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1. Read the poem aloud once and silently once.

2. Talk to the text to summarize and figure out the meaning of the poem.
Mark ANY and ALL poetic elements that you can find.
a. Simile Yellow
b. Metaphor Green or Blue
c. Personification Pink
d. Sound devices like rhyme, alliteration, onomatopoeia orange
e. Mark any other poetic elements or observations that you find.
Deserted Farm
By Mark Vinz

Where the barn stood

the empty milking stalls rise up
like the skeleton of an ancient sea beast,
exiled forever on shores of prairie.


Decaying timber moans softly in twilight:

the house collapses like a broken prayer.
Tomorrow the heavy lilac blossoms will open,
higher than the roofbeams, reeling in wind.

Mark Vinzs poem uses tons of imagery to paint a picture of the
deserted farm. In the space below, draw an illustration of the
deserted farm based on the details in the poem. Label your picture
with phrases and lines from the poem.

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