Evaluation Activity 4

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Evaluation activity 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

The BBFC of our production (The Dogs) is a 15. This is because we felt that young
aged protagonists within our film allowed children as young as 15 to relate to the film
as well as adults. We did not want to aim our production at age groups below 15 as
we feel that they may be disturbed by the violence and danger in the opening
sequence, so we did not like the idea of young kids disliking the film and cause any
sort of psychological stress.
Sam Wilmore

Age: 15
Likes: dancing, TV series (action) and music
Teenagers based around the same age as Sam, I believe will
like our media film due to the fact Sam enjoys action based
shows. He is a young teen and therefore our target
audience. It is also relatable as these are gangs who other
gangs strive to be also since there are a rise of gangs this
sequence shows the danger of being in a notorious gang.

Barry Turi

Age: 17
Likes: Comics, action and thriller films and action games
Barry has a lot of interests when it comes to action based
themes such as games and films for example, call of duty
and films such as The Dark Knight these both contain a
high level amount of action. This had led me to believe that
similar people like Barry may like our production.

Pierre Francis
Age: 28
Likes: rap, basketball, cars, action crime
Bryson fits into the age category of our
production which is 15-40 years old. The
reason why I believe Pierre would be a part of the target audience is due to the fact
that he enjoys action crime shows and since our film is similar to inside man which is
an action crime genre, it led to me to believe that he will enjoy our production.

The target audience varies in terms of ethnicity, age and gender yet they are also
similar. Through my primary research I have found that many action films have a
BBFC of 15 as it explicit materials such as blood and violence. We did not want to
have a BBFC of 12A as it may mentally affect or offend someone. That aim our
production was to create suspense and tension and use the audiences emotion to
add to the atmosphere which is created. The use of sound, cinematography, editing
and mise-en-scene allowed us to reach the full potential of this production.

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