for your design-time users, for example, users that are
creating their own interfaces using custom coach views that you provide.
Parent topic:Building process applications


Which artifacts should I use?

IBM Business Process Manager has a number of different artifacts that you can
use to create or modify a user interface. These artifacts consist of client-side human
services, heritage human services, coaches, heritage coaches, and stock controls.
To help you determine which of these artifacts you should use, there are factors you
must consider. The following diagram summarizes your choices and the text discuss
these factors to help you with your choices.

Your first decision is whether to use client-side human services or heritage human
services. Client-side human services are the latest technology in IBM Business
Process Manager. Client-side human services are built using the Process Designer
web editor and run in a web browser. Generally, you should use client-side human
services unless one or more of the following conditions apply:
- You are editing a human service that existed prior to version 8.5.5. Human
services in previous versions are now known as heritage human services.
- You are editing a heritage human service that was created in version 8.5.5.
- You want to use some of the features in heritage human services that are not
available in client-side human services, such as collaboration. The collaboration
feature allows multiple users to work on the same coach instance simultaneously.
For information, see Setting up collaboration features for business users.
- You do not need the enhancements and features of the new Process Designer
web editor and you prefer to work in the familiar Process Designer desktop editor
for your process application development.
If one or more of these conditions apply, use heritage human services. Heritage
human services run on the server but display their user interfaces in a web browser.
To create or edit heritage human services you use the Process Designer desktop
editor. Note that a process application can have both heritage human services and

client-side human services and both types can use the same coach views.
If you are using client-side human services, you are automatically using coaches
and coach views. Because the stock controls are coach views, you can use these
basic user interface elements to create complex coaches and coach views.
If you are using heritage human services, you then must decide whether to use
coaches or heritage coaches for a particular user interface. A heritage human
service can have coaches and heritage coaches in its flow. Generally, you should
use coaches unless you are updating existing heritage coaches. Heritage coaches
are user interfaces that were created in IBM BPM prior to version 8.0. For these
user interfaces, using heritage coaches means that you are updating the user
interface using the same artifact that was originally used to create it. However, if the
update is extensive in scope (that is, you need to update a number of similar
heritage coaches), consider replacing these heritage coaches with coaches to take
advantage of the reusability of coach views and the stock controls that IBM BPM
Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes
Related information:
Building heritage coaches
Coach views
Client-side human services


User interface concepts

People interact with process applications through user interfaces. IBM Business
Process Manager provides a number of artifacts that you can use to create these
user interfaces.
Within a process application, BPD tasks that are implemented as human services
contain these user interfaces. Within its own flow, every human service contains at
least one coach. A coach is a user interface that users can see in a web browser.
The human service can also include gateways and script tasks that affect the flow of
the user interfaces or change the variables that are passed into a coach.

Coaches are composed from one or more coach views, which are reusable UI
elements. Coach views can be simple or compound. A simple view contains a single
UI widget such as a text field. The stock controls in IBM Business Process Manager
are examples of simple views. A compound view contains multiple coach views. A
form with multiple text fields and selection controls is an example of a compound
When you are developing applications in IBM Business Process Manager, you
create coaches and views by using the Process Designer web editor for client-side
human services and the Process Designer desktop editor for heritage human
services. Users see and interact with these coaches and views in a web browser
when the human service is running.
- Human services
In IBM BPM V8.5.5, you can use two types of human services to provide user
interfaces that users can use to manage their process and case work in web-based
applications such as IBM Process Portal: heritage human services and client-side
human services.
- Dashboards
A dashboard is a user interface that displays business process information.
Authorized users use the dashboard to interact with that information.
- Coaches
Coaches are the user interfaces for human services.


- Coach views
Coach views are reusable sets of user interfaces that users use to interact with a
business object or service. Coach views can consist of one or more other coach
views, data bindings, layout instructions, and behaviors.
- Controls
Controls are basic user interface artifacts such as text fields, date time pickers,
and buttons.
- Advanced items for coach views
Advanced items are palette items that you can add to a coach view to enhance its
content. Unlike most of the items on the palette, advanced items are not coach
views or variables.
- Heritage artifacts
IBM Business Process Manager contains a number of artifacts that are labeled
Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes


Human services
In IBM BPM V8.5.5, you can use two types of human services to provide user
interfaces that users can use to manage their process and case work in web-based
applications such as IBM Process Portal: heritage human services and client-side
human services.
- Heritage human services
- The human services in IBM BPM versions that are earlier than version 8.5.5.
With heritage human services, you use existing artifacts, such as coaches,
heritage coaches, and stock controls, to create user interfaces for business
process management. You create and edit heritage human services in the IBM
Process Designer desktop editor, run them on the server, and use them to
supply user interfaces to web-based applications such as IBM Process Portal.
- When you build a heritage human service in the Process Designer desktop
editor, you use coaches or heritage coaches, server scripts, services, and
events to create a service flow that is run and tested on the server. The
heritage human services are the only type of human services that can call other
heritage human services.
- Client-side human services
- Human services that are added in IBM BPM V8.5.5. When you use client-side
human services, you can use web technology to improve human-service
performance and provide support for case management and process
management. You create and edit client-side human services in the Process
Designer web editor, run them on the client-side in the web browser, and use
them to call the server for data when necessary.
- When you build a client-side human service, you use coaches, client-side
scripts, services, and events to create a service flow that is run, tested, and
refined entirely in a web browser. Enhanced authoring capabilities such as
WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) and responsive design elements
help you build user interfaces for case and process instances and ensure
scalability for mobile devices.
To learn more about the differences between the two types of human services, see
Difference between client-side human services and heritage human services.
Parent topic:User interface concepts
Related concepts:
Heritage human service to client-side human service conversion
Related information:
Difference between client-side human services and heritage human services


A dashboard is a user interface that displays business process information.
Authorized users use the dashboard to interact with that information.
A dashboard displays data from one or more business processes. Although the
dashboard can display the data in many different ways, typically it uses charts,
graphs, and other visualization user interfaces. A dashboard can also contain other
Using dashboards, users can see an overview of the data or filter it to concentrate
on a particular aspect. If users have the appropriate permissions, they can use the
dashboard to interact with the data. For example, a graph in a dashboard shows all
the business processes. It identifies which processes might need attention because
they have process instances that are at risk or overdue. A process owner can use
the dashboard to identify the problem and then act in a way that enables process
instances to finish on time. Similarly, team leaders can use a dashboard to check
the status of work items and reassign work to balance the workload between team
Users can access a dashboard by using IBM Process Portal. Process Portal
provides access to many dashboards, work interfaces, and user preferences from
one URL. It includes several standard, ready-to-use dashboards that help you
analyze and manage your business processes. These standard dashboards include
the following dashboards:
- Team Performance
- Process Performance
In addition, your Process Portal installation might include company-specific
dashboards to help you manage other aspects of business processes. A business
programmer or analyst creates these dashboards by exposing human services and
by using the Coaches of those human services as the user interfaces of the
If an administrator exposes the dashboard as a URL, users can access the
dashboard outside of Process Portal. Users can also access the dashboard as a
portlet for WebSphere Portal.
Parent topic:User interface concepts
Related information:
Customizing the IBM Business Process Manager dashboards
Dashboards in Process Portal


Coaches are the user interfaces for human services.
There are two types of user interfaces for human services: dashboards and task
completion. To build either type of user interface for human services, you use
When a coach is a dashboard user interface, users can run it as a stand-alone user
interface at any time. The users access it through the Process Portal. For
information about dashboards, see Dashboards in Process Portal. Users can also
access it as a WebSphere portlet. For information, see Generating portlets for
heritage human services exposed as dashboards.
When a coach is a task completion user interface, it is part of the human service
flow. When the flow enters the coach, the user sees the user interface that is
defined for that coach. The user interface consists of HTML code that is displayed in
a web browser. The flow leaves the coach when a boundary event occurs. A coach
can have multiple exit flows with each one associated with a different boundary
Coaches contain one or more coach views. The coach views provide the user
interface elements and layout for the coach. Each coach view can contain one or
more other coach views, which creates a parent-child relationship between these
coach views. At run time, the parent coach view is rendered as a <div></div> tag
that contains a nested <div></div> tag for each child coach view. Each coach view
can also have a binding to a business object, CSS code to control its visual layout,
and JavaScript to define its behavior.

Coach views are reusable so you can create a library of common user interfaces
and behavior. You can combine these common user interfaces to rapidly develop
new coaches. The coaches toolkit that is included with IBM BPM contains
common user interfaces that are called controls. You can include these controls
when you are creating your own coach views.
To maintain compatibility with earlier coaches, IBM BPM supports heritage coaches
only in the heritage human services. No heritage coach support is provided with the
new client-side human services. A heritage coach has the technology and
architecture of a coach in versions of IBM BPM before V8.0. Both client-side human
services and heritage human services can have coaches. Heritage coaches can be
used only with heritage human services; they are not available with client-side
human services. You can continue to use and maintain heritage coaches, but use
coaches for new user interfaces for human services.

Parent topic:User interface concepts

Related information:
Difference between coaches and heritage coaches
Developing reusable coach views
Building heritage coaches
Coach views


Coach views
Coach views are reusable sets of user interfaces that users use to interact with a
business object or service. Coach views can consist of one or more other coach
views, data bindings, layout instructions, and behaviors.
Because coach views are reusable, coach views and coaches can share parts of
their user interface with other coach views and coaches. For example, you create a
coach that has a coach view that contains a set of address fields. If you create a
second coach that needs address fields, you can reuse the coach view from the first
coach. In both cases, the coach is using an instance of the coach view. You can edit
the properties of each instance independently. For example, changing the label of
one coach view instance does not change the label of the other. Both instances of
the coach view use a reference to point to the coach view definition. This approach
means that if the coach view definition changes, you can see the change reflected in
the instances of the coach view.
You can create a coach view in the process application or in a toolkit. In general,
create highly reusable coach views in toolkits and more specialized coach views in
process applications. Choosing the process application means that you can reuse it
only within the process application. However, it also means that if someone edits the
coach view, the changes apply to the instances of the coach view in the process
application. If the coach view is in a toolkit and then someone edits it, the changes
apply to all instances of the coach view in all applications that use that toolkit.
Because editing a coach definition can affect many instances, be careful in your
changes. For example, deleting a content box in the coach view definition could
mean that coaches or coach views that contain instances of that coach view cannot
display the content that they had defined in that content box.
You cannot directly edit the definition of the coach view from within the parent coach
or coach view. Instead, you must open the coach view definition first before you can
change it. When you open a coach view definition to edit it, you can see the
following pages:
- The Overview page displays the coach view name, information about the coach
view, the images used to represent the coach view during design time, and how
the coach view is used. You can also tag your coach view to make it easier to find
in the library and on the palette.
- The Behavior page displays the scripts and CSS files used by the coach view.
The page also contains inline JavaScript and style code. The Behavior page is
also where you define event handler code. The event handlers are the entry points
for the code of the coach view. While the coach view might reference supporting
JavaScript files, the event handlers contain the functions that the IBM Business
Process Manager framework calls.
- The Variables page displays the business data binding, configuration options
(which includes Ajax services), and localization resources available to the coach
view or used by the coach view.
- The Layout page displays the coach views and controls contained within the
coach view and their relative positions. The layout page also displays the palette,
which contains items that you can add to the coach view. These items consist of
coach views, advanced items, and variables. When you select coach view or


control in the layout, you see its properties.

Controls are coach views. IBM BPM provides a set of stock controls on the palette.
In terms of use, IBM BPM treats the stock controls and the custom coach views that
you create identically.
- Templates
Templates are an ideal way to create a standardized look across multiple coach
- Coach view properties
Each coach view has a set of standard properties. These properties are on a
number of pages: General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML
- Data binding for coach views
Binding a coach view to a business object creates an association between data
and a user interface for it.
- Binding data and configuration options
A coach view may be associated with a data binding and configuration options.
The view context provides access to this data. To access binding data and
configuration options you must use the JavaScript get and set functions. You
cannot use JavaScript dot notation.
- Boundary events
A boundary event acts as a trigger within a human service that sends information
from a client to a server where the information is then committed and the human
service moves to the next step.
- Event handlers overview
Coach views have predefined event handlers that perform callback functions when
an event is detected. You can add your own code to these event handlers in the
Behavior page of the coach view.
- Framework managed versus view managed content for coaches
At run time, the content inside a content box of a coach can be managed by the
runtime framework, or by the view. By default, the framework manages the
content, but if you want to code your own custom behavior, you can choose that
the content be managed by the view.
Parent topic:User interface concepts
Related information:
Event handlers


Templates are an ideal way to create a standardized look across multiple coach
A template is a coach view that someone marks as being usable as a template in its
Overview page. Users can then select the template when they are creating coach
views. The new coach views have the content of the template as base content to
which the users can then add content. For example, you create a coach view that
has the company logo and name in a banner area and a content box as a
placeholder for other content. When you use this coach view as a template, you can
then select it when you are creating another coach view. The new coach view has
the banner area defined in the template along with an area for content. Other users
can also use the template when they are creating coach views so that there is a
consistent look across the new coach views. Because templates are coach views,
you can also drop them onto coaches. For example, if you have a template that has
a common banner, you can drop it onto a coach so that the coach has the common
The template also serves as a way to update multiple coach views simultaneously.
Because the template is a reference to a coach view and not a copy, if you change
the template, all of the coach views based on that template are updated as well with
those changes. To continue the previous example, you update the template to
change the logo image. All of the coach views that use your template are updated
with the new logo.
Parent topic:Coach views
Related information:
Example: creating a template
Coach views


Coach view properties

Each coach view has a set of standard properties. These properties are on a
number of pages: General, Configuration, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML
When you select a coach view in a layout, the Properties area displays several
properties pages. These pages contain the properties of that coach view instance.
The General, Positioning, Visibility, and HTML Attributes pages display properties
that all coach view instances have. The Configuration page has properties that are
defined in the coach view definition and they are specific to coach views that are
bound to that definition. Stock controls have examples of configuration properties.
- Coach view general properties
The general properties of a coach view set general text information such as the
instance label and binding information such as the data binding and view definition
- Configuration properties and configuration options
You define the configuration options in your coach view so that users can
customize a specific instance of that coach view. Users see these configuration
options as configuration properties in that instance.
- Positioning options for coach view instances
You can control the spacing of the coach views in your coaches by setting the
positioning properties for each coach view instance. The values that you set can
be absolute, for example in millimeters, or relative, for example as a percentage of
the available display space.
- Coach view visibility properties
The Visibility properties page is where you set how the parent coach or coach
view displays the coach view instance.
- HTML attributes
The HTML Attributes page is where you override styles for a specific coach view
Parent topic:Coach views
Related information:
Developing reusable coach views


Coach view general properties

The general properties of a coach view set general text information such as the
instance label and binding information such as the data binding and view definition
The general properties consist of the following fields:
General property

Control ID


Label Visibility

Sets the display name of the coach view.
The location of the label depends on the
coach view type and whether that
location has been overridden by CSS
coding. The default value is the name of
the coach view.
Provides an area in which you can
provide hover help for the coach view
Provides an identifier that you can use in
JavaScript to access this particular coach
view instance. The Control ID is also
known as the view ID in the API
Sets the business object or data type that
is associated with this coach view
Sets the coach view definition that the
coach view instance uses. When you
change this property, you change the
type of the coach view, and the
configuration properties that you
previously set no longer apply.
Sets whether users can see the label at
run time. For example, you might want to
have a Text Area control display a large
description with no accompanying label.
The values are Show (default) and Hide.
You can use a variable to, for example,
dynamically change the visibility
according to various conditions. If you
use a variable to set the visibility, the
variable must be a string with one of the
following values: SHOWHIDE.


Base Text Direction

Sets the direction of the text that is

displayed by the coach view, such as
label text, text values, and other text that
the user sees. The Base Text Direction
property is available only if you enable
the Base Text Direction preference. For
information, see Adding bidirectional
language support.
The default value is Default, which
means the coach view uses the text
direction that is set in the user's profile.
For information about setting the text
direction, see Setting preferences in
Process Portal. When you set the text
direction to Left to Right or Right to
Left, the text is locked to the specified
direction. When you set the text direction
to Contextual, the first strong directional
character in a string determines its text
direction. This rule applies to all text
elements that a coach view displays. For
example, a Text control has an Arabic
label, but its field contents are English. In
this case, the text in the label is from
right to left although the text in the field is
from left to right.

Note: If you assign a variable for the Label, Help, Visibility, and Label Visibility
general properties, a special category of variables, called general options, becomes
available in the configuration options. These variables contain the metadata for the
coach view and correspond to the Label, Help, Visibility, and Label Visibility general
properties. Unlike the other configuration options, you cannot edit their values in the
Variables page.
The Tabs and Table stock controls use the Visibility and Label Visibility properties of
the coach views that they contain to handle hiding labels. These stock controls also
use them to support click-to-edit functionality.
Parent topic:Coach view properties
Related information:
Developing reusable coach views


Configuration properties and configuration options

You define the configuration options in your coach view so that users can customize
a specific instance of that coach view. Users see these configuration options as
configuration properties in that instance.
For example, the Radio Buttons stock control has the layout configuration option
and a Layout label. When you drop a Radio Buttons instance onto a coach view
layout and then select the instance, the Properties area displays a list of
configuration properties. One of these configuration properties is Layout. You can
choose Horizontal or Vertical for this configuration property. This choice affects only
this Radio Buttons instance.
When you define a configuration option for your coach view, you set the appearance
of the corresponding configuration property and the information that it displays.
- In the Label field, provide the display name of the configuration property. If you do
not provide a label, the coach view instance uses the name of the configuration
option as the display name.
- In the Documentation field, provide hover help text to help users decide on the
setting for that configuration property.
- To group several related configuration options, provide a group name. The coach
view instance displays the group name with a twistie. When users expand the
twistie, they see all the configuration properties that have the same group name.
For example, you add config1 and config2 to the Config group.

When users click an instance of the coach view, they see the Config group. If
users expand the twistie, they see config1 and config2.

The data type of the configuration option affects how the coach view instance
displays the corresponding configuration property. If the type is a simple type, like
String, or is based on a simple type, the corresponding configuration property is an
appropriate control. For example, the control is a check box for the Boolean type or
text field for a String type. If the type is a business object, the configuration property

is a group that contains the business object parameters as configuration properties.

Here is config4 presented as a configuration property:

If the type is a list, the configuration property is a two-column table. Each row in the
table represents an item in the list.

Here is config5 presented as a configuration property formatted as a table.

If the type is a list of business objects, the configuration property is a table with a
header row and a row for each list item. Each parameter in the business object has

a corresponding column in the table. If a parameter is also a business object, that

corresponding column subdivides into columns for each parameter in the child

business object.
Here is config6 presented as a configuration table formatted as a three-column

A coach view instance uses implicit default values for configuration properties if
users do not set a value for them. The implicit default value depends on the type.
When you are defining a Boolean-typed configuration option, you must account for
its implicit default value, which is false. This means that Process Designer displays
Boolean-typed configuration options set to false by default, such as check boxes
being not selected.
You can set a configuration option to be responsive to screen size settings, allowing
instances of the coach view can have up to three different settings for that
configuration property, each corresponding to a different screen size setting. For
example, if your coach view has a configuration property that controls the rendering
of a selection control as either a checkbox, radio button, or slider control, users can
configure their coach view instances to have three different renderings for that
control in different user environments. To make a configuration option responsive,
click Responds to screen size.

Here are the four corresponding configuration properties:


When users are configuring the coach view instance and want to set a different
value for each screen size, they click the screen size icon next to the configuration
option to specify that the value applies to a large, medium, or small screen size.
Then they can change the screen size setting to a new size, and enter a new value
for the configuration option. For information about responsive settings for coach
view instances see Responsive settings for coach views.
When you are setting (binding to data) a configuration property on a coach view
instance, you can bind it statically or dynamically. To bind it statically, type or
choose a value for the configuration property. To bind it dynamically, assign a
variable to the configuration property by clicking . You can then select an existing
variable from the presented list. By default, the list displays all variables. The
variables with a data type that matches the type that is defined for the configuration
options are in bold. However, you can select to display only these variables. If you
select a variable and its type does not match the type that is defined for the
configuration option, the designer displays a warning. Instead of selecting a variable,
you can select to have the designer create a configuration option of the correct
type and bind the configuration property to this configuration option. Restrictions:
- You cannot statically bind to a business object that contains nested lists. Instead,
you must bind to it dynamically.
- If a dynamic value is set for a responsive configuration option instance, only one
value can be chosen. For example, you cannot bind a different variable for each
screen size setting. One exception to this restriction is configuration options that
have a URL type. If these configuration options are set to be responsive, they can
accept values for different screen size settings provided that those values are web
- Only configuration options that are object type can be marked as responsive.
Responsive settings are not supported for service-type configuration options.

Parent topic:Coach view properties

Related information:
Coach view general properties
Developing reusable coach views
Data binding for coach views


Positioning options for coach view instances

You can control the spacing of the coach views in your coaches by setting the
positioning properties for each coach view instance. The values that you set can be
absolute, for example in millimeters, or relative, for example as a percentage of the
available display space.
The values that you set determine the amount of space that surrounds the view
content. Padding refers to the space inside the border of the coach view. Margin
refers to the space outside the coach view border. If your view does not have a
visible border defined, you can see the border by selecting the coach view so that
the border is highlighted.
Tip: If you are creating a custom coach view and you want to include a border in
your coach view, it is recommended that you use a div inside the wrapper div, and
that you apply positioning settings to the internal div. This is because the wrapper is
owned by the framework both at design time and run time. This means, for example,
that the editor highlights the wrapper div when the coach view is selected, making it
difficult to see any styling that is set on the wrapper div.
You can also specify the height of a coach view, measured from the bottom to the
top border, and the width from the left to right border. The minimum height and width
settings allow you to limit the reduction in height or width, for example, if the screen
space on the run time device is reduced. An example of how these settings interact
is described below.

The margin and padding properties take up to four values, corresponding to values
for the top, right, bottom, and left of the view. If a single value is specified for margin
or padding, it is applied to all four sides. For example, if you specify the view margin
with a single value of 15pt, then the margin on all four sides of the view will be set to
15 pt. To set the values individually for the different sides of the view, you can type
them out individually using the format toprightbottomleft or you can click the
button next to the field to use the dialog to enter values for each side.

The values that you specify can be relative or absolute values, depending on the
unit of measurement that you specify. The supported units of measure are described
in the following tables.
Table 1. Relative units of measure

Percentage of viewport
CSS pixels
Width of letter 'm' in current font
Width of letter 'm' in font of toplevel page element

Table 2. Absolute units of measure


Point (1/72 inch)
Pica (12 points)

Coach view positioning property settings follow the same inheritance patterns as
other responsive properties. For example, if you set positioning properties for your
view using the Large screen size setting, these values are inherited by other screen
size, unless you overwrite these values. When looking at the view instance under
another screen size setting, for example, the small screen setting, you can see the
inherited values by default. You can overwrite these values by entering new values
for that screen size setting.

Overflow settings
At run time, the contents of a coach view instance might be larger than the display
area defined by the Height and Width settings for the view. By default, all view
content is shown in the display area. However, in some cases, view content might
overlap, particularly in complex coach views that include other views.
You can optionally configure your coach view to behave differently by setting
Overflow Content to any of the values in the following table.
Table 3. Overflow Content Settings
Show all content (visible)
Hide overflow content (hidden)
Permanent scroll bars (scroll)

All coach view content is always
displayed. This is the default
Any overflow content is not
Scroll bars always appear with
the coach view.


Optional scroll bars (auto)

Scroll bars are automatically

included when content is larger
than display area.

Parent topic:Coach view properties

Related information:
Developing reusable coach views
Example: creating a coach for tablets and smart phones


Coach view visibility properties

The Visibility properties page is where you set how the parent coach or coach view
displays the coach view instance.
The default value is Same as parent, which means that the coach view uses the
visibility property of the coach or coach view that contains this coach view.
- When you set the Visibility property to Editable, users can see the coach view
and add or edit values in it or otherwise interact with it.
- When you set the Visibility property to Required, the coach view is editable and
also has a decorator that indicates to users that they must enter or set a value.
Important: Setting the Visibility property to Required does not validate whether a
user enters or sets a value. You must provide code that does this checking by, for
example, implementing a validation service or script for the coach that contains the
coach view.
- When you set the Visibility property to Read only, users can see the coach view
but cannot interact with the data in it. Read-only coach views are visually
distinguishable from editable coach views and the functionality for editing their data
is disabled or removed.
- When you set the Visibility property to Hidden or None, users cannot see the coach
view or, if it is visible, it is disabled. In both cases, the generated HTML still
contains the DOM node for the coach view. The hidden or none value is the
visibility of the coach view on screen and not whether users can see it in the HTML
source.If you choose hidden, the parent coach view reserves space in the layout to
display the coach view if it becomes visible. For example, you have a vertical
section with three text fields. If you set the middle field to Hidden visibility, the
section displays empty space where the middle field would be if it was visible. If
you set the middle field to None visibility, the section collapses the space between
the upper and lower fields. If the middle field becomes visible, the lower field
moves down to make room for the middle field.
Field 2 with editable Field 2 with hidden

Field 2 with none


You can use a variable to, for example, dynamically change the visibility according
to various conditions. If you use a variable to set the visibility, the variable must be a
string with one of the following values: DEFAULT (the code equivalent of Same as

Setting visibility properties to respond to user screen size

Visibility properties can also be set relative to a particular screen size. For example,

you might have two versions of a coach view, one more detailed and one that is
pared down to the barest of information for smaller screen environments. You can
configure the visibility settings on the coach view instances to hide the more detailed
coach view instance in small screen size environments, and show a simplified
version instead.
To specify different visibility settings for each screen size, select the view, click the
screen size icon to specify that the setting applies to a large, medium, or small
screen size, and then enter the visibility settings for that screen size. Next, change
the screen size setting to a new size, and enter new visibility settings for that screen
size setting.
For information about responsive settings for coach view instances see Responsive
settings for coach views.

Parent topic:Coach view properties

Related information:
Developing reusable coach views


HTML attributes
The HTML Attributes page is where you override styles for a specific coach view
Overriding a style consists of the following things:
- An HTML class attribute in each coach view instance that you want to specifically
- A corresponding CSS rule for that class attribute.
Important: Do not use the following names as CSS class names in your HTML
source code because they are reserved names:
- CoachView
- ContentBox

For example, text boxes have their labels above the text area. However, you want
the label to be to the left of the text area.
Default label position

Overridden to move the label

To move the label, do the following steps:

1. Add a class to the HTML attributes of the text box instance. For example, click
Add Class and then in Class name, type myText.
2. In CSS code, define the style for the class. For example, define the myText class
to override the styles for the label position: .myText.Output_Text .outputTextLabel,
.Text .textLabel {
display: inline-block;
width: 100px;
.myText.Text .content {
display: inline-block;

3. In any parent coach view, add the CSS rule to a .css file and add that file as an
included script or add the CSS rule directly as inline CSS. If the coach view is a
top-level view in a coach, add a custom HTML item that contains the style rule.

Parent topic:Coach view properties

Related information:
Developing reusable coach views


Data binding for coach views

Binding a coach view to a business object creates an association between data and
a user interface for it.
To associate a business object and a coach view, you bind the coach view to the
business object. When the view definition for the coach view declares a binding
type, you must bind the coach view to data. Without the data that is provided by the
binding, the coach view might not function properly. When the view definition does
not declare a binding type, the data binding is optional.
For example, you have an Address business object. To display one or more
parameters of that business object, you create a coach view. You then add the
Address business object as a variable to that coach view. The Address business
object now has an associated coach view. Although a business object can have an
association with many coach views, a coach view can have only one binding. For
example, the Address business object can have an associated coach view that
displays all the address information. It can also have and association with a different
coach view that displays just the postal code.
When a business object is associated with a coach view, you can drop the
parameters of the business object onto the layout. These parameters are available
as variables on the palette. If there is a coach view that is associated with that data
type of the variable, the layout displays that coach view. For example, if you drop a
string onto the layout, you can see a Text stock control that is bound to the string. If
the variable is a business object that has an associated coach view, you can see
that coach view. If the business object does not have an associated coach view, you
can see a placeholder message.
If the variable is a list, what you drop onto the layout determines the coach view that
Process Designer adds to the layout. You can change the coach view that the
designer selected.
- If the variable is a primitive data type, such as a string or one parameter business
object, Process Designer adds a Select stock control.
- If the variable is a business object with more than one parameter, Process
Designer adds a Table stock control with a column for each parameter. Each
column contains the coach view that is associated with the data type of the
- If you drop a currentItem variable onto the layout, Process Designer adds a
vertical section that contains the coach view that is associated with data type of
variable. At run time, the contents of the section repeat for each item in the list.
- If you drop a listSelected variable onto the layout, Process Designer adds the
coach view that is associated with the data type of the variable. At run time, the
coach view contains the data for the selected item in the list. For example, you
have a Select control that is bound to listBO[] and an Output Text control that is
bound to listBO.listSelected.myItem. At run time, the user selects the third
item in the Select control. The Output Text control displays the third myItem string.
When you have a coach view definition that contains a Content Box item and an
instance of that coach view is bound to a list, the contents in the content box repeats
for each list item. The content box can contain coach views that are also bound to


lists or elements of lists. When you have this arrangement, the list of the container
(outer) coach view controls the repetition. The list of the contained (inner) coach
view provides the contents. For example, you have a section that is bound to a list of
names. The content box for the section contains a Text stock control that is bound to
the currentItem of the list of names. At run time, the section repeats for each name
in the list. Each repeating section contains a field. In the first section, the field
contains the first name. The field in the second section contains the second name,
and so on.
You can bind the outer coach view and the inner coach views to different lists.
However, if you bind an inner coach view to the currentItem of a different list, the
two lists must contain the same number of items. If the two lists do not have the
same number of items, users see a message. The specific message depends on
whether the inner list contains more or fewer items. If the outer list has more items,
the users see some highlighted coach views in the repeated content. They are
highlighted because they do not have data. For example, outerList[] has three
items and innerList[] has two items. The coach views that are bound to
innerList.currentItem repeat three times, but only the first two have data. If the
outer list has fewer items during run time, the user cannot see these excess items
because the inner list has nowhere to display them. For example, outerList[] has
four items and innerList[] has five items. The coach views that are bound to
innerList.currentitem repeat four times. The user cannot see the coach views
for the fifth innerList[] item.
Parent topic:Coach views
Related information:
Coach views
Business objects and variables in Process Designer
Binding data and configuration options
Framework managed versus view managed content for coaches


Binding data and configuration options

A coach view may be associated with a data binding and configuration options. The
view context provides access to this data. To access binding data and configuration
options you must use the JavaScript get and set functions. You cannot use
JavaScript dot notation.

The binding object, if defined, provides access to data that is bound to a view. There
is at most one data binding declared for each view.
You can access data that is bound to a view by using the construct:
this.context.binding.get("value"), where value is a special property name
that returns the data binding. For example, if a view is bound to local.
phoneBook.title, then the view can get the phone book's title as follows:
if (!! this.context.binding){
var title = this.context.binding.get("value")

The main reason for views to bind to data is so that the view can be notified if the
bound data has been modified. The view framework detects data changes in the
bound object, and automatically notifies the view by calling its change event handler
function. It is important to note that these notifications will be sent to the view only if
the binding object itself changes, but not if any of its properties or sub-properties
change. The following sections discuss the different data types and outline the
cases where additional code is required for the view to receive notification of a data

Binding to simple and complex data types

For simple data types such as strings and numbers, the view framework detects
data changes and automatically notifies the view of the change. For example, when
a view is bound to the simple string type local.phoneBook.title, the view's
change() function is called with a change event that specifies that the title changed
and its new value. All the views that are bound to local.phoneBook.title are
For complex data types such as business objects, the view is notified only if the
binding object itself changes, but not if any of its properties or sub-properties
change. For example, assume that the view is bound to a complex object local.
phoneBook, not a simple type like a String. The object phoneBook has several
properties, one of which is title. If there is a change to the title property, the
change function is not called, because the view is bound to the phoneBook object,
not the title property. The change function is only called if the entire phoneBook
object is changed. If you need a view to know if a property of a complex object has
changed, you must manually bind the view to the property by using the bind() or
bindAll() function. Note that you can use the bind() and bindAll() functions in
the same way for configuration options.Important: The bindAll() function only
handles one level deep in the object tree, so if the object has multiple levels (nested
objects), the coach view needs to call bindAll() multiples time for each object


- bind(path, callback, [scope])

- Notifies the view via callback if a specified property has changed. Scope is an
optional parameter that specifies the context scope of the callback. Returns a
handle to the callback.
- bindAll(callback, [scope])
- Notifies the view via callback if any property on the object has changed. Scope
is an optional parameter that specifies the context scope of the callback.
Returns a handle to the callback.
For the callback signature, see the change event handler topic.
The following example shows code that you might add to a view's load event
handler to manually bind properties of a complex object: var binding =

//this is a complex object

this.property2Handle = binding.bind("property1.property2", function(e) {some code}, this);

this.property3Handle = binding.get("property3").bindAll(this.myBindAllChangeHandler, this);
this.mybindAllChangeHandler(event) { .....};

In the example, the view is bound to a complex object and sets a change handler to
be notified if binding.property1.property2 (which is a string) changes. It also
sets another change handler to be notified if any sub-property of property3
changes. In both cases the scope in which the change handler is called is the view's
this scope.

Binding to a list type

When you bind to a list, the view is automatically notified when the entire List object
changes. For example, consider that the view is bound to the list
local.phoneBook.person[]. If a new person list is created and set to the view's
binding, for example using the server script syntax tw.local.phoneBook.person =
new tw.object.listOf.person(); the framework automatically notifies the view
of the change.

Binding to list updates

To be notified when an element is added, removed, or replaced, you must manually
bind the view using the bindAll() function. In the following code example, the
view's listUpdated function is called whenever a list element is added, removed, or
replaced.var binding = this.context.binding.get("value"); //this is a List object
this.bindAllHandle = binding.bindAll(this.listUpdated, this);

Binding to list properties

In addition to the elements of a list, a list also has special properties, such as a
property that defines the list elements that are selected by a user. The special
properties are described in the following table.Table 1. Special properties of a list












The indexes of the list

elements that are selected
by a user. There can be
more than one selected
index. When you set
listAllSelectedIndices, you
pass in the indexes in an
array. Use
listAllSelectedIndices when
updating the list selection.
An array of all the
elements that a user has
selected. Use
listAllSelected to subscribe
to a change to this
property. This property is
The index of the selected
element. This value
corresponds to the value of
the index 0 element of the
array. Use
listSelectedIndex to
subscribe to a change to
this property. This property
is read-only.
The selected element. This
value corresponds to the
value of the index 0
element of the
listAllSelected array. Use
listSelected to subscribe to
a change to this property.
This property is read-only.

The bindAll() function does not include these special properties. To receive
notification of a change in a special property, you can subscribe to the individual
property using the bind() function. In general, it is sufficient to subscribe to one
special property (that is, it is not necessary to subscribe to all of the special
properties). The following example code could be added to a load event handler to
call a view's indicesChanged function whenever the value of
listAllSelectedIndices changes.var binding = this.context.binding.get("value"); //this is a list
this.selectedIndicesHandle = binding.bind("listAllSelectedIndices", this.indicesChanged, this);

Accessing list elements

Lists are a collection of simple types or complex objects with properties. Use the
following notation to get data from a list:
- Use get("value") to get the list object. For example: list =

- Use get(index) to obtain the indexed element. For example: list.get(0) to

obtain the first element.
- Use get(property) to obtain the value of the property. For example:
list.get("listSelected") to obtain the value of the listSelected property.
Use similar syntax to obtain the values of all other properties.
- Use items to get an array that represents the underlying elements of the list. For
example, list.items. The data returned by items should not be modified.

List operations
The following APIs are used to modify a list and to get information about a list.
- To add an object, use list.add(item). For example,

To remove an object, use list.remove(index), For example,
To replace an object, use list.put(index, item). For example,
this.context.binding.get("value").put(0, item)
To get the length of a list, use list.length().
To get an indexed element or property of the list, use list.get(index |
property). For more information, see Accessing list elements.

- To programmatically update the selected property in the list, use

list.set(property). For example,
this.context.binding.set("listAllSelectedIndices , [1, 2, 3]);

Cleaning up bound resources

When a binding is no longer needed, you can release the bound resources. Each
bind or bindAll function returns a handle which can be used to clean up the
binding. You should release the bound resources either in the unload() event
handler, or each time the whole binding object is changed. When a binding data
change occurs, a view needs to unbind the manual binding, and rebind to the
context.binding object by calling bind and bindAll again. For example, add the
following code in the change event handler:if (event.type != "config"){
var binding = this.context.binding.get("value"); //this is a list
// assumes that this.selectedIndicesHandle was initialized in the load function
this.selectedIndicesHandle = binding.bind("listAllSelectedIndices", this.indicesChanged, this);
// assumes that this.selectedIndicesHandle was initialized in the load function
this.bindAllHandle = binding.bindAll(this.listUpdated, this);

Configuration options
In addition to data, views also can be bound to configuration options. A view can
have multiple configuration options. For example, the label of a button control is a
configuration property. The values for the configuration can be retrieved using the
view's this.context.options object. The object context.options contains a

predefined metadata property in addition to user-defined properties that are

configurable for a view.Table 2. Predefined configuration options of a view








The label value of the view,
if one exists
The visibility settings for
the view. Valid values are:
"NONE" | "HIDDEN". See
The coach view context
object. DEFAULT is the code
equivalent to Same as
parent that users see on
screen in a Visibility
list.Important: Tables
have a Disable click-toedit configuration property.
The default value is false,
which means that Coach
Views contained within that
table use the visibility
settings of the table. That
is, the Coach Views in a
given cell are READONLY
until the user clicks in the
cell. The Coach Views are
then EDITABLE until the
user clicks anywhere
outside of the cell. The
Coach Views revert to
being READONLY. When
Disable click-to-edit is
true, these Coach Views
use their own visibility
Important: Setting the
visibility to REQUIRED does
not validate whether a user
has entered or set a value.
You must provide code
that does this checking by,
for example, implementing
a validation service for the
Coach that contains the
Coach View.
The visibility settings for
the label. Valid values are
The view can use this
property as hover text






The CSS class name(s)

specified. Normally a view
does not need to use this
as the CSS class names
are inserted into the view's
DOM attribute
A name-value pair map
that represents the HTML
attribute specified. These
name-value pairs are
inserted into the view's
DOM attribute

Configuration options are accessed and updated in the same way as binding data.
For example:
- To get a view's predefined options, use this.context.options._metadata.*.
For example, to get a view's visibility option, use
- To set a view's predefined options, use this.context.options._metadata.*.

For example, to set a view's visibility option, use

this.context.options._metadata.visibility.set("value", newValue);

- To get a user defined configuration option, use

this.context.options.myOption.get("value");, where myOption is the

option name.
- To set a user defined configuration option, use
this.context.options.myOption.set("value", newValue);, where myOption

is the option name.

Parent topic:Coach views

Related information:
change event handler
collaboration event handler
unload event handler
load event handler


Boundary events
A boundary event acts as a trigger within a human service that sends information
from a client to a server where the information is then committed and the human
service moves to the next step.
You can use named boundary events in both stock views and custom views;
however, only one boundary event can be specified per coach view. The stock
button control views have boundary events specified by default.
When you create a coach view, you specify a boundary event on the Overview tab
under Usage. You must add JavaScript code to trigger the event at the appropriate
time using the this.context.trigger(callback) application programming
interface (API). This code is part of the behavior defined in the Behavior tab of the
Important: When a boundary event has been specified in a coach, the boundary
event must be wired to the next state.
For loopback scenarios where the data is committed and then the same coach
reopens, only the affected data is reloaded in the coach view instead of the full

Parent topic:Coach views

Related information:
Building a heritage human service
The coach view context object


Event handlers overview

Coach views have predefined event handlers that perform callback functions when
an event is detected. You can add your own code to these event handlers in the
Behavior page of the coach view.
When a coach is run, the coach views that it contains have a lifecycle that they
follow independently. The lifecycle consists of a number of stages with their
associated event handlers. Composite views are coach views that contain other
coach views. When a composite view enters a stage, its subviews enter the same
stage. Within a stage, however, the event handlers for the composite view and the
event handlers for its subviews are called in a specific order.
The following table lists the stages in the lifecycle and the event handlers that are
called in that stage.

Event Handlers



When the coach is run, the
HTML is generated first
and then the load()
function is called to
perform initialization logic,
such as defining variables.
The load() function is only
called once. For composite
views, during the load()
call, each subview's load()
is invoked before the
composite view's load().
After initialization is
completed, the view()
function is called before
the user sees the view.
The view() function
typically performs logic to
determine what a user
sees when the view is
rendered. For example,
you can show or hide
labels depending on the
visibility setting. Similar to
the load() function, each
subview's view() is invoked
before the composite
view's view()



All of the functions at this

stage of the lifecycle can
occur in any order and can
occur multiple times. The
change() function reacts to
changes in binding or
configuration data. If the
change() function is not
implemented, the view()
function is called. The
function is called if it is
implemented, when
multiple people work on
the same view at the same
time. If collaboration(event)
function is not
implemented, the default
collaboration coach view
logic, which is to outline
the coach view DOM node,
takes effect. The
validate(event) function is
called when a boundary
event occurs and its Fire
Validation property is set to
Before. The event is an
error event or clear event.
The validate(event)
function uses the error
event to decorate the
coach view to show that it
has non-valid data. It uses
the clear event to remove
the decoration.
The unload() function is
called when the coach
view is removed from the
coach. For example, when
the user deletes a coach
view inside a table row or
clicks away from the page.
The unload() function
performs any required
cleanup, and recursively
invokes the unload()
function on all subviews.
The parent view's unload()
method gets called before
the child view's unload()
method. The unload()
function is only called


Parent topic:Coach views

Related information:
load event handler
unload event handler
view event handler
change event handler
collaboration event handler


Framework managed versus view managed content

for coaches
At run time, the content inside a content box of a coach can be managed by the
runtime framework, or by the view. By default, the framework manages the content,
but if you want to code your own custom behavior, you can choose that the content
be managed by the view.
There are times when you might want to override the default behavior of the
framework when a coach is rendered. For example, when a view is bound to data
that is an array, the framework creates a view for each index element in the array.
You might want to create views for a different set of elements, in which case you
can choose the option to let the view manage its own content.
The option for a view to manage its own content is set as a property on a content
box at design time. To set the option:
1. Open the coach view, and switch to the Layout tab.
2. Click the content box on the editor.
3. In the Properties page, click the option The View will manage its own content.
4. You can write your custom code in a callback method such as load() to manage
the content. For more information, see View managed coaches

Framework managed content

When the content of the view is managed by the framework, the runtime framework
handles the content of a content box as follows:
- If the content box inherits a data binding that is an array, the framework clones
the DOM node of the content box n times where n is the number of elements of the
data binding array. A view is created inside the content box for each index element
in the array.
- If the content box inherits a data binding that is not an array, the framework creates
views for the enclosed contents.
The Horizontal Section and Vertical Section stock controls in the Coaches toolkit are
examples of coach view that have their content managed by the framework.

View managed coaches

When the view manages its own content, the view is responsible for handling the
content inside the content box. The following is the typical scenario:
1. Initialize and render the sub-views:
- If the content box inherits a data binding that is an array, the view typically
does the following in one of its callback methods, for example load()
- the view deeply clones the DOM node of the content box n times where n is
the number of elements of the data binding array.
- Performs initialization logic as required, for example
add/remove/update/decorate the content of the cloned node.
- Invokes the framework method this.context.createView()
- If the content box inherits a data binding that is not an array, the view does the
following in one of the its callback methods, for example load()
- Performs initialization logic as required


- Invokes the framework method this.context.createView()

2. Add/delete content dynamically
- Add content (for example add new row in table)
- Create the new binding object and add it to the binding array using
DataBinding API
- Invoke the framework method this.context.createView()
- Delete content (for example delete row in table)
- delete the binding object for that row directly or indirectly
- Invoke the framework method this.context.deleteView()
The Table stock control that is in the Coaches toolkit is an example of a coach view
that manages its own content.

Parent topic:Coach views

Related information:
Coaches toolkit: Table stock control


Controls are basic user interface artifacts such as text fields, date time pickers, and
IBM Business Process Manager provides a number of controls. These controls
are implemented as coach views, which means that they have the same data
binding, variable definition, properties, and layout implementation as other coach
views. However, because they are part of IBM Business Process Manager, the
controls are read only. You can use them but you cannot modify their definition. Like
other coach views, you can modify instances by using configuration properties and
by overriding default styling, for example.
For each control, the data binding is optional. However, if you define a binding for an
instance, it must match the type in the control definition. A warning displays if the
business object type does not match the type of the data binding that is defined for
the coach view. In each control topic, the business object binding table lists the
business object type that is defined for the control.
For each control instance, the configuration properties are optional. If you want to
override the default value, you can provide a specific value or you assign a variable.
As a convenience, you can also expose the configuration property to any coach
view or coach in a human service that contains your view. Exposing the
configuration property creates a configuration option in the current view with
matching binding. You do not have to create the configuration option and bind it.
Parent topic:User interface concepts
Related information:
Configuration properties and configuration options
Coach views
Stock controls


Advanced items for coach views

Advanced items are palette items that you can add to a coach view to enhance its
content. Unlike most of the items on the palette, advanced items are not coach
views or variables.
- Content box
A content box is a placeholder for content that the parent coach view or coach
- Custom HTML
By using a custom HTML item, you can add HTML code to a coach or coach view.
Parent topic:User interface concepts
Related information:
Example: creating a template


Content box
A content box is a placeholder for content that the parent coach view or coach
In the parent coach or coach view, you can add content to the coach view that
contains the content box. For example, you have a coach view for customer
information and you are using this view in a credit application coach. If you put the
fields and controls for a credit application user interface into the customer
information view, it is more difficult to reuse it. You might be limited to reusing it in
other credit application views or coaches. Instead, provide a content box in the
customer information view. In the credit application coach, place the extra fields and
controls that are needed for the credit application into the content box. By providing
a content box, the parent coach has an area for its specific content and the
customer information view can remain generic. Because the customer information
view is generic, you can reuse the customer information view in other views and
coaches.Table 1. Content box in a coach view and in a parent coach
Coach view

Coach that contains the coach


In the coach view itself, you cannot drop anything into a content box. When you
open a view or coach that uses the content, you can drop palette items into the
content box. Additionally, the content that you drop is specific to that instance of the
view. For example, if the parent view or coach contains two instances of the view,
the elements outside of the content box are the same. However, the content boxes
of the two instances are independent; therefore, updating one instance does not
affect the other instance. This rule applies whether the instances are in the same
parent view or in different parent views.
You cannot add a content box to a coach.
Parent topic:Advanced items for coach views
Related information:
Framework managed versus view managed content for coaches



Custom HTML
By using a custom HTML item, you can add HTML code to a coach or coach view.
The custom HTML item can contain one or more sets of HTML elements such as
<div> and <label> tags. You can add the HTML code directly as text by using a
managed file or by using a variable. The custom HTML item inserts the elements
inside the <div> tag of the coach or coach view. If you are using a custom HTML
item in a container such as the table, tab, horizontal section, and vertical section
stock controls, wrap the HTML code in a <div> tag. By wrapping the HTML code,
the container treats all the HTML code as one entity.Note: When building Coaches
using custom HTML blocks, ensure that the HTML segments within these blocks are
not too large. Custom HTML blocks are designed for use with small to moderatesized HTML segments. If you provide an HTML segment that is too large, you might
see a stack overflow exception. In this case, you should reduce the size of the
HTML segment that you are using within your Coach. See Configuring the JVM in
the WebSphere Application Server product information.
Restriction: If your custom HTML item is within a repeating control such as a table
or section, do not bind it to a variable that is a property within a list item. Normally,
the code generator inserts the custom HTML contents as HTML code when it
creates the page. However, repeating controls are bound to a list. Because the list
contents are not set until runtime, the code generator cannot determine the index of
the variable in the list when it creates the page. If you want text that changes
dynamically, consider using a control such as Output Text that is bound to the
Important: Do not use the following names as CSS class names in your HTML
source code because they are reserved names:
- CoachView
- ContentBox

The custom HTML item supports the use of JavaScript variables for simple types.
When the server generates the HTML page for the client, it replaces the variable
name with its value. However, after the server generates the page, it does not
update the HTML if there is a change in the value. The server updates the variable
only when it regenerates the entire HTML page. If the server cannot resolve the
variable, users see the variable name instead of its value.
In the code, you wrap the variable in double curly brackets. For coaches, the
variable can refer to the data in the tw.local namespace only. That is, the variable
can refer to the data that is defined in the Variables page of the human service
under the local node. For example, a coach has a user business object variable
with a name parameter that contains the name of the user. You can have the coach
display the name with the following code in an HTML item:<div>Hello,

For coach views, the variable can refer to the data in the tw.businessData or
tw.options namespaces. That is, the variable can refer to the data that is defined
in the Variables page of the view under the Business Data or Configuration Options


nodes. For example, if you want to have a view display the name of a street, you
bind the view to a address business object with a parameter named street. In an
HTML item, you add the following code:{{tw.businessData.address.street}}
If you place an instance of that view into a coach, the user sees the value of the
street parameter in the view. However, if the user updates the street parameter,
the contents in the HTML item do not update until the server regenerates the entire
Tip: To insert a script, add the script using inline scripts on the Behavior page of the
view. Do not add the script using a custom HTML item.

Parent topic:Advanced items for coach views


Heritage artifacts
IBM Business Process Manager contains a number of artifacts that are labeled
A heritage artifact is a technology that belongs to a previous version of IBM
Business Process Manager but remains supported in the current version, although a
newer version of the artifact using a different technology is available. The heritage
artifact remains supported in the current version until IBM identifies it as deprecated
or removed. IBM Business Process Manager uses heritage artifacts to support
existing process applications so that there is no need to upgrade them. While you
can develop new applications by using heritage artifacts, the recommended
approach is to use the new replacement artifacts to take advantage of their
enhancements.Important: Heritage artifacts are not necessarily directly compatible
with artifacts in later versions. See the limitations in the table of heritage artifacts for
The following table lists the heritage artifacts, the artifacts that replaced them and
when the replacement occurred, and limitations that apply with using the heritage
Heritage artifact
Heritage coaches

Current artifact
Coaches and coach
views in version

Heritage human

Client-side human
services in version

Heritage coaches
technology) cannot
be added to clientside human services
( technology).
However, process
applications can
contain both heritage
human services and
client-side human
services, and
heritage human
services can contain
heritage coaches.
Calling another clientside human service
or heritage human
service from within a
client-side human
service is not

- Difference between heritage human services and client-side human services

Heritage human services and client-side human services operate with similar
concepts. However, construction and execution differences distinguish the two
types of human services.

- Difference between coaches and heritage coaches

The coaches in IBM Business Process ManagerV8.5.5 are different in
construction from the heritage coaches in V7.5.1 and earlier versions of IBM BPM.
Parent topic:User interface concepts


Difference between heritage human services and

client-side human services
Heritage human services and client-side human services operate with similar
concepts. However, construction and execution differences distinguish the two types
of human services.
- Heritage human services
- With heritage human services, you use existing artifacts, such as coaches,
heritage coaches, and stock controls, to create user interfaces for business
process management. You create and edit heritage human services in the IBM
Process Designer desktop editor, run them on the server, and use them to
supply user interfaces to web-based applications such as IBM Process Portal.
- Use heritage human services to update and expand human services that were
created before IBM BPM V8.5.5 by using the same artifacts that were used to
create them and the technology that you are already familiar with.
- Client-side human services
- Human services that are added in IBM BPM V8.5.5. When you use client-side
human services, you can use web technology to improve human-service
performance and provide support for case management and process
management. You create and edit client-side human services in the Process
Designer web editor, run them on the client-side in the web browser, and use
them to call the server for data when necessary.
- Use client-side human services to build new user interfaces in IBM BPM V8.5.5
for either case or process management. To be able to edit a heritage human
service in the Process Designer web editor, consider converting the heritage
human service to a client-side human service. For more information, see
Heritage human service to client-side human service conversion.
At run time, case workers and people who participate in processes use the user
interfaces that are generated from heritage human services and client-side human
services to manage their case and process work in web-based applications such as
IBM Process Portal.
The following table lists some of the main differences between heritage human
services and client-side human services.Table 1. Summary of main differences
between heritage human services and client-side human services
Authoring in IBM Process
Run in Process Designer

Heritage human services

Desktop editor
On the server

Client-side human services

Web editor

Client-side, in the web

browser, with calls for data
to the server only when
Case management support Not available
Not supported
Coach support
Available for both coaches Available for coaches only.
and heritage coaches
Heritage coaches are not

Usage of JavaScript

Server scripts that use

server script syntax

Client-side scripts that use

standard JavaScript syntax

Parent topic:Heritage artifacts

Related information:
Which artifacts should I use?
Heritage human service to client-side human service conversion


Difference between coaches and heritage coaches

The coaches in IBM Business Process ManagerV8.5.5 are different in construction
from the heritage coaches in V7.5.1 and earlier versions of IBM BPM.
The primary difference between coaches and the heritage coaches of previous
versions is that coaches consist of one or more coach views. Coach views are
reusable collections of user interfaces that are frequently bound to a data type. This
reusability means that you can share common pieces of user interface between
coaches. For example, you can create a coach that has a coach view that contains
a set of address fields. That is, the coach view is bound to an Address business
object and the individual fields are bound to parameters of that business object. If
you create a second coach that needs address fields, you can reuse the coach view.
Conversely, with heritage coaches you must re-create the address fields. You can
now implement your own custom controls as coach views and then reuse these
custom controls in other coach views and coaches.
Coaches and heritage coaches also differ in the following ways:
- Coaches introduce a client-side model to coaches to apply the Web 2.0
appearance and behavior. The coach has data on the client, which is available to
all of the coach views. That is, fields in different coach views that are bound to the
same data object update without requiring a full-page refresh. The coach
framework and the stock control coach views use Dojo 1.8.6.
- Instead of the one-button mechanism of heritage coaches, coach views use named
boundary events. Programmers use boundary events for actions such as data
updates with the server and flows to other coaches or services. For example, a
coach can have multiple buttons. In the human service diagram, you can wire each
button to a different event. Any coach view can declare and fire a boundary event.
You are not limited to using only buttons to do so although, of the stock controls,
only the button stock control can fire a boundary event. Furthermore, the
programming for coach views consists entirely of client-side JavaScript. There is
no need for server-side JavaScript.
- Coaches support collaboration while heritage coaches do not. More than one
person can work on the same coach instance at the same time in their own
browsers. For example, with collaboration, users can call on colleagues to help
them complete a coach instance. These users see which controls their colleagues
are editing and the values that they are setting in those controls. Collaboration is
available only if the service flow uses coaches for its user interface. If the service
flow contains one or more heritage coaches, collaboration is not available.
- The control ID of a coach is different from the control ID of a heritage coach. The
control ID of a heritage coach is the div node ID. This is not the case in coaches
because coach views are reusable and you can have multiple views in a coach. In
coaches, the control ID is the value of the data-viewid attribute of a
<div></div> tag. By using the data-viewid attribute, coach view developers can
locate the nested view because data-viewid is unique within its parent or
enclosing view.
In IBM BPM, services use coaches for the user interface. A human service flow can
use coaches only; heritage coaches are not supported by the web-based human


services. A heritage human service flow can mix coaches and heritage coaches so
that one type can flow into the other. However, a coach cannot contain heritage
coach elements, and heritage coaches cannot contain coach views. That is, a user
interface for a heritage human service must be a coach or a heritage coach, but not
a mix of the two.
Visually, coaches resemble heritage coaches in heritage human service diagrams
and on the palette.

Heritage Coach

When you open or edit a coach, you can see the user interface and palette for IBM
BPMV8.5.5. Heritage human services that were created in earlier versions can
continue to use their existing heritage coaches. You do not need to migrate your
heritage coaches. When you open or edit a heritage coach, you can see the user
interface and palette from V7.5.1. When you open a coach to edit it, you might
notice a number of key differences from the earlier heritage coach:
- The palette contains coach views that you can drop into the coach. Although some
stock controls and other palette items have the same name in heritage coaches,
these items are implemented differently.
- The palette uses tags to categorize the coach views that are available. You can
use the filter to show or hide the categories of coach views.
- The properties area for coach views has different pages from the properties area
for heritage coach controls and sections. However, many of the properties in
heritage coach controls have a corresponding property in coach views. For
example, the page that is named after the heritage coach control contains
properties such as Label, Binding, and Control Id. In coach views, you can find
corresponding properties on the General page. Many of the heritage coach
presentation properties have a corresponding coach configuration option. Even
when heritage coach controls and coach views have properties that have the same
name, the implementation of those properties can be different.

Parent topic:Heritage artifacts

Related information:
Building heritage coaches
Developing reusable coach views
Coach views


Modeling client-side human services

When you model a client-side human service, you build the service flow that defines
the activities, the dashboards, or the instance user interfaces that case workers or
people who participate in processes use in IBM Process Portal.

