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Readings on APIICP650

Reading 11 - Q&A Practices

My Pre-exam Self Study Notes
13th March 2016

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Petroleum Upstream

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Petroleum Upstream

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Petroleum Upstream

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

API 653 Exam Administration -- Publications

Effectivity Sheet FOR: November 2015, March
2016 and July 2016
Listed below are the effective editions of the publications required for this
exam for the date(s) shown above.
API Recommended Practice 571, Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in
the Refining Industry, Second Edition, April 2011

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

ATTENTION: Only the following sections / mechanisms from RP 571 are

included on the exam:
1. Section 3, Definitions
2. Par. 4.2.7 Brittle Fracture
3. 4.2.16 Mechanical Fatigue
4. 4.3.2 Atmospheric Corrosion
5. 4.3.3 Corrosion Under insulation (CUI)
6. 4.3.8 Microbiologically Induced Corrosion (MIC)
7. 4.3.9 Soil Corrosion
8. 4.3.10 Caustic Corrosion
9. 4.5.1 Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking (Cl-SCC)
10. 4.5.3 Caustic Stress Corrosion Cracking (Caustic Embrittlement)
11. Sour Water Corrosion (Acidic)
12. Sulfuric Acid Corrosion

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

API Recommended Practice 575, Inspection of Atmospheric and LowPressure Storage Tanks, Third Edition, April 2014
API Recommended Practice 577 Welding Inspection and Metallurgy,
Second Edition, December 2013
API Standard 650, Welded Tanks for Oil Storage, Twelfth Edition, March
2013 with Addendum 1 (September 2014), Errata 1 (July 2013), and
Errata 2 (December 2014).
API Recommended Practice 651, Cathodic Protection of Aboveground
Petroleum Storage Tanks, Fourth Edition, September 2014.
API Recommended Practice 652, Lining of Aboveground Petroleum
Storage Tank Bottoms, Fourth Edition, September 2014
API Standard 653, Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and
Reconstruction, Fifth Edition, November 2014.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Boiler and Pressure

Vessel Code, 2013 Edition
i. ASME Section V, Nondestructive Examination, Articles 1, 2, 6, 7 and
23 (section SE-797 only)
ii. Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications (Welding Only)

See end of this study note for API Official BOK

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

The Magical Book of Tank Inspection ICP

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Fion Zhang at Xitang

13th March 2016

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

SME- Subject Matter Expert

. .

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q&A Practice 1
Thanks George for your good works!

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Nice Job George!

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Super Memory Memoir

HARRISON He remembered an amazing 105 Qs of 150 for March 2014
computerized exam and claims Control F function was not allowed Can
you locate the Code Sections and REFERENCES ON ALL ANSWERS

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q1: Zn/ Cd detrimental to SS steel, possible liquid metal embrittlement.

Q2: Patch plate at critical zone for service temperature >200F for CS,
>100F for SS

Q3: Critical zone repair requirements

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q4: CaSi insulation material contains Cl-

Q5: Act of penetrating a thin component

Q6: Characteristics of SAW

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Calcium Silicate Insulation Boards

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q7: Welder marking on work piece

Q8: Hot tap limitation on membrane stress

Q9: Tank bottom edge settlement (both condition must be satisfied?)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q10: Definition of Repair

Q11: Definition of Critical Zone (3 is key point)

Q12: Colum wear plate (key point thickness of plate and fillet weld size = )

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q13: Floating roof seal fastening material shall be austenitic SS.

Q14/Q15: Hot tapping limitation

Q16: Gasket requirements

API Std 620

Design and Construction of Large, Welded,
Low-Pressure Storage Tanks, Twelfth Edition
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang


Q20: if you want to use A-283 instead of A-36 require purchaser written
approval .

SEE also 4.1.5 Rules for SUBSTITUTION OF PLATE

Q21: Routine inspection interval one month

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q22: Personnel for routine inspection

Q23: If the internal inspection is only for tank bottom

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang


Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q24: Roofs suitability for service

Q25: Appendix M for service temperature >200F

Q26: Impressed Current & Galvanic systems pro & con.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q27: Impressed Current & Galvanic systems pro & con.

Q28: Foundation Drip Ring Dimension (key word: 3)

Q29: Dimension C (greater of 3 or 5t)

API653: Figure 9.1Acceptable Details for Replacement of Shell Plate

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

5.4 Bottom Plates

5.4.1 All bottom plates shall have a corroded thickness of not
less than 6 mm (0.236 in.) [49.8 kg/m2 (9.6 lbf/ft2) (see]. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Purchaser, all
rectangular and sketch plates (bottom plates on which the
shell rests that have one end rectangular) shall have a
nominal width of not less than 1800 mm (72 in.).
5.4.2 Bottom plates of sufficient size shall be ordered so that,
when trimmed, at least a 50 mm (2 in.) width will project
outside the shell or meet requirements given in d
whichever is greater.
5.4.3 Bottom plates shall be welded in accordance with or
5.4.4 Unless otherwise specified on the Data Sheet, Line 12, tank bottoms
requiring sloping shall have a minimum slope of 1:120 upwards toward center
of the tank.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

5.4.5 If specified on the Data Sheet, Line 12, a foundation drip ring shall be
provided to prevent ingress of water between the tank bottom and
foundation. Unless the Purchaser specifies otherwise, the ring shall meet
the following requirements (see Figure 5.5).
Material shall be carbon steel, 3 mm (1/8 in.) minimum thickness.
All radial joints between sections of the drip rings, as well as between the
drip ring and the annular plate or bottom, shall be continuously sealwelded.
The drip ring shall extend at least 75 mm (3 in.) beyond the outer
periphery of the foundation ringwall and then turn down (up to 90) at its
outer diameter.
The top and bottom of the drip ring, and the top of the tank bottom edge
projection beyond the shell, and a portion of the tank shell shall be coated
if specified by the Purchaser.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Figure 5.5Drip Ring (Suggested Detail)

3 in.min


3 in.min

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q30: Painting & Coating Inspector qualification requirements

Q31: Major causes of bad lining (Application & Curing factors)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q32: CP protection criteris: -850mV w.r.t saturated CSE

Q33: Concentration cell corrosion results in pitting corrosion

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q34: Lining suitable for service temperature (obsolete question?)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q35: Thin film lining usually for new tank

Q36: LV Holiday testing (keyword: NACE RP0188/ testing voltage 67.5V)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q37: Number of tank settlement reading- Perimeter & even number

Q38: Differential aeration corrosion due to hard rock & dirts point contacts

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q39: Change in service (temperature or specific gravity) and the necessity of


Q40: MIC appearance open book

Q41: MPI Equipment calibration open book

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q41: Sulfuric acid percentage -85 and Temp -125 F 50mil

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q42: Magnetizing equipment calibration- Annually, lifting power- prior to use.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q43: Thickness is .50 Hole Type Source side

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q44/Q45: Densitometer calibration accuracy 0.05 Density H&D

Q46: different plate thicknesses transition with 1:4 for t . 1/8 (3mm)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q47: Tank Door sheet welding

Q48: Hierarchy of document

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

API653: 12.2 Radiographs

12.2.1 Number and Location of Radiographs
(for doorsheet welding?) New and replaced shell plate and door sheet welds shall be
radiographed. All junctions between repair and existing welds shall be
radiographed. If defects are found, 100 % radiography shall be performed on
the repaired weld. For circular replacement plates, a minimum of one radiograph
shall be taken regardless of thickness. When the circular replacement
plate is located in a shell plate with thickness exceeding 1 in., the weld
shall be fully
radiographed. For square and rectangular replacement plates, at least one
radiograph shall be taken in a vertical joint, and at least one in a
horizontal joint, and one in each corner. When the square or rectangular
replacement plate is located in a shell plate with thickness exceeding 1 in.,
the vertical joints shall be fully radiographed.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q49: acceptance limit for pit & welding at bottom plate critical zone Repairs within the Critical Zone

The use of welded-on patch plates is permitted for repairing a portion of tank bottoms within the
critical zone (see 3.10 for definition) provided requirements and the following additional
requirements are met.
.. No welding or weld overlays (on the bottom plate) are permitted within the critical zone
except for the welding of: widely scattered pits (see, pinholes, cracks in the bottom
plates, the shell-to-bottom weld, welded-on patch plates, or where the bottom plate welded to the
shell is being replaced.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q50: Arc-gouging

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Arc Gouged

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Arc Gouged

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Pipeline Repair Welding- Arc Gouging

