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Field Study 4

Exploring the Curriculum

This course is intended to introduce the education pre-service students to effective

curriculum design and assessment. The course topics include curriculum models, principles and
approaches in designing, delivering and addressing the curriculum.
It emphasizes familiarity with contemporary curriculum policies and framework and
their relevance or planning, pedagogy and assessment at the classroom level.
The course in curriculum development shall develop teachers who can adjust and be flexible in
designing and implementing curricula in learning environments for different students in different
It can also apply a wide range of teaching process skills (including curriculum
development, lesson planning, material development, educational assessment and pedagogy).
Field study 4 is anchored on:

Curriculum Development
Educational Technology

Field Study 5
Learning Assessment Strategies
Field Study 5 is an outcomes-based course designed to provide FS students with
opportunities to learn assessment strategies as they are applied in the teaching learning process.
It is basically an observation course intended to help the FS students observe the application of
principles of assessment in actual classroom teaching. The FS student observes how the
Resource Teacher assesses learning in the cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains in
various levels using revised Blooms taxonomy, Kendalls and Marzanos new taxonomy and the
Knowledge ., Process, Understanding, Product and Performance (KPUP) of the Department of
Field Study is anchored on the following Professional Education Subjects:

Assessment of Teaching 1 and 2

Field Study 6
On Becoming a Teacher
Field Study 6on becoming the 21st Century Teacher is one of the Experiential Learning
Courses of the prospective teacher. It is tells the journey of how to become a teacher as
exemplied in the Teacher Education and Development Map in the pre-service education is
connected to the cone which is the National Competency- Based Teacher Standards
( NCBTS).The updated wordbook is slanted toward OBE in Teacher Education as provided by
CHED Administrative Order No. 1,s. 2014.
The Teaching Profession and Community Immersion are the two subjects where FS 6
maybe anchored on all experiential activities are related to the in- depth understanding and
testing of learned concepts through actual immersion and observations in real life situations that
relate to teaching and learning.

Field Study

Is providing opportunity to relate theory to actual practice. To help you do to know and
understand what you need to observe guides, listen to your FS teacher and ask questions to be
sure all is clear to you have paper and pen ready to jot down details based your observation,
carefully separate facts from interpretations and accomplish the checklists/forms so that the
details are still fresh in your mind.
As we grow in our profession, we tend to develop repertoire of teaching learning process.
Teachers and learners need to structure the process of learning together so that it may be relevant
to the experience or problem that created the felt need to learn. It should recognize that different
learning styles exist and that they encourage learners to develop effective and efficient learning.
Hence, teachers also need to be flexible and adopt teaching styles relevant to the teaching and
learning transaction.
In other words, Teaching is a respectable profession the world over. Some teaching skills
and needed of global teachers in the 21st century : thinks and acts both locally and globally , has
classroom management skills, makes content relevant and updated , has skills in critical
thinking , uses technology in education , to collaborate with teams and brings the world into the
classroom , school and community.

Field Study

This purpose is to give chances to say your experience based your observation. It
comes to share of ideas, facts and information. As a future educator, it seen when a student
progresses through having a concrete experience followed by observation and reflection on that
experience which leads to the formation of abstract concepts and generalizations. It is used to test
hypothesis in future situations and resulting in new experiences.
In Exploring the Curriculum, this will help me to explore the teachers suggestions
and opinion through interview, interact and socialize in the workplace. As a pre-service teacher,
it is opportunity to learn the meaningful and systematic exposure in actual settings. I give the
vital role that reflection plays in the growth and development to me.
In Learning Assessment Strategies, it involves observation in actual setting, that
means it gives me to train my senses to really focus on important details of the learning
situations and perceive them with clarity and objectivity. This allows for the integration of the
future teacher as first and foremost a person with beliefs, values and attitudes.
In on becoming a Teacher, it gives me an opportunity of first hand encounters in
the real world of teaching and learning. I really focused the idea as a person in society, school
setting and community setting that I engaged to feel joy of teaching and learning


Is to give advantage of the FS student as they shared their knowledge and skills. In
learning a new material, I should provide a learning environment that is supportive and
conducive. It comes up a positive learning outcomes if the students knowledge and interests that
I matched the nature of learning tasks.
As a future educator, we must be focused yourself as they discovered the students may
integrate their new knowledge of methods and should be used to enable the FS student to use
their previous knowledge as a resource.

