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Liceo Moderno Isaac Newton


Essay about bullying

Presented by:
Monica Liliana Palacios Casas 2424

Luz Estrella Forero

Ninth Grade
Madrid, Cundinamarca

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Bullying: The destroyer of the innocents

The bullying is any form of physical and psychological abuse caused, most of the times, for
students repeatedly for a certain time, both in the classroom as social networks, called
cyberbullying. The protagonists of instances of bullying are usually teenagers.
This type of violence is characterized by getting intimidation of the victim. As a result, the
subject is exposed physically and emotionally to the abuser, causing a series of psychological
sequelae; the abused individual lives terrified with the idea of going to school, is nervous, lonely
and sad in his life. Many times these acts lead to suicide.

The abuser tends to have problems of empathy, for this reason, is never able to see the damage he
cause to the victim.
Teachers are the most responsible about it and they have to mediate in conflict situations between

Bullying, like other forms of psychological abuse causes mental limitations. The victims are
more vulnerable to mental problems, depression and mood disorders as they get older.

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Very often, the person who humiliates is often accompanied by a group of friends that adds to the
conduct of aggression against the victim. Many times, this happens for lack of responsibility by
an adult as a teacher or a responsible parent.

Gay bashing:
It's all types of physical or psychological aggression against a person to have a different kind of
sexual orientation. In these cases, people are denied of participating in various activities that are
essential for human development and are humiliated and despised.

The bullying can be prevented with proper education by parents. Also, create a good and healthy
attitude on the teens from not become violent people. Teachers can also be alert to cases of
violence among students.

The bullying is a real problem that has led many people to suicide. Many times without realizing
it, we humiliate and mistreat people without knowing the damage we do to them.
The hardest thing about this situation is to try to help the victims, because most of them believe
that if they speak can do more harm or that can fool them.
For this reason, and many more we must take care and think about the words that will come out
of our mouths, because these words can cause much damage to someone.

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