Media Technology-Issue-2

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Issue 2, September 2015

Media Technology
Inside this issue:
Techmates Issue 2 Media Technology
Page 2-3 Phone, Fax, Pneumatic Tube
System, Pigeons, Newspapers, Letters,
Socilal Media- Kristvallabrunns school
Page 4-5 Media Technology: About TV and
Effects of TV on Peoples Life. 15 Dimotiko
Scholeio Patras, Greece
Page 6 History of Newspapers and Digital
Newspapers VIII Instituto Comprensivo
Vittorino, Italy
Page 7 Radio: History , The Importance of
Radio and Our Radio. Kapakli Tulay
Ilgen Orta okulu, Turkey
Page 8-9 Using Media Technology, Survey
and Sayings about Media Techology.

Zkladn kola tefana Kohriho II. s

vyuovacm jazykom maarskm II.
Kohry Istvn Alapiskola, Fiakovo,
Page 10-11 TV, Radio, Internet,
Newspapers, Curious Kids and effects of
TV on Peoples Life. Szkola Podstawowa
Nr.2, Sztum, Poland
Page 12 The Telegraph, our maps. Thank
for participating in this issue from

Published by:

The Phone
The first
was made
in the end
of 1840 but
was first
in the end
of 1860.
When you called someone you
waved a generator which made AC
circuits that went to a telephone
exchange. When an operator
responded you gave the number to
who you wanted to call and then
they mechanically coupled together
the caller and the called.

By: Klara Blixte

The Fax
The fax is an old machine. Fax
comes from the Latin word:
faksimil and that means do the
same. The first fax was made in
1843 by Alexander Bain from
Scotland. There are some different
types of faxes. For exemple:
telefax. In a telefax you can call
too. But on a normal fax you insert
the paper with text on and enters a
phone number, then an exact copy
is sent to the number. If you want
to send an A4 paper it takes about
3-4 minutes. In
my family we
have a telefax
but we dont use
The first telephone was
it. We used to use
electromagnetic, where
it but it was a
soundwaves put a membrane in
long time ago.
movement. This creates a AC
About one year
circuit that transmitted to a
ago we stopped
receiver through two threads.
using it. I think
There the membrane started
that it was because of the e-mail. I
swinging in the same rate as the
have actually never sent a message
AC circuit and thereby created the with the fax. Here you can see a
same soundwaves.
picture of my fax.
Made by Kajsa Brundin
In the phone a digital copy of the
soundwaves is made (an analogue Pnematic Tube System
signal) by getting a membrane in a
Pneumatic tube system is a fast
microphone wave. The analogue
mail system. You use a closed tube
signal is coded digitally by 1 and
and in the tube you use vacuum or
0:s. When the signals reach the
receiver they get decoded to an
compressed air. Pneumatic air
analogue signal. In that way sound system sounds old fashioned but it
waves are made and heard in the is not. You still use it in hospitals,
companies, shoppingmalls and
government buildings. They send
bloodsmple, money and inportant
papers. In Berlin sometime in the
1800s built the first pneumatic
tube mailboxes. Each high-rise had
a pneumatic tube mailbox on the
ground floor so the postman
sagging run up any stairs. 1984
was mounted on the last tube post
mailbox down. It has been
attempted and try to build up a
pneumatic tube which can be
transported in humans. In the US,
the test is now running a
pneumatic tube for people who can
run between Los Angeles and San
Francisco in just 30 minutes.

By Ale Grankrona

Smoke signals was used to
communicate from afar. You make
smoke signals by lighting a small
fire, and when there is smoke than
put one damp cloth for various
times over the fire and the longer
you hold the fabric over the fire,
the less smokeyou get. Smoke
signals were used by north
amerikan indians. One can see a
smoke signal on very long range.
Some smoke signals: One puff: i
call for youre attention, Two puffs:
everything is fine Three puffs: cry
for help But the smoke signals
were not only used by the indians
they were also used in China on
the Great Wall of China.
By: Jessie Nystrm
Pigeons is an old
way to send
messages. Nowadays there are not
many who send messages by
Pigeons. Pigeons have been used a
very long time, especially in China.
A common misconception about
pigeons is that you can send them
as couriers back and forth between
two different places You cant,
because they can only find their
own dovecote. Yet this
misconception continues to assert
itself in popular culture, such as in
Astrid Lindgren's novel The
Brothers Lionheart Some pigeons
have played important roles in the
war, many so much that they have
received awards and medals for
their services with saving
hundreds of lives. Some famous
examples were the French pigeon
Cher Ami who received the Croix
de Guerre for his heroic deeds
during the first World War and the
Irish Paddy and the American GI
Joe , who both received the Dickin
Medal, for their brave deeds
during World War II. Pigeons were
used to smuggle drugs and cell
phones into prisons. They used to
smuggle diamonds too.

