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Microbial Fuel

Plant-e Technology
Presentation by Brie Warner


Plant-e produces and develops products that harvest

energy from living plants

Through plant photosynthesis processes, Plant-e

technology is able to capture plant made energy

Plant-e animation:


Plant-e technology is not new

Potato clock science project

First sustainable technology

Technology developed by Marjolein Helder and Dr. ir.

Bert Hamelers from 2009-2012

Starry Sky project in the Netherlands illuminated

300 LED lights


Working to develop large-scale systems that can be

implemented in existing green, wet lands

Systems are in demo stage and are in need of further

research and funding

DIY Plant-e kits for in home electricity generation

Energy can be generated from many different typed

of land use

Creates cleaner, more sustainable energy


Why It Is Interesting

A one-square-meter garden could produce 28

kilowatt-hours per year

Average U.S. home uses 10,837 kilowatt-hours

Can provide clean energy options to 1.2 billion

people worldwide that have no access to electricity

Plant-e sells Wi-Fi spots, model chargers, and roof top

electricity models


Dansie, Mark. Plant-e: Plants Generating Electricity.

WorldPress. 29 Dec. 2014. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

Living Plants in Microbial Cell for Clean, Renewable,

Sustainable, efficient, in-site bioenergy production.
PlantPower. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

Schultz, Kayla. Dutch Company Powers Streetlights With

Living Plants; Will Your Cell Phone Be Next. Yes!Magazine.
21 Nov. 2014. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

Write, Carolanne. Clean and Green- Dutch Company Power

Gadgets and Street Lights with Living Plants. Wake Up
World. 2015. Web. 27 Jan. 2016.

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