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SB test cope 02238020 FORM TP 2013242 MAYJUNE 2013, CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL (CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION? puysics UNIT 2- Paper 02 2 hours 30 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. |. This paper consists of SIX questions in TWO sections. Answer ALL questions 2. For Section A, write your answers in the spaces provided inthis booklet. 3. For Section B, write your answers in the spaces provided a the end of each ‘question inthis bookle. 4. All working MUST be shown, 5. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer questions, but you should note that the use of an inappropriate number of Figures in ansivers will be penalized, DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. ‘Copyright © 2011 Caribbean Examinations Council All cights reserved. (02238020/CAPE 2013, SECTION A Answer ALL questions. ‘Write your answers inthe spaces provided in this Booklet, (a) Withthe aid of diagram, derive the formula forthe equivalent resistance of two resistors in parallel [6 marks} (b) Figure 1A isa potenti divider circuit which splits up the 32 V from the battery ito voltages, V, and V,. Figure IB is the equivalent circuit to Figure 14. Figure 1B. Figure 1A GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/CAPE 2013, G) Caloulate the equivalent resistance, Rin Figure 1B. [2 marks} Gi) Determine the voltage, V, Ut mark | GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (02238020/CAPE 2013 © “The calculations above assume thatthe output resistance of the 32 V battery is ze In joetioe this may not be so. In oder o determine dhe feral resistance ofthe battery 3m ‘Mameter i inserted in the circuit at Y and the resistance of Ris reduced “Theterminal voltage, V.ofthe barter is monitored using a high esistanee digital volter ‘The readings ofthe ammeter (J) and the voltmeter (V,) are recorded and tabulated, These are shown in Table I below. TABLET viv vA 30 08 2 16 26 25 28 33 2 a (Use the results above to plata graph of I aginst V, on the grid provided on page 7. [8 marks} (iy The slope, ofthe graph is related to the itera resistance by S~ Find Sand hence determine the internal resistance, rf the battery. [S marks} ‘Total 15 marks. GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/CAPE 2013, Figure 2 shows the gu-fequency curve (the gain-frequeney response) of «general purpose ‘operational amplifier (op-amp). Gain Frequency Figure? | (2) Usethe graph to determine the (open taop de. gain ofthe amplifier a itmark) Gi) unity grin bandwidth ofthe amplifier Gi) open loop bandwidth ofthe amplifier ee Thmark] GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 022 38020/C APE 2013, 9. (&) The op-amp with frequency response shown in Figure 2 is tobe used asa non-inverting amplifier withthe feedback resistance R,~ 330 k Q and input resistance R, = 3.3 kQ, (Draw the eireuit diagram for this amplifier and label the resistors with their values. 1 marks Gi) Caloulate the gain ofthe amplifir [2 marks ii) Usethe open loop gain-fequency curve in Figure 2 to determine the elosed loop bbandovideh ofthis amplifier [2 marks] GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/CAPE 2013, =10- Deduce the gin ofthe amplifier when the input resistances mae infinitely ree / w (Go that it ean be effectively removed from the circuit) 2 marks} (©) What ould be the input impedance ofthe esting ecu? [1 mark) (oi) entity the practic! apeton forthe ici and tat wy sued foe this application. [2 marks} ‘Total 15 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/CAPE 2013 “ue 3. (8) Describe the phenomenon of photoelectric emission’. Ba (©) Identify the property of ight source that would make it suitable fora demonstration of this phenomenon and give a reason why this property makes i suitable. marks} (©) Calculate the energy (in &V) oF ight photon of wavelength 200 am. (02238020/CAPE 2013 <2. (The light source in Pat (6) is used in a photoemission Are Rinction is, 2 = 4.6 eV. Calculate the maximum velocity from the surface. “experiment with a metal whose fof the electrons ejected BB mari} (@) Theda in Table 2 were obsined for a photoemission experiment using Cass, ‘TABLE? ‘Siopping Potential | Wavelength "We pa 28 2 23, 20 18 38 3 365 T0 405 (On the grid provided on page 13, scale extends to £50 am, iy) From the graph determine the cut-off wavelength for (02238020/C APE 2013 plot a graph of ¥, against. Ensure tha the [3 marks} [mark] “Total 1S marks (GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE Me SECTION B Answer ALL questions. ‘Write your answers inthe spaces provided atthe end of each question. 