Episode2 Ronron

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FS 1

Episode 2
Name of FS Student:

Ronron A. Mentigar

BSED Mathematics

Resource Teacher: Mr. Arnel L. Poja

Cooperating School:

Year & Section: 2-1

Signature _____________________

Vicente P. Trinidad National High Schol

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in differentiating the
characteristics and needs of learners from different developmental levels.

Your Map
To reach your target, do the following tasks:

Step 1
Observe 3 groups of learners
from different levels
(preschool, elementary, and
high school)
Step 2
Describe each of the learners
based on your observations

Step 3
Validate your observation
by interviewing the
Step 4
Compare them in terms of
their interests and needs.


Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report
on the provided space. Your teacher may also recommend another observation
checklist if a more detailed observation is preferred.
1. Observe their gross motor skills. How they carry themselves? How they move,
walk, run, go up the stairs, etc.?
2. Are gross movements clumsy or deliberate/smooth?
3. How about their fine motor skills? Writing, drawing, etc.
1. Describe how they interact with teachers and other adults.
2. Note how they also interact with peers. What do they talk about? What are their
1. Describe the emotional disposition or temperament of the learners. (happy, sad,
easily cries, mood-shifts)
2. How do they express their wants/needs? Can they wait?
3. How do they handle frustrations?
4. Describe their level of confidence as shown in their behaviour. Are they selfconscious?
1. Describe their ability to use words to communicate their ideas. Note: their
language proficiency.
2. Describe how they figure out things. Do they comprehend easily? Look for
evidence of their thinking skills.
3. Where there opportunities for problem solving? Describe how did they show
problem solving abilities

Learners Development Matrix

Record the data you gathered about the learners characteristics and needs in this
matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics and needs of learners at

different levels. The items under each domain are by no means exhaustive. These are just
sample indicators. You may add other aspects which you may have observed.
High School
Development Domain

Gross-motor skills
Fine-motor skills
Self-help skills
Interaction with Teachers
Interaction with

Moods and temperament,
expression of feelings
Emotional Independence

Communication Skills
Thinking Skills

Indicate age range of children observed:

Gross-motor skills
In grade 7 students, most of them especially those on the
last sections moves a lot.
In grade 10 students, most of them especially the girls are
so demure, they carry themselves smoothly.
Fine-motor skills
Both Grades 7 and 10 students can write faster although
only few students are spatial who can draw well.
Interaction with teachers
Outside the classroom, other students interact with their
teachers the way they interact with their friends but still
the respect is there.
Interaction with Classmates and Friends
There are different group of friends inside the classroom.
The way of interaction of one student to his group is
different to the group of friends of other group.
They have different interests inside the room. Others are
interested in studying, others want to bully others, and
others are busy in putting make-ups on their faces.
Moods and Temperament
Most of the high school students especially on the last
sections can't express their feelings well. Most of them
hide their true feelings and have obsolete moods.
Emotional Independence
Unlike Elementary students, high school students are
emotional independent. They prefer to handle their own
problems rather than to share it with their teachers.

Communication Skills
Most of the students can communicate well. They can pick
the best words that can suit on whatever they want to say.
Thinking Skills


High school students think more realistic compare with

the elementary students. Although there are some
students which are hard to comprehend things.
In Grade 7, the students are dependent. Whatever the
problem in their section whether big or small, they tend to
ask it with their teacher.

Your Analysis
Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners you observed.
Based on these child characteristics, think of implications for the teacher.

Salient Characteristics

Age Range of Learners observed

Preschoolers like to move

around a lot.

Implications to the


Salient Characteristics

Therefore, the teacher

should remember to use
music and movement
activities not just in PE but
in all subject areas.
Therefore, teachers should
not expect pre-schoolers to
stay seated for a long period
of time.

Implications to the TeachingLearning Process

High School
Age Range of Learners
observed 12-17

In Grade 7, most of

Therefore, teachers should have the

them act like an

uncomplaining nature attitude, should

Elementary student.

know how to control themselves and

They always tell to their

be persistence. Because Grade 7 is

teachers even the little

the level where the students are

problem in the class.

In Grade 10, most of

adjusting. They think that they are still

the students are

an elementary though they are not.

Therefore, teachers should guide the

already matured, even

students. Act like their parents and

though there are few

build a strong relationship with them

students which are

and give some advices.

boastful and naughty.

Your Reflections
1. While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when
you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners
you observed?
Yes, especially when we observed the first section in Grade 7. I see myself to
them, because like them I also recite always. Because on our time, we are so grade
conscious and we don't want to remove in the first section that's why we do all our
efforts to stay in the section.
2. Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did
she/he help or not help you with your needs (physical, emotional, social,
cognitive)? How did it affect you?
My MAPEH teacher when I was on third year which is also our moderator in our
Folkdance Organization. Because of her, my self-confidence was boost. She has a
very good approach in teaching. Content wise and knows how to build a good
relationship with her students.
3. Which is your favourite theory of development? How can this guide you as a
future teacher?
My favourite theory of development is the Erik Erikson's Psychosocial
Development Theory. This development theory can guide me as a future teacher
that there are students that acts different with what their age is. And sometimes it
is because that there are students which didn't achieve the psychosocial crisis when

they are in a particular stage. It will help me to guide them understand their
4. Share your other insights here.
Students are unique. Each student has their own way to cope up with the lesson.
They have different characteristics on how they behave on the class. Teacher must
know that every student is different. Teacher must also have to know the different
techniques and methods in handling the class or the students per se. Because "one
shoe does not fit all" his need is not his need, his intelligence is not the same with
the other and so on. Teacher must know when and how to change his attitude and
techniques because classroom is a market place of ideas. If the teacher has this
ability, he/she can handle the class effectively.

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