In Venice one of the first
newspapers started 1556 and it
was a monthly newspaper. The
newspaper was handwritten and it
was about political and economic
news. After that more newspapers
were published. 1645 the first
Swedish newspaper was
published. It was calledOrdinari
Post Tijdender. This is the oldest
newspaper that is still published,
but only on the internet.
Now millions of newspapers are
printed every day but newspapers
are on the internet too. Nowadays
newspapers are about everything.
Example political, economic, food,
gardens, hairstyle and fashion but
it is much more
But can we believe everything in
newspapers? The answer is yes
and no, its important to look in
them with open eyes. The most
that are in them is true but the
pictures are not always the
original. Many fashion newspapers
change the picture in computers so
the models look thinner than they
are. So next time you look in a
fashion newspaper think of that,
the pictures maybe are not the
By: Isabell

Hi! Now Im
going to tell
you about
People have
letters since long before Christ.
You can send a letter in different
ways. In the past they used a
different way from now. When
there were no postal cars or if they
lived far away, you had to use
pigeons, message in a bottles or
other agents that could travel
easily or they had to go home to
the person who the letter was for.
It took long time to send a letter, it
could take more than three weeks
before the letter comes to the
reseiver. In 1636 during the time of
Queen Kristina, Sweden got its
first mail order. Overseas mail
delivery was fast and reliable, and
Sweden brought some experts to
fix the system that was best for
Sweden. The solution to this was
that it was a postal station every
10 km. Mail srevants had to run
between the stations with the mail,
when they approached they blew a
horn, if they were unable to run
between the postal stations in less
than 2 hours they had to sit in
prison on bread and water.
Now, the message is in either a
general or their own mailbox.
When sending a letter, it is
important to have one or more
stamps, depending on what the
letter weighs or how long it will
travel. You pay for the delivery of
your letter. It must also have a
return address in case you forget
the stamp or if its any other
proplem with the mail.There are
different sized envelopes,
envelopes are often used if you
want to send a little letter or a
paper. It's smart to use envelopes
when you send several papers. By
mail you can send letters,

pacjkages, and postcards .By Signe

Social Media
One of the most popular Social
Media is Facebook. Many online
magazines shows blogs with
different subjects. A collective term
for the network of linked blogs is
the blogosphere. Vlog - A video log
is regularly published videos, for
example YouTube. Popular
videobloggers can earn their living
from advertising. In 2015
Instagram is at the top among 9-16
year olds. Kik is also very popular.
Social Media can be dangerous. Do
not share any personal information
such as your real name, MSN,
phone number, name of your
school or your address. You never
know who sees what you have
written. But stop and think for a
bit. If you must meet someone in
person, who you have only met on
the Internet, you should always
bring an adult. Determine to meet
in a place where there are a lot of
people, never at someones place.
Do not be afraid to report if you
meet some strange persons on a
Social Media and be nice to the
people you meet. Never write mean
things, think would you like to be

