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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter 66
18 March 2016
Junk Orchestra

French Day

Our presenter for the Junk Orchestra day was a

tremendously energetic character, who
sometime manages to create melodic sounds out
of completely makeshift bits of items destined
for re-cycling plastic bottles, bits of tubing, car
wheels, sticks. Elastic bands served as guitar
strings, yoghurt cartons as guitar bridges, old
traffic cones as megaphones.

Once again Bronte School was transformed into

a little corner of France spending "une trs
bonne journe" in the company of Cyrille from
Frog et Rosbif. The day started with a French
breakfast comprising chocolat chaud, du caf,
du th or jus d'orange accompanied by warm
croissants. There was a great turnout of parents
and their children enjoying a convivial chat "en
franais" of course.

Mondays assembly was a delight for the whole

school, as the various instruments mixed
together to create a tremendously rich, catchy
sound. Later on, Years 3 and 4, who had raided
their own bins for all manner of containers,
packets and cartons, created their own
instruments. So now, if any of us are ever
stranded on a desert island, we wont be short
of instruments.

The children enjoyed various activities during

the day like crpe making, studying a French
artist, French board games, dual language
books, French DVDs and a French pic-nic.

There was some amazing acting in French with

the children being able to demonstrate their
ability to participate in some mini role plays. It
was delightful to have four lst Year A level
French students from Mayfield Grammar School
to join in the fun and support the pupils.
Many thanks to Madame Baldacci, Cyrille and all
the team.

Teatime Concert

The children out on superb performances during the

concert, which, with the Infants and Junior Choirs
together with the instrumentalists, featured every
single member of the School.
Both choirs were superb, and there were fine
individual performances in saxophone, clarinet,
piano, violin and percussion. Many congratulations
to all the young performers. Thanks too to music
teachers, Mr Scarff, Mrs Shoebridge and Miss
Hakanen, and to organisers Mrs Gordon and Mrs

Looking Ahead

Week 11

(clubs operate normally until and including Tuesday

22nd March)

Monday, 21st March

Reception, Years 1 and 2: Minibeast workshop
(Dont ask.)
(Science room, within school day)
Parents Evening 1
(3.45 7.00pm, classrooms)
Refreshments available 4.00 5.00pm, School Hall;
booking of 10 minute slots through class teachers
Tuesday, 22nd March
Years 5 and 6: visit to The Historic Dockyard,
Chatham(within school day)
Wednesday, 23rd March
Parents Evening 2 (details as above)
Reception Class - Forest School (am)

School Council meeting at 4pm

Year 5: class assembly (9.00am, School Hall). All
parents welcome
Thursday, 24th March
Term ends (12.00 noon)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Week 1
Wednesday, 20th April
Summer Term 2016 starts (8.45am)

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