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Clark 1

I will be able to organize different techniques and strategies in creating lessons for several
subject areas to meet the learning goals of students.
This artifact is the final lesson plan for the Health and PE Methods course. I chose to use
this artifact to demonstrate my abilities in creating lessons that pertain to various subject areas
that include different methods and strategies. For this assignment, I had to create a lesson based
on physical education that included a warm up, two activities, and a cool down. I then had to
present my lesson to a partner as they participated in the activities I created. The lesson had to
include different intentions such as locomotor and axial skills, rhythm, coordination of muscles,
and various concepts of space that fit the development level of the intended students.
I decided to focus on dance and movement for my lesson plan because dance and
movement has always been a passion of mine. For my warm up I planned on having the students
dance however they wanted to a KIDS BOP song and then take a breather and stretch. For my
first activity, students would get into pairs and decide on a movement. There would be hulahoops spread around on the ground and when students decided on a movement, they would
assign that movement to a hoop. Then when the music started, the students would do that
movement and when the music stopped, the student inside the hoop would run to another person
inside a hoop, and the one on the outside would jump into their original hoop. The music would
start up again and the students would do the movement of whichever hoop they are at.
For my second activity, I would encourage the students to perform various locomotor
movements around the gym while to music that would be playing. When the music stops, the
students would freeze on the spot, plant their feet, and begin doing axial movements such as
bending or swinging. For my cool down, the students would walk slowly around the gym to a
music and then I would lead them through stretches.

Clark 2
I chose to create dance and movement activities that incorporated music because I have
always loved dance and music and thought it would be fun and engaging for children. I
personally had fun both creating and doing the activities and I think it would be a great way to
get children physical and having fun at the same time. My partner seemed to really enjoy my
lesson plan and thought it was a great way to incorporate different locomotor and axial
movements into activities that were exciting and beneficial for children.
Both the final lesson plan and the class in general showed me the importance of
integrating physical education into the classroom. Children need to move throughout their long
day of being in the classroom. For some children it is hard to sit and focus for long periods of
time so it is important to have breaks of movement. Using movement in the classroom also
boosts childrens brain activity and helps them to refocus their attention. The specific lesson I
created would meet childrens multiple intelligences because it deals with kinesthetics and
When I become a teacher in the future, I will make sure to incorporate movement into my
classroom. I understand that it is vital for childrens development that they can move and be
active even while in the classroom. I will provide chunks of time throughout the day for my
students to get up and move. I will allow them to take little brain breaks and get them
refocused to their work. I will also make sure to include music throughout the day because it is
something that I personally love, and some of my students might as well.
Overall, I really enjoyed creating this lesson plan and demonstrating it to my partner in
class. It was fun to be able to incorporate the things I love into a lesson. I have always loved
dance, movement, and music so it was fun being able to teach something I am very passionate
about. I think it is also great to bring your passions into the classroom so children can be inspired

Clark 3
to pursue what they are passionate about. I think this final lesson plan showed my abilities of
using different strategies to fit the learning goals and needs of different students. I think it also
showed my abilities of taking different subject matter and creating an engaging lesson plan for

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