About this task

To build the service flow, you use coaches, client-side scripts, services, intermediate
events, and end events to model the process or case activities. For each activity that
is used in the service flow, you can define data variables, build coaches, and create
the user interface that users see. Depending on what type of user interface the
client-side human service is used for, you can also map input and output data and
set up the exposure type for the service.
For a suggested order of tasks to build a client-side human service, see Building a
client-side human service. The following diagram illustrates the main tasks and
activities that are associated with building a client-side human service at a high

- Tools available from the palette for client-side human services

Learn about the tools that are available when you are building client-side human
- Building a client-side human service
To create a user interface for a new case instance or process instance, create a
client-side human service by using the options in the library. To build the client-side
human service, use the Process Designer web editor to define the service flow for
the client-side human service, which consists of a series of interconnected steps.
You can then test and run the client-side human service in the web browser.
- Implementing an interactive BPD task by using a client-side human service
To create an interactive task that participants can perform in a web-based user
interface, you can implement an activity in your business process definition (BPD)

by using a client-side human service. To create a client-side human service for the
implementation of your activity, use the Activity wizard.
- Declaring variables for client-side human services
For each client-side human service that you create, you must declare variables to
capture the data that steps or activities in that service flow use.
- Calling another service from a client-side human service
You can call a IBM BPM service from within your client-side human service by
adding an activity to the service flow. This activity calls another service that you
can specify. The called service cannot be another client-side human service or a
heritage human service.
- Implementing exclusive gateways in client-side human services
An exclusive gateway controls the divergence of a sequence flow by determining
the branching of the paths that the flow can take at run time. When you add an
exclusive gateway to your client-side human service, you model a point in the
execution of the service flow where only one of several paths can be followed,
depending on a condition.
- Saving the state of a client-side human service during execution
To allow runtime users to save the state of a partially completed task, you can
enable the execution context to be saved. By enabling the execution context to be
saved, you enable a user who starts working on a task that includes multiple steps
to close the browser and resume work later without losing work.
- Validating client-side coaches using client-side validation
To ensure that a coach that is in your client-side human service passes valid data
in the flow, use the coach validation pattern to check its data.
- Validating client-side coaches using server-side validation
You can validate coaches in client-side human services using server-side
- Handling errors in client-side human services
To catch errors in client-side human services, you can use intermediate events
that can be attached to service nodes.
- Exposing client-side human services
In addition to implementing activities in a business process definition (BPD) or a
case type, other people can use the client-side human services that you create in
IBM Process Designer to create custom dashboards for IBM Process Portal or
instance user interfaces for case instances. Or they can be exposed as URLs.
- Adding HTML meta tags to client-side human services
To optimize your HTML pages for being viewed on a mobile device, you can
define HTML meta tags in the underlying client-side human service. The HTML
meta tags are added to the HTML header when the client-side human service is
- Enabling work to be postponed and resumed at run time
If you want to enable Process Portal users to postpone and resume work at run
time, you can add a postpone event to the client-side human service flow. The
postpone event can be used only with client-side human services that implement
tasks within a BPD or case type.
- Navigation options for after service completion
To help the user go to a specific page after the client-side human service
completes, you can configure the end event of the service to provide an alternative

- Running and debugging client-side human services
When you author a client-side human service, you use the Inspector in IBM
Process Designer to iteratively test and observe how the client-side human service
behaves at a detailed level. The Inspector can also be used for problem
determination and to identify the source of errors.
- Keyboard accessibility for client-side human services
In the Process Designer web editor, you can perform many actions by using builtin keyboard accessibility features. The keyboard accessibility features help you go
to and edit client-side human service diagrams in the web editor without using the

Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes


Tools available from the palette for client-side

human services
Learn about the tools that are available when you are building client-side human
When you are building a client-side human service, the following tools are available
from the palette.
Table 1. Tools available from the palette for client-side human services

Tool name

Client-side script


Exclusive gateway


Use a coach to implement
the user interfaces that are
displayed when you run
the client-side human
service. For more
information, see Building
Use a client-side script
when you want to add
JavaScript code to run on
the web browser in the
client-side human service
context, for parsing
variables, and running
programmatic commands.
Use a service to call
another service from within
a client-side human
service. The called service
adds an activity to the
service flow, which calls
another service that you
can specify. The called
service cannot be another
client-side human service
or a heritage human
service. For more
information, see Calling
another service from a
client-side human service.
Use an exclusive gateway
to model a point in the flow
execution where only one
of several paths can be
followed, depending on a
condition. For more
information, see
Implementing exclusive
gateways in client-side
human services.

End event

Use an end event to end

the service execution.
Each path in a service
requires its own end
event.An end event is
automatically included
each time you create a
service. For more
information about modeling
end events in client-side
human services, see
Navigation options for after
service completion.


Intermediate event


Use an intermediate event

to add either a stay-onpage event, a postpone
event, or an error boundary
event to the service flow.
You can specify the event
type in the
Implementation tab of the
intermediate event. The
default implementation
uses the stay-on-page
event. Stay on pageUse
a stay-on-page event to
loop the service flow back
to the previous running
coach without drawing a
connection to it. The stayon-page event returns the
control back to the coach,
so that any variable
updates made since the
boundary event for the
coach are refreshed on the
same user interface page.
For an example, see
Validating client-side
coaches using client-side
validation. PostponeUse
a postpone event to
postpone work on a
specified task for later
completion. The postpone
event halts the execution
of the task and keeps the
task in a suspended state
until it can be resumed at a
later moment. This event
can be used only with
client-side human services
that implement tasks within
a BPD or case type. For
more information, see
Enabling work to be
postponed and resumed at
run time. Error
intermediate eventUse an
error boundary event to
catch errors and receive
error data from the service
to which it is attached. In a
client-side human service,
you can attach an error
boundary event only to a
service in the human

service in the human

service flow. For more
information, see Handling
errors in client-side human

Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services

Related information:
Building coaches
Calling another service from a client-side human service
Implementing exclusive gateways in client-side human services
Navigation options for after service completion
Validating client-side coaches using client-side validation
Enabling work to be postponed and resumed at run time
Handling errors in client-side human services


Building a client-side human service

To create a user interface for a new case instance or process instance, create a
client-side human service by using the options in the library. To build the client-side
human service, use the Process Designer web editor to define the service flow for
the client-side human service, which consists of a series of interconnected steps.
You can then test and run the client-side human service in the web browser.

Before you begin

For some steps in this task, you must use the IBM Process Designer desktop

About this task

Within the client-side human service flow, you use coaches, which are web-based
forms that provide data to users and collect input from those users. To create the
coaches, you can add standard fields and controls such as text fields and dropdown menus.
To build the client-side human service, complete the following steps:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the appropriate process application in the Designer view.
3. In the library, click the plus sign next to User Interface and, under New, select
Client-Side Human Service, complete the fields and click Finish. The new
client-side human service opens in the web editor in the form of a diagram

similar to this one.

By default, the coach in the diagram has a button that provides the boundary
event that you can use to wire the coach to the end node. You can use the
default button or you can replace it.
4. In the client-side human service diagram, add more elements by dragging them
from the palette and wiring them together to create the client-side human service
5. In the Variables tab, add input, output, and private variables to support your
client-side human service flow.
6. In the Coaches tab, create the user interfaces that are used in the client-side
human service flow.
7. To run the client-side human service in the web browser, click Run .
8. If errors occur during the client-side human service execution, click Debug
review the code and make the necessary corrections.
9. Iterate through steps 5 to 8 until the client-side human service flows correctly.
10. Click Save all in the main toolbar to save your work.
11. To expose the client-side human service outside of the business process (for
example, in the Process Admin Console or as a page in Process Portal), set the

exposure in the Overview page of the service.If you are building the client-side
human service in a toolkit instead of in a process application, you can expose
the client-side human service as a dashboard in Process Portal. For more
information, see Exposing client-side human services.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services
Related tasks:
Creating case user interfaces
Related information:
Tools available from the palette for client-side human services
Declaring variables for a human service
Building coaches
Creating user interfaces for a BPD
Running client-side human services
Debugging client-side human services
Exposing client-side human services
Activating snapshots for use with IBM Process Portal
Creating, changing, and deleting a toolkit dependency in the Designer view


Implementing an interactive BPD task by using a

client-side human service
To create an interactive task that participants can perform in a web-based user
interface, you can implement an activity in your business process definition (BPD)
by using a client-side human service. To create a client-side human service for the
implementation of your activity, use the Activity wizard.

Before you begin

For some steps in this task, you must use the IBM Process Designer desktop

About this task

When you add an activity to the BPD, you initially implement the activity by using the
default human service, which you can open by double-clicking the activity in the
desktop editor.
To implement the activity by using a new client-side human service, complete the
following steps:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the BPD in the Diagram view.
3. Right-click the activity that you want to work with and select Activity Wizard.
4. Complete the Activity wizard. The new client-side human service, which includes
a coach by default, is created and attached to the activity.
5. Double-click the activity for which you created the client-side human service. The
new client-side human service opens in the web editor in the Diagram view.
6. Click the Coaches tab and then click the listed coach. The coach designer is
where you customize the coach layout and create or edit the bindings that are
between inputs and outputs. Notice that when the coach designer is open, the
Palette view shows all the elements, sections, and controls that you can use in a
coach. For more information about the coach designer, see Building coaches.
7. In the coach designer, add controls and buttons to the coach, as required by your
client-side human service.
8. Click Save all in the main toolbar to save your work.

What to do next
To run the client-side human service in the web browser, click Run
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


Declaring variables for client-side human services

For each client-side human service that you create, you must declare variables to
capture the data that steps or activities in that service flow use.

About this task

You can add the following variables to your client-side human service:
Table 1. Variables available for addition to client-side human services

Local variables that are used only within
the client-side human service.
Variables that represent input data
passed to the current client-side human
Variables that represent output data that
the current client-side human service
returns to its caller.

To add a private, input, or output variable to the client-side human service, complete
the following steps:
1. Open your client-side human service in Process Designer.
2. In the Variables tab, click the plus sign next to Input to add a new input variable.
3. In the Details section:
A. Type a variable name in the Name field.Note: Variable names start with a
lowercase letter, with subsequent words capitalized, for example: myVar. Do
not use underscores or spaces in variable names. Variable names are casesensitive.
B. Click Select next to Variable Type to select the type of the variable from the
Select Library Item list. Custom business objects that you created are also
listed. If you want to create a new business object, click New and complete the
wizard steps.Note: Client-side human services do not support business object
instances that reference themselves. For example, the following JavaScript
generates an error when used inside a client-side human service:
tw.local.myVariable= {};
tw.local.myVariable.pointer= tw.local.myVariable;

C. Optional: Type a description of the variable in the Documentation field.

D. Optional: If you want your variable to be an array, select Is List.
4. Save the configuration.
5. Iterate through steps 2 to 4 to add output and private variables to the client-side
human service.

What to do next
The client-side human service includes variables that can be passed to activities by

mapping input and output variables.

- JavaScript API for client-side human service authoring
Use the following reference information to learn more about the client-side
JavaScript system variables that are available in IBM Process Designer for clientside human service authoring.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


JavaScript API for client-side human service

Use the following reference information to learn more about the client-side
JavaScript system variables that are available in IBM Process Designer for clientside human service authoring.
These variables are populated when the client-side human service is run and reflect
the state of the system at that point in time. These variables are not meant to be
updated within the client-side human service.
Additional system data is available by calling a service that retrieves the system
variables that you are interested in, and returning them back to the client-side
human service.
Table 1. JavaScript system variables available in IBM Process Designer for clientside human service authoring


The process application or toolkit that
contains the client-side human service.
The identifier of the process application
or toolkit that contains the client-side
human service.
The name of the process application or
toolkit that contains the client-side human
The acronym of the process application
or toolkit that contains the client-side
human service.
The snapshot of the process application
or toolkit that contains the client-side
human service.
The identifier of the process application
or toolkit snapshot that contains the
client-side human service.
The name of the process application or
toolkit snapshot that contains the clientside human service. This variable applies
only if this is a named snapshot.
The process or case instance in which
this client-side human service is running.
This variable applies only if the clientside human service is running in a
process or case instance.
The identifier of the process or case
instance in which this client-side human
service is running.
The name of the process or case
instance in which this client-side human
service is running.







The date when this process or case

instance is considered at risk of being
overdue, provided as a JavaScript Date
The date when this process or case
instance is due to be completed,
provided as a JavaScript Date object.
The date when this process or case
instance started, provided as a
JavaScript Date object.
The identifier of the case folder
associated with the case instance in
which this client-side human service is
running. This variable applies only when
the client-side human service is running
in a case instance.
The process or case type model for the
process or case instance in which this
client-side human service is running.
The process or case type model for the
process or case instance in which this
client-side human service is running.
The name of the process or case type
model for the process or case instance in
which this client-side human service is
The description of the process or case
type model for the process or case
instance in which this client-side human
service is running.
The task in the process or case instance
in which this client-side human service is
The identifier of the task in the process or
case instance in which this client-side
human service is running.
The descriptive subject for the task in the
process or case instance in which this
client-side human service is running. The
subject is visible in IBM Process Portal.
The descriptive narrative for the task in
the process or case instance in which
this client-side human service is running.
The narrative is visible in IBM Process
The date when this task is considered at
risk of being overdue, provided as a
JavaScript Date object.
The date when this task is due to be
completed, provided as a JavaScript
Date object.

tw.system.processInstance.task.startDat The date when this task started, provided

as a JavaScript Date object.
tw.system.processInstance.task.priority The task priority specified as a string
value. It can take one of the following
values: Lowest, Low, Normal, High,
tw.system.processInstance.task.priorityV The task priority specified as an integer
value. It can take one of the following
values: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10
The task status specified as a string
tw.system.processInstance.task.originato The user name of the user who
originated this task. This is either the
previous owner of the task or the user
who launched the process or case
The user name of the user assigned to
this task.
tw.system.processInstance.processApp The process application or toolkit that
contains the process or case type in
which this client-side human service is
tw.system.processInstance.processApp.i The identifier of the process application
or toolkit that contains the process or
case type in which this client-side human
service is running.
tw.system.processInstance.processApp. The name of the process application or
toolkit that contains the process or case
type in which this client-side human
service is running.
tw.system.processInstance.processApp. The acronym of the process application
or toolkit that contains the process or
case type in which this client-side human
service is running.
tw.system.processInstance.processApp.s The snapshot of the process application
or toolkit that contains the process or
case type in which this client-side human
service is running.
tw.system.processInstance.processApp.s The identifier of the process application
or toolkit snapshot that contains the
process or case type in which this clientside human service is running.
tw.system.processInstance.processApp.s The name of the process application or
toolkit snapshot that contains the process
or case type in which this client-side
human service is running. This variable
applies only if this is a named snapshot.
The task owner, if this client-side human
service is running in a process or case
instance. Otherwise, the user who
initiated the client-side human service.

The identifier of the task owner, if this

client-side human service is running in a
process or case instance. Otherwise, the
identifier of the user who initiated the
client-side human service.
The name of the task owner, if this clientside human service is running in a
process or case instance. Otherwise, the
name of the user who initiated the clientside human service.
The full name of the task owner, if this
client-side human service is running in a
process or case instance. Otherwise, the
full name of the user who initiated the
client-side human service.
Controls the text direction. This variable
is used for bidirectional language
The user's locale, as specified in the user
preferences. The value is provided as a
A human-readable description of the
user's locale.
An array of teams that this user is a
member of.
The identifier of a team that this user is a
member of.
The name of a team that this user is a
member of.
The toolkit acronym for a team that this
user is a member of.
An array of teams managed by this user.
The identifier of a team managed by this
The name of a team managed by this
tw.system.user.manages[i].tkShortName The toolkit acronym for a team that this
user manages.
The validation results for variables that
are bound to coach views within a coach
of this client-side human service.
tw.system.coachValidation.validationErro The list of validation errors for bound
variables. Updates to the list must be
done through the functions of


tw.system.coachValidation.addValidation Adds an error message for a bound

Error(variableName, errorMessage)
variable to the list of validation errors. If
the list already contains a message for
the variableName, the message will be
replaced. The variableName is the fully
qualified variable (for example,
tw.local.variable1).The errorMessage is
the message used by the coach view to
indicate the validation error within the
tw.system.coachValidation.removeValida Removes the validation error for the
provided variable name, if a validation
error exists.
tw.system.coachValidation.updateValidat Updates the validation error for the
variable name that is provided with the
new error message. Returns true if a
validation error was updated.Returns
false if a validation error for the variable
name does not exist.
tw.system.coachValidation.clearValidatio Removes all the validation errors from
the list.
The namespace that provides
information about the last caught error.
The code of the last caught error.
Data about the last caught error that can
be mapped to a local variable.
tw.system.processInstance.task.starting The identifier of the starting case
document, if the client-side human
service is running as a task in a case
tw.system.processInstance.task.enabling The identifier of the enabling case
document, if the client-side human
service is running as a task in a case

Parent topic:Declaring variables for client-side human services


Calling another service from a client-side human

You can call a IBM BPM service from within your client-side human service by
adding an activity to the service flow. This activity calls another service that you can
specify. The called service cannot be another client-side human service or a
heritage human service.

About this task

The services that you can call from the client-side human service include Advanced
Integration services, Ajax services, Decision services, General System services,
IBM Case Manager Integration services, or Integration services. For more
information, see Service components in Process Designer. To call another service
from a client-side human service, complete the following steps:

1. Open the appropriate process application in the Designer view.
2. In the Process Designer library, click User Interface and open the client-side
human service that you want to work with, or build a client-side human service as
described in Building a client-side human service. The client-side human service
opens in the web editor.
3. In the Diagram view, use the Service tool
from the palette to add an activity
to the service flow, and wire it as required.
4. Click the new activity in the client-side human service diagram to open the
activity. In the Properties view, in the Implementation tab, click Select and
specify the service to be called by the selected activity.Note: If the client-side
human service is used as an instance details user interface for a BPD or case
type, the Implementation tab provides the following options under Behavior:
- Send the variable updates to the process or case instance: If your clientside human service modifies the values of its input variables at run time, you can
select this option to update the process or case instance variables with the latest
variable values in the client-side human service.
- Refresh the process or case instance variables: If updates to the process
instance variable values are made at run time, you can select this option to
refresh the variables with the last saved variable values from the client-side
human service. Also, select Map input data automatically if you want the input
variables be mapped automatically in the client-side human service, or clear the
check box and go to the Data Mapping tab in the Properties view to enter the
data mapping yourself.
For more information, see Creating user interfaces for a BPD or Creating case
user interfaces.
5. On the Data Mapping tab, set the input and output mapping for the servicecalling activity.
6. Click Save all to save the configuration of the client-side human service.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services



Implementing exclusive gateways in client-side

human services
An exclusive gateway controls the divergence of a sequence flow by determining the
branching of the paths that the flow can take at run time. When you add an
exclusive gateway to your client-side human service, you model a point in the
execution of the service flow where only one of several paths can be followed,
depending on a condition.

About this task

To model an exclusive gateway, you define JavaScript conditions that evaluate to
true or false in the implementation properties of the gateway. The conditions that
you define for the sequence flow lines that emerge from the exclusive gateway
determine the path that the flow follows. The flow follows the first condition that
evaluates to true. If all conditions evaluate to false, the flow follows the default
sequence flow, which does not have a condition. The default sequence flow is the
first sequence flow that you create from the gateway to a following activity. You can
change the default sequence flow at any time. For examples of exclusive gateways
that are implemented in a client-side human service or a business process definition
(BPD), see the Sample exclusive gateways section in the Example gateways topic.
To add an exclusive gateway to a client-side human service, complete the following

1. Open the appropriate client-side human service in the Designer view.
2. In the Diagram view, drag the Exclusive gateway tool
from the palette onto
the diagram.
3. Wire the gateway in the service flow to create the required sequence flow to and
from the gateway, as shown in the following example:

The default sequence flow, which is marked with a forward slash (/) sign on the
diagram, is the first sequence that you create from the gateway to a following
4. Click the gateway in the diagram. In the General properties, under Common,
specify a name and provide a description for the gateway.
5. Click the Implementation tab. Under Decisions, specify a condition (in
JavaScript) for each outgoing sequence line to control which path is followed.
6. Ensure that the default sequence flow under Default Flow is the one that you
want the flow to follow if all conditions evaluate to false. If not, in the list select the

sequence flow that you want to designate as the default sequence flow.Note: The
default sequence flow does not have a condition.
7. Click a sequence line and verify its implementation on the Flow tab. If you do not
want the sequence line name to be displayed in the diagram, under Common
clear Name Visible.
8. Click Save all in the main toolbar to save the gateway configuration.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


Saving the state of a client-side human service

during execution
To allow runtime users to save the state of a partially completed task, you can
enable the execution context to be saved. By enabling the execution context to be
saved, you enable a user who starts working on a task that includes multiple steps
to close the browser and resume work later without losing work.

About this task

- The ability to save execution context applies only to client-side human services
that are running within business process definitions (BPDs) or case instances. The
execution context for client-side human services that are exposed as dashboards,
stand-alone services, or URLs cannot be saved. In heritage human services, you
enable users to save the execution context on the activity or step, not at the
sequence-flow level.
- To incrementally save your progress in a client-side human service that runs as a
BPD or case task, you must specify the save settings at the client-side human
service level. If the client-side human service calls another service, such as an
integration service or a general service, and there are steps in the called service
for which Save execution context is selected, the save settings in the called
service are ignored. To ensure that your save settings take effect, specify them in
the client-side human service itself, either on the incoming connection to the called
service or on the outgoing connection.
When you save the execution context, you save the state of the client-side human
service while it is being run, including the current state of the variables and the
position in the service flow.
To enable users to save the execution context of the client-side human service,
complete the following steps:

1. In Process Designer, open the client-side human service that you want to model
in the Diagram view.
2. In the diagram, select a point in the service flow where you want users to be able
to save the current progress. For example, you can choose to allow users to save
the execution context between two coaches, as illustrated in the following image,
so that they can complete one page and come back to the next page later:

Tip: To avoid network overhead, enable users to save the execution context only
at key points of the client-side human service.

3. On the Implementation tab, under Settings, ensure that Save execution

context for task implementation is selected.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each point in the sequence flow where you want runtime
users to be able to save the execution context.
5. Click Save all to save the client-side human service configuration.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


Validating client-side coaches using client-side

To ensure that a coach that is in your client-side human service passes valid data in
the flow, use the coach validation pattern to check its data.

About this task

To validate data in a coach in a client-side human service without accessing a
server to do the validation, use client-side validation. For example, use client-side
validation to ensure that required fields contain data and before dates precede after
dates. Using client-side validation means that the client-side human service does
not need to do a server call to determine whether the coach data is valid. If you do
need to access a server to validate the coach data, use server-side validation. For
information, see Validating client-side coaches using server-side validation
The typical coach validation pattern consists of a client-side script for coach
validation or a called service, followed by a validation decision that has a stay on
page event that is attached to it. The stay on page event loops the service flow back
to the coach. For an example, see Example: validating data in a coach that is used
in a human service.

To validate a coach in your client-side human service, complete the following steps:
1. Open the client-side human service that contains the coach to be validated.
2. Add the following elements to the diagram to create a validation pattern:
- A client-side script to contain the code that performs the validation
- An exclusive gateway to route the flow according to whether the data is valid
- A stay on page event to return the flow back to the coach when the coach data
is not valid
3. Make the following connections:
- Connect the boundary event of the coach to the script.
- Connect the script to the exclusive gateway.
- Connect gateway to the stay on page event. Ensure that this line is the default
flow for the decision. Select the flow line and rename it to Yes.
- Connect gateway to the rest of the human service flow. Select the line and
rename it to No.
The following screen capture shows the validation pattern. In the screen capture,
the non-default branch connects to an end event. This branch of the gateway
could connect to another coach, to another gateway, or any other diagram

Tip: You can have multiple boundary events with each one leading to a different
validation script. The validation scripts can flow to the same exclusive gateway to

reuse its logic.

4. In the diagram, select the script of the validation pattern. In the Script properties,
add JavaScript code that identifies problematic data. Use the
tw.system.coachValidation.addValidationError(String variableName,

String errorMessage) JavaScript API to identify the coach view that has the

problematic data and provide a message that helps the user correct the problem.
For example:if (tw.local.startDate.getTime() > tw.local.endDate.getTime())
tw.system.coachValidation.addValidationError("tw.local.startDate", "The start date must precede the end date. Set the
start date before the end date, and try again.");

- If the data element that is being validated is not bound to a coach view, there is
nowhere to display a validation error if one occurs.
- If a coach view that is being validated contains rich text, the validation script
must remove the formatting before validating the contents.
- If you are validating a list and you want the error to refer to the entire list, the
variableName parameter must include [] as a suffix. This matches coach view
binding where [] indicates that the object is a list. For example, if a coach view
is bound to tw.local.var3[], which is a list, you need code like the following
example: tw.system.coachValidation.addValidationError("tw.local.var3[]", "Var3 has validation error");
Tip: To reuse validation logic, you can define it once then call that logic multiple
times To reuse the validation logic, add a script element to the diagram to contain
the shared logic. Typically, you place this as the first element in the flow. In the
script element, add a function such as the following example: tw.local.validationFn =
function validateCutomerAndOrder ( ) {
// Shared logic goes here.

In the validation scripts, call the function using code such as:tw.local.validationFn();
5. Select the exclusive gateway and, in its Implementation properties, create the
test. The test is tw.system.coachValidation.validationErrors.length==0.
The test checks for the presence of validation errors and, if there are none, routes
it to the rest of the flow. If there are errors, the flow goes to the stay on page
event so that the coach can show the control with the problematic data and a
6. Save your changes, and then click Run .
7. In the browser, test that the coach validation works correctly. At run time, the flow
must go first to the validation script to do the coach data validation:
- If the data is valid, the flow moves to the next node.
- If the data in the coach is not valid, the coach validation pattern loops the flow
back to the coach. Error information is passed to the coach, which indicates the
control with the problematic data and can display the image.


Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services

Related information:
Validating client-side coaches using server-side validation
Example: validating data in a coach that is used in a human service


Validating client-side coaches using server-side

You can validate coaches in client-side human services using server-side validation.

About this task

In server-side validation for coaches in client-side human services, the human
service flow calls a service on the server to do the validation. The client-side human
service then handles any messages that are returned by the server.
Use server-side validation to validate data in a coach in a client-side human service
when the following situations apply:
- The validation must access private or confidential data that should not be made
available to the client. Server-side validation is the more secure approach.
- The validation must access server-based data or large amounts of data to do the
validation. For example, you have Order coach in which users can order parts and
you want to validate that a part is in stock. It is not practical to use client-side
validation in this situation. Loading large amounts of data impacts the performance
of the client.
- You are migrating heritage human services to client-side human services and you
want to reuse some or all of the validation scripts you had in the heritage human
service. The client-side human services call the validation service that you
previously used. However, examine the script logic to move appropriate validation
code to the client to minimize server calls.
If you do not need to access a server to validate the coach data, you can use clientside validation. For information, see Validating client-side coaches using client-side
The following procedure uses a help desk client-side human service as an example.
The human service consists of several fields and a Create Ticket button. Tip: Where
possible, combine your server-side validation with server-side logic that does work
as shown in the examples in this procedure. That is, a single server-side service
validates the ticket and also saves it. While you could do this in separate steps in
the human service, combining them in this way provides better performance. It also
places related logic together to produce more maintainable models.

To validate a coach by using server-side validation:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Create the service that validates the coach data. The service cannot be a human
service but it can be any other type. The example code uses a general system
service called Save Ticket Service.
A. In the Variables page, create an input variable that contains the data from the
B. Create the validationResults(CoachValidation) private variable to
contain any validation messages.


C. Create the hasValidationErrors(Boolean) private variable to indicate when

there is data that fails the validation tests.
D. In Diagram page, add the following elements:
- A server script to validate the data.
- A decision gateway to route the flow according to whether the data is valid
- A nested service or other elements in the service flow to handle when the
data is valid. For example, such as a nested service that saves the coach
data or an end event to complete the service.
- An error end event
E. Connect the Start node to the script and connect the script to the decision.
Connect the gateway to the flow that handles valid data such as a service that
saves coach data. Select the flow line and rename it to Yes. Connect the
gateway to the error end event. Select the flow line and rename it to No. The
resulting diagram looks something like this example:

F. Add JavaScript code to the script to validate the coach data. The script code
must create a CoachValidation object that contains an
addCoachValidationError instance for every problem with the coach data. If
there is a problem with the coach data, the script must also set isValid to
false. For example, if the help ticket must contain information in the Summary
field, add code like the following example:// Create the CoachValidation object
tw.local.validationResults = new tw.object.CoachValidation();
tw.local.hasValidationErrors = false; // Set to false unless the data fails a validation test
if (tw.local.ticket != null) {
// If there is nothing in the summary, add the error to the Coach Validation object
if (tw.local.ticket.summary == null || tw.local.ticket.summary.length == 0) {
tw.local.hasValidationErrors = true;
"tw.local.ticket.summary", "The problem summary is required.");

G. In the Implementation properties of the decision, add the following code to the
No branch:tw.local.hasValidationErrors == true

H. In the Implementation properties of the error end event, set Error code to
coachValidation and set Error mapping to the

tw.local.validationResults variable. These properties are the mechanism

by which the client-side human service receives the validation messages.

3. Open your client-side human service. The Process Designer web editor displays
the human service.
4. In your client-side human service, add a service to your diagram and wire your
coach to the service.

5. In the Implementation properties of the client-side serves, select to call a service

and then select the server-side validation service that you created in step 2.

6. In the Data Mapping properties, map the variable that contains the coach data to
the appropriate business object.
7. Add an intermediate event to the service. Because it is attached to a service, the
intermediate event is an error boundary event.
8. In Implementation properties of the error boundary event, set it to catch specific
errors and map the error data to the tw.system.coachValidation variable.
9. Connect the error boundary event to a stay on page node.

Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services

Related information:
Validating client-side coaches using client-side validation
Handling errors in client-side human services


Handling errors in client-side human services

To catch errors in client-side human services, you can use intermediate events that
can be attached to service nodes.

About this task

When you attach it to a service node, the intermediate event becomes an error
boundary event that catches errors and receives error data from the service to which
it is attached. The error boundary event is triggered while the service is running and
interrupts its execution.Tip: If you want to have different error handling logic for
different errors, define multiple error boundary events on the single service node.
For each error boundary event, use different error codes or error data to differentiate
between the different kinds of errors. Then, connect each one to the error handling
logic that applies.
Table 1. Usage of error events in client-side human services

Error event
Error boundary event that
is attached to a service
node in a client-side
human service

Catches errors and
receives error data from
the service to which it is

When you plan to use error events in your client-side human service, consider the
following points:
- You can attach error boundary events only to service nodes in your client-side
human service.
- You can reposition an error boundary event inside the service, you can remove it
from the service, or you can move it to another service. In client-side human
services, the error boundary event cannot exist as a stand-alone error event
outside of a service node.
- Consider specifying the error properties to catch specific errors, filtering on the
error code for the types of errors that are caught, and mapping to a variable after
the errors are caught.
- The error event information is captured in the tw.error.code and
- By mapping the error boundary event to a variable, events with incompatible data
types are filtered out and the data is captured in a local variable.
For reference information, see JavaScript API for client-side human service

To add an error boundary event to a service in a client-side human service:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the client-side human service that you want to work with.


3. In the Diagram view, drag the Intermediate event tool

and drop it onto the
service node that you want to attach it to. The intermediate event changes into an
error boundary event
that is attached to the boundary of the service.

4. Select the error boundary event and, in its Implementation tab, under Event
Properties, select Catch all errors or Catch specific errors to specify what type
of errors you want the error event to catch.
5. If you selected Catch specific errors, click the pickers next to Error code and
Error mapping to filter on the error code for the specific errors that can be
caught, and map the error data to a local variable.
6. Connect the error boundary event to the logic you want to run when the error
occurs. For example, you can connect it to a coach that displays an error
message to a user.
7. Click Save all to save the configuration.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services
Related information:
Validating client-side coaches using server-side validation
Validating client-side coaches using client-side validation


Adding HTML meta tags to client-side human

To optimize your HTML pages for being viewed on a mobile device, you can define
HTML meta tags in the underlying client-side human service. The HTML meta tags
are added to the HTML header when the client-side human service is run.

About this task

You can add HTML meta tags such as viewport to a client-side human service at
design time. When you add a meta tag to a client-side human service, you override
the default settings of the browser and adjust the scaling of the HTML page to the
screen resolution of the specified mobile device. For example, the viewport meta
tag controls the scaling of the viewing area on mobile devices and enables you to
specify a width for your HTML page that would make your content easier to view on
that mobile device.Note: These settings apply to the HTML page for the client-side
human service. When the client-side human service is hosted within a larger page,
such as Process Portal, the meta tags of the root HTML might take precedence.
Consult the specifications for the individual tags to understand what behavior to
expect in these cases.
To add an HTML meta tag to your client-side human service, complete the following

1. In the Process Designer library, click the plus sign next to User Interface and
create a client-side human service, or click User Interface and select an existing
client-side human service.
2. On the Overview tab of the client-side human service, under HTML Meta Tags,
select the meta tag that you want to add, and enter the corresponding tag
3. In the list of available meta tags, select the check box to turn on a meta tag or
clear the check box to turn off the meta tag.
4. Click Save all to save the configuration of the client-side human service.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


Enabling work to be postponed and resumed at run

If you want to enable Process Portal users to postpone and resume work at run
time, you can add a postpone event to the client-side human service flow. The
postpone event can be used only with client-side human services that implement
tasks within a BPD or case type.

About this task

The postpone event halts the execution of the task and keeps the task in a
suspended state until it can be resumed later. You can configure navigation options
for the postpone event that indicate the intended behavior upon task postponement
and determine what the user sees at run time. For example, when work is
postponed on a specified task, the user can be returned to a case details user
interface or to an IBM Process Portal page if a URL is specified as a JavaScript
expression. When a postpone event is reached, the service state is saved for later
retrieval and the task is returned to the inbox where it can be claimed again. Any
associated coach is closed. When the task is opened later, the execution of the
service flow resumes at the node specified by the postpone event.
To enable users to postpone work on a task, complete the following steps:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the client-side human service that you want to work with.
3. In the Diagram view, click the Intermediate event tool
on the palette and drag
the event onto the diagram. The default implementation of the intermediate event
is a stay-on-page event.
4. Select the intermediate event and, in its Implementation tab, under Event Type,
select the postpone event
.Tip: If the postpone option is not available under
Event Type, check your exposure setting on the Overview tab. The postpone
event is only available when you selected Do Not Expose (Service contained in
a BPD or case type). See Exposing client-side human services.
5. In the diagram, connect the postpone event to the node where you want the task
work to be postponed, and add an outgoing connection from the postpone event
back to the node where you want work to be resumed later.

6. Select a navigation option for the postpone event, which determines what the
user will see after the service is postponed. In the Implementation tab of the

postpone event, under Event Navigation, select one of the following options:
Table 1. Navigation options available for postpone events
Default (behavior provided by the
hosting UI)
Go to the instance details UI

Go to a specified URL

Go to the default page provided by the
hosting user interface, such as Process
Go to the instance details user interface
for the case or process instance within
which the client-side human service is
Specifies a relative URL to go to when
the service is postponed. The URL is
relative to the hosting user interface
such as Process Portal. Because the
URL is specified as a JavaScript
expression, surround any literal values
with quotation marks.

Important: Navigation occurs only if the hosting user interface provides

navigation support.
7. Click Save all to save the configuration.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


Navigation options for after service completion

To help the user go to a specific page after the client-side human service completes,
you can configure the end event of the service to provide an alternative destination.
The implementation options for the end event indicate the intended behavior upon
completion of the service and determine what the user sees at run time after the
client-side human service completes successfully. For example, the user can see
the case details user interface for a case instance or an IBM Process Portal page if
a URL is specified as a JavaScript expression.
In the Implementation tab of the end event, under Event Navigation, the following
navigation options are available.Table 1. Navigation options available for end events
Default (behavior provided by the hosting Complete the client-side human service
and go to the default page that is
provided by the hosting user interface,
such as Process Portal.
Go to the instance details UI
Complete the client-side human service
and go to the instance details user
interface for the case or process instance
that the client-side human service runs
in. This option applies only to client-side
human services that run in a case or
process instance.
Go to a specified URL
Specify a relative URL to go to when the
service completes. The URL is relative to
the hosting user interface, such as
Process Portal. Because the URL is
specified as a JavaScript expression,
surround literal values with quotation
Important: Navigation occurs only if the client-side human service is hosted in a
user interface that supports navigation, such as Process Portal. The client-side
human service notifies the hosting user interface of the URL to go to, but if the
hosting user interface does not provide navigation support, navigation does not

Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


Running and debugging client-side human services

When you author a client-side human service, you use the Inspector in IBM
Process Designer to iteratively test and observe how the client-side human service
behaves at a detailed level. The Inspector can also be used for problem
determination and to identify the source of errors.
When you debug the client-side human service, the Inspector enables you to step
through each node in the flow to validate that it works as expected. The debugging
feature of the Inspector facilitates a more thorough inspection than simply running
the service, because it enables you to examine the behavior of each step of the
execution flow.
Developers can use the Inspector to demonstrate current service design and
implementation in playback sessions. Playback sessions help capture important
information from different contributors to ensure that the client-side human service
meets the needs of everyone involved.
- Running client-side human services
Authoring a client-side human service is an iterative process that can include
several playback sessions. Each playback session runs the client-side human
service from the beginning to the end of the client-side human service.
- Debugging client-side human services
If errors occur while the client-side human service is running, you can debug the
client-side human service by using the Inspector in IBM Process Designer. The
debugging feature of the Inspector enables you to examine how the client-side
human service operates in each step of its execution.
- Troubleshooting errors from running client-side human services
Errors that occur when client-side human services run on the client side are
logged to the browser console. The browser console provides the error type, the
location of the error, and the line number.
Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services


Running client-side human services

Authoring a client-side human service is an iterative process that can include
several playback sessions. Each playback session runs the client-side human
service from the beginning to the end of the client-side human service.

About this task

While the client-side human service runs, a playback window shows the running
client-side human service. For coaches, the playback window shows the rendering
of the coach so that you can complete the coach and move to the next step in the
service flow.Important: Because the playback window opens as a pop-up window,
you might receive an error message if your web browser is configured to block popups. Before running the client-side human service, configure your browser to allow
pop-ups from the host that your Process Center is installed on.
To run the client-side human service, complete the following steps:

1. Open the client-side human service that you want to run.
2. Click Run
in the upper-right corner. The playback window opens, showing the
running client-side human service.
3. If the running activity is a coach, the playback window shows the coach.
Complete the coach and trigger the boundary event to transition out of the coach
and move to the next step in the flow.

The playback window displays a confirmation message that the client-side human
service completed successfully.
Parent topic:Running and debugging client-side human services


Debugging client-side human services

If errors occur while the client-side human service is running, you can debug the
client-side human service by using the Inspector in IBM Process Designer. The
debugging feature of the Inspector enables you to examine how the client-side
human service operates in each step of its execution.

About this task

Using the Inspector, you can incrementally step through the activities in your clientside human service so that you can observe how the client-side human service
behaves as it runs. The Inspector pauses the execution of the service flow before
running each step and displays the variable values at each point.
If your client-side human service does not behave as you expected, you can use the
debugging capability to identify which step is at fault. The error message is
displayed in the playback window and on the sidebar in the Inspector.
Important: Because the playback window opens as a pop-up window, you might
receive an error message if your web browser is configured to block pop-ups. Before
proceeding with the debugging session, configure your browser to allow pop-ups
from the host that your Process Center is installed on.
You can perform the following actions from the sidebar in the Inspector to debug the
client-side human service:Table 1. Actions in the Inspector

Step Over
Step Into

Show Playback Window

Cancel Debugging

Move the service execution
to the next activity in the
Stop the service execution
on a breakpoint before a
coach is run and debug the
Bring forward or reopen
the playback window.
Refresh the content of the
service flow with the latest
Cancels the current
debugging session before
the client-side human
service reaches the end.

To debug a client-side human service, complete the following steps:

1. Open the client-side human service that you want to debug.
2. Click Debug
in the upper-right corner. The Inspector opens in the browser
window, pausing on the first step after the Start event.

3. Examine the variable values to determine whether they are expected. When you
are ready to move on to the next activity in the client-side human service, click
Step Over .
4. If this activity is a coach, the playback window shows the rendering of the coach.
Complete the coach and trigger the boundary event to transition out of the coach.
The Inspector moves to the next step in the service flow. As the execution
progresses, the followed path is highlighted and color-coded indicators are added
to the client-side human service diagram to mark the progress in the execution.
5. If errors occur while running the coach, use the Step Into action to debug the
A. Ensure that the playback window is open. Click Show Playback Window to
open it if it is not already open.
B. Open the debugging window or the developer tools that are associated with
the playback window. For information about how to open and use the browser
debugger or developer tools, consult the documentation for your browser.
C. Click Step Into to pause the execution flow before the coach is run. Use
your browser debugger or developer tools to set breakpoints in the source
code for the coach.
D. Go step by step through the code to observe how it behaves and identify any
When the coach completes successfully, the execution moves to the next step in
the flow.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until you complete the client-side human service.
Alternatively, you can click Cancel Debugging Session to cancel the
debugging session before the client-side human service reaches the end.
7. When you are ready to return to the Designer perspective, click Designer in the
upper-left corner of the browser window.
Parent topic:Running and debugging client-side human services
Related information:
Tips for debugging coach view lifecycle method inside Human Services
Tips for debugging coach views in Process Portal


Troubleshooting errors from running client-side

human services
Errors that occur when client-side human services run on the client side are logged
to the browser console. The browser console provides the error type, the location of
the error, and the line number.
If the diagnostic information in the browser console is insufficient, check the log and
trace information in the SystemOut.log and trace.log files, and contact your
system administrator for extra help. Depending on what error occurred, the system
administrator can take different approaches to help resolve the error. For more
information, see the IBM Business Process Manager log files.
The following table describes some of the common errors that you might encounter
while running client-side human services in the web browser.Table 1. Common error
messages for client-side execution of client-side human services
Error type
System error

Error message examples

Model loading error

Error: The
\"${MODEL_ID}\" model
from the
branch could not be
loaded. Contact your
The \"${MODEL_ID}\"
model with the
snapshot ID could not
be loaded. Contact
your system

Error: The engine

encountered an
unrecoverable error.
Contact your system


A JavaScript error
occurred. The system
administrator can enable
tracing and check the
browser console for
additional information.
The specified model could
not be loaded from the
repository. The system
administrator must verify
that the specified model
values are correct and that
the model is present in the

Model validation error

HTTP error

Error: The
\"${MODEL_ID}\" model
in the
branch contains no
start nodes. Correct
the model and try
again.Error: The
\"${MODEL_ID}\" model
with the
snapshot ID contains
no start nodes.
Correct the model and
try again.Error: The
\"${MODEL_ID}\" model
in the
branch is invalid
because it does not
contain the
element. Correct the
model and try
again.Error: The
\"${MODEL_ID}\" model
with the
snapshot ID is invalid
because it does not
contain the
element. Correct the
model and try again.
Server Error (401):
credentials to access
the URL \"${URL}\".
Verify that you have
authorization to
access the specified
URL.Server Error
(404): The system was
unable to access the
URL \"${URL}\".
Contact your system
administrator to
ensure that the server
is running.The server
responded with an
error code ${STATUS}
when accessing the URL
\"${URL}\". Contact
your system


The model is incorrect.

Ensure that the model is
syntactically correct.

The server returned an

error. The system
administrator must adjust
the troubleshooting
approach based on the
specific content of the error

Client-side human service is not the most recent version in

The caching behavior for client-side human services has changed to allow for better
performance in Version 8.5.5. If the version of a client-side human service running in
Process Center is not the most recent version in the snapshot, users should clear
the browser cache to ensure that they are not accessing an older, cached version.

Certificate errors and the client-side human services

Signer certificate errors might occur when you use HTTPs but have not imported
your signer certificates. This may lead to inconsistent playback behavior. To avoid
certificate errors in the browser and ensure an error-free environment for your
playback sessions, import the signer certificates before proceeding with the
playback. Check with your administrator for instructions on how to import the signer

Parent topic:Running and debugging client-side human services


Keyboard accessibility for client-side human

In the Process Designer web editor, you can perform many actions by using built-in
keyboard accessibility features. The keyboard accessibility features help you go to
and edit client-side human service diagrams in the web editor without using the
Table 1. Keyboard shortcuts that are available in Process Designer for client-side
human services

Keyboard shortcut
Delete key or Backspace
Arrow key

Move all

Shift + Arrow key



Select all


Multiple select


Clear selection



Switch modes



Delete the selected node
or connection.
Move the selected node on
the canvas in the direction
that is specified by the
Move all the graphical
elements in the diagram in
the direction specified by
the arrow, regardless of
whether they are
Select the node or
connection that has the
Select all the graphical
elements that are in the
Add or remove the focused
node or connection to or
from the current selection.
Clear the current selection
and the currently focused
node or connection.
Connect two selected
Switch between the edition
mode and navigation

Change navigation style




Open inline editor


Zoom in


Zoom out


Zoom reset


Switch between the

navigation and connectednode navigation. Use this
shortcut only in the
navigation mode.In the
navigation, use the arrow
keys to navigate through
the nodes in your clientside human service
diagram, ignoring
connections. You also use
the disconnected-node
navigation when you have
disconnected nodes on
your canvas. The nodes
are traversed in the order
in which they were
created.In the connectednode navigation, use the
arrow keys to navigate
through connected nodes
and their connections. You
cannot navigate through
disconnected nodes by
using the connected-code
Save the changes.
Reverse the last action that
you performed.
Undo the last undo action.
Open the inline editor for
the first editable label of
the currently focused
graphic element.
Zoom in on an area of the
Zoom out of an area of the
Display the current area of
the diagram with the
default zoom factor.

- Adding nodes to client-side human services by using the keyboard

To add nodes to client-side human services by using the keyboard, you can use
the quick-add function in the web editor. Using the quick-add function, you can add
one or more nodes to a client-side human service diagram in one step.

Parent topic:Modeling client-side human services

Related information:
Accessibility in IBM Business Process Manager


Adding nodes to client-side human services by

using the keyboard
To add nodes to client-side human services by using the keyboard, you can use the
quick-add function in the web editor. Using the quick-add function, you can add one
or more nodes to a client-side human service diagram in one step.

About this task

Instead of using the mouse and the tools from the palette to add elements to the
client-side human service diagram one at a time, you can use the Quick Add window
to create a list of nodes that can be added to your client-side human service in one
step. The nodes that you can add through the Quick Add window can include one or
more coaches, services, client-side scripts, intermediate events such as stay-onpage events or postpone events, and end events.To add more nodes of the same
type to the diagram, add more entries of the same type to the list. For example, to
add three different services to the client-side human service diagram, you must add
three service entries to the list. After the services are added to the canvas, you can
update the properties in the Properties view of each service.

To add nodes to the client-side human service diagram by using the keyboard,
complete the following steps:
1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open the client-side human service that you want to work with.
3. In the Diagram view, ensure that the focus is on the canvas, and then press the Q
key. If necessary, use the Tab key to bring the focus back to the canvas. The
Quick Add window opens.
4. Enter the node types that you want to add, separated by pressing Enter, and then
click Add.The types of nodes that are available for you to quickly add to the
canvas match the tools in the palette.Table 1. Node types that are available for
you to quickly add to a client-side human service
Node type

Add a coach.
Add a client-side server script.
Add an activity that calls another
Add an exclusive gateway.
Add an end event.
Add an intermediate event. The default
implementation is a stay-on-page event.

For an entry that does not match any of the node types that were listed
previously, a client-side script is added to the diagram.
5. In the Properties view of each newly added node, update the node name and its
properties as required.

6. Click Save all to save the configuration of the client-side human service.
Parent topic:Keyboard accessibility for client-side human services


Heritage human service to client-side human

service conversion
To gain the improved performance of a client-side human service and use the new
features provided by the client-side human service, you must convert the heritage
human service into a client-side human service, which requires you to re-create
some of the service flow.
When you re-create the service flow in the web editor, you re-create some of the
components and artifacts in the same way that they were created for the heritage
human service. For some components, extra configuration might be required,
depending on how the components are used in the service flow. Consider the
following points when you plan to convert a heritage human service into a client-side
human service.
- Coaches
- Re-create the coaches for the client-side human service in the web editor.
- Input/output variables
- Re-create your input and output local and private variables by using the same
variable types.
- Localization resources
- In the web editor, click the plus sign next to Localization Resources and
select a localization resource bundle to add to the client-side human service.
- Server script
- Based on what the server script for the heritage human service includes,
choose a suitable replacement according to the following guidance:
- If the server script only requires simple access to or simple manipulation of
local variables, create a client-side script in the client-side human service and
enter the same logic into it. You can copy and paste the server script content
into the client-side script. If your script includes instantiation logic, it might
require adjustments, as specified in the following Important note.
- If the server script includes complex server-side operations, create a general
system or integration service with a server script that contains your script
logic. In your client-side human service, use a service to call the general
system or integration service that you created.
Important: The server script syntax in the heritage human service is different
from the client-side script syntax in a client-side human service. For client-side
human services, ensure that you use the standard JavaScript syntax to
instantiate objects in the client-side script, instead of the server script syntax
that is used in a heritage human service, for example// To instantiate and populate a
complex variable
tw.local.customer= {};
tw.local.customer.firstName = "Jane";
tw.local.customer.lastName = "Doe";

// To instantiate and populate an array

tw.local.addresses = [];
tw.local.addresses[0] = {};
tw.local.addresses[0].city = "Boston";


// To instantiate a String variable

tw.local.customerID = "12345";

// To create a Date variable

tw.local.dueDate = new Date();

- Server-side validation
- If you used a validation service to validate your coach output, continue using it.
However, modify it to include an error end event that passes the validation
errors back to the client-side human service. See Example: validating a coach
in a heritage human service.
If you instead used a server script to validate your coach logic, you have two
- If the server script logic includes complex operations or requires access to
private or confidential data, create a general system service with a server
script that holds your logic and use it as described earlier.
- If your server script logic requires simple access to local variables and does
not require access to private or confidential data, create a client-side script in
your client-side human service, and place your validation logic there. See
Example: validating data in a coach that is used in a human service.
Tip: For optimal performance, combine multiple service calls where possible.
For example, instead of calling a validation service followed by a service that
performs some work, combine these into a single service that internally
performs the validation and, if the validation succeeds, performs the work.
- Heritage coaches
- Support for heritage coaches is not provided in client-side human services. For
heritage coaches, continue using the heritage human services that provide the
required support.
- Server integration
- To migrate integration elements such as Invoke UCA or Intermediate Tracking
Event from an existing heritage human service to a new client-side human
service, create an integration service that contains these constructs, and then
call this integration service in the new client-side human service.

Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes


Building coaches
You can build a coach as the user interface that process participants or case owners
use to interact with a service.
In the first stage of designing a coach, your goal might be to build a mock-up. The
mock-up contains static elements to visualize what data the coach needs at run time
and where the coach displays the data in its layout. After you complete the first
stage to design the look of the coach, you then feed real business data to the coach
controls. This step requires you to create bindings between the coach controls and
the data structures (variables) that represent the business data in your IBM
Business Process Manager processes or cases. Your process participants or case
owners can then interact with the business data, which helps them make the
appropriate decisions.
Building a coach is often an iterative process in which you loop back to refine the
coach as you build it. Although you can do some of the steps in any order, in
general you take the following steps:
1. Create one or more mock-ups for the coach. Use the mock-ups to identify
elements in the coach that are common with other coaches. Identify the
following information:
- The elements in the coach that are reusable.
- The best layout for the user interface elements in the coach.
You can then use this information to decide which parts of the coach you can
implement as reusable coach views. For example, after you create the mock-up,
you see that your coach contains two sets of identical address fields. Instead of
creating the two sets of address field in the coach, you create one address field
coach view. You can then use it for both sets of address fields.
2. If there are toolkits that contain artifacts that your coach can use, add a
dependency to these toolkits. These artifacts include business objects, coach
views, and files. The dependency is to a particular snapshot of the toolkit. If you
are revising an existing coach, you can upgrade the dependency to a different
snapshot of the toolkit. The upgrade is optional. If you do not do the upgrade,
the coach continues to use the existing dependency.Important: The coaches
8.5 toolkit uses Dojo 1.8.6 with AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition). If you
upgrade the coaches toolkit to version 8.5.0, review the coaches in the process
application to assess the impact of the upgrade in Dojo version.
3. If the coach views that your coach will use do not exist, create them. For
information, see Developing reusable coach views.
4. In the human service diagram, add the coach to the diagram and then doubleclick it to edit it.
5. Drag coach views or variables onto the layout of the coach. These coach views
can be the coach views that you created earlier or the stock controls. The
variables are business objects and their parameters that are defined for the
human service . For the variables, the Designer puts the coach view that is
associated with the business object or parameter type onto the layout. For
example, if you drop a variable that is of the String type, the Designer puts a text
stock control that is bound to the variable. If the variable type does not have an
associated coach view, the Designer puts a placeholder message on the layout


instead. You can then use the placeholder to manually specify the binding
between the variable and a coach view. For examples of dragging a coach view
and variables onto a coach, see Example: creating a tabbed coach.Tip: For
elements in the coach that you do not plan to reuse, you can drop the
appropriate palette component onto the coach. For example, for text instructions
for the user, you can drop an HTML element and add the text as HTML code.
You can also drag fields within a variable directly onto the coach.
6. To lay out the coach views in the coach, use sections. For example, if you want
two coach views beside each other, drop them into a horizontal section. You can
embed sections within other sections.
7. To edit the coach view instances, select them and then change their properties.
For example, for text fields and buttons, change the label to something useful for
users. Many coach views contain configuration options that you can set for each
instance. You can also override the styling of the coach view instances by
adding CSS classes and attributes as HTML properties. These CSS classes are
defined elsewhere such as in the coach view definition as inline CSS or in a
CSS file uploaded as an included script.
8. If the coach views support having different types of visibility, define their visibility.
For information, see Setting the visibility of coach views.Important: You can set
the visibility of the controls in the Coaches toolkit. Custom coach views might not
provide you with this functionality. If a custom coach view does not support
setting visibility, contact the developer of the coach view to add support for this
9. Wire the coach into the service flow by connecting boundary events that the
coach views fire to the appropriate elements in the service flow.
10. If needed, validate the data in the coach. For information about validating
coaches in client-sided human services, see Validating client-side coaches using
client-side validation and Validating client-side coaches using server-side
validation. For information about validating coaches in heritage human services,
see Validating coaches in heritage human services.
11. In the Designer or the Inspector, click .
12. Review the coach and update the coach or the coach views that it contains until
the coach looks and behaves as you intend.

- Validating coaches in heritage human services

To ensure that a coach that is in your heritage human service passes valid data in
the flow, use validation to check its data.
Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes
Related tasks:
Enabling tracing for Coaches
Related information:
Stock controls
Controls in the Content Management toolkit
Boundary events

Building heritage coaches


Validating coaches in heritage human services

To ensure that a coach that is in your heritage human service passes valid data in
the flow, use validation to check its data.

About this task

In a heritage human service, you validate the data that is in the coach before the
flow proceeds to the next step in the service flow. You validate the data by adding a
validation element and a stay on page event. The validation element can be a
nested service or a server script. The server script is the simpler implementation
although the nested service provides greater flexibility. In the following diagram,
Coach1 is being validated by a server script and Coach2 is being validated by a

validation service:
The following steps describe how to validate by using a server script. For
information about using a validation service to validate coach data, see Example:
validating a coach in a heritage human service.

1. To validate the coach data before a particular boundary event occurs, select the
line for that boundary event. In the properties for the line, set the Fire Validation
property to Before. The coach has a validate icon to indicate that you can now
connect the coach to the validation script.
2. Add a server script to validate the data to the human service diagram.
3. Select the script of the validation pattern. In the Script properties, add JavaScript
code that identifies problematic data. Use the
tw.system.addCoachValidationError(CoachValidation coachValidation,
String errorBOPath, String errorMessage) API to add the error data to the
coachValidation system variable. For example, you want two fields to have a
value. They are bound to var1 and var2. To ensure that they have a value, use

code like the following example code:if

(tw.local.var1 == ""){

tw.system.addCoachValidationError(tw.system.coachValidation, "tw.local.var1", "Enter a value for field 1");

if (tw.local.var2 == ""){
tw.system.addCoachValidationError(tw.system.coachValidation, "tw.local.var2", "Enter a value for field 2");

The tw.system.coachValidation parameter is the system variable that

contains the validation information. The first string contains the full variable path
to the data element with the problematic data. The second string is the message
for the user. The message identifies what is wrong with the data and tells the user

how to fix the problem. Important:

- A coach in a heritage human service can use only one validation service or
server script to validate its data. However, more than one coach can use the
same validation service or script.
- If the data element that is being validated is not bound to a coach view, there is
nowhere to display a validation error if one occurs.
- If a coach view that is being validated contains rich text, code the validation
server script to remove formatting before it validates the text contents.
4. Connect the validate icon of the coach to the validation script.
5. Add a Stay on Page event. Connect the validation script to the Stay on Page
event. This construction loops the flow back to the coach if the data in the coach
is not valid. The system passes error information back to the coach and users see
an indicator beside the coach view with the problematic data. If the validation
script provides error messages, users see the appropriate message when they
hover over an indicator. If the data is valid, the system processes the boundary
event to move to the next step.
Parent topic:Building coaches
Related information:
Handling errors in client-side human services
Example: validating a coach in a heritage human service


Developing reusable coach views

To contain functions or user interface elements that another coach view or a coach
can use, create a coach view.

About this task

You can create a coach view by using the Designer interface of IBM Business
Process Manager. The new coach view can be in a toolkit or in the process
application. To reuse the coach view in multiple process applications, create the
coach view in a toolkit. The benefit of this approach is that the coach view is
available to all process applications that use that toolkit. The risk of this approach is
that if someone edits that coach view, the changes apply to all instances of that
coach view. These changes might have unintended consequences in other process
applications. If you think the risk is too high, consider creating the coach view in the
process application to limit the changes to that particular process application.
Creating a coach view can be an iterative process in which you do steps 3 - 6 in any
order. You might start by following the instructions in the order that is listed in the
procedure. Based on the results of your test, update the appropriate pages and
retest. Continue the iterative process of updating and retesting until you are satisfied
with the look and behavior of your coach view.
IBM Business Process Manager provides two sets of basic controls that include
standard user interface elements such as text fields, images, and so on. These
controls are implemented as coach views that you can use to develop more complex
coach views. For information about these controls, see Stock controls.