Media Technology: About TV

veloped countries.. At the end of the
first decade of the 2000s, digital teleA television, commonly revision transmissions greatly inferred to as TV, is a telecommunicacreased in popularity. Since 2010,
tion medium used for transmitting
with the invention of smart televisound with moving images in monosion, Internet television has inchrome (black-and-white), color, or in
creased the availability of television
three dimensions. It can refer to a
programs and movies via the Intertelevision set, a television program,
net .In 2013, 79% of the world's
or the medium of television transhouseholds owned a television set.
mission. Television is a mass meThe replacement of early bulky,
dium, for entertainment, educational
high-voltage cathode ray tube screen
television, news and advertising .
displays with compact, energyAs a 23-year-old German
efficient, flat-panel alternative techuniversity student, Paul Julius
nologies such as plasma displays,
Gottlieb Nipkow proposed and patLCDs and OLED displays was a
ented the Nipkow disk in 1884. This
hardware revolution that began with
was a spinning disk with a spiral
computer monitors in the late 1990s.
pattern of holes in it, so each hole
Most TV sets sold in the 2000s were
scanned a line of the image. Alflat-panel, mainly LEDs. LEDs are
though he never built a working
expected to be replaced gradually by
model of the system, variations of
OLEDs in the near future. Smart
Nipkow's spinning-disk "image
TVs with integrated Internet and
rasterizer" became exceedingly comWeb 2.0 functions are expected to
mon. Constantin Perskyi had coined
become the dominant form of televithe word television in a paper read
sion set by the late 2010s
to the International Electricity ConTV in Greece
gress at the International World Fair
In the past,in small vilin Paris on August 25, 1900. Perlages,people
used to be informed by
skyi's paper reviewed the existing
who walked around
electromechanical technologies, menshouting.They
radios or newspationing the work of Nipkow and othpers.Later
ers. However, it was not until 1907
that developments in amplification
tube technology, by Lee de Forest
The two government chanand Arthur Korn among others,
nels, television being a government
made the design practical.
monopoly, during that period were


Television became available

in crude experimental forms in the
late 1920s. After World War II, an
improved form became popular in
the United States and Britain, and
television sets became commonplace
in homes, businesses, and institutions. During the 1950s, television
was the primary medium for influencing public opinion In the mid1960s, color broadcasting was introduced in the US and most other de-

ERT and YENED (for the military

During the Greek military
junta of 196774, television was used
also for propagandistic reasons. The
programme was a mixture of news
and entertainment.
After the collapse of the
Greek Junta in 1974, ERT continue
to dominate, appealing to a much
larger audience than YENED. Color

television broadcasts began in the

late 1970s. In 1982, ERT and
YENED merged, forming "ERT.
Broadcasts originally lasted for
seven to eight hours daily starting at
about 5:30PM with children shows
and then the first televised news of
the day. In 1987 an experimental
teletext type information screen
known as "Tilegrafos" (meaning televised words, i.e. telegraph) showed
written information on ET2 during
the afternoon. By the late 1980s,
television broadcasts on ET1 and
ET2 (still commonly known as ERT1 and ERT-2 until later years) had
increased to 1215 hours daily,
though it was still common for one or
both stations to sign off briefly in the
afternoon and sign back on in the
early evening hours.
By early 1990, numerous
other stations also appeared on the
air and a plethora of other broadcasters. Similarly, private stations
sprung up throughout the country,
in every city and region and most
In January 2006, the State
broadcaster ERT launched free-toair Digital terrestrial television
(DVB-T) with three "pilot" channels
called Prisma+, Cine+ and Sport+,
collectively branded as ERT Digital.
First CABLE TV operator in
Greece, is located at Kalamaria
(Thessaloniki). Hellenic Cable Networks ( among cable
internet services offers DVB-C and
analog TV services without the need
of an external STB.
Since 2006 two companies
offer television service via IPTV,
they are Vivodi Telecom and On


Worldwide, there are 1.5
billion TV devices and the number of
viewers is, of course, larger. Studies
showed that people dedicate on average 3 hours daily to watching TV.
North Americans stay 4.5 hours
daily in front of the TV and Japanese
5! Four hours daily watching TV
means that by the age of 60 we have
spent 10 years in front of the TV.
One thing is of certainty and
that is televisions influential role in
transforming society from one that is
dominated by print to one that is
dominated by image

TV can have positive aspects.

It can be a didactic tool, as this
way we can find about countries or
people we had no idea about their
existence. We "travel" from jungles
to glaciers and to the bottom of the
oceans, from atoms to stars. We
understand better politics, history,
culture, and current events. It entertains, educates or influe.Because of its ability to create
powerful touchstones, TV enables
young people to share cultural
experiences with others.
Television can teach kids important values and life lessons.
Educational programming can
develop young childrens socialization and learning skills.
News, current events and historical programming can help
make young people more aware of
other cultures and people.
Documentaries can help develop critical thinking about society and the world.
TV can help introduce youth
to classic Hollywood films and for-

eign movies that they might not

otherwise see.
Cultural programming can
open up the world of music and art
for young people.
Gives family members of all
ages an opportunity to spend time
together while watching it
Educational programs can
teach children new things, and
even help them make new friends
News, current events and historical programs can help kids find
out more about other cultures and
Documentaries can create a
picture of the world in kids' minds
Cultural programs can show
children the world of music and

Television contributes to
our education and knowledge

TV creates addiction. The

viewers have craving symptoms
and neglect their social and family
life. Also too many hours in front
of the TV lead to obesity.

