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Timeline of events: 9/11

By Patrick Pontani

Introduction and purpose

After the attacks, New Yorkers pledged to Never Forget the

disaster. This pledge inspired me to write about 9.11.
A four year old at the time of the attacks, I have vague memories
of the days events and the aftermath. Therefore, my aim is to
educate Americans so that 9.11 may never be forgotten.
I also want to emphasize how shocked and unprepared New Yorkers
were during the attacks.

8:46am: American Airlines flight 11 crashes into the Northern
faade of 1 WTC.
Very few people saw the first plane hit 1 WTC, so news reporters speculated
that an object struck the towers. Guesses ranged from missiles, small
propeller planes, etc.

9:03am: United Flight 175 crashes into the Southern faade of 2

As soon as the second plane hit 2 WTC it became clear that NYC was being


Following the first crash, all of the North Tower below impact zone
was evacuated. Unfortunately, the crash destroyed all stairwells
and elevators, which meant that none of the people above
impact were able to escape.
One stairwell remained intact in South tower, allowing a few
workers to escape.

The collapse of both towers (2 WTC at 9:59am followed by 1 WTC at
10:28) was a total surprise to everyone and shocked the City.
In many news reports, anchors believed that the buildings exploded
because of the smoke and fire that came out of the buildings as they

Results: 3,000 deaths, over trillion in damages and war costs, war on

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