I really appreciate those things I expected and learned that gives a big contribution as a
teacher someday. I can say that it is a big challenge to me to solve and take a risk regarding with
the things I will encountered it. And I know that I can do and provides for it.



Cover Letter
Definition of field Study
Purpose of Field Study
Purpose of Portfolio
Expected Effects of Portfolio



III. Teachers Prayer

IV. Cooperating School History
Core Values
V. Weekly Narrative Report

Detailed Lesson Plan

VII. Narrative Report of Demo

VIII. Reflection
Field Study 4
Field Study 5
Field Study 6

Study Frame
Title of Seminar:
Philippine Association for Teachers and Educators


Namunga, Rosario, Batangas

The New
Dayanarra D. Leynes
SEY AY- 2016-2017


Author would like to express his whole- heartedly thanks to the following people who were
able to give their willingness to help for their unwavering and undying support , encouragement,
financial assistance, and precious time for the accomplishment of this portfolio.
To Dr. Tirso A. Ronquillo, University President, for his vision and mission of attaining more
quality and relevant education in the University
To Mam Anabel C. Banuelos, Dean of College of Teacher Education, for allowing her to
participate and cooperate in the field of teaching. And also for her moral support and
encouragement to the whole student
To Mam Lean Grace A. Morcilla, for her untiring supervise, concern, support ,
encouragement, understanding and most of all for her patient in checking the narrative report
To Orlie E. Del Mundo Ed,.D, The Principal of Rosario East Central School, For allowing me
to conduct his observation in the said school
To Mam Marilyn D. Buisan, My cooperating teacher , for her patience and untiring support
through her sacrificing her time and giving hints and ideas on how she will execute every topics
To All the Faculty members and Staff of Rosario East Central School, for their guidance and
support in making this teaching portfolio
To all students of Rosario East Central School, for their kindness, cooperation and respect
given to the author that inspires to her continue to chosen career
To the authors loving and support family: My mother and my father, my brother and my
sisters , For their continuing support , finances , assistance , for their love, care, advice, and
encouragement to make this making portfolio. Thank you so much and I Love You.
To all BEED- 3201 and friends you know who you are, for their assistance, love and endless
encouragement and help which inspire the author to complete and finish this making portfolio
And above all, to our God Almighty, for giving the strength, patience, guidance and for the
continuous blessings and undying love.

School history


Field Study

Name of Student Trainee: Dayanarra D. Leynes

Name of Company and Addresss: Rosario East Central School, Barangay A.
Rosario, Batangas
Required number of Hours:54 hours
December 7,2016
January 4,2016
January 11,2016


Number of Hours
6 hours
6 hours
6 hours

January 18,2016
January 25,2016
February 1,2016
February 22,2016
February 26, 2016
February 29,2016
March 7,2016


Total number of Hours

6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
6 hours
60 hours

Prepared by:
Signature Over Printed Name of Student- Trainee
Noted by:
Signature Over Printed Name of Placement Coordinator

Field Study 4
Exploring the Curriculum
This field study have the concept of curriculum is a dynamic as the changes that
occur in the society. It is refers to the total learning experiences of individuals not
only in schools but in society as well
Field study 4 is about the effective curriculum design and assessment. It
includes the different persons involve in the implementation and assessment of the

Field Study 5
Learning Assessment Strategies
Field study 5 provide us an opportunity to acquire knowledge about the different
kind of students while assessing them, and one of the best assessment total learning is
the assessment in affective domain which emphasized measurement of reasoning and
the mental faculties of the students, it emphasized feeling, an emotion or a degree of
acceptance and rejection .
In this kind of assessment and strategies the student can broadcast their opinion
and their shared their knowledge, information and ideas to other learners.

Field Study 6
On Becoming a Teacher
New teachers overwhelming say they love what they do. They say it allows
them to contribute to society and help others. I am now entering on the step of the
real world teachers directly affect the lives of the students they teach. Think about
how much time students spend in school; most of that time is spent with a teacher.
Field study 6 provide us in dept understanding , series of experiences that will
motivate, encourage and enable to go on and appreciate more the valuable things/
experiences about on becoming a professional teacher on the future.
In teaching profession you must have dedication to public interest and strong
commitment to the profession, moral and ethical values

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