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q51: Lamination check for adding reinforcement plate

Q52: Proposed nozzle location- 4 UT points

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q53: NDE Examiner qualification

Q54: Disqualifications of bottom scanning examiners

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q55: Foundation settlement/ Uplift (tank over pressure)


Q57, Maximum UT inspection interval

A , 5 YRS B, 15 YRS C, Half of Remaining Life (R.L) D, Quarter of
Remaining Life (R.L)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q58: Banding & Peaking (New & inservice tank has different acceptance

Q59: Calcining of concrete due to high temperature and calcinated concrete

absorb water, swell and break.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q60: Shielding gas used in welding, workers can become asphyxiated by

exposure to modified atmospheres

Q61: Plate of unknown origin tested to A6/ A370

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

ASTM A6 - 14 Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled

Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Piling , bars, general
requirements, plates
ASTM A370 - 15 Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical
Testing of Steel Products

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q62: Tempered bead welding

Q63: Tank bottom soil side corrosion

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q64: Design temperature: LODMT of LA (design used LODMT+15F)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

LA: 20F, Minimum design metal tem[erature used 20+15 = 35F

API650: 3.6 design metal temperature
The lowest temperature considered in the design, which, unless experience
or special local conditions justify another assumption, shall be assumed to
be 8 C (15 F) above the lowest one-day mean ambient temperature of the
locality where the tank is to be installed. Isothermal lines of lowest one-day
mean temperature are shown in Figure 4.2. The temperatures are not
related to refrigerated-tank temperatures (see 1.1.1).

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Colorado (Denver) : -15F, Minimum design metal used -15+15 = 0F

API650: 3.6 design metal temperature
The lowest temperature considered in the design, which, unless experience
or special local conditions justify another assumption, shall be assumed to
be 8 C (15 F) above the lowest one-day mean ambient temperature of the
locality where the tank is to be installed. Isothermal lines of lowest one-day
mean temperature are shown in Figure 4.2. The temperatures are not
related to refrigerated-tank temperatures (see 1.1.1).

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

John Denver

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Remembering John Denver

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q65: In-service bottom plate minimum thickness.

Q66: Internal inspection interval

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q67: Internal inspection interval

Q68: Maximum initial internal inspection interval

Q69: 10+5+2 =17

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q70: J value open book t =.5, toughness does not meet API650 7th Ed.
Answer: J = 3
9.9 Alteration of Existing Shell Penetrations
9.9.1 Existing shell penetrations may be altered if the altered details comply
with the requirements of API 650, Section 5.7 including the requirements for
minimum reinforcing area and the requirements for spacing of welds around
9.9.4 A new bottom may be installed through an existing tombstone
reinforcing plate, provided all weld spacing and reinforcement requirements,
as specified in API 650, are met. One of the following methods shall be used.
a) Remove only that portion of the existing reinforcing plate necessary to weld
and test the new bottom-to-shell weld. The lower edge of the reinforcing plate
shall be cut reasonably straight and horizontal and beveled to facilitate
welding. See Figure 9.10 for weld joint details.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Figure 9.10Details for Installing a New Bottom Through an Existing

Tombstone Reinforcing Plate

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

b) Bevel the shell from the inside to allow for a full penetration weld between
the bottom and shell. This method shall only be used on tanks where the
annular plate or bottom sketch plate thickness is equal to or greater than
10 mm (3/8 in.). This weld detail shall be used along the full width of the
reinforcing plate and shall extend a minimum of 25 mm (1 in.) beyond the
edges of the reinforcing plate. Once beyond the reinforcing plate, the full
penetration weld shall tie in to the outside shell-to-bottom fillet weld to
create a water stop and then transition to the typical shell-to-bottom weld
detail. See Figure 9.11 for weld joint details.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Figure 9.11Details for Installing a New Bottom Through an Existing

Tombstone Reinforcing Plate

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

c) The bottom portion of the reinforcing plate may be removed using a

horizontal cut between the bottom invert of the nozzle neck and the new
bottom per requirements of Figure 9.12. The removed (or new) reinforcing
plate shall be prepared for a full fusion splice weld with telltale hole added
(see Figure 9.12). The removed (or new) reinforcing plate shall be reinstalled after the shell-to-bottom weld has been completed, inspected,
and tested. The splice weld shall be made prior to the reinforcing plate
weld to bottom plate weld. The completed splice weld shall be magnetic
particle examined.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Figure 9.12Details for Installing a New Bottom Through an Existing

Tombstone Reinforcing Plate

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q71: Minimum RT diagnostic length

Q72: R for identifying repair weld for RT

Q73/74/75: Definition of major alteration Major alteration A -12 , B- 18

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

API653: 3.20 major alteration/or major repair

An alteration or repair that includes any of the following:
a) installing a shell penetration larger than NPS 12 beneath the design liquid
b) installing a bottom penetration within 12 in. of the shell;
c) removing and replacing or adding a shell plate beneath the design liquid
level where the longest dimension of the replacement plate exceeds 12 in.;
d) removing or replacing annular plate ring material where the longest
dimension of the replacement plate exceeds 12 in.;
e) complete or partial (more than one-half of the weld thickness) removal and
replacement of more than 12 in. Of vertical weld joining shell plates or
radial weld joining the annular plate ring;
f) installing a new bottom;
NOTE Installation of a portion of a new bottom as described in is
not defined as a major repair.
g) removing and replacing part of the weld attaching the shell to the bottom,
or to the annular plate ring, in excess of the amounts listed in a);
h) jacking a tank shell.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Key word: Greater than 12

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

>| dsssa

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q76: Fill height as determined by actual thickness


Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

API653: 4.3.2 Actual Thickness Determination
e) The criteria for continued operation is as follows:
I. the value t1 shall be greater than or equal to tmin (see 4.3.3 or 4.3.4),
subject to verification of all other loadings listed in;
II. the value t2 shall be greater than or equal to 60 % of tmin; and
III. any corrosion allowance required for service until the time of the next
inspection shall be added to tmin and 60 % of tmin. Widely scattered pits may be ignored provided that:
a) no pit depth results in the remaining shell thickness being less than onehalf the minimum acceptable tank shell thickness exclusive of the
corrosion allowance; and
b) the sum of their dimensions along any vertical line does not exceed 2 in.
in an 8-in. length (see Figure 4.2).

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

shell plate thickness:
t1 = average thickness
The average plate thickness as determine using L=3.7(Dt2) shall be tmin
t2 = the minimum thickness
The minimum or least thickness as determined when inspection a
corroded area. The t2 shall be 0.6tmin
tmin = the design minimum shell thickness
The tmin = 2.6(H-1)DG/SE for whole course thickness calculation
Pitmaximum = the pitting on a shell plate shall not result in the thickness
<0.5tmin excluding corrosion allowance.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q80: ray density 2.0 H&D X ray 1.8 H&D

Q81: Lighter B reject

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

9.8.4 Radioactive Source Selection

For weld inspection, typically radioactive isotopes of Iridium
192 or Cobalt 60 are used. X-ray machines may also be used.
Iridium 192 is normally used for performing radiography on steel with a
thickness range of 0.25 in. 3.0 in. (6.3 mm 76.2 mm).
Cobalt 60 is used for steel thickness of 1.5 in. 7.0 in. (38 mm 178 mm).
The minimum or maximum thickness that can be radiographed for a given
material is determined by demonstrating that the required sensitivity has been

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

9.8.4 Radioactive Source Selection

For weld inspection, typically radioactive isotopes of Iridium
192 or Cobalt 60 are used. X-ray machines may also be used.
Iridium 192 is normally used for performing radiography on steel with a
thickness range of in. 3.0 in. (6.3 mm 76.2 mm).
Cobalt 60 is used for steel thickness of 1 in. 7.0 in. (38 mm 178 mm).
The minimum or maximum thickness that can be radiographed for a given
material is determined by demonstrating that the required sensitivity has been

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q82: VT

Q83: Primary reason for PWHT

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q84: Filling Rates for thickness (.5)

Q85: W.P.S question joint sketch given but did not mention the grove angle.
Q86: P.Q.R question thickness range qualification .

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q87: P.Q.R question - SA 516 Gr 70 Mechanical and bend test results

Q88: Critical length calculation Given tank dia, least thickness , average
thickness, remaining thickness and ask us calculate critical length.
Q89: T minimum for bottom shell
Q90: Remaining life calculation
Q91: Given corrosion rates for shell and bottom plates . ask us tell Maximum
UT inspection interval .
Q92: Given different data for calculation height (H).

