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SECTION A (10 Marks)

Use the information below to complete the text.

How do we keep healthy?

Exercise regularly
-play games or go jogging in the park
-makes our muscles strong

Get enough sleep

-sleep eight hours a day
-allows our mind and body to rest

Eat balanced diet

-eat the right kind of food
-keeps us strong and healthy

To stay healthy, we must exercise regularly. We can play games or go

jogging in the park. Exercise can make our muscles __________________. We








_____________________________. It allows our ____________________

________________________________. To keep our body healthy, we need
to eat the _____________________________________________ which
keeps us _________________________________________.

Section B (15 Marks)

Shiva wrote an email to his cousin Raja on how he and his friends spent their
time last Saturday. Read and help Raja to write a reply to Shiva. Write your
answer between 50 to 80 words.
From: Shiva
To: Raja
Subject: My weekend

Date: 15 February 2016

Time: 3.30 pm

Dear Raja,
My friends and I were busy last Saturday. I flew kite at half past five in the
evening. Ravi and Teja played hopscotch together at 5 oclock in the evening. My other
friend, Farid practised playing violin at a quarter to four in the evening. We had a
wonderful weekend.
What about you and your friends? How you spent your time well last weekend?
Your cousin,

Subject: My weekend


Section C (25 Marks)

Write a story based on the pictures given. Your story must be between 80 to
100 words.

End of Question Paper

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