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Name: Linda Velasquez

Date(s): 2/27/16

Subject: Science

Grade Level: 5

Opening Hook/Warm Up:

Is it just me or is it chilly in here? The weather has been
nice all week long, how many of you like this weather?
What does weather mean? Can anyone share what they
think the difference is between weather and climate?
Have you guys ever wondered what its like to live in
other countries and how people cope with extreme
climates and weather patterns?

Differentiate between weather and climate

Objective: Student Friendly:

Students will understand the general distinctions between
weather and climate and how they vary around the world
in a multicultural way

Big Understanding:
It is important for students to understand daily and long term variability of weather and climate trends around us so
that we dont walk out one day wearing shorts when its 20 degrees or wearing a scarf when its 100 degrees outside;
and to also understand what others have to live with on a daily basis around the world.
Summative Assessment Evidence:
Students will work on individual project on a country of their choice and present to the class in a couple days. Small
poster will include information about countries climate and how it affects the culture.
Higher Level Questions to Incorporate: Higher Level Questions to Incorporate:
Why might happen if we didnt have a way to know the weather? Is it possible that knowing this determines for many
of us where we live, how we dress and how we plan for life? What about animals? Do you think it matters for them?
Instructional Strategies / Student Activities/ Grouping Patterns:
Teacher Input/Modeling: IDO:
Teacher presenting of hook
Teacher/student review of objective and its purpose
Teacher will share short clip on brainpop describing weather and climate and complete interactive quiz with class
Teacher will present information in overhead slides, and discuss material from class textbook
Vocabulary: climate, weather, culture, region, forecast, temperature, precipitation
Students enter assigned vocabulary to science notebook.
Class will go to library and pick out books to start project
Each student will present chosen country and complete self-evaluation questions along with it

Guided Practice: WE DO:

As a class we will go to the library and each student will choose a book of a country of their choice
Students should begin gathering information either from the book itself or with the use of internet. They should
find out the typical climates of these regions and how the inhabitants deal with the weather.
After students are done with research, they will assume that they are on vacation in the country that they
chose. After being gone, they decide to write mom and dad a letter to let them know what the weather is like.
This letter should include simple descriptions of the current weather as well as how climate varies over the
different seasons. They should discuss how everyone there deals with the weather and give their own ideas
for staying warm, cool, dry, etc.

CFU (Checking for understanding):

Teacher will ask a series of questions to the whole class regarding different cities forecast within the US and students
have to decide whether the answer is climate or weather depending on conditions
Independent Practice: YOU DO (Individual students):
Each student will choose a country and research its climate and weather trends. They will also draw out the country,
color it and attach the self-evaluation sheet with it to present (letter to parent).
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Ending, Summary / Reflection:

Write a sentence that restates or adds on to something you learned today about climate, or about how climate and
weather are different. Tomorrow students will continue to work on projects if they did not finish.
Materials / Resources:
Text book, internet, local weather information from newspaper or web source, library book, colored pencils, markers,
data charts, construction paper, short video, handouts
Grouping Patterns:
Individual work
We would watch a short clip on brainpop about climate and complete interactive quiz at the end as a class

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