Movies with fights, crimes

influence your mood. Researchers
warn that children under 2 years
old should not watch TV. This is
the period when their brain grows
rapidly and they must play and
interact with people from the real
world for developing their physical
and behavioral skills.

Cartoons have been found to

influence the behavior of children
aged 6-12 more than school, as
they can spend 38 hours weekly
watching TV, while less than 30 in
the classroom.
Television has a big impact on
the way we spend our free time. It
probably affects younger people
more than adults, as they watch
more TV. It also shows us a world
that is not real. Television often
encourages us to think that the
world is more violent than it really
is. Through TV we perceive the
glamorous life of people and believe that they are better off than
we are.
Television has a huge impact
on politics
Not all profane language is
censored on television
Put the TV out of the bedroom: this will eliminate 1.5 hours
daily from the time you dedicate to
watching TV. Moreover, if the TV
is located in the child's bedroom,
parents do not know what he/she
is watching.

To conclude, television is a
double edged sword, it has its drawbacks. However, its benefits cover
any negative aspect. It can be the
field of civilization, building a personality, entertainment, education,
business, computers etc. television is
the main source of building a better
future for our next generation BUT
only if it is used properly. Every
technological achievement may have
positive and negative influence on
people. Its in our hand to use it for
our own benefit and take the best of


Titolo notiziario

The term newspaper became
common in the 17th century.
They were newspapers for
the following reasons: they
were printed, dated and appeared
regularly, they included a variety of news items
. The first newspaper according to modern definitions was
the Strasbourg Relation, in
the early 17th century. The
first successful English daily,
The Daily Courant, was published from 1702 to 1735.
News was highly selective
and often propagandistic.
Readers were eager for sensationalism, such as accounts of
magic, public executions.

On 7 November 1665, The London

Gazette (at first called The Oxford
Gazette) began publication. The
newspapers typically included short
articles, topics, some illustrations
and service articles . They were often written by multiple authors,
although the authors' identities
were often obscured. They began to
contain some advertisements. The
Times adopted new technologies
and set the standards for other
newspapers. In 1814, The Times of
London acquired a printing press
capable of making 1,100 impressions per hour. It was soon adapted
to print on both sides of a page at
once. This innovation made newspapers cheaper and thus available
to a larger part of the population.

A digital newspaper is a digital
version of a printed newspaper.
Newspapers can be digitally published online or as a digital copy on
a digital device, such as a mobile
phone or an E Ink reader. Many
organizations that publish a
printed newspaper have also an
online newspaper. Newspapers can
decide to publish the same information as in the printed version
online, or choose to provide different articles compared to the
printed newspaper. Some newspapers provide digitalized versions of
their printed editions. A commonly
used format is pdf. Others experiment with new layouts to provide
the news on their websites. It is
possible to read several newspapers on e-readers via an application .

Between oppressive rulers, and a low

rate of literacy, Italy had little in the
way of a serious newspaper press for
the 1840s. Nevertheless Gazzetta del
Popolo was the leading voice for an
Italian unification (1848-1983).
La Stampa ,
competed with
Corriere della
Sera of Milan
for primacy in
Italian journalism, in terms of
depth of coverage.
Mussolini was a former editor; his
Fascist regime (192243) took full
control of the media in 1925. Opposition Journalists were physically maltreated; Two thirds of the dailies were
shut down. An underground press was
developed, using smuggled material.
Benedetta Orsini IIIB
The 1994 is remembered as the beginning of the boom of the World Wide
Web and the beginning of the era of digital networks. The Internet has revolutionized the communication market by
becoming a new channel that threatens
the newspapers and the press, because if
the information runs faster on the web,
in print that misfires. The online journalism is the business of journalism carried out in the network, . Journalism
Online was founded in the US in 1992,
when some small newspapers decided to
experience journalism on the web to
have more visibility.
The main papers arrived on the network
in 1993, though not proving successful:
the on-line version, for a fee, was essentially a copy of the printed version.
Emanuela Lentinello IIIB

Radio is an important advancement
in telecommunication; The first
wireless mode of communication.
Radios send messages by radio
waves instead of wires. German
scientist Heinrich Hertz proved the
existence of radio waves that occur
in nature.
In 1895, Gugliemo Marconi ; a young
Italian nvented and called it the
wireless telegraph. He used radio
waves to transmit Morse code and
the instrument he used became
known as the radio.
Radio works by changing sounds or
signals into radio waves, which
travel through air, space, and solid
objects, and the radio receiver
changes them back into the sounds,
words, and music we hear.