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang


QW-153 Acceptance Criteria Tension Tests
QW-153.1 Tensile Strength. Minimum values for procedure qualification are provided under the
column heading Minimum Specified Tensile, ksi of table QW/QB-422. In order to pass the
tension test, the specimen shall have a tensile strength that is not less than
(a) the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal; or
(b) the minimum specified tensile strength of the weaker of the two, if base metals of different
minimum tensile strengths are used; or
(c) the minimum specified tensile strength of the weld metal when the applicable Section
provides for the use of weld metal having lower room temperature strength than the base
(d) if the specimen breaks in the base metal outside of the weld or weld interface, the test shall
be accepted as meeting the requirements, provided the strength is not more than 5% below
the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal.
(e) the specified minimum tensile strength is for full thickness specimens including cladding for
Aluminum Al clad materials (P-No. 21 through P-No. 23) less than 12 in. (13 mm). For
Aluminum Al clad materials 12 in. (13 mm) and greater, the specified minimum tensile
strength is for both full thickness specimens that include cladding and specimens taken from
the core.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang


QW-163 Acceptance Criteria Bend Tests
The weld and heat-affected zone of a transverse weld bend specimen shall
be completely within the bent portion of the specimen after testing. The
guided-bend specimens shall have no open discontinuity in the weld or heatffected zone exceeding 18 in. (3 mm), measured in any direction on the
convex surface of the specimen after bending. Open discontinuities occurring
on the corners of the specimen during testing shall not be considered unless
there is definite evidence that they result from lack of fusion, slag inclusions,
or other internal discontinuities. For corrosion-resistant weldoverlay cladding,
no open discontinuity exceeding 116 in. (1.5 mm), measured in any direction,
shall be permitted in the cladding, and no open discontinuity exceeding 18 in.
(3 mm) shall be permitted along the approximate weld interface.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang


QW-171.2 Acceptance. The acceptance criteria shall be in accordance with
that Section specifying impact requirements.
QW-191 Volumetric NDE
QW-191.1 Radiographic Examination
QW-191.1.2 Acceptance Criteria
QW-191.2 Ultrasonic Examination
QW-191.2.3 Acceptance Criteria for Qualification
Test Welds.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q92: Welder symbol is not required for which type of joints?

CHAPTER 11 API 653 easy see question and reference below
Q93: Given shell and bottom plate corrosion rate and ask find UT inspection
interval Since we know corrosion rate, calculate the corrosion rate RCA/2N , if
not known the interval is 5 years
b) When the corrosion rate is known, the maximum interval shall be the
smaller of RCA/2N years (where RCA is the difference between the
measured shell thickness and the minimum required thickness in mils, and N
is the shell corrosion rate in mils per year) or 15 years.
Q94: Meaning of RCA

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q95: Keyword in the exam is experiences with coatings and linings OPEN

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

History at Buddhas of Bamiyan

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

History at Buddhas of Bamiyan

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

History at Mes Aynak, Afghanistan

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q96: Key word is to the maximum liquid level , not shell height in the
examination they mentioned tank height and liquid level and ask us which
one we have to consider for calculating thickness

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q97: Earthing 25 approximately

Q98: Internal corrosion of tank vapor space by (1) H2S (2) H2O (3) O2 (4) any
combination of above.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q98B: Carbon Steel (Unknown Specification) thickness is .5 and temp 20F- safe for use

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q99: Need for Hydrotest .

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q100: New material

Q101: Thickness calculation and material allowable stress

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q102: The AI designate inspection hold point

Q103: Minimum dimension of replacement shell plate is 12 or 12t which ever

is greater.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

API653: 9.1.3 All repair work must be authorized by the authorized inspector
or an engineer experienced in storage tank design, before commencement of
the work by a repair organization.
Authorization for alterations to storage tanks that comply with API 650 may
not be given without prior consultation with, and approved by, an engineer
experienced in storage tank design.
The authorized inspector will designate inspection hold points required during
the repair or alteration sequence and minimum documentation to be
submitted upon job completion.
The authorized inspector may give prior general authorization for limited or
routine repairs as long as the authorized inspector is sure that the repairs will
not require hydrostatic testing or do not require an engineering evaluation.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

9.2.2 Minimum Dimensions of Replacement Shell Plate The minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate is 12 in. or 12
times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is greater. The
replacement plate may be circular, oblong, square with rounded corners, or
rectangular with rounded corners except when an entire shell plate is
replaced. See Figure 9.1 for typical details of acceptable replacement shell

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang




Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

5.6 Shell Design
5.6.1 General Unless otherwise agreed to by the Purchaser, the shell plates shall
have a minimum nominal width of 1800 mm (72 in.). Plates that are to be buttwelded shall be properly squared.
9.2 Removal and Replacement of Shell Plate Material
9.2.2 Minimum Dimensions of Replacement Shell Plate The minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate is 12 in. or 12
times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is greater. The
replacement plate may be circular, oblong, square with rounded corners, or
rectangular with rounded corners except when an entire shell plate is
replaced. See Figure 9.1 for typical details of acceptable replacement shell

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

9.3 Shell Repairs Using Lap-welded Patch Plates The maximum vertical and horizontal dimension of the repair plate is
48 in. and 72 in., respectively. The minimum repair plate dimension is 4 in.
The repair plate shall be formed to the shell radius.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Type of repair plate
1. New plate
Minimum dimension: 72 width
2. Replacement plate
Minimum dimension 12 or 12t whichever greater
3. Patch welded plate
Maximum dimension 48 vertical x 72 horizontal, minimum 4.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Tsingdao Beer

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Q&A Practice 2

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

My Self Study Notes

QQ : API 47610017
API 653 Third/Fifth Edition


Definition of the Critical zone





3.10 critical zone

The portion of the tank bottom or annular plate within 3 in. of the inside edge of the shell, measured radially inward.

Definition of Change of Service



3.7 change in service

A change from previous operating conditions involving different properties of the stored product such as specific gravity or corrosivity and/or
different service conditions of temperature and/or pressure.


Minimum thickness of corroded roof plate

API653 Roof plates corroded to an average thickness of less than 0.09 in. in any 100 in.2 area or roof plates with any holes through the roof
plate shall be repaired or replaced.



Limits of L
L = 3.7(Dt2), but not more than 40 in.


Definition of widely scattered pits

API653 Widely scattered pits may be ignored provided that:

a) no pit depth results in the remaining shell thickness being less than one-half the minimum acceptable tank shell thickness exclusive of
the corrosion allowance; and
b) the sum of their dimensions along any vertical line does not exceed 2 in. in an 8-in. length (see Figure 4.2).

My Self Study Notes

QQ : API 47610017

Causes for shell distortion

4.3.5 Distortions Shell distortions include out-of-roundness, buckled areas, flat spots, and peaking and banding at welded
joints. Shell distortions can be caused by many conditions such as foundation settlement, over or under pressuring,
high wind, poor shell fabrication, or repair techniques, and so forth. Shell distortions shall be evaluated on an individual basis to determine if specific conditions are considered
acceptable for continuing tank service and/or the extent of corrective action.


Cracks in the shall to bottom weld what should be done

4.3.6 Flaws
Flaws such as cracks or laminations shall be thoroughly examined and evaluated to determine their nature and extent
and need for repair. If a repair is needed, a repair procedure shall be developed and implemented. The requirement
for repairing scars such as arc strikes, gouges, or tears from temporary attachment welds must be evaluated on a
case-by-case basis. Cracks in the shell-to-bottom weld shall be removed.
Crack- No, No
Others- must be evaluated on a case by case basis


What is the reason for the distortion of anchor bolts & excessive cracking of
concrete structures
4.5.3 Anchor Bolts
Distortion of anchor bolts and excessive cracking of the concrete structures in which they are embedded may be
indications of either serious foundation settlement or a tank overpressure uplift condition.