1. In the library, click the plus sign next to User Interface and select Coach View
from the list of components.
2. In the window that opens, type the name of the new coach view. Unless you are
basing the new coach view on a template, start with a blank coach view.
Restriction: The name of the coach view must be a valid JavaScript ID with the
following exceptions: it can have spaces and it cannot have underscores. That is,
you can use names like My Coach View or MyCoachView, but you cannot use
names like My_Coach_View or default; default is a reserved word in JavaScript.
For information about JavaScript IDs, see Annotated ECMAScript 5.1.
After you click Finish, the editor opens the new coach view.
3. On the Overview page, provide information about the coach view. For information
about adding tags, documentation, and icon images, see Providing information
about coach views
4. On the Behavior page, define the behavior for the coach view. For information
about adding behavior to your coach view, see Defining coach view behavior.
5. On the Variables page, define the variables that the coach view uses. For
information about defining the data used by the coach view and defining how
users can customize it, see Adding variables to coach views.
6. Define what the coach view displays to users in the Layout page: For information
about adding coach views and other palette and library items to the coach view,


see Defining the contents of coach views

7. To apply a custom styling to the coach view instances that your coach view
displays, in the Layout page add CSS classes and attributes as HTML properties
to these instances. On the Behavior page, define the CSS classes and attributes
as inline CSS or define them in a CSS file and upload that file as an included
8. Review the look of the coach view and how it functions. Based on the review,
repeat steps 3 - 7 to make the appropriate adjustments to the coach view or the
items it contains or refers to. Keep iterating through reviews and updates until you
have the results that you want.
9. Test your coach view:
A. In a human service or heritage human service, add the coach view to a coach.
B. Ensure that the coach is part of the service flow. That is, if you cannot trace
from the start node to the coach, connect the coach to appropriate nodes in the
C. Bind the variables that the coach view uses to appropriate data.
D. Review the configuration for the coach view and update it if necessary.
E. To play the human service or heritage human service in Process Inspector or
Process Designer, click .
- Providing information about coach views
You can help people use a coach view by making it easier to find and providing
information about it.
- Defining coach view behavior
You can define the behavior and appearance of a coach view by adding
JavaScript and styles and by defining functions in its event handlers.
- Adding variables to coach views
You can define the data used by the coach view and the ways in which users can
configure it.
- Defining the contents of coach views
You can define what a coach view displays to users at runtime.
- Calling Ajax services from coach views
You can invoke Ajax services from within coach views. The Coach framework
calls Ajax services using the BPM REST API in taskless mode.
- Generating URLs of managed assets
Managed assets are images, style sheets, AMD modules or other assets that are
part of a coach view, but are developed outside of Process Designer. To access
these assets from a coach, you might need use a global JavaScript function to
generate the URL of the asset. For example, to generate a URL for an AMD
module which is contained in a zip file.
- Generating a unique ID for a coach view
In some situations you might want to use the ID attribute for your DOM elements
within a coach view. However, all DOM IDs must be globally unique. For example,
during collaboration the default highlighting behavior is implemented based on a
unique DOM ID. To ensure a unique ID, you can use the $$viewDOMID$$
placeholder keyword. At run time, this keyword will be replaced by the coach view


Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes

Related tasks:
Enabling tracing for Coaches
Related information:
Coach views


Providing information about coach views

You can help people use a coach view by making it easier to find and providing
information about it.

Provide information such as tags, documentation, and icon images for the coach
view in its Overview page:
- Add one or more tags to the coach view.Process Designer uses these tags to
categorize the coach view on the palette and within the library. If you do not specify
a tag, you can find your coach view in the No Tags category.
- In the Documentation field, provide information about the coach view that helps
people who reuse your view in their own coaches or coach views. For example,
describe the boundary events that your view fires.
- If you want your coach view to use named boundary events to move to the next
step in the service flow, select Can Fire Boundary Event. In a human service
diagram, you see these boundary events as wires. This diagram also shows the
control that fires the boundary event.
- If you want your view to be selectable as a template when someone creates a
coach view, select Use as a Template.Tip: Add a content box to your coach view
so that coach views that are based on the template have an area in which users
can drop content.
- If you want coaches or coach views that contain your coach view to display a label
at design time, select Supports a label. To have the coach view access the label
value in the runtime environment, add the following code as inline JavaScript in the
Behavior page of the coach view: this.context.options._metadata.label.get("value");
Also, see Example: showing the label of a complex coach view for information on
how to display the label at runtime.
- If you want to improve performance for the coach view, select Prototype-level
event handlers. Selecting this option means that the event handlers for the coach
view are in the prototype and not in every instance. The performance gain comes
from having one set of the event handlers per coach view definition instead of
having a set per coach view instance. However, the JavaScript code that you use
to create and access variables differs between coach view instance-level event
handlers and prototype-level handlers. For prototype-level event handlers, you
must use the this keyword. The following table shows the coding difference for
the two levels of event handlers:
Instance-level event handlers
Prototype-level event handlers
Define the variable in the inline Define the variable in the inline
JavaScript of the coach view:var JavaScript of the coach
myVariable = "123";
view:this.myVariable = "123";
Access the variable in the load Access the variable in the load
event handler:if(myvariable == "123") { event handler:if(this.myvariable ==

"123") {

You can also look at the stock controls for examples of the coding difference. The

stock controls of the Coaches toolkit in version 8.5.0 and higher have prototypelevel event handlers. The stock controls in earlier versions of the Coaches toolkit
have instance-level event handlers.
- If you are using the Process Designer web editor, you can specify HTML and
JavaScript to create and enhance the design-time appearance of your coach view.
For information, see Configuring the design-time appearance of coach views.
Parent topic:Developing reusable coach views
Related information:
Defining the contents of coach views
Configuring the design-time appearance of coach views
Defining coach view behavior
Adding variables to coach views


Defining coach view behavior

You can define the behavior and appearance of a coach view by adding JavaScript
and styles and by defining functions in its event handlers.

Define the functionality and appearance of the coach view in its Behavior page:
- Add existing script and style sheet files from the library by using included scripts.
Typically, these files are reusable .js and .css files. You can add these files to
the library as individual web files or package them in a .zip file and add that file as
a web file. Packaging the files in a .zip file means that they maintain their relative
relationships. For example, if you package a .css file and include the images that
it refers to using relative links, the system finds the images. However, the system
does not find the images if you package a .css file in one .zip file and package
the images that it refers to in a different .zip file. If you add .css files as individual
web files, you can edit them in Process Designer. You cannot edit .css files that
are packaged in a .zip file in Process Designer. Instead, you must edit them
externally, repackage them, and then replace the .zip web file with your updated
.zip file.
- Add local custom styles to the coach view by using inline CSS. If you are pointing
to an image file in a .zip file, use the following format for the URL:!path/
file.extension.Note: The '!' notation to reference a file inside an archive is
supported only in inline CSS behavior.
If you are working in the web editor, the coach view styles specified in .css files
and inline CSS are applied to the coach view in the Layout tab, allowing you to
see how the coach view will appear at run time without having to run or test your
coach view. There are a few restrictions on this design-time styling support:
- If you use media query statements in your CSS, only media queries with a media
type screen are parsed and only the max-width and min-width specifications
are applied at design time. This design-time styling only supports simple syntax,
for example, the following media type statements are processed at design time:
@media screen .
@media all
@media (min-width: 520 px )

However, the following statements are not processed at design time: @media

not screen

@media not print

@media not (tty and screen)

- If you are using Internet Explorer 9, design-time styling is only applied for the first
25 coach views or human services that are opened. Subsequent coach views or
coaches within human services will not have design-time styling applied.
- Imports within included scripts and inline CSS will only be processed to one level
of embedding. For example, if you have inline CSS that includes the statement
@import url('File1.css'), then the css within File1 is reflected at design
time, but any import statements inside File1 are not reflected at design time.

If you have large or complex coaches and coach views, the design-time application


of styles might cause some performance issues. To disable design-time styling for
the current session, go to the Layout tab, right-click anywhere on the canvas and
select Disable design-time styling. For the rest of the session, the specified
coach view styles are not applied. To turn design-styling back on for the session,
right-click on the canvas and select Enable design-time styling.
- Add conditional styling to handle differences between browsers and media types.
The conditional styling overrides the default styles when the condition applies. For
example, you can apply one .css file for Microsoft Internet Explorer and a different
.css file for other browsers. You use conditional styling to apply the appropriate file.
To add conditional styling:
1. Add screen size-specific styling or browser-specific styling to a .css file. For
example, you can add styles for tablets to use a smaller font for labels and
reduce padding.
2. Add the .css file as an included script.
3. In the IE Condition or Media fields, add the condition that applies the styles in
the .css file. For example, if the .css file contains styles for a tablet
presentation, add a condition like screen and (max-width: 600px) to the
Media field. If the user's screen is 600 pixels or less in width, the coach view
uses the styles in the .css file instead of default values.
You can also add conditional styling by adding inline JavaScript and inline CSS.
Note: Any inline JavaScript styling and any styling conditions entered in the IE
Condition and Media fields are only processed at run time and are not reflected at
design time.
- Add custom Dojo build layers to improve the performance of the coach view. For
information, see Improving the performance of coach views with Dojo build layers.
- Define common variables and functions for the event handlers of the coach view
by using inline JavaScript. For information about accessing parts of the DOM, see
Accessing a child coach view by using a control ID. The editor contains a code
snippet. The editor does not show validation messages for code snippets.
- If your coach view requires modules that are written in the AMD style, register the
aliases for the dependent modules by using AMD dependencies. Script functions
can then use these aliases to refer to the modules. For information about
registering AMD modules, see Adding custom AMD modules. For an example of
using dependent modules, see Example: creating a Select control using custom
- To insert code like <meta> tags into the header of the coach view, use Header
- If necessary, define the functions that the coach view uses in the appropriate event
handlers. For more information, see Event handlers for the view object and the
load event handler code in Example: creating a Dojo button control and Example:
creating a jQuery button control. If you selected Can Fire a Boundary Event in the
Overview page, add code to fire the boundary events. To fire the event, code the
JavaScript to call this.context.trigger(callback) at the appropriate time.
- Improving coach view performance
To improve the performance of a coach view, you can add custom Dojo build
layers to it.


- Adding custom AMD modules

You can use custom AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) modules in your
coach views.
- Accessing a child coach view
The control ID is the unique ID of the control within the parent view. You can use
the control ID to access a subview instance at run time.
- Configuring the design-time appearance of coach views
You can configure your coach views to enhance the design-time experience for
other interface developers who are reusing your coach views. By including palette
and preview images, or for more advanced configurations, custom HTML and
JavaScript, you can customize the appearance of your views to help interface
developers visualize how the coach view will appear at run time.
Parent topic:Developing reusable coach views
Related information:
Providing information about coach views
Defining the contents of coach views
Adding variables to coach views


Improving coach view performance

To improve the performance of a coach view, you can add custom Dojo build layers
to it.

About this task

With the Dojo build system, your coach view can include the modules that it
depends on in one file or small set of files. These files, each one a layer, reduce the
number of HTTP requests that are needed by the application that contains the
coach view. You can use the layers to improve performance by optimizing the
loading of the modules without sacrificing modular development. These layers can
be custom code or be third-party Dojo layers. The layer files must be built with the
Dojo version that is compatible with the Dojo version that your coach view uses.
IBM Business Process Manager has two modes: debug and non-debug. The
isDebug configuration setting in the administrative console determines which mode
is in effect. You can specify different layers for each mode.
The build layer definitions must be in a specific format at the start of the inline
JavaScript for the coach view. Process Designer uses this format to generate the
appropriate code in the HTML for the coaches that contain the coach view.

1. If you have custom code, transform it into a Dojo build layer. For information
about Dojo build layers and how to create them by using a transform, see The
Dojo Build System.
2. Prepare your custom JavaScript:
A. Package your Dojo build layer in a .zip file, such as
B. Upload that .zip file as a managed web file.
3. On the Behavior page of the coach view, add a specific comment block at the
beginning of the inline JavaScript. The comment block consists of two sets of tag
- @dojoConfigUpdateStart and @dojoConfigUpdateEnd contain normal
JavaScript code that updates the global dojoConfig variable before the system
loads the Dojo AMD loader.
- @layerRequiredStart and @layerRequiredEnd contain a JSON structure with
two optional properties (debug and non-debug). Each property is a JavaScript
array type that contains the full name of the layers for each mode. The full name
is the package name and the layer file name.
Tip: If you have multiple coach views that are adding the same layers, copy the
comment block into these coach views. If the layer content is the same, Process
Designer combines it so that the generated page contains only one copy of the
layer code.
The following example shows the comment block for adding Dojo build layers.
For your implementation, replace the name and location values in the Dojo
configuration section and replace the names in the layer section./* 1

if (dojoConfig.isDebug) {


name: 'com.mycompany.dashboards',

location: com_ibm_bpm_coach.getManagedAssetUrl('',
com_ibm_bpm_coach.assetType_WEB, 'SYSD') + "/com/mycompany/dashboards"

} else {
name: 'com.mycompany.dashboards',
location: com_ibm_bpm_coach.getManagedAssetUrl('',
com_ibm_bpm_coach.assetType_WEB, 'SYSD') + "/com/mycompany/dashboards"


* /

- 1 Using a comment prevents the comments contents from being run as actual
inline JavaScript of the coach view.
- 2 The start of the Dojo configuration section
- 3 The namespace for the package
- 4 The location of the managed file that contains the package
- 5 The start of the layer section
- 6 The name of the package and module within that package for the layer to use
in this mode. In this example, the non-debug mode loads two layers and the
debug mode loads one layer.
For more examples of how to add layers, see many of the coach views in the
Dashboards toolkit.
Parent topic:Defining coach view behavior


Adding custom AMD modules

You can use custom AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) modules in your coach

About this task

IBM Business Process Manager includes the Dojo 1.8.6 AMD loader. With this
loader, you can package custom AMD modules and then register a dependency on
those modules in your coach view. Registering a module involves assigning an alias
for the module because the coach view accesses the module by using its alias.

1. Prepare your AMD package:
A. Package your AMD modules in a .zip file such as
B. Upload that .zip file as a managed web file.
C. Create a JavaScript file to define the package map for your AMD modules. For
example, create the myPackageMap.js file and add the following package map
code for AMD modules that are called myModule and myOtherModule:require({
packages: [
{name: 'myModule', location: com_ibm_bpm_coach.getManagedAssetUrl('',
com_ibm_bpm_coach.assetType_WEB, 'PROJECT') + "/path/to/myModule"}
{name: 'myModule', location: com_ibm_bpm_coach.getManagedAssetUrl('',
com_ibm_bpm_coach.assetType_WEB, 'PROJECT') + "/path/to/myOtherModule" }

The PROJECT parameter contains the acronym or short name of the process
application or toolkit that contains the .zip file. If the module is in the current
process application, the PROJECT parameter is optional. If the module is in a
referenced toolkit, you must include the PROJECT parameter to ensure that
the coach view can use module in the context of the process application. If the
class for the AMD module is at the root of the managed web file, do not include
the /path/to/myModule parameter. The /path/to/myModule is the path in the
.zip file to the AMD module class.
D. On the Behavior page of your coach view, add the JavaScript file as an
included script.
2. Register each AMD module in your coach view:
A. On the Behaviorr page of the coach view, select AMD dependencies.
B. Click Add and then specify the following information:
- In the Module ID column, declare the dependency on the AMD module by
using a path like myPackage/path/to/myModule.
- In the Alias column, type the alias that you use in the code to refer to the
3. In your coach view code, use the alias to access the functions of the AMD
Parent topic:Defining coach view behavior


Related information:
Developing reusable coach views
Example: creating a Dojo button control


Accessing a child coach view

The control ID is the unique ID of the control within the parent view. You can use the
control ID to access a subview instance at run time.

About this task

At design time, each control in a coach is given a default control ID, which you can
change. This control ID is unique within the parent view. At run time, the parent view
is rendered as a <div></div> tag, which contains a nested <div></div> tag for
each child coach view. You can use the control ID to access an instance of the child
coach view at run time by identifying the <div></div> that contains the instance.
Important: The control ID of a view-based coach is different from the control ID of a
heritage coach. The control ID of a heritage coach is the div node ID. This is not the
case in view-based coaches because coach views are reusable and you can have
multiple views in a coach. In view-based coaches, the control ID is the value for the
data-viewid attribute of a <div></<div> tag. By using the data-viewid attribute,
view developers can locate the nested view because data-viewid is unique within
its parent or enclosing view.

To use a control ID in your code:
1. Determine the control ID:
A. Open the service that contains the coach that you want to work with, and then
click the Coaches tab.
B. In the design area, select the control that you want to access at run time.
C. In the properties area, select General. The control ID field contains the unique
ID for the control.
2. In the Behavior page of the coach view editor, add JavaScript code:
A. Get the control ID by using the this.context.getSubview(subViewId,
requiredOrder) method. The method returns an array of nested view
instance objects. If the result does not contain a set of repeatable objects,
specify the first index of the returned array list, for example
this.context.getSubview("myCheckbox")[0]. If you need the array in the
same order as your document order, set the second optional parameter to true.
By default, it is set to false.
- subViewID
- The id parameter of the <div></div> tag of the nested view instance
- requiredOrder
- A Boolean value. If set to true, the method returns the array of view
instance objects in the same order as the document tree. The default is
B. Enter your code to interact with the nested view instance as appropriate. See
the following example for details.



The following example has a coach view that uses a Check Box stock control. The
check box is a subview of a parent content box view. At run time, the html rendered
is shown in the following code snippet:<div id="div_2_1" class="ContentBox" data-view-managed=false>
<div id="div_2_1_1" class="Checkbox CoachView" datatype="" data-binding="" data-config="config2"
data-viewid="myCheckbox" data-eventId="" >

The following code checks to ensure that the check box is selected (set to true). If
not, the user is prompted to check the check box before proceeding.if
(this.context.getSubview("myCheckbox")[0].context.binding.get("value") == true) {
return true;
alert( "Check the checkbox");
return false;

Parent topic:Defining coach view behavior

Related information:
Generating a unique ID for a coach view


Configuring the design-time appearance of coach

You can configure your coach views to enhance the design-time experience for
other interface developers who are reusing your coach views. By including palette
and preview images, or for more advanced configurations, custom HTML and
JavaScript, you can customize the appearance of your views to help interface
developers visualize how the coach view will appear at run time.
Parent topic:Defining coach view behavior

Basic preview options

About this task
Configure the design-time appearance of your coach view on the Overview page in
the coach view editor.

- Specify an image file to use as a palette icon for your coach view.
- If the coach view has a UI that is a result of HTML or JavaScript code and not
other coach views, specify a layout image to display on the canvas at design time.
- If you want to bind the coach view to a managed asset at design time, select Use
URL binding. For example, the image controls use this setting so that they display
the image that they are bound to in the Process Designer canvas.
- If your coach view supports a label, then you can set the position of the label on
the canvas by specifying the Preview Label Position. Typically, you use the
center label position for UI elements like buttons.
1. If you specified a layout image and you set the preview label position to Center,
the layout image stretches to fit the label text. By default, the entire image is
stretched. However, if you are using the Process Designer desktop editor, you
can specify the parts of the image that you want to stretch in the pixel
coordinates fields. If you enter values into these fields, the image stretches only
between x1 and x2 and y1 and y2.
2. If you are using the Process Designer web editor and you have specified an
HTML snippet file or the Helper JS file (or both), any code in these files that
position the label overrides the value specified for Preview Label Position.

Advanced options for configuring design-time appearance

of coach views
The Process Designer web editor offers more advanced options for configuring the
design-time appearance of your coach views. Using HTML and JavaScript code,
your coach views can have a design-time appearance that more closely resembles
the view's runtime appearance, giving interface developers a more accurate idea of
how their coach views will look to application users. In some cases, the exact same
code that is used for the runtime coach view can be leveraged in the coach canvas.


- The simplest way to provide a design-time appearance for coach views that
accurately reflect the run time appearance is via an HTML snippet. The HTML
snippet is uploaded as a managed asset, then selected in the advanced preview
section in the coach view editor. This file should be an HTML file with a snippet
that represents the view.
1. Create an HTML snippet. This file should be an HTML file with a snippet that
represents the view. For example: <div>
<button class="DesignLabel"></button>

The HTML snippet has some features to enable content boxes and labels to be
placed appropriately.
- Class: DesignLabel
- This class is placed on the HTML element that represents the label, if the
coach view supports a label. The editor places the label string at the inner
HTML content of this element. A snippet can have multiple labels, and the
label is applied and updated to all elements.
- Class: DesignContentBox
- This class is used to indicate where a declared content box should be
located in the preview. If this class is used, then the element must also
have the data-designContentBoxID attribute defined. This attribute should
be set to the control ID of the declared content box. If multiple content
boxes are declared, each can be uniquely placed in the HTML preview. If a
content box is declared in the layout of the coach view, but there is not a div
in the HTML template with the DesignContentBox class and matching
data-designContentBoxID, then the editor will place the content box
instance at the end of the view's rendering.
Note: The Design* class names are reserved by the editor. Snippets should not
use classes matching this pattern. Similarly, the data-design* attribute names
should be avoided.
The following is an example HTML snippet: <div>
<h2 class="DesignLabel"></h2>
<div class="DesignContentBox" data-designContentBoxID="ContentBox1">

2. Add external files to your process application or toolkit, as described in Adding

managed files.
3. In the Advanced Preview section of the coach view Overview tab, select the file
containing the HTML snippet.
- If an HTML snippet alone cannot provide the design-time preview experience that
you want, you can also specify a managed file containing a JavaScript handler. A
JavaScript handler allows for manipulation of the design time DOM in reaction to
model changes. The JavaScript handler can work in conjunction with an HTML
snippet or it can handle the entire preview itself.
The JavaScript handler consists of a JavaScript file with a mixObject defined. The
mixObject can implement one or more functions which the editor calls during the
editor lifecycle. You can also define additional functions, but the names must be

prefixed with coachViewImpl, for example, coachViewImpl_calcValue(). If you

want to store additional information on this, then it should be placed in the
this.context.coachViewData object. Both the function naming convention and
instance variable storage location are used to prevent conflicts in future versions of
the product.
The following is an example of a simple JavaScript handler that provides a
preview label and image for a button control.var mixObject = {
createPreview:function(containingDiv, labelText, callback){
require([ "dojo/dom-construct"], this.lang.hitch(this, function(domConstruct){
var buttonDiv = domConstruct.create("div");, containingDiv);
var button = domConstruct.create("button");, buttonDiv);
this.context.coachViewData.labelTextDom = document.createTextNode(labelText);
propertyChanged:function(propertyName, propertyValue){
if(propertyName=="@label" && this.context.coachViewData.labelTextDom){ = propertyValue;

For more information about the design-time preview APIs, see Event handlers for
coach view design-time preview.


Adding variables to coach views

You can define the data used by the coach view and the ways in which users can
configure it.

Define the variables that the coach view uses to store its association with business
data and how users can configure the coach view in its Variables page.
- To associate the coach view with data, add data such as a business object. A
coach view can have only one associated data object. A data association is not
mandatory. The coach views that this coach view contains can bind to the
associated data object or one of its parameters if it is a business object.
Restriction: To avoid errors with binding a map to an instance of the coach view,
use a list (array) of NameValuePair instead of a business data variable with the
map type. This ensures that the variable and its properties are all typed, and can
be understood by the server.
- To provide users with ways to customize coach view instances, add configuration
options. Coaches and coach views that contain your coach view display these
options as configuration properties when users select your coach view in the
layout. The users can then configure the instance by using the options that you
provided. For example, the Button stock control has the allowMultipleClicks
configuration option. If you put a Button instance into a coach view, you can see
Allow multiple clicks when you view its properties.
For service types, you must specify a default service to identify the signature of the
- To provide translations for the text of your coach view, add resource bundles by
adding localization resources. For information, see Localizing user interfaces.
Parent topic:Developing reusable coach views
Related information:
Defining coach view behavior
Providing information about coach views
Defining the contents of coach views


Defining the contents of coach views

You can define what a coach view displays to users at runtime.

Add coach views and other palette and library items to the coach view in its Layout
1. Set the type of device you are creating the layout for. For information, see
Responsive settings for coach views.
2. On the layout, drop items from the palette or from the library. These items can
include stock controls, variables, and other coach views. Use horizontal sections
and vertical sections to arrange the items.Tip: You can nest the sections. For
example, to create a two-column arrangement, drop two vertical sections in a
horizontal section. For information about dropping variables and the data binding
that occurs, see Data binding for coach views. For examples of how you can
create your own controls as coach views, see Example: creating a Dojo button
control and Example: creating a jQuery button control.
When you drop a coach view onto the layout, Process Designer automatically
selects it and shows its properties.
Remember: Consider the effect of the various browsers when you are defining
the layout and what you must do to handle their differences. For example, the
Safari browser does not have scroll bars. Without scroll bars, it might not be
obvious when, for example, table cells contain more content than their frame can
3. For each item that you dropped onto the layout page, define its properties. Each
item that you drop on the layout is a separate instance and changing its
properties does not affect the properties of other instances. For example, you
drop two instances of a Button stock control. Changing the name of one does not
affect the other. However, if you double-click a coach view instance in the layout,
the coach view opens in the editor. If you then edit the coach view, you are
changing the definition of the coach view. These changes affect all existing and
future instances of that coach view.
A. Define the general properties of the coach view instance, including setting the
following properties:
- Change its label to more appropriate text.
- Bind it to data such as a business object or one of its parameters by selecting
the data from the list. The list contains the variables that you defined in the
Variables page that have the same type as the type of the data binding that is
defined for the coach view. If the type of your selection and the type of coach
view data binding do not match, you see a warning.
- Change the view definition that it uses. If you choose to select an existing
view definition, the list contains the view definitions with a data type that
matches the type that is defined for the data binding.
For information about these properties, see Coach view general properties.
B. Configure the coach view instance by specifying or setting a value for each
option or by assigning a variable if that choice is available.To set a
configuration property to a variable, click . Click Select and then select the


variable from the list. The list contains the variables with a data type that
matches the type that is defined for the configuration option. Important: The
designer handles strings that are directly set in a configuration property
differently from strings that are set through a variable. If you are setting the
string by entering it directly into a configuration property, do not surround the
string with quotation marks. If you are setting the string through a variable,
surround the string with quotation marks and use escape characters where
necessary. For example, you have a Text stock control that you want to
contain only five numbers. The Text stock control has the Validation field. In
this field, you enter, as a string, the regular expression to use to evaluate the
contents of the Text stock control. If you enter the validation string, type \d{5}
. If you assign the validation to a variable, the variable is a string with a value
of "\\d{5}".
As an alternative, you can expose certain configuration properties to the coach
views or coaches that contain your coach view. For example, in your coach
view, you add a check box as a set of radio buttons and expose its True Label
and False Label configuration properties. Coaches or coach views that contain
your coach view can then set these labels to something appropriate for that
coach or coach view. Exposing the configuration property automatically
creates a configuration option as a variable in the current view. The
configuration option has data binding that matches what is defined in the
selected coach view. To expose a configuration property, click its button.
C. Set the height and width of the coach view instance and set how much padding
you want around it by setting its style properties. For information, see
Positioning options for coach view instances
D. Set how the parent coach or coach view displays the coach view instance. For
information, see Setting the visibility of coach views. For information about the
visibility values, see Coach view general properties.
E. Optional: To override existing styles on the instance, add HTML attributes and
classes to it. For information and an example of adding a class to change the
position of a text box label, see Coach view general properties.
- Adding bidirectional language support
IBM Business Process Manager can support languages that are written from
right to left and languages that are written from left to right.
- Setting the visibility of coach views
To allow or prevent users from seeing or editing a coach view, set its visibility
Parent topic:Developing reusable coach views
Related information:
Adding variables to coach views
Providing information about coach views
Defining coach view behavior


Adding bidirectional language support

IBM Business Process Manager can support languages that are written from right
to left and languages that are written from left to right.

About this task

By default, IBM Business Process Manager uses left to right as its text direction.
However, you can reverse this direction for any coach view by using its Base Text
Direction general property. For example, by using this property, you can have a
coach with fields with English text that is going from left to right and fields with
Arabic text that is going from right to left.
The Base Text Direction property is not available until you enable it as a preference
of Process Designer.

1. Using the steps that are contained in Setting preferences, click the Capabilities >
IBM BPM Advanced Features > Base Text Direction option.
2. In the General properties of a coach view, set the Base Text Direction property to
one of the following values:

Left to Right
Right to Left

Inherit the text direction that is set in the
user's profile.
Display the text according to the first
strong directional character in the string.
For example, if the first strong
directional character is from a right to
left language, display the text from right
to left. This applies to all text elements
that a Coach View displays. For
example, a Text stock control has an
Arabic label but its contents are English.
In this case, the text in the label is right
to left while the text in the field is left to
Display the text from left to right no
matter what characters are in the text.
Display the text from right to left no
matter what characters are in the text.

3. Optional: To provide customized styling for bidirectional languages, use the

CoachViewRTL class in your CSS rules. When the coach is generated for a bidi
language, it contains a tag like the following example:<body dir="rtl" class="CoachViewRTL">
4. Optional: To support UI mirroring that is opposite to the default directional setting
of the current locale, add an attribute to its HTML attribute properties. Set the
name of the attribute to dir and the value to ltr or rtl. Any coach views
contained by this coach view inherit this attribute.


What to do next
Implementing mirroring and bidirectional text for a coach or composite coach view is
an iterative activity. You might have to repeat steps 2 to 4 each of the children coach
views until you achieve the look that you want.
Parent topic:Defining the contents of coach views


Setting the visibility of coach views

To allow or prevent users from seeing or editing a coach view, set its visibility

About this task

By default, coach views are visible and editable. However, you can change the
following options on the Visibility page of the coach view.
- Editable
- Required
- Read only
- Hidden
- None
Additionally, you can set the coach view to inherit its visibility from the coach or
coach view that contains it. You do this by setting the visibility of the your coach
view to Same as parent. For example, your coach view is within a coach view that
has Read only visibility. If your coach view is set to Same as parent visibility, your
coach view inherits the Read only value. Same as parent is the default value. For
information about these options and visibility in general, see Coach view visibility
The contents of the Visibility page differs depending on whether the coach view is
within a coach or a coach view.
Within a coach

Within a coach view


For a coach view that is in the layout of a For a coach view that is in the layout of a
coach, you can set the visibility of the
coach view, you can set the visibility of
coach view according to a value, rule, or the coach view according only to a value.

In the procedure, only the first option

Generally, setting the visibility by value is applies.
the simplest but least flexible option while
setting the visibility by script is the most
complex but most flexible option.
You can also change the visibility
according to the screen size if you chose
to set visibility by value. For example,
you might want to have a coach view
visible in a large screen but hide it for a
medium or small screen. To do this, you
would set the visibility to Editable when
you are editing the large screen layout.
You then switch to the medium screen
layout and change the visibility to Hidden
or None. If you do not specify a value for
the small screen layout, it inherits the
visibility value from the medium screen
layout. For information, see Responsive
settings for coach views. Restriction:
You cannot have different rules or scripts
for each screen size setting.

In the Visibility properties of a coach view, set its visibility in one of the following



By value

Select Value and then either

select a value from the list or
click , and then select the
variable that determines the
visibility of the coach view. You
can optionally set a different
value for different screen size
settings by selecting the screen
size setting first, then selecting
the visibility value for that screen
size setting. Note: If you set the
visibility of a view to Hidden or
None, it does not display on the
canvas. If you want to set the
properties of a hidden view, first
select the view in the Invisible
Items section of the palette, then
configure the view properties.


By rule

Select Rule and then create a

visibility rule set. A visibility rule
set has one or more rules and a
default value for when no rule
applies. The rules have an OR
relationship. Place the rules in
the order of their applicability
because the coach view uses
the visibility value of the first rule
that applies.Determine whether
the first rule in the rule set is
based on a variable value or on
a team membership and select
Variable or Team
accordingly.Set the default value
for the rule set by selecting a
value in the Otherwise
field.Create the first rule in the
rule set. For a variable, the
format of the rule is
To create a visibility rule that is
based on a variable value,
complete the following steps:For
visibility, set the value for the
visibility in the Set to field.For
variable, click Select and then
select the variable that is defined
in the human service that
determines when the visibility
value applies.For condition,
select the type of comparison
that is used on the variable
value.For value, enter the
variable value that triggers the
application of the visibility value.
For a team, the format of the rule
is visibilitymembershipteam. To
create a visibility rule that is
based on team membership,
complete the following steps:For
visibility, set the value for the
visibility in the Set to field.For
membership, select the
membership type of the user in
the team.For team, select the
team that the user belongs to.
To add more variable values or
team memberships to a rule,
click . Subsequent clicks add a
variable value or team
membership for each click. If
there are multiple variables or
team memberships in a rule,

By script

each of them has an AND

relationship with the other. That
is, all of them must be true for
the rule to apply.
Create more rules as needed.
Select Script and then create a
visibility script:Click
Select.Select one or more local
variables that trigger the script to
run. Type JavaScript code into
the field. The following
parameters are available for
your code:
In your JavaScript, each return
value must be a string with one
of the following values:

When a user changes the value

in one of these watched
variables, the resulting change
event causes the script to run.
For example, you might want the
user interface to display a coach
view when the user selects tea
from the MyDrink brand. Users
from the sales team can edit the
coach view. The service has
Drink and Brand variables. You
select these variables and then
add the following code into the
if(local.get("brand") == "MyDrink" &&
local.get("drink") == "Tea") {
if("SalesTeam") != 1) { return "EDITABLE"; } else { return "READONLY";
} } else { return "NONE"; }

Parent topic:Defining the contents of coach views

Related information:
The coach view context object
Building coaches
Developing reusable coach views


Calling Ajax services from coach views

You can invoke Ajax services from within coach views. The Coach framework calls
Ajax services using the BPM REST API in taskless mode.

Before you begin

Before you begin, the Ajax service should already be built.

About this task

To call an Ajax service in a coach view, you must specify configuration options of
type Service in the coach view variable declarations and select an Ajax service as a
default service to be used. The default service is the application programming
interface (API) for which custom services must match. (The names and types of
both inputs and outputs must match.)
You can implement the Ajax service using either a simple JavaScript call syntax or a

1. Open a coach view and then specify a Service type configuration option in the
variable declarations.
A. In the Variables tab, click the plus sign next to Configuration Options. The
Data section opens.
B. Select the Service type option, select the default service, and then provide a
name to represent this configuration option service.Note: The default service
can optionally be overridden with a compatible service by users of this coach
2. Implement the Ajax service. An Ajax service can be invoked by a simple
JavaScript call syntax or by a REST API.In the Behavior tab under Event
Handlers, select a method (load, unload, view, change, or collaboration) and
then provide code for calling the Ajax service. Use the following guidelines for
your event handler code.
- Invoking the service using a JavaScript call syntax:
- Use: this.context.options.<service_option_name>(args)Table 1.
Optional properties for args JavaScript object

(String or Object) A JSON string that
represents the input to the service. If
an object is provided, it will be
serialized into JSON format using
JSON.stringify(). As such, the
object must be JSON serializable.
(function) A callback function when
the service call returns successfully.
The callback function has a single
parameter containing the output(s) of
the service call.




(function) A callback function when

the service call results in error. The
callback function has a single
parameter containing the error

Note: The service is invoked only using JSON input and output.
- Invoking the service using a REST API:
- Use: this.context.options.<service_option_name>.url (This contains the
URL of the Ajax service.)
- Serialize your input data in JSON format and add it to the URL using params
as the parameter name.
- Invoke the URL using an XHR call and specify the following properties
appropriately: handleAs, headers, sync, load, error properties.
Restriction: If the Ajax service uses an error end event with error code and
error data, the content of the modeled error in the Ajax service is not available in
either the JavaScript error property or in the REST API error property. The error
message returned contains the error code but no error data.

The following example is JavaScript code for a load event handler:var

_this = this;

var input = {text: this.context.options.service_option_name.get("value")};

var serviceArgs = {
params: JSON.stringify(input),
load: function(data) {
console.log("service returned: ", data);
// now dynamically create the img tag
require(["dojo/_base/url"], function(url) {
var relPath = new url(data.path).path;
domConstruct.create("img", {src:relPath, style:"margin:5px 0px"}, _this.context.element, "first");
error: function(e) {console.log("service call failed: ", e);}

Tip: If the Ajax service output is a complex-type business object, the data object that
you get from the response contains a property holding the metadata of your object,
for example: {"status":"200","data":{"serviceStatus":"end","key":"@54","step":"End","data":

If you directly set the response object to your binding like the following example, the
@metadata object is added in your structure:


When you trigger the boundary event to the server, the server throws an exception
because it does not expect the boundary event to have the @metadata object. To
avoid an exception, remove the @metadata object from the response before you set
it to the binding, for example:delete data.bookPlacedPosition['@metadata'];

Parent topic:Developing reusable coach views

Related information:
Example: wiring coaches in a heritage human service
Stock controls


Generating URLs of managed assets

Managed assets are images, style sheets, AMD modules or other assets that are
part of a coach view, but are developed outside of Process Designer. To access
these assets from a coach, you might need use a global JavaScript function to
generate the URL of the asset. For example, to generate a URL for an AMD module
which is contained in a zip file.

About this task

The com_ibm_bpm_coach.getManagedAssetUrl global JavaScript function
composes the URL to the managed assets without checking whether the asset exist
or not.

1. Use the following syntax:
- syntax
- com_ibm_bpm_coach.getManagedAssetUrl = function(assetName,
assetType, projectShortName, returnWithoutAssetName)

- returns
- the URL of the managed asset. If assetType is not one of the three allowed
(see the following table), the function returns null.
2. Use the following parameters:
assetName (String)

assetType (String)

The file name of the managed
asset.Note: You can use the '!'
notation to reference a file
inside an archive. For example,
if you are pointing to an image
file in a .zip file, use the
following format for the URL:!path/file.extension.
The type of the managed asset.
Must be one of the following:
e_WEB: web managed asset
(css, png, ..)
e_SERVER: server managed
asset (for example zip, jar)
e_DESIGN: design managed
asset (xsl)


projectShortName (String)



The short name of the project

where the managed asset is
requested. If this is not
provided, the current project is
assumed. If the module is in a
referenced toolkit, you must
include the PROJECT
parameter to ensure that the
Coach View can use module in
the context of the process
Optional. Indicates whether the
return url should include the
asset name. If this parameter is
not provided, the default is
false, and the asset name is
included in the url path.

Parent topic:Developing reusable coach views


Generating a unique ID for a coach view

In some situations you might want to use the ID attribute for your DOM elements
within a coach view. However, all DOM IDs must be globally unique. For example,
during collaboration the default highlighting behavior is implemented based on a
unique DOM ID. To ensure a unique ID, you can use the $$viewDOMID$$
placeholder keyword. At run time, this keyword will be replaced by the coach view

About this task

Because coach views are reusable, multiple instances of the same coach views
could be used in a single coach. As a result, unique DOM IDs are generated for all
coach views automatically. By using $$viewDOMID$$ in your coach view
implementation, you can ensure that all of your DOM elements have DOM IDs that
are globally unique. For example, you might want to highlight an element such as a
button at run time. You can create your element using custom HTML, and assign the
DOM ID attribute by prefixing with $$viewDOMID$$. When the view is rendered, the
$$viewDOMID$$ attribute will be replaced by a unique ID (the DOM ID of your coach
view) for the element.

To generate a unique ID:
- Open the coach view
- Switch to the Layout page
- Create a custom HTML control.
- Enter custom HTML code, and use $$viewDOMID$$ in the id attribute: <div
<span id="$$viewDOMID$$_myId2"></span>
<input id="$$viewDOMID$$_myId3" type="button" class="Jquerybutton" name="jbtnName" value="default"></input>

Tip: To avoid potential conflicts, use a meaningful suffix after $$viewDOMID$$, for
example $$viewDOMID$$_buttonDiv.

Parent topic:Developing reusable coach views

Related information:
Accessing a child coach view by using a control ID


Tips for debugging coach view lifecycle method

inside client-side human services
To debug your coach views inside a client-side human service, you need to use the
debugging features of your browser along with the debugging features of the
Inspector view in IBM Process Designer.
1. Open the client-side human service that contains the coach that uses the coach
views you want to debug.
2. Click Debug
in the upper-right corner. The Inspector opens, pausing on the
first step of the client-side human service after the Start event.
3. When the client-side human service playback window launches, follow the
browser-specific tips to add breakpoints and debug the lifecycle method for your
coach views.

Internet Explorer 11
1. Open the Developer tools from the tool bar or by pressing F12 and go to the
Debugger tool.
2. In the Inspector, click Step Over to move to the coach that you want to test,
then click Step Into begin debugging the coach.
3. The Internet Explorer Debugger tool stops at a debugger statement at the
beginning of the coach initialization. You can see the generated page for the
4. Locate the coach view lifecycle method code and set breakpoints as required.
5. Continue normal JavaScript debugging in the Internet Explorer Debugger tool.

Internet Explorer 9 and 10

1. Open the Developer tools from the tool bar or by pressing F12 and go to the
Script tool.
2. Click Start debugging. Note: Internet Explorer will refresh the window which
might generate an error in the client-side human service that reads
"SCRIPT5022:This deferred has already been resolved." You can ignore this
error. To resume debugging, click
again in the Inspector.
3. In the Inspector, click Step Over to move to the coach that you want to test,
then click Step Into begin debugging the coach.
4. The Internet Explorer Debugger tool stops at a debugger statement at the
beginning of the coach initialization. You can see the generated page for the
5. Locate the coach view lifecycle method code and set breakpoints as required.
6. Continue normal JavaScript debugging in the Internet Explorer Debugger tool.

Google Chrome
1. Open the Google Chrome Developer tools.
2. In the Inspector, click Step Over to move to the coach that you want to test,
then click Step Into begin debugging the coach.

3. The Google Chrome Debugger tool stops at a debugger statement at the

beginning of the coach initialization. You can see the generated page for the
coach. Note: You might encounter an issue where Chrome Debugger does not
display the generated page for the first coach in a client-side human service. If
this occurs, click Resume script execution in the Sources tab, wait until the
coach is loaded, then close and re-open the browser debugger. Next, click
again in the Inspector to restart the debugging process. This causes the Chrome
debugger to refresh and properly display the generated page for the first coach.
4. Locate the coach view lifecycle method code and set breakpoints as required.
5. Continue normal JavaScript debugging in the Chrome Debugger tool.

Mozilla Firefox
1. Open the Firefox Debugger.
2. In the Inspector, click Step Over to move to the coach that you want to test,
then click Step Into begin debugging the coach.
3. The Firefox Debugger tool stops at a debugger statement at the beginning of the
coach initialization. You can see the generated page for the coach. Note: You
might encounter an issue where Firefox Debugger does not display the generated
page for your coach. If this occurs, click Click to resume in the Firefox Debugger
tab, then right-click on the playback window and select This Frame > Reload
Frame to reload the coach iFrame.
4. Locate the coach view lifecycle method code and set breakpoints as required.
5. Continue normal JavaScript debugging in the Firefox Debugger tool.

Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes

Related information:
Tips for debugging coach views in Process Portal


Tips for debugging coach views in Process Portal

You can debug the lifecycle method for your coach views in IBM Process Portal.

Before you begin

Before you start debugging your coach views, you must enable JavaScript
debugging in IBM Process Portal. See Enabling tracing for Coaches. You should
also ensure that the client-side human service containing the coach views that you
want to test is either exposed as a startable service or is contained in a BPD which
is exposed to start in the Process Portal.
Use the coach view debugging tips that correspond to your chosen browser.

Internet Explorer 11
1. Login to Process Portal.
2. Open the Developer tools from the tool bar or by pressing F12 and go to the
Debugger tool.
3. In Process Portal, launch the client-side human service or BPD that contains the
coach view that you want to test.
4. The Internet Explorer Debugger tool stops at a debugger statement at the
beginning of the coach initialization. You can see the generated page for the
5. Locate the coach view lifecycle method code and set breakpoints as required.
6. Continue normal JavaScript debugging in the Internet Explorer Debugger tool.

Internet Explorer 9 and 10

1. Login to Process Portal.
2. Open the Developer tools from the tool bar or by pressing F12 and go to the
Script tool.
3. Click Start debugging.
4. In Process Portal, launch the client-side human service or BPD that contains the
coach view that you want to test.
5. The Internet Explorer Debugger tool stops at a debugger statement at the
beginning of the coach initialization. You can see the generated page for the
6. Locate the coach view lifecycle method code and set breakpoints as required.
7. Continue normal JavaScript debugging in the Internet Explorer Debugger tool.

Google Chrome
1. Login to Process Portal.
2. Open the Google Chrome Developer tools.
3. In Process Portal, launch the client-side human service or BPD that contains the
coach view that you want to test.
4. The Google Chrome Debugger tool stops at a debugger statement at the
beginning of the coach initialization. You can see the generated page for the
coach. Note: You might encounter an issue where Chrome Debugger does not
display the generated page for the first coach in a client-side human service. If


this occurs, click Resume script execution in the Chrome debugger Sources
tab, wait until the coach is loaded, and then close and re-open the browser
debugger. Next, re-launch the client-side human service or the task in the BPD
from Process Portal. This causes the Chrome debugger to refresh and properly
display the generated page for the first coach.
5. Locate the coach view lifecycle method code and set breakpoints as required.
6. Continue normal JavaScript debugging in the Chrome Debugger tool.

Mozilla Firefox
1. Login to Process Portal.
2. Open the Firefox Debugger.
3. In Process Portal, launch the client-side human service or BPD that contains the
coach view that you want to test.
4. The Firefox Debugger tool stops at a debugger statement at the beginning of the
coach initialization. You can see the generated page for the coach. Note: You
might encounter an issue where Firefox Debugger does not display the generated
page for your coach. If this occurs, click Click to resume in the Debugger tab,
then right-click on the coach and select This Frame > Reload Frame to reload
the coach iFrame.
5. Locate the coach view lifecycle method code and set breakpoints as required.
6. Continue normal JavaScript debugging in the Firefox Debugger tool.

Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes

Related information:
Tips for debugging coach view lifecycle method inside Human Services


Enabling JavaScript debugging for coaches

For debugging purposes, you can set your coaches and coach views to use the
readable versions of Dojo and the Coach framework JavaScript.

Before you begin

JavaScript debugging must be configured on the application server instance where
IBM Business Process Manager is installed.

About this task

IBM Business Process Manager normally uses the compressed version of Dojo and
the Coach framework files. However, the files in these versions are not readable.
When you set IBM Business Process Manager to use the readable Dojo and the
Coach framework JavaScript, it uses the uncompressed version of these files.

1. Open the administrative console and click Resources > Resource Environment
> Resource Environment Provider
2. On the Resource environment providers page, click Mashups_ConfigService.
3. Under Additional Properties, click Custom properties. The list of custom
properties opens.
4. Click isDebug, change the Value field to true, and then click OK.
5. Save your changes to the master configuration.
6. Restart the application server instance.

You can see the uncompressed and readable Dojo and Coach framework
JavaScript in your browser debugger.
Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes
Related information:
Building coaches
Developing reusable coach views


Coach and coach view troubleshooting

The following sections list issues that you might encounter and information about
possible solutions.
For more help troubleshooting coaches, see Enabling tracing for Coaches.

viewScope.context is null message

This message can occur when registered event listeners are not unregistered. For
example, you have a coach view, and you register event listeners for your coach
view in its load event handler. The unload event handler releases the resources
used by the coach view. If you do not unregister the event listeners, they might try to
access these resources, which causes the viewScope.context is null message.

Coach views that are bound to re-initialized complex objects

might contain old data
Coach views that are bound to complex objects might not refresh data when the
runtime flow returns to a coach that contains these coach views. An example of a
complex object is a business object.
To make your coach view aware of changes to a complex object, use one of the
following techniques:
- Create a callback to capture changes to the complex object:
1. In the load event handler of the coach view, add the following code:
this.context.binding.get("value").bindAll(this.myChange, this);
2. Define the myChange event handler in the coach view JavaScript. Add the logic

to handle properties changes.

3. In the change event handler, call bindAll() to rebind to the properties. This
step is necessary because the previous binding subscriptions are lost when the
complex object is replaced.
- Create a flag to indicate that the complex object has changed:
1. Add a variable of a simple type such as Boolean or String to the human service.
2. Bind the variable as a configuration option to the coach view.
3. Add server-side scripting that updates the variable when the complex object
changes. The change in the configuration option variable invokes the change
event handler for the coach view.
4. Add code to handle the changes in the complex object.

Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes


Responsive settings for coach views

At run time, users can interact with your application interfaces by using a range of
devices, each of which have their own characteristics, such as screen size and
standard user-interface conventions.
You can build interfaces that are responsive to the user's runtime environment by
specifying the responsive coach view settings. You can configure these settings
separately for different screen sizes so that you can design one interface that
changes in appearance and behavior based on the user's screen size.
Prerequisite: Responsive options are available only when you are authoring in the
Process Designer web editor.
Screen size is set in the upper-right corner of the coach or coach view canvas. The
three screen size options are large, medium, and small. As you change the screen
size, the available canvas area changes to reflect the screen size in the runtime
environment. Table 1. Screen size settings
Screen size setting
Large (default)


640 pixels or less
641 - 1024 pixels
More than 1024

When you build your coach or coach view, you can configure the responsive
settings for all the coach view instances in your coach or coach view by using one
screen size. You can then configure the same settings using different values for
another screen size. At run time, the pixel count of the viewport width determines
which screen-size setting the device browser uses to display the coach and the
coach views that it contains. Typically, the device browser uses the same screensize setting regardless of the device orientation. If a device has an unusual size,
however, the browser could have one screen size for the portrait orientation and a
different screen size for the landscape orientation, depending on the widths of the
two orientations.
Note that the viewport pixel counts for a web browser on a device do not
necessarily match the advertised pixel counts of the device screen. The web
browser viewport is often smaller. Websites such as are
useful for determining the viewport size for a particular device.
The large screen size is the default. If you do not provide different values for a
responsive setting that is available for a coach view instance, all three screen sizes
use the same value for the setting and the coach view instance appears the same in
all user environments. For example, if you set values for the coach view instance
margins for the large screen size, and do not provide values for the medium or small
screen sizes, then the large screen values apply in all user environments.
If you set the responsive settings for a coach view instance for the medium screen
size, but do not provide values for the small screen size, the medium screen size
values apply in small screen size environments.

Responsive settings for coach view instances

You can configure the following types of properties for different screen sizes:
positioning properties, configuration options, and visibility properties.
Positioning properties enable you to configure the placement and spacing of a
coach view instance. You can set positioning properties for each screen size, for
example, so that coach content can be spaced more closely together when the
interface is displayed on smaller devices. For information about how to set
responsive positioning properties, see Positioning options for coach view instances.
Configuration options, when they are marked as responsive, can change the
presentation or even the contents of a coach view instance, depending on the
device. You can also add responsive configuration options to your own coach views.
For example, you might create a coach view with a configuration option that
determines whether selection controls on an instance of that coach view are
rendered as check boxes, radio buttons, or slider controls. If this configuration option
is marked as responsive, it can have three different settings corresponding to three
different screen size settings. For information about how to set configuration
properties as responsive, see Configuration properties and configuration options.
Visibility properties, which determine whether a view is hidden, visible, editable, and
so on, can also be set relative to a particular device size. For example, to pare down
the user interface in the smallest screen-size environments, you might hide a more
detailed coach view instance in small screen size environments and show a
simplified version instead. For information about how to set responsive visibility
properties, see Coach view visibility properties.

Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes

Related information:
Defining the contents of coach views
Configuration properties and configuration options


Coach and coach view examples

This documentation includes a number of examples that demonstrate how to create
and code the various parts of coaches and coach views.
For more examples and for sample code, see the Sample Exchange.
- Example: creating a template
This example shows how to create a coach view that contains a simple header
and footer. It then shows how to make the coach view available as a template.
- Example: wiring coaches in a human service
This example shows how you can wire a coach for a food service company to look
up suppliers.
- Example: creating a tabbed coach
This example shows how to create a coach that contains three tabbed pages.
- Example: creating a Select control using custom HTML
This example shows how you can use scripts to bind selected values in a Custom
HTML control to the business data of a coach view.
- Example: creating a Dojo button control
This example shows how you can use the Dojo library to implement a coach view.
- Example: creating a jQuery button control
This example shows how you can use an external third party library, such as
jQuery, when creating a coach view.
- Example: validating a coach in a client-side human service
This example shows you how to validate the data in a coach within a client-side
human service using client-side validation.
- Example: validating a coach in a heritage human service
This example shows you how to validate the data in a coach within a heritage
human service.
- Example: creating a coach that calls an Ajax service
You can quickly build coaches that call Ajax services and display data from those
services. Since Ajax services are a common form of service, understanding how to
build coaches that call them and use their data can be useful to anyone building a
heritage human service or a business process.
- Example: creating a coach for tablets and smartphones
This example shows how to create a coach that changes how it displays its
contents according whether users see it in a desktop browser, on a tablet, or on a
- Example: showing the label of a complex coach view
This example shows how to show the label of a complex coach view in the coach
or coach view that contains it.
Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes


Example: creating a template

This example shows how to create a coach view that contains a simple header and
footer. It then shows how to make the coach view available as a template.
This example creates a coach view called My Template. My Template has three
areas: a header that contains standard text, a content area, and a footer that
contains some more standard text. To separate the areas, My Template uses <div>

1. Upload the image for the header background:

A. Click the Add icon for Files and then select Web File.
B. Add the image file as a web file. For the example, use this image file:

2. Create the My Template coach view:

A. Click the Add icon for User Interface and then select Coach View.
B. Create the My Template coach view.
3. Define the layout of the My Template coach view:
A. In the Layout page of the coach view, drop a custom HTML item onto the
layout canvas.
B. In the properties of the custom HTML item, add the following HTML code as
text that goes in the header: <div id="header">
<h1 id="header_text">My Company</h1>
<div id="content">

This code defines the text that goes in the header division and opens the main
content division.
C. Drop a content box below the custom HTML item for the content area. The
content box is a placeholder for content that is defined by coach views and
coaches that users create based on the My Template coach view. In this case,
content placed in the content box fits between the header and footer in the My
Template coach view.

D. In the Layout page of the coach view, drop a custom HTML item onto the
layout canvas below the content box.
E. In the properties of the second custom HTML item, add the following HTML
code as text that goes in the footer.</div>
<div id="footer">
<h2 id="footer_text"> My Company</h2>

This code closes the content division and defines the text that goes in the
footer division.
The layout of the My Template coach view looks like the following screen

4. In the Behavior page, define the look of the My Template coach view by adding
the following code as inline CSS:#header {
text-align: center;
padding: 10px 0 10px 0;
height: 60px;
background-image: url('banner.gif');
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 100% 100%;

#header_text {

#footer {
padding: 5px 25px 5px 5px;
text-align: right;
background: #EAD6D1;

#footer_text {

#content {
background: #F8F8F8;


padding: 20px;

If the image has been packaged in a .zip file, use the following format for the
Tip: You can also put the CSS code in a .css file and then use Included Scripts
to refer to the file. If you use this approach, put your .css file and any images it
refers to in a .zip file. Then add the .zip file as a web file. Putting all of the files
in the .zip file means that the system can find the referenced image files.
5. To make the My Template coach view into a template, in the Overview page
select Use as a Template.
6. To represent the My Template coach view on the palette and in the New Coach
View wizard, add a palette icon. Tip: Take a screen capture of the My Template
coach view in a browser, save it as a .png file, and use that file as the palette
7. Save the My Template coach view.
When you create a coach view or coach, you can now base it on the My Template
coach view. The new coach view or coach now has the header and footer. It also
has an area between the two where you can drop content.
Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples


Example: wiring coaches in a human service

This example shows how you can wire a coach for a food service company to look
up suppliers.
To create a wire connection from a coach in a human service diagram, a coach
must contain a coach view that contains a control that fires a boundary event. Any
coach view that fires a boundary event that is added to a coach can be selected as
a boundary event and wired as such in the sequence flow.
Boundary events are specified using the Can Fire a Boundary Event setting in the
Overview tab of a coach view. The Button stock control fires a boundary event by
This example shows how to configure a coach to loop back and to proceed to the
end of the service. When you wire a coach to loop back to the same coach, such as
in a lookup service, the data displayed on the page is refreshed at run time without
redrawing the entire page. This provides a faster user experience.Tip: Initialization
of data is necessary when a coach loops back to itself after executing logic such as
a script task. If the logic that is executed before control is returned to the coach, and
the logic causes a property or variable to be uninitialized (equal to null), the human
service might have an execution error when the coach is submitted. To ensure that
such execution errors do not occur, you can initialize your variables before looping
back to the coach. For example:
- If you have a quoteApprovers variable and use a heritage human service, use this
code in a server script before returning to the coach: if(!tw.local.quoteApprovers) {
tw.local.quoteApprovers = new tw.object.listOf.toolkit.IBM.Employee();

- If you have a quoteApprovers variable and use a client-side human service, use
this code in a client-side script before returning to the coach:if(!tw.local.quoteApprovers)

tw.local.quoteApprovers = {};

Prerequisite tasks for this example:

- Create the example artifacts listed in section Example artifacts. (This includes
business data objects, an Ajax service, a coach view, and a human service.)
Overview of tasks in this example:
- Add input and output variables to a human service.
- Create a coach that is made up of a coach view and two buttons.
- Configure the human service diagram components and sequence flow.
Open the Supplier Form human service and complete the following steps:
1. In the Variables tab, add the following local variable for both input and output:
- supplier; for the Variable Type, select the Supplier business object.
2. Creating the Submit Supplier coach.
A. In the Diagram tab, add a coach to the canvas.
- If you use a heritage human service, drag a coach onto the canvas and name


it Submit Supplier.
- If you use a client-side human service, select the coach that was generated
for you and name it Submit Supplier.
B. In the Coaches tab, select the coach and drag a vertical section onto the
C. From the palette (under No Tags), drag the Supplier Information view onto the
canvas. The view properties open.
D. For the Binding, select the supplier input variable (created in step 1).
E. From the palette, drag the Button control into the vertical section and name it
Supplier Lookup.
F. Select the OK button that was previously generated and name it Submit.
3. Configure the Supplier Lookup script and sequence flow. If you use a heritage
human service, the Supplier Lookup script is a server script. If you use a clientside human service, the Supplier Lookup script is a client-side script.
A. In the Diagram tab, drag a Script component onto the canvas and name it
Supplier Lookup.
B. In the Implementation properties, provide a script for the supplier lookup
feature that is similar to the following example:if (tw.local.supplier.ID == "1234") {
tw.local.supplier.Name = "John's Restaurant";
tw.local.supplier.address = "1 anyStreet, anyCity, anyState";
} else if (tw.local.supplier.ID == "2345") {
tw.local.supplier.Name = "Jane's Bakery";
tw.local.supplier.address = "2 anyStreet, anyCity, anyState";

C. In the diagram, connect the Start Event component to the Submit Supplier
coach. Then connect the Submit Supplier coach to the Supplier Lookup script.
Finally connect the script back to the Submit Supplier coach to create a loop.
D. Select the line going from the Submit Supplier coach to the Supplier Lookup
script. The line properties open.
E. For the End State Binding, click Select and then select the Supplier Lookup
button (created in step 3).
F. Connect the Submit Customer coach to the End Event component and then
select the connecting line. The line properties open.
G. For the End State Binding, click Select and then select the Submit button
(created in step 2).
4. Save changes, and then run the service. A separate web browser window opens
showing your coach.
5. Test the features in your application.
A. In the ID field, type either 1234 or 2345 and then click Supplier Lookup. The
corresponding supplier name and address data is returned.
B. To end the process, click Submit. The human service is complete.

