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NAEYC Standard 3: Observing, documenting, and assessing to

support young children and families

Artifact: 2 Key Element 3d. Knowing about and using observation,
documentation, and other appropriate assessment and approaches.

Professor Multop
September 13, 2015
Nahid Behnam

It was very interesting to take the test with my 21 months old nephew
Nico. Nico is my brothers second child, and I am the second child in the
family too. We have a lot of similarities, and at the same time differences
too. He is a curious, mischievous little boy who is full of energy. He loves to
get attentions and enjoys to be around people, as long as his mom or dad
are around and no one ales go near him. He only goes to those who he
knows and is comfortable with. It was great taking the test and to know how
to make Nico more comfortable when He is around us
Reading the result of the test was extremely helpful. There are so
many things that I try with him in the past, and it worked. I was very lucky
with my two children when they were little. They were very approachable
and friendly. When my brothers first child was born, to my surprise, around

age 7 months she started being very uncomfortable around people even
family, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. None of us could baby set
her as an infant. I was extremely cautious when my nephew was born.
Luckily he was not like his sister at the beginning. He was a very happy baby
until he was 8 months old. At that age he just wanted to be held by his
parents, now that he 21 months he is much friendlier.
He learn to talk and his favorite word is, Mine, me. As Baby Brain
Map indicated, children at this age become very selfish. Just the other day
Nico came over. He was wearing a neckless, I asked him if I can have his
neckless. He said No, Mine. I gave him a toy car earlier, so I said The car I
gave you was mine too, but I gave it to you. He paused for a second then
try to take his neckless off to give it to me. I was beside myself. I thought if
you reason with children they will understand. The Baby Brain Map also talks
about sharing, and how toddlers between ages-18-24 months dont like to
share. It explain how they become more self-aware and want to take an
ownerships of things around them. The suggestions for this kind of behavior
is to be calm and to avoid any kind of dispute. Offer more toys, and model
prosocial behavior. I was also surprise that the result of the test had
suggested that Nico can be bothered with loud noises, because of his
sensitivity level. Now that I think about it he gets cranky after short while
when he is around lots of people.
Somehow I know how to make a childs feel comfortable around me.
Perhaps because I was around them so much. I kind of helped my mom
raised my younger brother. I give children time and space. I know that once
they feel comfortable, and content they will come around. Although I am
very serious, but when it comes to children I get silly. Sometimes my nephew
looks at me and gets surprise the way I play with him. I make a big deal out
of the things he says or does. Just like the book mentioned, that how helpful

it is to repeat what the children say even when they are babbling. It helps
them to develop a great language skill. He talks so much for his age. His
mom talks to him all the time.
Nico is spontaneous. His mom tries to wean him from nursing but
since he doesnt have a schedule it make it very hard. I made a suggestion
to his mom to create a routine for him. Children do much better when they
have a schedule for bed time, mealtime and even time for diaper change.
The test has thought me that children that have Nicos personalities can get
benefits from knowing what will happens in the new situation. For example
talking to them ahead of time to let them know if we are going to grandmas
house. Our voice is southing and help them with their vocabulary. Set a
schedule and routines, avoid loud noises, and tend to them gently as they
need you. Being gentle when introducing them to a new situations, and give
them time to adapt to it. create problem solving activities to enhance their
creativities, and last but not least, play games that are fun, like hide and go
seek, tickling, create fun activities that help them to be in a good mood.

Artifact Rational
This artifact was made in CHD 166 Toddler Infant Program, in fall 2015.
In this class we had an assignment to take a test choosing one infant or a
toddler we may know to compare our temperament with theirs. After that we
were to check the Baby Brain Map, Social Emotional Development then to
write two pages reflection paper explaining what was surprising to us, and
what was helpful. The objective was to demonstrate understanding and use
of knowledge of temperament style.
This artifact demonstrate my growth as a professional because it
shows my understating about how children brain work and using the Baby
Brain Map was a great tool to measure childrens social emotional
development. It falls under NAEYC Standard 3: Observing,
documenting, and assessing to support young children and families
and it addresses the Key Element 3d. Knowing about and using observation,
documentation, and other appropriate assessment and approaches. This

artifact fall under this standard because it helps me as a teacher that

childrens brain work deferentially and I should learn different methods and
techniques to help those students with their social emotional development.
This artifact demonstrate my growth as a professional because it
shows my understanding on how children behave in a different environment
and with different people. I learned to be calm when I am around them and
to give them space and time to come around, since all children have
different temperament. As I mentioned on my paper, its all about them, the
children, and how we as an adult approach them. Baby Brain Map was a
great tool to use and learn about different stages of developments with
infants and toddlers. I will for sure, use this tool to learn about my students
in the future.

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