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Write a story ending with:

....I had learnt a new lesson of life.

- walking to school - exam was around the corner- promised my father - work hardAdd your other idea about the journey to
school: ..................................................................................................................................
- bumped into A .- friend- suggested - skip school- go to the movies- said noAdd dialogue of rejecting your friend:.........................................................................
gift of the gab--persuasion- gave in
-set off to the cinema - a big wide smile plastered on my face - could finally escape from
the mundane life of studying - have fun -.
- bought tickets, popcorn, drinks, settled down comfortably
- arrived early, - lights - on.
Gulping down my chilly Coke - watched people coming in- families, couples- students
-playing truant- turned around- caught a glimpse of - uncle and aunt- my jaw dropped
wide open.
Add monologue to show you are shocked:.................................................................
Uncle and aunt- walked in - sank into my seat - avoid being spotted
Add more adj to describe your nervousness:.......................................................................
To make things worse- came - sat in the row behind us.- noticing my silence- A turned looked at me
Add dialogue A asking you why you were different :......................................................
I could not say much- shook my head -awkward- could hear uncle and aunt- commenting about - students- playing truant- sat still in my
seat- sank lower and lower- wished for the lights to be turned off- hands and feet felt
coldFinally -lights - off. Everyone seemed to enjoy the movie but me- could hardly focus on
the movie - was worried of getting caught by uncle and auntEvery now and then- sneaked at peek - sure- they were looking at me.
- another hurdle- flee the cinema without being caught- movie ended- lights came on- sat
there waiting for everyone to leave- uncle and aunt stood - walked out- - almost felt
- coast was clear- made a dash for the exit- to my horror- uncle and aunt - waiting - exittried to explain myself- mind - blank- stuttered and spluttered-- said father would be
disappointed - found out about me skipping school.- drove me to school - learnt a lesson

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