Example artifacts
Create the artifacts listed in the following tables before you begin the example.Tip:
For properties that are not specified, accept the default settings.
Table 1. Business data objects



ID (String) Name (String)

Address (String)

Table 2. Ajax service

Supplier ID Lookup

Script component with added
script for the lookup feature,
similar to:tw.local.results = new
.text: " + tw.local.text);;
if (tw.local.text.charAt(0) == '1') {
tw.local.results[0] = "1234";
} else if (tw.local.text.charAt(0) == '2') {
tw.local.results[0] = "2345";
} else {/*

Table 3. Coach views

Supplier Information

Text controls: Supplier ID,
Name, and AddressSupplier ID
OnAutocompletion Service:
Supplier ID Lookup (Ajax
properties: Binding:

Table 4. Human service

Supplier Form

Configure the human service
using the steps in this example.

Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples


Example: creating a tabbed coach

This example shows how to create a coach that contains three tabbed pages.
In this example, you have a Customer business object that contains many
properties. To capture or display all of these properties within a single coach, the tab
control is a good choice. Normally, you would relabel the text fields to something
more appropriate for your users, but this example will retain the default labels to
concentrate on laying out tabbed pages and mapping data to text fields.
The first tabbed page of the coach contains three text fields that have some general
information about a customer. In this example, you add the fields directly to the
coach using sections to set the page layout.

The second page contains a set of phone numbers. You use a coach view to add
the fields to the page.

The third page contains a table of addresses. In this case, the coach view you add

to the page is a list, which results in a table.

Note:To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop
1. Create the Customer business object. Customer has id(String),
firstName(String), and lastName(String) parameters. It also has two
complex parameters: phoneNumbers(PhoneNumber) and addresses(Address).
- PhoneNumber is a business object that has home(String), work(String), and
cell(String) parameters.
- Address is a business object that has number(String), street(String), and
city(String) parameters.
With the Customer business object, addresses is an array of the Address type,
so ensure that you select Is List for it.

For information about creating business objects, see Creating custom business
objects in Process Designer.
2. Create the coach view for the PhoneNumber business object:
A. Create the PhoneNumberView coach view.
B. In its Variables page, add the PhoneNumber business object as the business
data variable named phoneNumber.
C. In the Layout page, drag the home, work, and cell parameter variables onto
the layout. A text control is added to the layout for each variable because it is

the coach view associated with the String type.

3. Create a heritage human service named Customer Human Service.

4. Open its diagram and drag a coach onto the diagram. In the Step properties,

rename the coach to Customer Coach.

5. In the Variables page, add the Customer business object as a private variable.

6. In the Coaches page, drag a tabs stock control onto the Customer coach layout.
The tabs control is in the Section category of the palette.


7. Create the General page:

A. Drag a vertical section onto the tab control. A tabbed page can contain only
one element directly. By adding the section, you can then add as many
elements as you want into that section.
B. Rename the section to General. The name that you see on the tab comes
from the label of the section.
C. Drag the id variable onto the vertical section.
D. Drag a horizontal section onto the vertical section below the id text control.
E. Drag the firstName and lastName variables onto the horizontal section.

The id, firstName, and lastName variables are parameters of the Customer
8. Create the Phone Numbers page:
A. Drag the PhoneNumberView coach view onto the tab control. If you did not
add a tag to the coach view, you can find it in the NoTags category on the
palette. You can see a PhoneNumberView 1 tab in the tab control.
B. Bind the PhoneNumberView coach view to the customer.phoneNumber
variable. This action means that any data users enter into the fields gets set
in the variable for the heritage human service.
C. Select the tab.
D. In the General properties, change the label of the PhoneNumberView instance
to Phone Numbers.


9. Create the Addresses page:

A. Drag the addresses variable onto the tab control. You can see an
addresses 1 tab in the tab control.
B. Select the tab. You can now see a table with a column for each property
defined in the Address business object.
C. Select the table and in the General properties, change the label of the table
to Addresses.

D. In the Configuration properties, select Show Add Button and Show Delete
Button. By doing this step, you can add and subtract address rows when you
run the heritage human service later in this example.
10. Add a button control below the tab section and relabel it to OK, The button
broadcasts a boundary event and you can use it to wire the coach in the
heritage human service flow.


11. In the diagram, connect the start node to the Customer coach and then connect
the Customer coach to the end node.

12. Save your changes.

13. Test the heritage human service by clicking the

Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples

Related information:
Stock controls



Example: creating a Select control using custom

This example shows how you can use scripts to bind selected values in a Custom
HTML control to the business data of a coach view.
Overview of tasks in this example:
- Add custom HTML code to a coach view that defines a "Select" control for
choosing an account type, such as Current or Savings.
- Add business objects to the coach view.
- Configure an event handler (load) with a custom script to bind the Select control
selected value to the complex type business object attribute.
As a result, you will create an Account Type selection list that can be reused or
extended and then used across multiple coaches.
Before you begin, you must be familiar with the coach view application programming
interface (API) and you must have already created your Business Data business
objects (see Table 2).
1. Add custom HTML code to a coach view:
A. In a toolkit or process application, create a new coach view named
B. On the Layout tab, from the palette under Advanced, drag the Custom HTML
item onto the canvas.
C. In the properties under HTML, select the Text option and then provide the
custom HTML code. For this example, you can use the following code to define
a "Select" control:<select name="AccountType" size="1">
<option value="Savings">Savings Account</option>
<option value="Current">Current Account</option>

D. On the Overview tab, select Can Fire a Boundary Event.

2. Add business objects to the coach view.
A. In the Variables tab, click the plus sign next to Business Data
B. For the Variable Type, select the TSAPP_ValidateDocumentCaseProperties
business object.
C. In the Name field, type caseProperties (see Table 2).
3. Configure the load event handler with a custom script for mapping the custom
HTML selected value to the business data attribute.
A. Register the Dojo button module and alias that the coach view will load
1. In the Behavior tab, select AMD dependencies.
2. Click Add and then specify the following information:
- In the Module ID column, type dojo/_base/connect. This declares a
dependency on the module that provides event handling for DOM nodes
and related functionality.
- In the Alias column, type connect. This is the alias used in the code to
refer to the connect module.
Tip: This example uses an AMD module that is included in the
infrastructure. If the AMD modules are not already included, see Adding
custom AMD modules for information about how add and then access these


B. In the Behavior tab under Event Handlers, select load and then provide a
custom script. For this example, you can use the following script:var selectElement


var onChangeHandle = connect.connect(selectElement, "onchange", this, function(newValue){

var tempBinding = this.context.binding.get("value");

Table 1. Notes about the script

(this == the view object)

The load event has the context
of payload data as well as that
of the business data object
associated with it (added in
step 2).
connect.connect(selectEle The onChangeHandle variable
ment, "onchange"
in the script has the new value
selected in the Select control.
The onChange event of the
custom HTML control is called
"onchange" is derived from

the alias of the

dojo/_base/connect entry in

the AMD dependencies.

Therefore, the script should be
modified accordingly based on
the alias name. For example, if
myConnect is the alias name,
the script would look like

ement, "onchange".

The new value selected in the

Select control is bound to the
business data specific attribute

4. To test your work using a human service, create a heritage human service and
then do the following:
A. On the Diagrams tab, add a coach.
B. On the Variables tab, add TSAPP_ValidateDocumentCaseProperties as input,
output, and private variable types.
C. On the Coaches tab, select the coach, drag the getAccountTypes coach view
onto the canvas, and then select the

TSAPP_ValidateDocumentCaseProperties private variable as the binding.

D. On the Diagrams tab, complete the wiring of the coach.
E. Click Run Service. A browser opens and displays the selection list.

Table 2. Example business objects
Library item
Business Objects

Example name
TSAPP_Zipcode (String)
TSAPP_Age (String)
TSAPP_AccountStatus (String)
TSAPP_CustomerType (String)
TSAPP_Name (String)
TSAPP_City (String)
TSAPP_AccountType (String)
In the coach view,
Properties variable type is bound
to caseProperites.

Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples

Related information:
Coach and Coach View reference information
Advanced items for coach views


Example: creating a Dojo button control

This example shows how you can use the Dojo library to implement a coach view.

About this task

This example provides steps for completing the following tasks:
- Adding custom HTML code to a coach view
- Configuring the load method event handler with a custom code

1. Add custom HTML code to a coach view:
A. In the Layout page, drag the Custom HTML Advanced item onto the canvas.
B. In the HTML properties, select the Text option and then provide your custom
HTML code. For this example, you can use the following code to define a
button control:<input type="button" class="dojobutton" name="dbtnName" value="default"></input>
2. Configure the load event handler with a custom script:
A. Register the Dojo button module and alias that the coach view will load
1. In the Behavior tab, select AMD dependencies.
2. Click Add and then specify the following information:
- In the Module ID column, type dijit/form/Button. This declares a
dependency on dijit button module.
- In the Alias column, type Button. This is the alias name used in the code
to refer to the dijit button.
B. Under Event Handlers, select load and then provide the custom script. For
this example, you can use the following script:var buttonNode =
var _this = this;

var button = new Button({

label: this.context.options._metadata.label.get("value"),
onClick: function() {
_this.context.trigger(function() { console.log("dojo button boundary event handled");})
}, buttonNode);

Table 1. Notes about the script


this.context.options._met Retrieves the label value from
adata.label.get("value") the configuration options.


this.context.trigger(...) Triggers a boundary event

when the button is clicked. If

the boundary event is wired to
the next step in a heritage
uman service diagram, clicking
the button triggers a transition
(to the next step).
3. Save changes.

The custom button will be available in the palette.

Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples

Related information:
Coach and Coach View reference information


Example: creating a jQuery button control

This example shows how you can use an external third party library, such as jQuery,
when creating a coach view.

About this task

This example provides steps for completing the following tasks:
- Adding custom HTML code to a coach view
- Uploading a managed file with the external library assets
- Configuring the load method event handler with a custom code

1. Add custom HTML code to a coach view:
A. In the Layout page, drag the Custom HTML Advanced item onto the canvas.
B. In the HTML properties, select the Text option and then provide your custom
HTML code. For this example, you can use the following code to define a
jQuery button:<input type="button" class="Jquerybutton" name="jbtnName" value="default"></input>
2. Upload a compressed (.zip) file that contains the jQuery library assets and style
sheets and then select the individual files to include:
A. From the list of library assets, click the plus sign next to Files and select
Server File from the list of components.
B. Select your compressed jQuery library assets file ( for this example)
and then click Finish.
C. After the upload is complete, go to the Behavior tab of the coach view and
click the plus sign next to Included Scripts.
D. In the list of server files, click the twistie next to to view the contents
of the uploaded file.
E. Select a file to include. Each file to include is selected individually. The .css
files are included in a specific order. For this example, the following files are
included in the order that they are listed:
- jquery-1.4.js
- jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js
- core.css
- jquery-ui-1.8.custom.css
3. Under Event Handlers, select load and then provide the custom script. For this
example, you can use the following script:var _this = this;
$('.Jquerybutton', this.context.element).button(
{label: this.context.options._metadata.label.get("value")}).bind('click', function() {
_this.context.trigger(function() { console.log("jQuery button boundary event handled");})

Table 1. Notes about the script


this.context.options._meta Retrieves the label value from
the configuration options.



Triggers a boundary event

when the button is clicked. If
the boundary event is wired to
the next step in a Human
service diagram, clicking the
button triggers a transition (to
the next step).

4. Save changes.

The custom button will be available in the palette.

Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples

Related information:
Coach and Coach View reference information


Example: validating a coach in a client-side human

This example shows you how to validate the data in a coach within a client-side
human service using client-side validation.

About this task

The following example demonstrates how to validate the data that a user enters in
the coach so that an error message shows up in the coach when the data is not
valid. The example also demonstrates how to prevent the user from proceeding to
the next step when the data is not valid.
The example contains a Prompt for Start and End Dates coach, which has a Start
date field, an End date field, and an OK button. The start date precedes the end
date. A coach validation pattern that consists of a script and an exclusive gateway
that is used to validate the coach data.Note: This example shows you how to
validate a coach in a client-side human service using IBM Process Designer. For
information about validating a coach in a heritage human service, see Example:
validating a coach in a heritage human service.

1. Create the client-side human service that will contain the coach to be validated.
See Building a client-side human service.
2. In the Variables tab for the human service, create two private variables,
startDate and endDate, and set the type of each variable to Date.

3. In the client-side human service diagram, rename the coach to Prompt for

Start and End Dates.

4. In the Coaches tab, from the Variables section of the palette, drop the
startDate and endDate parameters onto the coach. Leave the default OK


5. In the coach, select the Start date parameter and ensure that it is bound to the
startDate variable in the Behavior section of the General tab.

6. Repeat step 5 for the End date parameter to verify that it is correctly bound to
the endDate variable, and then save the coach configuration.
7. In the diagram, add a script, an exclusive gateway, and an intermediate event,
which automatically becomes a stay on page event. Rename the script to
Validate variable values and the exclusive gateway to Validation
errors?. Connect these elements in the following order:

A. Delete the flow line between the coach and the end event.
B. Connect the coach to the script.
C. Connect the script to the exclusive gateway.
D. Connect the exclusive gateway to the stay on page event. Rename the flow
line to Yes. Because this is the first flow line leaving the gateway, it has the /
indicator to show that it is the default flow. The stay-on-page event loops the
flow back to the coach.
E. Connect the exclusive gateway to the end event.
The human service flow now contains a coach validation pattern. The flow goes
first to the script. If the data is not valid, the script creates and adds validation
errors to the tw.system.coachValidation object. The gateway determines the
path that the flow takes. If the data is valid, the flow goes to the next step in the
flow, which is the end event. If the data is not valid, a validation error is recorded
and the flow loops back to the coach.
8. Select the validate variable values script and, in the Script tab, enter the
following JavaScript construct:if (tw.local.startDate.getTime() > tw.local.endDate.getTime())
tw.system.coachValidation.addValidationError("tw.local.startDate", "The start date must precede the end date. Set
the start date before the end date, and try again.");

In the coachValidation object, the first string contains the full variable path to
the elements whose data is to be validated. The second string is the message

for the user, which specifies what is wrong with the data and tells the user how
to fix the problem. Note:
- If the data element that is being validated is not bound to a coach view, there is
nowhere to display a validation error if one occurs.
- If a coach view that is being validated contains rich text, the validation script
must remove the formatting before validating the contents.
- If you are validating a list and you want the error to refer to the entire list, the
variableName parameter must include [] as a suffix. This matches coach view
binding where [] indicates that the object is a list. For example, if a coach view
is bound to tw.local.var3[], which is a list, you need code like the following
example: tw.system.coachValidation.addValidationError("tw.local.var3[]", "Var3 has validation error");
9. Select the exclusive gateway and, in its Implementation properties, create the
test. The test is tw.system.coachValidation.validationErrors.length==0
. The test checks for the presence of validation errors and, if there are none,
routes it to the rest of the flow. If there are errors, the flow goes to the stay on
page event so that the coach can show the control with the problematic data and
a message.
10. Save your changes, and then run the human service by clicking Run .
11. In the browser that displays the coach, test the validation by completing the
following steps:
A. Set the End date to a date that precedes the start date. Click OK. The
browser highlights the Start date field and displays a warning icon. If you
hover over the warning icon, you see a message that the start date must
precede the end date.

B. Set the End date to a date that succeeds the start date. Click OK. The
human service completes successfully because both dates are valid.
Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples
Related information:
Validating client-side coaches using client-side validation
Example: validating a coach in a heritage human service


Example: validating a coach in a heritage human

This example shows you how to validate the data in a coach within a heritage
human service.
The example contains a Credit Application coach that gathers information for a
credit card application. To simplify the example, the coach has only a Name field, a
Salary field, a Credit Limit field, and a Submit button. The Name and Salary fields
must contain values, and the Credit Limit maximum is double the Salary field
The example uses a general system service to validate the coach data. With the
exception of Ajax services and human services, you can use any service type and
you are not limited in how the service does the validation. However, the service
must construct a CoachValidation business object to contain the validation
information that it returns to the coach as output. This sample uses the
addCoachValidationError API to construct the business object. For the sake of
simplicity, the service in the example uses a script to validate the data.
The example shows how to validate a coach in a heritage human service using IBM
Process Designer. For more information about validating a coach in a human
service, see Validating client-side coaches using client-side validation.
1. Create the CreditCardApplication business object with the following
- name(String)
- salary(Decimal)
- creditLimit(Decimal)
2. Create the CreateCreditApplication heritage human service.
3. Add application(CreditCardApplication) as a private variable.

4. In the diagram, add the Create Application coach, and then open the coach.
5. From the Variables section of the palette, drop the name, salary, and
creditLimit parameters onto the coach. Relabel the default OK button to


6. In the diagram, connect the Credit Application coach to the start and end nodes.
7. Select the connection between the Credit Application coach and the end node.
Set Fire Validation to Before. The connection now has a check mark at its start.
The coach has an icon to indicate that you can now connect the coach to the
validation service. This change means that when the user clicks the Submit
button, the flow first goes to the validation service to do the data validation. If the
data is valid, the flow then goes to the end node. If you leave Fire Validation at
its default of Never, the data validation does not occur and the flow goes directly
to the end node.
8. Create the service to validate the coach data:
A. From the library, create a general system service called
B. On the Variables page of the service, add
application(CreditCardApplication) as an input of the service.
Important: The name and the type of the service input must match the name
and type of the coach variable that contains the data that you want to
Add validate(CoachValidation) as an output of the service. The service
must have one output only and it is of the CoachValidation type. The
presence of this output indicates that the service is a validation service. In this
case, the example uses the input to provide the data that the service

C. Add a server script to the service diagram and connect the start and end
nodes to the script.

D. In the implementation of the server script, add the following code to construct
the CoachValidation business object:tw.local.validate = new tw.object.CoachValidation();
if ( == ""){
tw.system.addCoachValidationError(tw.local.validate, "",
"The name cannot be empty.");
if ( tw.local.application.salary <= 0){
tw.system.addCoachValidationError(tw.local.validate, "tw.local.application.salary",
"The salary must be above 0.");
if (tw.local.application.creditLimit > 2 * tw.local.application.salary){
tw.system.addCoachValidationError(tw.local.validate, "tw.local.application.creditLimit",
"The credit limit cannot be more than double the salary. " + "The maximum credit limit is $" +
2 * tw.local.application.salary + ".");

The tw.local.validate parameter is the CoachValidation business

object that contains the validation information. The first string contains the full
variable path to the data element with the problematic data. The second
string is the message for the user. The message should identify what is
wrong with the data or tell the user how to fix the problem.Important:
- A coach can use only one validation service or server script to validate its
data. However, more than one coach can use the same validation service or
- If the data element being validated is not bound to a coach view, there is
nowhere to display a validation error if one occurs.
- If a coach view being validated contains rich text, the validation service must
remove any formatting before validating the contents.
9. Add the CreditApplicationFormValidation service to the
CreateCreditApplication heritage human service diagram.
10. Select the CreditApplicationFormValidation service and open the data
mapping properties. To provide the data to the validation service, add the
application private variable as an input map. To map the output of the
validation service to the CoachValidation object, add the following variable as
an output map: tw.system.coachValidation
Important: The output mapping to the system variable is mandatory for the
coach to use the service as a validation service. The
tw.system.coachValidation parameter is the system variable that contains
the validation information.
11. Connect the validate node of the Credit Application coach to the
CreditApplicationFormValidation service.
12. Add a Stay on Page node to the diagram.
13. Connect the CreditApplicationFormValidation service to the Stay On Page
node. This construction loops the flow back to the coach if the data in the coach
is not valid. The system passes error information back to the coach and users
see an indicator beside the coach view with the problematic data. If the
validation service provides error messages, users see the appropriate message

when they hover over an indicator. If the data is valid, the system processes the
boundary event to move to the next step.
14. Save your changes and then run the heritage human service by clicking the
15. In the browser that displays the coach, test the validation by doing the following:
A. Leave the Name field empty, type a 1 into the Salary field and into the
Credit Limit field. Click Submit. The browser displays a message that the
Name field cannot be empty.
B. Type a name into the Name field, and replace the 1 in the Salary field with a
0. Click Submit. The browser displays a message that the salary must be
more than 0.
C. Replace the 0 in the Salary field with a 1. Replace the 1 in the Credit Limit
field with a 3. Click Submit. The browser displays a message that the credit
limit cannot be more than twice the salary.
D. Replace the 3 in the Credit Limit field with a 2. Click Submit. The human
service now finishes because all three values are now valid.
Restriction:Pay attention to the following behavior when you debug a coach and
step through each activity in the flow as the coach service is running: If coach data
validation is required at a step, the validate boundary event path loops back and
goes back to open a new coach. Because the validate boundary event response
cannot go back to the originating coach during the debugging, you do not see a
visual error during debugging. You can step through a coach and see the validation
error on the debug page, but the flow always returns to a new coach.
After you have debugged the validation path, and you have reviewed the debug info
page, including tw.system.coachValidation error information, select one of the
following options:
- Run to continue.
- Run to the next break point that is defined in the next step in a regular boundary
event flow. This option moves to the next step in the regular boundary event flow.

Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples

Related information:
Building coaches
Building services
Creating custom business objects in Process Designer
Developing reusable coach views
Validating coaches in heritage human services
Example: validating data in a coach that is used in a human service


Example: creating a coach that calls an Ajax service

You can quickly build coaches that call Ajax services and display data from those
services. Since Ajax services are a common form of service, understanding how to
build coaches that call them and use their data can be useful to anyone building a
heritage human service or a business process.

About this task

In this step-by-step example, you are shown how to create a coach that calls an
Ajax service, create the Ajax service, and create another coach to display
information. It is a complete and self-contained sample and does not have any
prerequisites. The Ajax service examines a letter. If it sees a Q, it returns the name
QuickServ as the name of the supplier. If it sees a P, it returns the name ProServ
as the name of the supplier. The second coach displays product information from
the supplier selected.

1. Create the heritage human service, the coach that calls an Ajax service, and the
Ajax service.
A. Beside User Interface, click + and select Heritage Human Service. Name the
service Display Supplier Parts.
B. Drag a Coach from the palette to the left side of the canvas. Name the coach
Get Supplier Name. Drag a Server Script to the right of Get Supplier Name
. Name the server script List Supplier Parts. Drag another Coach to the
right of List Supplier Parts. Name the Coach Show Parts from Supplier.
Save your work.
C. Double-click Get Supplier Name. The coach editor opens. Drag a Text field to
the canvas. Select the text field and in the Properties view select the General
tab. Change the Label field to Enter Supplier: Q for QuickServ or P
for ProServ. Select the text field and in the Properties view select the
Configuration tab. Select Enable Autocompletion. Beside Autocompletion
Service, click New. The New Ajax Service window opens. Enter the name
Get Supplier Name for the name of your Ajax service and click Finish.
Click Variables. Note that the expected input and output variable names (text
and results) and their types have already been created for you.
Click Diagram. Drag a Server Script from the palette to the canvas and name
it Get Supplier Name. Select Get Supplier Name and click the
Implementation tab in the Properties view. Add the following JavaScript. This
code will select the QuickServ supplier name when Q is entered by a user and
select the ProServ supplier name when P is entered.
tw.local.results = new Array();
else if(tw.local.text=="P"){


Conect the Start node to Get Supplier Name and Get Supplier Name to End
. Save your work. Close the Ajax editor.
Back in the Get Supplier Name coach, drag a Button beneath the text field.
Rename it Next. Save your work. Click Diagram.
2. Create a server script that lists the supplier data.
A. Double-click List Supplier Parts. In the Properties view, click the
Implementation tab and add the following JavaScript:tw.local.product = new

switch (tw.local.supplier) {
case "QuickServ":
tw.local.product[0] = new tw.object.ProductLine();
tw.local.product[0].sku = "Z34RT1GF";
tw.local.product[0].description = "Window Sill";
tw.local.product[0].price = "$35.40";
tw.local.product[1] = new tw.object.ProductLine();
tw.local.product[1].sku = "YT76UJ8F";
tw.local.product[1].description = "Glass Pane";
tw.local.product[1].price = "$37.50";
case "ProServ":
tw.local.product[0] = new tw.object.ProductLine();
tw.local.product[0].sku = "Z34RT1GF";
tw.local.product[0].description = "Door Latch";
tw.local.product[0].price = "$20.39";
tw.local.product[1] = new tw.object.ProductLine();
tw.local.product[1].sku = "YT76UJ8F";
tw.local.product[1].description = "Door Bell Chimes";
tw.local.product[1].price = "$67.50";

Click Variables and Add Private to create a variable for this data. Use private
variables for data that should be hidden. Name the variable product. Click Is
List as the variable will provide a list of items. Click New to define a business
object that will contain the product data. Enter ProductLine for the business
object name. When the Business Object editor opens, click Add in the
Parameters section and add three variables: sku, description and price.
Leave the type as a String. Save your work. Close the Business Object editor.
Click Add Input to add a variable for the user's input which will determine the
supplier, that is, a Q for QuickServ or a P for ProServ. Name the input
supplier and leave the type as String. Save your work.
Click Coaches. Select Get Supplier Name and select the Text field. In the
Properties view, select General. Beside Binding, click Select and choose
supplier from the menu. Save your work. The binding in this case associates
the input variable in the Human service with the text element. Save your work.


3. Create a coach to display the supplier data.

A. Click Show Parts from Supplier. In the coach editor, expand Variables and
drag product from the palette to the canvas. A table with names taken from
the product variable is created. Rename sku to Stock Keeping Unit. Save
your work. Note that you do not need to explicitly bind the product variable to
this coach as it was done for you when you selected product from the
Variables section.
B. Drag a Button beneath the table. Rename it Close. Save your work.
C. Return to the Diagram view and wire your components together. Using
Sequence Flow to create arrows, wire Start to Get Supplier Name. Wire Get
Supplier Name to List Supplier Parts. Wire List Supplier Parts to Show
Parts from Supplier. Finally, wire Show Parts from Supplier to End. Save
your work.
4. Test your human service.
A. Click the Run Service icon in the upper right corner of the Diagram view. In
the first user interface, enter Q or P. The user interface should complete the
supplier name with QuickServ or ProServ. Click Next.
B. In the next user interface you should see the parts displayed from either the
QuickServ or ProServ supplier. Click Close.
Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples


Example: creating a coach for tablets and

This example shows how to create a coach that changes how it displays its contents
according whether users see it in a desktop browser, on a tablet, or on a
This example creates a coach that is called Inspection Report. In the scenario, a
heath and safety inspector arrives at a work site. The inspector uses a tablet or
smartphone to create the initial report. The inspector then saves the report as a
draft. Later, the inspector returns to the office and opens the report on a desktop or
notebook computer. The inspector expands on the initial comments with additional
information. The inspector then submits the final report. To support this scenario, the
coach in the example changes its layout to accommodate the different screen sizes
of smartphones, tablets, and computers. The coach contains two coach views:
Findings CV and Inspection CV. The Findings CV contains the information that the
inspector fills out for the inspection while the Inspection CV contains information that
does not change. To concentrate on the user interface, this example does not
contain any data.
- For the computer, the inspector can see the entire Inspection Report coach:

- For the tablet, the inspector can see the Findings part of the coach and the
buttons. The Inspection part of the coach is no longer visible.

- For a smartphone, the inspector can see the amount of space between the check
boxes reduce so that they occupy less space:


1. Create the Findings CV coach view.

A. Click the
for User Interface and then select Coach View.

B. For the name, enter Findings CV.

C. If the new coach view opens in the Process Designer desktop editor, close it
and open it in the web editor. To open it in the web editor, from the library,
select User Interface. Right-click the coach view and select Open in > Web
Editor. This example adjusts the positioning of some of the controls and the
layout in the web editor is closer to what users see at run time. The web editor
also provides positioning properties to help you do the adjusting.
D. In the Layout page, add the following stock controls in order from top to
- Horizontal Section
- Output Text
- Horizontal Section
- Text Area
By default, the layout arranges elements vertically so the controls are stacked
one on top of the other.
E. In the first horizontal section, add a Select control and a Text control. Relabel
the Select control to Building and rename the Text control to Area
F. Relabel the Output Text control to Findings.
G. In the second horizontal section, add six Check Box controls. Relabel the
Check Box controls to Overhead, Electrical, Furniture, Lighting, Trip,
and Other.
H. Relabel the Text Area to Comments.
If you are using the Process Designer web editor, the layout of the coach view
looks like the following screen capture:

The layout in the desktop editor is similar.

2. Modify the appearance of the coach view:
A. Select the first horizontal section. In the general properties, set the Label
visibility to Hide. Repeat this step for the other section.

B. In the configuration properties, enable Automatic Wrap. Repeat this step for
the other section. By setting this property, if there is not enough room to
display all of the controls side-by-side, the section moves some of them below
the others instead of displaying scroll bars.
C. Select the horizontal section that contains the check boxes. In its configuration
options, enable Show Border.
D. To remove the bold from the check box labels, select a check box. In the
HTML attributes, add the following class: notBold. Repeat this step for the

other check boxes.

E. In the Behavior page of the coach view, add the following code as inline CSS:
.notBold .controlLabel{

F. Save the coach view. If you look at the coach view in the Layout page, the
labels for the check boxes are no longer in bold font.
3. Create the Inspection CV coach view
A. Click the
for User Interface and then select Coach View.
B. For the name, enter Inspection CV.
C. In the Variables page, add the following configuration options:
- inspector(String)
- inspectionDate(Date)
When you create the configuration options, ensure that you set their type to

String and Date.

D. In the Layout page, add a Text control and a Date Time Picker control. Relabel
the Text control to Inspector and relabel the Date Time Picker control to
Inspection date.
E. Select the Inspector control and, in its general properties, bind it to the


F. Save the coach view.

4. Create the Inspection client-side human service:
A. Click the
for User Interface and then select Client-Side Human Service.

B. Set the name to Inspection.

C. In the client-side human service diagram, rename the coach to Inspection


5. Define the layout of the Inspection Report coach:

A. In the Coaches page, select the Inspection Report coach.
B. In the layout of the coach, add two horizontal sections.
C. In the first horizontal section, add two vertical sections. Drag the OK button
into the second section. In the second horizontal section, add two Button stock


Rename the OK button to Cancel and rename the other two buttons to Save
and Submit Report.
In the Configuration properties of the section, enable Automatic Wrap.
Rename the two vertical sections in the first horizontal section to Findings
and Inspection.
In the first vertical section, add the Findings CV coach view. In the second
vertical section, add the Inspection CV coach view.

H. Select the Inspection CV coach view. In its configuration properties, type

John Doe into the inspector property. Set a date in the inspectionDate

I. Select the Inspection section. In its Visibility properties, set Visibility to Read
only. The information in this part of the report would come from the system so
making it read only means that the user cannot change it.
J. For the Findings section, open its configuration properties and select the
Show Border property. Repeat this step for the Inspection section.
K. Hide the title bars of the two horizontal sections by selecting them and, in their
general properties, set their Label visibility to Hide.
L. Save the human service.
M. Run the Inspection human service. The web browser opens and displays the

6. Add more space between the Building and Area inspected controls. The elements
in the Findings coach view must also align with each other.
A. Open the Findings CV coach view and select the Building control.
B. In the positioning properties, set the margins to 0px 20px 0px 0px. In the
Margin field, the first number is for the top margin, the second number for the
right margin, the third number is for the bottom margin, and the fourth number
is for the left margin.

Alternatively, you can click the icon beside the Margin field. In the window
that opens, type 20px in the Right field and 0px in the other fields. Click OK.
Tip: Notice that the Building control and the Area inspected control are no

longer vertically aligned. If the controls are nested within multiple sections as
the Building and Area inspected controls are in this example, Process
Designer inserts .5em as a margin around these controls. When you set a
value for the margin, you override this value and this change can cause some
controls to move out of alignment. You can compensate for this situation in a
number of ways:
- Add .5em to the top margin of the Building control.
- Set the margins of the Area inspected control to 0px, which sets all of its
margins to 0 pixels. This is the approach chosen in this example.
C. Change the margin of the Area inspected control to 0px.
7. Move the Findings output text control, the section that contains the check boxes,
and Comments control to the right so that they align with the Building control:
A. Select the Findings control and set its Margin positioning property to 0px 0px
0px 18px.
B. Select the horizontal section control that contains the check box controls and
set its Padding positioning property to 0px 0px 0px 16px. Set its Width
positioning property to 100%. Without the width setting, the section shifts to the
right and this shift can lead to scroll bars for browsers that support them or it
can lead to truncating 16 pixels. Setting the width to 100% limits the width to
the container or viewport width.
C. For each check box control, set its Margin positioning property to 0px 20px
5px 0px. The five pixels added to the bottom margin helps even the space to
the border above and below the check boxes. The Findings label and the
border of the check box section now align with the Building control.

D. Select the Comments control and set its Margin positioning property to 10px
0px 0px 16px.
E. Save your changes.
F. Open the human service and then run it. In the coach, all of the controls in the
coach view align at run time.

This step completes the appearance of the coach when users view it using
desktop monitors or notebook computers.


8. To remove the Inspection section for viewing the coach on a tablet:

A. Switch to the medium screen by clicking
on the palette.
B. Select the Inspection section. In its Visibility properties, set its Visibility to
C. Save your changes and run the human service again. If the browser is wider
than 1024 pixels wide, the Inspection section is visible. If you reduce the width
to 1024 pixels or less, the Inspection section disappears.

9. To reduce the amount of space between check boxes:

A. Switch to the small screen by clicking on the palette.
B. Open the Findings CV coach view and select the Overhead check box.
C. Set its Margins positioning property to 0px 10px 5px 0px. This change
halves the space between this check box and the Electrical check box.
D. Set the margins for the other check boxes to the same value.
E. Save your changes and run the human service again. If the browser is less
than 640 pixels wide, the gaps between the check boxes narrow

Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples

Related information:
Positioning options for coach view instances


Example: showing the label of a complex coach

This example shows how to show the label of a complex coach view in the coach or
coach view that contains it.
When you add simple coach views like controls to a coach or coach view, you
automatically see their label at design time and at run time. This is not the case for
complex coach views, which contain multiple coach views. When you add complex
coach views to a parent view or a coach, there is nowhere to show their labels by
default. However, you can still show their labels by using the label general
configuration option.
In this example, you create the My Complex CV coach view with two text controls
and a text area control. You then modify it so that you can see its label at run time.
The example uses a heritage human service and stock controls. You can substitute
client-side human services; however this means that your results will look a bit
different from the screen captures in the steps.
1. Create a coach view that is called My Complex CV and add two text stock controls
and a text area stock control to it. You can use default values for the controls.
2. Create a heritage human service that is called My Human Service. In the its
diagram, add a coach that is called My Coach. Connect the start node to My
Coach and connect My Coach to the end node.

3. Open My Coach and add My Complex CV to it. The following table shows My
Complex CV within a coach at design time and at run time. In both cases, you
cannot see the label for the view:
My Complex CV in a coach in

My Complex CV at run time

the Process Designer

4. To make the view label visible at design time:

A. Open the My Complex CV view.
B. In the Overview page, select Supports a Label.


C. Save the view. If you open My Coach in the human service, you can now see
the label for My Complex CV.

5. To make the label visible at run time:

A. Open the My Complex CV view.

B. In its layout, add an output text stock control.


C. In the General properties of the output text control, click

for the Label field
and then clickSelect. In the window that opens, expand General Options and
then select label (String).

Using the label of the output text to display the coach view name means that,
at runtime, the name is styled as a label. If you instead set the binding to
display the coach view, at runtime, the name is styled as normal text.
D. Save the view.
6. Test that you have bound the coach view label:
A. Open My Human Service and open My Coach.
B. Change the label of My Complex CV to My Complex CV Label. Save the view.


C. Run the human service. My Complex CV now shows the label that you give it in
My Coach. The following table shows My Complex CV at design time and at
run time.
My Complex CV in a coach in

My Complex CV at run time

the Process Designer

Parent topic:Coach and coach view examples


Building Heritage Coaches

When you build heritage human services you can use Heritage Coaches, which
provide the interfaces for end-user interaction.
In the first stage of designing a Heritage Coach, your goal may be to build a mockup with static elements so that you can visualize what data is needed in the runtime
Heritage Coach, and where the data should be displayed in the layout. After you
have designed the look and feel of the Heritage Coach, you need to feed real
business data to the Heritage Coach controls for your process participants to
interact with and to help them make the appropriate decisions. This requires
creating bindings between the Heritage Coach controls and the data structures
(variables) that represent the business data within your IBM Business Process
Manager processes.
- Adding sections to a Heritage Coach and controlling the layout
Use the Heritage Coach Designer to build an initial mockup of a Heritage Coach.
- Examples of building services with heritage coaches
There are examples of building services and then combining them with heritage
- Configuring Heritage Coach controls
Learn how to make Heritage Coach controls required fields, bind variables to
Heritage Coach controls, and perform other tasks to configure the controls in your
Heritage Coaches.
- Adding documents and reports to Heritage Coaches
You can upload documents and embed reports for display in Heritage Coaches.
- Customizing Heritage Coaches
You can include custom images, override CSS styles, or perform other
customization tasks when creating Heritage Coaches.
- System services to implement conditional activities
The System Data toolkit includes services and a Heritage Coach that can serve as
a template to implement and manage conditional activities.
- Troubleshooting Heritage Coaches
Learn how to identify and fix common problems with Heritage Coaches.
Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes
Related information:
How heritage coaches work


Adding sections to a Heritage Coach and

controlling the layout
Use the Heritage Coach Designer to build an initial mockup of a Heritage Coach.

About this task

When you create a Human service and drag a new Heritage Coach from the service
palette to the diagram, the Heritage Coach includes several controls, by default. A
new Heritage Coach contains a single-column section with a title that includes an
Input Text control, a Checkbox control, and a button Group. You can add sections
and controls and adjust the layout for your Heritage Coach. The following steps
describe how to build a mockup of a Heritage Coach that enables personnel in a call
center to collect data about customer issues. The mockup allows you to
demonstrate the design to users as you develop a plan for the steps within a
process. You can use feedback from users to refine the design and thus help
guarantee that the eventual implementation meets all requirements.

1. To start developing the mockup, change the title of the Heritage Coach by
clicking the IBM Business Process Manager Heritage Coach title bar in the
design area.
2. In the Heritage Coach option of the properties, type Initiate New Case Enter Customer Information.
3. Drag a Two-Column section from the palette onto the design area so that it is
positioned directly below the existing Section Title.
4. Drag four Text controls from the palette onto the design area so that two Text
controls are in each column side by side.
5. Click the Section Title in the design area and in the properties type Customer
Information in the Title text box.
6. Change the text labels for the fields. Click an Input Text control in the design
area and in the properties, change the Label for each control to match the
following list:
- Name:
- Phone:
- Email:
- Physical address:
7. Right-click the default Checkbox control, and from the pop-up menu that opens,
select Delete. Do the same for the default Input Text control. Neither of these
controls is needed for this sample Coach.
8. Drag a One-Column with Title section from the palette onto the design area so
that it is positioned directly below the existing Customer Information section.
9. While the new section is still selected, type Case Information in the Title text
box in the properties.
10. Drag a Text control from the palette onto the design area and place it in the new
Case Information section.


11. While the new Text control is still selected, type Case Type in the Label text box
under the Common section. Then choose Single Select from the Control Type
field under the Behavior section.
12. Select the Presentation option in the properties and in the Manual Data section,
click the Add button.
13. Add values and display text. In the Manual Data section, use the Add button to
add the values and display text shown in Table 1.Table 1. Values and display
text to add under the Manual Data section

Display text
Product defect
Late Shipment

14. Drag a Date Selector component from the palette onto the design area and
place it directly below the drop-down control in the new Case Information
15. In the properties for the Date Selector component, change the label to Date
Received .
16. Click the default Button Group at the bottom of the design area, click the
Presentation option in the properties, and change the label for the OK button to
Submit.Important: The action associated with any given button applies only to
the fields and other controls in the same section as the button.
17. Save your work.
18. Click the Preview tab to see how the Heritage Coach will look when the service
runs. You can make adjustments as you see fit in the Design tab.Lets change
this scenario slightly. In this version a service gets input data at run time which is
used to populate the values of the drop-down list. Since these values are only
known at run time, the values will not appear when you press the Preview tab at
development time. These values will appear in the user interface at run time.
- Setting column widths in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to change the column width for each section of a Heritage Coach.
- Setting the number of columns in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to set the number of columns for each section of a Heritage Coach.
Parent topic:Building Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Configuring heritage coach controls


Setting column widths in a Heritage Coach

Learn how to change the column width for each section of a Heritage Coach.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to change and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. In the design area, click the section that contain the columns you want to set.
3. Click the Presentation option in the properties. If you selected a section
containing more than one column, each column is listed in the Columns area in
numeric order based on the column ID. Click one of the columns listed to enable
the Column Width text box.
4. Specify the width of the column in the Column Width field using any valid HTML
size attribute such as 50% or 110px.
5. Click the Preview tab to see how the Heritage Coach layout will look when the
service runs.
Parent topic:Adding sections to a Heritage Coach and controlling the layout
Related information:
Setting the number of columns in a heritage coach


Setting the number of columns in a Heritage Coach

Learn how to set the number of columns for each section of a Heritage Coach.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to change and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. In the design area, click the section that you want to change.
3. Click the Section option in the properties and then click the up and down arrows
for the # of Columns option to increase or decrease the number of columns in
the section. In the following example, one additional column is added to a section
that contains a nested two-column section. Notice the behavior of the nested
section when its parent section is configured.

4. Click the Preview tab to see how the Heritage Coach layout will look when the
service runs.
Parent topic:Adding sections to a Heritage Coach and controlling the layout


Examples of building services with heritage

There are examples of building services and then combining them with heritage

About this task

The steps that you perform to build a service is the same whether that service works
with a coach or heritage coach. The examples contained in this section work with
heritage coaches.
- Example: building an integration service with a Heritage Coach
This example consists of two topics that show how to nest an integration service,
and how to build a Heritage Coach to work with that service.
- Building a heritage human service with heritage coaches
Build a heritage human service when you want a step in your business process
definition (BPD) to create an interactive task that process participants can perform
in a web-based user interface.
- Example: Building a heritage human service with coaches
Build a heritage human service when you want a step in your BPD to create an
interactive task that process participants can perform in a web-based user
- Building an Ajax service with Heritage Coaches
The Ajax services that you build in IBM Business Process Manager can be
subsequently bound to coach controls to perform functions such as automatically
populating drop-down lists and enabling type-ahead capability in input fields. You
can use an Ajax service to pull data dynamically from a connected data source,
such as a database.

Parent topic:Building Heritage Coaches


Example: building an integration service with a

Heritage Coach
This example consists of two topics that show how to nest an integration service,
and how to build a Heritage Coach to work with that service.

About this task

For example, you want users to choose from a list of products available from a
common site on the internet. In that case, you can nest an integration service that
calls a web service to display the list of options. Integration services are the only
services that can include Web Service Integration and Java Integration components.
Read the following topics to learn how to:
- Map the input and output variables for the nested integration service.
- Create a human service that implements the integration service as a nested
- Create the Heritage Coach interfaces to collect the input and display the output for
the nested integration service.

- Nesting the Integration service and mapping its variables

This example shows how you nest an integration service inside a human service
to work with a Heritage Coach.
- Building Heritage Coaches to collect input and display output
This example shows how you create a Heritage Coach in the parent service to
control variables.

Parent topic:Examples of building services with heritage coaches


Nesting the Integration service and mapping its

This example shows how you nest an integration service inside a human service to
work with a Heritage Coach.

1. Create a heritage human service as described in Building a heritage human
service and name it according to what the service performs.
2. Open the diagram for the new human service and drag the integration service
from the library to the diagram. When you have an existing service that you want
to nest in another service, you can drag the existing service directly from the
library to the diagram of the parent service. This creates the Nested Service
component with the service attached in a single step.
3. If not already selected, click the nested service in the diagram to view its
4. Because you already created the input and output variables for the nested
service, the Data Mapping tab for the parent service includes those variables.
5. From the Input Mapping section, click the auto-map icon. The Create variables for
auto-mapping dialog box opens, indicating that a matching private variable was
not found in the parent service, and should be created.
6. Select the suggested variable item and then click OK. A private variable of that
name is created for the parent Service and automatically mapped to the input
variable of the nested service, making it available to all components in the parent
7. From the Output Mapping section, perform the automapping step to create the
matching private variable to capture the output from the nested service. You can
see the private variables added for the parent service.
8. Click Save in the main toolbar.
Parent topic:Example: building an integration service with a Heritage Coach


Building Heritage Coaches to collect input and

display output
This example shows how you create a Heritage Coach in the parent service to
control variables.

About this task

Complete the following procedure to create the Heritage Coach interfaces in the
parent service, and map the associated controls to the variables from the previous

1. Click the Diagram tab for your service and then drag a Heritage Coach
component from the palette to the diagram. Place the Heritage Coach
component before the nested service component.
2. While the Heritage Coach component is selected in the diagram, click the Step
option in the properties and type a name for your coach in the Name field.
3. Click the Coaches tab.
4. Drag the variable that you declared for your integration service from the palette
to the Heritage Coach. An input text field is created with a mapping to the
variable, and a label that matches the variable.
5. In the Heritage Coach, select the group containing the default OK button, and
then in the properties, click the Presentation option.
6. In the Buttons section, click OK definition and type Search in the Label text box.
7. Click the Preview tab for the Heritage Coach to see your label change.
8. Click Save in the main toolbar.
9. Click the Diagram tab for your service.
10. Drag another Heritage Coach from the palette to the diagram and name it View
search results . Place the Heritage Coach component after the nested service
11. Click the Coaches tab.
12. From the palette, drag an Output Text control to the Heritage Coach.
13. In the properties, select the Output Text option in the properties and in the
Behavior section, click the Select button to create a binding to the results
14. From the list that opens, find and select the appropriate output variable.
15. Click the Diagram tab to return to the diagram view of your service. Select the
Sequence Flow tool from the palette and then connect the components.
16. Click Save in the main toolbar.
17. To test your service, click the Run icon in the upper right corner. The Heritage
Coach opens in your browser.
Parent topic:Example: building an integration service with a Heritage Coach


Building a heritage human service with heritage

Build a heritage human service when you want a step in your business process
definition (BPD) to create an interactive task that process participants can perform in
a web-based user interface.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

When you build human services and heritage human services, you include coaches,
which are the web-based forms that provide process-related data to users as well as
collect input from those users. Coaches enable you to easily add standard fields and
controls such as radio buttons, drop-down menus, and so on.Note: You can include
heritage coaches only in heritage human services. Heritage coach support is not
provided for human services.
If you add an activity to a non-system lane in a BPD, the activity is initially
implemented using the default human service. You can double-click an activity in a
non-system lane to open the default human service. By examining the service
components and running the default service in the Inspector, you can get an idea of
how human services work and how coaches are used to display and collect data
from process participants.
The following steps describe how to build a sample heritage human service using
example values. The service in the sample enables employees to enter expenses
for the Expense Reimbursement BPD. This BPD contains an activity called Enter
Expenses and a private variable called request. The request variable is an
EmployeeReimbursement business object, which has id(String), type(String),
amount(Decimal), and status(String) parameters. See Creating custom
business objects in Process Designer for information. For your own implementation,
you might not use the same steps or names.
Note: The following procedure shows how to use the Activity Wizard to create a
heritage human service. You can also create a heritage human service from scratch
as described in Building a heritage human service.

1. Starting with the Expense Reimbursement BPD, right-click the Enter Expenses
activity and select Activity Wizard from the list of options.
2. In Activity Wizard - Setup Activity, make the following selections:Table 1.
Recommended selections in Activity Wizard - Setup Activity
Activity Type

User Task


Service Selection

Enable the radio button for the Create

a New Service or Process option

3. Type a name for the new service in the Name field. (The name for this sample
service is Enter Expense.)
4. In Activity Wizard - Setup Activity, click the Next button.
5. In Activity Wizard - Parameters, choose the existing process variables to use
as input and output for this new service.
A. You can see the private variable named request. For this sample, set Input
to false and leave Output set to true. This enables you to collect the data for
the expense using this new service and then output those values for the
subsequent process steps to act upon.
B. Click the Finish button. The new service is created and attached to the
activity. The new service includes a single Coach.
6. Double-click the activity for which you created the new heritage human service
using the Activity Wizard. The new service opens in the Designer.
7. Click the Coaches tab and then click the listed coach component. Because you
used the Activity Wizard, the coach includes a form element for each of the
parameters in the request structure. The coach designer is where you
customize the coach layout and create or edit the bindings between inputs and
outputs. Notice that when the coach designer is open, the palette shows all the
elements (sections and controls) that you can use in a coach. (Hover over a
control to view a brief description. See Building heritage coaches for more
information about the coach designer.)The items in the palette are described in
the links at the bottom of this page.
8. In the coach designer, right-click the Status control and select Delete from the
list of options. The status of a request is not data that we need to collect from
employees, but is a value set later after a request is further processed and so it
can be removed.
9. Click the Id control. In the properties, the Id: field label matches the parameter
in the request variable. Change the label to Employee ID: so that employees
know exactly which ID to provide.
10. Click the Type control. In the properties, the Type: field label matches the
parameter in the request variable. Change the label to Employee type:.
11. To enable employees to select from an existing list of employee types, in the
properties for Employee type, click the drop-down list for Control Type and
choose Single Select.
A. Select Presentation in the properties. Under Widget Style, select Drop
Down List for Widget Type.
B. Under Manual Data, click Add to add a value and associated display text for
each option that you want in the drop-down list.
12. To add a Cancel button to the coach, select the control that contains OK in the
coach designer.
A. In the Presentation properties, go to the Buttons section and click Add.
B. In the Button Details, enter Cancel for the label and click Is Cancel.
13. Click Save in the main toolbar.
14. Click the Preview tab at the bottom of the coach designer to view the coach.
The Preview tab shows how the coach will appear to users when the BPD runs.

15. Click Run Service in the upper right corner to view the coach in a web browser.
Parent topic:Examples of building services with heritage coaches


Example: Building a heritage human service with

Build a heritage human service when you want a step in your BPD to create an
interactive task that process participants can perform in a web-based user interface.

Before you begin

To perform this task, start the Process Designer desktop editor.

About this task

If you add an activity to a non-system lane in a BPD, the activity is initially
implemented using the default heritage human service. You can double-click an
activity in a non-system lane to open the default heritage human service. By
examining the service components and running the default service in the Inspector,
you can get an idea of how heritage human services work and how coaches are
used to display and collect data from process participants.
The following steps describe how to build a sample heritage human service using
example values. The service in the sample enables employees to enter expenses
for the Expense Reimbursement BPD. This BPD contains an activity that is called
Enter Expenses and a private variable called request. The request variable is an
EmployeeReimbursement business object, which has id(String), type(String),
amount(Decimal), and status(String) parameters. For more information, see
Creating custom business objects in Process Designer. For your own
implementation, you might not use the same steps or names.
Note: The following procedure shows how to use the Activity wizard to create a
heritage human service. You can also create a heritage human service from scratch
as described in Building a heritage human service.

1. Starting with the Expense Reimbursement BPD, right-click the Enter Expenses
activity and select Activity Wizard from the list of options.
2. In Activity Wizard - Setup Activity, make the following selections:
- Under Activity Type Selection, select User Task.
- Under Library Element Selection, select Create a new heritage human
3. Type a name for the new heritage human service in the Name field. (The name
for this sample service is Enter Expense.)
4. In Activity Wizard - Setup Activity, click the Next button.
5. In Activity Wizard - Parameters, choose the existing process variables to use
as input and output for this new service.
A. You can see the private variable named request. For this sample, set Input
to false and leave Output set to true. This enables you to collect the data for
the expense using this new service and then output those values for the
subsequent process steps to act upon.
B. Click Finish. The new heritage human service is created and attached to the
activity. The new service includes a single coach.


6. Double-click the activity for which you created the new heritage human service.
The new heritage human service opens in the heritage human service editor in
the Designer view.
7. Click the Coaches tab and then click the listed coach component. Because you
used the Activity wizard, the coach includes a form element for each of the
parameters in the request structure. The coach designer is where you
customize the coach layout and create or edit the bindings between inputs and
outputs. Notice that when the coach designer is open, the Palette view shows all
the elements (sections and controls) that you can use in a coach. Hover over a
control to view a brief description. For more information about the coach
designer, see Building heritage coaches.The items in the palette are described
in the links at the bottom of this page.
8. In the coach designer, right-click the Status control (input text field) and select
Delete from the list of options. The status of a request is not data that is
collected from employees, but is a value set later after a request is further
processed and so it can be removed.
9. Click Id (input text field). In the properties, you can see the label for the field is
Id: to match the parameter in the request variable. Change the label to
Employee ID so that employees know exactly which ID to provide.
10. Click the Type control (input text field). In the properties, you can see the label
for the field is Type to match the parameter in the request variable. Change the
label to Employee type.
11. To enable employees to select from an existing list of employee types, in the
properties for Employee type, from the Control Type list choose Single Select.
A. Select the Presentation option in the properties. Under Widget Style, select
Drop Down List for Widget Type.
B. Under Manual Data, click Add to add a value and associated display text for
each option that you want in the drop-down list.
12. To add a Cancel button to the coach, select the control that contains OK in the
coach designer.
A. In the Presentation properties for the control, go to the Buttons section and
click Add.
B. In the Button Details field, enter Cancel for the label and click Is Cancel.
13. Click Save in the main toolbar.
14. Click the Preview tab at the bottom of the coach designer to view the coach.
The Preview tab shows how the coach appears to users when the BPD runs.
You can also click Run Service in the upper right to view the coach in a web
Parent topic:Examples of building services with heritage coaches


Building an Ajax service with Heritage Coaches

The Ajax services that you build in IBM Business Process Manager can be
subsequently bound to coach controls to perform functions such as automatically
populating drop-down lists and enabling type-ahead capability in input fields. You
can use an Ajax service to pull data dynamically from a connected data source,
such as a database.