Radio is no longer a luxury. It has
become a necessity. Even remote
villages, we find radios. Shepherds
and cowherds carry radios with
them. Radio is a popular mass medium . Radios are available in different sizes. Anybody rich or poor can
afford to have a radio set. Its speed
and immediacy make it unique. The
Radio medium is very effective for
anybody; scientist, teacher, student,
farmer, housewife etc. It is a rich
medium for broadcast of drama, stories, commentary, sport news, educational news and educational programmes.

A radio broadcast is a one-way

transmission, originating from a
radio station.
Radio played an important role in
peoples lives in the early 20th
century., Many radio stations were
broadcasting news, music, sports,
drama, and variety shows. In the
evening, the family gathered around
a big console in the living room,
where they spent hours listening to
variety shows or comedies .

the Golden Age of Radio.

By ; Fatmagl Pekcan

Radio programs should be suitable to

verbal communication. Sound, music
and special audio effects are used in
audio programmes to make them
more effective. These techniques
help to create visual images through
Radio does not present everything
ready for people, One must use
his/her imagination to visualize the
scenery. So brain is more active
while listening to the radio, but
when watching TV people are less
active and the ones sit in front of TV
for a long time become coach potato. .
.Radio is not limited to communication of news only. It is a medium now
for many things. The radio is indispensable in flying aeroplanes and
sailing ships. Radio is very necessary
in modern wars, for the police to
maintain law and order, and the
spread of culture. Radio is transmitting educational broadcasts also.

Even illiterates can easily make use

of this media to get knowledge and
Radio has been playing a very useful
role in the area of communication
and it will continue to do so.
By yk Para
Our radio
You are always with us. I wake up
and hear you, my mother is listening
to you in the kitchen. While having
breakfast we listen to our favourite
drama. Mum, dad, grandpa, everybody at home likes you. You know
many people ; farmers on the farm,
workers in the factory, shepherds on
the mountain, travellers on the
train; you are their only friend on
duty. Despite developing technology
, you have your special place at our
home. You dont demand lots of technology. You can be large or small, in
any shape. You can be in our bags or
pockets. You are everywhere with
us.I like travelling with you. You tell
us about local songs, meals. You
have place in our cars, too. My father
listens to you and you keep him
awake while driving. You even tell
us about traffic rules. I like the competitions you present. My grandma
puts a lace cover on you, you are so
dear for her. And how can you manage to be in my
sisters mobile?
She listens to
you by her earphone. I cant
belive my eyes
when I see you
in my uncles
pen. No matter
how much technology gets further you will be with
us for ever. You never cause trouble,
you work with or without electricity.
You are my friend since my childhood. I love you so much my dear
By ; Tuba Pars







This survey was made among 13-year-old school

students to assess the using of media technology.
Here are the results:


1. What is the most frequently used media

for you? (Number the boxes from the least used 1
to the

1. The most frequently used

media for teenagers is the

Print media:

Broadcast media:
television, radio.


86% of respondents use it the

most frequently.



2. Do you use media to find information for your homework?




Broadcast media (television,

radio) is used frequently.



66% of respondents use it

If Yes: Which media do you use?


3. Have you ever written something in a magazine

(e.g. school magazine), newsletter, newspaper,

The least used media is the








If Yes: In which of the above mentioned?


4. Have you got a favourite magazine or newspaper that you read

on a
daily, weekly or monthly basis?

76% of respondents use it the

least frequently.



If Yes: Name the magazine, newspaper!

2. According to the results 76% of

5. How much time do you spend watching tv in a day?

students use media to find information

for their homework. They usually use the
less than
1 hour

1-2 hours

more than 2 hours

Internet, only one student uses


6. Have you ever been on tv or radio?


3. It is clear from this survey that teens




dont have an experience in print media.


