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Whort 8s w Efifegward?
A lifeguard ise An alert persolt who is ready to help in
of trouble in and around the water".
c A disciplinarian .ivho en{brces rules ancl

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c A public rclations peffion who promores

water safety.
o A maintenance person wh<l helps keep the
facility clean and safe.
o A teacher who helps others learn about
wate,: salety
e A person trained in first

Mflrsf Are a


,4 lifegr-rarcl's equipment usually includese A. uniform (swimsuit, shirt, jacket, hrt,

foulweather gear-, whisfle, sunglasses, ancl shoes).
e Binoculars.
o tslanket.
6 Suntan/sunscreen lotion.
o Lif'eguard stand.
o $afety equipment. (See Fact Sheer 4,
L,ongfellow's Safety Equipment Infonnation.)

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.& lifeguarcl's primary responsibility is ro ensure
the safery of people in and around the water.
A lifeguarcl does this by,*
o Preventing accidents by eliminating or
minimizing hazards.
o Responding quickly to all emergencies in fhe
o Adminisrering rhe fimt aicl needecl by the
victim of an accident.
e letting those in cl,arge know rvhen adclitional assistance ()r equipment is needed.

A lifeguard must also*

e Observe and enforce all the rules and
reguiarions of the facility.
o Explain the purpose of the rules ancl
o Assist in locating anyone who is rnissing.
m Complete all requirecl maintenance r-ecords
and accidenr reports.
* Ca ry out all additional cluties assignecl by
the aquatics director, pool directol., waterfront director, beach patrol supervisor-, or
other authority.

Wms, $dedp f&e &6feguerd?

You can help the lifeguarcl b1,.*
e l{eacling ancl obe-ving all ptrsted rules ancl
warning signs.
e Following rhe lifeguard's direcdons imrnediately if you hear a whistle, horn, or other
signal ol' ar1 elnclgcllcy.
o Staying out of the way in an eillergency.
@ Never playing
with safety equipmenr and b,v
leaving ir wirere the lifeguard can find and
use it quickl1,.
o Nel,er leaving your clothe$, shoes, toy$, or
other personal equipment rvlrere it rnight
clelay the lifbguarcl in getting to :ur acciclent.
o Getting out of the water immecliatelv when
the signal is gir,,en.
o ltespecting the lifeguarri. (Don't taik ro a
lifegr"rard who is on duty unless thele is al
o Doing e><actly rn hat y'or,r arc told it
-vour help
is recluesrecl.

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