The first part of this procedure takes you through the steps of creating an Ajax
service. Subsequent steps describe how to associate this service with a coach in
order to populate fields in a user interface or form.
1. In the left hand navigation, hover over the Implementation category, and click the
plus (+) sign. Select Ajax Service.
2. Name your new service. For example, if you were building a form for users to look
up product information based on a supplier name, you might have a service called
"Query Product Line".
3. With the new service open in the diagram editor, drag a Server Script component
from the palette, and use sequence lines to connect the script to the Start and
End Events.
4. Declare the variables to pass into and out of your service in the Variables tab.
For example if you were planning to use the service to accept the name of a
supplier, and return a set of product information, you might create an input
variable called "Supplier" of type string and an output variable called
"ProductInfo". Because the product information is complex, you can create a new
business object called "ProductLine" which contains fields for product SKU,
description, and price. For more information on how to create variables see
Declaring and passing variables and Creating custom business objects in
Process Designer.Tip: For this example, because you are expecting multiple
products to be returned, be sure to enable the Is List check box for the
ProductInfo output variable. Also For the Supplier variable, ensure that the
Has Default check box is enabled.
5. Click the Diagram tab and then click the Server Script component in the diagram.
6. In the Implementation properties, enter the script for the Ajax service to run. In the
example described above, you might have the following script using the specified
variables sku , description , and price for two different suppliers: QuickServ
and tw.object.listOf.ProductLine();
case "QuickServ":
tw.local.ProductInfo[0] = new tw.object.ProductLine();
tw.local.ProductInfo[0].sku = "Z34RT1GF";
tw.local.ProductInfo[0].description = "PowerServ 1500";
tw.local.ProductInfo[0].price = 3540;
tw.local.ProductInfo[1] = new tw.object.ProductLine();


tw.local.ProductInfo[1].sku = "YT76UJ8F";
tw.local.ProductInfo[1].description = "PowerServ 1735";
tw.local.ProductInfo[1].price = 3750;
case "ProServ":
tw.local.ProductInfo[0] = new tw.object.ProductLine();
tw.local.ProductInfo[0].sku = "Z34RT1GF";
tw.local.ProductInfo[0].description = "Reliant DW";
tw.local.ProductInfo[0].price = 2039;
tw.local.ProductInfo[1] = new tw.object.ProductLine();
tw.local.ProductInfo[1].sku = "YT76UJ8F";
tw.local.ProductInfo[1].description = "Reliant X1";
tw.local.ProductInfo[1].price = 6750;

7. Save your work.

Now you need to associate the Ajax service you just created with a Human Service
containing a coach.
1. Create a new Human service or open an existing one. To continue with the
example above, you could create a Human Service named Select Supplier .
2. Drag a Coach from the palette to the service diagram and then use sequence
lines to connect the Coach to the Start and End Events.
3. Add variables to your new Human Service. Click the Variables tab and add a
private variable named product of type ProductLine . Enable the Is List and
Has Default check boxes for the product variable.
4. Click the Coaches tab and then drag a Text control from the palette to the Coach
5. Click the Input Text control in the Coach editor to select it and then click the
Input Text option in the properties. Change the Label field for this control to
6. Drag the product variable from the palette to the Coach editor. This
automatically creates a table control.
7. Click the table control in the Coach editor to select it.
8. Click the Presentation option in the properties for the table control and in the
Dynamic Data section, select Ajax Service .
9. From the Choose Control as Input drop-down list, select Supplier (Input
Text) .
10. Click the Select button and choose the Query Product Lines Ajax service.
11. Save your work.
12. Click the Run Service button in the upper right corner. The Coach runs in a
browser and when you provide one of the Supplier names included in the Ajax
script (QuickServ or ProServ), the Coach displays the information for that
supplier. If the supplier information does not immediately display, reload the
browser page.
Parent topic:Examples of building services with heritage coaches


Configuring Heritage Coach controls

Learn how to make Heritage Coach controls required fields, bind variables to
Heritage Coach controls, and perform other tasks to configure the controls in your
Heritage Coaches.
When building Heritage Coaches, you have several options for configuring the
Heritage Coach controls that you add. Read the following topics to learn more:
- Populating a list with static data in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to demonstrate the type of data that a Heritage Coach will display at
run time.
- Populating a list with dynamic data in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to populate a list of options with dynamic data.
- Binding a complex data structure to a Table control in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to bind a complex data structure to a Table control in a Heritage
- Populating a table control using an SQL query in a Heritage Coach
Use the Execute SQL option to retrieve data directly from a data source.
- Binding a variable to a custom HTML component in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to render the content in an HTML block using the runtime value of a
- Making an input control a required field in a Heritage Coach
You can make input mandatory by configuring a Heritage Coach control as
described in this procedure.
- Displaying a control based on the input value of another control in a Heritage
You can create a control that is displayed only when a related control is set to a
specific value.
- Displaying a control to a specific group in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to display a control to only those users who are members of a
particular group.
- Changing the visibility of a Heritage coach control
Use a custom script to override the default visibility rules for a particular control in
a Heritage coach.
- Validating user input
Add validation scripts for button controls in Heritage coaches to ensure that users
provide all required input.
- Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches
Learn how to add field formatting capability to Input Text and Output Text controls
and align button controls.
Parent topic:Building Heritage Coaches


Populating a list with static data in a Heritage Coach

Learn how to demonstrate the type of data that a Heritage Coach will display at run

About this task

Typically, a Heritage Coach displays business data that resides in a variable,
enabling IBM Business Process Manager users to view and interact with the data.
In the initial design stages, you may need to populate a Heritage Coach with static
(manual) data so that you can illustrate the type of data that the process will display
at run time.
The following example illustrates a combo box control that uses static data to
populate a list of options.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a combo box control from the palette onto the design area.
3. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
4. Under Manual Data, click the Add button to create a row for each option that you
want to add to the list. The value that you type in the Display Text column is the
name of the option that is displayed to the user at run time.
5. Click the Preview tab to see how the list will work when the service runs.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls
Related information:
Populating a list with dynamic data in a heritage coach


Populating a list with dynamic data in a Heritage

Learn how to populate a list of options with dynamic data.

Before you begin

Before you can bind dynamic data to a coach control, you need to create the
appropriate variables for your process or service. See the following topics to learn
Table 1. Additional information for variable setup
To learn how to...
Create variables for a process
How to map those process
variables to Heritage Coach
Map variables to a nested
service and then bind those
variables to Heritage Coach

Declaring and passing variables
The following procedure and
Building a heritage human
service for an example
Building an Integration service
for an example

About this task

The following procedure illustrates a combo box control (single-selection list) that
uses a preexisting process variable to populate a list of options. Note: You can also
bind Ajax services to Heritage Coach controls to perform actions such as
automatically populating drop-down lists and enabling type-ahead capability in input
fields. For more information, see Building an Ajax service .

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab. Open or create a service for which you have declared
a variable that is a complex structure.
2. Drag a Combo Box control from the palette onto the design area.
3. While the Combo Box control is still selected, click the Presentation option in the
4. Under Manual Data, click Add to include static instructions at the top of the dropdown list. For this example, the static text is: -- Select Dept 5. Under Dynamic Data, for the Based On option, click List Variable.
6. For the Dynamic Binding option, click Select to choose the preexisting variable
from the library. For this example, the control must be bound to a complex
structure that is a list.
7. Click the Preview tab to see how the list works when the service runs. A service
inputs data at run time which is used to populate the values of the drop-down list.
Because these values are only known at run time, the values do not appear when
you select the Preview tab at development time. These values do appear in the
user interface at run time.

Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls


Binding a complex data structure to a Table control

in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to bind a complex data structure to a Table control in a Heritage Coach.

Before you begin

Before you can perform this task, you must first create the data structure and
declare it in the service where you want to build a Heritage Coach.

About this task

If you have created a complex data structure and you want to bind it to a Table
control in a Heritage Coach, you do not have to create the table and then bind each
element of the table to the appropriate variable parameter. You can create the table
and the bindings automatically by dragging the data structure to the Heritage Coach.
Note: You can also use the Activity Wizard to automatically create Heritage Coach
control bindings. See Building a heritage human service for an example.
A complex data structure is a private variable in an HR process used to submit
requests to open new positions. You can see this process and its variables in the
Hiring Sample process application. (For more information see the IBM Business
Process Management Information Center.
At one point in the process, a General Manager must approve a submitted request.
The Heritage Coach displays the information submitted in the requisition to enable
the General Manager to make a decision. The GM Approval service (in the Hiring
Sample process application) includes the requisition variable as both input and
output. This enables the Heritage Coach to display the requisition parameters to the
General Manager and then the service passes the values of the parameters in the
requisition variable back to the BPD for processing by subsequent steps in the

1. To display the values of the parameters in the requisition variable in a Heritage
Coach, click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag the input requisition variable from the palette to the design area.
3. Right-click and select Delete for the parameters that should not be displayed as
output text; select all remaining fields and change the Control Type to Output
4. Click the Section option in the properties and increase the number of columns to
5. Click the Preview tab to see how the table will look when the service runs. When
you run the tutorial BPD, the Heritage Coach displays the table with the
appropriate data for the manager to act upon.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls
Related information:
Populating a table control using an SQL query in a heritage coach



Populating a table control using an SQL query in a

Heritage Coach
Use the Execute SQL option to retrieve data directly from a data source.

Before you begin

Before using a SQL query to populate a Table control, be aware of the following:
- The Execute SQL option is only used for retrieval of data (insert, update, and
delete operations on data are not allowed).
- The SQL query is run before the Heritage Coach is displayed, and only if the
variable to which the table is bound has no current value. If you want to refresh the
value every time the Heritage Coach is rendered, select the Reload option. For
example, if the Service updates the value during the life of the runtime task, you
would want to reload this value each time the Heritage Coach is rendered.
- The property names of your custom data structure must match the column names
in the database table that you want to query. When executing the SQL query,
IBM Business Process Manager uses these labels to match the values from the
columns to the correct rows in your Heritage Coach table. Note that the names are
not case-sensitive. If the property names do not match the column names, you can
use column aliases in your SQL statement to perform the correct matching. The
following example:SELECT PRICE AS Cost, ITEM_NAME AS ItemName
returns the value of the PRICE column to the Cost property in your custom data
structure, displaying it in the column to which it is bound in the Heritage Coach.
The value of the ITEM_NAME column is displayed in the Item Name column.

About this task

The Execute SQL option enables you to populate a table control dynamically,
without having to initialize the variable first. The following procedure illustrates how
to use the Execute SQL option to dynamically populate a Table.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a Table control from the palette onto the design area.
3. While the Table control is selected, click the Presentation option in the properties.
4. Click the Execute SQL check box to enable it.
5. In the Data Source text box, type the data source from where you want to
retrieve the data. By default, the data source is "jdbc/TeamworksDB" , which
points to IBM BPM databases. When you want to use a data source other than
the jdbc/TeamworksDB data source, ensure that it is an XA data source. If you
use a non-XA data source, or an emulated XA data source, you might receive an
error about a database connection failure.
6. In the SQL text box, enter an SQL query to select the data that you want from the
data source. For example, you could select the ID, status, and employee type
from a table named R2H_PositionType by entering the following text:select id, status,
employeeType from R2H_PositionType


The order of the entries is in the order which the table rows are returned. Use an
ORDER BY clause in your SQL statement to override this behavior.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls


Binding a variable to a custom HTML component in

a Heritage Coach
Learn how to render the content in an HTML block using the runtime value of a

About this task

The Custom HTML component can be used in a Heritage Coach to accomplish a
variety of runtime data presentations. The following example shows how to render
the content in an HTML block using the runtime value of a variable.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a Custom HTML control from the palette onto the design area.
3. While the Custom HTML control is selected, click the Presentation option in the
4. In the HTML text box, type the variable whose value will populate the HTML block
at run time. In this example, tw.local.myHTMLBlock is declared in the Variables
tab for the service and then used to set the label of the HTML block at run time.
Type the following in the HTML text box: <p><#=tw.local.myHTMLBlock#><p> .
5. To render the content in the HTML block, run the service. When you run the
service, the variable is evaluated and its runtime value is then passed to the
Heritage Coach. For a quick test, define a default value for the variable from the
Variables tab. Select the variable and then, under the Default Value section,
click Has Default. When Has Default is selected and the default value is added
to the field, which is This is the default value that can be used to test
the Coach. The Heritage Coach displays the runtime content of the HTML.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls
Related information:
Binding a complex data structure to a Table control in a heritage coach


Making an input control a required field in a

Heritage Coach
You can make input mandatory by configuring a Heritage Coach control as
described in this procedure.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Click the Heritage Coach control that you want to make a required input area.
3. Click the Visibility option in the properties. By default, input controls are visible to
and can be edited by everyone. The Visibility properties enable you to restrict
what process participants see in the runtime Heritage Coach, and under what
conditions they see it.
4. Select the Override Parent Visibility check box. Doing so allows you to change
the default Visibility properties.
5. From the Default Visibility list, select the Required (full access) for everyone
6. Optional: Clear the Override Parent Visibility check box to set the Visibility
properties back to read-only mode.
7. Run the service to test the runtime Heritage Coach. If you leave the required input
text box empty and then click Next, the input text box is shown in a different color
and you are not able to end the task successfully until you supply the required
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls
Related information:
Controlling field and other formatting in heritage coaches


Displaying a control based on the input value of

another control in a Heritage Coach
You can create a control that is displayed only when a related control is set to a
specific value.

About this task

The following procedure illustrates how to create a control that is displayed only
when a related control is set to a specific value. The Heritage Coach in this example
is used by new employees to specify the benefits that they want. If the employee
decides to participate in a 401K plan, the Heritage Coach displays an input field
where the employee can indicate the percentage of his pay to contribute to the plan.
Or, the employee can defer the decision to a later date.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with
and then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a List control from the palette onto the design area.
3. In the properties for the control, type Do you want to contribute? in the
Label text box.
4. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
5. Under the Manual Data section, click the Add button. With the Add button,
create three Value-Display pairs, one for each list item option as shown in the
following table:Table 1. Entries for the Value and Display Text fields

Display Text
Decide at a later date

6. Drag a Text control from the palette onto the design area.
7. In the properties for the control, type 401K Contribution % in the Label text
8. Click the Visibility option in the properties.
9. Select the Override Parent Visibility check box. Doing so allows you to change
the default Visibility properties.
10. From the Default Visibility drop-down list, select the Hidden (no access) for
everyone option.
11. Click the Depends on Control button. This creates a new override condition.
12. Under the Control Dependent Visibility section, select the Required (full
access) option from the Visibility drop-down list.
13. From the Control list, specify the coach control the input value of which is to
determine if the selected control is displayed to participants when the service
runs. In this example, the control is the Do you want to contribute? List
14. From the Operator list, select the ==(equals) operator.


15. In the Value text box, type true. This is the value that you assigned to the Yes
list option in step 5.
16. Drag a Date Selector control from the palette onto the design area.
17. In the properties for the control, type Date in the Label text box. Depending on
the selection list choice, this can be the date of contribution or the date until a
contribution decision is deferred.
18. Click Visibility, and repeat the steps above to make the Date Selector dependent
on the control Do you want to contribute?.
19. From the Operator list, select the in operator.
20. In the Value text box, type "{'true','defer'}". These are the values that you
assigned to the Yes and Decide at a later date list options in step 5. The Date
Selector will be displayed if either of these options is selected.
21. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to see how the Input and
Date Selector controls are hidden and then shown according to the visibility
rules you have specified.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls
Related information:
Displaying a control to a specific group in a heritage coach


Displaying a control to a specific group in a

Heritage Coach
Learn how to display a control to only those users who are members of a particular

About this task

The following procedure describes how to display a Heritage Coach control to only
those users who are members of a particular group. In this context a group is
equivalent to a team. See Creating a team for more information.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Click the Heritage Coach control that you want to display to only those members
of a group.
3. Click the Visibility option in the properties.
4. Click the Override Parent Visibility check box to enable it. Doing so allows you
to change the default Visibility properties.
5. From the Default Visibility drop-down list, select the Hidden (no access) for
everyone option.
6. Click the Depends on Group button. This creates a new override condition.
7. Under Group Dependent Visibility, click the Select button to choose the group
that you want.
8. Under Group Dependent Visibility, select the visibility option that you want for this
group from the Visibility drop-down list.
9. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to see how the control is
hidden and then shown according to the visibility rules you have specified.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls


Changing the visibility of a Heritage coach control

Use a custom script to override the default visibility rules for a particular control in a
Heritage coach.

About this task

The following procedure illustrates how you can create private variables to use in a
custom visibility script, and how the values of those variables determines visibility of
the selected control.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach to work with.
2. Click the Variables tab and add the private variables that you need for the
custom script. For this example, add Boolean variables named visible ,
enabled , and required.
3. Click the Coaches tab.
4. Click the Heritage Coach control for which you want to add visibility control.
5. Click the Visibility option in the properties.
6. Click the Override Parent Visibility check box to enable it. Doing so allows you
to change the default visibility properties.
7. From the Default Visibility list, select the Hidden (no access) for everyone
8. Click the Custom Script button.
9. In the Custom Visibility section, enter the JavaScript rule to control visibility.
The following example uses a server-side JavaScript function, and so return
statements are required. For custom visibility using server-side JavaScript,
return one of the following values (must be in upper case): Table 1. Values
returned for custom visibility


The following script causes the runtime engine to determine if user input is
required:var customVisibility;
if(tw.local.visible) {
if(tw.local.enabled) {
if(tw.local.required) {
customVisibility = "REQUIRED";
} else {
customVisibility = "READ";
} else {
customVisibility = "NONE";


return customVisibility;

If user input is not required, the control can be edited, but it is not required. If
the value of tw.local.visible is false, the control is not displayed to the user.
10. You can set default values for the variables (that you added in step 2) and then
run the service to test the script.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls
Related information:
Validating user input for heritage coach button controls


Validating user input

Add validation scripts for button controls in Heritage coaches to ensure that users
provide all required input.

About this task

When building Heritage Coaches in IBM Business Process Manager, you can add
client-side validation scripts for button controls. Validation scripts ensure that users
provide all required input. If not, the script provides the appropriate feedback to
prompt users for the required information.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. In the design area, click to select the control for which you want to add a
validation script.
3. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
4. If multiple buttons are included in the control, under Buttons, click the button that
needs the validation script.
5. In the text box under the Validation Script section, type the JavaScript to
validate that the required controls have been set and contain values as expected.
To do this, use the control ID of each required control. The following example is
client-side JavaScript that uses the default controls included when you add a new
Heritage Coach to a service. The following validation script checks to ensure that
the check box is enabled (set to true). If not, the user is prompted to check it
before proceeding by clicking OK. if ( document.getElementById("checkbox0_checkbox").checked == true
return true;
} else {
alert( "Check the checkbox");
return false;

6. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to test the script.

What to do next
In many cases, an OK or Submit button that runs a validation script on the user
input is accompanied by a Cancel button which discards the user input. When Is
Cancel is selected for a button, clicking the button discards any changes to variable
values, and moves the token to the next step in the flow.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls


Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage

Learn how to add field formatting capability to Input Text and Output Text controls
and align button controls.
When building Heritage Coaches, you can add field formatting capability to Input
Text and Output Text controls. The pre-defined field formatting available with
Heritage Coaches includes standards such as US social security number, currency
in dollars and Euros, and other standards. You can also use customized formats
and apply formats to variables and localization resources that are bound to Heritage
Coach controls. To learn more, see the following:
- Using pre-defined formats in Heritage Coach Controls
Choose from the available predefined character formats for your Heritage Coach
- Using characters to apply custom numeric formatting in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to apply numeric formatting to a control for integers and decimals.
- Adding custom format types in a Heritage Coach
You can modify the predefined character formats for text controls or create
additional formats.
- Using formatting with variables in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to apply formatting to a Heritage Coach control that is bound to a
- Using formatting with language localization resources in a Heritage Coach
You can apply formatting to a Heritage Coach control that is bound to a
localization resource as described in this procedure.
- Heritage Coaches: Configuring a Hebrew or Islamic calendar
By default, the Date Selector control in a Heritage Coach uses the Gregorian
calendar. You can configure the control to use the Hebrew or Islamic (Hijri)
- Aligning buttons in a Heritage Coach
You can specify the alignment of buttons in a Button Group control as described in
this procedure.
- Aligning check boxes and radio buttons in a Heritage Coach
You can specify the horizontal and vertical alignment of check boxes and radio
buttons, as described in this procedure.
Parent topic:Configuring Heritage Coach controls


Using pre-defined formats in Heritage Coach

Choose from the available predefined character formats for your Heritage Coach

About this task

The following procedure describes how to choose from the available predefined
character formats.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Click the Heritage Coach control for which you want to add formatting.
3. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
4. Under Widget Style, click the Select button next to the Format field and choose
the format that you want:Table 1. Input required for the Format options
Currency: $ ###,###,###.##
Currency: ###,###,###.##
Currency: ###,###,###.##
Integer: ###,###,###
Decimal: ###,###,###.##
US phone: (###) 000-0000
US SSN: 000-00-0000

Enter the value 123456789 , the value is
formatted to $123,456,789
Enter the value 123456789 , the value is
formatted to 123,456,789
Enter the value 123456789 , the value is
formatted to 123,456,789
Enter the value 123456789 , the value is
formatted to 123,456,789
Enter the value 123456789 , the value is
formatted to 123,456,789
Enter the value 5555555555 , the value
is formatted to (555) 555-5555
Enter the value 123456789 , the value is
formatted to 123-45-6789

5. Save your changes. When you run the service that contains the Heritage Coach,
the values typed into the control are automatically formatted as shown in the
preceding examples. If a user enters non-numeric characters, those characters
are removed. If a user enters only non-numeric characters, no formatting is
Parent topic:Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Adding custom format types in a heritage coach
Using characters to apply custom numeric formatting in a heritage coach



Using characters to apply custom numeric

formatting in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to apply numeric formatting to a control for integers and decimals.

About this task

If you want to apply numeric formatting to a control for integers and decimals, you
are not required to select one of the pre-defined formats. Instead you can manually
enter custom formatting characters into the Format field. For example, the #
character acts as a digit placeholder. So if you type the following placeholders into
the Format field in the Presentation properties for a control, you'll get the described
Table 1. Format placeholders and corresponding results
Format placeholder
## (placeholder for two digits)

##.# (placeholder for two digits and the

tenths decimal position)

Since no decimal placeholder is
specified, values entered into the control
during run time are rounded up to the
next integer. For example, if a user
enters the value 34.2 into the control, the
value is rounded up to 35 .
For additional decimal positions typed in
to the control during run time, decimals
less than five are rounded down, and
decimals greater than or equal to five are
rounded up. For example, the value
34.24 would be rounded down to 34.2 ,
and the value 34.57 would be rounded
up to 34.6 .

Follow these steps to use characters to apply custom numeric formatting:

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Click the Heritage Coach control for which you want to add formatting.
3. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
4. Under Widget Style, type the characters that you want to use as placeholders in
the Format field. The following characters are available:
Table 2.
Characters available to use as placeholders

Digit placeholder


A digit is copied into
output. If there is no digit
in this position, then
nothing is stored in the

Zero placeholder

Padding placeholder

Decimal separator


A digit is copied into

output. If there is no digit
in this position, a 0 is
inserted into this position.
A digit is copied into
output. If there is no digit
in this position, a " "
(space symbol) is inserted
into this position.
The first . character
(period) in the format
string determines the
location of the decimal
separator in the formatted
value. The actual
character used as the
decimal separator is
determined by user locale

Thousand separator



The , character (comma)

serves two purposes.
First, if the format string
contains a , character
between two digit
placeholders (0 or #) and
to the left of the decimal
point if one is present,
then the output will have
thousand separators
inserted between each
group of three digits to the
left of the decimal
separator. The actual
character used as the
decimal separator in the
result string is determined
by user locale settings.
Second, if the format
string contains one or
more , characters
immediately to the left of
the decimal point, then the
number will be divided by
the number of ,
characters multiplied by
1000 before it is
formatted. For example,
the format string 0,, will
represent 100 million as
simply 100. Use of the ,
character to indicate
scaling does not include
thousand separators in
the formatted number.
Thus, to scale a number
by 1 million and insert
thousand separators you
would use the format
string: #,##0,,
The presence of a %
character in a format
string causes a number to
be multiplied by 100
before it is formatted. The
appropriate symbol is
inserted into the number
itself at the location where
the % appears in the
format string.

E0 E+0 E-0 e0 e+0 e-0 Scientific notation

Section separator


All other characters

If any of the strings E , E+ ,

E- , e , e+ or e- are
present in the format
string and are followed
immediately by at least
one 0 character, then the
number is formatted using
scientific notation with an
E or e inserted between
the number and the
exponent. The number of
0 characters following the
scientific notation indicator
determines the minimum
number of digits to output
for the exponent. The E+
and e+ formats indicate
that a sign character (plus
or minus) should always
precede the exponent.
The E , E- , e or eformats indicate that a
sign character should only
precede negative
The ; character
(semicolon) is used to
separate sections for
positive, negative, and
zero numbers in the
format string.
All other characters are
copied to the result string
as literals in the position
where they appear.

5. Save your changes.

Parent topic:Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches


Adding custom format types in a Heritage Coach

You can modify the predefined character formats for text controls or create
additional formats.
The predefined character formats for Input Text and Output Text controls are
defined by the <formatting-templates> section in the PROFILE_HOME
\config\cells\cell_name\nodes\node_name\servers\server_name\processcenter\config\system\99Local.xml file.
To modify the formats or create additional formats, copy the <formattingtemplates> section shown below and paste it into the 100Custom.xml file. You can
define additional formats as needed in the 100Custom.xml file.Note: If the
100Custom.xml does not yet exist, create it as described in The 99Local.xml and

100Custom.xml configuration files.

<formatting-templates> <formatting-template comment="Currency" template="$ ###,###,###.##" /> <formatting-template
comment="Currency" template="###,###,###.## " /> <formatting-template comment="Currency" template=" ###,###,###.##" />
<formatting-template comment="Integer" template="###,###,###" /> <formatting-template comment="Decimal"
template="###,###,###.##" /> <formatting-template comment="US phone" template="(###) 000-0000" /> <formatting-template
comment="US SSN" template="000-00-0000" /> </formatting-templates>

Note: If you add or modify formats in your development environment by altering

settings for the Process Center server, be sure to make the same changes for each
Process Server in your runtime environments.
Parent topic:Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches


Using formatting with variables in a Heritage Coach

Learn how to apply formatting to a Heritage Coach control that is bound to a
You can apply formatting to a Heritage Coach control that is bound to a variable. All
input values are treated as numbers, even if they are bound to string variables.
If you create a service that includes a decimal variable named tw.local.amount
with a default value of 251000.0 and you bind a Heritage Coach control to the
tw.local.amount variable, you can still specify the format in which the value is
displayed even though the value that the control displays during run time is
determined by the value of the variable to which the control is bound. For example, if
the US currency (dollars/cents) format is selected for the Heritage Coach control,
when you run the service the Heritage Coach control is populated with the value of
the variable, and the value is formatted to $251,000.00.
Note: When the input text control is bound to a variable with a String data type and
you specify a predefined character format, Heritage Coach will strip out characters
such as ',' and '.'. To resolve this issue, you could create a private variable with a
Decimal data type and bind that to the text control.
Parent topic:Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Using formatting with language localization resources in a heritage coach


Using formatting with language localization

resources in a Heritage Coach
You can apply formatting to a Heritage Coach control that is bound to a localization
resource as described in this procedure.

About this task

You can apply formatting to a Heritage Coach control that is bound to a localization
resource. The localization resource for this example (named Localized Formats)
includes a localization key named time, which contains two locales: Default Locale
and Sweden. The value of Default Locale is ##:##:##, which is the standard format
used to represent time in the majority of countries. The value of the Sweden locale
is ##.##.##, which is the standard format for Swedish time.

1. Open a service that includes several variables, and click the Variables tab.
2. Click the Link Localization button and select the localization resource (in this
example, Localized Formats) that you want to link to the service variables as a
resource bundle.
3. Create a Heritage Coach that includes an input text control named Time. Then
bind the formatting of the control to the localization resource bundle and
localization key by typing <#= tw.resource.LocalizedFormats.time #> into
the Format field.
4. Save your changes.
5. Optional: You can test the binding. To test the binding, change the interface
language to svenska in IBM Process Portal preferences. Then run the BPD that
contains the service and run the task from the Process Portal. When a you enter
a 6-digit value such as 182400 into the Time field, the value should be formatted
to 18.24.00 , which conforms to the formatting that you specified.
Parent topic:Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches


Heritage Coaches: Configuring a Hebrew or Islamic

By default, the Date Selector control in a Heritage Coach uses the Gregorian
calendar. You can configure the control to use the Hebrew or Islamic (Hijri)

About this task

You can choose to display your calendar in the Hebrew or Islamic format calendars
by configuring the Date Selector control.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a Heritage Human service.
3. In the Diagram page, add or select a Heritage Coach. To add a Heritage Coach,
scroll to the bottom of the palette.
4. Open the Heritage Coach.
5. From the Controls section of the palette, drag a Date Selection control onto the
6. In the Properties view, switch to the Presentation tab.
7. Select Hebrew or Islamic in the National Calendars list.
8. Run the Coach. The Hebrew or Islamic calendar is displayed in the date
selector, instead of the Gregorian calendar.
9. You can also change a preference in Process Portal to display the Hebrew or
Islamic calendar. For more information, see Setting preferences in Process
Parent topic:Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches


Aligning buttons in a Heritage Coach

You can specify the alignment of buttons in a Button Group control as described in
this procedure.

About this task

When building Heritage Coaches, you can specify the alignment of buttons in a
Button Group control as described in the following procedure:

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. In the design area, click to select the Button Group control that you want to align.
3. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
4. Select the alignment (Left, Center, or Right) for the Button Group from the dropdown list.
5. Click the Preview tab to see how the buttons will be displayed when you run the
Parent topic:Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Aligning check boxes and radio buttons
Setting column widths in a heritage coach
Setting the number of columns in a heritage coach


Aligning check boxes and radio buttons in a

Heritage Coach
You can specify the horizontal and vertical alignment of check boxes and radio
buttons, as described in this procedure.

About this task

When building Heritage Coaches, you can specify the horizontal and vertical
alignment of check boxes and radio buttons, as described in the following
Note: Single-selection List controls that use radio buttons provide the same
alignment options in the Presentation properties.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. In the design area, click to select the Dual List control that you want to align.
3. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
4. From the Widget Type drop-down list, select Multiple Check Boxes .
5. From the Orientation drop-down list, select Vertical or Horizontal.
6. Click the Preview tab to see how the buttons will be displayed when you run the
Parent topic:Controlling field and other formatting in Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Setting column widths in a heritage coach
Setting the number of columns in a heritage coach


Adding documents and reports to Heritage Coaches

You can upload documents and embed reports for display in Heritage Coaches.
- Choosing the type of documents to attach to a Heritage Coach
Before attaching documents to a Heritage Coach, you need to establish the type
of documents that you want to display and upload using the Document Attachment
- Attaching IBM Business Process Manager documents to a Heritage Coach
You can configure the Document Attachment Heritage Coach control to display
documents that match properties that you set. You can also configure the control
to enable process participants to upload additional documents.
- Attaching ECM documents to a Heritage Coach
Learn how to configure the Document Attachment Heritage Coach control to
display only those ECM documents that match properties that you set.
- Embedding documents in a Heritage Coach
You can configure the Document Viewer Heritage Coach control to display a
single document or one of several documents that process participants choose
from a list.
- Embedding IBM Business Process Manager reports in a Heritage Coach
Learn how to embed reports in Heritage Coaches.
Parent topic:Building Heritage Coaches


Choosing the type of documents to attach to a

Heritage Coach
Before attaching documents to a Heritage Coach, you need to establish the type of
documents that you want to display and upload using the Document Attachment

Before you begin

The Document Attachment control works with IBM Business Process Manager
documents or documents stored in an Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
repository. IBM BPM documents are any documents that your users can access by
browsing their file system or via a URL. To use the Document Attachment control to
access documents from an ECM repository, you can configure the control to work
with IBM Content Integrator Enterprise Edition, enabling users to access documents
from FileNet P8 Content Manager and IBM Content Manager.
Before you can access documents from an ECM repository using the Document
Attachment control, IBM Content Integrator SOA web services must be deployed on
an application server. The IBM Content Integrator Information Center provides
information about the WAR file that you can use for deployment and instructions for
configuring the WAR file. See Deploying > Deploying SOA Web Services in the
IBM Content Integrator Information Center.

The following steps describe how to establish which type of documents you want to
display and upload using the Document Attachment control:
1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with,
and then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a Document Attachment control from the palette onto the design area.
3. While the Document Attachment control is selected, click the Document
Attachment option in the properties if not already selected.
4. In the Behavior section, select a Connection Type from the drop-down list:
- IBM BPM documents
- IBM Content Integrator
5. If you selected IBM Content Integrator for the Connection Type, complete the
following steps:
A. Click the Connection option in the properties.
B. Provide the following information: Table 1. Input required for connection



IBM Content Integrator (ICI)

Web Service URL

Select the environment

variable that contains the root
URL of the deployed
application (SOA web
services). The name of this
environment variable is the
name of the target IBM
Content Integrator server
configuration. See Adding a
server configuration for
information on defining an IBM
Content Integrator server
Select the environment
variable that contains the
name of the IBM Content
Integrator connector that you
want to use to access the
ECM repository. The name of
this environment variable is
the name of the target IBM
Content Integrator server
configuration with a
_connectorName suffix. For
example, if your server
configuration is named
iciService, the connector
name will be contained in an
environment variable named
See Adding a server
configuration for information
on defining an IBM Content
Integrator server configuration.
User name required to log in
to the ECM repository.
Password required to log in to
ECM repository.

Repository ID

User name

What to do next
Configure the control to display and upload documents for your connection type. By
configuring the control, you can attach documents to the Heritage Coach for which
you configured the connection type.

Parent topic:Adding documents and reports to Heritage Coaches

Related information:
Attaching IBM Business Process Manager documents to a heritage coach



Attaching IBM Business Process Manager documents to a

Heritage Coach
You can configure the Document Attachment Heritage Coach control to display
documents that match properties that you set. You can also configure the control to
enable process participants to upload additional documents.

About this task

When you add the Document Attachment control to a Heritage Coach, documents
that were previously uploaded during completion of an IBM BPM task are
displayed. You can configure the control to display only those documents that match
properties that you set. For example, you can configure the control to display only
those documents associated with a specific client or customer. Plus, you can limit
the displayed documents to only those documents uploaded during the execution of
the current process instance. In addition to displaying documents, you can also
configure the Document Attachment control to enable users to upload additional

The following procedure describes how to display a list of IBM BPM documents in
your Heritage Coach using the Document Attachment control:
1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a Document Attachment control from the palette onto the design area or
click to select an existing control.
3. While the Document Attachment control is selected, click the Presentation option
in the properties.
4. Under Display Documents, select or clear the Associated Process Instance
check box. This setting causes the control to display only those documents
uploaded in previous steps of the running process instance. The check box is
selected by default. When not selected, the control displays all documents,
regardless of instance, BPD, or process application from which they originated,
when disabled. Important: If you disable this check box, be sure to set properties
that clearly identify the documents to display. If you do not, the number of
displayed documents could be much larger than expected or than is useful.
5. If you cleared the Associated Process Instance check box, choose one of the
following options:



All Properties

Displays only documents that

match all properties that you
Click the Add button to add the
properties that will determine
which documents are
displayed. Each property
should have a name and a
value. For example, you might
add a property with a name of
client and a value of smith.
Any Properties
Displays documents that match
any of the properties that you
Click the Add button to add the
properties that will determine
which documents are
displayed. Each property
should have a name and a
value. For example, you might
add a property with a name of
client and a value of smith.
Note: The document properties that you add should match the properties set for
uploaded documents. For example, if you want to display documents that users
uploaded in an earlier step, examine the Heritage Coach for the earlier step to
see the properties established for those uploaded documents. If you want to
display documents from a different process, open the BPD and its services and
then examine the properties established for those uploaded documents.
6. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service or BPD to test your
- If the same service enables users to upload documents in a preceding step, you
can run the service to test the configuration.
- If not, you must run the BPD so that the current control has access to
documents to display.
7. To configure the same Document Attachment control to enable document
uploads, complete the following steps. If you do not want to configure this control
for document uploads, clear the Enabled check box under Upload Documents.
A. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with
and then click the Coaches tab.
B. Drag a Document Attachment control from the palette onto the design area or
click a preexisting Document Attachment control to select it.
C. While the Document Attachment control is selected, click the Presentation
option in the properties.
D. Verify the Enabled check box under Upload Documents is selected. The
check box is selected by default. This setting causes the control to display an
Add Document button. When the service runs, the user can click the Add
Document button and then use the fields provided to browse for the URL or file
that they want to upload, provide a title for the document, and then click OK to
upload the document. The user can upload multiple documents using the

E. If you want to supply a default name for all documents that the user uploads,
type the JavaScript for the default in the Default Name text box. For example,
type <#= tw.system.user_fullName #> to make the current user name the
default name for uploaded documents. If you supply a default name, but want
the user to be able to change the default, click the User Editable check box to
enable it.
F. Click the Add Properties check box to enable it if you want to add properties
to uploaded documents. Then click the Add button to add the properties that
you want. Each property should have a name and a value. For example, you
might add a property with a name of client and a value of smith. The
properties that you add to uploaded documents enhance the Display
Documents capability of the control. All properties that you add to uploaded
documents can be used to select the documents to display.
G. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service or BPD to test your

What to do next
To see how these controls appear to users, work with documents in the Process

Parent topic:Adding documents and reports to Heritage Coaches

Related information:
Attaching ECM documents to a heritage coach


Attaching ECM documents to a Heritage Coach

Learn how to configure the Document Attachment Heritage Coach control to display
only those ECM documents that match properties that you set.

Before you begin

When you add the Document Attachment control to a Heritage Coach, documents
from the connected ECM repository can be displayed. You should configure the
control to display only those documents that match properties that you set. For
example, you can configure the control to display only those documents associated
with a specific client or customer. In addition to displaying documents, you can also
configure the Document Attachment control to enable users to upload additional
documents to the ECM repository.
Before you can attach documents stored in an Enterprise Content Management
(ECM) repository to a Heritage Coach, you need to establish a connection to the
repository as described in Choosing the type of documents to attach to a heritage
coach. After the connection is established, you can use the Document Attachment
Heritage Coach control as described in the following procedure.

The following procedure describes how to display a list of ECM documents in your
Heritage Coach using the Document Attachment control:
1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a Document Attachment control from the palette onto the design area or
click to select an existing Document Attachment control.
3. While the Document Attachment control is selected, click the Presentation option
in the properties.
4. In the Item Class Name field, enter the name of the document type that you want
to retrieve from the ECM repository, and click the Add button. All properties that
exist for the document type that you specify are displayed. This enables you to
choose the properties to use to determine the documents to display.
5. Determine whether you want to remove or filter any of the listed properties:
- To remove unwanted properties, click the property name and then click the
Remove button.
- To filter for particular properties, enter a value in the Filter Value column.
Important: The filters that you specify must match the actual property values in
the ECM repository.
For example, if one of the properties for a document type is ClientIndustry ,
you could limit the results to a specific industry by entering the following text in the
Filter Value column: automotive . You can also use an *(asterisk) as a wildcard
when establishing filters. For example, enter the following text to filter for all
properties that begin with auto : auto* . Or, simply enter an asterisk to retrieve
documents for all properties: * .
6. Click All Properties or Any Properties.
- If you select All Properties, documents must match all properties that you add


to be displayed.
- If you select Any Properties, if documents match any one of the properties that
you specify, the control displays them.
7. In the Display table, enter the value that you want the Heritage Coach interface to
use as the label for each property, and enter a value in the Display Value column
for each property.
8. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service or BPD to test your
9. Choose one of the following options to configure whether users can upload
documents to the connected ECM repository using the Document Attachment
- If you do not want to configure the Document Attachment control to enable
document uploads, clear the Enabled check box under Upload Documents.
- If you want to configure the Document Attachment control to enable document
uploads, complete the following steps:
A. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with
and then click the Coaches tab.
B. Drag a Document Attachment control from the palette onto the design area or
click a preexisting Document Attachment control to select it.
C. While the Document Attachment control is selected, click the Presentation
option in the properties. By default, the Enabled check box under Upload
Documents is selected. This setting causes the control to display an Add
Document button. When the service runs, the user can click the Add
Document button and then use the fields provided to browse for the file that
they want to upload to the ECM repository, provide a title for the document,
and then click OK to upload the document. The user can upload multiple
documents to the connected ECM repository using the control.
D. If you want to supply a default name for all documents that the user uploads,
type the JavaScript for the default in the Default Name text box. For example,
type <#= tw.system.user_fullName #> to make the current user name the
default name for uploaded documents.
E. If you supply a default name, but want the user to be able to change the
default, click the User Editable check box to enable it.
F. Click the Add Properties check box to enable it if you want to add properties
to uploaded documents. Then click the Add button to add the properties that
you want. Each property should have a name and a value.
G. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service or BPD to test your

What to do next
To see how these controls appear to users, work with documents in the Process

Parent topic:Adding documents and reports to Heritage Coaches


Embedding documents in a Heritage Coach

You can configure the Document Viewer Heritage Coach control to display a single
document or one of several documents that process participants choose from a list.

About this task

The Document Viewer Heritage Coach control enables you to display the contents
of an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) or IBM Business Process Manager
document in a separate frame directly within a Heritage Coach. You can configure
the Document Viewer Heritage Coach control to display one of several documents
that the user chooses from a list, or to display a single document. The Heritage
Coach control works with IBM Content Integrator Enterprise Edition, enabling users
to access documents from FileNet P8 Content Manager and Content Manager.

The following procedure describes how to configure the Document Viewer Heritage
Coach control to enable users to display a document from a list and configure the
Document Viewer Heritage Coach control to display a single document:
1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a Document Viewer control from the palette onto the design area or click a
preexisting Document Viewer control to select it.
3. Click the Document Viewer option in the properties.
4. For the Association field, choose Document Attachment from the drop-down list.
5. For the Control field, choose the Document Attachment control currently included
in your Heritage Coach that you want to associate with this Document Viewer
control. The Document Attachment control establishes the list of documents from
which the user can choose. When a user selects one of the documents, it is
displayed in the viewer.
6. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service or BPD to test your
configuration. After testing the configuration, you can configure the Document
Viewer Heritage Coach control to display a single document by choosing the
connection type and then completing the configuration for the chosen connection
7. Configure the Document Viewer Heritage Coach control to display a single
document by choosing the connection type:
A. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with
and then click the Coaches tab.
B. Drag a Document Viewer control from the palette onto the design area or click
a preexisting Document Viewer control to select it.
C. Click the Document Viewer option in the properties.
D. For the Association field, choose None from the drop-down list.
E. Click the Presentation option in the properties.
F. Select the Connection Type from the drop-down list: IBM BPM documents,
IBM Content Integrator, or URL.
- IBM BPM documents


- IBM Content Integrator

8. Complete the configuration for the connection type you selected:
- If you selected IBM BPM documents, complete the following steps:
A. If not already selected, click the Presentation option in the properties.
B. Under Display Documents, select or clear the Associated Process Instance
check box. This setting causes the control to display only those documents
uploaded in previous steps of the running process instance. The check box is
selected by default. When not selected, the control displays all documents,
regardless of instance, BPD, or process application from which they originated,
when disabled. Important: If you disable this check box, be sure to set
properties that clearly identify the documents to display. If you do not, the
number of displayed documents could be much larger than expected or than is
C. For the First Document Matching field, click All Properties or Any Properties.
The Document Viewer control displays the first document that matches the
properties that you choose.
- If you select All Properties, documents must match all properties that you
add to be displayed.
- If you select Any Properties, if a document matches any one of the
properties that you specify, the control displays it.
D. Click the Add button to add the properties that will determine which document
is displayed. Each property should have a name and a value. For example,
you might add a property with a name of client and a value of smith. Note:
The document properties that you add should match the properties set for
uploaded documents. For example, if you want to display a document that the
users uploaded in an earlier step, examine the Heritage Coach for the earlier
step to see the properties established for those uploaded documents. If you
want to display a document from a different process, open the BPD and its
services and then examine the properties established for those uploaded
E. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service or BPD to test your
configuration. If the same service enables users to upload documents in a
preceding step, you can run the service to test the configuration. If not, you
must run the BPD so that the current control has access to documents to
- If you selected IBM Content Integrator, complete the following steps:
A. If not already selected, click the Presentation option in the properties.
B. Provide the following information for the IBM Content Integrator connection:
Note: Before you can access documents from an ECM repository using the
Document Viewer control, IBM Content Integrator SOA web services must be
deployed on an application server. The IBM Content Integrator Information
Center provides information about the WAR file that you can use for
deployment and instructions for configuring the WAR file. See Deploying >
Deploying SOA Web Services in the IBM Content Integrator Information
Table 1. Input required for the IBM Content Integrator connection


IBM Content Integrator (ICI)
web service URL

Select the environment
variable that contains the root
URL of the deployed
application (SOA web
services). See Setting
environment variables to learn
how to define an environment
variable of type ICI web
service URL.
Select the environment
variable that contains the
name of the IBM Content
Integrator connector that you
want to use to access the
ECM repository. See Setting
environment variables to learn
how to define an environment
variable of type ICI Connector
User name required to log in
to the ECM repository.
Password required to log in to
ECM repository.

Repository ID

User name

C. In the Item Class Name field, enter the name of the document type that you
want to retrieve from the ECM repository, and click the Add button. All
properties that exist for the document type that you specify are displayed. This
enables you to choose the properties to use to determine the document to
display. The control displays the first document that matches the properties
that you choose.
D. To remove unwanted properties, click the property name and then click the
Remove button.
E. Optional: Limit the results by entering filterable text in the Filter Value column.
Note: The filters that you specify must match the actual property values in the
ECM repository.
For example, if one of the properties for a document type is ClientIndustry
, you could limit the results to a specific industry by entering the following text
in the Filter Value column: automotive .
F. For the First Document Matching field, click All Properties or Any Properties.
- If you select All Properties, the document must match all properties that you
add to be displayed.
- If you select Any Properties, if a document matches any one of the
properties that you specify, the control displays it.
G. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service or BPD to test your
- If you selected URL as the connection type for the Document Viewer control,
complete the following steps:


A. If not already selected, click the Presentation option in the properties.

B. In the URL field, type the location of the document that you want to display.
C. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service or BPD to test your
Parent topic:Adding documents and reports to Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Embedding IBM Business Process Manager reports in a heritage coach


Embedding IBM Business Process Manager reports in a

Heritage Coach
Learn how to embed reports in Heritage Coaches.

About this task

IBM BPM reports provide valuable information about your business processes.
The data available in an IBM BPM report can help process participants make
decisions regarding tasks and task assignments. For this reason, you may want to
embed IBM BPM reports in your Heritage Coaches so that users can make informed
decisions with the business data that they need directly available.

To embed an IBM BPM report in a Heritage Coach:
1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. Drag a Report control from the palette onto the design area.
3. While the Report control is selected, click the Presentation option in the
4. Under Report Settings, click the Select button to choose the IBM BPM report that
you want to embed. If the report does not yet exist, you can click New to create a
new report. Specific instructions for creating and configuring reports are provided
in the related information.
5. In the Page to Display field, use the drop-down list to choose the report page that
you want to display in your Heritage Coach.
6. In the Filter Parameters panel, click the Add button to choose parameters by
which to filter the report results. Provide the appropriate value in the Value
7. Click the Report option in the properties. In the Common area, you can provide
documentation for the report and add a label.
8. In the Behavior area, you can provide an unique control ID for the report and
adjust the number of rows and columns that the report spans within the Coach.
9. Save the Heritage Coach and the run the service to ensure the report is displayed
Parent topic:Adding documents and reports to Heritage Coaches


Customizing Heritage Coaches

You can include custom images, override CSS styles, or perform other
customization tasks when creating Heritage Coaches.
In a typical IBM Business Process Manager deployment, Heritage Coaches are
highly customized to render a particular look and feel. For example, you may want to
customize Heritage Coaches to use corporate logos and colors. In many cases, you
can meet your customization requirements by configuring the presentation and
visibility properties available in the Designer interface. Read the following topics to
learn more about customizing Heritage Coaches:
- How Heritage Coaches work
Before you customize Heritage Coaches, you should have a good understanding
of how they work to ensure that your customization produces the results you want.
- Adding custom images to a Heritage Coach
Heritage Coaches can include corporate branding and other graphic
- Overriding CSS styles for selected controls and fields
You can override Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) styles to customize the
appearance of a Heritage Coach.
- Specifying a custom CSS for a Heritage Coach
You can use your own Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to customize an entire
Heritage Coach.
- Specifying an XSL transform override for a Heritage Coach
You can use your own .xsl file to customize an entire Heritage Coach.
- Setting the length of input text fields
Overriding CSS styles in a Heritage Coach control also enables you to set the
maximum length (in pixels) for an Input Text control.
- Enhancing interface layout using custom attributes
You can add custom attributes to Heritage Coach sections and controls to
enhance the layout of the interfaces that you create for users.
Parent topic:Building Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Configuring heritage coach controls
Adding sections to a heritage coach and controlling the layout


How Heritage Coaches work

Before you customize Heritage Coaches, you should have a good understanding of
how they work to ensure that your customization produces the results you want.
The runtime rendering of a Heritage Coach involves the following key technologies:
Table 1. Key technologies involved in a runtime rendering of a Heritage Coach





The design of a Heritage Coach is
described in Extensible Markup
Language (XML). As you drag sections
and controls to a Heritage Coach, IBM
BPM automatically generates the XML
definition of the Heritage Coach. You can
view the XML while you're building a
Heritage Coach by clicking the Code
View icon in the toolbar.
The Extensible Stylesheet Language
Transformation (XSLT) transforms the
XML definition to the runtime HTML form.
The XLS renders a server-side-scriptlet
that is run to generate the HTML.
The client (web browser) renders the
HTML that the Heritage Coach generates
from its XML definition through XSLT
The Cascading Style Sheet
(coach_designer.css in the following
image) instructs the client how to render
the HTML output.
JavaScript provides the methods and
functions that implement runtime
Heritage Coach features, such as
dynamically adding rows to a table or
governing the visibility of Heritage Coach
controls. JavaScript that is embedded in
the XML definition of a Heritage Coach is
evaluated by the runtime engine before it
is rendered to HTML by the web browser
client. Both client-side and server-side
JavaScript is used to render Heritage

A Developer generates the XML definition of a Heritage Coach by generating files,

for example CoachDesigner.xls, Coach_designer.js, and coach_designer.css files.
Those files are then rendered, in an HTML format, to the user in the Heritage Coach
client. The following image shows how Heritage Coaches are generated:


If you have the required technical expertise, you can use the following methods to
customize Heritage Coaches:
- Override and customize Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Edit the XML definition
- Edit the JavaScript files
- Edit the XSL transformation rules
The following topics describe some of the customization options most commonly
used for Heritage Coaches.
Parent topic:Customizing Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Specifying a custom CSS for a heritage coach


Adding custom images to a Heritage Coach

Heritage Coaches can include corporate branding and other graphic customizations.
When you need to add custom images, add the necessary files to your process
application as managed assets. See Managing external files for more information.
When you add an image as a managed file, you can simply drag the image from the
library in the Designer to the design area of an open Heritage Coach. Using this
method, your images are included when you install snapshots of process
applications on servers in test, production, or other environments.
To add custom images to non-Heritage Coaches, see the related information.
Parent topic:Customizing Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Example: creating a template
Stock controls


Overriding CSS styles for selected controls and

You can override Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) styles to customize the appearance
of a Heritage Coach.

About this task

You can create a CSS override for either the label of a Heritage Coach control or for
the control itself as described in the following procedure:

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with
and then click the Coaches tab.
2. In the design area, click to select the Heritage Coach control that you want to
3. Click the Customization option in the properties.
4. Click the Add Class button.
5. Under Class Details, type a name in the Class Name text box. By default, this
field includes the name, class . You need to replace this text with the class
name that you want.
6. To override the CSS styles for the label of the Heritage Coach control, click the
Create label override button. This creates a . class_name .twLabel { } CSS
class, which is stored directly within the Heritage Coach and can be accessed as
described in the following step.
7. In the design area, click the top-level section of the Heritage Coach (named
IBM Business Process Manager Coach by default) and then click the CSS option
in the properties.
8. In the CSS text box, type your CSS override settings. For example, the
following CSS override changes the color of the label text to red and the
typeface of the label text to bold: . class_name .twLabel { color:red;
font-weight:bold; }

9. To override the CSS styles for the Heritage Coach control itself, go back to the
Customization properties for the selected control and click the Create control
override button. This creates a . class_name .twControl { } CSS class.
10. In the design area, click the top-level section of the Heritage Coach (named IBM
BPM Coach by default) and then click the CSS option in the properties.
11. In the CSS text box, type your CSS override settings. For example, the following
CSS override changes the typeface of the text in the control to italic: .
class_name .twControl { font-style:italic; }

12. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to test the CSS overrides.
Parent topic:Customizing Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Specifying a custom CSS for a heritage coach



Specifying a custom CSS for a Heritage Coach

You can use your own Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) to customize an entire
Heritage Coach.

About this task

The following procedure describes how to specify a custom style sheet for a
Heritage Coach.
When you initially create a Heritage Coach, it uses the Heritage Coach CSS setting
for the process application or toolkit in which the Heritage Coach resides. The
default Heritage Coach CSS for process applications and toolkits is the
coach_designer.css file that is stored in the System Data toolkit. Administrators
can change the Heritage Coach CSS setting for process applications and toolkits as
described in Editing process application settings and Editing toolkit settings.
The product loads a default CSS that is similar to the coach_designer.css file from
the system toolkit in the current version of the product. Removing the
coach_designer.css file from the application settings does not remove the default
CSS. You can add or override default style guidelines by using a custom CSS file in
the coach or process application CSS override setting. The coach CSS override
takes precedence because the files are loaded in this order: product defaults,
process application or toolkit, and then the coach CSS override. Note: More specific
object matches for CSS style guidelines take precedence over less specific

1. Add the CSS file that you want to use to your current project or to a referenced
toolkit as described in Managing external files.
2. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
3. In the design area, click the top-level section of the Heritage Coach (named IBM
Business Process Manager Coach by default) and then click the Heritage Coach
option in the properties.
4. For the CSS Override field, click the Select button and choose the CSS file that
you added in step 1. (You can click the New button and add a CSS file as
described in Managing external files.)
5. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to test the CSS overrides.
Parent topic:Customizing Heritage Coaches


Specifying an XSL transform override for a Heritage

You can use your own .xsl file to customize an entire Heritage Coach.

About this task

The following procedure describes how to specify a custom XSL transform for a
Heritage Coach.
Note: When you initially create a Heritage Coach, it uses the Heritage Coach XSL
setting for the process application or toolkit in which the Heritage Coach resides.
The default Heritage Coach XSL for process applications and toolkits is the
CoachDesigner.xsl file that is stored in the System Data toolkit. Administrators can
change the Heritage Coach XSL setting for process applications and toolkits as
described in Editing process application settings and Editing toolkit settings.

1. Add the .xsl file that you want to use to your current project or to a referenced
toolkit as described in Managing external files.
2. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
3. In the design area, click the top-level section of the Heritage Coach (named IBM
Business Process Manager Coach by default) and then click the Heritage Coach
option in the properties.
4. For the XSL Transform Override field, click the Select button and choose the
.xsl file that you added in step 1. You can click the New button and add a new .xsl
file as described in Managing external files.
5. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to test the XSL transform
Parent topic:Customizing Heritage Coaches


Setting the length of input text fields

Overriding CSS styles in a Heritage Coach control also enables you to set the
maximum length (in pixels) for an Input Text control.

About this task

Setting the maximum length for an Input Text control does not restrict the number of
characters that a user can type into the text box.

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. In the design area, click to select the Heritage Coach control that you want to
3. Click the Customization option in the properties.
4. Click the Add Class button.
5. Under Class Details, type a name in the Class Name text box. By default, this
field includes the name, class . You need to replace this text with the class name
that you want.
6. To override the CSS styles for the Heritage Coach control, click the Create
control override button. This creates a . class_name .twControl { } CSS class.
7. In the design area, click the top-level section of the Heritage Coach (named IBM
BPM Coach by default) and then click the CSS option in the properties.
8. In the CSS text box, type the CSS override settings to specify the maximum input
length (in pixels) for the control's input text box. For example, the following CSS
override sets the length to 110 pixels: . class_name .twControl {
width:110px; }

9. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to test the CSS overrides.
Parent topic:Customizing Heritage Coaches
Related information:
Making an input control a required field in a heritage coach


Enhancing interface layout using custom attributes

You can add custom attributes to Heritage Coach sections and controls to enhance
the layout of the interfaces that you create for users.

About this task

You can add a custom attribute to enable users to expand and collapse a section in
a Heritage Coach as described in the following procedure:

1. Open the service that contains the Heritage Coach that you want to work with and
then click the Coaches tab.
2. In the design area, click to select the Heritage Coach section that you want to
customize.Note: This example requires a Heritage Coach section with a visible
title that is nested within another section.
3. Click the Customization option in the properties.
4. Click the Add Attribute button.
5. Type showHide in the Name text box. By default, this field includes the name,
key . You need to replace this text with the key name that you want.
6. To make the section collapsible, type true in the Value text box. By default, this
field includes the text, value . You need to replace this text with the value that
you want. Note: To make the section collapsible and collapsed by default, type
hidden in the Value text box.
7. Save the Heritage Coach and then run the service to test the custom attribute.

What to do next
The custom attributes that you add when building a Heritage Coach pass
information to the XSL about how the page should be rendered. When you switch to
the Heritage Coach XML view, you can see any name-value attributes in the XML.
IBM Business Process Manager provides the following attributes that you can use
just as the showHide attribute is used in the preceding steps:
Table 1. Available custom attributes

Overrides a CSS
Overrides a CSS
class (be sure to
include the standard
CSS class if you
want the default
functionality as well)

Applies to
Input Text (or
Input Text (or


Example value
width: 100px





Enables scrollable
tables and sections
(the table or section
will always be the
given height, even
when there is not
enough data to fill it.
The header of the
table scrolls with the
Sets the width of a
table column
Displays numbers
with the specified
number of digits
after the decimal
Displays the given
symbol before a
Displays the given
symbol after a value
Specifies the
location of a label,
such as on top (the
label must be

Table or Section




InputText or Output 2




You can create completely new attributes and extend the capabilities of the Coach
Designer by adding XML attributes directly to a Heritage Coach's XML. When you
add attributes to a Heritage Coach's XML, you need to customize the Heritage
Coach XSL to support the new attribute.