My Self Study Notes

QQ : API 47610017




Tanks fabricated from steels of unknown toughness, thickness less than can API653
be operated at above what minimum shell metal temperature
5.3.5 Step 4If a tank shell thickness is no greater than 0.5 in., the risk of failure due to brittle fracture is minimal,
provided that an evaluation for suitability of service in accordance with Section 4 has been performed. The original
nominal thickness for the thickest tank shell plate shall be used for this assessment.
5.3.6 Step 5No known tank failures due to brittle fracture have occurred at shell metal temperatures of 60 F or
above. Similar assurance against brittle fracture can be gained by increasing the metal temperature by heating the
tank contents.
5.3.7 Step 6Industry experience and laboratory tests have shown that a membrane stress in tank shell plates of at
least 7 ksi is required to cause failure due to brittle fracture.
Interval for routine In-service inspection
6.3.1 Routine In-service Inspections The external condition of the tank shall be monitored by close visual inspection from the ground on a routine
basis. This inspection may be done by owner/operator personnel, and can be done by other than authorized
inspectors as defined in 3.4. Personnel performing this inspection should be knowledgeable of the storage facility
operations, the tank, and the characteristics of the product stored. The interval of such inspections shall be consistent with conditions at the particular site, but shall not exceed
one month.
Who shall carry out External Inspection
6.3.2 External Inspection All tanks shall be given a visual external inspection by an authorized inspector. This inspection shall be called
the external inspection and must be conducted at least every five years or RCA/4N years (where RCA is the difference
between the measured shell thickness and the minimum required thickness in mils, and N is the shell corrosion rate
in mils per year) whichever is less. Tanks may be in operation during this inspection.
Interval for External inspection
As above

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How is the external inspection of Insulated tank carried out

API653 Insulated tanks need to have insulation removed only to the extent necessary
to determine the condition of the exterior wall of the tank or the roof.
What is the method of external inspection of Tank grounding system
API653 Tank grounding system components such as shunts or mechanical
connections of cables shall be visually checked. Recommended practices dealing
with the prevention of hydrocarbon ignition are covered by API 2003.
Interval for ultrasonic thickness inspection
6.3.3 When used, the ultrasonic thickness measurements shall be made at intervals not to exceed the following.
a) When the corrosion rate is not known, the maximum interval shall be five years. Corrosion rates may be estimated
from tanks in similar service based on thickness measurements taken at an interval not exceeding five years.
b) When the corrosion rate is known, the maximum interval shall be the smaller of RCA/2N years (where RCA is the
difference between the measured shell thickness and the minimum required thickness in mils, and N is the shell
corrosion rate in mils per year) or 15 years.
If internal inspection is solely for the purpose of determining the condition &
integrity of tank bottom what is the method of inspection All tanks shall have a formal internal inspection conducted at the intervals defined by 6.4.2. The authorized
inspector shall supervise or conduct a visual examination and assure the quality and completeness of the
nondestructive examination (NDE) results.
If the internal inspection is required solely for the purpose of determining the condition and integrity of the tank
bottom, the internal inspection may be accomplished with the tank in-service utilizing various ultrasonic robotic
thickness measurement and other on-stream inspection methods capable of assessing the thickness of the tank
bottom, in combination with methods capable of assessing tank bottom integrity as described in 4.4.1.
Electromagnetic methods may be used to supplement the on-stream ultrasonic inspection. If an in-service inspection
is selected, the data and information collected shall be sufficient to evaluate the thickness, corrosion rate, and
integrity of the tank bottom and establish the internal inspection interval, based on tank bottom thickness, corrosion
rate, and integrity, utilizing the methods included in this standard.

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4.4.1 General
Tank bottom inspection strategies shall provide suitable data which, when used with the procedures in this standard,
will determine the tank bottom integrity necessary to prevent leakage of fluids that may cause environmental damage.
Each aspect of corrosion phenomena, and other potential leak or failure mechanism must be examined.
Periodic assessment of tank bottom integrity shall be performed in addition to the internal inspections specified in 6.4.
The assessment period shall be less than or equal to the appropriate internal inspection interval given in 6.4.2. The
use of leak detection tests or monitoring systems (such as double bottoms or liners under tank bottoms with leak
detection pipes) will satisfy the requirement for periodic assessment between internal inspections.
Excessive foundation settlement of storage tanks can affect the integrity of tank shells and bottoms. Therefore,
monitoring the settlement behavior of tanks is a recognized practice to assess the integrity of tank bottoms. See
Annex B for techniques for evaluating tank bottom settlement.

alternative Internal Inspection method

6.4.3 As an alternative to establishing the initial interval in accordance with Section and Table 6.1, the
initial internal inspection date and reassessment can be established using Risk Based Inspection (RBI) assessment
These assessments may establish an initial inspection interval exceeding 10 years but shall not exceed 20 years for
tanks without a Release Prevention Barrier, or 30 years for tanks with a Release Prevention Barrier except as follows.


What is the bottom plate minimum thickness


a) 0.10 Tank bottom/foundation design with no means for detection and containment of a bottom leak.
b) 0.05 Tank bottom/foundation design with means to provide detection and containment of a bottom leak.
c) 0.05 Applied tank bottom reinforced lining, > 0.05 in. thick, in accordance with API 652.

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Construction records shall include the following information

6.8.2 Construction Records
Construction records may include nameplate information, drawings, specifications, construction completion report,
and any results of material tests and analyses.


New material for tank reconstruction shall comply to which standard

7.2 New Materials
All new materials used for repair, alterations, or reconstruction shall conform to the current applicable standard.


Welding consumables shall conform to which specification



7.4 Welding Consumables

Welding consumables shall conform to the AWS classification that is applicable to the intended use.

What are the minimum dimensions for a replacement shell

9.2.2 Minimum Dimensions of Replacement Shell Plate The minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate is 12 in. or 12 times the thickness of the replacement
plate, whichever is greater. The replacement plate may be circular, oblong, square with rounded corners, or
rectangular with rounded corners except when an entire shell plate is replaced. See Figure 9.1 for typical details of
acceptable replacement shell plates.


The corners of a repair plate shall be rounded to what minimum radius

API653 The shape of the repair plate may be circular, oblong, square, or rectangular. All corners, except at the shell
to bottom joint, shall be rounded to a minimum radius of 2 in. The nozzle reinforcing plate shapes of API 650, Figure
5-8, are also acceptable.

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Insert plate having higher thickness than the shall plate shall be tapered to
9.8.4 The following erection requirements shall be met:
a) if an integral reinforcement design is used, the insert plate at its periphery shall have a 1:4 reduction taper to match
the shell plate thickness when the insert plate exceeds the shell plate thickness by more than 1/8 in. (3mm) ;
Taper if t >3mm


Minimum thk. of new roof to be used for repair for a fixed roof shall be
9.11.3 Self-supporting Roofs The nominal thickness of new roof plate shall be 3/16 in. (4.7mm) or the required plate thickness given in
API 650, Section 5.10.5 or Section 5.10.6, plus any specified corrosion allowance, whichever is greater. The details of the roof-to-shell junction shall meet the requirements of API 650, Section 5.10.5, Section
5.10.6, or Annex F of this standard, as applicable, for the intended service.


The minimum height of tank liquid above hot tap location shall be at least
API653 The minimum height of tank liquid above the hot tap location shall be at least 3 ft during the hot tapping


During hot tapping operation welding will be done using which electrodes Welding shall be done with low hydrogen electrodes.


Are hot taps permitted on the roof of a tank

API653 Hot taps are not permitted on the roof of a tank or within the gas/vapor space of the tank.


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The maximum allowed undercutting for horizontal joints of a reconstructed

tank is
API653: The edges of all welds shall merge with the surface of the plate without a sharp angle. Maximum
permissible weld undercut shall be in accordance with API 650, Section and Section 8.5.1 b).
API650: 8.5.2 A weld shall be acceptable by visual examination if the inspection shows the following.
a) There are no crater cracks, other surface cracks or arc strikes in or adjacent to the welded joints.
b) Maximum permissible undercut is 0.4 mm (1/64 in.) in depth for vertical butt joints, vertically oriented permanent
attachments, attachment welds for nozzles, manholes, flush-type openings, and the inside shell-to-bottom welds.
For horizontal butt joints, horizontally oriented permanent attachments, and annular-ring butt joints, the maximum
permissible undercut is 0.8 mm (1/32 in.) in depth.
If the material specification for the steel from an existing tank is unknown or
obsolete, how do you qualify the welding procedure
11.1.2 Weldability of steel from existing tanks shall be verified. If the material specification for the steel from an
existing tank is unknown or obsolete, test coupons for the welding procedure qualification shall be taken from the
actual plate to be used.
At what intervals Welders identification shall be marked adj. to welds
11.2.2 The welder or welding operators identification mark shall be hand- or machine-stamped adjacent to and at
intervals not exceeding 3 ft along the completed welds. In lieu of stamping, a record may be kept that identifies the
welder or welding operator employed for each welded joint; these records shall be accessible to the inspector. Roof
plate welds and flange-to-nozzle-neck welds do not require welder identification.

