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Report on Content Development

Phase III
N. Rachael Sweeten
This Report outlines is content revisions and formative strategies employed to ensure that
the project is fulfilling the Instructional Goals and Objectives.

Instructional Goals
The ultimate goal of training is to equip learners to engage in daily
communication with a compassionate perspective toward marginalized
groups and to remain engaged for productive follow-up communication even
after committing (inevitable) microaggression errors. The training is intended
to expand knowledge of perspectives and follow-up options without
promoting self-shaming, withdrawal, anger, or inadvertently escalating harm
in the incidents.

Revised Objectives
Several instruments for tracking demographics and data are currently
optional, based on the clients usage in different venues.
*Optional Demographic information and reflection (View at: )
*Optional Pre-test Empathy Questionnaire (View at: )
Module Introduction & invitation to engage with content
Learners will then proceed through the instructional content for these
objective. Learners:
become familiar with common microaggression scenarios from the
perspective of the receiver/injured party.
evaluate and select scenario-based answers on Quiz questions.
gain additional instruction from feedback.
progress to more complex scenarios.
prioritize follow-up actions and strategies in Quiz list, with the goal of
promoting positive communication and preserving future relationships.
* Optional Empathy Questionnaire post-test.

Content Presentation Strategies

Content is divided into two Modules.
1. Module 1 is introduction to the concept of Microaggressions from the
perspective of the receiver/injured party.

a. 3 animated video scenarios are presented, interspersed with 3

Quiz questions requiring the user to choose multiple choice and
prioritize lists of answers.
b. Feedback continues the instruction.
2. Module 2 focuses on follow-up skills for inevitable microaggessions.
a. 2 animated video scenarios are followed by three questions total.
b. Feedback continues the instruction.
Rationale for revisions:
The final video is followed by two questions, as this was an appropriate
variation for the pattern of one video/one question. The final scenario is the
most complex and takes place in a group setting where more than one
perspective is involved.
The rationale for revisions is based upon efficiency, time-span, and a desire
to lighten the emotional tone of the subject matter enough to engage the
Persona, while still delivering meaningful examples. The examples are brief,
accurate and blunt, intended to inspire surprise, compassion, and a
willingness for privileged individuals to consider the perspective of
marginalized individuals. Since many Caucasian male student, like the
Persona, tend to believe the problem is exaggerated or barely existent, the
modules invite brief exposure, while limiting preachiness or academic
vocabulary definitions with which the learners may disagree.

Alignment with the Timeline

The project is currently on track with the timeline checklist items. Specific objectives for the
instructional content to be covered have undergone minor revisions, and are approved by
the client/SME.

Media Used to Deliver Content

Current software used to present this Instructional Project:
GoAnimate Animations software
GoogleDrive/Google Forms (for Quiz Prototype)
Captivate 9

Assessment Strategies
At this Development Phase II, the primary assessment strategies are checklists and visual
comparisons of reference materials. All documents and instruments referenced are
accessible through the EPS Project Website links below.
Specific assessment tools and strategies that are used in the development of the content

The fit between the assessment tools and the content development are ensured with

checklists for content completion, sound checks, spell checks, SME verified content
Document comparison: Learning Analysis and System Maps are compared with

animation and Storyboard scripts for accuracy, or revised based upon SME notes and
Designer notes.
SME approves the demographic survey wording and empathy Pre & Pot-test.
The process and the outcomes of the assessment in the content development are
immediately registered as active, viewable components in the project website,
subject to review and revision.

Project Website:
Client Interview & Report:
Content III Page:
Assessment III:

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