Parent topic:Customizing Heritage Coaches

Related information:
Specifying an XSL transform override for a heritage coach


System services to implement conditional activities

The System Data toolkit includes services and a Heritage Coach that can serve as a
template to implement and manage conditional activities.
The System Data toolkit provides ready-to-use services for implementing and
managing conditional activities. The primary service, lsw Conditional Activity
Selection Coach , provides a sample Heritage Coach for selecting conditional
activities at run time using a graphical interface.
The System Data toolkit also includes a Heritage Coach to serve as a template for
conditional activities named lsw Save Conditional Activity Template Coach.
This template for conditional activities is specific to a single process definition. You
can have multiple templates per one process definition.
Parent topic:Building Heritage Coaches


Troubleshooting Heritage Coaches

Learn how to identify and fix common problems with Heritage Coaches.
If you experience problems running services that include Heritage Coaches, check
for the issues described in the following table:
Table 1. Common Heritage Coach problems
Dynamic values are not displayed in a
Heritage Coach as expected.

Input values are not captured as

expected at run time.

Unexpected behavior of nested visibility

rules at run time.

A configured onClick event for a button

does not take place at run time.

Potential cause and resolution

You might be using null values in the
variable (that is, the variable has no
value versus the value 0). When
initializing variables in the service that
contains the Heritage Coach, assign
default values to them.
This can happen when using multiple
sections in a Heritage Coach. Each
section is its own HTML form; submitting
data in a section does not submit data in
another section, unless it is a nested
section. Always design your Heritage
Coaches with this rule in mind.
An example of nested visibility rules is
described in Displaying a control based
on the input value of another control in a
heritage coach. If possible, design your
Heritage Coaches such that you can
distribute the rules across more than one
Heritage Coach. Another option is to use
custom JavaScript to express cascading
rules. An example is provided in
Changing the visibility of a heritage
coach control.
Ensure that the onClick event is assigned
to the individual button instead of a
Button Group control.

Parent topic:Building Heritage Coaches

Related information:
Building heritage coaches


Localizing process applications

Localizing your process applications enables users in different language locales to
interact with the application interfaces in their own languages. In addition to
providing translated versions of your applications for business users, you can also
specify localized strings for your design-time users, for example, users that are
creating their own interfaces using custom coach views that you provide.
- Creating localization resources
Localization resources for a process application are contained in localization
resource bundles, which are a set of files that define key-value pairs for all the
strings that are displayed in the application. For each supported language there is
a corresponding file containing translated values for all of the keys.
- Localizing user interfaces
You can provide localized interfaces for your users by replacing strings for labels
and hover help with localization keys. When the user runs the application, the
interface text appears in the language associated with their locale if the translated
string is available. Otherwise, the default text that is specified in the resource
bundle is used.
- Localizing coach view configuration options
You can provide localized configuration options for your coach authors at design
time by replacing strings for configuration option labels and hover help with
localization keys. Since the predefined configuration options are already set up for
localization, localizing your user-defined configuration options results in a more
seamless, fully-localized design environment.

Parent topic:Creating user interfaces for business processes


Creating localization resources

Localization resources for a process application are contained in localization
resource bundles, which are a set of files that define key-value pairs for all the
strings that are displayed in the application. For each supported language there is a
corresponding file containing translated values for all of the keys.

1. Open Process Designer and your process application or toolkit in the Designer
2. In the library, click the plus sign next to User Interface and select Localization
3. Provide a name for your new resource bundle and click Finish.
4. Optional: If you opened the Process Designer desktop editor, you can add each
of the language locales that you will translate your user interface into by clicking
Add and selecting each locale from the list.
5. For each translatable string in your application, enter a translation key and a
default value for that key. The default value is the value that is displayed if no
translation is available.
6. After you have defined all of your translation keys, you can export the resource
bundle for translation. Click Export to export the existing set of keys to a .zip file
to which you will add the corresponding translated properties files.
7. If you are in the web editor, or if you did not perform Step 4, you need to
manually create a new properties file for each language locale that you will
translate your user interface into. For each language that you want your
application to support, create a copy of the exported properties file, renaming it
according to the language that it will be supporting. For example, if your default
properties file is and you want your application to
support Japanese, create a copy of the file called Language support also extends to
specific countries. For example, different locale options are provided for English
(en_US, en_CA), French (fr and fr_CA), and Portuguese (pt and pt_BR).The file
naming scheme follows that of the Java specification, and is as follows:

where ll is the lowercase language code (fr, pt, en, and so on), or

where ll is the lowercase language code (fr, pt, en, and so on), and CC is the
uppercase country code (CA, US, BR, and so on).
8. Have each of the files translated into the corresponding languages.
9. To import your resource bundle into your process application, open the
localization resource file in Process Designer and click Import.
10. Browse to your updated .zip file to select it and click Finish. If you select to
overwrite the values for all existing keys, then for any given language, key
values in the imported files that do not match the existing key values will replace
the existing values. Any new keys are added to the existing set of keys in the
existing localization resource.


11. If there are any missing keys in any of the translated files, warnings are
displayed. Click each of the languages that are flagged with a warning to see
which key translations are missing. If you do not supply translations for these
keys, the default value is displayed in any interfaces that reference this key.

What to do next
After you have created your localization resources, you can associate them with
your coach views or human services by going to the Variables tab.
Parent topic:Localizing process applications


Localizing user interfaces

You can provide localized interfaces for your users by replacing strings for labels
and hover help with localization keys. When the user runs the application, the
interface text appears in the language associated with their locale if the translated
string is available. Otherwise, the default text that is specified in the resource bundle
is used.

Before you begin

Create or upload your localization resource file to provide the localization keys for
your interfaces. See Creating localization resources.

1. Go to the Variables tab of the coach view or human service that contains your
coach, click the plus sign next to Localization Resources and select the
localization resource bundle that contains the strings for your interface.
2. In the Coaches tab of the human service or the Layout tab of the coach view,
select the control that you want to localize.
3. Click Assign a variable next to the Label field and select the localization key
for the control label.
4. Click Assign a variable next to the Documentation field and select the
localization key for the hover help text for this control.
5. Save your human service or coach view, and test your localizations by changing
your language settings, and verifying that the localized strings appear in your
Parent topic:Localizing process applications


Localizing coach view configuration options

You can provide localized configuration options for your coach authors at design
time by replacing strings for configuration option labels and hover help with
localization keys. Since the predefined configuration options are already set up for
localization, localizing your user-defined configuration options results in a more
seamless, fully-localized design environment.

Before you begin

Create or upload your localization resource file to provide the localization keys for
your configuration options. See Creating localization resources.

About this task

There are two types of localization you can set up for your configuration options: the
label text which identifies your configuration option in the coach view configuration
properties, and the hover help text that helps your user understand how to set the
configuration option.

1. In the Variables tab for the coach view, click the plus sign next to Localization
Resources and select the localization resource bundle that contains the strings
for your interface.
2. In the Layout tab of the coach view, select the configuration option that you want
to localize.
3. Click Assign a variable next to the Label field and select the localization key
for the configuration option label.
4. If you are grouping a set of configuration options together under a group heading,
you can localize the group name by clicking Assign a variable next to the
Group field and selecting the localization key for the configuration option group
5. Click Assign a variable next to the Documentation field and select the
localization key for the configuration option hover help text.
6. Save your coach view and test your localizations by reusing the coach view in a
coach or coach view, changing your language settings, and verifying that the
localized strings appear with your configuration property.
Parent topic:Localizing process applications


Versioning process applications

Versioning provides the ability for the runtime environment to identify snapshots in
the lifecycle of a process application, and to be able to concurrently run multiple
snapshots on a process server.
To understand how process applications are versioned, it is important to remember
that a process application is a container that holds various artifacts used in or by the
process application (for example, process models or BPDs, toolkit references,
services, tracks, or monitor models). Any versioning is done at this container level,
not at the level of the individual artifacts. For process applications, that means that
versioning happens when you take a snapshot.
You can compare snapshots to determine differences between the versions. For
example, if a developer fixed a problem with a service and took a snapshot of its
containing process application or toolkit at that point, and then a different developer
made several additional changes to the same service and took a new snapshot, the
project manager can compare the two snapshots to determine which changes were
made when and by whom. If the project manager decided that the additional
changes to the service were not worthwhile, the project manager can revert to the
snapshot of the original fix.
You can run different versions (snapshots) of a process application concurrently on
a server; when you install a new snapshot, either remove the original or leave it

Version context
Each snapshot has unique metadata to identify the version (referred to as version
context). You assign that identifier, but IBM recommends using a three-digit numeric
version system in the format <major>.<minor>.<service>. See the topics about
naming conventions for a more detailed description of this versioning scheme.
IBM Business Process Manager assigns a global namespace for each process
application. The global namespace is specifically either the process application's tip
or a particular process application snapshot. The version name used by the server
cannot be longer than seven characters, so the assigned name is an acronym that
uses characters from the snapshot name that you assigned. Snapshot acronyms
areidentical to their snapshot names if the snapshot names conform to the
recommended IBM VRM style and are not more that seven characters. For
example, a snapshot name of 1.0.0 will have an acronym of 1.0.0, and a snapshot
name of 10.3.0 will have the acronym of 10.3.0. The snapshot acronym will be
guaranteed to be unique within the context of the process application within the
scope of the Process Center server. For that reason, you cannot edit the snapshot

Versioning considerations for process applications in

multiple clusters
You can install the same version of a process application to multiple clusters within
the same cell. To differentiate among these multiple installations of the same
version of the process application, create a snapshot for each installation and
include a cell-unique ID in the snapshot name (for example, v1.0_cell1_1 and
v1.0_cell1_2). Each snapshot is a new version of the process application (from a


pure lifecycle management perspective), but the content and function are the same.
When you install a process application in a cluster, an automatic synchronization of
the nodes is performed.

Versioning considerations for Process Designer toolkits

Remember that process application snapshots are typically taken when you are
ready to test or install. Toolkit snapshots, however, are typically taken when you are
ready for that toolkit to be used by process applications. Afterward, if you want to
update the toolkit, you must take another snapshot of "tip" when you are ready, and
then the owners of process applications and toolkits can decide whether they want
to move up to the new snapshot.

- Naming conventions
A naming convention is used to differentiate the various versions of a process
application as it moves through the lifecycle of updating, deploying, co-deploying,
undeploying, and archiving.
Parent topic:Building process applications
Related information:
Creating new process applications
Managing snapshots
Versioned modules and libraries


Naming conventions
A naming convention is used to differentiate the various versions of a process
application as it moves through the lifecycle of updating, deploying, co-deploying,
undeploying, and archiving.
This section provides you with the conventions that are used to uniquely identify
versions of a process application.
A version context is a combination of acronyms that uniquely describes a process
application or toolkit. Each type of acronym has a naming convention. The acronym
is limited to a maximum length of seven characters from the [A-Z0-9_] character set,
except for the snapshot acronym, which can also include a period.
- The process application acronym is created when the process application is
created. It can be a maximum of seven characters in length.
- The snapshot acronym is created automatically when the snapshot is created. It
can be a maximum of seven characters in length.If the snapshot name meets the
criteria for a valid snapshot acronym, the snapshot name and acronym will be the
Note: When using the mediation flow component version-aware routing function,
name your snapshot so that it conforms to the <version>.<release>.<modification>
scheme (for example, 1.0.0). Because the snapshot acronym is limited to seven
characters, the digit values are limited to a maximum of five total digits (five digits
plus two periods). Therefore, care should be taken when the digit fields are
incremented, because anything beyond the first seven characters is truncated. For
example, a snapshot name 11.22.33 results in a 11.22.3 snapshot acronym.
- The track acronym is automatically generated from the first character of each word
of the track name. For example, a new track created with the name My New Track
would result in an acronym value of MNT.The default track name and acronym are
Main. Deployment to a IBM Process Center server includes the track acronym in
the versioning context if the track acronym is not Main.
A business process definition in a process application is typically identified by the
process application name acronym, the snapshot acronym, and the name of the
business process definition. Choose unique names for your business process
definitions whenever possible. When duplicate names exist, you might encounter
the following problems:
- You might be unable to expose the business process definitions as web services
without some form of mediation.
- You might be unable to invoke a business process definition created in IBM
Process Designer from a BPEL process created in IBM Integration Designer.
The version context varies, depending on how the process application is deployed.
- Naming conventions for Process Center server deployments
On the IBM Process Center server, you can deploy a snapshot of a process
application as well as a snapshot of a toolkit. In addition, you can deploy the tip of
a process application or the tip of a toolkit. (A tip is the current working version of


your process application or toolkit.) The version context varies, depending on the
type of deployment.
- Naming conventions for Process Server deployments
On the Process Server, you can deploy the snapshot of a process application. The
process application snapshot acronym is used to uniquely identify the version.
Parent topic:Versioning process applications


Naming conventions for Process Center server

On the IBM Process Center server, you can deploy a snapshot of a process
application as well as a snapshot of a toolkit. In addition, you can deploy the tip of a
process application or the tip of a toolkit. (A tip is the current working version of your
process application or toolkit.) The version context varies, depending on the type of
For process applications, the process application tip or the specific process
application snapshot is used to uniquely identify the version.
Toolkits can be deployed with one or more process applications, but the lifecycle of
each toolkit is bound to the lifecycle of the process application. Each process
application has its own copy of the dependent toolkit or toolkits deployed to the
server. A deployed toolkit is not shared between process applications.
If the track associated with the process application is named something other than
the default of Main, the track acronym is also part of the version context.
For more information, see the Examples section, later in this topic.

Process application snapshots

For process application snapshot deployments, the version context is a combination
of the following items:
- Process application name acronym
- Process application track acronym (if a track other than Main is used)
- Process application snapshot acronym

Stand-alone toolkits
For toolkit snapshot deployments, the version context is a combination of the
following items:
- Toolkit name acronym
- Toolkit track acronym (if a track other than Main is used)
- Toolkit snapshot acronym

Process application tips are used during iterative testing in Process Designer. They
can be deployed to Process Center servers only.
For process application tip deployments, the version context is a combination of the
following items:
- Process application name acronym
- Process application track acronym (if a track other than Main is used)
- "Tip"
Toolkit tips are also used during iterative testing in Process Designer. They are not
deployed to a production server.
For toolkit tip deployments, the version context is a combination of the following


- Toolkit name acronym

- Toolkit track acronym (if a track other than Main is used)
- "Tip"

Resources should be uniquely named and identified externally using the version
- The following table shows an example of names that are uniquely identified. In this
example, a process application tip uses the default track name (Main):Table 1.
Process application tip with default track name
Type of name
Process application name
Process application name acronym
Process application track
Process application track acronym
Process application snapshot
Process application snapshot acronym

Process Application 1

"" (when the track is Main)


Any SCA modules associated with this process application tip include the version
context, as shown in the following table:Table 2. SCA modules and version-aware
EAR files
SCA module name

Version-aware name



EAR/application name

- The following table shows an example of a process application tip that uses a nondefault track name: Table 3. Process application tip with non-default track name
Type of name
Process application name
Process application name acronym
Process application track
Process application track acronym
Process application snapshot
Process application snapshot acronym

Process Application 1

Any SCA modules associated with this process application tip include the version
context, as shown in the following table:Table 4. SCA modules and version-aware
EAR files
SCA module name

Version-aware name


EAR/application name




Similar naming conventions apply to advanced Toolkit tip and snapshot

deployments. They also apply to advanced snapshots installed to Process Server.
- The following table shows an example of names that are uniquely identified. In this
example, a process application snapshot uses the default track name (Main):
Table 5. Process application snapshot with default track name
Type of name
Process application name
Process application name acronym
Process application track
Process application track acronym
Process application snapshot
Process application snapshot acronym

Process Application 1

"" (when the track is Main)

Process Shapshot V1

Any SCA modules associated with this process application snapshot include the
version context, as shown in the following table:Table 6. SCA modules and
version-aware EAR files
SCA module name

Version-aware name



EAR/application name

- The following table shows an example of a process application snapshot that uses
a non-default track name: Table 7. Process application snapshot with non-default
track name
Type of name
Process application name
Process application name acronym
Process application track
Process application track acronym
Process application snapshot
Process application snapshot acronym

Process Application 1
Process Snapshot V1

Any SCA modules associated with this process application snapshot include the
version context, as shown in the following table:Table 8. SCA modules and
version-aware EAR files


SCA module name

Version-aware name



Parent topic:Naming conventions


EAR/application name

Naming conventions for Process Server

On the Process Server, you can deploy the snapshot of a process application. The
process application snapshot acronym is used to uniquely identify the version.
For process application snapshot deployments, the version context is a combination
of the following items:
- Process application name acronym
- Process application snapshot acronym
Resources should be uniquely named and identified externally using the version
context. The following table shows an example of names that are uniquely identified:
Table 1. Example of names and acronyms
Type of name
Process application name
Process application name
Process application snapshot
Process application snapshot

Process Application 1

A resource, such as a module or library, has the version context as part of its
The following table shows an example of two modules and how the associated EAR
files include the version context:Table 2. SCA modules and version-aware EAR files
SCA module name

Version-aware name



EAR/application name

The following table shows an example of two process-application-scoped libraries

and how the associated JAR files include the version context:Table 3. Processapplication-scoped libraries and version-aware JAR files
SCA process-applicationscoped library name

Version-aware name

Version-aware JAR name



Parent topic:Naming conventions



Enabling document support

- Working with IBM BPM documents
In IBM Business Process Manager, you can use Enterprise Content Management
(ECM) tools to work with IBM BPM documents in the embedded IBM BPM
document store. For example, you can create, edit, and work with documents in
the document store using either a Coach or a Heritage Coach. There are, however,
special considerations for some of the CMIS operations that can be performed.
- Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems
You can interact with an Enterprise Content Management server to store or view
Parent topic:Building process applications


Working with IBM BPM documents

In IBM Business Process Manager, you can use Enterprise Content Management
(ECM) tools to work with IBM BPM documents in the embedded IBM BPM
document store. For example, you can create, edit, and work with documents in the
document store using either a Coach or a Heritage Coach. There are, however,
special considerations for some of the CMIS operations that can be performed.

About this task

The following topics provide additional information about working with IBM BPM
- The IBM BPM document store
The IBM BPM document store store is a CMIS-enabled embedded document
repository that is used to store IBM BPM documents in IBM Business Process
Manager version or later. It supplants the document attachment feature that
was used in earlier releases. The IBM BPM document store supports most Content
Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) operations and a number of
inbound events and you can use either Coaches or Heritage Coaches to work with
IBM BPM documents in the document store.
- Inbound events for the IBM BPM document store
The IBM BPM document store supports a subset of the inbound content event
types that are supported by external ECM systems. Event subscriptions for the
IBM BPM document store can only be created using the IBM_BPM_Document
- Inbound events for the IBM BPM content store
The IBM BPM content store supports a subset of the inbound content event types
that are supported by external Enterprise Content Manager systems. Event
subscriptions for the IBM BPM content store can be created only by using the
IBM_BPM_Document type.
- The IBM_BPM_Document document type
In the IBM BPM document store, IBM BPM documents are represented by
instances of the predefined document type IBM_BPM_Document.
- Creating IBM BPM documents
You can create IBM BPM documents by using one of the documents Coach views
and by using content integration in a service.
- Updating IBM BPM documents
You can update IBM BPM documents by using one of the documents Coach
views and by using the Content Integration node in a service.
- Working with the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Working with documents through the Content Integration node usually requires the
manipulation of document properties.
- Working with IBM BPM documents in the Document List coach view
The Document List coach view can be configured to work with IBM BPM
documents. For IBM BPM documents (and unlike Enterprise Content Management
documents), the default search service included in the Content Management toolkit
does not need to be overridden in the view configuration. The Document List will


build a CMIS query that is based on the specified IBM BPM document display
options and then pass it to the service for execution.
- Limitations in working with IBM BPM documents
There are some limitations in working with IBM BPM documents. In most
situations, you can successfully work around these limitations.

Parent topic:Enabling document support


The IBM BPM document store

The IBM BPM document store store is a CMIS-enabled embedded document
repository that is used to store IBM BPM documents in IBM Business Process
Manager version or later. It supplants the document attachment feature that
was used in earlier releases. The IBM BPM document store supports most Content
Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) operations and a number of inbound
events and you can use either Coaches or Heritage Coaches to work with IBM BPM
documents in the document store.
Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents


Inbound events for the IBM BPM document store

The IBM BPM document store supports a subset of the inbound content event types
that are supported by external ECM systems. Event subscriptions for the IBM BPM
document store can only be created using the IBM_BPM_Document type.
The inbound content event types that are supported for the IBM BPM document
store are listed in the following table:
Inbound content event
Checked In

Associated object types



Checked Out


Check Out Canceled



Folders or documents


Folders or documents


Folders or documents

An event produced when a

user checks in a
An event produced when a
user checks out a
An event produced when a
user cancels the checkout
of a document.
An event produced when a
user adds a document to
the object store.
An event produced when a
user deletes a document.
When a document is
deleted, an event is fired
for each item in the version
series. For example, if a
user deletes a document
that has ten versions, ten
events are fired.
An event produced on any
action that updates the
property values or content
of a document. Behavior
will vary depending on the
object and the action.
Note: An Updated event is
fired each time a new
document is created.

Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents

Related information:
Performing modeling tasks for inbound events
Adding a content event to a BPD
Using intermediate and boundary message events to receive messages




Inbound events for the IBM BPM content

The IBM BPM content store supports a subset of the inbound content event types
that are supported by external Enterprise Content Manager systems. Event
subscriptions for the IBM BPM content store can be created only by using the
IBM_BPM_Document type.
Case management functions are only available if you have IBM BPM Advanced with
the Basic Case Management feature installed.
The inbound content event types that are supported for the IBM BPM content store
are listed in the following table:
Inbound content event
Checked In

Associated object types



Checked Out


Check Out Canceled


Class Changed

Folders or documents


Folders or documents


Folders or documents



An event that is produced

when a user checks in a
An event that is produced
when a user checks out a
An event that is produced
when a user cancels the
check out of a document.
An event that is produced
when a user changes the
class of the object. For
example, the user can
change the class when the
user checks in a
An event that is produced
when a user adds a
document or folder to the
object store.
An event that is produced
when a user deletes a
document or folder. When
a document or folder is
deleted, an event is fired
for each item in the version
series. For example, if a
user deletes a document
that has 10 versions, 10
events are fired.
An event that is produced
when a folder has its file
method called to file a
Containable object.





Folders or documents

Security Updated

Folders or documents




Folders or documents


Folders or documents

Version Demoted


Version Promoted


Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents


An event that is produced

when an administrator or
application freezes the
custom properties of a
specific document version.
An event that is produced
when an item is locked for
use by a custom
An event that is produced
when a user changes the
security of the object.
An event that is produced
when a folder has its unfile
method called to remove
(unfile) a Containable
An event that is produced
when an item is unlocked
for use by a custom
An event that is produced
on any action that updates
the property values or
content of a document or
folder. Behavior varies
depending on the object
and the action. Note: An
Updated event is fired
each time a new document
or folder is created.
An event that is produced
when a document version
is demoted.
An event that is produced
when a document version
is promoted to a released

The IBM_BPM_Document document type

In the IBM BPM document store, IBM BPM documents are represented by instances
of the predefined document type IBM_BPM_Document.
The properties for the document type IBM_BPM_Document are shown in the
following table:
IBM_BPM_Docume Integer

IBM_BPM_Docume Integer
IBM_BPM_Docume String

IBM_BPM_Docume String

IBM_BPM_Docume Boolean

IBM_BPM_Docume Integer

The numeric
document identifier
in IBM Business
Process Manager.

The identifier is
calculated and
cannot be
The numeric
The identifier is
document identifier automatically
of the parent
calculated and
document in IBM
cannot be
Indicates whether
Optional. If a value
the document
is not set, the value
content contains
"FILE" is used.
"FILE" or references
The file name of the Optional.
original document
or URL. It is
recommended that
this property is set.
Indicates whether
Optional. If a value
the document
is not set, the
should be hidden
document is shown
from Process
in Process Portal.
The process
Optional. If a value
instance identifier. If is not set, the
this property is set, document is
the document is
associated to an
associated to the
instance (if the
lifecycle of the
document creation
process instance.
is performed in the
The document
context of that
content can only be process instance).
viewed by those
The value can only
users who have
be set on document
authority to view the creation.
process instance.


IBM_BPM_Docume String[]

IBM_BPM_Docume Integer

The additional
properties of the
document. The key
and value should be
separated by the
comma (,)
The creator or last
modifier of the

Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents



Optional. If a value
is not set, the user
ID of the caller is
used. The caller can
be the human
service user (or the
engine user when a
human service is
not used).

Creating IBM BPM documents

You can create IBM BPM documents by using one of the documents Coach views
and by using content integration in a service.

About this task

You can use the following user interfaces to create IBM BPM documents:
- One of the documents Coach views: Document List view (if it has been enabled to
allow document creation) or the Documents view. For more information, see
Configuring coach views for storing and viewing Enterprise Content Management
- The Content Integration node that is available in the human service, Ajax service,
and integration service editors. For more information, see Building a service that
integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document store.
If you use the Content Integration node to create a document, you select the IBM
BPM document store as the target server and select the Create document
operation. The only required value for this operation is the document name. The
object type ID and folder ID are automatically specified because they are mandatory
properties when the IBM BPM document store is specified as the target server.
Optionally, you can also provide content and properties:
- To provide content, you can use an ECMContentStream variable. For an example
of how to create a content stream, see Working with document content.
- To provide properties, you can use a list of ECMProperty objects. All properties are
optional and will default to a specific value if not specified. For more information
about default values, see The IBM_BPM_Document document type. For
information about constructing an ECMProperty list, see Working with the
IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property.

Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents


Updating IBM BPM documents

You can update IBM BPM documents by using one of the documents Coach views
and by using the Content Integration node in a service.

About this task

You can use the following user interfaces to update IBM BPM documents:
- One of the documents Coach views: Document List view (if it has been enabled to
allow document creation) or the Documents view. For more information, see
Configuring coach views for storing and viewing Enterprise Content Management
- The Content Integration node that is available in the human service, Ajax service,
and integration service editors. For more information, see Building a service that
integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document store.
To use the Content Integration node to update documents, you must first check out
the document. When the content or properties data is ready to be updated, the
document must be checked in. Properties of an IBM BPM document can be updated
only through a check-in operation. The Update document properties operation,
available for external Enterprise Content Management (ECM) servers, is not
available for the IBM BPM document store.
In a service flow, a typical update procedure might involve the following tasks:

1. In the Content Integration node, specify the following options:
- Server: IBM BPM document store
- Operation: Check-out document.
2. In the Server Script node, populate the implementation with the code that is
required to update the content or properties.
3. In the Content Integration node, specify the following options:
- Server: IBM BPM document store
- Operation: Check-in document. The document ID (private working copy ID)
that is returned by the check-out document operation must be used as input to
the check-in document operation.

What to do next
For sample code and information about working with IBM BPM document properties,
see Working with the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property. For sample code
and information on working with content streams, see The IBM_BPM_Document
document type.

Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents


Working with the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties

Working with documents through the Content Integration node usually requires the
manipulation of document properties.

About this task

When you are working with IBM BPM documents, you can use the document
property IBM_BPM_Document_Properties to specify properties that are not defined
in the document type IBM_BPM_Document. The IBM_BPM_Document_Properties
property is defined as a string property that carries a name-value pair, each of which
represents an extra property of the document. Information about the document type
IBM_BPM_Document and all of its available properties is found in the topic "The
IBM_BPM_Document document type."
Information about working with the document property
IBM_BPM_Document_Properties is found in the following topics:
- Writing to the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Properties can be written into a document when it is created or updated. In both
cases, you can optionally provide the operation with a list of ECMProperty objects.
- Reading from the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
The get document operation returns an ECMDocument object. This object
contains the properties that are associated with the document.
- Updating the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
In an update scenario, only the properties that are passed into the check-in
operation are updated in the document. IBM BPM document properties are stored
in the single CMIS property object IBM_BPM_Document_Properties. When a value
is passed to the property object, the existing value for the property is overwritten.
Be careful to ensure that when updating the property, only the intended updates
are sent to the server.
- Specifying search criteria for the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
After the "Document List" Coach View is configured to work with BPM documents,
it automatically generates the CMIS query to pass to the search service. The query
includes any required search conditions from the IBM BPM document options that
are specified for the view. However, if you intend to write your own CMIS query, or
configure the Content Integration node for a search operation, then you must
manually specify the format of the search condition.

Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents

Related information:
The IBM_BPM_Document document type


Writing to the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties

Properties can be written into a document when it is created or updated. In both
cases, you can optionally provide the operation with a list of ECMProperty objects.

About this task

The following code shows an example of how to create the content of the
IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property and store it into the list of ECMProperty
objects that are passed into the document operation. The code below assumes that
you want to overwrite the existing value of the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties
property. // Initialize the properties input variable to be passed to the Content Integration node = new tw.object.listOf.ECMProperty();

// Initialize the

ECMMultiValue variable that will carry the name value pairs for the BPM properties

var props = new tw.object.ECMMultiValue();

props.value = new tw.object.listOf.ANY();

// Set the property name value pairs

props.value[0] = "Property 1,value 1";
props.value[1] = "Property 2,value 2";
props.value[2] = "Property 3,value 3";

// Create the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property entry[0] = new tw.object.ECMProperty();[0].objectTypeId = "IBM_BPM_Document_Properties";[0].value = props.value;

For an example of how to update the value of the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties

property, see the topic "Updating the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property."

Parent topic:Working with the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property

Related information:
Updating the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property


Reading from the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties

The get document operation returns an ECMDocument object. This object contains
the properties that are associated with the document.

About this task

The following example code shows how to parse the value of the
IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property into a variable that can be used in a
service:// Initialize the variable that is used to store the BPM property values. A list of NameValuePair objects
tw.local.bpmProperties = new tw.object.listOf.NameValuePair();

// Look for the BPM properties object

for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {

if([i].objectTypeId == "IBM_BPM_Document_Properties"){

// Found the BPM properties.

Save its value to a local variable

var bpmProperties =[i].value;

// If there was only a single name-value pair stored in the BPM properties, then
// a string is returned.

Need to check here.

if(typeof bpmProperties == 'string'){

// There is a string in the format "name,value". Store it into the output variable.
var nameValuePair = bpmProperties.split(",");

tw.local.bpmProperties[0] = new tw.object.NameValuePair();

tw.local.bpmProperties[0].name = nameValuePair[0];
tw.local.bpmProperties[0].value = nameValuePair[1];

// Else, there is an instance ECMMultiValue. Introspect this object and store everything into the
// NameValuePair list.
for (var j = 0; j < bpmProperties.value.listLength; j++) {

var nameValuePair = bpmProperties.value[j].split(",");

tw.local.bpmProperties[j] = new tw.object.NameValuePair();

tw.local.bpmProperties[j].name = nameValuePair[0];
tw.local.bpmProperties[j].value = nameValuePair[1];
break; // The BPM document properties object has been processed.


Exit the loop.


Parent topic:Working with the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property


Updating the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties

In an update scenario, only the properties that are passed into the check-in
operation are updated in the document. IBM BPM document properties are stored in
the single CMIS property object IBM_BPM_Document_Properties. When a value is
passed to the property object, the existing value for the property is overwritten. Be
careful to ensure that when updating the property, only the intended updates are
sent to the server.

About this task

The following example code shows how to update the value of the
IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property object:// Find the ECMProperty object
document properties.

Assume that the tw.local.document

// contains the document instance retrieved previously (by a get document operation, for example).
var bpmPropertiesEntry;
for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
if([j].objectTypeId == "IBM_BPM_Document_Properties"){
bpmPropertiesEntry =[j];

// If there is a single BPM document property, the ECMProperty value will be a string.
// This is made an instance of ECMMultiValue, which enables the update to be
// handled generically even if the number of properties eventually changes.
if(typeof bpmPropertiesEntry.value == 'string') {
var value = bpmPropertiesEntry.value;
bpmPropertiesEntry.value = new tw.object.ECMMultiValue();
bpmPropertiesEntry.value.value = new tw.object.listOf.ANY();
bpmPropertiesEntry.value.value[0] = value;

// Cycle through the properties and update them with new values.
var bpmPropValues = bpmPropertiesEntry.value;
for (var j = 0; j < tw.local.bpmProperties.listLength; j++) {

var updateValue = tw.local.bpmProperties[j];

var found = false;

for (var i = 0; i < bpmPropValues.value.length; i++) {

var nameValuePair = bpmPropValues.value[i].split(",");

if( == nameValuePair[0]){
// Found the property, set the new value.


for the BPM

bpmPropValues.value[i] = + "," + updateValue.value;

found = true; // No need to add the property
break; // Property found, break out of the loop.

// If the property is not found in the existing list, add it

// to the set.
bpmPropValues.value[bpmPropValues.value.length] = + "," + updateValue.value;

// Now that the properties have been updated, populate the update operation with the input = new tw.object.listOf.ECMProperty();[0] = new tw.object.ECMProperty();[0].objectTypeId = "IBM_BPM_Document_Properties";[0].value = bpmPropValues.value;

Parent topic:Working with the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property


Specifying search criteria for the

IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
After the "Document List" Coach View is configured to work with BPM documents, it
automatically generates the CMIS query to pass to the search service. The query
includes any required search conditions from the IBM BPM document options that
are specified for the view. However, if you intend to write your own CMIS query, or
configure the Content Integration node for a search operation, then you must
manually specify the format of the search condition.

About this task

Whether you provide your own CMIS search query, or build it using the Content
Filter page in the service editor, the search predicate needs to follow a specific
format.To specify a search condition in the Content Filter page or to provide your
own CMIS search query, complete the steps in the following procedure:

1. To specify a search condition in the Content Filter page, complete the following
A. In the Search Criteria section, select the Properties property.
B. For the operator, select the contains property.
C. Specify the search value in the format BPM_property_name,search_value. For
example, the search condition approved,true would find all BPM documents
that have a BPM property name approved with a value of true.
Additional information about specifying search criteria is found in the topic
"Building a query for an Enterprise Content Management search operation."
2. To provide your own CMIS search query, use the same format that is used for the
search condition in the Content Filter page. For example, the following search
query will return the same results as the above search condition:ANY
IBM_BPM_Document_Properties IN('approved,true')

Additional information about specifying a CMIS query is found in the "Query"

section of the OASIS Content Management Interoperability Standard (CMIS)
Parent topic:Working with the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Related information:
Building a query for an Enterprise Content Management search operation


Working with IBM BPM documents in the Document

List coach view
The Document List coach view can be configured to work with IBM BPM documents.
For IBM BPM documents (and unlike Enterprise Content Management documents),
the default search service included in the Content Management toolkit does not
need to be overridden in the view configuration. The Document List will build a CMIS
query that is based on the specified IBM BPM document display options and then
pass it to the service for execution.

About this task

If you choose to provide your own search service and ignore the input CMIS query,
the BPM document display options specified for the Document List will have no
effect on the search result.Your custom CMIS query must include the following
document properties:
- cmis:name
- IBM_BPM_Document_FileNameURL
- IBM_BPM_Document_FileType
- cmis:objectId
- cmis:versionSeriesId
Optionally, you may also want to include the following properties to remain
consistent with the default behavior:
- MajorVersionNumber
- cmis:lastModificationDate
- IBM_BPM_Document_UserId
The following example shows a sample CMIS query that includes all of these
SELECT cmis:name, IBM_BPM_Document_FileNameURL, MajorVersionNumber, cmis:lastModificationDate, IBM_BPM_Document_UserId,
IBM_BPM_Document_FileType, cmis:objectId, cmis:versionSeriesId FROM IBM_BPM_Document

Note: If the IBM_BPM_Document_UserId property is specified, the Document List

displays the Last Modified By column. The column shows the full name of the user,
which it obtains from the user ID value stored in the IBM_BPM_Document_UserId
property. It is important to note that if you specify a query to filter for a specific user,
you must provide the user ID (rather than the full name of the user) in the WHERE
clause of the CMIS select statement.

Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents

Related information:
Document List control


Limitations in working with IBM BPM documents

There are some limitations in working with IBM BPM documents. In most situations,
you can successfully work around these limitations.
Some known limitations are:
- The IBM BPM document store restricts document size to 1 GB (gigabyte) or less
- The IBM BPM document store is not available on all platforms
These limitations are discussed in the following sections.

The IBM BPM document store restricts document size to 1

gigabyte or less
If you attempt to create or enhance a BPM document and it results in a document
size that exceeds 1 GB, you will receive an error message that directs you to reduce
the document size.
As a system administrator, you can use the document-attachment-max-filesize-upload option in the 100Custom.xml configuration file to control the document
file size. For more information, see Configuring the file size of uploaded content
management documents.

The IBM BPM document store is not available on all

Information about the platforms where the IBM BPM document store is not available
is found in the topic "Limitations in administering the IBM BPM document store."
Parent topic:Working with IBM BPM documents
Related information:
Limitations in administering the IBM BPM document store
Configuring the file size of uploaded content management documents


Integrating with Enterprise Content Management

(ECM) systems
You can interact with an Enterprise Content Management server to store or view
ECM systems manage documents of different types such as records, images, and
web pages throughout their lifecycle. ECM systems are used to increase efficiency
and to monitor the security of information, and comply with industry and government
regulations. You can access and update these documents from a business process
by using Enterprise Content Management operations in services such as an
integration service or human service.
For Enterprise Content Management integration, there are predefined types and
services that you can use. These types and services are contained in the Content
Management (SYSCM) toolkit.

- Adding an Enterprise Content Management server

You need at least one Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server for the
service you develop. You specify the connection properties to access an ECM
server on the Process App Settings Servers page for a process application or on
the Toolkit Settings Servers page for a toolkit. Adding the server to the Toolkit
Settings Servers page allows the connection properties to be reused.
- Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems
You can implement queries and services that interact with Enterprise Content
Management servers.
- Inbound events from Enterprise Content Management systems
In IBM Business Process Manager, you can create event subscriptions and design
business processes and services that detect and respond to inbound content
events from Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. The content events
are used to catch and throw interactions with an ECM system. Business processes
can instantiate, continue, or end based on the type of content event, such as the
creation, modification, or deletion of a document.
- Troubleshooting interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems
From time to time, you may encounter some issues during interactions with
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. In most situations, you can
successfully work around these issues.
- Integration considerations for ECM products
To work with specific ECM products, it is helpful to have an understanding of their
main integration considerations, such as their CMIS capabilities and limitations.
Parent topic:Enabling document support


Adding an Enterprise Content Management server

You need at least one Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server for the service
you develop. You specify the connection properties to access an ECM server on the
Process App Settings Servers page for a process application or on the Toolkit
Settings Servers page for a toolkit. Adding the server to the Toolkit Settings Servers
page allows the connection properties to be reused.

About this task

To add a server, follow these steps.

1. Select the Servers tab from the Process App Settings editor. You see the
Process App Settings editor when you first click Open in Designer from a
newly created process application in the Process Center. Alternatively you can
select Process App Settings from the drop-down list on the toolbar in Process
2. Beneath the Servers heading click Add. Beneath the Server Details heading,
enter a meaningful name for server. From the drop-down list in the Type field,
select Enterprise Content Management Server. Enter a meaningful description
of the server in the Description field. This field is optional.
3. Beneath the Server Locations heading, enter the following information.
- Environment Type: The environment of the Enterprise Content Management
server. Enter the server location information (host name, port, context path,
whether it is a secure server, repository name, user ID, and password) for each
environment type. These environments are described in the IBM Business
Process Manager overview. Modifying the IBM Process Server environment
type shows you how to change these types. If you do not provide values for
these environments, the values from the default environment type are used.
- Default: If you do not provide values for the following environment types,
default values are used.
- Development: The environment where you develop your services.
- Test: The environment where you test your services.
- Staging: The environment where you deploy your services for pre-production
- Production: The environment where your services are deployed for use by
your organization.
- Hostname: The host name of the Enterprise Content Management server.
Specify an IP address or a host name and domain. For example:

- Port: The port number of the Enterprise Content Management server.

- Context Path: The path to the Content Management Interoperability Services
(CMIS) web services application on the server. A connection must be
established through Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)
using the web services protocol rather than the Atom protocol.


- Secure server: Specify whether you want your service to be secure, that is, to
use the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) protocol by selecting this
check box. If you select the HTTPS protocol, you must configure HTTPS
security, as described in Accessing an IBM Case Manager server using the
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
- Repository: The name of your repository.
- Userid: The user ID to connect to the Enterprise Content Management server.
- Password: The password of the user ID connecting to the Enterprise Content
Management server.
- Always use this connection information: If selected, which is the default, only
this user ID and password are used for authentication. For example, a human
service, which your service is associated with when a Document List or
Document Viewer is configured, also has a user context. An administrator uses
the Manage Users function to specify human service users. Selecting this check
box means this user ID and password overrides any other user information.
4. Click Test Connection to confirm the connection to the server works.
5. Save your work. From the menu, select File > Save All. You can change these
settings at run time. See Changing ECM server settings using the Process Admin
Parent topic:Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems
Related information:
Authentication scenarios
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document


Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content

Management systems
You can implement queries and services that interact with Enterprise Content
Management servers.
- Authentication scenarios
IBM Business Process Manager provides three ways that you can grant access
to an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server. You can set a user ID and
password for the process application that is recognized by the Enterprise Content
Management system. You can design a business process to use personal
credentials to control access to specific documents and folders on the ECM server.
Or, you can design a business process that uses each method of authentication for
different steps in the process.
- How to use Coach views to store or view documents
In client applications, you can store or view documents from an Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) server by using functions that work with your search results.
- Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM
document store
Use a service to allow a business process developed in IBM Process Designer to
work with an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system or the IBM BPM
document store.
- Building a query for an Enterprise Content Management search operation
A graphical interface helps you build a query to an Enterprise Content
Management server.
- Working with a search result programmatically
Search results can be substantial. Instead of working with a large search result in
a user interface, you may want to parse the search results programmatically.
- Working with document content
To work with the content of documents, you can use the ECMContentStream data
type to wrap a content stream and return information about the stream. A content
stream is a stream of data that contains the content of a document, such as a word
processing document or an image.
- Data mapping in Enterprise Content Management operations
Each operation requires that variables be mapped to the input and output fields.
Using the auto-map function automatically creates and assigns variables of the
right type to each field.

Parent topic:Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems

Related information:
The IBM BPM document store
The IBM BPM content store


Authentication scenarios
IBM Business Process Manager provides three ways that you can grant access to
an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server. You can set a user ID and
password for the process application that is recognized by the Enterprise Content
Management system. You can design a business process to use personal
credentials to control access to specific documents and folders on the ECM server.
Or, you can design a business process that uses each method of authentication for
different steps in the process.
The IBM Business Process Manager system and the Enterprise Content
Management system are separate systems. If shared security is not configured, the
IBM BPM system does not recognize Enterprise Content Management users and
vice versa. Being authenticated on one system does not mean that a user or user
group is also authenticated on the other system. Consider the way you want to
share Enterprise Content Management information with IBM BPM users before you
design your application.
In some scenarios, you want to project the user identity of the currently acting
human user from the BPM system to the ECM system. This approach allows users
to create and access private documents, provides records for audits, and allows
fine-grained access control on the Enterprise Content Management server. In other
scenarios, the actual user identity of the human user who is working with IBM BPM
does not matter in the Enterprise Content Management system. In such cases, it
might be enough to use a static system identity that represents the BPM system. For
example, the business process might generate public documents or perhaps all
BPM users need to see the same collection of documents in a user interface.
When you configure access to an Enterprise Content Management server in IBM
Process Designer, you set a user ID and password (see the related links for more
information about this task). If you use the default setting, the ID and password do
not need to be valid on the BPM system, but they must be valid for the Enterprise
Content Management server. At the end of the settings is a check box labeled
Always use connection information specified here. When that check box is
selected, which it is by default, that user ID and password are attached to all calls
made from that process application to the ECM server. The advantage of this
method is that the Enterprise Content Management server is immediately available
for use by the actions in the process application. However, do not use this option if
you want to restrict which documents or folders individual users can see and use.
Using this method, a static user name and password as defined in the process
application settings is the only credential that can be submitted from IBM BPM to the
Enterprise Content Management server. There is no way of telling the ECM system
who the current "real" user is. Therefore, even if you set up single sign-on (SSO),
there is no way of fine-grained access control and gathering auditing data by
individual user.
Clear the Always use connection information specified here check box if you
want to restrict which documents or folders individual users or specific user groups
can see and use. When that check box is not selected, the IBM BPM system uses
individual user names and IDs for authentication and projects the identity to the


Enterprise Content Management server. Now you can assign specific tasks to users
who can see only the documents and folders that they need to complete those
tasks. A service that is started by a user task in a BPD runs under the security
context of the user who claimed and started the task.
You can design a business process definition to use both authentication methods,
depending on the context. If the Always use connection information specified
here check box is not selected, authorization depends on how you model your
business process. By choosing the context from which the call is made, you can
restrict access to the Enterprise Content Management server to a user ID specified
in the process application server settings or to a task owner. If the Enterprise
Content Management service is called by a system task in a BPD, the user that is
identified in the process application settings is used. If the Enterprise Content
Management service is called by a human task, by a coach, or by an integration
service within a user task, the task owner identity is propagated to the ECM system.
In this latter case, the user ID and password set on the process application are
ignored. Calls that use the task owner identity fail if the BPM and ECM systems do
not have shared security.
Parent topic:Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems
Related information:
Adding an Enterprise Content Management server
Changing ECM server settings using the Process Admin Console
The 99Local.xml and 100Custom.xml configuration files
Changing IBM Process Server properties in 100Custom.xml


How to use Coach views to store or view

In client applications, you can store or view documents from an Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) server by using functions that work with your search results.
To store a document, use one of the documents Coach views in the user interface
that you create for your client application. The ECM server that you are using
determines the documents Coach view that you can use:
- IBM BPM document store: Documents List view
IBM BPM content store: Document Explorer view or Documents List view
- External ECM server: Documents List view
From these views, users can retrieve a set of documents from an ECM server,
display a selected document, and store documents. The way that you configure the
documents Coach view determines how the view behaves in your client application.
To view a document, you can configure your documents Coach view in one of the
following ways:
- Configure the documents Coach view that you are using with the Document Viewer
view. You must also configure the Document Viewer view
- Set a configuration option for the documents Coach view to display the document
in a new window.
The following figure shows how business users work with documents on an ECM
server through Coach views in the client application.

- Configuring coach views for storing and viewing Enterprise Content

Management documents
You can store and view documents on an ECM server from a client application,
such as Process Portal, by configuring one of the documents coach views

(Document Explorer or Document List view) and, optionally, a Document Viewer

Parent topic:Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems


Configuring coach views for storing and viewing

Enterprise Content Management documents
You can store and view documents on an ECM server from a client application, such
as Process Portal, by configuring one of the documents coach views (Document
Explorer or Document List view) and, optionally, a Document Viewer view.

Before you begin

The Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server where the documents are
stored can be any of the following:
- IBM BPM document store
IBM BPM content store
- An external ECM server
If you are using the IBM BPM content store, you can configure either the Document
Explorer or the Document List view. If you are using IBM BPM or an external ECM
server, you can configure the Document List view only.
- Toolkit dependencies
- Because you need access to ECM types, ensure that the Content Management
(SYSCM) toolkit is added to the dependencies for the process application. For
the Document Explorer view, ensure that you also add the Dashboards toolkit
to the dependencies.
- Custom search service (Document List view only)
- You must have an ECM service with a search operation that provides a search
result. This search result is used to present a list of documents in the Document
List view. For information on how to create the ECM service, see Building a
query for an Enterprise Content Management search operation.The search
service that you create must comply with the interface of the Document List
view. The Default ECM Search Service Ajax service that is provided in the
Content Management (SYSCM) toolkit shows an example of the expected input
and output definition. The parameter names in your search service must be the
same as the names used in the Default ECM Search Service Ajax service:
maxItems, skipCount, searchAllVersions, and cmisQuery.
If you do not have a search service, you can create one when you configure the
Document List view. The What to do next section describes how to create a
simple search service.

About this task

Add one of the documents coach views to a coach to enable Process Portal users to
store or view documents on an ECM server. All the following steps apply to both the
Document Explorer view and the Document List, except when otherwise specified.

1. Create a Human service.
2. Select a Coach from the palette and drag it onto the canvas. Enter an
appropriate name for the coach and save your work. Tip: Do not select the


Heritage Coach, which is used primarily with process applications.

3. Open the new coach and from the palette beneath Content, drag one of the
documents coach views onto the canvas. If you also want to view documents in
the coach, drag a Document Viewer view onto the canvas. Tip: If you do not see
a Content section on the palette, select that section from the Filter list.
4. Document List view only. In the Document List view, configure the search service
that targets your ECM server.
A. Select the coach view and in the Properties section, click Configuration.
B. Beside the Search property, click Select. From the menu beneath Ajax
Service, select the ECM service that implements the search operation.
5. Select the other configuration options that you want for your implementation of the
documents coach view that you are using to list documents. For more information
about the configuration properties, see Document Explorer control and Document
List control.
6. Create and set the data binding property for the documents coach view if you are
using the Document Viewer view to display a document in the list. In addition, if
you are using the Document Viewer view, you must set its data binding property
to communicate with your documents coach view.
A. Create the data binding property.
1. On the Variables tab, click Add Private, and give the variable a name, for
example, documentInfo.
2. Beside Variable Type, click Select, and from the Business Objects list,
select ECMDocumentInfo.
3. Select Is List, and save your work.
B. Set the data binding for the documents coach View.
1. On the Coaches tab. Select the documents coach view on the canvas.
2. On the General tab in the Properties view. Beside Binding, click Select >
documentInfo (ECMDocumentInfo) (List), and save your work.
C. Set the data binding for the Document Viewer view.
1. On the Coaches tab. Select the documents coach view on the canvas.
2. On the General tab in the Properties view. Beside Binding, click Select >
documentInfo (ECMDocumentInfo) (List) > listSelected
(ECMDocumentInfo), and save your work.
7. Test the implementation of the documents coach view by clicking the Run
service icon in the upper right section of the page.

What to do next
You might want to update bindings in the documents coach view by using a script,
for example, because the values for the inputs to your search service changed. If
you run a script to update the binding, you must change the previous value. In the
following JavaScript example, the columns are updated by appending text that
changes the older values.
tw.local.cmisQueryString = "SELECT cmis:name, cmis:objectId ";
if (tw.local.photoCatagory) tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + ", PhotoCatagory";
if (tw.local.photoSubject) tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + ", PhotoSubject";
if (tw.local.photoLocation) tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + ", PhotoLocation";
if (tw.local.photoDate) tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + ", PhotoDate";


tw.local.cmisQueryString = tw.local.cmisQueryString + " FROM acpPhoto";

tw.local.testCoachRefresh = tw.local.testCoachRefresh + "XYZ ";

The following steps show how to create a search service for the Document List view.
1. To ensure that you have the correct input and output variables and types, copy
the Default ECM Search Service to your process application.
2. Rename the Default ECM Search Service to an appropriate name, for example,
3. Complete one of the following steps:
- If you configured the Document List view for the IBM BPM document store,
configure the search operation that is defined in the existing IBM BPM
documents Content Integration step.
- If you configured the Document List view for an external ECM server, then add a
Content Integration step to the ECM documents path and configure the search
operation with an Enterprise Content Management server.
4. Use the auto-map function to create the map between the input and output
service parameters and the variables.

Parent topic:How to use Coach views to store or view documents

Related information:
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document
Specifying search criteria for the IBM_BPM_Document_Properties property
Building a query for an Enterprise Content Management search operation
Controls in the Content Management toolkit


Building a service that integrates with an ECM

system or the IBM BPM document store
Use a service to allow a business process developed in IBM Process Designer to
work with an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system or the IBM BPM
document store.

Before you begin

If you are working with an ECM system rather than the IBM BPM document store,
you should have added your Enterprise Content Management (ECM) servers to your
process application as shown in Adding an Enterprise Content Management server.
You should add the Content Management (SYSCM) toolkit to your dependencies, if
it has not been added as you will need access to the ECM types. To add this toolkit
dependency, select + beside TOOLKITS. In the Add dependency menu, select the
Content Management toolkit version you require.

About this task

To build a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document
store, follow these steps:

1. Select any service from the library area that supports Content Integration steps.
The following services contain a Content Integration step.
- Select Implementation in the library section and then +. From the menu, select
Integration Service
- Select User Interface and then +. From the menu, select Ajax Service.
- Select User Interface and then +. From the menu, select Human Service.
Enter a name for the service on the following dialog box and click Finish. The
editor opens with the Diagram view in focus.
2. From the palette, drag a Content Integration step to the canvas and provide a
meaningful name for it.
3. Click Implementation in the Properties view. Under Enterprise Content
Management Server, <Use data mapping> is the default selection in the Server
field. It means that in the Data Mapping tab section, the Server name input map
is enabled and editable. You can pass a server name by using a variable in that
field.Alternatively, you can select one of the following server types in the Server
- IBM BPM document store
- The name of an ECM server
Information about the IBM BPM document store is found in the topic "The IBM
BPM document store."
If you want to select the name of an ECM server but no ECM servers are
available for selection, you can add a server in the Process App Settings editor by


selecting the Use the Process Application Settings editor to add a server link
and then clicking the Servers tab. After adding the server, click Save and then
switch to the service editor canvas again and select the server from the Server
field. Information about adding an ECM server is found in the topic "Adding an
Enterprise Content Management server."
4. Under Content Operation, select an appropriate ECM operation. The following
table displays the name of each ECM operation and indicates whether the
operation is available for external ECM systems and the IBM BPM document
Operation name
Add document to
Cancel check-out


Adds a document
to a folder.
Releases a
document from the
check-out state,
which makes it
possible for other
users to work with
Check-in document Checks in a
document, giving
all users access to
Checks out a
document; only the
person who
checked it out can
use it.
Copy document
Copies a
Create document Creates a
Create folder
Creates a folder.
Delete document
Deletes a
Delete folder
Deletes a folder.
Get all document
Gets all versions of
a document.
Get document
Gets a document
that matches a
document identifier.
Get document
Gets a stream of
data that is the
content of the

Available for
external ECM

Available for the

document store?




















Get documents in
Get folder

Gets all documents

in a folder.
Gets a folder that
matches a folder
Get folder by path Gets a folder as
determined by a
path to it.
Get folder tree
Gets a set of
folders in an array.
Get type definition Gets the type
definition of a
document or folder
(including its
Get type
Gets the type
descendants as
determined by the
depth level.
Move document
Moves a document
from one folder to
Move folder
Moves a folder.
Remove document Removes a
from folder
document from a
Retrieves a set of
document or folder
according to a
query. See
"Building a query
for an Enterprise
search operation."
Set document
Updates a
document with
Update document Updates the
properties of a























5. Click Data Mapping. In this section you can create the map between the
variables for input and output. These variables need to be created. You can
create them manually by yourself or use the auto-map function. The auto-map
function creates private variables for the business objects, which are used by the
service you create. Click the auto-map icon to create these private variables.


The mapping structure for each operation is discussed in Data mapping in

Enterprise Content Management operations.
6. Save your work to update the process application with any changes to your

What to do next
As with any service, if you have errors at run time, use catching error events to
handle errors thrown by a content integration step. A content integration step may
raise an error with error code ECMError and error data of type ECMError. See
Handling errors in services.

Parent topic:Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems

Related information:
Adding an Enterprise Content Management server
Building a query for an Enterprise Content Management search operation
How to use coach views to store or view documents
Configuring coach views for storing and viewing Enterprise Content Management
The IBM BPM document store


Building a query for an Enterprise Content

Management search operation
A graphical interface helps you build a query to an Enterprise Content Management

About this task

Follow these steps to add a query that can be used in a search operation.

1. After specifying a search operation in an Enterprise Content Management service
and selecting a server name, click the Content Filters tab.
2. In the left column, select the search node you want to create your query for, if you
created more than one search step.
3. Beneath Build Search Filters complete the fields appropriate to your query.
- In the Method of creating search field, select one of the following:
- Content Filters: (Default) Select if you want to use the fields on this Content
Filters page to define your search.
- Data Mapping: Select if you are experienced in writing Content Management
Interoperability Services (CMIS) queries and want to write your own handcoded query (see the query section of the CMIS specification for information on
the syntax).Selection will disable the fields in the Content Filters page and
make the CMIS query Input Mapping field editable on the Data Mapping tab.
- Under Object Type, select the type of object for the search. These types are
also discussed in the input and output fields described in Data mapping in
Enterprise Content Management operations.
- Document: A type of document. For example, the server could have an email
type of document for storing critical information sent by email. Click Select and
choose the document type from those available on the server. Examine your
application to decide what document type to select. For example, an
application about insurance claims might select insurance forms.
- Folder: A type of folder that contains documents. For example, the server
could have a security type of folder for containing documents related to
security. Click Select and choose the folder type from those available on the
- Under Properties, click Add to see a list of properties for the type you selected
previously. Select additional properties based on your application. Using the
application about insurance claims mentioned previously, you might want to add
the property of when the insurance claim was made. As you select a property, it
appears as a column in the pane beneath Properties along with sample data
from the selected Enterprise Content Management server. Columns are added
from left to right. The layout of the result set, the sorting of items in columns, and
the priority of which column is sorted first, second, third and so on is described
in the following table.


Table 1. Layout and sorting sequence of the result set

Layout and items sorted
Layout of columns from left to right.