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What alternative methods are used to inspect the integrity of the welded
bottom joint
API653: 12.1.7 Bottoms Upon completion of welding on a tank bottom, the plates and the entire length of new welds for tank bottom
plates shall be examined visually for any potential defects and leaks. Particular attention shall apply to areas such as
sumps, dents, gouges, three-plate laps, bottom plate breakdowns, arc strikes, temporary attachment removal areas,
and welding lead arc burns. Visual examination acceptance and repair criteria are specified in API 650, Section 8.5.
In addition, all new welds, including the weld attaching a patch plate to the bottom, the areas of bottom plate restored
by welding, and the restoration of welds found with defects during an internal inspection shall be examined by one of
the methods specified in API 650, Section 7.3.3. Leaking areas shall be repaired by grinding and rewelding as
required, and the repaired area shall be retested.
API650: 7.3.3 Examination and Testing of the Tank Bottom
Upon completion of welding of the tank bottom, the bottom welds and plates shall be examined visually for any
potential defects and leaks. Particular attention shall apply to areas such as sumps, dents, gouges, three-plate laps,
bottom plate breakdowns, arc strikes, temporary attachment removal areas, and welding lead arc burns. Visual
examination acceptance and repair criteria are specified in 8.5.
In addition, all welds shall be tested by one of the following methods.
a) A vacuum-box test in accordance with 8.6.
b) A tracer gas test in accordance with 8.6.11.
c) After at least the lowest shell course has been attached to the bottom, water (to be supplied by the Purchaser)
shall be pumped underneath the bottom. A head of 150 mm (6 in.) of liquid shall be maintained using a temporary
dam to hold that depth around the edge of the bottom. The line containing water for testing may be installed
temporarily by running it through a manhole to one or more temporary flange connections in the bottom of the tank, or
the line may be installed permanently in the subgrade beneath the tank. The method of installation should be
governed by the nature of the subgrade. Reasonable care shall be taken to preserve the prepared subgrade under
the tank.

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Areas of bottom plate repaired by welding in addition to MT/PT are any other API653
testing done. In addition to the requirements in, areas of bottom plate repaired by welding shall be examined by
the magnetic particle method or the liquid penetrant method. In addition, the repaired area shall also be tested using
a vacuum box and solution or a tracer gas and detector.


The minimum diagnostic length of each radiograph is The minimum diagnostic length of each radiograph shall be 6 in.


For penetration installed using insert plates , butt weld between the insert
plate & shell plate shall be radiographed to what extent For penetrations installed using insert plates as described in 9.8.6, the completed butt welds between the
insert plate and the shell plate shall be fully radiographed.


Hydrostatic test of a reconstructed tank shall be held for how long time.
12.3.1 When Hydrostatic Testing is Required
A full hydrostatic test, held for 24 hours, shall be performed on the following.
a) A reconstructed tank.
b) Any tank that has undergone major repairs or major alterations (see Section 3) unless exempted by 12.3.2 for the
applicable combination of materials, design, and construction features.
c) A tank where an engineering evaluation indicates the need for the hydrostatic test due to an increase in the
severity of service. Examples of increased service severity are an increase in operating pressure (such as storing a
product with a higher specific gravity), lowering the service temperature (see Figure 5.2), and using tanks that have
been damaged.


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At what intervals shall settlement be measured during hydrotest

12.5.3 Settlement Survey During Hydrostatic Testing
When a settlement survey is required in accordance with 12.5.1, tank settlement shall be measured during filling and
when the test water reaches 100 % of the test level.


The maximum spacing across diameter over which measurements of bottom

settlement are taken is
Figure B.2Measurements of Bottom Settlement (Internal) Tank Out-of-service
NOTE See for method of determining the number of measurement points.


Fig. B-2

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12.5.1 When Settlement Survey is Required
A settlement survey shall be conducted for all existing tanks that undergo a hydrostatic test, except for tanks that
have a documented service history of acceptable settlement values, and no settlement is anticipated to occur during
the hydrotest.
12.5.2 Initial Settlement Survey
When a settlement survey is required in accordance with 12.5.1, the tank settlement shall initially be surveyed with
the tank empty, using an even number of elevation measurement points, N, uniformly distributed around the
circumference. An initial settlement survey, prior to the first hydrostatic test, provides baseline readings for future
settlement evaluation. In the absence of this initial survey, the tank shall be assumed to be initially level.
The minimum number of elevation points shall be as indicated by the following equation:
N = D/10
D is the tank diameter, in feet (ft).
N is the minimum required number of settlement measurement points, but no less than eight. All values of N shall be
rounded to the next higher even whole number. The maximum spacing between settlement measurement points shall
be 32 ft.

Internal Bottom settlement formula

B.3.3 Internal Bottom Settlements or Bulges
Measure the bulge or depression. The permissible bulge or depression is given by the following equation (see Note).
BB = 0.37R
BB is maximum height of bulge or depth of local depression, in inches;
R is radius of inscribed circle in bulged area or local depression, in feet.

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QQ : API 47610017

What is the NDT Inspector Qualification requirement for carrying out UT during API653
F 4.3
tank repair?
API650: U.4 Personnel Qualifications and Training U.4.1 Personnel QualificationsPersonnel performing and
evaluating UT examinations shall be qualified and certified in accordance with their employers written practice. ASNT
SNT-TC-IA or CP-189 shall be used as a guideline. Only Level-II or Level-III personnel shall perform UT
examinations, analyze the data, or interpret the results.


UT procedure shall follow which Code/Standard

Annex T (informative) NDE Requirements Summary


F 4.4


MT =Magnetic Particle Examination

Pen Oil =Penetrating Oil Test

PT =Liquid Penetrant Examination

RT=Radiographic Testing

VB =Vacuum-Box Testing

VE =Visual Examination
Acceptance Standards:
MT: ASME Section VIII, Appendix 6 (Paragraphs 6-3, 6-4, 6-5)

PT: ASME Section VIII, Appendix 8, (Paragraphs 8-3, 8-4, 8-5)

RT: ASME Section VIII, Paragraph UW-51(b)

Tracer Gas: API Std 650, Section 8.6.11.b

UT: For welds examined by UT in lieu of RT, acceptance standards are in Annex U.6.6. For UT when RT is used
for the requirements of, the acceptance standard is as agreed upon by the Manufacturer and Purchaser.

VB: API Std 650, Section 8.6.9

VE: API Std 650, Section 8.5.2

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Examiner Qualifications:

MT:API Std 650, Section 8.2.3

PT:API Std 650, Section 8.4.3

RT:ASNT SNT-TC-1A Level II or III. Level-I personnel may be used under the supervision of a Level II or Level III
with a written procedure in accordance with ASME Section V, Article 2.

Tracer Gas: None

UT:For welds examined by UT in lieu of RT, the inspector must be ASNT-TC-1A or CP-189 Level II or Level III

API Std 650 Annex U.4.1. For UT when RT is used for the requirements of, the required qualifications are

ASNT-TC-1A Level II or Level III. A Level I may be used with restrictions, see API Std 650, Section 8.3.2.

VE: API Std 650, Section 8.5.1

VB: API Std 650, Section 8.6.4

Procedure Requirements:
MT: ASME Section V, Article 7

PT: ASME Section V, Article 6

RT: A procedure is not required. However, the examination method must comply with ASME Section V, Article 2.

Acceptance standards shall be in accordance with ASME Section VIII, Paragraph UW-51(b).

UT: For shell welds examined by UT in lieu of RT, ASME, Section V, Article 4 and API Std 650 Annex U.3.5. For
welds when RT is used for the requirements of, ASME Section V.

