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Conservative Candidate Group

Voter Profiles
February 2016
This document contains information on the voting trends of various voter profiles at Brookfield
Central High School. The trends are based on results gathered from a political survey that asks
participants to anonymously identify their demographic information and political views. We
created and carried out this survey in hopes of identifying the voting trends and political
preferences among our student body. This will allow us to develop more effective campaign
The survey used can be seen at the following link: h
The results of the survey can be accessed at the following link:


After the information has been gathered we created several voter profile groups to help us
identify which trends each demographic follows. The voter profile groups we created are as

Underclassmen males

2. Underclassmen females
3. Upperclassmen males
4. Upperclassmen females
5. Ethnic Minorities (Not white)

The survey we conducted effectively collected 48 responses which were randomly taken from
our student body. Of the 48 responses we had approximately 10-15 students per group. We
then organized the data into the voter profile groups (accessed at the link above). To do this
we utilized a pivot table which allows us to compare the subjects demographics and political
preferences to all of our survey questions. The resulting expected voting trends are detailed


Underclassmen Males
Underclassmen boys are opposed to Obamacare. There was no clear preference on gun
control, however of responses indicated they were unsure on this topic. Underclassmen
males also show no clear preference on abortion as they are split nearly 50/50 on pro-life and
pro-choice views. They were generally opposed to additional taxes on the rich and capital
punishment. Underclassmen boys are opposed to the death penalty. Military action against ISIS
well well supported with 80% of responses indicating support. Additional military spending is
also similar in its support. Underclassmen boys support more restrictions on illegal immigration.
This group is strongly opposed to Common Core with only 6.6% of responses in favor of the

Underclassmen females
Underclassmen girls have mixed views on Obamacare with no clear preference and 28% of
responses indicating they are unsure on the topic. They do support additional restrictions on
guns. Abortion is split 50/50 exactly between pro-life and pro-choice. Underclassmen girls
slightly favor additional taxes for the rich. This group is evenly split on death penalty. They
slightly favor military action against ISIS but with 40% of responses unsure on the topic.
Underclassmen girls believe that military spending is good as is but also has 40% of responses
unsure on the topic. They are opposed to additional restrictions on immigration and are overall
unsure on Common Core.

Upperclassmen Males
Upperclassmen boys are opposed to Obamacare but are in favor of more restrictions on guns.
over 46% of responses are unsure on their stance for abortion and there is no clear preference
between pro-life and pro-choice. Upperclassmen boys, however, are strongly in favor of of
additional taxes on the rich. They are evenly divided on their stances for the death penalty.
Upperclassmen boys are strongly in favor of military action against ISIS but believe that military
spending is good as is. They are evenly divided on additional restrictions for immigration.
Upperclassmen boys are opposed to Common Core.

Upperclassmen Females
Upperclassmen girls are generally in favor of Obamacare. They also believe we need more
restrictions on guns. This group is likely to believe in the pro-choice stance for abortion.
Upperclassmen girls strongly favor additional taxes on the rich but have mixed preferences on
the death penalty. They strongly support military action against ISIS but have mixed responses
on military spending. 40% of upperclassmen girls are unsure on their immigration stances but
slightly disagree with more restrictions in that field. They are overall opposed to Common core.

Ethnic Minorities
Minorities slightly support Obamacare. They strongly support additional gun restrictions. This
group is evenly split on their stances for abortion. They strongly support additional taxes on the
wealthy. They are overall opposed to the death penalty, but almost 35% of responses were
unsure on this topic. Minorities strongly favor military action against ISIS but believe military
spending is good as is. This group is strongly against additional restrictions on immigration.
Minorities are overall unsure on their stances for Common Core.

Based on the trends outlined above it is clear that most males will favor policies that support
additional military spending, and all responses show a trend in the population to support
military action against ISIS Most social issues, such as abortion immigration and gun control,
are evenly mixed amongst all groups. Girls slightly favor medicare while guys do not. based on
the survey, ethnic minorities are more likely to take liberal views on issues such as healthcare,
and gun control. Ethnic minorities are also the most strongly opinionated group on immigration
issues. Responses were more polarized among the upperclassmen with less unsure
Based on the results of the survey we know to focus our attention on military issues, economic
issues (taxing the wealthy), and education issues (common core) as the voter groups generally
agree with our views and are more passionate in such fields. We also know to avoid most
social issues such as abortion and gun control as the stances are evenly mixed amongst our
voting body. Special attention can be given about immigration issues to ethnic minorities
because of their strong interest in such areas. Finally, more attention can be given to inform
underclassmen of our policies as they seem less decided on issues and unsure in some areas.

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