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B2B Commerce - Asynchronous Order Management with Synchronous Pri...

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B2B Commerce - Asynchronous Order Management with

Synchronous Pricing (HY8)
Business customers expect the same high-level buying experience as private customers, plus
up-to-date pricing reflecting their agreements with you. At the same time, your organizations

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want to have their customer and product data available in the web shop in a consistent way
without double maintenance.

Process diagram

In the B2B commerce scenario, master data such as products, prices, discounts, stock

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information, company and contact person data are replicated asynchronously from SAP ERP


to the hybris Commerce Suite. Such replication can be triggered whenever required by a
change of master data. The B2B user selects products in the hybris web shop and ERP

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pricing is called synchronously from the shopping cart. The order is created and stored in the


hybris Commerce Suite and then transferred asynchronously through the hybris Data Hub to
SAP ERP. The order fulfillment is executed in SAP ERP and the fulfillment status is replicated
back to the hybris Commerce Suite. The B2B user can check the order status in the B2B web shop.
The asynchronous data transfer ensures the best possible response times for end users. Details of data transfer can be checked in
the hybris Management Console and in SAP ERP.
The synchronous pricing functionality is dependent on the availability of the SAP ERP.

Software products
hybris Commerce Suite 5.4
Ehp7 for SAP ERP 6.0

Integration points in scope

Data types:
Sales Orders

3/21/2016 11:49 AM

B2B Commerce - Asynchronous Order Management with Synchronous Pri...

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3/21/2016 11:49 AM

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