VB: API Std 650, Sections 8.6.2, 8.6.5, 8.6.6, 8.6.7, and 8.6.8

VE: None

Tracer Gas: API Std 650, Section 8.6.11.a

Q&A Practice 3

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Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

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QQ : API 47610017
API 653 Third/Fifth Editions


Calculate the t min. welded tank shell




a) When determining the minimum acceptable thickness for an entire shell course, tmin is calculated as follows:

b) When determining the minimum acceptable thickness for any other portions of a shell course (such as a locally thinned area or any other
location of interest), tmin is calculated as follows:

tmin is the minimum acceptable thickness, in inches for each course as calculated from the above equation;
however, tmin shall not be less than 0.1 in. for any tank course;
D is the nominal diameter of tank, in feet (ft);
H is the height from the bottom of the shell course under consideration to the maximum liquid level when
evaluating an entire shell course, in feet (ft); or
is the height from the bottom of the length L (see from the lowest point of the bottom of L of the
locally thinned area to the maximum liquid level, in feet (ft); or
is the height from the lowest point within any location of interest to the maximum liquid level, in feet (ft);
G is the highest specific gravity of the contents;

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QQ : API 47610017
S is the maximum allowable stress in pound force per square inch (lbf/in.2); use the smaller of 0.80Y or 0.429T for bottom and second course;
use the smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T for all other courses. Allowable shell stresses are shown Table 4.1 for materials listed in the current and
previous editions of API 12C and API 650;
NOTE for reconstructed tanks, S shall be in accordance with the current applicable standard;

Y is the specified minimum yield strength of the plate; use 30,000 lbf/in.2 if not known;
T is the smaller of the specified minimum tensile strength of the plate or 80,000 lbf/in.2; use 55,000 lbf/in.2 if not known;
E is the original joint efficiency for the tank. Use Table 4.2 if original E is unknown. E = 1.0 when evaluating the retirement thickness in a
corroded plate, when away from welds or joints by at least the greater of 1 in. or twice the plate thickness.

What is the maximum allowable stress for bottom & second course



To change the service of the tank to above 200F what requirements are to be met

API653 Operation at Elevated Temperature

All requirements of API 650, Annex M, shall be considered before changing the service of a tank to operation at temperatures above 200 F.

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What is the maximum allowable stress for reconstructed tank


NOTE 6 The allowable stresses for reconstructed tanks are tabulated in API 650, Table 5-2a or 5-2b or calculated per
8.4 of this standard.

What is the maximum allowable stress for revited tank

API653 The minimum acceptable thickness for riveted tank shells shall be calculated using the equation in
except that the following allowable stress criteria and joint efficiencies shall be used:
S is 21,000 lbf/in.2;
E is 1.0 for shell plate 6 in. or more away from rivets. See Table 4.3 for joint efficiencies for locations within 6 in. of

Annular bottom plate thickness (Sp. Gr. < 1.0)

Table 4.5Annular Bottom Plate Thicknesses (in.) (Product Specific Gravity < 1.0)


Table 4-4

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Assessment of the safe use of a tank constructed of unknown materials


Fig. 5.2


What records shall be maintained by the Owner / Operator



6.8 Records 6.8.1 General

Inspection records form the basis of a scheduled inspection/maintenance program. (It is recognized that records may
not exist for older tanks, and judgments must be based on experience with tanks in similar services.) The owner/
operator shall maintain a complete record file consisting of three types of records, namely:
1. construction records,
2. inspection history, and
3. repair/ alteration history.

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QQ : API 47610017

What are the material specifications for structural materials



7.3 Original Materials for Reconstructed Tanks

7.3.1 Shell and Bottom Plates Welded to the Shell All shell plate materials and bottom plates welded to the shell shall be identified. Materials identified by
original contract drawings, API nameplates, or other suitable documentation do not require further identification.
Material not identified shall be tested and identified by the requirements as outlined in After identification,
determination shall be made as to suitability of the material for intended service. Each individual plate for which adequate identification does not exist shall be subjected to chemical analysis
and mechanical tests as required in ASTM A6 and ASTM A370 including Charpy V-notch. Impact values shall satisfy
the requirements of API 650, Section 4.2.9, Section 4.2.10, Section 4.2.11, and Table 4-4a or Table 4-4b. When the
direction of rolling is not definitely known, two tension specimens shall be taken at right angles to each other from a
corner of each plate, and one of those test specimens must meet the specification requirements. For known materials, all shell plates and bottom plates welded to the shell shall meet, as a minimum, the
chemistry and mechanical properties of material specified for the application with regard to thickness and design
metal temperature given in API 650, Figure 4-1a or Figure 4-1b.

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QQ : API 47610017

Shell design for a reconstructed tank, with materials whose allowable stresses are not given
in Table 3-2 of API 650, what allowable stresses are to be taken



8.4 Shell Design

8.4.1 Thickness to be used for each shell course when checking tank design shall be based on measurements taken
within 180 days prior to relocation. (See 4.3.2 for measuring procedure, number, and locations of measured
8.4.2 The maximum design liquid level for product shall be determined by calculating the maximum design liquid level
for each shell course based on the specific gravity of the product, the actual thickness measured for each shell
course, the allowable stress for the material in each course, and the design method to be used.
The allowable stress for the material shall be determined using API 650, Table 5-2a or Table 5-2b.
For material not listed in Table 5-2a or Table 5-2b, an allowable stress value of the lesser of 2/3 yield strength or 2/5
tensile strength shall be used.
8.4.3 The maximum liquid level for hydrostatic test shall be determined by using the actual thickness measured for
each shell course, the allowable stress for the material in each course, and the design method to be used.
The allowable stress for the material shall be determined using API 650, Table 5-2a or Table 5-2b.
For material not listed in Table 5-2a or Table 5-2b, an allowable stress value of the lesser of 3/4 yield strength or 3/7
tensile strength shall be used.

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QQ : API 47610017

After the valve has been installed on the flange at what pressure the pressure test shall be

API653 After the reinforcing plate has been welded to the shell and NDE performed, the pad shall be pneumatically
tested by the procedure described in API 650, Section 7.3.4. After the valve has been installed on the flange, a
pressure test at least 1.5 times the hydrostatic head shall be performed on the nozzle prior to mounting the hot tap
machine, which shall be bolted to the valve. The required pressure for the pressure test shall be at least the value
computed by the following equation:

H2 is the height of tank shell in inches (in.);
G is the specific gravity of product stored, as specified by purchaser. The specific gravity shall not be less than 1.0;
w is the density of water in pound force for cubic inch (lbf/in.3).

In tank reconstruction, new vertical joints in adjacent shell courses shall be offset by what
minimum distance


10.4.2 Welding Provisions shall be made during the reconstruction of a tank to ensure that weld spacing requirements of
Figure 9.1 are maintained. New vertical joints in adjacent shell courses, made in accordance with, shall not
be aligned but shall be offset from each other a minimum distance of 5t, where t is the plate thickness of the thicker
course at the point of the offset.

During tank reconstruction / repair what is the maximum allowed undercutting for vertical

API653 The edges of all welds shall merge with the surface of the plate without a sharp angle. Maximum permissible
weld undercut shall be in accordance with API 650, Section and Section 8.5.1 b).

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What is the maximum reinforcement allowed for horizontal joint of plate

Table 10.1Maximum Thicknesses on New Welds


Table 10-1

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In completed horizontal butt joints, the upper plate shall not project beyond the lower plate
by how much


10.4.4 Shells Plates to be joined by butt welding shall be matched accurately and retained in position during welding.
Misalignment in completed vertical joints over 5/8-in. thick shall not exceed 10 % of the plate thickness, with a
maximum of 1/8 in. Misalignment in joints 5/8-in. thick or less shall not exceed 1/16 in. Vertical joints shall be
completed before the lower horizontal weld is made. In completed horizontal butt joints, the upper plate shall not project beyond the face of the lower plate at any
point by more than 20 % of the thickness of the upper plate, with a maximum projection of 1/8 in., except that a
projection of 1/16 in. is acceptable for upper plates less than 5/16-in. thick. For horizontal and vertical joints in tank shell courses constructed of material over 1 1/2-in. thick (based on
the thickness of the thicker plate at the joint), multi-pass weld procedures are required, with no pass more than 3/4-in.
thick permitted. A minimum preheat of 200 F is required of these welds.

Calculation of Internal Bottom settlement or bulges



B.3.3 Internal Bottom Settlements or Bulges

Measure the bulge or depression. The permissible bulge or depression is given by the following equation (see Note).
BB = 0.37R
BB is maximum height of bulge or depth of local depression, in inches;
R is radius of inscribed circle in bulged area or local depression, in feet.
Figure B.10 is a graphical representation of this equation.

Problem on edge settlement


Fig B-10

Tanks with larger edge settlements are to be repaired, or have detailed analysis of bottom, and bottom-to-shell
Junction Welds in tanks with settlement greater than or equal 75 % of Bew, and larger than 2 in., are to be examined
with magnetic particle or liquid penetrant methods

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QQ : API 47610017

For welding A516 Gr 70 materials what electrode classification shall be used


2.8 Low-hydrogen electrodes shall be used for all manual metal-arc welds in annular rings and shell
courses, including the attachment of the first shell course to bottom or annular plates, as follows.
a) Where the plates are thicker than 12.5 mm (1/2 in.) (based on the thickness of the thicker member being
joined) and made of material from Groups IIII.
b) For all thicknesses when the plates are made of material from Groups IV, IVA, V, and VI.


Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Day 1

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

1. API 653 is code used for inspection, repair, and alteration for the
aboveground storage tanks which are placed in Service. API 650 is the
basic construction code for making New Tanks.
2. API 650 and API 653 are used for aboveground storage tanks at
atmospheric pressure (maximum 2.5 psi above atmospheric) and
temperatures not exceeding 90C. (200F)
3. Design metal temperature of tank is assumed to be 8C (15 F) above the
lowest one day mean temperature of tank site.
4. Where necessary, as per Fig. 2-1 (API 650), the tank materials shall be
checked against brittle failure by conducting impact testing. Acceptance
criteria shall be as per Table 2-4.

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Table 4.5bMinimum Impact Test Requirements for Plates (USC)

(See Note)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

5. If average value of 3 specimen is < specified average value (SAV)

But if average value of 3 specimen SAV and,
Value of one specimen is < SAV but 2/3 SAV accept
Value of one specimen is < SAV and also < 2/3 SAV retest
Value of two specimen is < SAV retest
On retest for b and c all three specimen SAV accept

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

6. The required thickness of shell plates for tanks up to 60 m (200 feet)

diameter shall be greater of td or tt:

= Tank Diameter m (ft)
= Height shell course from top liquid level in m (ft)
= Specific Gravity of liquid to be stored
Sd / St = Allowable stress for design and hydrostatic conditions in Mpa (psi)
C.A. = Corrosion allowance in mm (in)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

7. Shell thickness calculated above (point no. 6) shall not be less than that
required by Diameter Thickness table in API 650. (
8. Values of Sd and St are taken from Table 3-2 of API 650. For unlisted
Sd = Lower of 2/3 (Y.S) or 2/5 (T.S.) and
St = Lower of (Y.S) or 3/7 (T.S.)
9. Minimum nominal thickness excluding corrosion allowance for roof plate
shall be 5 mm (3/16) and for bottom plate shall be 6 mm (1/4).

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10. All nozzles, manholes and other openings shall have dimensions
thickness, reinforcement plates and weld sizes as per tables 3-6 and 3-7
of API 650.
11. Radiography inspection is required for all shell butt welds and annular
plate butt welds and insert plates for manhole and nozzles.
10. For shell plates the number of radiographs required depend on whether
the plate thickness is up to 10 mm (3/8), or above 10 mm to 25 mm (3/8
1) or above 25 mm (1). (Fig. 6-1 of API 650).

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

13.Radiography is also required on: 100% length of butt welds joining insert
plate to shell, and Annular bottom plate radial joints (1 spot on 10% of radial
welds if double butt welded and 1 spot on 50% of radial welds if single welded
with backing strip.)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

13. Radiography is also required on:

100% length of butt welds joining insert plate to shell, and Annular
bottom plate radial joints (1 spot on 10% of radial welds if double butt
welded and 1 spot on 50% of radial welds if single welded with backing

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Day 2

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

According to API 653, Repairs means any work necessary to maintain or

restore the safe operating conditions (as per original design). Alteration
means any work that changes the dimensions and/or configuration of tank
(changing original safe operating conditions).
Authorized inspection agency is any one of the following (who employ
API tank inspector):
An owner operator
Subcontractor to owner operator
Inspection organization of jurisdiction
Inspection organization of insurance company
Break-over point means area of tank bottom where settlement begins.
Change of service means change in fluid stored and having different
specific gravity or corrosivity or different temperature or pressure.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Critical zone means portion of tank bottom within 3 inches of shell inside
and measured radically inwards.
Repair organization means any of the following who carries out repairs /
alterations according to API 653.
Subcontractor to owner-user
Subcontractor authorized or approved by jurisdiction
Tank roof plates which are so corroded that there are through holes or the
average thickness is less than 0.09 inch in any 100 sq. inch area, then
plates must be repaired or replaced, i.e., tank cannot be permitted to
continue operation.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

If tank service is to be changed resulting in increase of internal pressure or

operation above 90 C (200 F), then requirements of API Appendix F and
M must be fulfilled respectively. If service changes lower temperature then
material must be suitable as per impact test requirements of API 650.
Tank shell evaluation: 5 step method.

Widely scattered pits can be ignored if:

1. No pit depth results in shell thickness being less than half the required
thk excluding C. A.
2. Sum of pit dimensions along any vertical line does not exceed 2
inches in a total length of 8.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Minimum thickness for bottom plates is given by:

Anular plates (product sp. gr. < 1.0): Table 4-3 (API 653)
(Product sp. gr. 1.0): Table 3-1 (API 650)
Other bottom plates: Table 6-1 (API 653)

Min. thickness in critical zone is smaller of:(but not less than 0.1)
Half of original bottom thickness in critical zone, and
Half of tmin for first shell course.

Tanks designed prior to API 650 (7th edition, 1980) may be assessed for
brittle failure as per Fig. 5.2.

Tanks are not likely to fail in brittle failure if thickness is not more than
or shell temperature is not less than 60 F or stress level is less than
7,000 psi.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Day 3

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Inspection Frequency (External) shall not exceed following

Routine-in Service inspection every one month.
External inspection (visual by authorized inspector): Lower of one-fourth
remaining life (RCA/4N) or 5 years.
Ultrasonic thickness inspection (external) of shell.
when corrosion rate is not known maximum 5 years
when corrosion rate is known lower of :
half remaining life (RCA/2N) or 15 years
Inspection Frequency (Internal) shall not exceed:
Based on MRT calculations, as per Or calculated but not exceeding 20
years (25/30 yrs)
If corrosion rates are not known: Actual bottom thickness shall be
determined not later than 10 years. (could be inservice or out of service)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Alternative to point no. 2 above for internal inspection interval may be

altered based on RBI. The RBI basis shall be reviewed at intervals not
exceeding 10 years by authorized inspector and tank engineer.
If there is access to tank bottom to determine bottom thickness, externally,
such inspection may be used in lieu of internal inspection. (Point No. 2)

Inspection records include:

Permanent Records (Tank construction data)
Inspection history (Progressive Records)
Repair/alteration history (Repair/alteration records)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

New materials for repair/alteration/ reconstruction: All plate material used for
shell and the bottom plates welded to shell shall be identified.
Thickness of shell plates to be used for checking the tank design shall be
within 180 days before relocation.
The strength values Sd and St for reconstructed tank shall be on the basis of
allowable stress as per table 3-2 of API 650.
The replacement shell plate thickness thickness of the shell course where
replacement is proposed and dimensions and spacing shall be as per Figure

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Lap-welded patch plates can be used only if:

owner specifies
only on shell plates inch
must be within spacing requirements as per Fig. 9-1
maximum size 48 vertical x 72 horizontal and minimum dimension 4
areas on which lap patch is to be put shall be UT checked
lap on lap is not permitted

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

All shell plate defects like the cracks, gauges, tears, widely scattered .pits and
corroded areas shall be evaluated case by case as per chapter 4 of API 653.
New reinforcements can be added to existing unreinforced nozzles as per Fig.
9-3a and 9-3b.
Repairs within critical zone of the bottom require additional precautions like
Tombstone type patch and additional PT or MPI testing after visual
examination of patch welds, and weld shall be made by minimum 2 passes.
If impact test was not done on original tank material, the hot taps shall be
limited to NPS 4 (max).
Toe-to-toe minimum spacing between hot tap and adjacent nozzle shall be =
where R= tank shell radius in inches T is shell plate thickness in inches.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Day 4

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

For tank relocation, the bottom, shell or roof may be cut in any size from
existing tank so that the pieces are suitable for transportation.
For dismantling the tank the bottom may be cut 12 away from shell to bottom
weld, if entire bottom plates are to be used.
Alternatively cut the bottom and shell at 1/2 from toe of shell to bottom weld
and discard the weld portion.
For rest of the bottom, de-seaming of welds or cutting 2 away from weld may
be done.
Shell plates thk may be dismantled by cutting through weld without
removing HAZ. If shell plate thk > , discard welds + HAZ.
Alternatively, shell plates may be cut 6 away from existing welds.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

NDT for Repair / Alteration:

PT / MT: For all fillet welds and fill-up (weld-build up) during repair or
New welds during repair or alteration between the plates such as:
New to new plates same as API 650
New to old plates or old to old plates. Additional examination:
1 spot for each 50 feet for horizontal weld
1 spot on each vertical weld
1 radiograph on each T-joint
Repair of old butt-welds entire length of repair
A full hydrostatic test (held for 24 hours) is required on major repairs and
major alterations which include:
Installation of nozzles larger than NPS 12 below liquid level