How to change the order

Select a column and use the arrows at
the bottom of the pane to move the
column to the left or right. Use the Add
or Remove buttons to add or remove
property columns. Alternately, for
removal, select the triangle at the top of
the column and from the menu select
Remove property.
Ascending or descending order of
Click the number at the top of a
items in each column.
column. Depending on the direction of
the triangle, the items will be arranged
in an ascending or descending order. If
the column does not have a number at
the top, click the triangle and select
Add sort order.
Sorting priority of the result set; that is, Click the triangle at the top of a column
which column is sorted first, second,
and select Change sort order. The
third and so on.
columns with a number open in a
dialog box. Select the arrows at the
side of the pane to move a selection up
or down in the priority list. Click X to
remove a column from the sorting

The sorting priority of the result set can alternately be done by selecting Result
set order specified by process variable and mapping to a variable containing
the sorting priority. The content of this variable is a CMIS query following the
standard CMIS syntax (see the link to the CMIS standard page in the Data
Mapping description). This option is helpful for having the sorting priority set at
run time. You may also use JavaScript.
- Under Search Criteria, you can specify constraints for specific properties by
selecting Add Search Criterion. For example, you might want to only search for
objects whose Current State is equal to Working. Match criteria lets you select
all or any as a match criteria. All returns items matching all the criteria specified
in the filter. Any returns items matching any single field in the filter. The match
criteria does not affect the search result columns shown in the Properties table
though it will affect the rows.
4. Save your work. File > Save All.

What to do next
Using Document List and Document Viewer views, you can turn your search into a
list of documents that a user can browse, select and view.
If the Search operation is used with a Document List view, the ID column is not
shown in the Document List. However, the ID column should not be removed from
the query. The IDs provide the links to each document in the content repository. An

ID is required to perform any actions on the document, including showing the

document in a Document Viewer.

Parent topic:Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems

Related information:
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document
How to use coach views to store or view documents
Configuring coach views for storing and viewing Enterprise Content Management


Working with a search result programmatically

Search results can be substantial. Instead of working with a large search result in a
user interface, you may want to parse the search results programmatically.
Parsing search results programmatically can be subdivided into two methods:
parsing a generic search result, that is, parsing a standard query returning a set of
documents in business objects and parsing a strongly typed search result where the
business object type is specified. A strongly typed search result adds precision that
can improve the performance when parsing it over the generic search result.
- Parsing a generic search result
- Parsing a strongly typed search result

Parsing a generic search result

The following JavaScript code assumes that query for the search result was created
in the standard way as described in Building a query for an Enterprise Content
Management search operation. In other words the query did not make use of the
optional Return type input parameter where a specific business object type is
specified. The Return type input parameter is described in the Search operation
section in Data mapping in Enterprise Content Management operations.
The SELECT statement used in the following example is SELECT cmis:name,
cmis:creationDate, cmis:objectId FROM cmis:document ORDER BY
cmis:name ASC.

In this example, we take a generic search result and extract the IDs of all the
documents found, and store them in an array. Document IDs are a basic piece of
information used by most of the ECM operations.
When there is no return type specified for the search operation, the
ECMSearchResult.resultSet field contains an ECMSearchResultSet object, which in
turn holds a list of ECMSearchResultRow objects.
The ECMSearchResult.propertyMetadata has the column information as specified in
the CMIS query, and can be used to search for specific columns, as shown below.
/* Property metadata is captured by the ECMPropertyMetadata business object */
var columnMetadata = tw.local.searchResult.propertyMetadata;

var idColumnIndex = -1;

* Check if a search result found. Find which column contains the ID column and
* save its index so we can retrieve the right value from each row.

if (tw.local.searchResult.numItems > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < columnMetadata.length; i++) {
if (columnMetadata[i].queryName == 'cmis:objectId') {
idColumnIndex = i;


tw.local.documentIds = new tw.object.listOf.ECMID();

var resultSet = tw.local.searchResult.resultSet;

for (var i = 0; i < resultSet.row.length; i++) {
tw.local.documentIds[i] = resultSet.row[i].column[idColumnIndex];
} else {
/* No search result */

Parsing a strongly typed search result

The following JavaScript code assumes that the query for the search result was
created with the optional Return type input parameter where a business object type
is specified. The field for the Return type input parameter is only editable if you
selected the Data Mapping option on the Content Filters page. The Return type
input parameter is described in the Search operation section in Data mapping in
Enterprise Content Management operations.
The Return type parameter should be mapped to a public output variable, for
example, documentBO, that has an ECMSearchResultBO type. Note that you create
the ECMSearchResultBO; it is not provided for you. Select the List check box.
The SELECT statement used in the following sample is SELECT cmis:objectId AS
documentId FROM cmis:document .
/* In this example, we take a strongly typed result and extract the business objects
returned by the search operation. The ID column is mapped to the business object's
documentID property in the CMIS SELECT statement. So we simply return the array of
business objects for the caller to process.

/* Set the return list of ECMSearchResultBO to output the output variable and we are done */
var resultSet = tw.local.searchResult.resultSet;

if(resultSet.row.length > 0){

tw.local.documentBO = resultSet.row;

Parent topic:Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems

Related information:
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document
Building a query for an Enterprise Content Management search operation


Working with document content

To work with the content of documents, you can use the ECMContentStream data
type to wrap a content stream and return information about the stream. A content
stream is a stream of data that contains the content of a document, such as a word
processing document or an image.
The ECMContentStream data type is used in the following four Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) operations:
- Check in document
- Create document
- Get document content
- Set document content
Information about these operations is found in the topic Data mapping in Enterprise
Content Management operations.
The properties for the ECMContentStream data type are described in the following
Table 1. ECMContentStream properties
Property name




The length of the original (nonencoded) content length in
bytes. If the property is set, the
length must be a positive
number. If the length is
unknown, the property must not
be set.
The MIME media type of the
content stream. For the primary
content of a document, the
MIME media type should match
the value of the property
For example, application/pdf.
The file name of the content
stream. For the primary content
of a document, the file name
should match the value of the
The value of the document. It
must be of type String Base64
and encoded in UTF-8.

The following example code fragments can be used in a script activity to get and set
values:// Script sample code to set and encode the document content
var value = "abc";
var bytesValue = new"UTF-8");
var content64 =;


tw.local.contentStream = new tw.object.ECMContentStream();

tw.local.contentStream.contentLength = value.length;
tw.local.contentStream.mimeType = "text/plain";
tw.local.contentStream.content = new, "UTF-8");

// Script sample code to get and decode the document content

var byteValue =;
var content64 =;
var value = new java.lang.String(content64, "UTF-8");

Parent topic:Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems


Data mapping in Enterprise Content Management

Each operation requires that variables be mapped to the input and output fields.
Using the auto-map function automatically creates and assigns variables of the right
type to each field.
This topic describes the ECM operations and the input and output fields of each
operation as specified in the Data Mapping tab of the Properties view.
The following table displays the hyperlinked name of each ECM operation and
indicates whether the operation is available for external ECM systems, IBM BPM
content store, and the IBM BPM document store.
Operation name

Add document to
Cancel check-out
Check-in document
Check-out document
Copy document
Create document
Create folder
Delete document
Delete folder
Get all document
Get document
Get document
Get documents in
Get folder
Get folder by path
Get folder tree
Get type definition
Get type
Move document
Move folder
Remove document
from folder

Available for external

ECM systems and
IBM BPM content

Available for the IBM

BPM document

















Set document
Update document
Update folder







These operations are described in the following sections.

Note: In Process Designer, the Content Management Interoperability Services
(CMIS) specification is used to determine which operation parameters are marked
as optional. However, parameters that are marked as optional may actually be
mandatory for some ECM systems, such as Microsoft SharePoint. You can consult
your ECM system documentation to determine whether a parameter is optional or
mandatory for your ECM system.

Add document to folder

- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a document object.
- Parent folder ID (ECMID): An identifier of the folder that will contain the document.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document.
- No output is returned.

Cancel check-out document

- Private working copy document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier for the private
working copy of the document object.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the original document.
- No output is returned.

Check-in document
- Private working copy document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier for the private
working copy of the document object.
- Major (Boolean): (Optional) An indicator of the version of the checked-in
document. If set to true then the document is a major version, which is the default.
- Content stream (ECMContentStream): (Optional) A stream of data containing the
content of the document such as a word processing document or an image.
Information about the ECMContentStream data type is found in the topic Working
with document content.Note: If you have made updates to a document and your
ECM system is Microsoft SharePoint, you cannot pass the content stream
parameter with the Check-in document operation. You must first pass the
content stream parameter with the Set document content operation and then

you can use the Check-in document operation.

- Check-in comment (String): (Optional) A comment about the checked-in
- Properties (ECMProperty []): (Optional) A set of named properties that can be in
any order.
- Server name (String): The name of the server to contain the original document.
- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of the document object.

Check-out document
- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a document object.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document.
- Private working copy document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier for a private
working copy of the document object.

Copy document
- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a document.
- Parent folder ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of the parent folder for the
- Name (String): Optional - A new name for the copied document. When the name
is set, it overrides the name in the ECMProperty list (if specified).
- Versioning state (String): (Optional) A name that defines the version of the
document. Valid values are:
- major: (Default) The copied document is a major version. If versioning is disabled,
the major value is not a valid versioning state and you must use the none value
- minor: The copied document is a minor version.
- checkedout: The copied document has a checked-out state.
- none: The copied document cannot be versioned.
- Properties (ECMProperty []): (Optional) A set of named properties that can be in
any order.
- Server name (String): The name of the server for the document.
- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of the new document.

Create document
- Object type ID (ECMID): This identifier corresponds to a class name defined on
the ECM system that is used to create a document. For example, the value

cmis:document can be used to define a basic document. Alternatively, a class

name can be used that corresponds to a class derived from cmis:document. If you
select IBM BPM document store as the server name, the IBM_BPM_Document object

type ID is automatically specified and it cannot be changed.

- Folder ID (ECMID): An identifier for the parent folder of the document. A right
slash character (/) specified as the value denotes the root folder in the target
server. Alternatively, a relative folder name for the root can be specified; for
example, /MyFolder.
- Name (String): The name of the document.
- Versioning state (String): (Optional) A name that defines the version of the
document. Valid values are:
- major: (Default) The created document is a major version. If versioning is
disabled, the major value is not a valid versioning state and you must use the
none value instead.
- minor: The created document is a minor version.
- checkedout: The created document has a checked-out state.
- none: The created document cannot be versioned.
- Content stream (ECMContentStream): (Optional) A stream of data containing the
content of the document such as a word processing document or an image.
Information about the ECMContentStream data type is found in the topic Working
with document content.
- Properties (ECMProperty []): (Optional) A set of named properties that can be in
any order.
- Server name (String): The name of the server for the document.
- Document ID (ECMID): The value of this field identifies a variable that will be used
by the service to store a unique identifier for the new document. For example, if an
output variable named outputDocumentId is defined, the selector button of the
field can be used to set the value to tw.local.outputDocumentId. After the
Create document operation is successfully run, a unique identifier for the new
document is generated by the system and assigned to the variable.

Create folder
- Object type ID (ECMID): The ID of the object's type. It's base type must be a
- Parent folder ID (ECMID): The identifier of the parent folder.
- Name (String): The name of the folder.
- Properties (ECMProperty []): (Optional) A set of named properties that can be in
any order.
- Server name (String): The name of the server for the folder.
- Folder ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of the new folder.


Delete document
- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a document object.
- All versions (Boolean): (Optional) States whether all versions of the document
are to be deleted. The default is true.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document.
- No output is returned.

Delete folder
- Folder ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a folder object.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the folder.
- No output is returned.

Get all document versions

- Version series ID (ECMID): The version series identifier that is stored in the
cmis:versionSeriesId property.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document.
- Documents (ECMDocument []): All versions of the document.

Get document
- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of the document.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document.
- Document (ECMDocument): The document object.

Get document content

- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a document.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document.
- Content stream (ECMContentStream): The stream of data containing the content
of the document. Information about the ECMContentStream data type is found in
the topic Working with document content.

Get documents in folder

- Folder ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of the folder containing the documents.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the folder.
- Documents (ECMDocument []): The documents contained in the folder.

Get folder
- Folder ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a folder.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the folder.
- Folder (ECMFolder): The folder object.

Get folder by path

- Path (String): The path to the folder. A "/" represents a root folder.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the folder.
- Folder (ECMFolder): The folder object.

Get folder tree

- Folder ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a folder. It indicates the top level of the
tree structure.
- Depth (Integer): (Optional) The number of levels of folders to return. The default, 1, returns all descendant folders.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the folder.
- Folders (ECMFolder []): The folder objects contained within the specified folder
and its level of descendants.

Get type definition

- Object type ID (ECMID): The ID of an Object-Type.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the object type.

- Object type definition (ECMObjectTypeDefinition): The definition of the type.

The ECMObjectTypeDefinition object contains the type metadata.

Get type descendants

- Object type ID (ECMID): (Optional) An ID of an Object-Type. If not specified, all
root object types are returned.
- Depth (Integer): (Optional) The number of levels of the type hierarchy to return.
the default, -1, returns all descendant types.
- Include property definitions (Boolean): (Optional) An indicator that specifies
whether type properties are to be returned. The default, false, means that the
properties of the type are not to be included.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the object type.
- Object type definitions (ECMObjectTypeDefinition []): An array of type
definitions. The ECMObjectTypeDefinition object contains the type metadata.

Move document
- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a document.
- Target folder ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of the new folder for the document.
- Source folder ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of the present folder for the
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document and
- No output is returned.

Move folder
- Folder ID (ECMID): The identifier of the document.
- Target folder ID (ECMID): The identifier of the new parent folder.
- Source folder ID (ECMID): The identifier of the old parent folder.
- Server name (String): The name of the ECM server that identifies the
corresponding ECM repository.
- No output is returned.

Remove document from folder



- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a document.

- Parent folder ID (ECMID): (Optional) The identifier of the parent folder. If not
specified, the document is removed from all folders.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document and
- No output is returned.

- CMIS query (String): Text containing a Content Management Interoperability
Services (CMIS) query. See Building a query for an Enterprise Content
Management search operation.
- Return type (String): (Optional) An indicator that determines the type of items
returned by the search result. The following types can be specified:
- ECMSearchResultRow: (Default) An ECMSearchResultRow contains an array of
values. The name is the query name of the Content Management Interoperability
Service (CMIS) property used in the SELECT clause of the query or the name
can be determined by introspection of the metadata.
- Business object name: When the name of a business object type is specified then
an instance of that type is returned. The properties returned by the search are
mapped to the properties of the business object if their names match.
- Search all versions (Boolean): (Optional) An indicator that specifies which
document versions are to be considered. If true then it considers the latest and
older versions of the document or documents in the search. If false, which is the
default, then only the latest version is returned.
- Max items (Integer): (Optional) An indicator that specifies the maximum number
of items to return. The default, -1, states that the default number is taken from the
ECM server.
- Skip count (Integer): (Optional) An indicator that specifies the number of potential
items to be skipped over before returning any items. The default is 0.
- Include allowable actions (Boolean): (Optional) An indicator that retrieves the
available actions for the objects returned in the query. This parameter is only
offered with the IBM BPM content store. The default is false.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the documents and
- Search result (ECMSearchResult): An object containing a set of qualifying items.
The content is different based on the value of the Return type input parameter. The
default is an object of type ECMSearchResultRow.

Set document content



- Document ID (ECMID): A unique identifier of a document.

- Content stream (ECMContentStream): The stream of data containing the content
for the document such as a word processing document or an image. Information
about the ECMContentStream data type is found in the topic Working with
document content.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document.
- Document ID (ECMID): The unique identifier of a document.
The Set document content operation can only be used after running the Checkout document operation and before running the Check-in document operation.

Update document properties

- Document ID (ECMID): An identifier of a document object.
- Name (String): (Optional) A new name for the document.
- Properties (ECMProperty []): (Optional) A set of named properties that can be in
any order.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the document.
- Document ID (ECMID): The unique identifier of the document.

Update folder properties

- Folder ID (ECMID): An identifier of a folder object.
- Name (String): (Optional) A new name for the folder.
- Properties (ECMProperty []): (Optional) A set of named properties that can be in
any order.
- Server name (String): The name of the server containing the folder.
- Folder ID (ECMID): The unique identifier of the folder.

Parent topic:Outbound interactions with Enterprise Content Management systems

Related information:
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document


Inbound events from Enterprise Content

Management systems
In IBM Business Process Manager, you can create event subscriptions and design
business processes and services that detect and respond to inbound content events
from Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. The content events are used
to catch and throw interactions with an ECM system. Business processes can
instantiate, continue, or end based on the type of content event, such as the
creation, modification, or deletion of a document.

About this task

To successfully receive and manage data from inbound content events that originate
on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) servers, you need to understand the
runtime behavior of the events and you need to perform both modeling and
administration tasks, such as creating the components that are required to handle,
detect, and respond to the events. Information about the runtime behavior of content
events and the required modeling and administrative tasks is found in the following
- Runtime behavior for inbound content events
To work with inbound content events, you should understand the two key
concepts of runtime behavior: the event source ID and the filtering and processing
of event subscriptions.
- Performing modeling tasks for inbound events
To receive information about inbound content events that originate from changes
to documents or folders on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) servers, you
need to use Process Designer to perform the modeling tasks of creating and
configuring components that can detect and respond to the content events.
- Performing administrative tasks for inbound events
To receive information about inbound document and folder events that originate
on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) servers, you need to perform the
administrative tasks of developing and installing an event handler on your ECM
system. The event handler notifies the IBM BPM system about ECM events by
calling the appropriate APIs.

Parent topic:Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems

Related information:
The IBM BPM document store
The IBM BPM content store


Runtime behavior for inbound content events

To work with inbound content events, you should understand the two key concepts
of runtime behavior: the event source ID and the filtering and processing of event
These two concepts are described in the following sections.
Event source ID
BPM may receive content events from multiple ECM systems and repositories. The
event source ID is used to uniquely identify each ECM system and repository and to
correlate incoming content events with event subscriptions. When an ECM event
handler sends content events to BPM, it also provides the event source ID for the
corresponding ECM system.
The event source ID maps to an ID that is native to the ECM system and that is
retrieved by the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) operation
getRepositoryInfo. On IBM FileNet Content Manager, the event source ID maps to
the object store ID (including the left brace and right brace characters). On all other
ECM systems, the event source ID maps to the repository ID, which is generally a
Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).
Filtering and processing of event subscriptions
BPM supports a form of publish/subscribe (pub/sub) for content events. For any
single inbound content event, there may be multiple event subscriptions that
subscribe to the event. A query is used to match all incoming content events against
all event subscriptions in all process applications according to the following criteria:
- Event source ID
- Object type ID
- Event type
The query returns the event subscriptions that match these criteria and that are
enabled and authorized.
When BPM receives an inbound content event, all matching event subscriptions are
triggered that subscribe to the event and that belong to the following snapshots:
- Tip (Process Center)
- Default snapshot (Process Server)
Each event subscription has an attached service that must include the
ECMContentEvent business object as an input parameter. When an event
subscription is triggered, the attached service is started asynchronously and an
instance of the ECMContentEvent business object is created. The running service
may invoke the undercover agent (UCA) that is attached to the Start Content Event
or the Intermediate Content Event that is defined in the business process definition
Parent topic:Inbound events from Enterprise Content Management systems


Performing modeling tasks for inbound events

To receive information about inbound content events that originate from changes to
documents or folders on Enterprise Content Management (ECM) servers, you need
to use Process Designer to perform the modeling tasks of creating and configuring
components that can detect and respond to the content events.

About this task

The following components are created as a result of performing the modeling tasks:
- An event subscription for the process application
- An attached service for the event subscription that will invoke the Content
undercover agent (UCA)
- A Content UCA to trigger a content event
- A content event for the business process definition (BPD), such as a content start
or intermediate event, which will catch or throw interactions with an ECM server.
Although information about creating the required components is found in the
modeling topics below, it is generally recommended that you create all of the
components at the same time by following the instructions in the topic Subscribing to
document and folder events: the end-to-end approach. This is a simpler approach
than creating each component separately on a stand-alone basis and it
automatically creates some resources that you would otherwise need to create
- Subscribing to document and folder events: the end-to-end approach
To detect and respond to document and folder events that are produced when
content changes occur on an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server, you
need to create several components in Process Designer. Using the end-to-end
approach described in this topic, you will find that creating the required
components is more automated and less complex than creating them one at a time
on a stand-alone basis.
- Creating and configuring event subscriptions
In IBM Process Designer, you can create and configure an event subscription for
a process application, which is used to obtain information about document and
folder events that occur on an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server.
- Content event types
When you configure an event subscription in Process Designer, you must specify
the type of content event that you want to receive when a specific content change
occurs on an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server. For example, if you
want an event to be received when a user creates a document on an ECM server,
you would select the Created event type.
- Creating attached services
To enable an event subscription to respond to events from your Enterprise
Content Management server, you need to create an attached service that can be
used to invoke a content undercover agent (UCA).
- Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a content event
To obtain information about document or folder events on an Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) server, you must create and configure a content undercover


agent that works with your event subscription. A content undercover agent (UCA)
is used to initiate a BPM Start or Intermediate event when specific content changes
occur on an ECM server. It is conceptually similar to a message undercover agent,
but it has a specialized Content marker to differentiate it from a Message marker.
- Adding a content event to a BPD
In a BPD, a content event is used to catch or throw interactions with an enterprise
content management (ECM) system. You can add one of several types of content
events, such as a start event, intermediate event, boundary event, or event
subprocess start event.
- The ECMContentEvent business object
The ECMContentEvent business object is included in the Content Management
toolkit, which is used to gain access to Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
types and services. The resources of the toolkit are required to allow a business
process developed in Process Designer to work with an Enterprise Content
Management system. The ECMContentEvent business object is used to pass
generic ECM event data to an event subscription service and content undercover
agent (UCA). The business object is passed unchanged as BPMN event data into
the process if it is not modified, mapped, or replaced by the service or UCA.

Parent topic:Inbound events from Enterprise Content Management systems


Subscribing to document and folder events: the

end-to-end approach
To detect and respond to document and folder events that are produced when
content changes occur on an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server, you
need to create several components in Process Designer. Using the end-to-end
approach described in this topic, you will find that creating the required components
is more automated and less complex than creating them one at a time on a standalone basis.

About this task

In the end-to-end approach, you perform the following activities in Process Designer
(in the order in which they are listed):
- Create an event subscription
- Add an attached service and a Content undercover agent (UCA)
- Add a content event to a business process definition (BPD)
- Test the new components
To perform these activities, complete the following procedure:

1. Create an event subscription by completing the following steps:
A. Open a process application in Process Designer.
B. In the library area of the Designer page, click the plus (+) icon beside
Implementation and then select Event Subscription. The New Event
Subscription wizard opens.
C. In the Name field, specify a name for the new event subscription.
D. Click Finish. The new event subscription is displayed in the Implementation
library list (under Event Subscription) and the event subscription opens in the
Event Subscription editor.
E. In the ECM Server drop-down list, select one of the following server types to
associate with the event subscription:
- IBM BPM document store
- The name of an ECM server
Information about the IBM BPM document store is found in the topic "Working
with IBM BPM documents."
If you want to select the name of an ECM server but no ECM servers are
available for selection, you can add a server in the Process App Settings editor
by selecting the Use the Process Application Settings editor to add a
server link and then clicking the Servers tab. After adding the server, click
Save and then switch to the event subscription editor again and select the
server from the ECM Server drop-down list. Information about adding an ECM
server is found in the topic "Adding an Enterprise Content Management
F. If you selected the name of an ECM server in the ECM Server drop-down list,
select either the default Document event class or the Folder event class in


the Event Class drop-down list.

G. If you selected the name of an ECM server in the ECM Server drop-down list,
select either the top-level default Document object type or select a different
object type in the Object Type drop-down list. (If the drop-down list is
disabled, the server is probably unavailable.)
H. If you selected the name of an ECM server in the ECM Server drop-down list
and you want to include all of the subtypes of the selected object type, ensure
that the Include Subtypes check box is selected.
I. In the Event Type drop-down list, accept the default Created event type for
your ECM server or select a different event type. (If the drop-down list is
disabled, the server is probably unavailable.) Information about the available
event types is found in the topic Content event types.
J. By default, event subscriptions are exposed to all users. This means that when
any user performs an action that corresponds to the event type that is
specified in the Event Type drop-down list (such as creating a document), a
document event or a folder event will be fired. If you selected the IBM BPM
document store in the ECM Servers drop-down list, you cannot change the
default behavior of event subscriptions being exposed to all users. However, if
you selected the name of an ECM server in the ECM Servers drop-down list,
you can specify that you only want events to be fired for designated users who
are named in an existing team. This is accomplished by clicking Select in the
Exposing area and then choosing the name of the team. Alternatively, you
can create a new team for designated users by completing the following steps:
1. In the Exposing area, click New. The New Team wizard opens.
2. In the Name field, type a name for the new team.
3. Click Finish. The Team page opens.
4. In the Team page, define the team by following the instructions in the topic
Creating a team.
K. Click Save.
2. Add an attached service and a Content UCA by completing the following steps:
A. In the Attached Service area, click New. The New Service for Event
Subscriptions wizard opens.
B. In the Name field, accept the default name (which is the same as the event
subscription name) or type a different name for your new service.
C. If you want to create a general system service that will directly invoke the
Content UCA without first querying the ECM server for additional information,
select Create a service that directly invokes a UCA. However, if you want to
create an integration service that will first query the ECM server for additional
information before determining whether a UCA should be invoked, select
Create a service that queries the ECM server before invoking a Content
D. Click Finish. The new service and a new content UCA of the same name are
automatically created. The new service opens in the service editor.If you chose
to create a general system service, it is already fully implemented and consists
of a Start event, an End event, and an Invoke UCA step that will invoke the
new Content UCA. However, if you chose to create an integration service, it is
partially implemented and it consists of several components, such as an
Integration step, a decision gateway step, and an Invoke UCA step to invoke

the Content UCA. The following figure shows an integration service as it might
appear after it has been fully implemented:

For both a general system service and an integration service, the signature of
both the service and the Content UCA includes an Input named contentEvent
with a business object type of ECMContentEvent.
E. If you chose to create an integration service, select the decision gateway in the
canvas and open the Properties tab and the Implementation pane, then
define the decision conditions for the decision gateway. Other than perhaps
renaming the labels of the components, this is all that is required to complete
the implementation of the integration service.
F. Click Save.
3. Add a content event to a BPD by completing the following steps:
A. In the library area of the Designer page, click the plus (+) icon beside
Processes and then select Business Process Definition. The New Business
Process Definition wizard opens.
B. In the Name field, specify a name for the new BPD.
C. Click Finish. The new BPD is displayed in the Process library list (under
Business Process Definitions) and the BPD opens in the BPD editor.
D. In the canvas, select the existing Start event or select the Start Event or
Intermediate Event icon in the palette and drag the event to the canvas.
E. Click the Properties tab and then click Implementation. The Implementation
panel opens.
F. In the Start Event Details or Intermediate Event Details section, change
None to Content. The event in the diagram changes to display a Content
marker icon.
G. Beside the Attached Content UCA area in the Content Trigger section, click
Select and then select the Content UCA that was automatically created when
you created the attached service. It has the same name as the service.
(Additional information about creating a Content UCA is found in the topic
Creating and configuring an undercover agent for a content event.)
H. In the canvas, ensure that the Content event is selected, then click the
Properties tab and click Data Mapping. The Data Mapping panel opens.

I. Click the variable selector icon on the right side of each field to map each
undercover agent output variable to a local variable in the BPD.
J. If you are working with an intermediate event, select the variable that you want
to use to correlate the event with the BPD instance. The variable selected for
correlation is identified by an assignment symbol. This correlation ensures
that the parameter values of the runtime message are passed to the correct
BPD instance. (IBM Business Process Manager only requires one variable
mapping to correlate the event.)
K. Click Save.
4. Test the new components by completing the following steps:
A. Switch to your event subscription in the event subscription editor.
B. Click Save.
C. Click Test Subscription. Test Event Subscription opens, which contains
fields that are populated with the selections that you made in the Event
Subscription editor. The selections represent the data that will be returned from
the ECM server.
D. In the Object field, accept the default object or select a different object on the
ECM server.
E. Click Test. If the event subscription is defined correctly, a simulated incoming
ECM event is triggered and the following message is displayed: An inbound
ECM event has been successfully simulated for the event

The attached service, content UCA, and start or intermediate event are
subsequently invoked, which leads to either a response from an existing BPD
instance or the creation of a new BPD instance. You can view BPD instances
in the Inspector view of Process Designer.
Parent topic:Performing modeling tasks for inbound events


Creating and configuring event subscriptions

In IBM Process Designer, you can create and configure an event subscription for a
process application, which is used to obtain information about document and folder
events that occur on an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server.

Before you begin

This topic describes how to create an event subscription without consideration for
some of the other components that are required to detect and respond to ECM
events, such as a content undercover agent (UCA). If you need to create an event
subscription and all of the other required components as well, you should follow the
instructions in the topic Subscribing to document and folder events: the end-to-end
approach. This is a simpler approach than creating each component on a standalone basis and it automatically creates some resources that you would otherwise
need to create manually.To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process
Designer desktop editor.

About this task

To create and configure an event subscription, complete the instructions in the
following procedure.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Create a new event subscription by completing the following steps:
A. Open a process application.
B. In the library area of the Designer page, click the plus (+) icon beside
Implementation and then select Event Subscription. The New Event
Subscription wizard opens.
C. In the Name field, specify a name for the new event subscription.
D. Click Finish. The new event subscription is displayed in the Implementation
library list (under Event Subscription) and the event subscription opens in the
Event Subscription editor.
3. Configure the new event subscription by completing the following steps in the
Event Subscription editor:
A. In the ECM Server drop-down list, select one of the following server types to
associate with the event subscription:
- IBM BPM document store. The IBM BPM document store supports most
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) operations. It is used
in developing business process definitions.
- IBM BPM content store. The IBM BPM content store supports all CMIS
operations. It is used for developing case management applications. It is only
available in IBM Business Process Manager Advanced.
- The name of an ECM server
Information about the IBM BPM document store and the IBM BPM content
store is found in the topic "Working with IBM BPM documents."


If you want to select the name of an ECM server but no ECM servers are
available for selection, you can add a server in the Process App Settings editor
by selecting the Use the Process Application Settings editor to add a
server link and then clicking the Servers tab. After adding the server, click
Save and then switch to the event subscription editor again and select the
server from the ECM Server drop-down list. Information about adding an ECM
server is found in the topic "Adding an Enterprise Content Management
B. If you selected the name of an ECM server in the ECM Server drop-down list,
select either the default Document event class or the Folder event class in
the Event Class drop-down list.
C. If you selected the name of an ECM server in the ECM Server drop-down list,
select either the top-level default Document object type or select a different
object type in the Object Type drop-down list. (If the drop-down list is
disabled, the server is probably unavailable.)
D. If you selected the name of an ECM server in the ECM Server drop-down list
and you want to include all of the subtypes of the selected object type, ensure
that the Include Subtypes check box is selected.
E. In the Event type drop-down list, accept the Created default event type for
your ECM server or select a different event type. (If the drop-down list is
disabled, the server is probably unavailable.) For more information about the
available event types, see Content event types.
F. If you want to select an existing service for your event subscription that will run
and respond to incoming ECM events, click Select in the Attached service
area and then select the name of a service, such as General System Service
or Integration Service.
G. If you want to create a new service for your event subscription that will run and
respond to incoming ECM events, complete the following steps:
1. In the Attached Service area, click New. The New Service for Event
Subscriptions wizard opens.
2. In the Name field, accept the default name (which is the same as the event
subscription name) or type a different name for your new service.
3. If you want to create a general system service that will directly invoke the
content UCA without first querying the ECM server for additional
information, select Create a service that directly invokes a UCA.
However, if you want to create an integration service that will first query the
ECM server for additional information before determining whether a UCA
should be invoked, select Create a service that queries the ECM server
before invoking a Content UCA.
4. Click Finish. The new service and a new content UCA of the same name
are created. The new service opens in the service editor. If you chose to
create a general system service, it is already fully implemented and consists
of a start event, an end event, and an Invoke UCA step that will invoke the
new content UCA. However, if you chose to create an integration service, it
is partially implemented and it consists of several components, such as an
Integration step, a decision gateway step, and an Invoke UCA step to invoke
the content UCA.


H. If you want to test your event subscription and ensure that the attached
service, content UCA, and start and intermediate events are all operating
correctly, complete the following steps:
1. Click Test Subscription. Test Event Subscription opens, which contains
fields that are populated with the selections that you made in the Event
Subscription editor. The selections represent the data that will be returned
from the ECM server.
2. In the Object field, accept the default object or select a different object on
the ECM server.
3. Click Test. If the event subscription is defined correctly, a simulated
incoming ECM event is triggered and the following message is displayed:
An inbound ECM event has been successfully simulated for the
event subscription.

The attached service, content UCA, and start or intermediate event are
subsequently invoked, which leads to either a response from an existing
BPD instance or the creation of a new BPD instance. You can view BPD
instances in the Inspector view of Process Designer.
I. By default, event subscriptions are exposed to all users. This means that when
any user performs an action that corresponds to the event type that is
specified in the Event Type drop-down list (such as creating a document), a
document event or a folder event will be fired. If you selected the IBM BPM
document store in the ECM Servers drop-down list, you cannot change the
default behavior of event subscriptions being exposed to all users. However,
for the IBM BPM content store or an ECM server in the ECM Servers dropdown list, you can specify that you only want events to be fired for designated
users who are named in an existing team. This is accomplished by clicking
Select in the Exposing area and then choosing the name of the team.
Alternatively, you can create a new team for designated users by completing
the following steps:
1. In the Exposing area, click New. The New Team wizard opens.
2. In the Name field, type a name for the new team.
3. Click Finish. The Team page opens.
4. In the Team page, define the team by following the instructions in the topic
Creating a team.
J. Click Save.
Parent topic:Performing modeling tasks for inbound events
Related information:
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document
Working with IBM BPM documents
Adding an Enterprise Content Management server


Content event types

When you configure an event subscription in Process Designer, you must specify
the type of content event that you want to receive when a specific content change
occurs on an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) server. For example, if you
want an event to be received when a user creates a document on an ECM server,
you would select the Created event type.
The following table lists the types of content events that you can select when you
configure an event subscription in Process Designer. On IBM FileNet Content
Manager, all of these event types are supported and an event handler is provided.
However, on other ECM systems, some of the event types are not supported and
you need to develop your own event handler. Information about how to develop an
event handler for the supported event types is found in the topic Creating an event
handler for an Enterprise Content Management system.
Table 1. Content events
Content event types
Checked In

Associated object


An event produced
when a user checks
in a document.
Checked Out
An event produced
when a user checks
out a document.
Check Out Canceled Documents
An event produced
when a user cancels
the checkout of a
Class Changed
Folders or documents An event produced
when a user changes
the class of the
object. For example,
the user can change
the class when
checking in a
Classify Completed Documents
An event produced
when a document is
added using an entry
template with the
Auto-Classify option
Folders or documents An event produced
when a user adds an
item to the object






Publish Completed

Publish Requested

Folders or documents An event produced

when a user deletes
an item. When a
document is deleted,
a workflow is
launched for each
item in the version
series. For example,
if a user deletes a
document that has
ten versions, ten
workflows are
An event produced
when a folder has its
file method called to
file a Containable
object (for example, a
document or custom
object) or when the
file is called to create
a subfolder.
An event produced
when an
administrator or
application freezes
the custom properties
of a specific
document version.
Folders or documents An event produced
when an item is
locked for use by a
custom application.
An event produced
when a publish
request for a
document is
An event produced
when a publish
request for a
document is initiated.


Security Updated

State Changed




Folders or documents An event produced

when a user changes
the security of the
object. For example,
security for a
document can be
changed from the
information page or
when:Adding a
documentChecking in
a version of a
An event produced
when the state of the
document changes,
such as when a
version is promoted
or demoted.
An event produced
when a folder has its
unfile method called
to remove (unfile) a
Containable object
(for example, a
document or folder)
or when the unfile
method is called to
delete a subfolder.
Folders or documents An event produced
when an item is
unlocked for use by a
custom application.
Folders or documents An event produced
on any action that
updates the property
values or content of
an item. Behavior will
vary depending on
the object and the
action. Note: An
Updated event is
triggered each time a
new item is created.
As a result, a
workflow set to use
the update trigger is
launched when a
user adds a new


Version Demoted


Version Promoted


An event produced
when a document
version is demoted.
An event produced
when a document
version is promoted
to a released version.
The document can be
promoted to a
released version from
the information page
or when adding or
checking in. Note:
The Filed and Unfiled
event triggers are not
supported for
subscriptions. If you
need to use these
triggers, you can
create the
subscription using the
Enterprise Manager
for the Content
Engine. In addition,
you can create
subscriptions with the
Publish Request
event using
Enterprise Manager
for the Content

Parent topic:Performing modeling tasks for inbound events


Creating attached services

To enable an event subscription to respond to events from your Enterprise Content
Management server, you need to create an attached service that can be used to
invoke a content undercover agent (UCA).

About this task

It is generally recommended that you create an attached service at the same time
as the other required components by following the instructions in the topic
Subscribing to document and folder events: the end-to-end approach. This is a
simpler approach than creating each component on a stand-alone basis and it
automatically creates some resources that you would otherwise need to create
However, you can also create an attached service on its own without any
consideration for some of the other components that are required to detect and
respond to ECM events. There are two kinds of attached service that you can
- If you want to create an attached service that will directly invoke a content UCA
without first querying the ECM server for additional information, then you should
create a general system service.
- If you want to create an attached service that will first query the ECM server for
additional information before determining whether a UCA should be invoked, then
you should create an integration service.
Information about creating these two kinds of services is found in Building an
Integration service and Building a General System service.

Parent topic:Performing modeling tasks for inbound events


Adding a content event to a BPD

In a BPD, a content event is used to catch or throw interactions with an enterprise
content management (ECM) system. You can add one of several types of content
events, such as a start event, intermediate event, boundary event, or event
subprocess start event.

Before you begin

This topic describes how to add a content event to a BPD without consideration for
some of the other components that are required to detect and respond to ECM
events, such as an event subscription. If you need to add a content event to a BPD
and create all of the other required components as well, you should follow the
instructions in the topic Subscribing to document and folder events: the end-to-end
approach. This is a simpler approach than creating each component on a standalone basis and it automatically creates some resources that you would otherwise
need to create manually.To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process
Designer desktop editor.

About this task

Although you can add a content event to an existing BPD, you can also add a
content event to a new BPD by completing the following steps:

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a process application in the Designer view.
3. Click the plus (+) icon beside Processes and then select Business Process
Definition. The New Business Process Definition wizard opens.
4. In the Name field, specify a name for the new BPD.
5. Click Finish. The new BPD is displayed in the Process library list (under
Business Process Definitions) and the BPD opens in the BPD editor.
6. In the canvas, select the existing Start event or select the Start Event or
Intermediate Event icon in the palette and drag the event to the canvas.
7. Click the Properties tab and then click Implementation. The Implementation
panel opens.
8. In the Start Event Details or Intermediate Event Details section, change None
to Content. The event in the diagram changes to display a Content marker icon.
9. Beside the Attached Content UCA area in the Content Trigger section, click
Select to select an existing content undercover agent (UCA). (If you select an
existing message UCA, the intermediate event in the diagram is changed from a
content event to a message event.) Alternatively, you can click New to create a
content UCA. For information about creating content UCAs, see Creating and
configuring an undercover agent for a content event.
10. In the BPD editor canvas, ensure that the Content event is selected, then click
the Properties tab and click Data Mapping. The Data Mapping panel opens.


11. Perform the data mapping tasks by completing the following steps:
A. Click the variable selector icon on the right side of each field to map each
undercover agent output variable to a local variable in the BPD.
B. If you are working with an intermediate event, select the variable that you
want to use to correlate the event with the BPD instance. The variable
selected for correlation is identified by an assignment symbol ( ). This
correlation ensures that the parameter values of the runtime message are
passed to the correct BPD instance. (IBM Business Process Manager only
requires one variable mapping to correlate the event.)
For undercover agents that are implemented using a complex variable rather
than a service, you can select the complex variable or the top-level child
properties of the variable for mapping or correlation.
12. Click Save.
Parent topic:Performing modeling tasks for inbound events


The ECMContentEvent business object

The ECMContentEvent business object is included in the Content Management
toolkit, which is used to gain access to Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
types and services. The resources of the toolkit are required to allow a business
process developed in Process Designer to work with an Enterprise Content
Management system. The ECMContentEvent business object is used to pass
generic ECM event data to an event subscription service and content undercover
agent (UCA). The business object is passed unchanged as BPMN event data into
the process if it is not modified, mapped, or replaced by the service or UCA.
When an event subscription is triggered, an ECMContentEvent business object is
passed to the service that is attached to the event subscription. In addition to the
data included in the ECMContentEvent business object, you can use a content
integration step in the service to retrieve more information about the object in the
ECM server, such as additional properties for the specified document or folder.
The properties for the ECMContentEvent business object are described in the
following list:
- String serverName: The name of the ECM server.
- ECMID repositoryId: The object ID of the repository.
- ECMEventClass eventClass: The class of the event, which is either "document"
or "folder".
- ECMID objectTypeId: The object ID of the folder type or the document type.
- ECMEventType eventType: The type of event that occurred on the folder or
- ECMID objectId: The object ID of the folder or document on which the event

Parent topic:Performing modeling tasks for inbound events


Performing administrative tasks for inbound events

To receive information about inbound document and folder events that originate on
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) servers, you need to perform the
administrative tasks of developing and installing an event handler on your ECM
system. The event handler notifies the IBM BPM system about ECM events by
calling the appropriate APIs.

About this task

For most ECM systems, you need to both develop and install an event handler.
However, if you are using IBM Filenet Content Manager, an event handler is already
provided and you only need to install it.Information about developing and installing
event handlers is found in the following topics:
- Creating an event handler for an Enterprise Content Management system
To obtain information about content events that occur on an Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) server, you must install an event handler on the ECM system.
The event handler notifies the IBM BPM system of the events by calling the
appropriate IBM BPM APIs. These events can be received by processes on your
IBM BPM system.
- Using the event handler for FileNet Content Manager
You can deploy the event handler on a IBM FileNet Content Manager system,
and configure it to provide notification events to your IBM BPM processes.

Parent topic:Inbound events from Enterprise Content Management systems


Creating an event handler for an Enterprise Content

Management system
To obtain information about content events that occur on an Enterprise Content
Management (ECM) server, you must install an event handler on the ECM system.
The event handler notifies the IBM BPM system of the events by calling the
appropriate IBM BPM APIs. These events can be received by processes on your
IBM BPM system.

About this task

- If you use IBM FileNet Content Manager, you do not need to write your own
event handler, you only need to perform the actions described in Using the event
handler for FileNet Content Manager.
- If you do not use FileNet Content Manager you must write your own event handler
for your ECM system. Familiarize yourself with your ECM system and its
framework for implementing and configuring an event handler. Plan for the specific
requirements of your ECM system.
Tip: You can find the source files for the FileNet Content Manager event handler in

51-src.jar. To understand the concepts behind the FileNet Content Manager

event handler, refer to the FileNet Content Manager information center topics
Events and Subscriptions.

1. Identify which ECM events you need your event handler to support. The following
table lists the IBM BPM names for the ECM events that are supported by IBM
BPM.Table 1. ECM events supported by IBM BPM
Supported ECM events

Object types that the event can

apply to
Folder or Document
Folder or Document
Folder or Document
Folder or Document
Folder or Document


Folder or Document
Folder or Document

Tip: For more details about the event types, refer to the REST API ECM event
resource reference topic.
2. For each event that you need notifications of, identify the corresponding event
name that is used by your ECM system.
3. Plan how your ECM event handler will obtain the information required to connect
to the IBM BPM system. For example, the FileNet Content Manager event
handler, BPMEventHandler, loads the connection information defined in a
properties file that is stored in FileNet Content Manager.
4. Plan your code to receive event notifications in your ECM system and translate
them into the corresponding calls to the appropriate IBM BPM system. For
example, in the FileNet Content Manager event handler BPMEventHandler, the
BPMEventType method translates the FileNet Content Manager event types to the
corresponding IBM BPM event notification API method names.
5. Write your event handler according to your requirements and the event handling
framework provided by your ECM system. Refer to the documentation for your
ECM system.
6. Deploy and configure your event handler on your ECM system.
7. Verify that your event handler is called for the required events, and that it
transmits the events to the appropriate IBM BPM server.
8. Verify that you can create an IBM BPM process that receives the event
notifications from your ECM system. Perform Creating and configuring event
Parent topic:Performing administrative tasks for inbound events
Related reference:
REST API: ECM Event Resource - POST Method
Related information:
Adding an Enterprise Content Management server
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document
Adding events to a BPD


Using the event handler for FileNet Content Manager

You can deploy the event handler on a IBM FileNet Content Manager system,
and configure it to provide notification events to your IBM BPM processes.

The event handler is for IBM FileNet Content Manager version 5.1.

Supported events
The following table lists all ECM events that are supported by IBM BPM, and the
corresponding FileNet Content Manager events. Use the table to identify the
FileNet Content Manager events that you need to subscribe to, and the names that
are used in Process Designer to identify the same events in IBM BPM.
Table 1. Mapping between supported ECM events and FileNet Content Manager
ECM events
Object types that the
supported by IBM
event can apply to
CheckOutCancelled Document
Folder or Document
ClassifyCompleted Document

Folder or Document
Folder or Document
Folder or Document




Folder or Document


Folder or Document
Folder or Document




FileNet Content
Manager events

Define a process to consume the ECM events

Before you configure the event handler to generate event notifications on your IBM
BPM system, you might want to create a test process to consume the notifications.
For a simple end-to-end verification test, consider subscribing to one event that is
not triggered too often, for example, the Updated event for folders. For details about
how to create an event subscription in Process Designer, refer to Creating and
configuring event subscriptions.Tip: In Process Designer, when you use the content
integration control, the value that you specify for the Object Type must match the
name of the document class you select when creating the subscription on the
FileNet Content Manager server.

Copy the event handler to your FileNet Content Manager server

The event handler is in the following location on your IBM BPM server:

Copy the event handler to a suitable location on your FileNet Content Manager

Creating the connection information document

The connection information necessary for the ECM event handler to connect to the
IBM BPM system is stored as a document in the FileNet Content Manager
repository. To create the connection information document, perform the following
1. On your FileNet Content Manager server, create a properties file. Tip: If you
require multiple subscriptions that notify different IBM BPM servers of events, you
need one properties file for each IBM BPM server. Although you can give the
properties file any name, it makes sense to include the name of the server in the
name of the properties file, for example,
- If you have a suitable J2C authentication alias defined on the application server
where FileNet Content Manager is running, you can define the connection
properties file to use the authentication alias. For example:bpm.server.authalias=scope/


Where scope is the scope of the authentication alias my_authentication_alias,

and bpm_server_name is the host name or IP address of your IBM BPM server,
for example,
- If you do not use an authentication alias, your server connection properties file
must specify a suitable IBM BPM user name and password. For example:

Where bpm_user is a user ID that is authorized to access the IBM BPM,

bpm_user_password is the password for the user ID, and bpm_server_name is
the host name or IP address of your IBM BPM server, for example,

2. Store the properties file in the ECM system. There are several ways that you can
store the properties file. For example, you can use the Workplace XT portal to
store the properties file by performing the following actions:
A. Using a browser, log in to the Workplace XT portal at the URL http://
B. Select the object store where you want to store the configuration file. The
default object stores are DESIGN and TARGET. Select the same object store
where the case solution is located.
C. Expand the object store, then either add a new folder or select a suitable
existing folder where you want to store the properties file.
D. Click the Add Document... action or icon.
E. Click Choose File. On the local file system, locate the properties file, select it,
and click OK, then Next.
F. Click OK, then Add.
3. Make a note of the document ID for the properties file. For example, if you are
using the Workplace XT portal, perform the following actions.
A. Right-click the name of the properties file that you stored, for example,, and select Properties.
B. Make a note of the document ID, or select and copy it to a convenient
clipboard or text file. Remember: You must specify this document ID later
when you configure the binding of the event handler to the event subscription.

Creating a subscription and binding it to the event handler

Add a subscription for the events that you want to be sent to your IBM BPM system.
1. If the document class or folder class that you want to receive event notifications
for does not yet exist, create a suitable class by performing the following actions.
A. Using the FileNet Enterprise Manager, expand the object store where the case
solution resides. For example, DESIGN or TARGET.
B. To create the new class, perform one of the following.
- To create a new document class, right-click Document class, and select
New Class.
- To create a new folder class, expand Other Classes, right-click Folder, and
select New Class.
C. Enter the Name, for example life_insurance_applications, a Symbolic
Name, and a Description for the new class. Remember: In Process Designer
when you use the content integration control, you must use this class name for
the Object Type.
2. Add a subscription to the class and bind the subscription to the event handler.
A. Using the FileNet Enterprise Manager, right-click the appropriate document
class or folder class, and select Add Subscription.
B. Enter a Name and Description for the new subscription, then click Next.
C. Specify that the subscription applies to all instances of the class, and click
D. Add the required events from the Available Events list to the Subscribed
Events list. Repeatedly select a required event and add it to the Subscribed
Events list by clicking Add. When all required events are in the Subscribed
Events list, click Next.

E. If you already created an event action for the BpmEventHandler event handler,
select it using the drop-down list, then click Next. Otherwise, create a new
event action for the BpmEventHandler event handler by performing the
following steps:
1. Click New, enter an appropriate name for the action event, for example,
BpmEventHandler, and click Next.
2. For Handler Java Class Name, enter, select
Configure Code Module, then click Next.
3. Click Browse/Add to locate the event handler JAR file filenet-bpmevent-handler-51.jar that you copied from your IBM BPM server, then
click Next, Finish.
4. Verify that the newly created event action is selected, and click Next.
F. Accept the default settings in Specifiy Additional Properties by clicking Next.
G. Click Finish to complete creating the subscription.
3. Set the User String property for the subscription to the document ID for the
properties file.
A. In the Subscription Name list, select the subscription that you named in step
B. Click Properties.
C. In the list of properties, locate the property with the Property Name of User
D. Click the ... button, and enter (or preferably copy and paste) the value of the
document ID for the properties file. This is the string that you noted during
Creating the connection information document.Important: If you want different
IBM BPM servers to receive event notifications, you will have a connection
properties file for each IBM BPM server. Make sure that you provide the
document ID for the appropriate server's connection properties file.
E. Click OK.
F. Click OK.
Remember: If you ever modify the connection information in the properties file,
because the new version gets a new document ID, you must change the User
String to identify the new document ID.
Now notifications of all subscribed events are sent to the appropriate IBM BPM
Parent topic:Performing administrative tasks for inbound events
Related reference:
REST API: ECM Event Resource - POST Method
Related information:
Adding an Enterprise Content Management server
Building a service that integrates with an ECM system or the IBM BPM document
Adding events to a BPD



Troubleshooting interactions with Enterprise

Content Management systems
From time to time, you may encounter some issues during interactions with
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. In most situations, you can
successfully work around these issues.
Some known issues are:
- A connection cannot be established to an ECM system
- Operation parameters that are considered optional in Process Designer may be
mandatory in some ECM systems
These issues are discussed in the following sections.

A connection cannot be established to an ECM system

A connection must be established through Content Management Interoperability
Services (CMIS) using the web services protocol rather than the Atom protocol.
When you add an ECM server, ensure that the context path specifies the path to the
CMIS web services application on the server.

Operation parameters that are considered optional in

Process Designer may be mandatory in some ECM systems
In Process Designer, the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS)
specification is used to determine which operation parameters are marked as
optional. However, parameters that are marked as optional may actually be
mandatory for some ECM systems. You can consult your ECM system
documentation to determine whether a parameter is optional or mandatory for your
ECM system.

The use of the "Check-in document" operation differs on

Microsoft Sharepoint
In the Check-in document operation, the optional Content stream
(ECMContentStream) parameter is used to pass a stream of data containing the
content of the document, such as a word processing document or an image.
However, if you have made updates to a document and your ECM system is
Microsoft SharePoint, you cannot pass the content stream parameter with the
Check-in document operation. You must first pass the content stream parameter
with the Set document content operation and then you can use the Check-in
document operation.

Parent topic:Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems


Integration considerations for ECM products

To work with specific ECM products, it is helpful to have an understanding of their
main integration considerations, such as their CMIS capabilities and limitations.
The integration considerations for supported ECM products are described in the
following topics:
- Integration considerations for IBM FileNet Content Manager
IBM BPM supports ECM integration with IBM FileNet 5.1 Content Manager.
- Integration considerations for IBM Content Manager
IBM BPM supports the ECM integration with IBM Content Manager 8.4.3.
- Integration considerations for Alfresco Community
IBM BPM supports the ECM integration with Alfresco Community 4.2.
- Integration considerations for Microsoft SharePoint
IBM BPM supports ECM integration with Microsoft SharePoint 2010.
Parent topic:Integrating with Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems


Integration considerations for IBM FileNet Content

IBM BPM supports ECM integration with IBM FileNet 5.1 Content Manager.
When you define the ECM server properties for IBM FileNet Content Manager, the
default CMIS web service context path is "/fncmis". You can contact your IBM
FileNet Content Manager administrator for complete connection information.
Other integration considerations for IBM FileNet Content Manager are described in
the following sections:
- CMIS capabilities
- Best practices
- Reference

CMIS capabilities
IBM FileNet Content Manager supports the optional CMIS capabilities that are
described in the following table:
CMIS Capability

IBM FileNet Content BPM Considerations

Not applicable
AllVersionsSearchabl true
Not applicable
ContentStreamUpdat pwconly
Documents must be
checked out for
predicate function is
not supported
Not applicable
VersionSpecificFiling false

Best practices
The best practices for developing client applications for IBM CMIS for FileNet
Content Manager are described in the topic Best practices for developing client


Information about the IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager implementation of the
OASIS CMIS standard is found in the topic IBM CMIS for FileNet Content Manager
implementation of the OASIS CMIS specification.

Parent topic:Integration considerations for ECM products


Integration considerations for IBM Content Manager

IBM BPM supports the ECM integration with IBM Content Manager 8.4.3.
When you define the ECM server properties for IBM Content Manager, the default
CMIS web service context path is "/cmcmis". You can contact your IBM Content
Manager administrator for complete connection information.Other integration
considerations for IBM Content Manager are described in the following sections:
- CMIS capabilities
- Known limitations
- Reference

CMIS capabilities
IBM Content Manager supports the optional CMIS capabilities that are described in
the following table:
CMIS Capability

IBM Content
AllVersionsSearchabl true
ContentStreamUpdat pwconly








BPM Considerations
Not applicable

Not applicable
Documents must be
checked out for

Queries cannot
include any JOIN

VersionSpecificFiling false

Private working
copies of a document
are not searchable
The private working
copy of a document
is not updatable
predicate function is
not supported
Not applicable

Known limitations
The known limitations of the IBM CMIS for Content Manager implementation are
described in the topic IBM CMIS for Content Manager limitations.

Information about the IBM CMIS for Content Manager implementation of the OASIS
CMIS standard is found in the topic Programming IBM CMIS for Content Manager

Parent topic:Integration considerations for ECM products


Integration considerations for Alfresco Community

IBM BPM supports the ECM integration with Alfresco Community 4.2.
When you define the ECM server properties for an Alfresco Community server, the
default CMIS web service context path is "/alfresco/cmisws". You can contact your
Alfresco Community administrator for complete connection information. Other
integration considerations for Alfresco Community are described in the following
- CMIS capabilities
- Deviations from the CMIS standard
- Reference

Alfresco Community supports the optional CMIS capabilities that are described in
the following table:
CMIS Capability

Alfresco Community

BPM Considerations
Not applicable


Not applicable






Queries cannot
include any JOIN
Private working
copies of a document
are not searchable

Not applicable
Documents are
always filed in a

VersionSpecificFiling false

Deviations from the CMIS standard

Alfresco deviates from the OASIS CMIS standard in the following ways:
- The ECM operation Remove Document From Folder (CMIS
removeObjectFromFolder) requires the specification of the Parent Folder Id
(CMIS folderId) parameter even though the CMIS standard defines it as optional.


- When a new version of a document is being created, Alfresco requires a new

unique document name to be specified.

For information about the Alfresco implementation of the OASIS CMIS standard, see
the Alfresco topic Alfresco CMIS.

Parent topic:Integration considerations for ECM products


Integration considerations for Microsoft SharePoint

IBM BPM supports ECM integration with Microsoft SharePoint 2010.
When you define the ECM server properties for a Microsoft SharePoint server, the
default CMIS web service context path is "/_vti_bin/cmis/soap". Information about
specifying the context path is found in the topic "Accessing the SharePoint CMIS
provider from IBM BPM." You can contact your Microsoft SharePoint administrator
for complete connection information.
Other integration considerations for Microsoft SharePoint are described in the
following sections:
- Setup
- CMIS capabilities
- Deviations from the CMIS standard
- Reference

Your Microsoft SharePoint installation may use a URL convention for the CMIS web
service endpoint that is not expected by IBM BPM. See the topic "Accessing the
SharePoint CMIS provider from IBM BPM" for information on how to establish the
addressability of the CMIS web service for IBM BPM.

CMIS capabilities
Microsoft SharePoint supports the optional CMIS capabilities that are described in
the following table:
CMIS Capability
Microsoft SharePoint
AllVersionsSearchabl false







BPM Considerations
Not applicable
A search will only be
applied to the latest
(major) version of a
Not applicable

Not applicable
Queries cannot
include any JOIN
Documents can only
reside in one folder


Not applicable



Documents are
always filed in a

VersionSpecificFiling false

Deviations from the CMIS standard

Microsoft SharePoint deviates from the OASIS CMIS standard in the following ways:
- When a document is being created, the content of the document must be provided.
- The IN and LIKE operators are not supported for WHERE clauses in queries.

