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Our imagination, a world full of unexpected ideas, plans, stories or wishes.

In spite of the
scientific progress, the mind is still a mystery, a maze without an escape, a tunnel without an end.
God created people with one common and incommensurable gift: imagination. We were born to
create, to enrich our world, our life. Everybody said, at least once in their life, Oh, that man is so
imaginative. I wish I were like him. I can, you can and everyone can be alike if they really want to. Give
an idea, make a suggestion, try to change the world in a benefic way for you. As your imagination covers
more and more paths, practically you share your opinion about different aspects of life: love in poetry,
vision in painting, balance in dance, harmony in music and the list may continue as well.
The creation is a physical projection of our interior needs or desires through the imagination way.
But if we move our perspective on the body, what could we see? An ephemeral creature connected with
the external world through its mind and soul. What happens with all this bodys creations after its death?
There remains a proof of ones courage to speak out ideas that could gild earths natural beauty and life.
All in all, our ephemeral presence is just another brick of the artistic development of the future
generations. We are the shadows of the imaginations birds that fly throughout the earth.

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