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Repair / Replacement of more than 12 length of vertical weld in shell or

radial weld in anular plates
Any repair / replacement on shell to bottom weld
Jacking of tank shell
Exemption for hydrotest is possible only if owner / operator and the tank
engineer give the exemption in writing.
Hydrostatic test of reconstructed tank is compulsory.
Out of plumbness for reconstructed tank is 1/100 of the tank height subject to
maximum 5 inches.
For tank settlement survey, the number of elevation measurement points for
tank diameter D ft. is given by: N=D/10, but minimum 8.
Permitted internal settlement (for bulge or depression) is given by:
B = 0.37 R
Where B = Max. height of bulge or depth of settlement (inches)
And R = Radius of largest inscribing circle (feet)

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Based on Fig. B-10, and B-11 maximum allowable edge settlement is worked
out depending on settled area being approximately parallel or perpendicular
to shell.
As per API RP 575, the grounding connection inspection shall be included is
external visual inspection. Total resistance from tank to soil should not
exceed approximately 25 ohms.
Ultrasonic thickness measurements as a minimum must be made on at least
one TML on each shell course. TMLs also shall be established on top
uncoated portion of shell for floating roof tanks.
For internal inspection of tank bottoms, a preliminary random thickness
scanning survey is carried out in X pattern across the tank and along the
circumference. If significant corrosion is detected, entire bottom shall be
For internal inspection of shell, the major areas of focus shall be the vapour
space, liquid-vapour interface and the bottom area.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Leak testing of shell may be done hydrostatically or by using diesel test or by

vacuum box test.
Leak testing of bottom may be done by:
Using vacuum box test
By construction of clay dam around tank and filling under side by water
(observe seepage inside)
Apply seal to tank outer perimeter and introduce compressed air below tank
bottom, check welds by applying soap solution or by observing bubbles by
filling inside of tank by water for 6 height
By injecting inert gas with tracer gas under the tank and using sniffers inside
to detect leakage
Hammer test is never carried out on cast iron parts.
Corrosion rate curves are helpful as an important record of corrosion behavior
of tank in past and anticipated remaining life in future.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Day 5

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

WPS gives parameters to be used in production job, and must be within

ranges qualified by the PQR test.
Essential variables (EV), if changed require new procedure qualification. Nonessential variables (NEV) may be changed without new procedure
Bend test crack shall not exceed 1/8 in any direction for face bend, root bend
or side bend.
Supplementary essential variables (SEV) are considered as (EV) only if there
is impact strength requirement. Otherwise they are non-essential variables.
Tensile test for procedure qualification is passed if failure is in:
Weld metal at strength>= Base metal SMTS or
Base metal at strength>= 95% of base metal SMTS.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

P-numbers represent parent metal groupings of similar composition and

properties, i.e., similar strength and ductility.
F-numbers give similar usability aspects of filler material.
A-numbers give similar chem. comp. In As welded condition
For performance, 1G is flat, 2G is horizontal, 3G is vertical and 4G is
overhead position. Pipe 5G qualifies 1G, 3G and 4G,
but pipe 6G qualifies all positions.
Welders who have not welded for more than 6 months on a process, their
qualification will expire for that process.
In Galvanic corrosion, current flows from anode to cathode, therefore anode
will lose metal and cathode will gain. If we make the component to be
protected cathodic with respect to surrounding, it will not lose metal, thus will
be protected.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

As soil resistivity goes up, soil is less corrosive and vice-versa.

Soil resistivity < 500 ohm-cm is highly corrosive,
10,000 ohm-cm, is least corrosive.) Ref. Table 1-API 651
Cathodic protection methods: Galvanic and impressed current
Galvanic current: Easy to install, cheap, easy to maintain, but limited use.
(Not suitable for large structure)
Impressed current: Expensive, but more effective, suitable for large structures.
Requires constant monitoring.
CP system survey intervals:
Impressed current:
Rectifier (power source) Max. 2 months
Other components Max. 1 year
Galvanic System (sacrificial anode system): Annually
CP survey records should be maintained normally for 5 years.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

There are two main classes of linings:

Equal to or less than 20 mils (thin film linings) and
Greater than 20 mils (thick film linings).
The principal advantages for thin-film lining are lower cost and ease of
application compared to thick-film lining systems.
Thick-film, reinforced lining are less susceptible to mechanical
damage than thin film linings. They can provide sufficient strength to bridge
over small perforations of the supporting steel bottom that may develop due
to external corrosion.
Temperature during blast cleaning and applying the linings shall be 3C (5F)
above the dew-point temperature and relative humidity not to exceed 80%.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

API651: 11.4.7
Records sufficient to demonstrate the need for corrosion control measures
should be retained as long as the facility involved remains in service.
Records related to the effectiveness of cathodic protection should be
retained for a period of five years unless a shorter period is specifically
allowed by regulation.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Day 6

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

ASME Sec. V is NDT procedure/methods code and is applicable only if it is
referenced by the relevant construction code. The extent of NDT and
acceptance standards is given in relevant construction code.
NDT equipment and their calibration shall be as per ASME Sec. V.
Examiner is NDT person in employment of fabricator or repair organization.
Inspector means Authorized Inspector who finally accepts/rejects NDT results.
Satisfactory radiograph shall meet requirements of density and IQI image (2T
hole for hole type and designated wire for wire type).
Light image of B on dark background - Unacceptable
Density Limitations:
Min 1.8 for X Ray / 2.0 for G-Ray
Max 4.0 for X / G Ray
Density Variation = -15 % to + 30%
Double wall viewing (DWDI) - Up to 3.5 outside diameter
Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Penetrameter Selection: Table T-276. Thickness includes weld reinforcement.

But not backing. (?)
Penetrameter shall be normally placed on source side. If not possible, it may
be placed on film side with lead letter F.
(a) Welds With Reinforcements. The thickness on which the IQI is based is
the nominal single-wall thickness plus the estimated weld reinforcement not
to exceed the maximum permitted by the referencing Code Section. Backing
rings or strips shall not be considered as part of the thickness in IQI selection.
The actual measurement of the weld reinforcement is not required.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Control of Contaminants: Sulphur (for Nickel alloys) shall not exceed 1% of
residue. Chlorine + Fluorine (for S.S. and Titanium) shall not exceed 1% of
Temp. shall be between 10oC to 52oC, for standard procedures.
Penetrants are colour (visible) type and fluorescent type. Each of these have:
water washable
post emulsifying
solvent removable
Thus, total 6 categories of penetrant are available.
Emulsifier is applied after applying penetrant and required dwell time is
Lipopholic emulsifier is applied without pre-rinsing.
Hydropholic emulsifier is applied after pre-rinsing.
For dwell time for penetrant and developer refer Table T-672.
After applying developer, interpretation shall be done within 10 to 60 minutes.
All penetrant materials should be from same manufacturer.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Prod Technique:
Use direct (rectified) current for magnetization
Prod spacing 3 to 8
Useful for surface and sub-surface defects.
Yoke Technique:
Use D.C. or A.C. or permanent magnet
Suitable for surface defects only.
Equipment Ammeter to be calibrated once a year comparing with standard
Ammeter, take 3 readings. Deviation shall not exceed 10% of full scale.
Lifting Power of Yokes
AC shall have lifting power of at least 4.5 kg (10 lbs.)
DC shall have lifting power of at least 18.1 kg (40 lbs.)
Minimum two examinations on each area, the second is perpendicular to first

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Pulse-echo method can be adopted up to 200F
Apparatus: 3 types
CRT read out
CRT + direct read out
Direct thickness read out
Search Units: 3 types
- Straight beam contact type
Delay line type (delay block to minimize dead zone)
Dual element type. There are two crystals set at
a small range. Low roof angle used for higher
range and higher angle for low range.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

High thickness measurement:

Use of multiple echoes is made. (i.e., for thickness between 50 mm and
60mm, use 10mm calibration block then 5th back echo will be 50 mm and
6th will be 60mm. Set the 5th echo to zero and 6th at the screen range. The
screen is calibrated to 50-60mm.
While taking measurement for high temperature condition a positive error of
1% per 55C (100F) results. Hence temperature correction is necessary.
CRT read out is recommended on corroded and rough surface.

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Good Luck!

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

Charlie Chong/ Fion Zhang

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