For information about the Microsoft SharePoint implementation of the OASIS CMIS
standard, see the Microsoft topic Content Management Interoperability Services
(CMIS) connector overview (SharePoint Server 2010).

- Accessing the SharePoint CMIS provider from IBM BPM

In IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) 8.0, the Content Management
Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard is used to provide integration with
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems like Microsoft SharePoint. The
CMIS functionality is comprised of nine separate web service endpoints.
Parent topic:Integration considerations for ECM products


Accessing the SharePoint CMIS provider from IBM

In IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) 8.0, the Content Management
Interoperability Services (CMIS) standard is used to provide integration with
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems like Microsoft SharePoint. The
CMIS functionality is comprised of nine separate web service endpoints.

About this task

In IBM Process Designer, ECM servers are configured in the Process App Settings
editor or the Toolkit Settings editor by specifying the host, port, and context path.
When the CMIS web service URL is created at runtime, the URL includes the
specified host, port and context path of the ECM server and the service name is
automatically appended to the URL. This approach enables IBM BPM to
successfully connect to IBM FileNet Content Manager, IBM Content Manager, and
other ECM systems that require the web service URL to be appended with the
service name. For example, FileNet uses the following naming convention to expose
the CMIS RepositoryService endpoint URL:http://hostName:portNumber/fncmis/RepositoryService
However, a SharePoint CMIS web service URL does not follow the same naming
convention because the URL is not appended with the service name. Instead, the
URL uses a naming convention that is similar to the following examples:

Note: The above Kerberos URL is intended to provide an example of the naming
convention that is used with SharePoint CMIS web service URLs. However, this
help topic does not include any information about Kerberos authentication. It
explains how to map to the URL syntax conventions that are used by IBM BPM.
When IBM BPM attempts to contact the SharePoint server using the following URL,
a connection cannot be made because the web service address is not known:

To enable IBM BPM to accommodate the naming convention used in SharePoint,

Microsoft URL Rewrite Module 2.0 for Internet Information Services (IIS) 7 is
required. The URL Rewrite Module provides a rules-based mechanism to rewrite the
incoming request URL from IBM BPM before it is processed by the web server. For
example, consider the following request URL from IBM BPM:

The URL Rewrite Module enables the URL to be rewritten in the SharePoint format
that is shown in the following example:

To enable the URL Rewrite Module to rewrite incoming request URLs from IBM
BPM, the following tasks need to be completed:
- Download URL Rewrite Module 2.0 for Microsoft IIS 7
- Define the rewrite rules in IIS Manager
- Access the SharePoint CMIS Provider from IBM Process Designer
To perform these tasks, complete the steps in the following procedure.


1. Download URL Rewrite Module 2.0 for IIS 7 by completing the following steps:
A. Verify that you have IIS 7 installed.
B. If Microsoft URL Rewrite Module 2.0 is not already installed in your IIS 7
installation, download it from one of the following web pages and then install it
using the instructions that are found at one of the following web pages:
- (x64)
- (x86)

2. Define the rewrite rules in IIS Manager by completing the following steps:
A. On your desktop, select Start > Administrative Tools > Internet Information
Services (IIS) Manager. IIS Manager opens.
B. Select a connection.
C. Select IIS > URL Rewrite.
D. Select Rule > Inbound rules > Blank rule.
E. In the Name area, specify CMIS URL rewrite rule.
F. In the Match URL section, complete the following steps:
1. In the Requested URL drop-down list, select Matches the Pattern.
2. In the Using drop-down list, select Regular Expressions.
3. In the Pattern field, specify the following pattern:^.*cmis/soap/(.*)$
4. Select Ignore case.
G. In the Conditions section, complete the following steps:
1. Click Add. The Add Condition dialog box opens.
2. In the Condition input field, specify the following condition input:{R:1}
3. In the Check if input string drop-down list, select Does Not Match the
4. In the Pattern field, specify the following pattern:(.*).svc(.*)
5. Select Ignore case.
6. Click OK.
H. In the Actions section, complete the following steps:
1. In the Action type drop-down list, select Rewrite.
2. In the Rewrite URL field, specify a rewrite URL that is appropriate for your
configuration. For example:{R:0}.svc/kerberos

3. Select Append query string.

I. On the right side of the page, click Apply to save the changes.
3. Access the SharePoint CMIS Provider from IBM Process Designer by completing
the following steps:
A. Open the Process App Settings editor and select the Servers tab.
B. In the Server Details and Server Locations sections, specify the appropriate
server information for your SharePoint installation. Ensure that you specify
Enterprise Content Management Server in the Type field. Also ensure that
you specify the correct context path in the Context Path field. The default
context path is:_vti_bin/cmis/soap
C. Click Test Connection to ensure that a successful connection exists.
Parent topic:Integration considerations for Microsoft SharePoint


Testing and debugging process applications

- Visualizing process data
Use the data visualization option in IBM Process Designer to create a visual
representation of a selected business process definition (BPD). The visualization is
displayed in a new web browser window. It contains the web-based diagram view
of the BPD. Select the required data variables or tag groups that you want to
visualize on the left side in the browser window.
- Running and debugging processes with the Inspector
The Inspector in IBM Process Designer is key to an iterative approach to process
development. Using the Inspector, individual developers can run processes and
services on the Process Center Server or remote runtime Process Servers.
- Authentication during playback to handle changes in user identity
Process applications can use Process Designer capabilities that you can access
only from your locally installed Process Designer and some capabilities that you
can access only on the web. This topic describes the behavior that occurs when
you have an artifact open in the web browser and you do a playback from within
the Process Designer installed locally on your computer.
Parent topic:Building process applications


Visualizing process data

Use the data visualization option in IBM Process Designer to create a visual
representation of a selected business process definition (BPD). The visualization is
displayed in a new web browser window. It contains the web-based diagram view of
the BPD. Select the required data variables or tag groups that you want to visualize
on the left side in the browser window.
Prerequisite: To visualize process data, you must open the Process Designer
desktop editor.
A process uses variables and business objects to contain the data that flows in and
out of its activities. When you design a process in Process Designer, you can map
the local variables and apply tag groups to elements of a process, and you can
create a visual representation of this data for a selected business process definition
(BPD). A tag group is a key-value pair that you can use to associate a service in a
process. The procedure for defining tag groups is similar to the procedure for
defining regular tags. However in a tag group, a group of similar and related values
can be grouped together under a single key. For example, the various stages in a
software development lifecycle such as In development, Available, and Retired
can be created under the group Lifecycle Stage.
Variables are represented by colored icons in the data visualization diagram. During
the design of a process, input, output, and private variables in a process can be
defined as input or output mappings for an activity. The icons for the input mappings
are displayed on the left side of an activity in the visualization diagram and the
output mappings are displayed on the right side. The activities in the selected BPD
that have the same data variables are represented by icons that have the same
color. When you click any colored icon, the labels for all icons of the same color
slide out and the actual variable names are displayed. Up to three input and output
icons are visible on either side for each activity, Note: If a variable is mapped as
both input and output for an activity, it is displayed as both input and output icons in
the data visualization diagram. However, under the selection area on the left side of
the diagram, variables are listed according to their attribute definition (as Inputs,
Outputs, or Private).
Tag groups are displayed as labels above the activities in the data visualization
diagram. The tag groups are applied to services within a process. All the activities
that are mapped to the tagged services are displayed with appropriate labels in the
diagram. The activities in the selected BPD that use the same tag groups display
same-color labels. Where an activity is mapped to more than one tag group, the
labels that contain the tag group are stacked above each other in a tab. You can
click the tab to display all the labels above an activity.
You can click a subprocess within a process in the data visualization diagram to
visualize that subprocess. The parent process and all its subprocesses can be
displayed according to breadcrumb selections at the top in the browser window.
Note: If you redefine a process in Process Designer during visualization, the
browser view does not detect those changes automatically. You must refresh the
browser to view the changes, or you can close the browser window and relaunch it.


- Visualize variables
Select and visualize the local input, output, or private variables used in a process.
- Visualize tag groups
Select and visualize the tag groups defined for a process.
- Keyboard shortcuts for data visualization
In the data visualization diagram in the web browser window, you can perform
many of the available actions by using keyboard shortcuts.
Parent topic:Testing and debugging process applications


Visualize variables
Select and visualize the local input, output, or private variables used in a process.

1. Open a business process definition (BPD) in IBM Process Designer.
2. Click the Data Visualization button in the upper right corner. Alternatively, click
Playback > Visualize Process to view the data visualization diagram.The data
visualization diagram opens in a new web browser window.
3. Select Data from the drop-down list in the selection area on the left side in the
browser window. Under Variable, click Inputs, Outputs, or Private and select
the input, output, or private variables that you want to visualize on the activities in
the diagram on the right side.Variables are displayed as colored icons in the
diagram. The activities in the selected BPD that have the same variables are
represented by icons of the same color. Up to three icons are displayed on either
side of each activity.
4. Click the down arrow spinners below the third icon on either side to display the
next three icons. Click the up arrow spinners on either side to view the earlier
5. Click any colored icon to slide and display the labels that contain the actual
variable names for all same-color icons.
6. Click a subprocess within a process in the diagram to visualize that subprocess.
The input and output variables are global to the process; if you browse into a
subprocess the same variables are displayed. Private variables can be defined on
the main process and the subprocesses inherit them. However, private variables
defined on a subprocess are visible only to that particular subprocess.
7. Click the Minimize button on the left side to hide the variables list and view only
the data visualization diagram. Use the zoom in or zoom out bar in the upper right
corner to enlarge or reduce the diagram view in the browser window.
Parent topic:Visualizing process data
Related information:
Creating custom business objects in Process Designer
Declaring and passing variables


Visualize tag groups

Select and visualize the tag groups defined for a process.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must be in the IBM Process Designer desktop editor.

1. Open the Process Designer desktop editor.
2. Open a business process definition (BPD) in the Designer view.
3. Click the Data Visualization button in the upper right corner. Alternatively, click
Playback > Visualize Process to view the data visualization diagram.The data
visualization diagram opens in a new web browser window.
4. Select Tag Groups from the drop-down list in the selection area on the left side in
the browser window. Under Tag Group Value, select the tag group and its values
that you want to visualize in the diagram on the right side.Tag groups are
represented by labels on top of the activities in the diagram. The activities in the
selected business process definition (BPD) that have the same tag groups display
labels that have the same color. Where an activity is mapped to more than one
tag group, the labels that contain the tag groups are displayed stacked on top of
each other in a tab.
Note: A script activity can call a service synchronously from a BPD using the
tw.system.executeServiceByName() JavaScript function. To visualize the tag
groups defined for such a service, an annotation that includes the service name
must be added to the script activity. Add the //@ServiceName annotation followed
by the exact name of the service, to the first line of the script activity. For
example, //@ServiceName "myService", where myService is the exact name of
the service.
5. Click the tab of stacked labels in the diagram to display all the labels on top of the
6. Click a subprocess within a process in the diagram to visualize that subprocess.
Tag groups are specific to the services within a process. If the process and its
subprocesses use the tagged service, the tag groups are displayed for both.
7. Click the Minimize button on the left side to hide the tag groups list and view only
the data visualization diagram. Use the zoom in or zoom out bar in the upper right
corner to enlarge or reduce the diagram size in the browser window.
Parent topic:Visualizing process data
Related information:
Tagging library items


Keyboard shortcuts for data visualization

In the data visualization diagram in the web browser window, you can perform many
of the available actions by using keyboard shortcuts.
Use the shortcut keys described in the following sections to browse through various
areas in the data visualization diagram in the browser window.
To browse through the process diagram on the right side in the browser window:
1. Press Shift and Right arrow or Left arrow to scroll the diagram horizontally.
Press Shift and Up arrow or Down arrow to scroll the diagram vertically.
2. Press Tab to access the zoom in or zoom out bar in the upper right corner. Use
the Right arrow key to zoom in the process and the Left arrow key to zoom
3. Press Tab again to access the process.
4. Use the Up arrow and Down arrow keys to toggle the swim lanes in the process.
Then use the Right arrow and Left arrow keys to toggle the lane header and
first process node in the lane. Then use the Up arrow and Down arrow keys to
toggle among the connections. Once you select the required connection, use the
Right arrow and Left arrow keys to browse to the process nodes.Note: The
navigation through the process nodes is not in the order in which they are
displayed in the diagram. Instead, the navigation depends on the order in which
the user added the nodes in IBM Process Designer during the process design.
5. After you have selected a process activity, use the following shortcut keys to
browse the data variables or tag groups visible for the activity in the diagram.
Table 1. For process activity navigation
Key combination
For data variables:
l+u (l key press followed by u key press) Move up the up arrow spinner on the
left side of an activity
l+d (l key press followed by d key press) Move down the down arrow spinner on
the left side of an activity
l+1, 2, or 3 (l key press followed by 1, 2, Expand or collapse the icon located at
or 3 key press)
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd position on the left
side of an activity
r+u (r key press followed by u key
Move up the up arrow spinner on the
right side of an activity
r+d (r key press followed by d key
Move down the down arrow spinner on
the right side of an activity
r+1, 2, or 3 (r key press followed by 1, Expand or collapse the icon located at
2, or 3 key press)
the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd position on the
right side of an activity
For tag groups:
Expand and display all the tag groups
defined for an activity


e+1, 2, 3, and so on

Select the tag group located at the 1st,

2nd, and 3rd position and so on, where
1 is the tag group placed directly above
the activity, 2 is the second one, and so

To browse through the selection area on the left side in the browser window:
1. Press Tab to access the drop-down list for data variables and tag groups.
2. Use the Up arrow key to select Data and the Down arrow key to select Tag
3. Press Tab to browse through the list of check boxes available for the data
variables or tag groups. Inside each check box, press Space to toggle the
checked or cleared state. Use Tab or Shift+Tab to move up and down the list of
check boxes.
To browse through the breadcrumb area at the top of the browser window:
1. Press Tab to access the first process in the breadcrumb area.
2. Press Tab to browse forward in the list of processes and Shift+Tab to browse
3. Press Enter on any process entry in the list to visualize the diagram of that
particular process.
Use the following shortcut keys to browse in New Tag or Tag Group in Process
- Press Tab to toggle between the text boxes for tag group name and value, the
Check if this is a Tag group check box, OK, and Cancel.
- Press Space to select or clear the check box.
- Press Enter on OK or Cancel to submit or cancel your inputs.

Parent topic:Visualizing process data


Running and debugging processes with the

The Inspector in IBM Process Designer is key to an iterative approach to process
development. Using the Inspector, individual developers can run processes and
services on the Process Center Server or remote runtime Process Servers.
Prerequisite: To run and debug processes with the Inspector, you must be in the
Process Designer desktop editor.
You can use the Inspector to demonstrate current process design and
implementation in playback sessions. Playback sessions help capture important
information from different stakeholders in a process, such as management, end
users, and business analysts. Taking an iterative approach to process development
ensures that your process applications meet the goals and needs of everyone
The Inspector in IBM Process Designer includes several tools that enable you to
complete tasks like the following in each of your configured environments:
Table 1. Tasks for the Inspector tools
Manage instances of processes

Step through and debug a process

When you run a process, you can view
all previously run and currently running
instances on the IBM Business Process
Manager servers in your environment.
You can manage running instances by
halting and then resuming them, for
example. You can also manage
previously run instances by filtering or
deleting specific records.
For a selected instance, see the currently
running step and then move forward
through the process, evaluating process
execution step by step. A tree display of
the process combined with indicators
called tokens in the process diagram
make it easy to understand where you
are in the process. You also have the
advantage of seeing the variables used
in each step and their corresponding
values (where applicable).

See the following topics to learn more about using the Inspector interface.
- Managing process instances
Manage current and previously running instances of your process on the server
that you select.
- Restricting access to debugging for services
For services other than human services, you might need to limit access to
debugging functionality in the Inspector in IBM Process Designer. Use the IBM
Business Process Manager configuration file (99Local.xml) to control which users

have the ability to debug services. To edit the settings, find the debug section in
the 99Local.xml file. Copy it to the 100Custom.xml file, and then make the
necessary changes there.
- Stepping through a process
Step through process execution to ensure that your BPD works as expected.
- Debugging a process
Use the Inspector debugging feature to examine each underlying process or
service in each step of your process execution to perform a more thorough
inspection than stepping through your process.
- Resolving errors
Find the source of errors generated when running your business process definition
(BPD) and resolve them.
- Inspector reference
Learn how to access and use each feature provided by the Inspector.
Parent topic:Testing and debugging process applications
Related information:
Restricting Inspector actions for online Process Servers


Managing process instances

Manage current and previously running instances of your process on the server that
you select.

About this task

Note: To learn more about the Inspector interface before you begin, see Inspector

1. Open a business process definition in IBM Process Designer.
2. Click the Run button in the upper right corner.
3. When IBM Business Process Manager prompts you to change to the Inspector
interface, click Yes.Note: Click the check box if you want IBM Process Designer
to change interfaces without prompting for approval.
In the Process Instances tab, you can see all currently active and completed
process instances.
The Inspector shows the running and completed instances on the Process Center
Server for all snapshots (versions) of the current BPD.
4. To view instances running on a different server or to view instances for a different
version of the BPD, select a different server or snapshot from the drop-down
menus in the toolbar.Important: Remote Process Servers must be connected to
your Process Center to be available. To learn how to connect to remote Process
Servers, see Using wsadmin commands to customize the Process Server settings
used to connect to Process Center in IBM Business Process Manager and Using
the administrative console to customize the Process Server settings used to
connect to Process Center. To run a process on a different server using the
Inspector, you must first deploy the process application snapshot that contains
the process that you want to run as described in Installing snapshots on a
connected process server. If you click the Run icon while All versions is selected
from the list of snapshots, the Inspector runs the most recent snapshot of the
BPD on the Process Center Server. For remote Process Servers, the snapshots
available are limited to the snapshots that are deployed on that server.
5. To control instances, select an instance from the list and then click the toolbar
option that you want. For example, if you want to stop an instance that you
started earlier, click the instance and then click the Terminate Button to terminate
the instance. Tip: You can also filter the list of instances shown by providing a
name in the Instance Name field and using the Status drop-down menu.
Parent topic:Running and debugging processes with the Inspector


Restricting access to debugging for services

For services other than human services, you might need to limit access to
debugging functionality in the Inspector in IBM Process Designer. Use the IBM
Business Process Manager configuration file (99Local.xml) to control which users
have the ability to debug services. To edit the settings, find the debug section in the
99Local.xml file. Copy it to the 100Custom.xml file, and then make the necessary
changes there.
Remember: The access restrictions do not apply to human services.
The following elements in the debug section of the 99Local.xml file enable you to
configure debugging functionality for services.

Default setting

<enabled>true</enabled true




Establishes whether
debugging of services is
enabled. If set to false ,
when you attempt to debug
a service in the Inspector
in IBM Process Designer,
IBM BPM simply runs the
service without providing
any debugging feedback.
Establishes whether IBM
BPM users who do not
belong to the Debug group
(defined in the following
setting) can access
debugging functionality. By
default, this element is set
to false , which allows
users who do not belong to
the Debug group to access
debugging functionality.
So, by default, all users
have access to debugging
for services. If you want to
limit access to users who
are members of the Debug
group, set this element to
true .


Specifies the role

membership that users
must have in order to
access debugging
functionality. Only one
debug role can be defined.
If one or both of the
preceding settings is false
(enabled and enforcedebug-role), then this
setting has no effect.
If both of the preceding
settings are true, then:
A user who belongs to this
role will have access to
debugging functionality.A
user who does not belong
to this role will not have
access to debugging
functionality.If you do not
specify any value for
debug-role , debugging
functionality is disabled.


The debug section of the 99Local.xml file is shown in the following example: <server
<debug merge="mergeChildren">

<!-- Indicates whether or not debugging of services is enabled. If this is false then debugging a service will simply run
the service, and the
debugging functions will be turned off. -->

<enabled merge="replace">true</enabled>

<!-- Defines whether or not users that do not belong to the debug role can access
debugging functions for services. -->

<enforce-debug-role merge="replace">true</enforce-debug-role>

<!-- Specifies the role a user must be a member of to debug a service. Only one
user role can be defined. If enabled is false, or is enforce-debug-role is
false then this has no effect.
If enabled and debug-role is true, then a user belonging to this role will
have access to debugging functions. A user that does not belong to this
role will not have access to debugging functions, hence the service will run
as it would normally.
If you do not specify any value for the debug role this will disable the
debugging functions.
<debug-role merge="replace">debug</debug-role>



Parent topic:Running and debugging processes with the Inspector


Stepping through a process

Step through process execution to ensure that your BPD works as expected.

About this task

When you run a process, you can step through the execution to ensure that your
business process definition works as expected. You can use this functionality for
team playbacks and to help debug your process.
Note: To learn more about the Inspector interface before you begin, see Inspector

1. Open a business process definition in IBM Process Designer.
2. Optional: To view instances running on a different server or to view instances for
a different version of the BPD, select a different server or snapshot from the
drop-down menus in the toolbar.Important: Remote Process Servers must be
connected to your Process Center to be available. To learn how to connect to
remote Process Servers, see Using wsadmin commands to customize the
Process Server settings used to connect to Process Center in IBM Business
Process Manager and Using the administrative console to customize the
Process Server settings used to connect to Process Center. To run a process on
a different server using the Inspector, you must first deploy the process
application snapshot that contains the process that you want to run as described
in Installing snapshots on a connected process server. If you click the Run icon
while All versions is selected from the list of snapshots, the Inspector runs the
most recent snapshot of the BPD on the Process Center Server. For remote
Process Servers, the snapshots available are limited to the snapshots that are
deployed on that server.
3. Click the Run button in the upper right corner.
4. When IBM Business Process Manager prompts you to change to the Inspector
interface, click Yes.Note: Select the check box if you want IBM Process
Designer to change interfaces without prompting for approval.
5. In the Process Instances tab, click the new or received task and then click the
Run button. In some cases, you might need to select a user account or provide a
password for a specific user account in order to run a task. This is controlled by
lane assignments and routing for activities. See Assigning teams to BPDs and
lanes and Assigning teams to BPD activities for more information.
6. Complete the task when it runs. For example, if the task generates a Coach,
enter requested values and complete the form. When the task is complete, you
return to the Inspector.
7. Click the Refresh icon in the toolbar. The Inspector shows the progress by
moving the token to the next step in both the diagram and the navigation tree.
Note: If your BPD includes an attached timer event, you can right-click the timer
event token in the navigation tree and select Fire Timer to trigger the event.
8. You can expand subprocesses, event subprocesses, and linked processes as
you step through their contents by double-clicking on the activity in the diagram


view. Even if you do not expand a subprocess activity, you still step through
activities contained in the subprocess.
9. To see the variables passed from step to step, click the process node in the
navigation tree.
10. Right-click a variable and then click Show in Execution Evaluator. The
Inspector opens the Execution Evaluator tab and shows the values for the
parameters within the selected variable.
You can use the Execution Evaluator to inspect the variable values as they
change through the flow of the business process definition. Note: You can also
manipulate variables in the Execution Evaluator using JavaScript expressions to
validate your process implementation. To do so, enter the JavaScript expression
and click the Run icon at the top of the Evaluator. The results are displayed in
the bottom pane of the tab.
11. In the Process Instances tab, click the task for the next step, and then click the
Run task icon.
12. Click the Refresh icon in the toolbar. You can tell that the business process
definition is complete when the final step has a status of Closed and there are
no active tokens in the diagram or navigation tree.
Parent topic:Running and debugging processes with the Inspector


Debugging a process
Use the Inspector debugging feature to examine each underlying process or service
in each step of your process execution to perform a more thorough inspection than
stepping through your process.

About this task

The Inspector executes a debugging session in a browser window. As you step
through an underlying process or service in the debug session in your browser, the
Inspector interface shows the same progress in its diagram view and navigation
You can use the information from the debugging process to help identify the point at
which a process instance is not functioning as expected.
Note: To learn more about the Inspector interface before you begin, see Inspector

1. Open a business process definition (BPD) in IBM Process Designer.
2. Click Run.
3. When IBM Business Process Manager prompts you to change to the Inspector
perspective, click Yes.Note: Select the check box if you want IBM Process
Designer to change interfaces without prompting for approval.
4. In the Process Instances tab, click the new task, and then click Debug task.
Depending on the task implementation, complete the steps in one of the following
- If the task that you are debugging is implemented as a client-side human
service, the client-side human service Inspector opens in a browser window,
pausing on the first step after the Start event. Complete the following steps to
debug the client-side human service:
A. When prompted, select the user that you want to debug the client-side
human service as. You can choose to debug the service as the user that
claimed the task or as a different user. For a different user, the user name
that you select must belong to a user group that has read access to the
corresponding process application. You are logged in to the web browser
using the selected user name.
B. Use the actions on the sidebar to proceed with the debugging of the clientside human service. See Debugging client-side human services.
C. Before running each step in the service flow, examine the variable values that
are displayed on the sidebar at each point to determine whether they are
D. To move to the next activity in the service flow, click Step Over .
E. If this activity is a coach, complete the coach and trigger the boundary event
to transition out of the coach. The Inspector moves to the next step in the
service flow.


F. (Optional) To view the progress of the service execution, you can click the
Designer tab in the upper-left corner of the browser window. On the clientside human service diagram, the followed path is highlighted and a colorcoded token marks the current position in the service flow.
G. Complete the debugging of the client-side human service in the Inspector
browser window.
H. When the debugging of the client-side human service is complete, go back to
the BPD Inspector window and click Refresh to update the task status
accordingly. The Inspector moves to the next step in the process flow. At the
same time, the Inspector shows progress through the service, using tokens in
the diagram and navigation tree.
- If the task that you are debugging is not implemented as a client-side human
service, complete the following steps to debug the service:
A. If the service does not require user input, click Run to run all code and logic
and then view the end values.
B. If the service requires user input, use the Step button and complete the fields
for any associated coaches to step through each part of the service.
The BPD Inspector opens a debugging session in a browser window. At the
same time, the Inspector opens the currently executing service in the Services
in Debug tab and shows progress through the service, using tokens in the
diagram and navigation tree.
5. To continue through the rest of your BPD, click the Process Instances tab in the
Inspector, and then repeat the actions in step 4. In the debugger session in your
browser, you can see data that you enter into any displayed coaches and the
values that cause the underlying logic in the services and BPD to proceed along
the available paths. This insight can be extremely helpful when issues are
identified and you need to find the point at which a process instance is not
functioning as you expected.
Parent topic:Running and debugging processes with the Inspector


Resolving errors
Find the source of errors generated when running your business process definition
(BPD) and resolve them.

About this task

When you run a process or a service and an exception occurs in the instance, the
Inspector clearly identifies the error in the diagram and navigation tree. The
Inspector also:
- Tells you exactly where the error happened
- Links directly to the source of the problem
The following steps describe how the Inspector identifies an error in a running
instance and how it helps you resolve the error:

1. When the execution of a BPD does not complete successfully, the Inspector
displays the error in the BPD diagram and also in the navigation tree.
2. Click the error shown in the navigation tree to open the Runtime Error Information
window. The Runtime Error Information window indicates where the error
happened and it also provides a link to the service in which the error occurred so
you can go directly to the source.
3. Click More in the Runtime Error Information window to show additional details
about the error, such as stack trace details. You can also use the Copy to
Clipboard button if you want to paste the contents of the window to a text file or
support ticket. The Inspector copies all information to the clipboard, including
stack traces.
Parent topic:Running and debugging processes with the Inspector


Inspector reference
Learn how to access and use each feature provided by the Inspector.
The following image shows the Inspector interface and each major functional area:

The following table describes each numbered area in the preceding image of the
Inspector interface in IBM Process Designer:
Table 1. Description of numbered areas on the Inspector interface image
Area number

Shows the currently active and
previously run process instances on the
Process Center Server or connected
Process Server in the Process Instances
tab. The highlighted instance is the
currently selected instance, which means
any action you perform or any data
shown in the other areas of the Inspector
apply to this instance. (The Services in
Debug tab becomes active only if you
select the Debug icon for a particular
Use the Instance Name field and the
Status drop-down menu to control the list
of instances displayed in the Process
Instances tab. For example, if you want
to see only active process instances that
include the word employee in their name,
type employee in the Instance Name field
and select Active from the Status dropdown menu.


Use the drop-down lists to choose a

different server on which to run the
current BPD. You can also choose a
different snapshot if you want to run a
different version of the BPD. The
Process Instances tab includes a
Snapshot column so that you know which
version of a process the currently
displayed instances are running. For
example, in the preceding image, the
Snapshot column displays Tip to indicate
that you are running the version of the
process currently under development in
the Designer. Remote Process Servers
must be connected to your Process
Center to be available. To learn how to
connect runtime process servers to the
Process Center, see Using wsadmin
commands to customize the Process
Server settings used to connect to
Process Center in IBM Business Process
Manager and Using the administrative
console to customize the Process Server
settings used to connect to Process
Center. To run a process on a different
server using the Inspector, you must first
deploy the process application snapshot
that contains the process that you want
to run as described in Installing
snapshots on a connected process
Note: When you change servers or
versions in the Inspector, you have to
start the BPD again by choosing the run
icon at the upper right of the BPD
Use the icons in the toolbar to manage
process instances, run tasks, or debug
services. For more information, see
Inspector toolbar options.
Shows the current task for the selected
process instance. In the preceding
example, the current task is the first task
in the BPD called Submit job requisition.
You can click the task to select it and
then use the toolbar icon to run the task
so that you can step through the entire


Shows the BPD diagram for the selected

instance and highlights the current task
so you know where you are in the
execution of the process for this
instance. In the preceding example, the
red token above and the yellow halo
around the Submit job requisition task
indicate the active step. If you want to
view other information about the BPD for
the selected instance, you can click the
other available tabs such as Overview
and Variables.
Shows a navigation tree of the execution
progress for the selected instance. In the
preceding example, you can see the first
step in the instance (the start of the
process) and you can see the active
second step, indicated by the red token.
The navigation tree continues to expand
if you decide to run the task and step
through the entire process in the
Shows the variables used in the current
step. In the preceding example, we can
see that the requisition variable is used in
the active step. You can select a
variable, right-click, and then select
Show In Execution Evaluator to view and
manipulate the variable values.
Use the drop-down menu to change the
Inspector interface display. When you
open the Inspector interface, you see the
Standard display which is described in
the preceding rows. You can choose to
show less information (Simple) or more
(Edit & Debug).

Inspector toolbar options

When viewing instances of processes in the Process Instances tab of the Inspector,
the following toolbar icons are available to help you manage those instances.
Table 2. Toolbar icons available on the Process Instances tab
Toolbar icon

Pauses the selected process instance.
Resumes a suspended process instance.
Stops a running process instance.
Removes any record of the selected
process instance.


Refreshes the current list of process

instances based on the filter you have
selected and the most recent data from
the Process Server. When stepping
through a process instance, you need to
click Refresh after completing a step so
that the diagram view and navigation tree
properly display your progress.
Pages through the BPD instances when
more than 100 instances are displayed in
the Process Instances tab.
Runs the selected task. A web browser
opens to display coach(es), while the
Inspector displays red tokens both in the
BPD diagram and the navigation tree of
the execution state to show the step that
is executing in the active process
Opens a debug session in your default
web browser for the selected task. The
debug feature enables you to step
through each service in each stage of the
process execution to view the business
data that is passed in and out. As you
step through a service in the debug
session in your browser, the Inspector
interface shows the same progress in the
currently executing service in the
diagram view and navigation tree.
Opens the Details user interface for the
selected process instance in Process
Portal in your default web browser. You
can test the interaction between the user
interface and the process.

Understanding tokens
In the Inspector interface, tokens indicate where the runtime instance is currently
executing-both in the diagram of the BPD or service and in the navigation tree of the
instance execution. The following general rules apply to tokens:
- If a token is on a step, that step is in an active state. Until the step has been
completed, the process instance cannot proceed.
- If a token is on a conditional sequence flow, the target step is enabled-it can
receive the token-because the condition on the sequence flow was met. Conditions
are evaluated after the step has been completed but before the process enters the
outgoing sequence flow.
- A process instance can generate several tokens. For example, a split can cause
two tokens to be generated. These tokens are merged into a single token when the
process reaches a join gateway.


Parent topic:Running and debugging processes with the Inspector


Authentication during playback to handle changes

in user identity
Process applications can use Process Designer capabilities that you can access
only from your locally installed Process Designer and some capabilities that you can
access only on the web. This topic describes the behavior that occurs when you
have an artifact open in the web browser and you do a playback from within the
Process Designer installed locally on your computer.

About this task

When you start the playback session, the playback window opens in the default
browser window for Process Designer. The following actions occur:
- When you claim a task that is currently assigned to a team that you belong to, you
are prompted to select the user name that you will run the task as. You can choose
to run the task as the logged-in user or as a different user. The logged-in user is
selected by default.
- The task is run in a web browser and you are logged in to the web browser using
the selected user name.
- If you select a different user name, ensure that the different user belongs to a user
group that has read or write access to that process application.
- If a playback action is performed using a different user name, you are notified that
you will be logged out of your browser session to allow you to complete the
playback action as the different user.
- After the playback action is complete, you are prompted to log back in to the web
Depending on what artifact you are working with, different actions can trigger this
behavior. For example, you can encounter the described behavior when you
perform either one of the following actions:
- Click Run to claim a business process definition (BPD) task instance.
- Open a heritage human service in the Process Designer editor and click Run
Service to test it in a playback session.
- Right-click a human service or a heritage human service and select Playback >
Run Service to launch the playback session.

Parent topic:Testing and debugging process applications


To ensure that applications can be used in multiple geographical locations and
cultures, globalization support is built in through appropriate design and
implementation of systems, software, and procedures. IBM Business Process
Manager provides globalization support for single- and multi-byte character sets and
for bidirectional transformation including contextual support, support for text layout
transformation, and calendar support for Hebrew and Hijri.
For more information about using translated IBM Business Process Manager
components, see Known issues for translated IBM BPM components.
- Bidirectional support in IBM Business Process Manager
Scripts such as Hijri and Hebrew, where the general flow of text proceeds
horizontally from right to left, are called "bidirectional" scripts. The attribute
"bidirectional" (bidi) is used for scripts, but by association, the languages that use
bidirectional scripts are called bidirectional languages. Although bidi text runs in
both directions, the right-to-left direction is the norm.
- Contextual support
IBM BPM offers contextual bidi support for languages such as Arabic and Hebrew,
where the general flow of text proceeds horizontally from right to left.
- Troubleshooting Process Designer and Process Center connectivity
Resolve problems starting Process Designer, for example during login, by using
various techniques such as correcting invalid connection information or logging
errors that are captured with log4J or java.util.logging.
- Enabling error logging in Process Designer
You can configure IBM Process Designer to log errors by using log4J or
java.util.logging. You can then examine the logs to troubleshoot problems
with Process Designer.
Parent topic:Building process applications


Bidirectional support in IBM Business Process

Scripts such as Hijri and Hebrew, where the general flow of text proceeds
horizontally from right to left, are called "bidirectional" scripts. The attribute
"bidirectional" (bidi) is used for scripts, but by association, the languages that use
bidirectional scripts are called bidirectional languages. Although bidi text runs in both
directions, the right-to-left direction is the norm.
- If the direction of the window is right to left, its elements are logically ordered from
right to left and from top to bottom.
- Within a right-to-left window, the default direction of entry fields is right to left, but
entry fields that are to receive English text or numeric input must be defined as
having a left-to-right direction.
- Within the same window, text and graphics can have different directions.
IBM BPM provides built-in bidirectional (bidi) layout options for designing processes.
Bidirectional support in IBM BPM includes the following features:
- Contextual typing
- Layout transformation in Process Designer
- Islamic (Hijri) and Hebrew calendar support
When you are creating user interfaces in IBM BPM, you can choose an Islamic or
Hebrew calendar. If you are using heritage coaches to build your user interface, see
Configuring a Hebrew or Islamic calendar. If you are using coach views, see
Coaches toolkit: Date Time Picker stock control.
- Applying bidirectional text layout transformation
IBM BPM provides bidirectional (bidi) text layout options for process applications.
Bidirectional text layout transformation can be applied to any string variable (either
input or output) as part of the preprocessing, postprocessing, or implementation of
a service. Typically, bidirectional text layout transformations are required for
conversion of bidi textual data stored in databases to a Logical LTR format that is
assumed by the BPM user interface, but can be used for other purposes.
Parent topic:Globalization


Applying bidirectional text layout transformation

IBM BPM provides bidirectional (bidi) text layout options for process applications.
Bidirectional text layout transformation can be applied to any string variable (either
input or output) as part of the preprocessing, postprocessing, or implementation of a
service. Typically, bidirectional text layout transformations are required for
conversion of bidi textual data stored in databases to a Logical LTR format that is
assumed by the BPM user interface, but can be used for other purposes.

About this task

Complete the following steps for bidi text layout transformation:

1. From the palette, add a server script to a service, such as a heritage human
service.Note: This transformation can be performed from any server-side service.
To perform a text layout transformation in a client-side human service, include a
call to a server-side service, such as an integration service, from within your
client-side human service flow.
2. In the Variables tab for the service, add an input string variable for the string to
be transformed.
3. In the Diagram tab, select the server script.
4. In the Implementation tab of the Properties view, enter the script for calling the
bidi engine to implement the transform. For example:tw.local.Var =
tw.system.bidiTransformation(tw.local.Var,"input_bidi_format", "outputBidiFormat", symmetricSwapping)

where tw.local.Var1 is the string to be transformed.The input BidiFormat and

output BidiFormat can have the following values:
- LLTR - logical left-to-right
- LRTL - logical right-to-left
- LCLR - logical contextual left-to-right
- LCRL - logical contextual right-to-left
- VLTR - visual left-to-right
- VRTL - visual right-to-left
- VCLR - visual contextual left-to-right
- VCRL - visual contextual right-to-left
In the following example, a logical left-to-right string is transformed to LRTL logical right-to-left and the Boolean value isSymmetricSwapping is set to true:
tw.local.Var1 = tw.system.bidiTransformation(tw.local.Var1,"LLTR",
"LRTL", true)


What to do next
To test your service, wire it to a coach that has an input variable and text control that
is bound to the transformed string variable, then run the coach.
Parent topic:Bidirectional support in IBM Business Process Manager



Contextual support
IBM BPM offers contextual bidi support for languages such as Arabic and Hebrew,
where the general flow of text proceeds horizontally from right to left.
Contextual support ensures that when a first typed character is Hebrew or Arabic,
control orientation and typing direction are right-to-left, and that the text alignment is
right. The following is a list of the different kinds of contextual support that IBM BPM
- Contextual support for names of diagram elements ensures correct display of bidi
text not only in properties but also in diagram.
- Contextual support in notes ensures right-to-left text direction of text inside the
- When a new activity is dragged from the palette and dropped onto the business
process definition (BPD) canvas, contextual typing of the activity name is possible
inside the BPD diagram.
- Contextual typing is supported in descriptions in Process Center.
Parent topic:Globalization


Troubleshooting Process Designer and Process Center

Resolve problems starting Process Designer, for example during login, by using
various techniques such as correcting invalid connection information or logging
errors that are captured with log4J or java.util.logging.
You might encounter an error message similar to this one when you start Process
Designer:Unable to establish a connection with the Process Center
When you start Process Designer, you must log in using your IBM BPM user name
and password. If you do not already have a user account, contact your IBM BPM
administrator. When you log in, you are connected to the Process Center
designated during installation of Process Designer.
To determine your connection status, check the lower right corner of the Process
Designer. This area of the Designer interface displays status conditions.Table 1.
Indicator colors that describe status conditions on the Designer interface
Indicator color

Connection to Process Center Server

Good connection
Slow connection that might cause issues
with concurrent edits
Even slower connection and more
potential issues with concurrent editing
No connection; check with your IBM
Business Process Manager administrator
to ensure the Process Center Server is
up and running

If you see a connection error after you log in, try one of the following tasks:
- Confirm that you are using the correct user name and password.
- Confirm that Process Center is running by accessing it through a browser using the
URL in the form http://hostname:port/ProcessCenter. The default port is
- Check the eclipse.ini file (in the Process Designer installation directory) to
confirm that the Process Center connection information is correct:
1. Find the installation folder of Process Designer on your local computer, for
example C:\IBM\ProcessDesigner\v8.5.
2. Open the eclipse.ini file and locate
Ensure that the URL prefix (http://hostname:port) is the same as the Process
Center URL prefix.
- Confirm that your Process Designer version matches the Process Center version.
If your administrator upgraded Process Center, you need to upgrade Process
Designer to the same version by accessing Process Center from a browser and
downloading Process Designer.If the two versions are different, you might see a
message similar to the following message: The versions of Process Center("BPM8501-20130922-000036")
and Process Designer ("BPM8500-20130525-092636") do not match.


- If you see a blank white Process Designer view or the view does not display fully,
or if you see an HTTP error, press F5 to refresh. If the display continues to be
blank, enable a security option as described in Process Designer window is blank.
- Process Designer communicates with Process Center using the following ports. If
you have a firewall or proxy server, or are running a service that forwards the
ports, check that communication on the following ports is enabled.Table 2. Process
Center ports accessed by Process Designer
Port Name

Default Number

The default ports depend on the server type. Refer to Port number settings in the
WebSphere Application Server information center.
- Examine the IBM Business Process Manager logs for errors or information. See
IBM Business Process Manager log files.
- Turn on Log4J debug level tracing. See Enabling log4J debug tracing
- Use java.util.logging to write errors to a log. See Enabling java.util.logging

- Enabling error logging in Process Designer

You can configure IBM Process Designer to log errors by using log4J or
java.util.logging. You can then examine the logs to troubleshoot problems
with Process Designer.
Parent topic:Globalization
Parent topic:Building process applications


Enabling error logging in Process Designer

You can configure IBM Process Designer to log errors by using log4J or
java.util.logging. You can then examine the logs to troubleshoot problems with
Process Designer.

Traces and logs

Error logs and traces can be located in a number of different places within the
Process Designer installation directory. You can find ae.log in the main directory
where Process Designer is installed. Other logs are located in the
<ProcessDesignerInstallationDirectory>\workspace\metadata directory.
You can use the information in these logs to troubleshoot a problem. If you need to
contact IBM Support, submit these logs to get the problem resolved faster.

Enabling log4J debug tracing

Configure Process Designer to add debug statements to the ae.log file:
1. Close IBM Process Designer.
2. Locate the file twappserver.jar in the directory

3. From twappserver.jar, extract the file log4j.xml to the root Process Designer
installation directory.
4. In log4j.xml, change the level value for the com.lombardisoftware logger from
error to debug. The log4j.xml file should be changed from: <logger
name="com.lombardisoftware" additivity="false">
<level value="error" />

<appender-ref ref="TWConsoleAppender" />

<appender-ref ref="TWFileAppender" />


to: <logger

name="com.lombardisoftware" additivity="false">

<level value="debug" />

<appender-ref ref="TWConsoleAppender" />
<appender-ref ref="TWFileAppender" />
</logger> </p>

5. Open eclipse.ini and point to the updated log4j.xml by adding this line:Dlog4j.configuration=file:<ProcessDesignerInstallationDirectory>/log4j.xml

6. Restart Process Designer, recreate the problem, and note down the time stamp.
The ae.log file should now contain the debug and error messages from Process

Enabling java.util.logging
To enable logging for all java.util.logging messages, follow these steps:
1. Close Process Designer.


2. Navigate to the main Process Designer installation directory

3. Open eclipse.ini and add this line:-Djava.util.logging.Level=ALL
4. Restart Process Designer, recreate the problem and examine the logs for errors.

Parent topic:Globalization
Parent topic:Troubleshooting Process Designer and Process Center connectivity


The context object

The context object provides access to helper functions, such as a callback to fire a
named boundary event.

Through the context object, you can access its properties.

Provides access to the data object that is
bound to the current view. To access the
data, use the following
Where value is a special property name
that returns the bound data object.For
example, if a view is bound to
local.phoneBook.title, the view can
get the title by using the following code:if
(!! this.context.binding){
var title = this.context.binding.get("value")


Contains the values of different context

roots of the IBM BPM servers. Use this
API to construct the URL that your coach
views use to connect to these servers.
The object has the following
properties:rest (String).IBM BPM
REST server such as
"/rest/bpm/wle"teamworks (String).
IBM BPM Teamworks server such as
(String).IBM Process Portal server
such as "/ProcessPortal"



Contains the root DOM element of the

coach view. The view must not delete
this DOM element. Views that are
defined in the layout are children of this
root element. Generally, the view uses
this root DOM element to locate its own
content.Note: Multiple instances of the
same view can be on the same HTML
page. Use this root DOM element to
scope your search.
Provides access to the configuration
options of the view. These configuration
options include the properties that users
can set for the view such as the label for
a button control and metadata properties.




Returns an object with the div ID of the

subview as a property name. In a nonrepeating scenario, there is usually only
one property. Generally
context.getSubview() is a more
convenient function to use.viewid
(String). The view ID or control ID.
For more information, see Example: Get
and use a domNode and Example: Get a
div ID.
Provides access to the following system
values:baseTextDirection (String) .
The text direction preference of the
user.caseFolderId(String). The ID of
the case folder if the current human
service is running in the context of a case
instance; otherwise the returned value is
an empty string.enablingDocumentId
(String). The ID of the document that
activated the case activity whose
implementation the current human
service belongs to. An empty string is
returned if the triggering activity was not
activated by a document or is not a case
activity.instanceId (String). The
instance ID of the BPD in which the
coach is running.paId (String). The ID
of the process or toolkit that contains the
coach definition.paShortName (String).
The acronym of the process or toolkit
that contains the coach
definition.snapshotId (String). The ID
of the process or toolkit snapshot that
contains the coach
(String). The ID of the case starting
document if the current human service is
running in a case instance that was
started by a document filed event;
otherwise the returned value is an empty
string.taskId (String). The ID of the
current task or process in which the
coach is running.user_id (String).
The ID of the user.user_loginName
(String). The name that the user used
to log in.user_fullName (String). The
full name of the
user.user_localeCountry (String).
The locale of the
user.user_localeLanguage (String).
The language of the user.



Provides access to the following

properties related to timer-based
refreshing for coach views:
TimerCoachViewEnabled (Boolean).


This setting specifies the active or

inactive status of the timer coach control
used on the default instance details user
interface to trigger automatic refreshes.
By default, this setting is true, which
means the timer control is
l (Integer). This setting specifies the
frequency of refresh requests triggered
by the timer coach control. The value is
defined in seconds. The default value is1, indicating that the value used in the
coach control configuration is to be used.
Administrators can override the settings
specified in the models using this
erval (Integer). This setting defines
the minimum time between refresh
requests handled by the instance user
interface coach controls. The value is
defined in seconds. The default value is
10, which means that refresh calls to the
server are only sent if at least 10
seconds have passed since the last
refresh call.
Lists the teams that the current user is
manager of. The list ("[]") is empty by
default. Each item in the list for is an
object that contains the following
properties: name (String). The name of
the teamid (String). The unique
identifier of the team.
Lists the teams that the current user is
member of. The list ("[]") is empty by
default. Each item in the list for is an object
that contains the following properties:
name (String). The name of the
teamid (String). The unique identifier
of the team.
Contains the unique identifier for this
view definition. Multiple view instances
might have the same viewId. For more
information, see


Through the context object, you can access its functions.



Returns the type of the data binding.
Broadcasts the supplied
message.Important: Do not use this API
to send sensitive or confidential
message(Object). An object that has a
name property.
Cancels the boundary events that have
not been sent to server. If a callback
function was supplied when the boundary
event was triggered, the coach
framework calls the callback function to
update the status of the boundary event.
For more information, see the
context.trigger(callback) function.
Returns a value of true if the following
conditions are true:A coach view that is
bound to a list contains a content box
that contains a coach view.This
contained coach view is bound to the
currentItem of a different list.For
example, the API returns a value of true
for the following structure:TableView (bind to
TextView (bind to ListB.currentItem)

The framework displays a message at

run time when there is a mismatch in list
lengths. For example, the message
occurs for the previous example if ListA
has four items and ListB has three
items. For more information, see Data
binding for coach views.
You use
containDiffLoopingContext() to, for
example, determine whether to disable
the add-and-delete capability of a table
during the runtime even if a user
specifies to enable the add-and-delete
Important: If the coach view that
contains a view-managed content box is
bound to a list that is not empty, do not
call this API between deleting a domNode
of the content box and the rendering of
the first repeating element. The return
value might not be accurate.


context.createView(domNode, index,

Creates a coach view instance and any

subview instances under the specified
DOM element, which is usually a content
box div. domNode(Element). The HTML
DOM element of the content box or node
of any coach view.index(Integer)
(optional). Indicates the position so that
data binding and configuration indexes
can be adjusted or zero-indexed.
parentView(CoachView) (optional). The
view instance of the parent view;
alternatively, the parent view can be
computed based on the document order.
If domNode is the node of any view other
than a content box, the framework
creates a single instance of the view and
returns it. If (domNode is the node of a
context box, the framework creates view
instances for all the views that are owned
by the content box. The framework
recursively creates views for all the
framework-managed content boxes that
are owned by the content box that is
specified by the domNode parameter. The
framework then returns an array of these
view instances.
The following code snippet shows how to
create a content box view.var location = 5;
var trElement = document.createElement("tr");
// rowTemplate is the contentBox that contains some nodes
// the view nodes define table columns.
var oneDiv = this.rowTemplate.cloneNode(true);
var viewArray = this.context.createView(oneDiv, location);


For more information, see Example: Get

and use a domNode.
Deletes the coach view instance and any
subview instances, starting from the
specified DOM
element.domNode(Element). The HTML
DOM element of content box or the node
of any coach view.The following code
snippet shows how to delete a view
instance:var nodeToDelete =

For more information, see Example: Get

and use a domNode.





Returns the first match of the DOM node

that has its data-ibmbpm_uniqueViewId
property that has the specified ID or null
if there is no match. The search starts
with the parent DOM node of the
this.context.element unless you pass
in a different start node by using
optParam.startNode and the search
checks only the immediate children of the
start node unless you pass in
D(String). The value to search for in the
data-ibmbpm_uniqueViewId of the
domNode.optParam(Object) (optional).
Parameters that modify the scope of the
Returns a String containing the value of
the visibility setting of the ancestors of
the coach view that is calling this
function. If visibility values of all of its
ancestors are set to DEFAULT, the
function returns EDITABLE.
Returns the options object for the coach
view given its viewDomNode. The options
are returned even when the view
represented by viewDomNode is not yet
constructed. Typically, use this API in a
view to look at the configuration options
(such as label or visibility ) of one of its
child views before it is created.
viewDomNode(Element). The HTML
DOM element of the child view.The
following code snippet is an example of
how you could use this API:
var childOptions =
var childLabel = childOptions._metadata.label.get("value");
childOptions._metadata.visibility.set("value", "READONLY");


Returns the currently applied positioning

information specified in the Positioning
properties of the coach designer. The
currently applied positioning is based on
an inheritance model where settings for
larger screen width are applied to smaller
screen sizes if nothing is specified for the
smaller screen sizes. If a given property
is not specified for any screen size, null
is returned. The following properties are
defined: width(String) height
(String) min-width (String)minheight (String)margin
(String)padding (String)overflow


context.bind(type, callbackFunc,


Registers a callback function to receive a

change notification associated with the
specified type. For now, only thestyle
type is supported. Any other values will
cause an exception to be thrown. This
setting change can be a design-time
change in the positioning settings or a
change in the run-time screen
size.Normally, the callback function
invokes the context.getStyle()
method to get the currently applied
Only one notification or callback is
triggered even if more than one
positioning property is changed. This
function returns an object that can be
used to unregister the callback. The
returned object contains a unbind()
method that takes no parameter.
type(String). Currently, the only
supported value is style.
callbackFunc(Function). The function
to be invoked as a callback. This function
has no type
parameter.scopeObject(Object) .
(Optional) Indicates the "this" to be used
when invoking the callback function. If it
is not specified then no scope is defined.
When enabled, allows a coach view to
receive notification of data binding and
configuration option changes in a single
notification for all changes within the
current thread.
The event object that is passed into the
callback contains a single property type
of value groupNotification. It does
not have any information about the
individual changes. Coach views should
retrieve the latest binding and
configuration option values after
receiving the group notification.
The following parameters are defined:
enable(boolean). A value of true
enables the group notification. A value of
false disables the group notification.
callback (function). Specifies the
callback to call when group notification is
enabled. When enable is set to set to
false, all previous callbacks will be
removed. scope(Object) The function
scope when the callback is invoked.



Returns the subview instance given the

subview ID. This method is similar to
context.subview[viewid] except that
the return value is an array of subview
instances. viewId(String). The view ID
or control ID of the
(optional). Indicates whether the array
that is returned must maintain the same
order as in the DOM tree. The default
value is false. The call

returns an unsorted array of subview

objects. The call
false) returns the same array. The only

difference between the two calls and the

function call
true) is that
true) returns an array of subview



objects whose order matches the order

of the DOM nodes in the DOM tree.
For more information, see Accessing a
child coach view by using a control ID.
Escapes the specified text. This function
is used to avoid potential cross-site
scripting (XSS) attacks. text(String).
The text to escape. The escaped text is
Returns true if origin matches the
protocol, host, and port of the coach or a
site listed on the white list. For example,
a coach view receives a postMessage
event. The coach view can check the
origin of the event by calling this API
using event.origin as the
parameter.origin(String). The
protocol and host of the URL. The origin
must also include the port if the URL
does not use the default port for the
protocol. Examples of origin include,,


Returns the parent view instance or null

if there is no parent view. During the
invocation of load(), the parentview
object is created but not fully initialized.
One reason it is not initialized is that
load() of the parent view is called after
the current load() function. Because the
parentview object is not fully initialized,
avoid calling this function in the load()
Forces the coach view and all its
subviews to rebind. As a result, the
change() callback is called, which
causes the view (and all its subviews) to
Shows or hides the specified DOM
element by removing or adding a CSS
class that sets display:none. When the
domNode is hidden, the parent coach or
coach view does not reserve the space
that domNode would occupy.
isDisplay(Boolean). The value true
shows the domNode; the value false hides
the domNodedomNode(DOMElement)
(optional). If not specified, the root
element of the current view is used. For
more information, see Example: Get and
use a domNode.
context.setUniqueViewId(uniqueViewId Sets the uniqueViewId in the data, targetNode)
ibmbpm_uniqueViewId property of the
targetNode. If the call does not include
the targetNode, this function sets the
property for the DOM node of the
String). The ID to be
set.targetNode(Element) (optional).
The HTML DOM element that contains
the data-ibmbpm_uniqueViewId
property to be set.
Shows or hides the specified DOM
element by removing or adding a CSS
class that sets display:hidden. When
the domNode is hidden, the parent coach
or coach view reserves the space that
domNode would occupy.
isVisible(Boolean). The value true
shows the domNode; the value false hides
the domNodedomNode(Element)
(optional). If not specified, the root HTML
DOM element of the current view is used.



context.trigger(callback options)

Registers the coach view to receive the

validation errors of descendant views
that are bound to a different business
object than the current view. These
errors are contained in the
errors_subscription list of the error
event object. Views that do not have a
data binding, such as the Tab stock
control, can use this API to receive
validation errors.
Fires a named boundary event.
callback(function) (optional)If a
callback function is supplied, the coach
framework calls the callback function
when the boundary event is handled
depending on the supplied options
parameter. The callback function has a
response object as a single parameter:
{status: boundaryEventStatus}.
The boundaryEventStatus parameter
has one of the following values:
options(Object) (optional)This

parameter has a single property:

callBackForAll (Boolean). If any of
the following conditions apply, the
callback is only invoked when the
boundary event was successfully run
(executed):The options parameter does
not exist.The options parameter exists
but does not contain the
callBackForAll property. The options
parameter exists and it contains the
callBackForAll property but the
property is set to false.
If the property is set to true, the callback
is invoked regardless of the status of the
boundary event.
context.triggerCollaboration(payload Fires a custom collaboration event. The
custom message is sent to the browser
of a collaborating user. The
corresponding view on the collaborating
browser receives the collaboration()
callback with event.type = "custom".
payload(Object). The object that
contains the custom message contents.
Unregisters the Coach View so that it no
longer receives errors in the
errors_subscription list. The view still
receives the errors list if it exists.

Example: Get and use a domNode


Many functions of the context object take a document node (domNode) as an

argument. The following code example shows how to get a domNode and use it in a

var subview = this.context.getSubview("subviewID", "true")[5];

var subviewDomNode = subview.context.element;


- 1 The parameter subviewID is the control ID of the subview and corresponds to

the value for the property data-viewid of the <div></<div> tag of the subview
instance. The function getSubview(subViewID) returns an array of subviews. In
this example, the intent is to get the sixth element in the index of arrays. The
parameter true ensures that the objects of the array are returned in the same
order as the DOM.
- 2 Get the domNode of the subview element that is returned in step 1.
- 3 Delete the subview by using the domNode that step 2 returns.

Example: Get a div ID

To get the div ID of an element, use the syntax
To get the ID of a subview, first get the domNode of the subview and then use .id.

var subview = this.context.getSubview("subviewID", "true")[5];

var subviewDomNode = subview.context.element;

var subViewDomId =; // This gives you the ID of the subview

- 1 The parameter subviewID is the control ID of the subview and corresponds to

the value for the property data-viewid of the <div></<div> tag of the subview
instance. The function getSubview(subViewID) returns an array of subviews. In
our example, we want the sixth element in the index of arrays. The parameter true
ensures that the objects of the array are returned in the same order as the DOM.
- 2 Get the domNode of the subview element that is returned in step 1.
- 3 Get the ID of the subview.

Parent topic:The view object (this)


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