4. @)___Figure3showsa model ofan electron gun similarto that found in older television setsand coselloscopes. Electrons from a thermionic emitter are accelerated to high velocities by ‘the potential difference between the plates and pass through a small hoe inthe negative plate. hermione ge essere rats a letron bean igh voltage power supply Figure3 (By equating the gain in kinetic energy of the electrons to the work done in aceelerating them, show that the velocity, v, of the emerging beam electrons is given by [EY ‘where ¥, isthe potential diffrence between the plates. i) Calculate the velocity of the electrons in the emerging electron beam when ¥,=254V. 4 marks} GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, (02238020/CAPE 2013, s18- (©) Figure 4 shows a long solenoid which has 1000 turns per metre and caries a current of oA. eeton > tam | END VIEW phosphorescent Figure 4 (Calculate the magnitude and diection ofthe magnetic field inside the solenoid, [5 marts Gi) The solenoid is placed with its long axis horizontal so that a tiny hole (shown ‘exaggerated in the diagram) faces upward and is displaced from the axis by aradial stance X. An electron beam is directed through the hole as shown in Figure 4. 44) Explain the effecton the electron’ horizontal velocity component, resulting from its iteration with the Biel. 1b) Describe the effect on the eletron’s vertical velocity component ©) Deseribe the resultant motion ofthe electrons and the nature ofthe image ‘produced on the phosphorescent screen when the B-ield i large enough fo prevent the elesttons from touching the interior ofthe solenoid. [8 marks} ‘Total 15 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02238020/CAPE 2013, -20- ome inode ears incorporate an clonic system fo tuning onthe eaights mow Some made at levee of te surroundings fll below a certain threshold. Other specifications Df this type of system are: the lights can only come ON ifthe ignition switch 81 (logic ADs OM saeatights AUTO switch S2 (logic B) must be ON for the Hits to come ON ghtng level (logic C) below thresholds tobe taken as logic 0 (@)_ Use logic ¥ 1 represent the output of hi spstem and draw op the ina WO the oon tichenghtauiomae switching, Writes logic eqatonepesrioy by this ruth table. [3 marks} ¢e) _ The cireuit shown in Figure Sis proposed fr implementing the Redlight ato swing system. @ inthis sin the open loop operation amplifiers used to compare the surounding Hing level with a presct value. Explain how this is done (ys the need for the Fight dependent resistor (LDR) inthe leat, (Gi) Deseribehow relay factions, stating why this device is mesesary in ts Cee) 17 marks} (© Replace the cit nthe dashed box, F, with one consiing of NAND suet only i) The 740 chip has 4 NAND gts. How many 7400 chips ar eat ote lent ciruit drawn in Part (0)? [S marks] ‘Total 1S marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE (02238020/CAPE 2013, m4. [A radioactive sample intially contains N, radioactive particles. Its decay constant is} ‘and it decays (0. particles in time, f. Write the equation describing this deca. [1 mark | ‘A capacitor, C, iitilly charged to voltage, V, will discharge through a resistance, R, ‘according tothe equation ¥”= , exp (1), where vis called the time constant. ()_Weitethe equation expressing in trms of Rand C. the capacitive discharge is used to model radioactive decay, where voltage is the analogue of number of particles, what would be the relationship between time ‘constant, rand decay constant, 2? Given that, the halite of radioactive sample, use the decay equation From ara) show that = 22, [smarts “The ircuit shown below i used to model the decay ofthe radioactive isotope Francium-221, ‘of 288, is initially switched to terminal a Figures Desere the change in the voltages aeoss Rand C, both of which initially had no voltage across them, [After suficiently longtime the voltages across R and C become fairly stable and 5, is then switched to terminal b, so thatthe voltage across C models the decay of the Francium-221 isotope. Using a value of R= 1 MO, calculate the valve of C needed to model the eadicactve decay of Francium-221 [6 marks} ‘State what is meant by the tem “ativity’ ofa radioactive nucleus and write its expression in mathematical form, ‘A sample of Pransium-221 contains 10% atoms. Calculate its activity [3 marks ‘Total 15 marks GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 02238020/CAPE 2013,

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