7. What do you use the Internet for? (Number the boxes from the least
used activity 1 to the most frequently used activity 4).

for studying

playing games

chatting with friends

Only 6 of the 21 asked students have ever

written in a school magazine.

watching films

8. How much time do you spend on the Internet in a day?

4. The question about the favourite magazine

or newspaper is very divisive. Half of the
asked students have a favourite magazine or

less than
1 hour

1-2 hours

more than 2 hours

newspaper. 5 students read magazines written

for teens, 3 students like newspapers and 2
students didnt give the name of the Print

5. According to the survey Broadcast media is

becoming less popular among teens.
19% of teens watch tv more than 2 hours in a day.
38% of teens watch tv less than 1 hour in a day.
43% of teens watch tv 1-2 hours in a day.

6. Teens have more experiences in Broadcast media

than in Print media. More than half of the asked
students have ever been on tv but nobody of them has

7. The Internet usage among teenagers is very high.

The most used activity for them on the Internet is chatting with friends.
52% of respondents use it for chatting.
25% of respondents use it for playing games.
25% of respondents use it for watching films.
The least used activity on the Internet is unfortunately studying.

8. It is very shocking how much time the students spend on the Internet.
52% of students spend more than 2 hours on the Internet.


Technology is a useful servant, but

a dangerous master.
(Christian Lous Lange)

Technology and
social media have
brought power back
to the people.

Its still magic even

if you know how
its done.
(Terry Pratchett)

(Mark McKinnon)
Me without
you is like
facebook with
no friends,
youtube with
no videos and
google with no

Social Media is about sociology

and psychology more than

Technology has made the world

a new place.

Technology has changed

the way book publishing
works, as it has changed
everything else in the
world of media.
(Bruce Jackson)


(Shoshana Zuboff)


Text: Jlia Ardamica, Sayings: Angelika Barna, Zkladn kola tefana Kohriho II. s vyuovacm jazykom
maarskmII. Kohry Istvn Alapiskola, Fiakovo, Slovakia

Advantages and disadvantages or risks of using media



- the news
- a lot of information
- weather forecast
- entertainment
- valuable programs
- shopping
Disadvantages and risks:
- addiction
- vulgarity in films
- obscene films and programs
- violence in filmsv

- the news
- a lot of information
- valuable programs
- weather forecast
- games
- shopping
- social networks
- meeting new people
Disadvantages and risks:
- addiction
- vulgarity
- obscene photos, programs and films
- violence in programs
- cyberbullying
- gossips
- false information
- meeting wrong people

Erasmus+ TV kids

- the news
- a lot of information
- weather forecast
- entertainment
- valuable programs
- a lot of music
Disadvantages and risks:
- vulgarity in songs
- gossips

TV schedule

Real kids making real photos and films.

9.00 am Curious kids.

A camera. How does
it work? What`s inside? Can you help us
to use it?

10.00 am A trip to a
forest. We are looking
for insects and small

11.00 am We share
our job. Making photos and recording nature.

12.45 pm A lot about

that! Preparing photo

14.15 pm. Watch with

us, this is our movie!
We managed to make

- the news
- valuable articles
- a lot of information
- advertisements
- information about film and music
- nice photos
Disadvantages and
- gossips
- cost money


Dear friends in the project and
others who read our Techmates. In
this issue 2 we are going to work
with media Technology its history,
development and significanse for us
today. Our pupils have worked with
fact search on the Internet, in books
and by intervjuing relatives and
friends. They have written,
discussed, edited and translated
their texts and added pichtures too.
We hope you can learn as our
students did when they finished this


torches at night. 1850 the first

The word Telegraph comes from electric telegraph was introduced
in Sweden. Sweden started to
the Greek word Tele = Far and
manufacture telegraph apparatus
Grafo = Write. It sends signals
of Morse's system and the first
and communicate over great
distances. At the end of the 1700s electric telegraph line was built
between Stockholm and Uppsala in
the Frenchman Claude Chappe
1853. 1854 Sweden Telegraph had
invented optical Telegraph with
a connection with the mainland via
which one could send messages.
There are two main systems for the an underwater cable across
resund. The telegraph network
transmission medium, optical
telegraphy and electric telegraphy grew very rapidly and ranged in
(wireless telegraphy). The Greeks 1857 from Ystad in the south to
Haparanda in the north. Samuel
had already in 405 BC a system
where the messages could be sent Morse invented the electric
telegraph in 1836. His name was
letter by letter. The signaling is
actually Samuel Finley Breese
done with flags on the day and
Morse, he was born 27 april 1791
and died 2 april 1872 of pneumonia
in New York.
By Tilda Allansson

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