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Finally, it is over! Kevin exclaims as he sets Mary down on the ground.

I know. I cant believe we are finally husband and wife! She squeals. He just gives her
a nervous smile, before turning away towards the mini bar of their honeymoon suit. He opens it
up and pulls out one of the small bottles of Jack, downing it in two gulps. He turns back around
to look at his new bride, she gives him a flirtatious smile and he quickly turns back downing
another bottle.
Mary knows her new husband is nervous, even before he started drinking like a fish. He
had been the one to decide to wait until they were married to finally sleep together. But he had
also been the one to want to push of getting married, and she had to finally give him an
ultimatum after six months of not setting a date. However she couldnt completely blame him, he
wasnt the one who proposed.
Should we She starts to ask him if he wants to get in the bed when he cuts her off.
I need to use the restroom. He says it very abruptly, and it startles Mary just a bit. He
doesnt wait for her to say anything, before rushing into the bathroom. She just stares at where
her husband once stood, a little baffled that he wasnt ripping off her clothes already. It was
almost a bitter sweet moment for her.
They had been dating for about a month, when she finally decided to invite him over for
dinner and dessert. He was so great to her. He brought beautiful pink roses and a bottle of
wine. They sat in the candlelight eating, and she had been putting on her best all of her best
moves, wearing a low-cut dress, playing footsie, which he liked, discreetly drawing his attention
to her lips. All of it seemed to be working, and she thought she had him right where she wanted
him when they sat down on the couch with their glasses of wine.
She set her glass down on the coffee table, leaned over, and kissed him passionately. It
wasnt their first kiss, they had plenty of make out sessions before this, but he seemed different
this time. He had been caught off guard, and after taking his glass away she moved so that she
was straddling his lap. It was the most embarrassing moment of her life when he pushed her off,
but as he told her that he wanted to wait, she grew to love him even more.
This moment in the hotel room, reminded her of that night. She blushed with
embarrassment remembering, and started to feel that way all over again. It was the sound of the
shower starting in the bathroom that broke her line of thought.
Are you ok? She asks as she knocks on the bathroom door.

Yep, just fine. She looks at the door confused. What is he doing in there? Could he
really be taking a shower now? She shakes her head, forcing the thoughts out.
She goes up to the bar and pulls out her own little bottle of vodka. She takes a quick
swig, the alcohol burning the back of her throat. She quickly calls room service, ordering a bottle
of champagne and strawberries before stepping out of her short white wedding dress and slipping
into the thin camisole she had packed.
She situates herself on the bed in the sexiest position she can think of, she changes it ten
times, but finally finds the right pose. She can hear Kevin mumbling to himself in the bathroom,
and is about to get up and check on him when he comes out. The first thing she notices, is that he
is in his suit, the second is that he isnt wet. She is about to say something, when he starts
talking, still not looking up at her.
Mary, I need to tell you something She sits up, and he takes a deep breath to
continue when there is a knock at the door.
Room service. A guy says on the other side of the door. Kevin lets out the breath in a
loud and exasperated sigh.
I ordered you a surprise. Mary says with a sweet smile as she hoped off the bed and
opened the door, keeping herself hidden behind it from the server. He pushes the cart in, stopping
it at the foot of the bed, and turning to Kevin with an expectant smile. Kevin lets out an annoyed
huff, and pulls out his wallet, handing the guy a five dollar bill.
Thank you sir. He turns and walks out, Mary shutting the door behind him. She skips
over to Kevin and the cart. She quickly pulls the champagne bottle out of the ice bucket, handing
it over to Kevin. He rolls his eyes and quickly pops the cork of the bottle, before setting it back
in the bucket.
Mary, I She holds up her hand, stopping him mid-sentence. She grabs the bottle, and
pours some into each of the glasses. After placing the bottle in the ice once more, she hands
Kevin one of the glasses and grabs the other for herself.
To us. She holds up her glass, and Kevin dutifully clinks his glass with hers. As Mary
takes a sip, Kevin downs his.
Ok, now we really need to talk. The way he says it finally makes Mary realize that this
is important. She sets down her glass and looks at her husband nervously. He sets is glass down
next to hers before sitting next to her on the bed. He takes a deep breath, and envelopes her

hands in his. Hundreds of scenarios crowd her head all at once. Kevin opens his mouth to finally
tell his wife what he should have told her on their first date, when there is yet another knock at
the door.
Are you fucking kidding me!? He yells. He looks at Mary questioningly, but she
doesnt know who it is either. He jumps up from the bed and stomps his way to the door, opening
it vigorously.
Mary sees his back stiffen, and gets up to see who it is. She sees a man, much taller than
Kevin standing there.
Who is this Kevin? She asks.
Kevin? The guy looks down at Kevin questioningly. I didnt realize you came up with
a name already. Kevin quickly turns to Mary, grabbing her by the shoulders.
Mary I need to tell you something right now.
Oh, so youre the chick my ex-wife is marrying. The guy says from behind Kevin.
Kevin stiffens once again at the guys remark. Mary doesnt really understand why, until she
realizes what the guy said.
Ex-wife? Who is your ex-wife? I am not marrying a woman. I am already married to this
handsome man. She says pleasantly, wrapping her arm around Kevins waist.
Yea, my ex-wife. He says pointing at Kevin. Kristen.
What? She looks up at Kevin.
Surprise! He says weakly. Ium used to be a woman, and this is my ex-husband
Mike. Mary feels all the blood drain from her face.
You forgot about the kids part too Mike is about to say more, but Kevin gives him a
dirty look.
You were a woman!? Mary shouts at her new husband.
And has kids. Mike chimes in, a little too eager to add more drama. Which reminds
me, Kristen it is your week with the kids Dani, Marcus! Mary hears loud footsteps running
down the hall, and a little girl about five years old comes running in followed by a little boy that
looks to be only three. They both run up and hug Kevins legs.
Mommy, we missed you! The little girl says.
Missed mommy! The little boy says.

Surprise Kevin says to Mary again. She just looks at the four of them, wide-eyed. So
many questions filled her head. Why did Kevinor Kristenwhy did he not tell her? How
could she not have known? She always knew that Kevin was a little different from the other guys
she dated.
Mary, are you okay? Kevin asks her, before everything goes black.
Mary wakes up wrapped in a pile of sheets in her apartment. She can smell her mom
cooking bacon in the kitchen, and rolls over to look at the clock. It is a little after seven. She sits
up, relieved to find that it was all a dream. She is marrying a great MAN today. She gets out of
bed, and as she is brushing her teeth she hears a knock at the front door. She walks out of the
bathroom, into the hall and hears her mom answer the door.
Kevin? What are you doing here? Its bad luck to see the bride before the wedding! She
hears her mom say.
Excuse me Mrs. Walters, I need to talk to Mary. Mary can hear him brush his way into
the apartment, and then she sees him standing at the other end of the hall.
Mary I need to tell you something She lets go, and her toothbrush falls to the floor.

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