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Lake Tahoe Community College

International Club
Scholarship Application
Spring 2010

To be eligible for the International Club Scholarship, the student must be a current club
member (spring 2010), and have attended at least two meetings during the 2009-2010 school
year. Also, service within the club will be taken into consideration in distributing scholarship
monies. The student must have a minimum GPA of 2.5, and must also meet one of the
following criteria: 1) have previously studied a foreign language, or 2) currently be studying
a foreign language, or 3) enroll in a foreign language course in the fall. ESL students are
encouraged to apply.

The number of scholarships and the dollar amount of the scholarships will depend on the
applicant pool and the funds available at the end of the 2009/10 fiscal year. The Scholarship
Committee reserves the right not to award any or all scholarships.

Please submit the following to apply:

1. Completed form (see attached), including essay.
2. A copy of all college transcripts.
3. One letter of recommendation, preferably from your language instructor.

All applications should be turned into Sara Pierce’s office

no later than Tuesday, June 1st, by 5:00 PM.

Contact Sara Pierce for details, room F131, Ext. 255

International Club Scholarship Application
Return this cover sheet with the other materials of your application to Sara
Pierce by Tuesday, June 1st, 5:00PM (at the latest).



Telephone number:

Major (if known):

School you are planning to attend in the fall:

City of School:

What languages have you studied in the past? (Give language(s), number of years studied,
where studied, and any other pertinent information.)

Quarter(s) and year(s) you have been an International Club member:

Please attach a well-written, typed essay detailing the following:
1. School and/or community service activities.
2. International Club participation, meetings, fundraisers, etc.
3. Future college, personal, and career plans. Explain how study of languages relates to
these plans.
4. Explain expected benefits of this scholarship.

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